Pregnancy week by week nutrition and vitamins. Nutrition during pregnancy. Approximate menu for a pregnant woman for the day

There are many myths and signs associated with pregnancy. Very often they bring a lot of inconvenience to pregnant women themselves, complicating their life. Many myths are associated with the nutrition of pregnant women. You can often hear advice to eat for two, or, conversely, go on a diet so that the baby does not grow too large. Many misconceptions are associated with the use of certain products, such as chocolate or sweets.

In order not to worry about her nutrition and thereby not create unnecessary stress on her body, every woman should learn how to eat right at this time even before pregnancy. In fact, there is nothing difficult in planning a diet for a pregnant woman, you just need to try to give the child everything you need and not give too much. And how to do this, we will try to figure it out.

Proper nutrition by trimester

Each trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics. In the first trimester, our diet is dominated by nausea. Lucky women, whom this fate will not befall, can rejoice at the onset of pregnancy. The rest have to keep food intake to a minimum, try to eat little by little, the lightest possible meals without a pronounced smell. It is better during this period to give preference to cereals, fruits, vegetables, you need to eat a little meat and drink enough liquid to avoid dehydration.

In the second trimester, the nausea passes and another invisible enemy awaits the woman - an increased one. During this period, it is very important to provide yourself with adequate nutrition without overeating. As the baby begins to grow actively, he needs more and more vitamins and nutrients. A woman should eat more meat, vegetables and fruits during this period. It is important to eat foods rich in iron, such as liver, buckwheat, apples, tomatoes.

The further the pregnancy develops, the higher the likelihood of edema, therefore it is necessary to strictly limit the intake of salt. A grown tummy in the third trimester often provokes the onset of heartburn. During this period, it is important to eat a little and give preference to foods with an alkaline reaction, such as cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs, boiled meat, fish, poultry, steam omelets, and dried white bread.

Another nutritional problem for pregnant women is constipation.... To avoid them, it is important to eat fermented milk products, steamed dried fruits, raw vegetable salads (if there is no heartburn), boiled cabbage and beets. It is very important that the amount of food received is sufficient. Eat more low-calorie fiber-rich meals.

How much liquid should you drink during pregnancy?

Fluids during pregnancy are also legendary. Someone advises to drink, someone on the contrary - to limit fluid intake so as not to provoke the appearance. Modern medicine says - you need to drink, but in moderation. A pregnant woman should drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day. It is water that helps to remove toxins from the body and prevents the formation of kidney stones.

You need to drink a little, a few sips, and choose the right drinks. It is clear that sweet multi-colored soda should be excluded from the diet. It is best to drink plain water. If you want something more tasty, you can choose a juice, but it should be diluted with water 1: 1 and the juice should be natural and not very sweet.

There are many questions regarding the use of caffeinated beverages during pregnancy. It is better to refuse black coffee during pregnancy, but if a woman is used to it, it is better to do it gradually or drink no more than 1-2 cups per day, gradually reducing its strength. Tea, both black and green, can be consumed within reasonable limits, a cup or two a day will not hurt. But this does not mean that you can drink two cups of each drink - you can drink no more than two cups of caffeinated drinks per day.

Often the usual teas are advised to be replaced with herbal ones. This is not worth doing. Reason - many herbs are abortive and the woman may not be aware of this. For example, the beloved hibiscus, which we know as carcade, is just such a plant.

Do I need to eat for two?

Very often, pregnant women are advised to eat for two. Of course, this does not mean that you need to immediately pounce on food, doubling the portion. Really, the need for energy in a pregnant woman increases, but not immediately doubled, but gradually. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to increase the portion size, you just need to monitor the quality of the food.

It is believed that a pregnant woman should consume an average of 2.5 thousand kcal per day. But this is an average figure, someone needs a little more, and someone less. That's why it is important to focus on the development of the baby and the well-being of the mother, as well as control weight gain. You also need to keep track of what you eat. All essential nutrients such as fats and carbohydrates should be sufficient in the food. Moreover in the second half of pregnancy, more proteins will be needed, but carbohydrate consumption will have to be reduced... This is especially true for sweets and flour.

