Safe detergents rating. Persil "Cold Zyme Lavender" washing powder with enzymes. The best washing powder machine: characteristics and rating

Have you ever wondered what is the key to effective and high-quality washing of your clothes? An automatic clipper with many programs and super technologies is only 50 percent of success. The other 50 percent depends on the detergent you are using. But which detergent is better? The answer is simple: the one that is harmless. And it doesn't matter if you wash by hand or in an automatic machine, the main thing is safety.

The second thing you should pay attention to is the quality of the product, on which the final result depends. How to choose a detergent, what you need to consider first of all - we will tell you below.

Choosing a powder for washing

Choosing the best product among all the variety on supermarket shelves is not so easy. Sometimes recommendations from friends or reviews on the Internet help. But most often the popularity of the brand affects the choice of buyers. Be that as it may, a powder or gel must effectively cope with the tasks that are entrusted to it.

Main requirements

Good "chemistry" - high-quality, safe for you, and even "harmless" for the machine - must meet the following requirements:

  • Effectively remove dirt and stains;
  • Freshen up clothes;
  • Do not contain hazardous substances;
  • Do not cause allergic reactions and other irritations;
  • Rinse well;
  • Do not leave a strong smell and fragrance on the washed linen;
  • Do not settle inside the machines.

These requirements must be taken into account by manufacturers of household chemicals. But in reality, everything turns out to be different. Next, we will tell you about the chemical composition of detergents, what components they contain, what is their permissible rate.

The composition of the washing "chemistry"

The composition of chemicals directly depends on the purpose of their use. Based on this, they are divided into:

  • Regular - for frequent washing of lightly soiled laundry;
  • Auxiliary - for softening the fabric and its further processing;
  • With active ingredients - to remove contaminants of various origins and pre-soak;
  • Universal - for daily use at a water temperature of 40-60 degrees, to combat stains;
  • Special - for woolen, downy items, children's underwear, black, white or colored items.

As you can imagine, each of them has its own set of components and a different number of them.

Let's take a look at the main ingredients of most laundry detergents:

  1. Surfactants (surfactants) - are responsible for the formation of foam and stain removal. The permissible rate of their content is 2-5%.
  2. Phosphates and sulfates function as water softeners, thereby increasing the quality of the effect of surfactants on dirty fabrics, and also preventing the appearance of scale in automatic machines. Their content rate is 5-10%.

In European countries, phosphates and sulfates are prohibited.

  1. Antisorbents prevent the absorption of dirt by fabrics during further use.
  2. Chemical and optical brighteners are used to wash off stains on white. The chlorine and peroxide contained in them help to effectively remove stains.
  3. Fragrances and phthalates are used to neutralize unpleasant odors. At the same time, the clothes themselves acquire a pleasant aroma.

The increased content of fragrances can provoke an allergic reaction.

  1. Colored granules are practically harmless component. They are responsible for foaming and make surfactants more effective.
  2. Silicates, chlorides and fluorides are the main components of the automatic powder. They protect the clipper from corrosion.
  3. Supplements or enzymes are used to eliminate protein and fatty contaminants. Their effectiveness depends on the temperature of the water. The optimum temperature for them is 30-50 degrees. A higher temperature contributes to their complete destruction.

It is impossible to wash woolen and silk products with bioadditives. They quickly destroy the structure of such tissues.

Criterias of choice

In order for the washed things to retain their color and have a neat appearance, consider the following important points.

  • The method of exposure to clothing is manual or machine. Handwash contains ingredients that increase the foam for better performance.

For washing machines, you should buy chemicals with the "Automatic" icon on the packaging.

On the contrary, automatic powders do not contain components that enhance foaming. This is dangerous for the machine, since the abundance of foam can disable it. Yes, and things will be washed of poor quality, since the linen will not really be immersed in water.

  • The type of clothing is white, colored or children's. You cannot effectively wash white clothes with a regular product or baby clothes with an all-purpose one. So the choice of chemistry should be based on this important criterion.

Baby clothes should be washed with a special product that does not contain phosphates, chlorine and bleaching ingredients. That is, it should be the most harmless.

