Pregnancy 39 weeks if you walked for a long time to get up. What to look for. Baby's height and weight, large fetus

Many women have a real emotional storm this week, especially if they are expecting their first child. On the one hand, the expectant mother looks forward to the first meeting with her child, and on the other, she is tormented by strong excitement before childbirth. The child continues to descend, and now the pregnant woman can breathe deeply, but the pressure on the perineum increases, causing discomfort. It's getting harder and harder to sit and walk. The child moves less often, because he is now too cramped in the tummy. He sleeps most of the time. When he is awake, he plays with the umbilical cord or sucks his thumb in preparation for drinking milk from his mother's breast.

Hormonal changes can cause diarrhea. Appetite during this period may increase, but before childbirth, it usually disappears. Many pregnant women at this time have a desire to equip a home for a child or buy children's things. But with the repair or rearrangement of furniture, it is better not to rush, because childbirth can begin at any time. The child is already ready to be born, and the pregnant woman must be ready that this can happen at any time.

The woman now experiences a mixed sense of anticipation and fear of childbirth. It is impossible to influence this emotional outburst - you need to wait until everything happens by itself. The cervix prepares for dilation, becoming softer and shortening from 4 cm to 1 cm. The speed of this process depends on heredity. Softening of the cervix and its expansion provokes the passage of the plug.

The child continues to descend, pressing the head against the exit from the uterus. Often during this period, the weight of the pregnant woman decreases slightly. The body is cleared of excess substances, so often women this week are tormented by nausea and loose stools. The amount of amniotic fluid decreases, although it is still renewed every 3 hours. A lot of colostrum is released from the nipples, but in some women it appears only after the birth of a child - this is also normal. Some experts believe that in many cases childbirth begins after 40 weeks, because fear of them inhibits labor. Women who have given birth before do not experience such strong fear, so the baby is born on time.

Signs for which you should go to the hospital

Many women are afraid not to get to the hospital on time. It is very important to calculate the time it will take you to get there. If the hospital in which you decide to give birth is no more than half an hour away, then you can wait until the break between contractions is less than ten minutes. You urgently need to go to the hospital if:
  • the amniotic fluid has departed;
  • dizzy, increased blood pressure or headache;
  • blood appears in the discharge;
  • you feel tension in the uterus and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the child stopped moving or, conversely, became overly active.
Some women are advised to go to the hospital in advance. In fact, there is no need for this. Delivery before 42 weeks is considered normal. It should also be borne in mind that when determining the age of the baby, doctors could be mistaken. To avoid problems, listen to the baby's heartbeat.

Nutrition and bad habits

Pregnant women can hear advice that before giving birth, you need to give up food of animal origin, giving preference to cereals and vegetables. But in no case should this be done. The baby continues to receive food through the umbilical cord, and the baby needs protein for normal development. If this element is not enough in food, then the child will pull them from the mother's body. As a result, the mother's body will be too weakened during childbirth. Often in the last weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother loses her appetite, or, conversely, feels constant hunger. Eat small meals often to avoid problems. Give preference to wholesome dietary foods.

Intimate life

If there is no mucus in the discharge, indicating the passage of the cork, then it is not forbidden to continue to lead an intimate life. Male sperm contains elements that help the female body prepare for childbirth. But some couples stop making love late in pregnancy due to psychological reasons, because the presence of the baby becomes more noticeable.

Closer to childbirth, the amount of amniotic fluid becomes less and less, although they are still renewed every three hours and will do so even when labor begins. You don't have to put on weight anymore, but the baby continues to grow. At 39 weeks, it weighs an average of 3300 g and reaches over 50 cm in length. Fetus at 39 weeks gestation: movement A, since the baby is already very large and already occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, there is no place for him to move much. Accordingly, if before that you could observe periodic "dancing" of the crumbs in the tummy, now it will only push you from time to time from the inside. Although he already has nowhere to move, the baby, nevertheless, tries to move. Moreover, through movements, the child trains coordination and gradually builds up muscle strength. The intensity and nature of the movements should be monitored further: during the day, the masik should recall about 10-12 times. If the child is excessively active, pushes hard and often, or, on the contrary, his movements are felt weakly and rarely, immediately inform the doctor about this: a change in the nature and frequency of movements in one direction or another indicates trouble. Baby at 39 weeks pregnant Heart, lungs, intestines, kidneys - everything is ready to support the life of the baby outside the womb. However, the processes of development and improvement do not stop, and will continue after birth. In particular, the central nervous system develops unevenly. The pancreas has begun to produce enzymes that will break down food that enters the baby's stomach. But beneficial bacteria will begin to colonize the intestines only after tasting colostrum - now it is sterile. In most cases, immediately after birth, the intestines of the newborn are emptied by the original feces with meconium. But it often happens that this happens even in the womb before the onset of the labor process (most often the reason is a lack of oxygen in the last stages of pregnancy). In such cases, the doctors and obstetricians attending childbirth perform a special procedure to cleanse the bronchi called lavage. As before, all nutrients reach the baby through the placenta. But in the last weeks, she begins to age: her service life is coming to an end. The umbilical cord will only be cut after childbirth when it stops pulsing. And only then the birth of a child's place occurs - the last third stage of childbirth.

