Pregnancy 33 weeks that is not allowed. Potential problems and complications. Increased urination and urinary incontinence

It is now 33 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. There is very little time left before childbirth. The child is gaining strength in the tummy, sleeps a lot and continues to gain weight. For the expectant mother, everything is not so rosy - she is experiencing excitement and anxiety. Today we will tell you how the fetus develops at 33 weeks of gestation, and what a woman faces during this period of bearing a baby.

Changes and well-being of the expectant mother at 33 weeks

The woman's body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth. The body continues to change, the belly grows, and the uterus contracts from time to time, "rehearsing" contractions. The size of the uterus increases - it reaches about 30 cm in height. Colostrum appears in the mammary glands.

What happens to mom at 8 months pregnant

  • The weight gain of the expectant mother at 33 weeks will be 350-500 g. Now the woman weighs about 9-11 kg more since she was registered with the pregnancy consultation. When carrying twins, the body weight may be slightly higher.
  • The volume of blood in a woman's body is now a whole liter more than before pregnancy. For this reason, the expectant mother needs to eat regularly, varied and high quality. The menu should be aimed, first of all, at preventing the occurrence of anemia and other conditions caused by a deficiency of vitamins and microelements.
  • The expectant mother's belly looks voluminous, pregnancy is noticeable to everyone around. Under the weight of the baby's weight, it can move slightly downward from the end of this week. At the same time, the pressure on the diaphragm from the uterus decreases and the pregnant woman finally becomes easier to breathe.
  • The belly of a pregnant woman is periodically strained ("stony"). So in the later stages of bearing a child, training contractions manifest themselves, which do not gain strength and disappear after a couple of minutes.
  • Allocation for a period of 8 months should be moderate (even scanty). Norm - light shade, no odor, uniform consistency without any impurities.
  • Large amounts of colostrum are excreted from the enlarged mammary glands. This is a good indicator of the preparation of the woman's body for the upcoming process of feeding the baby immediately after childbirth.
  • Sometimes, at 33 weeks of gestation, the gums become inflamed and bleed. In this case, a visit to the dentist is inevitable. Many manipulations in the oral cavity at this time can be dangerous. For example, it is best to refrain from removal and treatment under anesthesia. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to eliminate the bleeding of the gums, because their condition directly affects the strength (read - durability) of the teeth.

What a woman feels in a position at 33 weeks

For a future baby, 8 months of pregnancy is a relatively calm time, which cannot be said about mom:

  1. with an increase in fetal weight, the weight of the uterus and amniotic fluid increases;
  2. the volume of circulating maternal blood increases by more than 1.5 times for an adequate blood supply to the child.

These two points often lead to the appearance of edema, increased blood pressure. Edema can occur both by itself and be one of the formidable complications of pregnancy (a symptom of preeclampsia - a severe degree of preeclampsia).

Stirring and joltingAt this time, the baby's behavior is particularly active. During periods of wakefulness, at least 10 tremors can be counted per hour. Sometimes the baby can hiccup in the womb - this can be seen by the rhythmic tremors of the abdomen.

If a child “showed” himself with movements less than 3 times per day, it is necessary to contact the antenatal clinic as soon as possible to examine and determine the health status of the baby.

Painful sensations in the chestPain and tingling sensation in the mammary glands are caused by a surge in hormones. Unpleasant symptoms will disappear as soon as the hormonal background improves. To support your breasts during this period, choose a suitable size cotton bra without underwire.
Tension in the lower back and sacrumThese sensations are not uncommon at 8 months due to the increased load on the spine. The discomfort is especially worse when walking. A high-quality bandage will solve the problem. Also try to keep your back straight, replace a simple mattress with an orthopedic one, and stand on all fours for 3-5 minutes during the day.
Psychological conditionIn the third trimester, fears of future childbirth are most acute. A woman needs support from loved ones. If you cannot cope with the fear of childbirth on your own, it is worth visiting a psychologist - he will give the necessary advice.

Baby at 33 weeks pregnant: height, weight, development

A tiny man growing inside a mother already at this time forms habits that will be with him in the first months of life. The baby already determines when he needs to stay awake, sleep or eat. By the 33rd week, all parts of the body are almost in proportion, and the baby looks like a full-fledged newborn. While in the womb, he can even smile and see his first colored dreams!

The growth and weight of the fetus at 33 weeks, as well as other important indicators of its development in accordance with WHO standards, are shown in the table below.

First of all, future parents are interested in what happens to the baby in the eighth month of pregnancy, what changes the child undergoes outwardly, how many times a day to wait for movements.

  • The child is growing, gaining strength and actively tossing and turning in the uterus - because of this, you can observe funny "bumps" on my mother's belly.
  • The baby's skin becomes smoother and pinker due to the increased thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. The number of vellus hairs on the whole body from this week begins to decrease, and the hairline on the head is exactly the opposite - it thickens and darkens.
  • The baby becomes more and more cramped in the intrauterine space, its mass grows and the muscular system of the body is strengthened. The movements of the fetus are felt by the pregnant woman more intensely and sharply, sometimes even painful.
  • The baby's skin is covered with a large amount of original lubricant, which becomes more by the eighth month of pregnancy. Lubrication is essential for the coming labor process. By developing lubrication, the body prepares for the upcoming event of the baby's birth.
  • In most cases, by 33 weeks, the baby is located along the uterus, head down. But if the baby has not yet managed to take the desired position, there is still time to help him turn around correctly with the help of special exercises.

Photo of the belly of the expectant mother in the 33rd week:

The development of the fetus in the eighth month has its own characteristics. Internal organs continue to develop and improve, the main changes in them we have displayed in the table.

Organ Major changes by week 33
BrainThe fetal brain is already fully formed by 8 months of pregnancy. Now its main developmental task is the formation of nerve centers responsible for controlling the most important processes in the body. The number of nerve connections that provide interaction between nerve cells is constantly growing.
HeartThe mass of the heart increases, due to which its "pumping" function is greatly enhanced.
Blood vesselsThe thickness of the walls of blood vessels increases, their tone increases.
LungsThe formation of small elements of lung tissue (alveoli) by the thirty-third week is almost complete. A child born prematurely at this time can already breathe on its own.
KidneyKidney function is improving - they are able to filter the blood more actively by the eighth month, separating products from it - metabolic waste of the baby's body.

What examinations are waiting for a pregnant woman at 33 weeks?

During this period, a woman visits her gynecologist once every 2 weeks. At the reception, abdominal circumference, height of the uterus, weight and blood pressure are measured as standard. The doctor listens to the heartbeat with a stethoscope, while paying attention to how the pregnant belly grows and looks. Also, routine tests are regularly taken:

  1. general and biochemical blood tests;
  2. analysis for the study of blood clotting;
  3. clinical analysis of urine.

The compulsory examination plan in the third trimester also includes fetal ultrasound (32-34 weeks) and fetal cardiotocography (CTG). These studies, if necessary, are repeated every 2-3 weeks, up to the moment the child is born.

What an expectant mother needs to know at 33 weeks of gestation (video from a specialist):

The doctor, when conducting an ultrasound scan at a gestational age of 33 weeks, draws attention to:

  • child development - compliance with the norms is determined, the structure of the body is examined, movements are checked, the likelihood of fading is excluded;
  • the weight and height of the baby - measurements of the fetus are taken, its heartbeat is listened to, a preliminary date of birth is put in the conclusion;
  • the state of the placenta - the location and degree of maturity is checked;
  • the position of the child in the uterus - if the baby is located with its legs or ass down, then there is a possibility that the baby will be born by a cesarean section.

On a note! It is important to remember how many months are left before childbirth and undergo examinations on time in order to avoid the occurrence of unforeseen complications. If health problems do arise, the doctor may offer inpatient treatment to eliminate them.

The main consultant on nutrition and menu for a pregnant woman is an obstetrician-gynecologist. It is he who gives individual recommendations every week for correcting the diet in case of identifying problems in a woman's health.