  • Detergent form - granules, gel, tablets. The former are the most common form of household chemicals. They are more effective than others at cleaning stubborn dirt. What is better powder or gel for washing? The answer is unequivocally difficult due to the difference in chemical compositions.

The liquid concentrate contains no additives that remove stubborn stains. Therefore, it is suitable for frequent washing of lightly soiled items, as well as delicate garments, woolen and down garments.

Now you know what to look for when choosing a detergent to keep your clothes fresh, clean and fragrant.

Rating of the best washing powders

The quality of the product is very difficult to check on your own. This will take a lot of effort and time. Therefore, you have to trust experts who conduct various tests to compile ratings and top lists.

What is the best powder for cleaning stains

Name Points Price per kg Good Average Passable Badly
Ariel "Mountain Spring" 70 RUB 412 Drinks and food stains Grease, grass and dirt stains Cosmetics, paint
Ariel "Color Lenore Effect" 68 RUB 108 Food stains, grass and dirt stains Drinks, fat Cosmetics, paint

BiMax "100 spots"

66 431 r Drinks and food stains Fat, grass, dirt Cosmetics, paint

"Eared nanny"

66 464 r Food stains, drinks, grass and dirt Fat Dye Cosmetics
Ariel "White Rose" 65 RUB 96 Drinks and food Fat, grass, dirt Cosmetics, paint
E Active Plus 2 in 1 Exotic 63 RUB 125 Food, grass and dirt stains Fat, drinks Dye Cosmetics
Tide "Alpine freshness" 63 245 RUB Food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Cosmetics, paint
Biolan Color 63 559 r Food contamination, grease, grass and dirt Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Dye Cosmetics

Tide color

63 Grass, dirt, and food stains Drinks, fat Cosmetics, paint
LOSK Color 62 RUB 259 Food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Cosmetics, paint
Frosty freshness myth 62 193 r Food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Cosmetics, paint
Dosia "Alpine freshness" 61 RUB 40 Food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Cosmetics, paint
LOSK "Mountain Lake" 61 RUB 80 Drinks, food Fat, grass, dirt Cosmetics, paint
Persil color expert 59 297 r Food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Cosmetics, paint
Dosia Active 3 57 194 r Food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Dye Cosmetics
Persil vernel 57 RUB 100 Food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Cosmetics, paint

From the test results, we can conclude that expensive chemicals are not always of high quality, and cheap ones are not always bad.

What is the most harmless detergent

Not all household chemicals are harmless to humans. It can cause various allergic reactions, mucosal irritation, and so on.

The most harmless chemistry is phosphate-free. She has the following qualities:

  • It is an environmentally friendly product;
  • Perfectly cleans dirt even in cold water;
  • It disinfects well;
  • Can be used for baby clothes;
  • Economical;
  • Has no expiration date;
  • It dissolves well, rinses out in water without leaving white streaks;
  • Can be used on any type of fabric;
  • Protects against limescale in automatic machines.

Its main drawback is its high price.

If the product is phosphate-free, then it will not contain harmful surfactants, bleaches, chlorine. Its main components are soap and essential oils.

The most popular brands of phosphate-free household chemicals

Galinka- an eco-friendly product of the Ukrainian brand of the same name. It is used for both hand washing and automatic washing machine. Odorless and synthetic dyes. Does not cause allergies and other irritations, so it can be used for washing baby clothes.

Amway baby- American-made liquid concentrate. Dilute in boiling water before use. Its high price is justified by its high quality. An odorless hypoallergenic product, it contains naturally occurring enzymes and active oxygen.

Persil- German products with microgranules. It is used for washing clothes of any type and color, it removes stains well. But you need to follow the dosage recommendations that the manufacturer indicates on the package.

Persil smells strongly and is therefore not recommended to wash baby clothes.

"Karapuz"- a product based on palm oil, which promotes strong foaming. Therefore, "Karapuz" copes even with dried spots. Odorless, used for washing children's clothes. It is not recommended to use it in a vending machine.

Taking into account all the criteria and nuances, choosing a powder will not be difficult. Read carefully its composition, then the washed things will not only be clean, but also harmless to you.