Future mom

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the baby is already completely ready for independent existence, but ideally, the pregnancy should still last this and the next week. But you should have been completely ready for childbirth a few weeks ago. Although this does not mean at all that the expectant mother is obliged to lose peace and stay in constant anticipation of the onset of contractions. If the bags are collected in the hospital, and you are psychologically ready for the events awaiting you, then everything should be okay for you. But it's easy to say and difficult to do, right? Some anxiety and nervousness are still present. The main thing is to listen to the baby, talk to him, calm him down before giving birth, but ask him not to linger - the time is approaching. You will certainly understand that it has "begun": cramps will appear in the lower abdomen, repeating 5 times an hour, and then more often; feel a pulling pain in the lumbar region; it is possible that water will go away and spotting will appear. In the initial period of childbirth, the mother may wake up appetite - prepare yourself some kind of light, low-fat snack in advance. Childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation: harbingers In the meantime, it has not "begun", listen to yourself and track possible changes that will tell you about the imminent onset of childbirth. Shortly before the start of labor, a woman learns about her approach by changes in appetite - it significantly decreases. The weight of a pregnant woman can also decrease: many successful mothers say that the weight at the end of pregnancy, if it does not stop, then decreases by 1-2 kg. False contractions, which until that time were painless and infrequent, now become more intense, palpable. In addition to the fact that contractions begin to appear more often, they occur against the background of a pulling abdomen and lower back: pulling pain, ringing the lower abdomen and lumbar region, is another of the harbingers of childbirth. You can distinguish false contractions from real ones - and many expectant mothers are very afraid to confuse them - by changing the position of the body. Do you think that you are giving birth? Get up, walk around the apartment, sit down on the chair again. If, with a change in body position and type of activity, the contractions have passed, then it is too early to go to the hospital. The mucus that appears in the vaginal discharge will tell you about the approach of childbirth - it can be either transparent or pinkish, brown. An admixture of mucus is particles of a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. Now the cervix is ​​gradually softening and contracting, preparing for childbirth, so the cork particles come out. But you can see the mucous plug itself in the form of a lump of mucus, possibly with streaks of blood, the volume of which is approximately 2 tablespoons. Discharge of the mucous plug is another signal that labor is about to begin. Before giving birth, many women have a nesting instinct: from nowhere there are strengths and an irresistible desire to prettify the house, making it as comfortable as possible. Do not deny yourself such pleasure, but entrust the hard physical work to assistants. Save your energy for the most important event in your life. In the last days before childbirth, a woman may also notice disorders in the digestive system. Diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, perhaps even vomiting - all of these symptoms may well precede the onset of labor. Well, while the tummy is calm, provide the baby with a sufficient supply of oxygen - go for a walk. But do not go far and be sure to take an exchange card with you. Read also Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy How long does the discharge last after childbirth

Discharge before childbirth

Abdomen at 39 weeks of gestation: pulls, hurts, sags Abdominal prolapse - this is another sign by which you will know about the imminent onset of childbirth. In theory, the belly drops between 36 and 38 weeks of pregnancy, but this can happen now. Or not at all - some women do not observe a sagging abdomen until the onset of labor. If your stomach sank, you will definitely feel relief: breathing becomes easier, hateful heartburn recedes. Instead, there is a need for more frequent urination: the uterus presses on the bladder, which means that the need for more frequent emptying increases. Do not be alarmed if you suddenly find soreness in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. Pulling pains with the localization of the lower abdomen-lower back at 39 weeks of gestation is one of the variants of the norm, indicating the approach of childbirth.

Pain at 39 weeks gestation

So, we already know about the nature of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back - these are the consequences of preparing the body for the upcoming childbirth and its attempt to tell the woman about their inevitable approach. Again, due to the preparation of the body for an imminent birth, you now probably feel pain in the pelvic region, in the sacrum, in the pubis. The body actively produces the hormone relaxin, the main task of which is to soften and relax the ligaments and bones. Plus, the softened pelvic bones at this stage gradually diverge, preparing the baby the most favorable conditions for traveling through the birth canal. So mommy has to endure pain caused by such changes in the body, and expect childbirth, after which the pain will go away on its own. Surely you are already familiar with pain in the sacrum, in the back, in the spine. This is the result of a mixture of the center of gravity and increased loads. For the same reason, leg pain is common. In addition: due to squeezing of the femoral nerve, you can feel a shooting, aching pain in the back of the leg, sometimes reaching the knee. Recommendations for minimizing pain in the back, legs, sacrum are the same: regular unloading, sleeping in the correct position, good rest, wearing a prenatal bandage. By the way, by this time you may feel that your chest hurts. Do not be surprised or alarmed: the breasts have now noticeably increased and become heavier, very soon they will be needed to feed the baby. In the meantime, you patiently remove colostrum from the nipples and endure the usual pain and heaviness in the chest.