On a note! In the third trimester, minimize the consumption of baked goods and muffins, raw and pickled seafood, sausages, coffee, sweets, salted, smoked, fried and spicy foods.

This is what an approximate menu of a future mother looks like at 8 months

7.30 – 7.45 First breakfast- oatmeal with fruit, granola bar;

- a sandwich with butter and cheese;

- weak tea.

10.10 – 10.20 Lunch- grained cottage cheese;

- fruit or vegetable juice.

13.00 – 14.00 Dinner- salad of fresh vegetables with oil;

- chicken broth soup with sour cream;

- rosehip drink or dried fruit compote.

16.30 – 17.00 Afternoon snack- natural yogurt or kefir;

- cookie cracker;

- Apple.

19.30 – 20.00 Dinner- stewed vegetable stew;

- baked fish fillet;

- weak tea.

21.30 – 22.00 Before bedtime- fermented milk product

Much attention is paid to omega-3 fatty acids at 33 weeks. This element should prevail in food in late pregnancy, because the development of the cognitive abilities of a child in the womb depends on it. The following foods contain this acid:

  • fish (cod, trout, flounder, sea bass);
  • boiled chicken eggs;
  • almonds and walnuts;
  • linseed, corn and olive oils.

Important! An expectant mother at 33 weeks should not overeat. Try to organize your diet in such a way as to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of excess weight, problems with stools, etc. It is desirable to eat 6-7 times a day in small portions.

What complications can occur at 33 weeks of gestation?

The third trimester for the expectant mother is often the most difficult both morally (anxiety about the upcoming birth) and physically (it becomes difficult to walk, it becomes inconvenient to sit and sleep). Most of the pregnancy is already behind, ahead of the "home stretch", and it is important at this stage to monitor all the changes in your health for yourself and your unborn baby.

Possible complications at 33 weeks (video):

Consider the most common problems encountered in pregnant women at 33 weeks.

Hair loss and tooth decay

To mineralize bones, the child needs calcium, which comes to him from his mother. In the event of a shortage of this mineral with the incoming food, the female body "gets" it from its own bones. Because of this, pain occurs in the pubic articulation, tooth enamel collapses, and the condition of the hair worsens.

What to do? During pregnancy, a woman should get at least 1500 mg of calcium per day. It is necessary to make up for the lack of a mineral, first of all, by enriching the diet. Eat 50 g of hard cheese or 150 g of cottage cheese daily, drink your favorite fermented milk drinks. On the recommendation of your doctor, you can take medications with enough calcium for your period.

Intercostal pain

They arise due to the increased mobility of the child in the uterus. The baby literally sits in the womb in the shape of an "asterisk", legs and arms apart; bends in an arc. If at first it seems funny to mom, then as the term increases, such sensations are painful and tiring.

What to do? You can relieve the condition with deep breaths. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, lower them as you exit. Also, the exercise "kitty" helps to cope with intercostal pain. Get on all fours with support on your palms and knees. As you inhale, lower your back down, slightly bending it at the lower back. Keep your head neutral. After exhaling, return to the starting position: bend your back up, lower your head and draw in your stomach.


The fetus grows so quickly that in the third trimester it already supports the diaphragm and liver of its mother. Because of this, it becomes difficult for a pregnant woman to breathe in the last months of gestation.

What to do? The expectant mother will feel better a couple of weeks before giving birth, when the baby presses its head against the entrance to the small pelvis and the bottom of the uterus descends. To improve breathing, you can do neck wraps with a damp cool towel, take contrast showers. Soothing teas with chamomile, pharmacy valerian also have a good effect.

Frequent urination

The baby's head is noticeably pressing on the bladder, so frequent urination often bothers women in the later stages. Sometimes urinary incontinence can also occur (when laughing, sneezing, coughing, etc.). These unpleasant moments are completely normal at this time.

What to do? Go to the toilet as often as necessary. Kegel exercises are helpful as they help strengthen the bladder sphincter. In case of accidental incontinence of a pregnant woman, you can wear sanitary pads.

Dizziness, fatigue, fainting

Redistribution of blood flow, an increase in body weight in the third trimester can lead to oxygen starvation and to the fact that the pregnant woman will feel dizzy. This happens with a sharp change in body position, due to stuffiness or with poor nutrition and a lack of vitamins in the body.

What to do? First of all, the expectant mother needs rest. Review your daily routine and carve out an hour or two for naps. Enrich your diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, juices, dairy products. With a uniform diet, it is important to take vitamins (after consulting a doctor).

Spasms in the uterus

Often, at 33 weeks, the uterus begins to strain from time to time, gathering in a "lump". Normally, this condition lasts no more than 5-10 seconds, is not accompanied by pain and occurs only a couple of times a day. This is how the main female organ trains before the upcoming birth. But if cramps occur regularly, this is an alarming symptom.

What to do? If the spasms in the expectant mother often recur, are accompanied by pain and last for a long time, it is necessary to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic as soon as possible.

Back pain

The back of a woman in the later stages, under the weight of the abdomen, deviates back. Redistribution of the load often leads to pain in the spine, changes in posture, spasm of the muscles of the spinal column.

What to do? Choose the most comfortable shoes, preferably with low heels or no heels at all. When lifting weights from the floor, do not bend over, but squat down and get up gradually. In a seated position, try to lean on the back of the chair and relax your back muscles as much as possible. Also, simple gymnastic exercises help to get rid of back pain.

Insomnia in the third trimester: 5 steps to eliminate it

Towards the end of waiting for a child, expectant mothers often have no time for sleep. A large belly interferes with getting comfortable in bed, and the enlarged uterus squeezes the surrounding organs, causing unpleasant sensations.

Here are a few simple rules that will help a pregnant woman get better sleep.

1. Correct attitude

Don't get carried away with coffee and tea before bed. Eat dinner no later than three hours before bed and keep your evening meal healthy and light. It is better to devote rest after a hard day not watching TV, but walking in the fresh air.

2. Warm bath

A 20-minute bathroom will give you a great sleep 1-1.5 hours before bedtime. Get into the habit of bathing in the evening and you will have no trouble falling asleep. A concentrate can be added to warm water to relax the nervous system. Coniferous, rosemary, lavender essential oils work well. It only takes 2-3 drops per bath. Oils can be replaced with dried medicinal herbs - just put the dry raw material in a bag and put it in water.

3. Dousing the feet

At 8 months, painful heaviness in the legs often does not allow to fall asleep. After bathing, finish with a cold shower alternating with a warm shower over your shins and feet. This will improve blood circulation in the legs, and unpleasant symptoms will go away. You need to complete the procedure with cool water. After dousing, the legs should be thoroughly massaged, going from bottom to top - from the foot to the knee.

4. Warm milk with honey

If the day has passed hard, and thoughts do not allow you to relax and fall asleep, then a drink from childhood will help calm your nerves and tune in to sleep. Drink a glass of warmed milk with 2 teaspoons of bee product half an hour before going to bed. This remedy will help the pregnant woman fall asleep sweetly, it is useful and safer than any sleeping pills.

5. Comfortable posture

To avoid the feeling of numbness and tingling in your legs while sleeping, lift the edge of the bed with an extra pillow or blanket. It is advisable for the expectant mother to sleep at this time on her side with knees bent at the legs ("fetal position"). The best option is to raise your right leg and place a maternity pillow under it.

Even when the pregnancy is going well for itself, a woman may worry about certain sensations, and this is natural. It is important to remember that any changes in your body should be discussed with your doctor during each scheduled visit.