Every housewife dreams of finding an effective washing powder, and one that is inexpensive and safe. Clothes will not lose their attractive appearance if washed with good powder. But among such a variety of household chemicals, it is very difficult to understand and choose the automatic washing powder for the machine, which washes the best. Let's conduct a study, see what people say about this, what free-flowing powders are tested by experts, what are the results of such tests.

Popular powder manufacturers

It is simply impossible to compare all existing powders. Therefore, we decided to select the most popular manufacturers, whose products are found in almost all stores in the country. The sales of these powders are the highest, mostly with an average price. Here is a list of these manufacturers:

  1. P&G is a well-known American company with manufacturing facilities in more than 40 countries around the world. Powders such as Ariel, Myth and Tide are produced under this brand.
  2. Henkel is a German manufacturer of liquid, free-flowing and tabletted powders, known for the Persil and Losk brand names. Manufacturers claim that the powder washes all stains, even without soaking, thanks to an improved oxygen bleaching formula.
  3. Nevskaya Cosmetics is a trade mark known for such powders as "Ushasty Nyan" and Sarma.


Researchers at the expert center tested which of the six proposed powders is the best for dealing with stains of different nature. The test objects were 6, which were stained in the same way: tomato paste, natural coffee, red grape wine, herbs and blood.

Each towel was washed twice in one single machine. The first time a quick wash was started, lasting about 30 minutes, in cold water. The second time the wash took place at a temperature of 40 degrees for 1 hour 5 minutes. The following washing powders were selected for washing:

  • Ariel;
  • Losk;
  • Dosia;
  • Tide;
  • Persil Expert.

According to the washing results, it turned out that none of the powder washes 100% of stains in the quick wash with cold water. Some stains still remained. But even under these conditions, leaders emerged, these are Tide, which coped with all contaminants except wine, and Persil, which was beyond the power of blood stains.

In the long wash mode, these powders have coped with absolutely all stains, so we can say that they are the best of the proposed ones. Dosia powder showed the worst results, the stains on the towel only faded, but did not completely wash off.

What determines the quality of the powder?

The answer to this question lies in the composition. It washes well that powder, which contains more active additives. As a rule, there are more of them in expensive powders, so less such powder is needed per wash cycle.

For your information! An expensive powder is often counterfeited, replacing the active substances with a large amount of sodium sulfate, which has no effect during washing. Therefore, there is a great chance to buy a low-quality powder of a well-known brand.

The main components of most powders are surfactants, which form a foam that absorbs dirt, and phosphates, which enhance the effect of the surfactant by softening the hardness of the water. But this is not enough for a quality wash. Powder containing enzymes and sodium perborate, which has a whitening property, is best for removing dirt.

In addition, a washing powder for an automatic machine must contain substances that protect the drum from corrosion, for example, silicates, and substances that balance the excessive formation of foam. High-quality washing powder dissolves well in water, this can be checked before pouring it into the machine. Another distinguishing feature of a quality powder is the adhesion of its granules at high humidity. If, on the contrary, the washing powder crumbles with moisture, then you should think about replacing it.

Important! Liquid powders dissolve well, but they still wash difficult stains worse, since they do not contain enzymes. Therefore, we will not consider them, for the same reason we will not talk about ecological powders, because we are no longer interested in a safe powder, but in one that washes better.

Best Powder According to Consumer Reviews

In search of a washing powder for an automatic machine, which is the best for washing laundry, we read a lot of user reviews. According to their opinion, the following list of good powders was made.

Sarma Activ is a powder suitable for washing various types of linen: bed linen, work clothes, kitchen napkins, etc. Despite the absence of chlorine in the composition, this washing powder kills bacteria and removes various contaminants. Users note an acceptable price and economy of spending. In addition, it can be used not only for white, but also for colored linen. This powder also has disadvantages, the main one being low efficiency at a low washing temperature. Some say that an extra rinse is needed to rinse off all the powder.

Ariel Mountain Spring is one of the most effective powders for dealing with tough dirt on cotton products. It removes wine, grass and coffee stains even at low temperatures and does not have a strong odor. However, many consider it expensive. And some complain of allergic reactions. Therefore, it should not be recommended for everyday washing and washing of children's clothes.

