Beige discharge in early pregnancy, causes. Beige discharge in early and late pregnancy. Causes of beige discharge in women

Any deviations in the state of health when carrying a baby scare expectant mothers. After all, they are responsible not only for themselves, but also for their defenseless crumbs. This means that you should immediately consult a doctor if any embarrassing symptoms appear. One of these manifestations is beige discharge in early pregnancy.

Physiological changes in the body in early pregnancy

A female secret is a normal phenomenon, including during pregnancy. But it is important to learn to distinguish ordinary physiological variants from pathological ones.

The secret of the vagina is a rather complex product in its composition. It contains as a basis mucus, which is formed by the glands of the cervical canal, as well as thickened cells of the stratified epithelium, which is located on the walls, and microorganisms that every girl normally has (they are distinguished by a large number of lactic acid bacteria).

Such mucus is necessary to maintain a normal level of microflora, protecting it from the ingress of pathogenic variants, and leucorrhoea also allows you to maintain the self-cleaning regime of the vagina and moisturize during intimacy. In their consistency, they can be different - it all depends directly on the day of the cycle.

After a certain time after the conception took place - experts understand this period as 10.11-14 days - the appearance of female secretions begins to change. However, they remain completely physiological and normal. Against the background of the active hormonal changes that have begun, the expectant mother develops thick, opaque and, at the same time, rather small whites. Such suspicions do not cause doctors, and no one tries to treat them.

But if beige discharge appears instead of whitish, and even in the early stages, then you should be wary. First of all, to the woman herself, and then to the doctor to whom she turns with such a problem. It happens that they are a variant of the norm, but still more often they talk about certain disorders in the whole process.

Is beige discharge dangerous?

The appearance of mucus that differs in color from what appears to be normal can be a dangerous call. After all, this often indicates that something is going wrong.

In the list of problems due to which the color of the mucus may change:

  • ectopic pregnancy (it should be accompanied by additional pain in the lower abdomen, which are quite strong, nausea and slight bleeding);
  • detachment of the fetal egg: because of this, a slight bleeding occurs inside the uterus, which stains in a characteristic beige shade of whiteness;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • erosion of the cervix: it also often bleeds, which causes the appearance of a beige secret.

If drops of blood or streaks appear in white discharge, you should also consult a doctor as soon as possible. Especially if it is accompanied by pulling and aching pains in the lower abdomen and lower back.

The main danger of such secretions is the fact that the risk of miscarriage increases. In this case, there should be additional symptoms that indicate that the situation is critical.

When You Can't Worry

Beige discharge is also completely harmless. They can be the result of hormonal processes. In the early stages, there is an increase in the level of characteristic hormones that are required so that the pregnancy can take hold.

As a result, a large amount of mucus is formed under the influence of progesterone. The problem is solved simply - you need to use daily pads, change them as needed and observe the color of the discharge. If they are still light, then it's not scary.

A coffee-colored discharge may appear at week 5 due to the formation of a mucous plug, which for the rest of the period will protect the baby from infections and close the uterine cavity.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a light beige secret may also appear as a result of egg implantation. During the movement of the fetal egg and its attachment to the wall of the uterus, bleeding often forms and is not life-threatening for the mother, which stains the leucorrhoea. But here it is important to understand that such a phenomenon should not be long in time and not too plentiful. The main thing here is that the mucus is not accompanied by itching, burning and an unpleasant odor.

Darkened leucorrhoea after a gynecologist's examination or an ultrasound procedure is not dangerous. In the early stages (7-12 weeks and later), doctors practice transvaginal options, and this is penetration through the vagina with a sensor. As a result, microcracks can form, which will bleed. Because of this, the color of whiter changes. But it should pass almost immediately.

A beige secret sometimes appears on days when menstruation was supposed to be according to the plan. These are also hormonal games. True, it should be understood that small changes in the color palette of the secret can be observed only in the 1st trimester, when there is an active restructuring of the whole organism as a whole.