  • To avoid stretch marks, try to take care of your breasts, abdomen, buttocks and thighs every day. Give a gentle massage using any stretch marks prevention lotion or oil. If the body itches and itches in problem areas, this indicates that it is there that the top layer of the skin has thinned, and the likelihood of stretch marks in this place is very high.
  • Colostrum in the eighth month of pregnancy can literally "flow like a river", so take action - use the pads in the bra to absorb it. But just remember to regularly replace the earbuds with new ones to avoid breast problems in late gestation.
  • Be careful with your intimate life with complications such as oligohydramnios, low placenta or the threat of premature birth - they are a contraindication to sexual intercourse until the very birth. In other cases, enjoy communication with your husband, but choose safe positions and exclude sudden movements. Remember what month it is - 33 weeks? The gestation period is already too high for experimentation.
  • Allocating time for walking, but walking at a leisurely pace, can help prevent shortness of breath. Do not give up physical activity - without movement, unpleasant phenomena will complicate your pregnancy.
  • In case of cramps in the calf muscles, try to pull the big toe of the leg that has been "brought together" as soon as possible. Ask your spouse to massage your lower leg to relax the muscles, or do it yourself - everything will take no more than 3-5 minutes, and the pain will subside.
  • At 7-8 months of pregnancy, "rhinitis of pregnant women" often occurs, the nasal mucosa swells for no apparent reason. Humidification will save the situation. Maintain optimal humidity at home by irrigating your nose with seawater or simple saline. Do not use vasoconstrictor drops - in this case, they are ineffective.

The child practically stops moving, as there is less and less space left. The skin pattern becomes more expressive. He spends a lot of time sleeping, so you will no longer experience discomfort from spontaneous movements. Neural connections are formed in his brain, he studies the environment and is interested in what is happening in the outside world. When the pregnancy is between 32 and 33 weeks, the baby is very alert to sounds and changes in lighting. Its weight increases to 2000 grams.

In a woman's body, platelets correspond to the amount of plasma, so physiological anemia gradually recedes. The uterus presses heavily on the bladder, and the frequency of urination increases. The nervous system gets excited and you can have very interesting lucid dreams at night. At this stage, you can prepare for childbirth, study more information about this process, but in moderation.

A normal pregnancy lasts 40 weeks (280 days, 10 obstetric months). The 33rd week of pregnancy corresponds to 231 days of pregnancy and the beginning of the ninth obstetric month. The obstetric month, in contrast to the calendar, is 28 days. After all, menstruation, although they are called monthly, does not come once every 30 days, but on average at 28. The female body works with such frequency. From this it is easy to calculate that a normal pregnancy lasts a little over 9 calendar months.

33 weeks pregnant: what happens to the fetus

The normal weight of the fetus at 33 weeks of gestation is about 2 kg, and the height is 44 cm. It is likely that the fetus will turn over at 33 weeks of gestation, but it is very low. The enlarged uterus restrains the movements of the fetus, and now it moves the arms-legs, moves, however, within the limits of the position occupied by that time. The baby is pushing more and more, as it grows and gets stronger. The brain is already fully formed, the child experiences emotions together with his mother, the senses are included in the work: he sees, hears, tastes and parses smells.

If he doesn’t like his mother’s perfume or other strong smells, the mother may feel the child’s dissatisfaction by how actively he begins to move. Of course, the work of the nervous system is still imperfect and not adjusted, but the active formation of neural connections has already started. The child also experiences his own emotions, preoccupies himself with the game, sees dreams. His body becomes more proportional. Fine lanugo hairs disappear from the surface of the body. The thermoregulation system works. The endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive systems function, and immunity is formed. The excretory organs are already capable of urination. The pulmonary system matures, but it will reach its final formation only by childbirth.

Photo of ultrasound at 33 weeks

Ultrasound results

An ultrasound scan, carried out at 33 weeks, will give information about the state of the fetus: the activity of its movements, the absence of developmental abnormalities. The doctor of ultrasound diagnostics will measure the parameters of the fetus, assess the heartbeat, the location of the fetus and its entanglement with the umbilical cord, if any. If the gender of the child is still unknown, the doctor can provide this information. But if this time it was not possible to consider the signs of gender due to the closed location of the child, later it is unlikely to find out the gender, since the child is unlikely to turn around. The ultrasound doctor assesses the state of the amniotic fluid (their quantity, transparency), the placenta (thickness, degree of maturity), the uterus and its cervix. (Pregnancy at 33 weeks is shown in the video below)

To undergo an ultrasound scan at this time is an important point, since the doctor will be able to determine if there is a pathology in the course of pregnancy or an abnormality in the development of the fetus, and make a decision on early delivery in time. After the ultrasound, the date of the alleged birth will be specified again in accordance with the new information received - this procedure applies to each ultrasound scan. The doctor will decide on the method of delivery and, if indicated, will make adjustments to the ongoing medical support. But these measures are more likely a safety net and in the overwhelming majority of cases are carried out to make sure that the pregnancy is progressing normally and medical intervention in the process is not required.

Sex life

Sexual life at 33 weeks of pregnancy is quite possible if the pregnant woman is regularly examined, and doctors say that there is no threat to pregnancy. But it is necessary not to forget about some points. Male semen has a relaxing effect on the cervix and stimulates labor. Therefore, during intercourse, you should use a condom or prevent ejaculate from entering the vagina. Sometimes, for example, when labor is delayed, this property of the ejaculate can play a positive role. However, not at this time. Of course, sudden movements are excluded. Couples should use common sense when choosing behavior. Any painful sensations and discomfort are excluded.

Discharge at 33 weeks of gestation

If there is a separation of mucous membranes or drainage of water, sexual activity must be stopped, since in this case, infection may enter the fetus. This also applies to suspicious bloody or watery discharge. Bloody discharge can indicate placental abruption, watery discharge - about leakage of amniotic fluid. If the water flows out in large quantities, this indicates the onset of labor.

Also pathological are the changed leucorrhoea: curdled, flaky, foaming, lumpy, yellow, purulent, gray, green. It is good to control your microflora by taking smears for infections. In addition to the likelihood of contracting infections during this period (STIs and sexually transmitted diseases), there is the likelihood of an exacerbation of candidiasis, which must be corrected before delivery. If the mucous plug has come off (mucous discharge in a large volume), the gynecologist should be notified, as this is a sign of imminent labor. Discharge from the mammary glands during this period is not pathological. It can form, but there should be no pressure on the chest to make it stand out.


It is worth being vigilant about the pain that occurs. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, if they are not frequent, not intense and quickly pass, are not a cause for alarm. If the pain is cramping and frequent, it is better not to delay the visit to the doctor. In any case, it is better to once again consult about your unpleasant sensations. Painful sensations may be accompanied by discharge from the genital tract. If there is a genitourinary infection, itching and burning during urination will join the discharge, general inflammatory syndromes are possible: fever, leukocytosis and an increase in ESR in the blood. With hemorrhoidal inflammation, pain in the anus and bloody discharge from this area is possible. These manifestations require the help of highly specialized specialists.

Due to the increased load on the musculoskeletal system, pain in the spine and leg joints may appear, and the load on the motor system due to the increasing weight of the fetus and the accumulation of amniotic fluid increases with the course of pregnancy. In addition, mothers tend to gain weight against the background of altered hormonal levels. All this must be remembered when making up the rules of physical activity for yourself. First, the correct posture should be monitored. Secondly, you should not walk and stand for a long time, it is better to occupy chairs with a back, while resting lying down - lie on your left side. The selection of comfortable shoes and the use of a special support bandage will relieve pain in critical areas that bear the bulk of the load.

Baths with cool water or a cold surface can help relieve pain in the legs. You can lift your legs up and lean on the wall. Sudden movements should be excluded, because they can lead to an inadvertent fall.

With the appearance of pain in the womb and pelvis, it is also good to wear and swim. To reduce the intensity of pain, you can take the knee-elbow position. The appearance of pain in these places is associated with the preparation of the mother's body for pregnancy. There is a softening, relaxation of these parts of the body, the divergence of bones and joints, so that during childbirth the child can freely pass through the pelvic cavity.