Note! The quality of washing depends not only on the composition of the powder, but also on the functionality and technical features of the washing machine, as well as on the hardness of the water. Therefore, one hostess will praise the same powder, and the other will criticize.

The eared nanny is the most talked about washing powder machine on the forums. Someone talks about its merits, someone about its shortcomings. In most cases, this powder is used for washing children's clothes, since it is practically odorless. It removes stubborn stains, dissolves well in water and is inexpensive. Opponents of using this product do not like the "aggressive" composition, with a high content of phosphates, which should not be in a children's product. What conclusion to draw, think for yourself, because in general, the powder washes well.

Bimax - this powder washes well complex stains on any fabrics, but wool and silk should not be washed with it. Removes impurities from herbs, chocolate, grease. Bimax is the most user-friendly powder, and users love its zip-lock packaging. But this tool does not dissolve as well as we would like, so sometimes you have to put an additional rinse.

What conclusion can be drawn? There is no perfect powder; none of them can cope with all the dirt on different fabrics. That is why women often buy different powders, one for washing white, another for hand washing, the third for an automatic machine, and also separately for wool and silk. In general, you can only find out which washing powder is better through independent trial and error. Good luck!


Washing powders have long been included in people's lives. Manufacturers vied with each other to advertise their products, claiming that some of them have excellent whitening properties, others have excellent washing qualities, others do not form pills on things, and the fourth retain their original color. The list of benefits that manufacturers promise is endless, but how safe and healthy this invention is, remains a mystery to many. In fact, not everything is as cloudless and good as we are told. Many powders, when in contact with human skin, cause allergic reactions, dermatitis or severe irritation. There are those, the use of which will lead to respiratory diseases. So, how to choose the right washing powder for yourself and the whole family, so as not to harm your health?

Answering the question posed, it is worth thinking about the main purpose of the detergent. This is keeping our clothes and things clean. At the same time, coping with this or that tool with the task at hand depends on the strength of the pollution and the composition of the detergent. Choosing a powder for washing is necessary depending on the type of fabric. In addition, when washing in a machine, it is necessary to select the correct temperature regime and the mode of the washing itself.

Washing powders: quality composition

Surfactants (surfactants).

This is the main component that is part of the detergent powder. These components absorb dirt particles on themselves. There are three types of surfactants:

Anionic surfactants. This is the most harmful component to health. They cause severe allergic reactions and serious disorders of the human immune system;
Cationic surfactants;
Non-ionic surfactants.

These substances have a negative impact on the environment. Getting into groundwater, they can deteriorate their quality. There is no independent system of purification from this type of pollutants in nature. Therefore, water can get rid of them only after a huge period of time.

Saturation of the topsoil with surfactants makes it unsuitable for plants for several years.

Among the diseases that cause surfactants in humans and animals are the following:

Allergy. It can be expressed as a rash on the skin, and a runny nose, sneezing and shortness of breath;
Immunity disorders;
Kidney disease;
Liver and lung ailments.

In addition, the excessive use of powders with a high content of surfactants leads to disturbances in the functioning of the brain.

Powders that are not included in the risk group include those where the surfactant content of the total mass does not exceed 5%.

Phosphates (compounds of phosphoric acid salts).

These substances soften the water and significantly increase the efficiency of the powder itself. In addition, it is due to phosphates that less scale accumulates in washing machines.

These substances, as well as surfactants, are not the most useful for the human body and animals. They can also cause allergic reactions and respiratory irritation. In addition, they are highly polluting for the environment.

In the countries of Europe and America, a law was introduced several years ago to ban the production and use of washing powders containing phosphates. Instead of this component, they use zeolites. They are less harmful to humans and nature, while doing an excellent job with the task.

Polymers, bleaches and additives.

Polymers are substances that are used to enrich powders with the sole purpose of preventing dirt from re-adhering to things. It is clear that a complete elimination of the problem is impossible. But dust particles stick less to such fabrics.