If there is a constant desire to chew something, it is better to go for a walk or chew vegetables. Many girls during pregnancy allow themselves to overeat, believing that this baby wants to eat. Then it translates into a long and difficult weight loss.

Is there a need to take pharmacy vitamins?

Very often in the literature you can find recommendations to take vitamins during pregnancy. In most cases, this literature is either frankly outdated, or released by the vitamin manufacturers themselves. Today there are several points of view on taking vitamins. One of the most recent and supported points of view in the world is that it is necessary to take only folic acid and only at the planning stage and in the first trimester.

What about the rest of the vitamins? They are often recommended for use in the second and third trimesters. But in fact, if a woman was able to become pregnant and bring the pregnancy to half, she most likely does not have a pronounced vitamin deficiency. If a woman can buy herself an expensive vitamin complex for pregnant women, then she, most likely, can also afford to eat normally. In any case, good nutrition is much healthier than taking a synthetic vitamin.

There is another problem associated with taking vitamins - their overdose is extremely dangerous.... For example, an overdose during pregnancy can lead to impaired fetal heart formation. An excess of some vitamins is excreted from the body without harm to it, but at the same time the load on the excretory system increases. There is only one conclusion - with vitamin deficiency, which cannot be cured by proper nutrition, taking vitamins is needed, but only on the recommendation and under the supervision of doctors. These must be vitamins for pregnant women, which contain vitamin D and trace elements. Self-administration of vitamins "just in case" is contraindicated.

What are the dangers of food during pregnancy

Overeating during pregnancy is very dangerous, especially in the second half. At this time, the woman's liver carries an increased load, and overeating increases it even more. The body can react to this with all the signs of intoxication. Therefore, overeating can lead to weakness and vomiting. Vomiting often causes cramps in the stomach and other organs, which can lead to premature birth.

It is very important to exclude too salty foods from the diet. An abundance of salt provokes venous congestion and the appearance of edema. And this is very dangerous, especially in the second half of pregnancy. Also, do not pounce on any exoticism. This can provoke an upset gastrointestinal tract or allergic reactions. The earliest vegetables and fruits are also not the best choice for a pregnant woman - they can contain a lot of harmful chemicals from fertilizers and plant processing products.

It is important to avoid any strong allergens during pregnancy.
This does not mean that they need to be completely excluded, just do not overuse - one or two chocolates will not do harm, but five or six can provoke an allergic reaction or cause an allergy in a baby after birth.

Eating during pregnancy is better for feeling hungry, and not on a schedule, as over time, the need for nutrients may change, and the old schedule will lose relevance. It is better to limit the consumption of food after 19.00, you can drink kefir or yogurt, eat something non-nutritive and light.

It is important to eat slowly, slowly, chewing food well. It is very important to sit comfortably. Often the tummy supports the stomach and interferes with normal food intake, so you can eat in any position - if only it is convenient. As soon as the feeling of hunger is gone, the meal must be stopped.

It is better to give preference to simple products that our great-great-grandmothers ate. Cooking also needs to be simple - boil, steam, bake. You should not eat complex salads with a bunch of exotic ingredients, sushi, fruits from distant countries, and everything that our body has learned to digest relatively recently.

And the last rule - if you can't, but you really want to, then quite a bit you can. Remember - pregnant women should not worry and feel unhappy if you are sure that a candy, cake, strawberry, etc. make you happy - allow yourself just a little. Remember - not for you.

The magical nine months of waiting give a woman a generous gift in the form of positive emotions and boundless joy. But this is not a reason to forget about the essentials. It is very important to choose the right one. early pregnancy diet to ensure the full development of the baby and keep the expectant mother healthy.For the formation and growth of the embryo, nutrients, minerals and biologically active elements are needed. Naturally, he receives them through the blood vessels that connect the fetus to the mother's body. That is why it is important to timely replenish their deficit in order to maintain the strength and vitality of the two organisms.

This does not mean at all that a woman needs to increase the amount of food eaten by one and a half to two times. The main thing that foods in early pregnancy provided a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals.

Read in this article

Weight gain during pregnancy is considered a natural process. On average, in 9 months a woman gains from 10 to 15 kg. The norm is 11-12 kg. If the weight gained is below normal, gynecologists recommend taking a special complex of multivitamins for pregnant women.