During this period, painful sensations in the hypochondria are possible - the uterus has not yet sank before childbirth, and the child is actively moving and rests his legs against her vault. Sleep in a well-ventilated, cool, dark room. Failure to comply with the sparing regimen can lead to headaches. It is necessary to walk in the fresh air, eat right, get positive emotions, try not to overexert yourself.

Abdominal condition

Belly by 33 weeks of gestation, the belly rises as high as possible. It supports the diaphragm, lungs, and digestive organs. In this regard, shortness of breath, heartburn, painful sensations in the hypochondrium develops, because the child's legs rest there. The further course of pregnancy brings some relief, because the belly begins to shift downward under the weight of the baby. The fetus is gaining weight, every day it accumulates an average of about 20 g. Shortness of breath, heartburn go away, but the load on the spine increases, the center of gravity shifts. Mom should be very careful in her movements so that the growing belly does not pull her along and lead to a fall.

It is appropriate to exercise special care in the bathroom so as not to slip on a wet surface. The skin of the abdomen is more and more stretched, it should be moisturized.

Loose clothing is preferable to clothing that fits snugly around the belly. During the next examination, the gynecologist will perform an external examination of the abdomen, measure its circumference, see how high it is raised, pulp it, listen to the fetal heartbeat. The weighing procedure will allow the doctor to assess how many kilograms have been gained by this period of pregnancy, whether it is possible to assume the formation of a large fetus or the presence of a large amount of amniotic fluid. In combination with other instrumental data, this is an important criterion for assessing the condition of the fetus and pregnant woman.

Photo of tummies at 33 weeks

33 weeks pregnant: weight

Weight gain in comparison with the beginning of pregnancy by 33 weeks is normally 9-13 kg. A slight overshoot of these limits is not a pathology. One thing to keep in mind is that weight control is extremely important in the last trimester of pregnancy. This period is dangerous for the development of toxicosis (gestosis) and its manifest signs include weight gain over the established norm for this period of pregnancy.

Nutritional control is the responsibility of a woman during pregnancy. It is important not only how much is eaten, but also what exactly is eaten. It's no secret that the leaders in calorie content are fatty, fried, carbohydrate foods. Although during this period, more than ever, I want to pamper myself, for the sake of my own health and the future health of the baby, it is necessary to limit the use of flour products, sweets. Condiments, spices are designed to improve appetite, and this is completely inappropriate at the moment, so their use is also better to limit.

For those who like to add salt to food, it is important to pay attention to the volume of urine excreted. If there is little urine, and a lot of liquid is drunk, while the face and body become edematous, salt in the diet will have to be limited.


It is getting harder and harder for a woman to carry a long-awaited child. And although pregnancy is considered a normal physiological state for the female body, the burden on the fragile body is significant. Fatigue grows and the desire grows so that childbirth will come soon and the constant heaviness disappears. A bouquet of new, albeit temporary, deviations in health and well-being does not allow you to fully rest. However, in spite of everything, you need to try to gain energy and strength before the last stage - childbirth. After all, further worries will only increase. Shortness of breath, heartburn, digestive problems, the need to constantly balance food, fluid and salt intake will go away. It will become easier to sleep, you can sleep freely on your stomach. But childbirth itself requires a lot of physical effort, and the baby at first requires much more attention to itself than in the mother's womb.

At 33 weeks of gestation, you often have to go to the toilet, even get up at night, as the large uterus compresses the bladder. Considering this, it is better to drink less fluids at night.

Pressure may increase, which can indicate both developing gestosis and fetal problems, which the mother's body signals in a similar way. All this is the reason for obtaining a medical consultation.

Bleeding of small vessels increases, there may be gingival bleeding. Numbness, cramps in the legs can accompany the third trimester of pregnancy.


Until the end of pregnancy, with its normal course, another 7 weeks. If childbirth occurs during this period for any reason, it is premature. However, the child is viable at this time and although not ready for independent existence, with proper specialized care, he is able to “mature” outside the mother’s body, without loss of health. The most important thing: the respiratory system is not completely formed, but it is already functional. Sometimes women are given delivery during this period for medical reasons.

This does not serve as a reason for panic, because further being in the unfavorable conditions of the mother's body can pose a greater danger to the child than being born under the supervision of competent specialists. If there is no medical indication for premature delivery, it's time to take good care of yourself and prepare for a normal delivery. If the family decides that the birth will be a partner, the man needs to undergo a medical examination and obtain admission to childbirth. A woman should tune in to childbirth, prepare the documents that will be needed in the hospital. There is less and less time left until the day when the woman becomes a mother.


  • In case of manifestations of late toxicosis (nausea, weakness), you should immediately consult a doctor and do an ultrasound scan. Inpatient treatment may be required.
  • Increasingly, the tone of the uterus occurs, if its manifestations are too frequent and very painful, immediate consultation is also needed.

33 obstetric week of pregnancy is the first week of the eighth month. Most of the pregnancy is over.

However, expectant mothers need to know how their condition will change, what problems may arise during this period and how they can be avoided.

33 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

The crumb's body becomes proportional. The head doesn't seem so big anymore. Its weight is approximately 2000 g... This figure may fluctuate depending on the structure and build of the parents. The growth of the baby by this moment is 43-45 cm.

What has formed, what is happening, what does it look like?

Due to the active accumulation of fat, body weight is growing rapidly. The heart increases its mass, the walls of blood vessels thicken. The cartilage of the auricles and the entire skeletal system, with the exception of the seams of the skull, are compacted. They must maintain their flexibility and plasticity until delivery in order to help the baby be born. The fingernails reach the edge of the fingers. The number and depth of the convolutions of the brain increases.

All senses are functioning. The kid hears well and recognizes voices, sees something. His sense of smell cannot catch the smell yet, but only for the reason that it is surrounded by liquid.

It has been proven that being in a mother’s tummy, a child begins to see his first dreams.

In addition to physiological development, the baby manages to get acquainted with the emotions that the mother is experiencing by this moment. Together with her, he is happy and sad. In addition, he can smile and frown.

What is seen on an ultrasound scan?

While the mother admires her baby on the monitor screen, the doctors carefully examine the condition of the baby and the mother's readiness for the upcoming birth.

For this, measurements are made:

  • Head
  • Belly
  • Limbs
  • Internal organs.

Based on the results obtained, a conclusion is made about how proportional the size of the fetus is and whether they correspond to the gestational age. Also, the attention of doctors is directed to the condition of the placenta and umbilical cord.

Video: ultrasound 33 weeks

Fetal heart rate at 33 weeks

The work of the heart can tell a lot about the condition of the baby. Normal indicators for this period are 120-160 strokes per minute. Deviations from this norm may indicate possible violations and heart defects.

But if the deviations are insignificant, this only indicates that the baby at that moment was too active or, on the contrary, was at rest.

What happens in a woman's body?

The load on the body of the expectant mother is now at its maximum, in this regard, various problems and complications may arise:

  • The uterus periodically comes to a short-term tone.
  • Increased heartburn, shortness of breath, high blood pressure.
  • Indigestion, bleeding gums, headache, leg cramps.
  • A feeling of heaviness appears in the legs. By the evening, swelling forms on the ankles.
  • I still have breathing problems. The enlarging uterus does not allow the lungs to fully open. Mom can be comforted by the fact that a month before giving birth, when the tummy drops down, breathing will become easier.

From 32 weeks, the function of the placenta fades away, and the number of calcifications in it becomes more and more. At the same time, blood flow in the placenta becomes less intense. It is important that she does not start to ripen ahead of time. For this, various studies are carried out, including ultrasound.

An interesting feature. In the third trimester, all mothers have a narrower circle of interests. They get hung up on getting ready for childbirth, arranging the nursery and other "pregnant affairs".

Such changes are not just a whim of a pregnant woman. Such actions are due to hormonal changes. Nature has provided for such a mechanism to provide ideal conditions for future offspring.