Enzymes are ingredients that fight stubborn stains from oils, fats, coffee, juices, etc. Powders containing enzymes have appeared relatively recently. With their help, the washing process is accelerated at times. What are enzymes really? These are common protein compounds that react with fats and break them down into easily eliminated components. However, the presence of enzymes in powder is not a panacea for all impurities. Just like fats, they are quite capable of destroying protein compounds. Therefore, you can ruin a silk or wool item simply by washing the dirty stain.

Before washing delicate fabrics, pay attention to the presence of enzymes in the product.


There are substances that are added to household chemicals for bleaching linen. Similar products are used to wash white bedding sets or white items that require constant care.

This is one of those substances that is avoided when choosing a laundry detergent. Chlorine has a negative effect on, but also does not help to wash the laundry efficiently, while ruining the fabric.

Optical brighteners.

This constitutes another deception of manufacturers. These substances do not have any bleaching properties. They settle on the surface of things and simply reflect the particles of light, like a mirror surface. The common blueprint is considered to be the progenitor of such components. It was added to the rinse water and whitewash to give the ceilings a fresh look.

Bleaches containing active oxygen.

Some powders contain substances that, when reacted with water, release oxygen atoms. These are quite effective bleaches that operate at high heating temperatures. In cold water, their effect is zero.

Flavors (fragrances).

These components of any washing powder do not affect the quality and the final washing result. This is not to say that a powder containing flavors is something different from one that does not smell. The only difference is the pleasant aroma of the laundry after processing. Therefore, the powder with the aroma of lily of the valley can be easily changed to one equivalent to the aroma of frosty freshness. At the same time, all allergy sufferers are against both the one and the other aroma. After all, they are the ones that cause allergy attacks.

"Automatic" or hand wash: which to choose?

It is difficult even to imagine how many women say "thank you" every day to the man who invented the automatic washing machine. Just load things into the drum and push the button, and that's it! You can go to paint your nails or knit a sweater for your husband. However, do not flatter yourself! After all, you need to select a washing powder specifically for each type of laundry and type of washing. Don't be fooled into thinking this is just another ruse from laundry detergent companies. An incorrectly selected washing mode and detergent can damage the washing machine itself.

Powder for automatic machines.

This product is intended for processing (washing) laundry in an automatic typewriter.

When choosing a powder for an automatic machine, be sure to make sure that the label "Automatic" is on the packaging with the product. The desire not to spend extra money or neglect it will lead to a breakdown of the machine. The composition of the powder in this category includes components that form a much smaller amount of foam than in detergents for hand washing. These are foam absorbers (stabilizers) that prevent it from going over, possibly an acceptable level. Otherwise, the foam penetrates into leaking cracks and floods the mechanisms and all objects around. Powder for washing in an automatic machine contains several more substances:

Calgon. This is a special component that helps soften water and prevents scale from forming on the inner surface of the mechanisms. This substance does not contain aggressive chlorine or solvents. Therefore, it does not destructively affect the rubber and plastic surfaces of the machine;
Dissolving detergent for washing machines much longer than the same powder for washing by hand;
The concentration of active substances in the detergents for washing clothes with a machine is very high;
It is advisable to select the optimal amount of detergent for each mode. Typically, the dosage is indicated on the box. Changing the volume may reduce the quality of the result obtained.

However, don't panic if you accidentally put hand washing powder into your washing machine. Nothing terrible will happen. Turn on the "Spin" mode, then "Rinse and spin". After the end of the cleaning process, add the required amount of the substance and restart the desired washing mode.

Powder for hand washing.

Hand detergent is a powder mixture for washing fabrics in conventional washing machines or by hand.

These substances have a number of differences:

Contains ingredients that are gentle on the skin of the hands or soap. Baby soap is a part of laundry detergents for the little ones;
Despite the fact that the rate of dissolution of granules of powders for hand washing is quite high, it is necessary to start washing only after they have completely disappeared;
The higher the concentration of the solution (more product is poured into a certain amount of water), the more intensively the laundry needs to be rinsed. The optimal amount of powder for a certain volume of water is indicated on the product packaging.

It is impossible to achieve the desired effect from hand washing with an automatic powder.

We wash it right: the sequence of actions when washing clothes

Every housewife knows that it is impossible to mix different colors of linen when washing. Therefore, first all things need to be sorted. In addition, outerwear with underwear or bedding should not be washed. According to the type of fabric, things are also laid out separately.