With increased weight, swelling occurs, breathing becomes difficult, and heart rhythm disturbances may appear. In this case, it is recommended to refrain from eating fatty, saturated foods for some time and limit yourself to vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and fiber.

If you are thinking about how to eat right in early pregnancy , remember a few important rules:

  • the nutrition of the pregnant woman should be balanced;
  • the choice is in favor of healthy food (exclude semi-finished products and dishes with high cholesterol from the diet);
  • it is necessary to adhere to a constant diet (at least three times a day).

What can a pregnant woman eat and in what quantities

Trace elements requiring special attention

During pregnancy, the female body experiences an increased need for trace elements such as iron and calcium.

Iron is responsible for. If, when taking tests, the hemoglobin level in the woman's blood is below 100 g / l, then the mother and the unborn child are automatically diagnosed with anemia. The reasons for the development of anemia may be a lack of folic acid or vitamin B12. Well, the consequence of a lack of hemoglobin is often a delay in the growth and development of the fetus, as well as premature birth.

Calcium is directly involved in the formation of all hard tissues: bones, teeth, nail plate. To prevent the expectant mother's teeth from crumbling, it is recommended to eat dairy products enriched with this component every day.

Many women are interested in the question, what does the embryo eat in early pregnancy? Until a direct blood supply to the placenta with the mother's body is established, the fetus receives nutrients from glycogen that has accumulated on the inner walls of the uterus. It provides a complete and timely supply of amino acids - the main sources of vital energy.

Nutrition for toxicosis

Toxicosis is a common symptom that occurs in women in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is accompanied by such unpleasant reactions of the body as:

  • irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • dermatoses;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting (especially in the morning);
  • change in taste.

To reduce the manifestation of these symptoms to a minimum, you should choose the right nutrition for toxicosis in early pregnancy.

The activity of toxicosis will decrease if food is consumed not 3 times a day, but 6-7 small portions. In the morning (without getting out of bed) and in the evening before going to bed, you can eat a few white bread croutons, pieces of dried fruit or a couple of nuts.

Vomiting is reduced by warm mint tea with the addition of a lemon wedge. It is strongly recommended to replace powdered juices with dyes with herbal infusions, mineral water without gases or fruits containing a large amount of liquid (watermelon, melon, grapes).

Heavy foods for the stomach of a pregnant woman should be replaced with steam. For example, instead of fried potatoes or pork chop, it is better to give preference to a steamed fish or chicken cutlet with boiled vegetables for a side dish.

Vomiting is accompanied by another unpleasant symptom - dehydration. Therefore, it is very important to replenish fluid supplies in a timely manner. A pregnant woman should drink about 2 liters of clean water per day. But overdoing it on this issue is dangerous, since excessive fluid intake will lead to edema.

What is useful to eat

Let's define the better to eat early in pregnancy ... To compose food groups, first, let's figure out the calorie content of food. In the first three months, the norm of calories per day for a pregnant woman is 1800 kcal. Of them:

  • About 50% should come from carbohydrates. They are contained in whole grain pasta, potatoes, and cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, millet).
  • Only 30% of calories the body should get from fat. Moreover, this is not fatty meat or fish, but butter, dairy products,.
  • The remaining 20% ​​of calories belong to the protein group of foods: eggs, legumes, fish, poultry.

What does the diet of a pregnant woman look like for the day

During pregnancy, it is best to eat fresh food, steamed or over an open fire. A balanced menu for a pregnant woman for the day looks like this:

Recommended meals and appointment times Alternative
8 ocloc'k
Partially skimmed milk - 200 ml

2 pieces of biscuit

Coffee, with sugar (1 spoon)

Whole milk - 150 ml

Whole Yogurt - 1 Jar

Low fat yogurt - 2 jars

Tea - 1 cup

10 hours
Seasonal fruits - 150 g Orange juice - 1 glass

A piece of unsweetened biscuit

13 hours
Pasta (70 g dry) or rice with cheese (15 g), tomato and butter (1 tsp)