Beige discharge during early pregnancy without pain can also appear as an allergic reaction. Again, all because of the same hormones, the susceptibility of the female intimate sphere can change.

As a result, the expectant mother will begin to react sharply to washing powders, bleaches, fabric softeners, etc. In this case, the situation returns to normal after the elimination of the stimulus.

When discharge is a sign of an inflammatory process

Beige discharge at the beginning of the term is an ambiguous phenomenon. And there are situations when they signal a threat to the fetus. Doctors say that these can appear in several different pathological cases.

So, they indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the body of the expectant mother. You cannot ignore them, because. they can jeopardize the entire pregnancy. Due to the presence of bacteria, the secret may acquire a characteristic beige-light or dark shade.

Usually, the inflammatory process is accompanied by additional symptoms, including:

  • unpleasant and pungent odor;
  • abundant volume;
  • the consistency of cottage cheese;
  • dark beige color.

Beige discharge with additional painful symptoms indicates the development of a problematic process, which means that they require the intervention of doctors and are dangerous both for the expectant mother and for the embryo.

What to do if beige discharge appears - tips for expectant mothers

The first thing to do is not to hope for a chance, but to go to the doctor. He will conduct an examination and prescribe all the necessary tests. These can be smears for infections and various microorganisms. Fungi will also be tested. Based on the results of these tests, medications will be prescribed to correct the situation.

If the discharge becomes thicker, becomes more intense in color, accompanied by pain and other characteristic symptoms, the expectant mother may be offered hospitalization.

Doctors advise taking care of prevention, which will avoid a lot of unpleasant moments. A woman should carefully monitor her health, eat right, not overcool and not be nervous.

Also among the preventive measures is the selection of cotton underwear, which will reduce the risk of developing thrush and various irritations. In addition, the expectant mother should avoid stress, which can also cause disruptions in the normal course of the process. And of course, there should be no self-treatment.

For general awareness - a useful video about dangerous secretions in women:


It is important to carefully monitor your condition, but at the same time be without fanaticism. In this case, everything will go like clockwork, and it remains only with special trepidation to wait for the main event - the birth of the baby.

The initial stage of bearing a child is very important, because the embryo takes root in the endometrium. During this period, the fetus is very vulnerable. Naturally, women are worried if they find beige discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. Let's discuss why leucorrhoea is unsafe.

Allocations in the early stages

It should be emphasized that discharge in women can be not only pathological, but physiological. Let's first look at cases where this is the norm.

In pregnant women, the amount of progesterone increases, which increases the secretion of the vagina. Accordingly, a woman in the early stages of pregnancy observes beige discharge in herself. These whites even bring benefits: they moisturize the genitals - and the mother does not experience any inconvenience.

Find out what else causes stains on underwear. During the formation of the mucous plug, mucus may come out. Such light beige, odorless discharge in early pregnancy is a common occurrence.

At 1-2 weeks, the egg travels towards the uterine cavity, where it will take root. During this period, the integrity of the mucosa of the latter may be slightly disturbed, due to which insignificant capillary bleeding occurs. Because of this, dark beige or brown discharge may appear during pregnancy. They are also not a cause for panic.

After 20 weeks, estrogen increases in the body of the future mother, which also causes the appearance of beige mucous discharge during pregnancy.

But often discharge can warn of big trouble. Consider the cases when a woman is obliged to take such manifestations responsibly.

When is this symptom dangerous?

Brown spots on underwear may appear after sexual contact or ultrasound examination. This is due to the fact that the walls of the uterus become loose, and therefore more vulnerable to various direct contacts.

If a woman finds beige-brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, then this may indicate such dangers as ectopic pregnancy, cervical erosion. If this is an ectopic pregnancy, then there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, and the discharge develops into mild bleeding. Due to infectious diseases (candidiasis, etc.), unpleasant discharge with an extraneous bad smell also appears. Be extremely careful in this case, because they can penetrate the uterus, affect the course of pregnancy and harm the fetus. Here it is necessary to urgently take tests and begin treatment.