Changes in a woman's body at 33 obstetric week of pregnancy

Breast and belly of a woman at 33 weeks pregnant

Those women who have not yet experienced the appearance of fluid from the breast, at this time, with a high degree of probability, can observe the discharge of colostrum. This can happen at any time and the laundry can get wet. Therefore, when going to a crowded place, it is better to put special liners in the bra in advance.

The tummy is getting bigger. Due to the fact that it is becoming more and more difficult to move around, many mothers at this time dream of giving birth sooner.

Stirring during pregnancy

Up to 34 weeks, the baby can still change his position. After this point, there will not be enough space in the uterus.

Therefore, now you need to pay close attention to the position of the child. For the birth to be successful, the baby must sit with its head down.

The gynecologist may advise the woman to do various exercises to help the baby get into the correct position.

Video: 33 weeks of pregnancy

What can and should not be for a woman during pregnancy?

On such a solid period, mom needs to be careful always and everywhere. Falls can cause a violation of the integrity of the fetal membrane or detachment of the placenta. Therefore, it is important to wear comfortable shoes and clothing.

For your information, in many countries, aspirin is a prohibited medicine, not only for pregnant women.

If from the very beginning of pregnancy, the mother accustomed herself to a contrasting soul, this will only benefit her beauty, and the baby, while still in the tummy, will receive the first experience of hardening.

You need to be careful about swimming in open water. Despite the fact that the uterus is well protected with a mucous plug, bacteria in the water can affect the vaginal microflora, which is highly undesirable at this time.

Having decided to visit another country, a mother in the eighth month of pregnancy must definitely obtain a written permission from a doctor for a flight.

33 weeks of pregnancy - how to know that everything is good?

For most women, symptoms such as heartburn, swelling, and pain in the legs leave no reason to doubt that the pregnancy is proceeding normally. However, if mom needs more compelling evidence, she needs to visit a gynecologist who will listen to the baby's heart beating and, based on the test results, will be able to convince mommy that her worries are in vain.

If a woman is constantly undergoing routine checks, there is no cause for concern. Since at the slightest suspicion of pathology, she would have to undergo additional examinations or even go to the hospital.

Popular questions about pregnancy - the specialist answers

Obstetric and embryonic terms - how are they different?

Fetal term always determined by ultrasound. Since this is the exact date of fertilization of the egg.

Obstetric term is needed so that the doctor can determine the possible date of birth. The beginning of this period is the first day of the last menstruation. The difference between obstetric and embryonic terms is about two weeks.

Is discharge at 33 weeks pregnant - the norm or the threat of miscarriage?

In the third trimester, there may be a little more discharge. Normally, they should be light milky, slimy, without clots and pungent odor.

A brown or pink discharge is always a sign of a problem. Blood or fluid that is too thin is a reason to see a doctor immediately.

If at 33 weeks of gestation you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat?

No need to worry if the heartbeat is being monitored with a stethoscope. The doctor might not hear the heartbeat due to the large amount of amniotic fluid. The reason may be the wrong position of the fetus.

The final result can be obtained only after an ultrasound scan or a more accurate study - cardiotocography.

If at 33 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen?

This is a normal result of pregnancy. By this time, all pregnant women feel a slight discomfort in the lower abdomen, while it seems to harden. However, this does not last long. If the pain is growing and spreads to the back and hips, you need to inform your doctor.

Stabbing or sore ovaries at 33 weeks - causes

By this time, in place of the ovaries are the ligaments that support the uterus with the baby, which already weighs about 2 kg. It is not surprising that they are under tremendous stress and as a result, mom feels pain and tingling.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 33rd week of pregnancy, stopped vomiting, I do not feel pregnancy; bleeding

If mom feels the slightest doubt, it is better for her to see a doctor. The presence of blood, most likely, indicates problems with bearing a child.

Every fourth case of bleeding in late pregnancy is associated with premature placental abruption.

33 weeks pregnant with IVF - what do doctors do?

Now mom will be asked to take a vaginal smear, general and biochemical blood tests.

An optional, but desirable study at this time is Doppler. With the help of it, you can determine whether the baby is receiving enough oxygen and nutrients.

How to understand that amniotic fluid is leaking?

The fluid flowing out of the damaged fetal membrane resembles ordinary water with an almost imperceptible yellowish tinge. It is not sticky or sticky. Odorless. It can be excreted both abundantly and in small portions. A characteristic feature is that a woman cannot stop them with the help of tension of the vaginal muscles.

Noticing a similar situation in herself, mom needs to immediately call a doctor. Since the leakage of amniotic fluid almost always ends in childbirth.

Is it possible to determine a frozen pregnancy at 33 weeks or does it rarely freeze during this period?

Freezing of the fetus at this time is extremely rare.

The main symptoms are:

  • Stopping weight gain.
  • Lack of palpitations and fetal movements.
  • The woman no longer feels pregnancy symptoms.

Are SARS, flu and other diseases dangerous at 33 weeks of gestation?

A cold cannot affect the baby, but the mother still needs to try to avoid infections and viruses. Since they will weaken her immunity before giving birth. If a woman is sick during childbirth, she will not be able to take the baby in her arms, as he will be temporarily moved to another ward.

The greatest danger at this time is late toxicosis. To protect herself from this pathology, the mother needs to visit the doctor on time, monitor the dynamics of weight gain and the appearance of edema.

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good ...

When all the tests are normal, then there is nothing to worry about, and if the state of health allows, the mother can now start choosing a maternity hospital and planning all matters related to the appearance of a long-awaited baby.

The kid is already one hundred percent becoming the main thing in your tandem. And if for some reason they start, it is because something is not good for him, and not for you. And if the baby is born at 33 weeks, he will be able to breathe on his own. The baby is already mature enough, continues to grow and improve.

Fetus at 33 weeks of gestation: movements, development, weight and size

The size of your belly is growing rapidly. Now it weighs about 2 kilograms and is 44 cm long. There is less and less space in the tummy, and starting from the 33rd week of pregnancy, it is almost impossible to roll over there. But the baby is so strong that mom feels the kicks in the ribs too well. Be patient, soon it will begin to sink.

In the meantime, you can feel especially "brightly" from time to time how the baby is able to "walk" along the ribs, periodically resting his legs on them or punching the ribs from the inside. To relieve pain, try to find a comfortable position - perhaps the baby is simply uncomfortable. You can also resort to the exercise "evil and kind cat": when the back first arches, and then bends. By the way, this exercise is very useful for the spine, and therefore is also included in the set of exercises for pregnant women.

Meanwhile, the maturation process continues. The work of the main systems of the body - the central nervous, endocrine, immune - is already well established. The alveoli are ripe, the heart and blood vessels grow and strengthen, as well as muscle mass, the brain develops.

The appearance of the baby is as close to perfect as possible - the proportions of body parts are leveled, lanugo begins to disappear.

The baby has a well-developed sense of smell. Try not to use strong-smelling substances, eat and drink only healthy ones, and surround yourself with the cleanest air possible.

As for the intensity of the baby's movements, keep in mind: it is different for each child, because everyone still has their own disposition and temperament. In general, the number of perturbations should remain at the level of the previous month. The generally accepted norm, doctors call at least 10 movements within 2 hours. At the same time, every tangible movement of the baby is taken into account - pushes, kicks, blows, movements with the whole body. If within 2 hours you do not feel these very 10 movements, you will feel much less of them, it is better to go for a consultation with a doctor.

Future mom

Monitor your health and weight gain. It is necessary to try to prevent development, because in this case, it becomes bad for both: both the mother and the fetus. Do not rush to deal with high blood pressure on your own. If you observe this symptom in yourself, tell your doctor, since an increase in blood pressure during gestosis is a protective mechanism: this condition of yours becomes salutary for the fetus.

Discharge at 33 weeks of gestation

Do not stop monitoring any changes in discharge at 33 weeks of gestation. At this time, their character remains: the discharge is normally moderate, uniform, light or light milky, with a slight smell of sour milk.