Discharge at 39 weeks gestation

An important moment of this week is vaginal discharge: normally they should have a light milky color, a uniform consistency and a slight smell of kefir. Do not be surprised to notice a slight increase in discharge from the genital tract - this is a normal symptom of 39 weeks of pregnancy. Also, you should not be scared by the presence of mucus impurities in the discharge: transparent, possibly with a shade of pink, brown, beige, mucus is particles of a mucous plug, which today closes the cervix. But now - mucopurulent discharge, cheesy or flocculent, discharge of green or yellow color should become an obligatory reason to see a doctor. Changes in discharge in this direction clearly indicate the development of any of the genital infections, and while there is still little time left, it is imperative to undergo treatment. After all, if this is not done and the infection remains with the mother, the woman will surely "share" this very infection when the baby travels through the birth canal. Do not postpone a visit to the hospital if you notice even small amounts of amniotic fluid. You will recognize the amniotic fluid by finding liquid, watery discharge, possibly a slightly yellowish tint. Outpouring of amniotic fluid is a sure sign that labor will begin in the very near future. At the same time, the waters cannot always be poured out immediately, in one stream: it is possible to discharge the amniotic fluid in small portions. This happens when the membranes are worn out or damaged, and poses a certain danger to the child - if the integrity of the membranes is violated, he becomes vulnerable to infections. This is why the appearance of amniotic fluid cannot be ignored anyway. Contact the ambulance operator immediately if you find yourself bleeding. Blood from the genital tract is a sign of detachment of a normally located placenta, a serious pathology that threatens the life and health of the baby. True, vaginal spotting may also indicate placenta previa, but doctors have probably already excluded this condition by preliminary multiple examinations.

Analyzes and examinations for the current period

By the 39th week of pregnancy, a woman no longer undergoes any special tests and examinations, especially if the pregnancy is proceeding safely. But you should also be attentive to the work of the kidneys, and for this you need to take a general urine test at least once a week. If there is evidence, an ultrasound scan may be prescribed to a woman to control the amount of amniotic fluid, the degree of maturity of the baby's lungs. This also includes cardiotocography (CTG), which is performed to monitor the work of the child's heart. Doppler ultrasonography is prescribed in order to make sure that the placenta and umbilical cord perform their functions, blood flow is not disturbed and the child does not experience hypoxia.

If a woman is at the prenatal hospital at this time, she may additionally be prescribed such tests and studies as an ECG, a general blood test, a urine test according to Nechiporenko, etc.

An ultrasound scan at 39 weeks gestation is usually not required, however, there may be individual indications for a repeat ultrasound scan. As before, during an ultrasound scan, the doctor examines the baby, its size, and determines the degree of development. Again, the state of the uterus, its size, and the degree of cervical maturity will be assessed. An important criterion is also the assessment of the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid. The degree of maturity of the placenta will definitely be established: at 39 weeks of gestation, the placenta is more often in the third degree of maturity. The higher the maturity of the placenta, the greater the degree of wear and tear. But for now, the placenta continues to serve as a good service - through it, antibodies are supplied to the baby from the mother, which take part in the formation of the immune system. An ultrasound scan at 39 weeks of gestation will also give an idea of ​​the location of the umbilical cord, eliminate the risk of entanglement with the umbilical cord of the fetus. Keep in mind that the umbilical cord entanglement is not an unambiguous contraindication for natural childbirth: the umbilical cord is 55-65 cm long, which makes it possible for a woman to give birth on her own, and the umbilical cord itself is removed from the baby's head immediately after birth. But, even if the umbilical cord is short, and the loop on the neck is tightened at the moment the baby passes the birth canal, doctors, when observing and monitoring the birth process, react quickly and can decide to carry out delivery by caesarean section.

Sex at 39 weeks pregnant

It should not be forgotten that sex during this period is sex on the eve of childbirth. Doctors answer this question ambiguously, since each couple must decide this issue for themselves. But many scientists have come to the conclusion that sex in the penultimate week of labor will serve as their best natural stimulant. Even more, some countries actively recommend having sex after the onset of regular contractions, in order to facilitate the very process of delivery and prepare the cervix for dilatation. The bottom line is that male secretion containing the hormone prostaglandin will prepare the cervix, while the endorphins that are released in the female body during sex will act as a pain reliever.