Before washing, bed linen or clothes that are heavily soiled should be soaked in warm water for an hour. Synthetic fabrics do not require pre-soaking. For a high-quality wash result, choose the appropriate method:

Ultrasonic washing machine. This small machine will handle clothes that do not require aggressive washing. This applies to chiffon items or quilts. This type of washing will keep the shape and color of things for a long time;
Color stabilizers. To preserve the color range of clothes or things, special stabilizers are produced. For example, there are substances that prevent fading. Including, there are powders, the packaging of which says "Color". Means with this inscription are able to preserve the color of things for a long time. The composition of detergents for washing black linen contains components that improve the rinsing properties of water. After washing and rinsing, no whitish stains remain on the fabrics;
Manufacturers of household chemicals have developed special products for softening fabrics - bed linen or terry towels. At the same time, the fabric receives additional advantages - it wrinkles less, is perfectly ironed, and even after that does not lose its softness. These products include optical and chemical brighteners.

If your clothes are simply dusty, wash them with water. But it is more difficult to deal with dirt only with a correctly selected washing powder.

January 25, 2014 12:03 pm

Baby items are the most delicate items in the laundry basket. This means that and washing powder for baby clothes must be delicate, and most importantly, safe! It is best to wash your newborn's clothes by hand with special, fragrance-free baby soap. But it is very troublesome when large volumes of contaminated diapers, pants with blouses and "little men" accumulate. And warm diapers and overalls are difficult to wash by hand. Before figuring out which powder to use for washing children's clothes, let's see why it is not recommended to use the usual powder.

A baby's skin is different from that of an adult. She is thin, delicate, soft and vulnerable. For our skin, washing powder is not so important as for a baby's. Although adults can sometimes experience allergic reactions in the form of itching and redness, let alone a newborn baby, whose skin barrier is more susceptible to chemical components!

Children's laundry detergents are washed completely, unlike ordinary ones, which can leave a smell and particles of chemical components on clothes. These particles easily get on the skin and, with prolonged use of such a powder, can penetrate the bloodstream and accumulate in the body of the crumbs. And any chemistry poisons and causes disturbances.

1. With prolonged use of ordinary powder, metabolism may be disturbed.
2. Diseases of the kidneys and liver appear, and parents are perplexed: "Where does such a misfortune come from?".
3. Skin problems appear in the form of dermatitis.

What is the best baby washing powder?

The requirements for baby washing powder are great. He must necessarily meet all sanitary and hygienic requirements and not pose a danger to the health of the baby.

Washing powder for small children should:

1. Washed as much as possible from any type of fabric.
2. Wash off any dirt without damaging the fabric.
3. Practically free of any odor.
4. Be white.
5. Be safe for health.
6. Be hypoallergenic.

You will find plenty of baby detergents in stores. In addition to them, various gels, capsules for washing and other products designed specifically for children's clothes are also sold. Consider below the most famous washing powders for babies and try to choose the best one.

Washing powders for the little ones - what to choose?


Description: the manufacturer indicates that this safe washing powder is suitable for babies from birth to 4 months. Despite the stated soap base, the powder is quite volatile and is finely ground. If inhaled, it irritates the nasopharynx.

Manufacturer: Russia.

The foundation: soap without supplements.

What is the price: the price of the powder is more than democratic. For 400gr you will give about 40 rubles.

Reviews: for many parents, the powder did not live up to expectations. They point out that the fine grind instantly settles in the bathroom and irritates the respiratory tract. Washes at an average level, does not remove stubborn stains.

Burti Hygiene

Description: This washing powder, used for children's clothes, perfectly cleans light-colored laundry from dirt and does not spoil bright colored fabrics. It also has disinfecting properties, so it can also be used for cleaning premises. In addition to bacteria, the powder fights viruses and fungi. Hypoallergenic, washable perfectly. Has a slight whitening effect, which does not affect colored laundry.

Manufacturer: Germany.

The foundation: soap, optical brighteners. Phosphate-free.

What is the price: for 1.1 kg about 900r.