The appearance of green, yellow, purulent discharge, discharge of cheesy or mixed with flakes is a sign indicating the development of an infectious disease of the genital tract. For a genital infection, the discharge often changes not only the color, but also the smell - it begins to smell sharply and unpleasant. In addition, a noticeable inflammatory process is not excluded, which causes tangible discomfort: burning and itching, edema of the genitals. It is necessary to diagnose the pathogen and resort to adequate treatment in the event of an infection, otherwise there is a high risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus.

An extremely negative symptom is the appearance of bloody discharge at a period of 33 weeks. The appearance of blood is usually associated with previa or placental abruption, and both conditions pose a high risk for the further development of the fetus and the normal course of pregnancy. Therefore, even with a slight separation of blood, in the presence of smearing brown discharge, regardless of whether there is or is not abdominal pain, you should immediately call an "ambulance".

You should also seek medical attention in the event of a liquid, watery discharge. A larger than usual amount of discharge, and even liquid, may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. Remember that damage to the membranes, which is associated with the release of amniotic fluid, is not always accompanied by a one-time and one-time outpouring of amniotic fluid. So, amniotic fluid can leak in small portions, women who are faced with such a phenomenon talk about the constantly haunting sensation of increased moisture in the perineum. Even at the slightest sign of leakage, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible: if the membranes rupture, the infection can penetrate the fetus within the first 24 hours.

Pain at 33 weeks gestation

Of course, shortness of breath, swelling, discomfort, frequent urination, leucorrhoea, may still persist. Moreover, at the 33rd week of pregnancy, new symptoms may well connect: the navel will stretch or protrude, you will begin to feel discomfort in the pelvic region due to the expansion of the pelvic floor, as well as pain in the hypochondrium due to the pressure of the uterus (it rises at a level of 13 cm higher navel), the line from the navel to the pubis will darken even more.

But, probably, the most "popular" problem among pregnant women at 33 weeks is the problem of pain in the back - in the sacrum, spine, lower back. Such pains are the result of an ever increasing load due to an increase in weight and a shift in the usual center of gravity. Prevention of back pain will be correct posture, regular "unloading" of the back and spine, wearing a prenatal brace, if approved by the doctor.

More than usual, the load now falls on the legs, pain in the legs is especially noticeable and the feeling of heaviness becomes in the evening. To reduce painful manifestations, make it a rule to massage your feet every night, arrange cool baths that will help cool your feet, relieve itching and tension. To reduce the risk of leg cramps, eat a healthy diet of calcium-containing foods and rest your legs from time to time during the day, lifting your legs up from a prone position.

In addition to the legs, hands, or rather, the wrists, affected by the syndrome of the same name - carpal tunnel syndrome - may also suffer during this period. It is more often found among women, the specifics of whose work is the regular use of the wrist: this applies, for example, to women working at a computer. The symptoms of tunnel syndrome are pain or tingling, numbness in the fingers and wrist. Simple tricks help to cope with them: you just need to take breaks from time to time at work, knead and massage your wrists. If necessary and with the consent of the doctor, you can resort to wearing special braces to reduce discomfort.

It is possible that by this time the aching, breaking pains of the pelvic joint will make themselves felt. The body of a pregnant woman is constantly changing, the pelvic bones are now beginning to slowly soften and disperse, preparing the baby for the most comfortable journey to the new world. For the same reason, the pubis can also ache, however, make sure that the pain in the pubis is not perceptibly strong. If the pubic bone hurts very badly, so that it is sometimes difficult for a woman to move, the gait thus becomes like a "duck" - most likely, you will be diagnosed with symphysitis.

Keep in mind that all the painful sensations that occur during this period of pregnancy are often temporary, which, by and large, is not dangerous. After giving birth, everything will go away by itself, as it appeared. The main thing is not to forget about all the recommendations received earlier.

Belly at 33 weeks of gestation: pulls, hurts

If the pregnancy is going well, then the stomach should not hurt. Therefore, in case of soreness of the abdomen of any nature, it is better to once again tell the doctor in detail about the symptoms: in any case, it is always better to play it safe than to suffer later from the fact that they did not react in time.

You've probably gotten used to the painless sipping contractions by now. But be prepared for the fact that from the 33rd week, several painful contractions of the uterus can also be observed - pulling pains in the lower abdomen in the form of harbingers of childbirth can appear even now. There is no reason to worry if the contractions are not long, do not increase and do not become more frequent, and are not accompanied by pronounced pain.

A much more dangerous symptom is abdominal pain associated with premature placental abruption. Signs of placental abruption in different cases may be different, but always, to one degree or another, accompanied by a feeling of soreness in the abdomen. More often, with placental abruption, spotting of varying intensity also occurs, but bleeding may also be internal, not visible from the outside. The fact that abdominal pain is associated specifically with the pathology of the placenta, can other accompanying symptoms also suggest? Soreness of the uterus, pain in the lumbar spine. Although, again, these signs in each individual case may appear, or may be absent.

Be that as it may, it is necessary to react immediately with placental abruption: this complication of pregnancy without specialized intervention may well lead to the death of the child and the serious condition of the mother. Severe symptoms of placental abruption require a quick, albeit premature delivery. With a slight partial detachment, conservative treatment is possible at the discretion of the doctor.


If, for some reason, the third scheduled ultrasound was not performed earlier, the doctor can send the woman for an ultrasound examination now. In addition, ultrasound may also be needed to clarify some of the previously obtained data and parameters.

Ultrasound at 33 weeks of gestation allows you to assess the degree of development of the baby, its size, structure and functionality of internal organs. The uzist will not ignore the indicators of the baby's cardiac activity, evaluate his motor activity. The location of the baby in the uterus will also be confirmed, it will be established whether there is an umbilical cord entanglement.

The doctor will assess the condition of the uterus: its size and standing height, wall thickness, the state of the cervix. Important information will also be information about the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid, about where and how it is attached, how the placenta is located.

Most parents by 33 weeks already know whether a boy or a girl is now growing up and gaining strength in the mother's tummy. If you still do not know the sex of the child, there is an opportunity to consider it now. True, if the kid agrees to turn "correctly".

After an ultrasound scan and information about all the data, the doctor can slightly correct the estimated date of birth. This is normal - after each diagnosis, as new information becomes available, the date may slightly change.

The closer to childbirth, the more you will be absorbed by thoughts about the unborn child. Almost all pregnant women have “thematic” dreams, which are often disturbing and unpleasant. Do not take everything to heart: these are your worries about childbirth and the expectation of replenishment in the family, which is absolutely normal.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is especially important to set yourself up positively. You must be psychologically ready for childbirth and the upcoming changes. Read the relevant literature, look for support in your husband and family, and do not listen to the horror stories of omniscient friends: childbirth is a process very carefully thought out by nature, to the smallest detail. Listen to your baby - he will help you. There is still quite a bit left!

Specially for- Elena Kichak

The content of the article:

All thoughts of a woman at 33 weeks pregnant are focused on having a baby, and the rest now seems unimportant. The child continues to actively develop and increase body weight - per day his weight increases by 15 - 27 g. During this period, it is important for a pregnant woman to monitor her health and try to experience only positive emotions. Stress and overwork are unacceptable.

33 weeks pregnant is how many months

As you know, the obstetric month is equal to four weeks. That is, 33 weeks is already a whole 8 months, plus 1 more week. At this time, the age of the fetus from conception reached 31 weeks.

Now the uterus of the pregnant woman rises above the navel by 33 cm above the pubic symphysis, and the distance to the navel is 13 cm. The amount of amniotic fluid will remain at about the same level until the end of pregnancy. The length of the umbilical cord is now about the same as the length of the fetus. The umbilical cord has three vessels - an artery and two veins. The artery delivers blood from the mother's body to the baby's body. Together with this blood, nutrients and oxygen are supplied to the baby. Blood moves through the veins, which carries the baby's metabolic products to the placenta.