In this case, of course, one should rely on the well-being of the woman. The future dad, however, should be extremely careful and affectionate, because if the expectant mother begins to feel discomfort and pain during sex, then it should be stopped.

39th week of pregnancy: nutrition of the pregnant woman

At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, when the uterus sank down and no longer presses with such force on the stomach, the woman has a desire to eat more. Control yourself, remember that overloading your body before childbirth is not the most suitable activity. It is recommended to even slightly reduce the amount of food consumed in order to relieve the intestines and remove excess water from the body.

The diet should contain a sufficient amount of protein, mainly contained in dairy products, fish, cereals. But the proportion of animal fats can be reduced.

In contrast to the early stages, it is recommended to increase the intake of carbohydrate foods at the end of pregnancy. Carbohydrates no longer threaten to gain excess weight, but they will maintain the necessary amount of energy in case of childbirth. Semolina, white rice, biscuits, biscuits, sweet yoghurts, curd desserts are all now allowed. When choosing sweets, always go for natural products, and instead of a filled chocolate bar, eat a bun with homemade jam.

Complex carbohydrates, such as fiber, which support normal bowel function, still need to be consumed in sufficient quantities, which means that bread, wholemeal pasta, raw vegetables and fruits are very good for nutrition.

39th week of pregnancy: preparing for childbirth

You probably already want the pregnancy to end and are waiting for the moment when you pick up the baby. Everything has its time! Try to distract yourself from the urge to rush things, switch your attention to something more constructive. Maybe there are some other things that you would like to do while your time is yours only? Go to the cinema, to the theater, to a concert, to chat with childless friends, to arrange a pleasant shopping for yourself. Or, perhaps, do yoga and meditation, lie in the bathtub with a book, take a walk alone. Any method that makes you enjoy the moment is helpful in preparing for the birth of a baby.

Your body is making final preparations. The cervix softens; the mucous plug can come off at any time, after which your baby will be born within a few days or hours.

Useful Tips

If you drink a decoction of raspberry leaves daily for a couple of months before giving birth, the muscles of the uterus will contract more easily and less painfully, which will greatly help you during the second stage of labor (on pushing). In addition, such preparation will significantly reduce the risk of medical interventions, which is very important for the proper course of labor.

The less time remains until the baby is born, the more amniotic fluid becomes. They are updated at regular intervals of 3 hours.

The woman's weight should not increase, but the child continues to grow. By 39 weeks, he will weigh about 3300 g, and his height can reach 50 cm or more. Weight gain is mainly due to the accumulation of adipose tissue by the child.

Fetal development

At this time, the child has already grown significantly, so there is no longer enough space in the uterus for active movements. Now he can only turn slightly, and the woman will feel light internal shocks. With the help of such movements, he begins to train coordination of movements, gradually increasing the strength of the muscles. The expectant mother needs to track the frequency of movements. Normally, a child should make themselves felt at least 10-12 times. It is important to pay attention to the nature of the movements. If they are too intense, or, on the contrary, are absent for a long time, then this should be reported to the doctor as soon as possible, since such changes are a sign of trouble.

A baby in the womb can react to light and darkness. He feels touches on his stomach, hears loud sounds. From the very first days of life, the baby will learn to focus his gaze, so you should definitely smile at him.

The child is completely ready for birth. His lungs, digestive organs, heart and other systems can already function normally outside the womb. However, they continue to improve and this process will not end after birth.

At this time, the myelination of neurons continues, reflexes are formed, the nervous system improves. The most developed will be the sucking reflex. After several feedings, a chewing reflex will appear.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the baby has an active pancreas, which produces enzymes necessary for the digestion of food. In this case, the child's intestines are sterile and covered with small villi. The first bacteria will appear in it after the baby tastes breast milk. Now the intestines contain only meconium (original feces). He can come out either after the birth of the baby, or while still in the womb, before the onset of labor. The reason for this may be a lack of oxygen in the late stages of pregnancy. If meconium came out before the baby was born, then after birth, obstetricians perform lavage of the bronchi to cleanse them. As before, the fetus continues to receive nutrients through the placenta, but by 39 weeks it begins to age.

By this time, the child had taken up its final position. There is little space for him in the uterus, so the legs of the fetus are pressed against the stomach, and the arms are folded over the chest. This is the most suitable position for the easiest possible passage through the birth canal. In 95% of cases, the child's head is pressed against the pelvis.

Sometimes the baby may be in breech presentation. You should not panic about this, since it will be possible to give birth naturally, without prejudice to the health of the woman or baby. If the doctor suspects any threat, a caesarean section will be performed.

All women whose baby is in breech presentation are sent to the maternity hospital even before the onset of labor. There, a control ultrasound is performed, during which the size of the child is assessed, its location is specified and the method of delivery is determined.