Reviews: gives whiteness and brightens colored things. With it, washing children's clothes becomes very economical. However, parents talk about the stiffness of the laundry after washing.

"Myth" for children

Description: washing powder for washing by hand.

Manufacturer: Russia.

The foundation: optical brighteners, odorants, synthetic components. There are enzymes.

What is the price: for 400gr about 40 rubles.

Reviews: this detergent cannot be classified as a baby detergent, but many people use it for this purpose. Some people like the smell and freshness of the laundry washed by the Myth. Others complain that it does not wash greasy stains well. A strong odor can cause rashes or itching in the baby.

"Our mother"

Description: this bio-detergent for children is not only suitable for washing in a washing machine, but also effective for hand washing. Hypoallergenic. Due to the oil content, it does not affect the hydration of the skin of the hands and leaves things soft to the touch.

Manufacturer: Russia.

The foundation: high quality laundry soap shavings, palm and coconut oils.

Recommendations: Pour some of the product into a bowl of hot water, dissolve and pour into the washing machine, or soak your baby's clothes in it. Observe the dosage as the product generates a lot of foam.

What is the price: 900 g - 480 rubles.

Reviews: it is recommended to dissolve the product in hot water every time. If the grains remain undiluted, they will settle on the clothes. It can sometimes remain on the fabric. Many people advise pouring boiling water over the soap shavings for maximum dissolution.

"Sodasan" (Comfort Sensitive)

Description: this product washes baby clothes very delicately. Hypoallergenic. Also suitable for hard water. Prevents the formation of limescale. Ideal for the skin of young children. Not flavored. The box contains a cardboard measuring cup.

Manufacturer: Germany.

The foundation: organic soap of natural origin, soda. Does not contain harmful components and phosphates.

What is the price: for 1.2 kg you will give about 980 rubles.

Reviews: the powder is economical and completely safe for the sensitive skin of babies. There is a slight smell of laundry soap. Little foam is formed, but things are washed well and remain pleasant to the touch. According to the parents, this is the best children's washing powder.

"Eared nanny"

Description: the most famous children's washing powder, which not only washes perfectly, but also fights any type of stains (fruits, vegetables, dirt). After washing, it gives an unobtrusive aroma. It is not volatile, which means it does not enter the respiratory tract. Effective in cold water. Does not damage the fabric with constant washing.

Manufacturer: Russia (Nevskaya cosmetics).

The foundation: contains phosphates and surfactants.

What is the price: for 2.4 kg you will give about 300 rubles.

Reviews: the composition is almost the same as ordinary powder, in some children it causes an allergic reaction. However, it washes things well without soaking.

"Tide" for children

Description: suitable for sensitive skin. It is better to wash baby underwear if your baby is over 2 years old. Prevents limescale build-up in the washing machine.

Manufacturer: USA.

The foundation: it contains extracts of chamomile and aloe vera, as well as surfactants and oxygen bleach.

What is the price: for 3.1 kg, you will give about 300 rubles.

Reviews: many claim that this children's washing powder is much better than the Russian "Ushasty Nyan". However, it does not wash all stains (old ones do not respond well) and has a pungent odor. May cause allergies.

"Tobbi Kids"

Description: the product is designed for children of all ages and has an appropriate classification - up to a year, up to three years, up to seven years. This allows you to wash all stains - from feces to complementary foods. Completely hypoallergenic.

Manufacturer: Russia (Sterlitamak).

The foundation: soda and natural laundry soap, mild surfactants. No dyes or fragrances. Contains a low percentage of phosphates, biodegradable.

What is the price: for 2.5 kg you will give about 300 rubles.

Reviews: gives whiteness. Completely washable, does not impart any smell. Also, this baby washing powder does not cause negative reactions on the baby's skin.


Description: hypoallergenic baby washing powder remarkably removes any dirt. Acts as a conditioner and leaves things very soft and pleasant to the touch. There is no strong smell.

Manufacturer: Russia.

The foundation: soap. Also contains aloe vera extract. Phosphate-free.

What is the price: 400gr about 55 rubles.

Reviews: dissolves well in water and leaves clothes fresh. It does not foam due to its natural composition. Of the minuses - such a washing powder washes only light dirt.