Lean meat (beef, veal, chicken, rabbit, liver) - 150 g

Bread - 1 slice

Fresh fruits - 100 g

Fruit drink - 1 glass

Stewed vegetables - 100 g with herbs (parsley, dill)

Fresh or frozen fish - 200 g (exclude eel, mackerel, fish in oil)

17 hours
Partially skimmed milk - 150 ml Whole milk - 170 ml

1 piece of unsweetened biscuit + tea

Low fat yogurt - 1 can

Orange juice - 1 glass

20 hours
Seasonal fruits - 150 g

Vegetable soup (no potatoes or beans)

Fish - 200 g

Orange juice - 1 glass

1 piece of unsweetened biscuit

Vegetable soup with potatoes or beans

Fresh grated cheese - 100 g

Boiled beef - 100 g

Lean meat (veal, chicken breast) - 150 g

Leading nutritional value products

Now we will talk about what is good to eat in early pregnancy ... There are some foods that have the highest levels of nutrients and micronutrients. It is them that are recommended to be eaten with vitamin deficiency and low hemoglobin levels.

Fig. This sweet oriental fruit is rich in fiber, which helps normalize the digestive system. In addition, in 100 gr. the product contains about 25% of the daily value of calcium. It can be eaten fresh or dried, or added to homemade baked goods.

Artichokes. They are a valuable source of iron, fiber, and folic acid. Most often, soups and salads are prepared from artichokes. Very often this plant is used for cooking Italian dishes: pasta, pizza.

Pumpkin seeds. 100 g peeled seeds contain 5 gr. vegetable protein. They help to strengthen the muscles of the expectant mother and relieve stress on the back and abdomen. Also, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds contain magnesium, which normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.

Beekeeping products. Honey is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It can be safely used instead of sugar, added to fruit salads or desserts. 100 g contains 14 mg of calcium, 36 mg of potassium, 18 mg of phosphorus, 0.8 mg of iron, as well as B vitamins.

What is better to abstain from

So what shouldn't be eaten in early pregnancy? What can negatively affect the development of the unborn baby and the mother's condition?

First of all, early pregnancy nutrition must be of high quality. Before eating, products must go through all sanitary standards for processing, including thermally. This is necessary so that bacteria, fungi and other harmful microorganisms could not interfere with the normal development of the child in the womb.

Raw fish and meat, including caviar and some Japanese food can cause helminthiasis that can affect the fetus.

  • Flour and sweet in large quantities will lead to rapid weight gain . In this regard, the diet should be adjusted already in the early stages of pregnancy, so that by 8-9 months a pregnant woman can easily move around without heaviness in the legs, fatigue and shortness of breath.
  • Smoked products (meat, sausage, fish), as well as canned food, contain substances that negatively affect liver cells. If these products are abused, a newborn baby develops "jaundice" (botulism).
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited for pregnant women ... Poisonous substances contained in alcohols can harm the health of the baby.

    When drawing up a daily menu, each woman independently chooses which products to use based on her own taste preferences. And, nevertheless, we advise you to heed our recommendations on how what to eat in early pregnancy ... Correct, healthy food, as well as a constant diet will help to spend all 9 months of waiting with great pleasure for mom and baby.

The favorable course of pregnancy, the birth of a healthy and strong child is determined by a number of factors. One of the most important is proper nutrition. It depends on its organization whether the baby will be supplied with all nutrients and vitamins important for development. Therefore, the question of how to eat properly during pregnancy is very important for any woman in an interesting position.

Basic nutritional rules for expectant mothers

Adhering to the basic rules of nutrition for all 9 months, expectant mothers will be able to supply the child with everything necessary and not give him anything superfluous.

  • The most important rule is no dieting, alcohol or other addictions;
  • The diet of a pregnant woman must necessarily contain dairy products, various cereals, fruits, vegetables and eggs;
  • Eat 5-7 times a day;
  • The amount of food should not increase in volume, it just needs to become of a higher quality several times;
  • Exclude smoked meats, salinity and spicy dishes from the menu;
  • It is better to give preference to foods that our grandmothers ate;
  • Drink water regularly;
  • Take food slowly, chewing thoroughly;
  • Remember to eat fish and poultry. But it is better to abstain from red meat, if possible;
  • It is advisable to bake, stew or boil the products;
  • If a pregnant woman really wants something, even if not quite useful, then you can eat it, just a little bit.