What women experience at 39 weeks of gestation

At this time, the woman is most often in anxious anticipation of when the child will be born. After all, the process of childbirth can begin at any time. It is important to maintain peace of mind and calmness: bags are collected at the hospital, there are no health problems. However, mild nervousness is usually present in every woman. To remove it, you must definitely talk with the child, listen to his movements. After all, the baby will have to go through an equally difficult path.

It will not be possible to miss the beginning of labor, since the first contractions are always expressed in the appearance of cramps in the lower abdomen. They will repeat every 10-15 minutes, and then even more often. It is not excluded that the water will drain and the appearance of bloody discharge. Some women experience increased appetite early in labor. Therefore, you need to take care of a light snack in advance.

It is worth paying attention to your blood pressure. Normally, it should be no higher than 140 to 90 and not lower than 90 to 60.

Harbingers of the onset of labor at 39 weeks of gestation

If the contractions have not yet begun, you need to listen carefully to your body. It is possible that it is already giving signals that labor is about to begin. For example, an impending birth may be indicated by a decrease in appetite. Weight loss may also occur. Many women report a loss of 1 to 2 kg.

If earlier false contractions were weak and painless, then in the last weeks they can become more intense and frequent. And at their peak, there is a hardening of the abdomen. Some mothers-to-be are very worried about not being able to distinguish false contractions from real ones. In fact, it is difficult to confuse them. As a rule, false contractions end with a change in body position, or after a short walk around the apartment. If the spasms and pain in the lumbar region pass, then it is too early to go to the maternity hospital.

The imminent onset of labor may be indicated by mucus that has appeared in the vaginal discharge. Sometimes it is transparent, and sometimes it can have a pinkish or brown tint. Do not be afraid - this is part of the mucous plug that goes out. Removal of the mucous plug is a natural process. The cervix gradually softens and contracts in preparation for the baby's release. Sometimes you can see the whole cork. It is represented by a lump of mucus in which blood streaks are present. The entire volume of the cork can fit in 2 tablespoons. If this happens, then labor will begin very soon.

Many women feel an unprecedented surge of energy before giving birth. With a vengeance they begin to prepare the house for the appearance of a new resident in it. This is a very enjoyable process, so you shouldn't deny yourself. However, heavy work cannot be done. Let other family members do it.

Another sign of an imminent birth is indigestion. Perhaps an increase in the feeling of nausea, indigestion, and sometimes appears.

Nevertheless, until the real contractions begin, you need to continue to lead a measured lifestyle, spend as much time in the fresh air as possible, and take walks. At the same time, you should not go far from home, and it is even better to keep the exchange card with you.

Abdominal prolapse

The abdomen most often descends between 36 and 39 weeks. This is one of the signs by which one can assume the imminent onset of labor. Although abdominal prolapse may not occur at all.

When the belly drops, it becomes much easier for the woman to breathe, because the strong pressure on the diaphragm stops. Also disappears and. However, urination becomes more frequent, as the uterus begins to press harder on the bladder.

You should also not worry too much about the appearance of pulling. At the 39th week of pregnancy, this is normal, because labor will begin very soon.

Causes of pain at 39 weeks of gestation

The causes of pain at 39 weeks of gestation may be as follows:

    Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen occurs due to the fact that the body is preparing for childbirth: the belly sinks, and with it the baby in the uterus.

    Pain in the pubic, pelvic and sacral region occurs due to the softening of the pelvic bones and ligaments. This happens under the influence of the hormone relaxin. Moreover, the bones are gradually diverging so that the baby is easier to come out into the light. It is worth a little patience, because after childbirth everything will pass.

    Pain in the back and in the spine appears due to the fact that the woman's center of gravity is shifted. The same reason causes pain in the lower extremities.

    Aching or shooting pains in the area of ​​the back of the leg occur due to the fact that the femoral nerve is pinched. Sometimes the pain is so intense that it even reaches the knee.

    Sometimes women notice some breast tenderness. This is also a variant of the norm, because the body prepares it for the upcoming breastfeeding process. Therefore, in addition to pain, a feeling of heaviness may appear in the chest, and colostrum will come out of the nipples.

To reduce pain in the back, lower back and legs, you need to relieve them as often as possible. You should sleep in the correct posture, and it is equally important to wear a prenatal bandage.

Allocations at this time should be milky white, with a uniform consistency. A slight sour odor may also be present. Pinkish or transparent mucus in the discharge is a variant of the norm and should not be scared. Thus, part of the mucous plug, which closes the entrance to the uterus, departs.

Pathology is indicated by such discharge as:

    Purulent-mucous discharge;

    Discharge with flakes;

    Cheesy discharge;

    Highlights green or yellow.