So, the norm is considered to be one-time dark beige or brown discharge during pregnancy, which occurs during the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. In other cases, if a woman has found brown spots on her underwear, and she has pain in the lower abdomen, this is a reason to rush to the doctor.

Thus, if beige or brown discharge appears in early pregnancy, this does not always indicate pathology. Listen to your well-being. And if you find alarming symptoms, immediately go to the doctor.

Beli of various consistencies, structures and colors accompany a woman throughout her life and are considered the norm. During the period of the formation of a woman as a mother, the situation does not change, and the discharge continues to appear. Very often, beautiful ladies are worried about beige discharge during early pregnancy. What is it - a serious symptom or the norm?

Don't worry - it's all right

The first weeks of pregnancy are very important not only for a woman, but also for her unborn baby. It is during this period that the embryo attaches to the uterus and begins to form into a small, fragile man. The body of the expectant mother at this stage brings a lot of "surprises": from aching pains in the lower back and abdomen to morning sickness and vomiting.

At this stage, the production of hormones, in particular progesterone, increases, which increases the secretion of the vagina. Accordingly, it is not worth waiting for the discharge to stop. By the way, they perform a very important function - moisturize the genitals from the inside and out.

In addition, light beige discharge in the early stages of pregnancy are direct witnesses to the fact that a mucous plug and placenta have begun to form, which do not let anything superfluous into the uterus, allowing the fetus to live comfortably in the tummy.

In the days when a woman had her period before conception, in the early stages of pregnancy, light brown discharge with streaks of blood may appear. This is also considered a completely natural process, which will eventually disappear altogether. In addition, small brown spots on the panties may appear after being examined on a chair by a gynecologist or after an ultrasound procedure. The fact is that after attaching the corpus luteum to the walls of the uterus, the birth canal becomes looser, which means that it is very vulnerable to direct contact.

Light yellow discharge is often a sign of an allergic reaction. Gels for intimate hygiene, synthetic underwear, washing powder, and so on can act as its causative agent. The problem is solved by eliminating the irritant.

All of the above is considered normal and should not cause concern for mom. And to reduce discomfort, you can purchase a pack of thin sanitary pads, only without smell and fragrance.

When should you worry?

In order to prevent the emergence of a possible threat of abortion, the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases, you must take blood tests, microflora smears, undergo an examination and do an ultrasound on time. All these measures are necessary for the timely detection of pathogenic bacteria and their elimination at an early stage of development.

Changes in the color of the discharge, their consistency and intensity do not yet indicate the presence of any pathologies. But the appearance of dangerous bells, such as smell, itching, burning, pain, should alert the woman and make her urgently see a doctor. There are many reasons for concern, for example:

  • A simultaneous change in the smell, texture, and color of the discharge can warn that an infection has settled in your body that has caused inflammation. In such cases, the gynecologist usually prescribes a smear to identify the cause.
  • When the inflammatory process has passed into the stage of exacerbation, along with beige discharge, severe itching of the external genital organs and burning sensation during urination come. These same symptoms are very often harbingers of infection with sexually transmitted infections.
  • Intensive brown discharge with streaks of blood or bleeding is a reason to call an ambulance. It can be an ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, exacerbation of cervical erosion.

Beige discharge during early pregnancy without pain and other characteristic symptoms are harbingers of both an increase in progesterone and its insufficient production. In any case, only a blood test will show this. I just want to say that there is no need to panic. Excessive nervousness, aggravation of feelings and fear will only aggravate the situation. You need to gain common sense and a cold mind, quickly respond to changes and consult a doctor.

Read also:

Many of the causes of beige discharge are not so terrible and can be easily treated with medication. And here it is necessary to say a few words about those women who are afraid to take medicines, trying to protect their child from their principle of action. Such motives are clear and understandable to everyone, but for some reason they do not take into account the fact that the infection will harm the fetus much more than a couple of drunk pills. Therefore, you should not resist doctors, because none of them wants to inflict either moral or physical harm on you.