The last meal should be taken 3 hours before bedtime. If the feeling of hunger cannot be overcome, you can interrupt it with a glass of yogurt or milk, an apple or a pear.

Important! Expectant mothers should remember one very important thing: it is better to leave the dinner table with a slight feeling of hunger than with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach from overeating.

Each trimester of pregnancy has its own nutritional nuances.

The first trimester (11-13 weeks) is the period when the baby's main organs and systems are being formed. It is especially important at the moment to take care of a balanced diet.

During these periods, it is very important to consume foods with a high percentage of folic acid (vitamin B9). An insufficient amount of this vitamin can lead to premature birth, mental pathologies of the fetus. B9 is found in dairy products, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat.

The fifth week is a critical moment for the body, which is actively rebuilding itself. There may be a deterioration in well-being, increased drowsiness, nausea, vomiting. It is desirable to deal with the manifestations of toxicosis by natural means.

The unpleasant moment has passed, and now it is important to take care of the presence of calcium and phosphorus in the diet, which dairy products contain in sufficient quantities.

To prevent the expansion of veins on the chest, the walls of blood vessels should be strengthened, including in the diet foods containing an excess of vitamins C and R. We are talking about citrus fruits, rose hips and black currants, buckwheat, and cherries.

Since the volume of blood plasma and the number of red blood cells increase, it is imperative to include cottage cheese in the diet. It is this product, which is a source of iron, that can increase the number of red blood cells. In addition, a woman during these periods should eat meat, fish, milk, herbs, fruits.

You cannot do this trimester without foods such as meat, cheese, nuts, broccoli, spinach, eggs, leafy greens. A categorical taboo on alcohol and cigarettes.

For the second trimester of pregnancy, problems of a different plan are characteristic. Nutrition should be structured in such a way that they can be solved. Now the expectant mother should eat in small portions, but more often.

There is a possibility of poor digestion for two reasons:

  • development of dysbiosis;
  • the volume of the uterus increases and compresses the abdominal organs.

There is a high probability of constipation, which is prohibited to get rid of with ordinary laxatives. Fruits, vegetables and herbs will come to the rescue.

Pregnant women need to monitor the amount of carbohydrates taken, otherwise there is a high probability of seriously gaining weight.

Nutritional features characteristic of the second trimester:

  1. It is advisable not to eat foods with high levels of cholesterol, as it interferes with preventing the liver from working normally. Caution should be exercised when eating beef liver, caviar, various sausages, lard, cheese, and various pastries.
  2. Limit intake of fatty, salty and allergenic products. Every day, the menu should contain low-fat cheese, milk, cottage cheese and kefir - components fortified with calcium. After all, in a future mother, he is able to wash out of the body, while for the baby it is vital for the formation of the skeletal system. Insufficient intake of calcium with food can be replenished with the help of vitamin complexes.
  3. It makes sense to start gradually preparing for the third trimester by reducing your fluid intake.

In this trimester, expectant mothers most often suffer from pathologies associated with intestinal activity, namely constipation, diarrhea. In this regard, nutrition in accordance with the scheme is of particular relevance: eat more often, but little by little. This problem can be avoided by increasing the intake of plant fibers, in particular, fiber.

Do not forget about the consequences from excessive enthusiasm for flour and fatty foods in the last stages. Such rashness can lead to unpleasant consequences, in particular, an increased size of the fetus. This can make the process of childbirth more difficult.

In the third trimester, strict rules must be followed:

  1. The amount of fluid consumed must be reduced in order not to face the problem of late toxicosis and the appearance of edema.
  2. The unspoken rule for expectant mothers at these periods should be to measure the volume of fluid at the "inlet" and "outlet". The difference is not more than 200 ml.
  3. To have a positive effect on metabolic processes and improve the removal of excess fluid from the body, you should limit the use of salt.
  4. Completely exclude fatty broths (both meat and fish), concentrated gravies. Better to switch to vegetarian soups, dairy sauces, boiled meat, fish.
  5. Mushroom dishes should be, if not completely excluded, then at least limited. Leave the consumption of animal fats until better times. Only a little butter can be used. You will have to forget about lard, pork, beef and lamb for a while.
  6. Allow cooking food exclusively with vegetable oil. At least once a week, the expectant mother is recommended to arrange a fasting day (you can only take kefir or apples).
  7. In the very last month, completely exclude fatty foods and flour products from the diet, reduce the consumption of sugar, honey, and jam.