If such discharge is found, it is necessary to consult a doctor and treat the existing infection. If this is not done, then the risk of infection of the baby during childbirth is high.

When the amniotic fluid is discharged, even in small quantities, it is necessary to go to the hospital. Water looks like a thin, watery discharge that can be clear or yellowish. Sometimes they leave immediately, and sometimes in small portions. The latter option indicates that the walls of the placenta have become thinner and fluid began to pass through. In any case, a medical consultation is necessary; the discharge of water cannot be ignored. So, with the thinning of the placenta wall, the child becomes extremely vulnerable to various infections.

Allocations with blood require a woman to promptly call a medical team. Most often, this indicates a placental abruption, which has a normal location. Sometimes blood in the discharge is a sign of placenta previa. However, presentation by this time is excluded from the list of pathologies, since the woman has undergone many examinations.

Previously, all doctors were unanimous against sex at such a late stage of pregnancy. This was justified by the fact that during orgasm, the uterus contracts, which can lead to the onset of labor. At this point in time, this theory is not considered correct. Doctors point out that a woman should rely on her own desires and listen to her body. If discomfort and fatigue reduces attraction to a sexual partner, then you should not step over yourself.

If a woman feels the need for intimacy, then she should not deny herself either. Sex is a gentle preparation of the cervix for an imminent birth, because the male sperm contains a special hormone (prostaglandin), which makes it more elastic. Orgasm, in turn, trains the uterus and prepares it for quality labor.

It is worth remembering that during sex you need to be as careful as possible, since the child is very close to the birth canal. If pain occurs, then intercourse must be interrupted. You should also abandon uncomfortable postures and eliminate any pressure on the abdomen.

An ultrasound examination at 39 weeks of gestation can only be performed for special indications. During an ultrasound scan, the doctor assesses the size of the child, determines the degree of his development.

The condition of the uterus and cervix is ​​also assessed, the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid of a pregnant woman is determined. The placenta by this time has the third degree of maturity. The higher this degree, the thinner the walls of the placenta. However, it is through her that the child receives from the mother the antibodies that he needs to form immunity.

Ultrasound examination eliminates the risk of the umbilical cord entwining the baby's neck. At the same time, it is not always necessary to carry out a cesarean section when entwined with an umbilical cord. The umbilical cord itself can be up to 65 cm long, so a woman is able to give birth naturally, and doctors will simply remove the umbilical cord from the baby's neck immediately after birth. Even if the umbilical cord is short and begins to tighten during the baby's passage through the birth canal, doctors are able to decide on the need for an emergency caesarean section.

What tests do I need to pass?

If there are no abnormalities during pregnancy, then the woman donates blood and urine for a general analysis.

At the same time, you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist. Sometimes at 39 weeks, the doctor conducts a vaginal examination, assessing the degree of readiness of the cervix for childbirth.

How is labor going at 39 weeks of gestation?

Childbirth at 39 weeks gestation is physiological and has a standard course. If labor has begun, you need to concentrate on your feelings. You need to monitor your breathing, take the correct body position. It is important to understand that not only the woman herself, but also the baby needs help, therefore it is necessary to listen to all the doctor's instructions and follow them.

You don't need to sit or lie down during contractions. It is best to stay on your feet as long as possible. If your contractions get worse, it's time to remember breathing exercises that can help relieve pain. You need to breathe deeply and calmly. This will save energy for the upcoming attempts.

It is the attempts that characterize the second stage of labor. They can sometimes be confused with the desire to empty the intestines. However, you cannot push without medical supervision. This should be done only at the command of the doctor. When the woman takes a seat in the chair, and the body is ready, then you need to start pushing. At this time, the entire volume of air that is in the respiratory tract must be directed down the abdomen. The diaphragm must work, which helps the child to be born. When the doctor orders you to stop trying, you need to stop. This time should be used to rest and relax all muscles.

During childbirth, all fears must be dropped. It is important to help the baby to be born, because he is experiencing stress, no less than the woman herself. The birth process takes a lot of energy from a child. It is very important to get yourself together and not panic. The calmer the woman, the easier the childbirth is.

When the baby leaves the birth canal, the final stage of labor will begin - the release of the placenta. During this time, the child will be examined by doctors. The doctor will cut the umbilical cord, the uterus will contract, the placenta will separate and come out along with the fetal membrane and the remaining umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is cut only after the pulsation stops. At the same time, the so-called afterbirth or children's place comes out. On this, the process of childbirth can be considered complete.

It is in the first 30 minutes of a child's life that it will be attached to the mother's breast. This moment will be remembered for a lifetime. The first colostrum is very necessary for the baby for the normal completion of childbirth, for the normal functioning of the intestines, for the development of immunity. Being close to the mother will make it easier for the baby to adapt to an unfamiliar world.