During this period, expectant mothers are often worried about muscle cramps. This is a consequence of a lack of calcium and the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. In addition, the grown uterus presses on the femoral nerve, which is why pregnant women often experience pain that goes from the hip down to the knee. Lying on their backs, many feel a heaviness in the lumbar region.

Also, the uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm. This reduces the mobility of the lungs, resulting in mild shortness of breath. The woman feels a lack of oxygen and therefore often rests in a reclining position, taking deep breaths from time to time. This state will continue for some time (until the 36th - 37th week). And then the head of the fetus will drop, and the bottom of the uterus will be slightly lower.

There is now much more blood in the body of a pregnant woman than in normal people. Its volume usually reaches 5-5.5 liters.

The body of the expectant mother begins to actively prepare for the upcoming birth. Hormones begin to be produced that help to soften the ligaments. This will make the process of giving birth to a baby easier. A woman during this period may experience great inconvenience. It becomes difficult for her to walk and it can be difficult to choose the right shoes. Changes in the hormonal background affect the tone of blood vessels, swelling occurs in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity - rhinitis of pregnant women.

After light exertion (walks, homework), many women notice that swelling appears on their legs. They are especially pronounced in the area of ​​the ankles. Why do pregnant women suffer from edema of the lower extremities? The fact is that due to the enlarged uterus, the vessels are compressed and problems arise with the outflow of blood. To reduce swelling, it is recommended to lie down more often with your feet on a pillow. Another problem that pregnant women often face is varicose veins. If you are prone to this disease, you need to wear compression hosiery and strictly follow your doctor's recommendations. And one more tip: if you want to improve blood circulation in your legs, wear a brace that keeps the uterus in an elevated position.

Now hormones of the placenta begin to perform their function - they provide milk production. Very often, women experience itching in their breasts, the nipples grow and soften, and vessels become visible on the surface of the mammary glands.

Feelings of a woman at 33 weeks pregnant

In later stages, women begin to feel the approaching birth. Anxiety increases at night, and some pregnant women have trouble sleeping. Thoughts about childbirth do not give rest, and the pulling sensations in the stomach cause fear of not bringing the baby to the due date. In addition, in the evening, expectant mothers often suffer from heartburn, since the acidity of their gastric juice is somewhat increased. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to stop eating fatty, fried or acidic foods at night.

Due to the grown abdomen, the skin of the abdominal wall is strongly stretched. For this reason, severe itching is possible. It can be reduced by regularly treating the skin with special cosmetics for stretch marks. To keep your skin in good condition, experts recommend using a bandage even if you get off the couch for just a few minutes. The brace helps to keep the uterus upright, so the stress on the skin is reduced and it does not stretch as much.

The 33rd week is also a period of pleasant sensations. The woman really likes to feel the movements of her baby. Many mothers are happy to note that their children are already reacting to affection and changes in mood. At this time, the child has developed a mode of sleep and wakefulness, and his activity is noted at certain periods. The frequency of the child's movements is becoming more, it is already possible to count up to 4 movements per hour. Some tremors are especially pronounced (when the baby intensively moves his arms or legs).

Discharge from the genital tract at 33 weeks of gestation

A change in the nature of the discharge is a very important diagnostic sign. Therefore, pregnant women should pay attention to them even at a later date. If their shade has changed, any impurities (pus, blood, mucus) appear, inform your doctor immediately.

Mucous discharge with a curdled consistency is a likely symptom of an infectious process. And any infection in the genital tract of a pregnant woman is unacceptable, since it can affect the condition of the fetus. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of the presence of pathogenic microbes, doctors prescribe an additional examination.

The most dangerous symptom is bleeding. They may talk about placental abruption or presentation. Even if the amount of blood is very small and there is no abdominal pain, do not try to get to the hospital on your own. Call an ambulance immediately and wait for the doctors to arrive while lying down.

If the discharge is too liquid, watery consistency, premature rupture of amniotic fluid can be suspected. Waters are not always poured out abundantly, at one moment. There are times when they leak in small amounts. The outpouring of water indicates damage to the membranes, and this situation is very dangerous, since it can lead to intrauterine infection.

Belly at 33 weeks gestation

At 33 weeks, the abdomen is already raised as high as possible. It presses on many organs of a woman (lungs, diaphragm, digestive organs). The remaining weeks of pregnancy will bring relief to the woman, as the belly will gradually sink as the baby grows. The average circumference of a pregnant woman's abdomen is 85-90 cm.

Weight at 33 weeks gestation

Now the total weight gain from the beginning of pregnancy is on average 10 to 13 kg. A slight excess of this norm is not dangerous, but your weight in the later stages must be carefully monitored. Remember that in some cases, a set of extra pounds may be a sign of late toxicosis (gestosis).

HCG rates at 33 weeks of gestation

Small nails have already formed on the fingers of the crumbs, the skin becomes pale pink, the vascular pattern disappears from its surface. All internal organs of the baby are completing their formation.

The eyes of the child already respond well to the light source, he is able to blink and focus his gaze. The eyes are closed during sleep. The brain continues to develop actively, the number of convolutions is growing all the time. The baby can respond to sounds, movements and changes in the mother's mood. The lungs are not yet fully open, but the child is already performing test breathing movements. In order for the respiratory system to start functioning fully, a sufficient amount of surfactant must accumulate in the baby's body. The production of this substance will continue until the moment of delivery.

The cardiovascular system continues to develop. There is now a small opening between the atria, which will close at the first breath of the baby. The liver, gallbladder and pancreas are already actively functioning. The baby's immune system was formed, and the development of its own antibodies began in the tiny body.

The thin vellus hairs that previously covered his body gradually disappear from the child's skin, and the hair on the head thickens and darkens. The body fat increases, which helps to maintain the baby's body temperature at the desired level.

The muscular layer of the vessels becomes thicker, the heart increases its activity, and blood flow in the child's body improves.

Fetal weight and growth at 33 weeks gestation

Now the length of the fetus can already reach 45 cm, and its weight ranges from 1900 to 2300 g. The diameter of the tummy reaches 87.4 mm, the chest - 85 mm, the head - 82 mm.

Fetal movement at 33 weeks gestation

Due to the pressure of the grown uterus on the internal organs, the discomfort intensifies, and even the lightest jerks of the baby are uncomfortable for the mother. Any movement is felt very sharply. A pregnant woman can experience both severe pain in the uterus and aching sensations in various parts of the abdomen.

At this time, they continue to calculate the frequency of movements. There should be at least ten of them per day.

Possible complications at 33 weeks of gestation

Deficiency of vitamin D during this period is very dangerous, as it can lead to the development of rickets in the baby. Also, a lack of calcium can lead to serious consequences. It begins to wash out of the woman's vessels, which often causes varicose veins and even hemorrhoids.

Continue weight gain control at 33 weeks. The fact is that extra pounds can provoke postpartum obesity, which leads to serious complications - metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Of all the complications of pregnancy, the most dangerous is the condition known as eclampsia. Until the end, it has not been investigated, and doctors do not know how to cure it. Also, preventive measures have not been developed. This condition begins with preeclampsia and preeclampsia, when a woman detects protein in the urine, pressure rises and edema occurs. If these symptoms worsen, doctors may decide to have a caesarean section. In this case, it is usually possible to save both the mother and her child. In the case of eclampsia, a woman experiences cerebral edema and severe convulsions.

During this period, it is advisable to protect yourself from colds. If you do catch a cold, do not self-medicate, but see a doctor immediately. The disease can make the placenta age faster, lead to premature birth, and affect the amount of hormones that regulate breast milk production.

One of the unpleasant complications of pregnancy at this time is the appearance of thrush. Its main symptoms are severe itching and discharge of a curdled consistency. This disease is not so harmless. If ignored, the baby is at risk of infection during childbirth. In the later stages, it is permissible to use many drugs in the form of suppositories, so it will be quite simple to cure thrush in time.