Important! A woman expecting a child must protect herself from the likelihood of poisoning. She is advised to temporarily forget about any pate, raw or soft-boiled eggs, insufficiently cooked meat and dishes containing raw eggs.

According to modern medicine, ladies in an interesting position should drink in moderation. They are advised to consume at least 2 liters of liquid per day. Water helps to eliminate toxins from the body and prevents the formation of kidney stones.

It is equally important to choose the right drinks. Eliminate soda, especially with dyes, it is better to opt for plain water. If you want to drink something tastier, you can be content with juice, but only natural.

Herbal teas should not be brewed either. Many plants have an abortive effect, which a woman may not be aware of. The well-known hibiscus (hibiscus) is just that.

What is the danger of food during pregnancy

However, food during pregnancy can be fraught with a certain threat.

  1. A special danger for expectant mothers is overeating, especially in the last stages. The fact is that the load on the liver during pregnancy increases, and overeating only increases it. As a result, the body is able to respond to such a fact with signs of intoxication. As a result, the woman begins to feel sick, vomiting, weakness. For a long time, vomiting is dangerous because it can cause spasms not only of the stomach, but also of other organs. As a result, the likelihood of developing premature birth arises.
  2. It is necessary to stop eating salty foods. An abundant amount of salt can provoke venous congestion and the appearance of edema - a very dangerous pathology for the later stages.
  3. Exotic meals for pregnant women are not the best option. They can cause gastrointestinal upset or allergies.
  4. It is highly recommended to refrain from eating vegetables and fruits of an early harvest, because they usually contain hazardous chemical components.
  5. It is advisable to avoid eating foods that are strong allergens. Subsequently, this can be the cause of the development of allergic reactions in your baby. It makes no sense to completely abandon them, just not to abuse them.
  6. Do not eat raw fish, sushi, oysters, shellfish. This will prevent harmful viruses or bacteria from entering the body. Smoked seafood is also not worth eating.
  7. Hot dogs, street meat dishes are fraught with a certain danger. As a rule, they are the source of the development of listeriosis.
  8. Unpasteurized milk is also contraindicated for expectant mothers, as it can cause the development of foodborne diseases.

Approximate menu for a pregnant woman for the day

An approximate 6-day menu for a pregnant woman might look something like this:

  • Breakfast - black bread sandwich with a slice of butter, chicken egg, 200 gr. kefir.
  • Second breakfast - Green salad, tea.
  • Lunch - Chicken fillet, boiled potatoes, pear, kefir or drinking yogurt - 1 glass.
  • Afternoon snack - Sandwich with butter or jam, juice.
  • Dinner - Rice (preferably brown), boiled fish, vitamin salad from vegetables, tea.
  • The second dinner is a glass of kefir or some kind of fruit.

Pregnancy is a great excuse to change your taste preferences. Before you eat something, it is important to remember that now you are eating not only for yourself, but also for the crumbs that you carry under your heart and for which you are now responsible.

Video: how to eat right during pregnancy

The period of bearing a baby is very important. You should give up bad habits, increase physical activity, and also supply the body with the necessary minerals. It is advisable to draw up an approximate useful menu for pregnant women for every day. Balanced nutrition ensures the correct development of the baby and helps to maintain a beautiful figure after childbirth.

Foods in the diet

A nutritional program for pregnant women should consist of carbohydrates, protein and fat, but in moderation. Protein intake should not exceed more than 120 grams per day. Of these, 80 are animal products: kefir, cottage cheese, meat, eggs. The daily fat intake is 100 grams. Carbohydrates are a source of energy, but they must be consumed with care.

In the first trimester, do not take more than 400 grams. In the last trimester, it is recommended to cut to 250 grams per day. It is advisable to exclude not vegetables, but flour and sugar dishes.