Pain relief methods during childbirth

Perhaps, most of all, women are afraid of severe pain that accompanies the process of childbirth. Therefore, the question of pain relief very often arises.

Sometimes during vaginal delivery, epidural or epidural anesthesia is used. In this case, the lower torso becomes insensitive, the muscles relax, but the cervix continues to open. Conducting anesthesia helps to lengthen the attempts. Indications for pain relief are cardiovascular diseases in a woman, slow dilatation of the uterus, or an extremely low threshold of pain sensitivity.

Anesthesia is also performed when it is necessary to start an emergency operation. It is important to understand that anesthesia for a child is dangerous due to side effects, therefore, only to reduce labor pains, anesthesia is not performed.

Answers to questions about 39 weeks pregnant

    At the 39th week of pregnancy, the plug came off. A day has passed since that time. How soon will labor start? As a rule, after the passage of the mucous plug, labor begins in the coming days. Sometimes she can go out a week before the onset of labor. It is important to keep track of your condition. If the lower back pains become severe and training contractions become more frequent, then labor will begin very soon.

    Increasingly, at 39 weeks of gestation, the abdomen turns to stone, recently this sensation has become painful. Does this mean that you need to go to the hospital? You need to go to the hospital when a woman has 5 painful and prolonged contractions in 1 hour. However, if a woman feels calmer in the hospital, then she can go there earlier. The doctor will examine the woman, assess her condition and decide on hospitalization.

    At the 39th week of pregnancy, the stomach pulls, the cork has come off, there are pains in the lumbar region, but the water has not yet departed. How soon will I give birth? These signs are harbingers of an imminent birth, so you need not to panic, but to get ready for the hospital.

    Why do legs hurt badly at 39 weeks of gestation? Pain in the legs appears due to the fact that the uterus presses on the venous vessels with a vengeance, which disrupts the venous outflow. It can cause discomfort in the legs, but there is no danger. You just need to lie as much as possible with your feet on the dais. Massage also helps. Sometimes leg pain occurs due to muscle spasm. They begin against the background of a lack of calcium and magnesium in the woman's body. In this case, you should consult your doctor.

    I am 39 weeks pregnant. Water leaks for several hours. What do we have to do? It is necessary to go to the hospital, since the discharge of water is a harbinger of an early birth. Moreover, the child's natural defense against infections is reduced, so a professional examination is imperative.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology was obtained at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development (2010). In 2013 completed postgraduate studies at N.N. N.I. Pirogova.


At the 39th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother realizes that they are invariably approaching, and her condition fluctuates like a mathematical sinusoid: she is happy that at last the exhausting 9 months of waiting will end, then she worries how she will endure childbirth and whether everything will end happily for her and baby. Both those and other emotions absolutely normal for a woman in position, because she already feels responsibility for the life and condition of the child, and she is also afraid of the unknown, especially if she is experiencing pregnancy and childbirth for the first time.

Week 39 is the last time when there is time to decide on, to get acquainted with a doctor who will take delivery, ask him all the exciting questions and get important answers. Psychological attitude before childbirth is an important component of the success of this event. The expectant mother should understand that she is a full member of what is happening, who should take an active part in the process, and not shift all decisions to her doctor. Of course, a professional obstetrician is a prerequisite for a positive delivery, but the mother's active role in this process is also very important. How exactly the long-awaited baby will be born is an important factor in his psycho-emotional development.


At the 39th week of pregnancy, it becomes increasingly thinner and bleeds, metabolic processes slow down in it. As a result, the child may experience a lack of oxygen and nutritional deficiencies. Also gradually the number of, although they are regularly updated as before.

The belly of the expectant mother at 39 weeks of gestation most often gradually descends, the bottom of the uterus is at a distance of 34-35 cm from the pubic joint. Although the baby is already large enough and has little room in the stomach, it feel good and their quantity also needs control. Too strong physical activity or its complete absence is a signal for a visit to the doctor, it is important not to lose connection with the child.

Now is the time for a pregnant woman to get acquainted with information about what it can be: for example, discharge of a mucous plug, rupture of amniotic fluid, loosening of stool, deterioration or improvement of appetite, change in posture and be ready to fix and correctly assess their condition.


At 39 weeks of gestation, the length of the fetus is on average 51-52 cm, and its weight is approximately 3500 g - it is completely ready for birth and, with its head or pelvis, most often has already sunk into the mother's pelvic cavity. His position before childbirth will already remain unchanged, and they can begin from day to day.

The baby's head is rather large, now it is about ¼ of the body's length. Between the bones of the child's skull, there are still pliable sutures and fontanelles formed by elastic cartilaginous tissue. This physiological fact will allow the head to change its configuration and pass freely through the birth canal of the mother.