In conclusion, I would like to give you a few tips that you probably know, but may have forgotten under a lot of heaped worries:

  • Even in the early stages of pregnancy, it is worth changing your beautiful lace panties for more comfortable underwear made from natural materials. Fabrics such as linen and cotton will not cause irritation and allergies, which means that one reason for the appearance of beige discharge has been eliminated.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations - this has a greater effect on the exacerbation of chronic diseases, including the threat of miscarriage.
  • Do not self-medicate. Even if the symptoms seem insignificant to you, it is better to clarify everything once again with the doctor leading the pregnancy.

Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, GSMU, 2010)

The nature of the discharge in a woman is constantly changing along with the periods of the menstrual cycle. But there are physiological and pathological factors that affect their composition and quality. What you should pay attention to and when to see a doctor if beige discharge appears before menstruation, after them and at any other time of the cycle, this article will explain.

Symptom characteristic

The definition of "beige" is a collective concept. This category includes light brown, yellowish milky, creamy discharge. They are liquid, thick consistency, plentiful and smearing. They consist mainly of a mucous secretion produced by the glands of the genital organs, the nature of which varies depending on hormonal fluctuations, various physiological conditions of the female body or pathologies.

Beige-brown discharge occurs when blood is added to the mucus. It acquires this color if the blood is secreted in a small amount, and coagulates in the genital tract. The beige-yellowish and milky shade is caused by a change in the composition of the microflora, as well as the presence of a possible inflammatory or infectious process.

Beige discharge can be indicated immediately before menstruation, after it, in the middle of the cycle (during ovulation), which is a normal phenomenon that can be associated with physiological changes. But the designation of secretions at a different time without reference to the regulations or to the release of the egg from the follicle becomes a reason to see a doctor.

There are several reasons for the described symptom:

  1. The flow of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Hormonal and endocrinological disorders.
  3. Use of contraceptives with and without hormones.
  4. Allergic reaction.
  5. Sexual contact.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. age factor.

The main criteria by which physiological beige mucus can be distinguished from a symptom of the disease are the absence in the first case of an unpleasant odor, specific sensations (burning and vaginal itching, pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during intercourse), uniform consistency, normal urination. The presence of at least one sign from this list should alert.

Sign on different days of the menstrual cycle

Before menstruation

The appearance of this symptom before menstruation is associated with hormonal changes. At this point, the increased work of progesterone is aimed at rejecting the endometrium and preparing for a new cycle. Under the action of this hormone, the mucous membrane of the uterus, a day or two before the onset of menstruation, goes into full readiness for excretion and becomes swollen and loose, letting you know about this with a small amount of blood that coagulates and is indicated at the exit by beige or. Following this, critical days should begin.

When discharge of this kind appeared earlier than two days before menstruation, or they smell unpleasant and resonate with discomfort in the intimate area, a disease can be assumed.

After menstruation

Beige discharge after menstruation is a natural continuation of them. They are explained by the fact that the blood does not disappear abruptly, and after the complete rejection of the endometrium, it ceases to be produced gradually, and part of it coagulates in the genital tract, eventually leaving them along with the mucous secretion. This is an acceptable norm when there is no time gap with critical days. Otherwise, the pathological process manifests itself in this way.

During menstruation

Often there is a situation where similar discharges occur at the beginning of menstruation or even come instead of them. The main prerequisite for this is a hormonal disorder, which may be associated with the following factors:

  1. Incorrectly selected hormonal contraceptives or their excessive use.
  2. Disruptions in the endocrine system.
  3. Wrong way of life.
  4. Bad habits that have a particularly detrimental effect on the female body and reproductive system.
  5. Excessive physical and emotional stress, stress.
  6. Climax.

Beige-brown discharge instead of menstruation is also indicated due to insufficient weight, a rigid diet, and low hemoglobin in the blood.