Proper nutrition for pregnant women includes boiled, steamed, stewed and baked dishes. It is worth limiting the use of sugar and salt. Glucose raises blood sugar levels, which can cause pregnancy diabetes. Salt promotes fluid retention and edema.

What pregnant women need to eat every day:

  1. fruits;
  2. vegetables;
  3. porridge;
  4. dairy products.

The menu for pregnant women for every day should include 50% natural fiber: fruits, vegetables, berries, durum wheat, bran.

How much should pregnant women eat per day? The amount of food should not exceed the norm. 300 kcal should be added to the usual diet. If there is a weight deficit, it is worth eating twice as much food.

Prohibited foods

There are certain foods that can harm both mother and baby. But perhaps it is rare to make an exception and drink a cup of coffee with chocolate.

It is categorically worth giving up alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. These substances have a labial effect on the mother and the child: fetal abnormalities develop, the vascular system is affected, premature birth is possible, as well as miscarriage.

List of prohibited products:

  • processed cheeses, unpasteurized milk, and raw eggs. They can harbor bacteria that can lead to infection and miscarriage. Quail eggs do not fall into this category;
  • some types of fish: marlin, shark, tuna, king mackerel contain mercury, this will be very bad for the baby;
  • eating sushi with fresh fish is not recommended. The risk of helminthic diseases is high;
  • if, before pregnancy, a woman suffered from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, smoked, spicy and fatty foods can provoke severe heartburn;
  • in chips, crackers, carbonated drinks, chewing gums, there are dyes, flavor enhancers and flavorings. They negatively affect the body of the expectant mother.

Be careful with pain relievers, seizure medications, cough and cold pills. In their content, alcohol and narcotic enzymes may be present. For the entire period of pregnancy, it is allowed to consume dry wine 2-3 times. It increases hemoglobin and appetite.

Daily menu

The nutrition of a pregnant woman should consist of an optimal daily menu with recipes. It helps you get used to the new diet and not worry about snacking. It is recommended to eat varied and healthy food. Vegetables should preferably be eaten raw. During heat treatment, they lose most of their valuable qualities.

Also, during gestation, you can gain excess weight. A daily diet for pregnant women contributes to weight loss, and also normalizes body weight.

Menu for 1 day of a pregnant woman;

  • breakfast: oatmeal with milk, banana, bread and butter;
  • lunch: soup with vegetable broth, cabbage and carrot salad, dried fruit compote;
  • afternoon snack: kefir with cheesecake, apple;
  • dinner: steamed vegetable stew, vinaigrette, herbal tea.
  • breakfast: omelet with herbs, apple, green tea;
  • lunch: pasta with steamed cutlets, fruit drink, vegetable stew;
  • afternoon snack: cheese cakes and yogurt;
  • dinner: baked meat, vegetable salad.
  • breakfast: cottage cheese with dried fruits, bread with jam, juice;
  • lunch: Steamed fish cakes, boiled potatoes, cocoa;
  • afternoon snack: jelly, cookies, banana;
  • dinner: vegetable casserole, fermented baked milk.
  • breakfast: buckwheat porridge, butter sandwich, juice;
  • lunch: soup with meatballs, salad with olive oil, herbal tea;
  • afternoon snack: milk, bun, fruit;
  • dinner: steamed beef cutlets, bread, tea.
  • breakfast: zucchini pancakes with sour cream, boiled egg, bread and butter;
  • lunch: goulash with porridge, salad with green peas, dried fruit jelly;
  • afternoon snack: kefir, cookies;
  • dinner: cabbage cutlets, beet salad, rosehip broth.
  • breakfast: muesli with milk, freshly squeezed juice, chamomile tea;
  • lunch: vegetarian borscht, boiled chicken drumstick, compote;
  • afternoon snack: fermented baked milk, cheesecake;
  • dinner: stewed fish, boiled potatoes, bread.
  • breakfast: cottage cheese with dried fruits, green tea, apple;
  • lunch: cabbage soup with sour cream, meatballs with rice, juice;
  • afternoon snack: jelly, banana;
  • dinner: vegetable stew, tea with milk, bread.