In addition, at the 33rd week of pregnancy, the expectant mother can be diagnosed with pathologies of amniotic fluid. So, the development of low water or polyhydramnios is possible. Low water is determined by the results of ultrasound, when there is a decreased index of amniotic fluid. Low water is usually caused by such reasons: infections, problems with the placenta, high blood pressure, gestosis, impaired excretory function in a child, hypoxia. As for polyhydramnios, it may be associated with congenital abnormalities of the fetus, chronic intrauterine infection, fetal transfusion syndrome (in the case of multiple pregnancies), Rh-conflict between the child and the mother.

Pathologies of amniotic fluid should be diagnosed as early as possible, so a woman needs to undergo scheduled ultrasound procedures on time.

The body weight of a woman continues to grow in later stages. The load on the legs, joints and spine increases, so a woman can feel severe pain. Also, due to the softening and divergence of the pelvic bones, unpleasant sensations may occur in the sacrum and perineum.

Pain in the anus is often a sign of incipient hemorrhoids, so it is advisable to consult a doctor. Do not forget that you cannot self-medicate during this period, since most medications are still prohibited.

At the 33rd week, the chronic diseases of a woman are often exacerbated, so it is necessary to be monitored by specialized doctors.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 33 weeks of gestation

Very often, pregnant women have an increased appetite, and they begin to eat too much. But overeating is by no means worth it. Because of the plentiful diet, women are worried about severe heartburn, and obesity is also possible. Remember that the energy value of food intake should not exceed 2500 - 3000 kcal per day.

To get rid of heartburn, you need to follow the diet. Don't eat too late and don't eat a lot of sour, salty, fatty, spicy, or fried foods. The fact is that unhealthy diet increases acidity and leads to food retention in the stomach. And due to the pressure of the uterus on the digestive organs, the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, which causes unpleasant sensations.

Fight Heartburn During Pregnancy

To prevent heartburn, doctors recommend a fractional meal with the last meal at least 3 hours before a night's rest. Moreover, dinner should be very light, eat food in the evening containing digestible carbohydrates and proteins. For example, porridge with a steam cutlet will be an excellent dinner for a pregnant woman. After you eat, do not lie down on the sofa right away, it is better to take a short walk or do some simple homework. Also, remember to have regular bowel movements, and wear loose, comfortable outfits that don't squeeze your stomach.

But what if the heartburn still started? Many in this case resort to the folk method - they take baking soda. In fact, this method is ineffective. A few sips of soda solution increase gas formation and reduce acidity only for a short period of time. After a while, the acidity rises again, and the unpleasant symptoms become even more pronounced. Therefore, you should not engage in dangerous self-medication. It is better to inform your doctor about heartburn so that he picks up antacids that are safe for pregnant women.

Oatmeal on the water;

Ginger tea,


Fennel oil;

Slightly heated alkaline mineral water.

Vitamin preparations

Taking any vitamins is allowed only with the permission of a doctor. If a woman's diet is varied, and she receives a lot of nutrients from food, it is undesirable to use multivitamins. The fact is that an overdose of vitamins is much more dangerous than a lack of them.

Many pregnant women suffer from calcium deficiency. That is why it is prescribed for most expectant mothers. For the prevention of anemia, it is possible to prescribe iron or folic acid preparations.

Physical activity at 33 weeks gestation

It became difficult to move, but it was impossible to lie down all day. Keep yourself in good shape with regular light exercise. This will help improve blood circulation and keep your muscles in good shape. Also, leisurely walks in the fresh air are very useful for expectant mothers.

To prepare the body for childbirth, it is advisable to engage in breathing exercises and perform Kegel exercises. If physical activity is difficult, do not overwork. It is better to sign up for the pool during pregnancy, since many exercises are much easier to do in the water.

You can help your body prepare for childbirth by regularly doing special yoga for pregnant women. Even if you have no experience in yoga, you shouldn't worry. Lessons can be started later under the guidance of a qualified trainer. Exercises for expectant mothers will greatly benefit both you and your baby.

Sex at 33 weeks pregnant

In the normal course of pregnancy and there is no threat of premature birth, sexual intercourse is not prohibited. Intimate life during this period will not only bring pleasure, but also bring considerable benefit to the pregnant woman's body. The fact is that the semen contains substances that prepare the cervix for the birth of a baby. But you need to have sex carefully, in the most comfortable position for a woman. The most important thing is to prevent pressure on the pregnant belly.

Medicines at 33 weeks of gestation

At the 33rd week, almost all topical medications are already allowed. In addition, we can take a number of antispasmodics (antihistamines of the 2nd, 3rd generations, drotaverine). It is also possible to prescribe medications to normalize blood pressure and improve blood flow. Certain antibiotics are allowed. But remember that taking any medication must be coordinated with a gynecologist. Self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences.

Analyzes and examinations at 33 weeks of gestation

At this time, important analyzes are no longer performed. If a woman comes to the doctor, he will assess the volume of the abdomen, the height of the fundus of the uterus, measure the pressure. If by this time mom has not yet undergone the last scheduled ultrasound, it needs to be done now. If any pathology is suspected, the doctor can send the woman for a cardiogram and doppler.

Ultrasound at 33 weeks of gestation

The third planned ultrasound, which is included in prenatal screening, at this time helps to clarify the following points:

Determine the thickness of the placenta (normally about 33.04 mm).

Assess the condition of the placenta, its location in the uterus, blood supply and degree of maturity.

Study the structure of the baby's lungs, check their readiness for independent functioning.

Determine the position of the fetus, assess its size, exclude developmental pathologies.

Assess the level of amniotic fluid, diagnose possible oligohydramnios / polyhydramnios.

When performing Doppler ultrasound, the doctor can examine the vessels feeding the uterus, draw conclusions about the supply of the fetus with the substances it needs, exclude placental insufficiency.

During an ultrasound examination, the baby's body weight and all its parameters (dimensions of the tummy, head, chest) are necessarily recorded. The ultrasound standards for this period are approximately as follows:

Coolant - from 258 to 314 mm;
OG - from 283 to 325 mm;
LZ - from 95 to 113 mm;
BPR - from 75 to 89 mm.

The course of multiple pregnancies at 33 weeks gestation

During pregnancy with twins, childbirth may already begin at this time, which is the norm. Therefore, it is worth listening carefully to the sensations. Children are almost completely ready for independent life. The only problem is imperfect thermoregulation. Therefore, the first time after birth, babies will be in a special heated incubator.

IVF pregnancy at 33 weeks gestation

At this time, expectant mothers stay in a hospital, where the course of pregnancy is closely monitored during IVF fertilization.

It's time to get ready for the birth of the long-awaited baby. You need to decide in advance on the hospital and buy all the necessary things. You should always carry your pregnancy exchange card, passport and medical certificate with you. Special courses for expectant mothers are of great benefit. They relieve women of anxiety and worries, help them prepare for the upcoming birth. If the husband is expected to be present during childbirth, then he needs to undergo a medical examination and prepare all the necessary documents (chest fluorography is mandatory, and in some maternity hospitals, tests for syphilis, hepatitis C, B, AIDS, staphylococcus may be required).

Remember that at this time it is undesirable to fly by plane and generally travel during pregnancy. Changes in atmospheric pressure can cause varicose veins and even placental abruption. With a decrease in pressure, the fetus experiences hypoxia. Of course, the expectant mother herself makes the decision about the flight, but the recommendations of the doctors are still worth listening to.

Premature birth at 33 weeks gestation

In the case of premature birth, there is no danger to the baby's life at this time. Now he doesn’t even need special medical help to get normal breathing and nutrition. The only problem that babies born in the 33rd week face is the inability of the body to constantly maintain the required temperature (since the subcutaneous fat is not yet fully formed). The ear cartilage of such children is already quite dense, the feet are striated, and the nail plates are almost completely formed.

The alveoli of the lungs are already fully formed, but the production of surfactant has begun to slow down. This process will take two subsequent weeks, and during this time the risk of the so-called distress syndrome, characteristic of premature babies, will be increased.

33 weeks pregnant: video