In the middle of a cycle

Intermenstrual beige discharge in the middle of the cycle and their causes have a different origin. A natural factor that plays a role in their appearance is ovulation. At this moment, the mature egg leaves the follicle by rupturing it. With this process, a slight release of blood occurs, indicated by a beige, brownish, pinkish secret or. A slight sensation of pain in the lower abdomen is acceptable. These symptoms are short-lived and limited to one day. On this basis, the period of the greatest probability of conception is determined. Find out about the possible ovulation period in addition to the onset period in the article at the link.

Discharge due to an allergic reaction

Such secretion sometimes occurs as an allergic reaction to contraceptives, intimate hygiene products, synthetic underwear, lubricants, and even drugs used to treat an ailment not related to the reproductive system.

To eliminate the allergic manifestation, it is necessary to remove the irritant.

There are cases when female organs react in a similar way to the installation of an intrauterine device. The first few days after its introduction, slight deviations from the usual discharge are acceptable. But if they have changed their color to brown, beige, pink and bloody and last a long time, then you should consult a gynecologist about removing the contraceptive.

During sexual contact

During sexual intercourse, the glands of the vagina secrete more of the usual mucous secretion, which may have a cloudy light color.

When sexual intercourse ended with ejaculation, after it a woman sometimes observes thick discharge from her vagina, resembling egg yolk, cream or beige. This is the trapped sperm and female lubricant coming out.

Normally, discharge after intercourse should not have a specific smell and be accompanied by itching.

During pregnancy

Beige vaginal discharge can help a woman know she is pregnant. Such a sign at the beginning of an interesting situation is natural and indicates the moment of conception, when a fertilized egg is introduced into the uterine cavity. Thus, the main female organ reacts to a body that is still foreign to her. Often, beige, light brown and even are noted for several days.

In the first month of the gestation period, a sharp hormonal restructuring begins in the body of the expectant mother, and therefore the nature of the secretion secreted can change in color and quantity. White, yellow, beige are acceptable, but provided that they smell normally, do not contain blood and pus, and do not cause discomfort and pain.

Any change in these characteristics should be immediately accompanied by a trip to the gynecologist.

age factor

Age-related changes play a significant role in the quality of secretion produced. From the moment of puberty until the completion of the reproductive function, the fair sex observes all sorts of secretions.

With the onset of menstruation in girls for 1-2 years, the composition of the sexual mucus changes all the time under the influence of fluctuating hormone levels. An unstable hormonal background during this period can manifest itself as beige intermenstrual discharge, as well as this symptom instead of menstruation.

A similar picture develops with the onset of menopause. Disruptions in the menstrual cycle, unusual discharge and other changes are observed by a woman due to insufficient estrogen production during menopause. This may explain similar signs before the menopausal stage. After it, any specific blood secretion should be cause for concern.

Pathologies and diseases

When the described secretion is supplemented by other discomforting symptoms, then we are talking about a violation. It can be an inflammatory, infectious process, a venereal disease, a neoplasm.

  • Endometritis is an inflammation of the surface layer of the endometrium.
  • Adnexitis is an inflammatory process of the fallopian tube and ovary.
  • Colpitis is a lesion of the vagina due to infections and violations of its microflora.

Uterine inflammations most often make themselves felt before and after menstruation. They are characterized by beige and brown discharge, accompanied by soreness, fever, and an unpleasant odor.

Inflammation of the vagina develops against the background of the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms. These include:

  1. Bacterial vaginosis, in which dirty beige, yellow mucous secretions are indicated, echoing with itching, burning, and aggravated after sexual contact.
  2. Thrush is a fungal disease called Candidiasis. Symptoms include white, cream and beige cheesy. Sometimes there are also.

This shade of mucus is characteristic of many infectious diseases. To accurately establish their origin, you should take a smear and describe the signs to the doctor.

Allocations with a similar shade sometimes indicate endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, neoplasms in the cervix, its cavity and tubes. Symptoms of these ailments appear at any time of the menstrual cycle, but more often - closer to the beginning or a few days after menstruation.