How many times a day should pregnant women eat? In the first trimester 3-4 times a day. In the 3rd trimester, eating 4-6 times a day is considered the norm. The daily diet for pregnant women can be maintained until the end of the gestation period.

Dish recipes

Diet recipes for pregnant women for every day can be prepared quickly and deliciously. They do not require special products and efforts.

Vitamin bowl. Ingredients: 1 peach, 1 kiwi, 100 g of nuts, yogurt, 1 banana, 50 g of currants. Combine all ingredients in a blender and ready to eat. It is considered more of a dessert. It is recommended to eat this delicacy every 2 days 1 time.

Vegetable mix. Ingredients: zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, artichoke. Peel vegetables, cut into round wedges. Put out. Top with dried dill and olive oil.

During pregnancy, a woman should be especially attentive to her diet, because vitamins that are absorbed by the body contribute to the full development of the fetus.

Very often women, when thinking over their diet, use the well-known method of compiling a menu - nutrition during pregnancy by week. table such a diet contains all the important data on the diet of the required foods.

Drawing up a table clearly simplifies the process of distributing products and adhering to the desired diet. You need to understand that nutrition should be balanced, saturated with a full range of nutrients that will enable the body to receive the necessary energy boost.

It is important to plan the most balanced meals containing those components that will be most useful for the mother and her unborn child. Before planning your diet, you should be aware of the universal binding rules:

  • fractional five meals a day;
  • exclude fried foods and smoked foods from the menu;
  • avoid overeating;
  • eat fruit or dairy products before going to bed;
  • include stewed vegetables, steamed dishes in the diet.

Girls should be careful about the use of foods, because they can both give the child a maximum of vitamins and harm him with harmful substances or allergens contained in them.

Therefore, before thinking over nutrition during pregnancy by week in the form of a table, you need to understand the features of eating food in the first, second and third trimesters... After familiarization, you can start planning a harmless diet for the gestation period.

During pregnancy, you need to exclude fried and smoked foods, and eat fruits, vegetables (stewed or steamed), dairy products

Nutrition during pregnancy by week. table


Development features

The diet

1-3 weeks

At the first stages, the baby's health begins to form. Gynecologists say that a sufficient amount of folic acid is of great importance. Folic acid is found in a variety of foods, such as salads, herbs, and grains. You also need to eat vegetables, yellow fruits.

3-4 weeks

The development of the placenta, the natural membrane, is observed. For development, you should use foods that are rich in minerals, in particular calcium. Vegetables, dairy products, broccoli, and fruit juices contain a lot of calcium. To get manganese, women need to include pork, eggs, oatmeal and bananas on the menu.

5 week

Manifestation of morning toxicosis. The menu should be changed: replace meat with beans, eat more nuts, as well as apricots, carrots.

6 week

Have strengthening of toxicosis. In the morning, it is better to eat crackers or crackers. Increase the amount of liquid (at least 8 glasses).

7-10 weeks

There is a violation of the intestines. Toxicosis. Exclude carbonated drinks, include kefir, prunes in the menu. Eat foods with fiber - brown rice, whole grain cereals.

11-12 weeks

End of the first trimester. During this period, you should listen to the needs of your body and eat the food you want, because it is she who needs the future baby.

13-16 weeks

The beginning of the second semester. Increase protein food and daily caloric intake of no more than 3000 kcal.

16-24 weeks

The baby's hearing and vision develops. Eating food with beta-carotene (vitamin A). It is better to include cabbage and carrots in the menu.

24-28 weeks

The growth of the uterus, the appearance of heartburn. Pregnant women should eat fractionally, exclude soda and caffeinated drinks. You need to eat in small portions.

29-34 weeks

Growth and strengthening of bones. For better growth of the skeletal system, as well as proper brain function, the baby needs a lot of calcium and iron. The menu for this period should include - nuts, fish (must be fatty), meat.

35-40 weeks

Preparing for childbirth. For a successful childbirth, you need to supply the body with the necessary energy, for this you need carbohydrates. Porridge is the basis of the menu.

Meals during pregnancy should be fractional, five times a day.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week (Table) will help you make the best diet, contributing to the correct development and to prepare the body of the expectant mother for the stresses during childbirth and the first time after them.