The child's chest and shoulder girdle are well developed, he has a rounded tummy, but the lower limb girdle is less developed. In general, the growth of the fetus at 39 weeks of gestation occurs mainly due to the lengthening of its limbs and trunk, all other systems of its body have already been formed.

A child born at this time already hears well enough and can distinguish external sounds. Also, such a baby is able to distinguish bright colors, sees an object located at a distance of 20-30 cm from his eyes, reacts to the movement of the object in question.


You shouldn't expect any special innovations and problems at this stage of pregnancy, but old acquaintances, the appearance on the skin and, and so far, go hand in hand with the expectant mother.

Of course, it's too late to talk about the problem at 39 weeks of gestation, but it's worth looking soberly at right now. As a rule, those expectant mothers who during pregnancy lived according to the principle “now I can do everything” or “now I need to eat for two” face the question “how will I look after childbirth”.

Of course, pregnancy can be perceived precisely as a time when you can relax, but only if the expectant mother has the iron confidence that after childbirth and breastfeeding, she will be able to pull herself together, give up bad eating habits, love sports activities and an active lifestyle. However, in reality, it is very difficult to lose what you gained on average in a year, so the best way out would be To follow the rules and not create a problem for yourself during pregnancy, which you will then have to deal with for a long time.

Do not forget that by this period it will become at least a size larger, and colostrum may also begin to be secreted from it - in this way the body prepares for the period of breastfeeding of the baby. In order for the shape of the breast to remain attractive after pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, the mammary glands must be looked after. Minimum set: special, comfortable, natural and proper underwear, massage, use of creams for stretch marks or any nourishing and moisturizing emulsions, contrast shower and proper nutrition.


At 39 weeks pregnant, the expectant mother is recommended slightly reduce the amount of food consumed to relieve the intestines and remove excess water from the body. However, we are not talking about a diet, but about reducing the amount of fatty and heavy foods in the diet, if such was previously present on the menu.

It is important that the body enters enough protein, which is found in dairy products, fish and cereals, and vegetables, fruits and herbs will serve as a natural intestinal cleaner.

Do not forget observe the drinking regime, it is better to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day, without overeating. Does hunger overtake before going to bed or does the expectant mother wake up in the middle of the night with a desire for a snack? In this case, it is better to turn your attention to portioned yogurt, light salad or low-fat cottage cheese. An excellent solution for those who do not really want to cook is to use fruit and vegetable canned baby food as a snack. This is both tasty and healthy, and the expectant mother will know what exactly should be offered to her baby after a while, when the time comes to introduce complementary foods.


At the 39th week of pregnancy, the work of the body of a pregnant woman is most often already directed towards the approaching birth, so there are no special problems during that period. Of course, one should monitor the state of health, control the presence of possible ones, make sure that bowel emptying happened quite regularly, do not overstrain if you feel pain in the back, change body position more often and try not to reduce physical activity.

There is absolutely no reason to spend 39 weeks pregnant in bed, except for medical reasons. If the muscles of the expectant mother are sufficiently prepared, the process of childbirth will be calmer and clearer, and the woman will better feel her body and be more confident in herself. Walking in the fresh air, light, activities - all this does not contradict the pregnant state, but only accompanies it.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother can begin both directly childbirth and Braxton Hicks - training before the delivery process. Distinguishing some contractions from others is quite simple: false contractions are not as painful and regular, they can be removed by relaxing, taking a warm bath or walking down the street. Of course, real labor pains do not stop in such ways, but on the contrary, over time they only increase their intensity and duration.


At this time, the expectant mother most often does not pass any traditional tests, the necessary examinations and studies can be recommended only if during the pregnancy the mother or baby has any problems.

Additional ultrasound and examination in the hospital will be recommended for those pregnant women who are expected to be scheduled. It will be correct if the expectant mother first discusses with the doctor all the nuances of cesarean, because there may be certain rules in the use of anesthesia or the management of the postoperative period.


At the 39th week of pregnancy, we can safely say that you have passed this difficult test with honor, and although the main thing - childbirth is still ahead, the expectant mother, in addition to this, has a lot of questions about her own appearance.

The most common question for expectant mothers is when the belly will completely go away. Of course, rare young mothers can boast of a complete absence of any belly; most often, the process of returning to a pre-pregnant form can last for several months. And this is absolutely normal, because the body existed for 9 months in the mode of carrying a child and it needs time to recover until the uterus returns to its normal size.

Another burning question is about the physiological characteristics of the vagina, which is to become the birth canal for the baby. Of course, this is an individual issue of the elasticity of the tissues of this zone, which will help to improve Kegel exercises, perineal massage and elementary physical activity - yoga, Pilates, water aerobics. However, even without additional tweaks, in most young mothers after childbirth, the uterus contracts, the vagina narrows, and the muscles come to the necessary tone.