It is quite difficult to independently establish the cause of the symptom characterized, especially if it has a pathological basis. When the connection with the cycle is excluded, it is better to see a gynecologist and get advice and competent treatment.

Vaginal discharge is normal for a woman. Even when the body is in perfect condition, this cannot be avoided. However, if their color or smell changes, or they become plentiful, you should immediately consult a doctor. And one more nuance. If usually a woman does not attach too much importance to a slight change in discharge, then during pregnancy the attitude becomes different. The expectant mother is very sensitive to the state of her health, and any deviations cause a real panic. For the most part, this position is correct, because now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the future baby. However, there is no need to panic, your task is only to consult a doctor in time and undergo the necessary examination.

The birth of a new life

Global changes are taking place. All organs and systems are rebuilt to ensure the development and growth of the future baby. If the preparation for motherhood is not done correctly, the nature of the discharge from the vagina may change. These are important signals that you need to be able to interpret. Today we want to talk more about what beige highlights mean. Let's briefly discuss what else they can be before moving on to the main topic.

A bit of theory

In fact, beige discharge in early pregnancy is not uncommon. It is not dangerous, although the doctor's attention to this fact must be paid. It is much worse when brown discharge occurs. Especially if they arose unexpectedly and are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. This may be a symptom of an ectopic or missed pregnancy or miscarriage. Although not abundant can be observed on those days when menstruation was supposed to go. This is a sign that the body did not have time to rebuild and adapt to its new state. In this case, the symptom does not pose a threat, but you need to see a doctor.

The second option is white discharge. Abundant, curdled, with a sour smell - these are symptoms of thrush. Fungi such as candida are to blame. Treatment is complicated by the fact that many drugs are prohibited before the start of the second trimester.

Scarlet and red discharge, as in the case of brown ones, are the norm only if they are not accompanied by pain, and also if this phenomenon coincides with the onset of menstruation. Yellow, thick - this is either an inflammatory process.

What can be considered normal

Beige discharge before menstruation is a phenomenon that occurs very often. In most cases, this indicates the introduction of the fetal egg into the wall of the uterus. Then there should be no pulling pains, itching and other symptoms. It is these bells that require immediate medical attention, since we can talk about saving the life of the mother.

Why is there a question about discharge during pregnancy? Maybe they simply should not be, and only in this case we should consider that the condition of the expectant mother is normal? No, this position is wrong. The fact is that a change in the hormonal background occurs already in the very early stages of pregnancy. In this case, viscous and opaque discharges appear. They should not have a pronounced color, smell and cause discomfort. In this case, we can say that the body responded correctly to pregnancy. A similar phenomenon is considered the norm for the first three months, and this happens due to the hormone progesterone. The cervix is ​​completely closed with a special mucous plug. This ensures the safety of the embryo, since infections from the outside world do not penetrate to it.

Thus, we are gradually approaching the fact that not all discharges can be classified as normal. The first thing to alert is a change in color and smell. For this, it is important for the expectant mother to use hygienic. Beige secretions are easily lost on linen, and you miss important signals from your body.

Understanding the details

Progesterone is a hormone that completely regulates the work of the uterus in the first three months of pregnancy. Basically, the nature of the discharge also depends on it. If enough is produced, whitish or clear mucus will be present. As we have said, progesterone creates a plug to protect the fetus from any dangers from the environment. However, its deficiency or excess can greatly change the nature of the discharge. During this period, the placenta is just formed and the embryo itself is fixed, and an unstable hormonal background can provoke various disorders up to a miscarriage.

Beige discharge often contains streaks of blood. A small amount of it and stains the mucus in a similar color. In this case, again I want to note that if there is no pain, then you can limit yourself to increased control. To do this, be sure to use sanitary pads, but in no case tampons, which themselves can contribute to the development of infection. Already in the second trimester, the amount of estrogen in the blood will increase, which makes the discharge more liquid and viscous.

The danger of the inflammatory process

It cannot be ruled out without a special examination. Beige discharge in early pregnancy can be both a variant of the norm and indicate hidden inflammatory processes that are activated due to a decrease in immunity. This problem is easier to prevent than to treat. To do this, even at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to undergo special examinations.

But often doctors are faced with a different situation. A woman goes to a consultation already being pregnant, when all chronic diseases become aggravated. It remains only to undergo an examination and choose the most gentle methods of treatment. However, beige discharge in early pregnancy does not yet indicate a serious pathology; the condition can be corrected by an experienced doctor with minimal use of drugs.

Signs of inflammation

How can a woman herself understand that the situation requires the immediate intervention of a specialist? Indeed, as we have already said, beige discharge in the early stages is a fairly common phenomenon. In fact, you only need to carefully monitor the state of your body. If up to a certain point the selections were transparent, and suddenly changed color, then you need to beware. If it takes place, that is, the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus, the situation is normalized the very next day. And then in this case, not light beige discharge is more often observed, but rather reddish, similar to menstruation. If the color changes, and with it an unpleasant smell or pain appears, then it's time to sound the alarm.

Required tests

These symptoms, plus a beige discharge, give the doctor a reason to suspect that there is some kind of infection in the body. No one will randomly treat a pregnant woman, so diagnostic examinations are necessary. Such changes can be symptoms of diseases of the cervix. A normal smear can show the reason for the change, and should be taken immediately if you suspect something.

The sooner the better

It would seem that right now the female body should mobilize its forces as much as possible, because there is absolutely no time for diseases. But in practice it turns out a little differently. During the period of bearing a baby, the woman's body is so loaded that there is no strength left for her own immunity. As a result, the likelihood of infection increases several times. Not only beige in the early stages should alert a woman. Any discomfort in the abdomen or external genitalia is a reason to visit a doctor. If the cause is an infection and it is caused by dangerous bacteria, then this is fraught with miscarriage or pathology of fetal development. Therefore, it is impossible to delay the examination and treatment.

Dangerous infections

Do not forget that we are now talking about the very early period of pregnancy, when the expectant mother does not always know that a small miracle is born inside her. But if you are sexually active and you have a delay, beige discharge should alert you. Among the dangerous ailments that require immediate correction are:

  • Venereal diseases. In this case, beige discharge contains impurities of pus. Accordingly, they are accompanied by an unpleasant odor, and sometimes an increase in temperature.
  • Vaginal dysbacteriosis. In this case, the mucus changes, becomes darker, thicker and more viscous. The reason lies in the violation of the microflora of the vagina.
  • Inflammation of the fallopian tubes also changes the nature of the discharge. They may turn yellow, reddish or beige. Often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The color of the mucus can change depending on which pathogen was the culprit of what happened.
  • As you can see, there are a lot of reasons, and it’s impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. Even if you did not plan a pregnancy, but do not exclude the possibility of its onset, be sure to visit a doctor without putting things off indefinitely.

Lastly, the most important

The most difficult thing is for those women whose pregnancy happened at the beginning of the cycle. Menstruation has just passed, the first signs are still far away, and the expectant mother is not even aware of her situation. Therefore, doctors do not get tired of repeating that beige discharge after menstruation, pain, any discomfort should cause an immediate trip to the local gynecologist. Everything we talked about above is subject to correction, but there are cases that are more dangerous.

Need emergency help

Beige mucus at an early stage of pregnancy may indicate an egg detachment. In this case, some vessels are damaged. But these are only the first signs, and if you do not see a doctor in time, you can end up in the hospital for a long time. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, beige discharge can also be the first signs, but they will quickly turn into heavy bleeding, accompanied by severe pain.

Sometimes these symptoms are caused by erosion of the cervix. Ulcers and wounds in the inflamed area contribute to the production of mucus, which is accompanied by itching and discomfort. For the period of pregnancy, drug treatment is recommended, and after the birth of the baby, the mother will be offered cauterization.