Description: baby powder is also good for newborns, as it does not cause a reaction on the skin. Protects the washing machine from limescale deposits. Does not damage the fabric. Effective in low temperature water. Consuming slowly. No pungent smell.

Manufacturer: Germany.

The foundation: soap, oxygen bleach.

What is the price: for 2.25 kg, you will give about 700 rubles.

Reviews: this is the best baby washing powder, as it is absolutely safe and completely washes things. Absolutely no negative skin reactions. Washing powder also helps to get rid of stubborn stains.

"The world of childhood"

Description: natural composition prevents allergic reactions. Does not irritate the skin of the hands. It has an antibacterial effect and can be used for soaking.

Manufacturer: Russia.

The foundation: washing powder is made from natural baby soap. Does not contain fragrances and dyes.

What is the price: 400 gr - about 140 rubles.

Reviews: economical, but more convenient for hand washing. This baby powder is also suitable for newborns, as it does not negatively affect the baby's skin even with poor rinsing.

Correct washing of baby clothes

What is the difference between washing adult linen and clothes of a newborn? Choosing the right baby powder. For newborns, it is recommended to use only those detergents that contain laundry soap in the base. Even if your child does not suffer from allergies, you should not take simple detergent to wash his clothes.

Examine the laundry carefully as soon as the machine has finished washing. Are there any white, unwashed stripes? If you observe them, then rinse the child's things again. If you choose the right baby powder for newborns, it will not leave any odor on the fabric and will be safe for crumbs.

Never wash crumbs with other adult items. It is also advisable to allocate a separate basket for the child's dirty laundry.

But what about the spots?

What to do if washing powder is suitable for all requirements, but does not eliminate stubborn dirt from complementary foods? Never use chlorine stain remover!

In the event that baby powder for newborns did not cope with the task, remove the stains using hydrogen peroxide. It is safe for newborns and does not cause any negative reactions on the skin, use it before using baby powder. Just dab the stains with cotton wool and peroxide and load the clipper. The peroxide is great. It also has an antibacterial effect.

Powder for washing clothes is a modern household product used by housewives to gently cleanse fabrics of different types and colors. To figure out which powder is better for washing grease stains and dirt, it is recommended to know the types of products, composition and functionality.

The composition is the key to a favorable wash. The main elements of a powder detergent are surfactants. There is also the abbreviation surfactant.

  1. They have a cleaning and antistatic function.
  2. Reduces electrical charge.
  3. Soften water.

Surfactants also have disadvantages. The package shows 5% surfactant in the composition (optimal proportion). The component in large quantities is harmful to the health of the consumer and his pets. The composition of the powder contains salts of phosphoric acid (phosphates), not exceeding the limit of 12% in the norm. The free-flowing powder contains polymers, bleaches and food additives.

The detergent should be able to remove stains of any complexity, soften water, be easy to rinse out and not leave marks or streaks, provided that it is added in sufficient quantity.

How to choose the right one

Before going to a hardware store or supermarket, you need to arm yourself with knowledge of the types of detergents, formulations, components, substances and price segments. Pay attention to the composition, the main indicators of which we have analyzed. Powders are divided into two groups: universal and special.

The general purpose detergent can be used for all occasions, with different fabrics and soil levels. Do not pay special attention to the temperature: the detergent will cope with stains to the same extent at any temperature. But sneakers in hot water will fall apart, lose their presentable appearance, shoes will deteriorate.

A special powder washes delicate fabrics (silk, underwear, woolen, tulle, crochet). Such things deteriorate at high temperatures.

For which fabrics a special powder can be used:

Review of the best laundry powders

Having dealt with the types of funds, the important parties that need to be considered, the composition, the person wants to start going to the supermarket for household goods. Many products from foreign and domestic manufacturers are sold on store shelves. Better the one that is heard, more expensive, or a product in the lower price category with modest recognition and unpopular? Each type of wash requires a specific powder.

For manual cleaning

  1. Myth 2 in 1. This is one of the cheapest products on the market. The price is equal to 10 rubles per 100 grams (180 rubles - 1.8 kg). Low cost does not mean terrible quality. Difficult stains are removed with ease, properties are not lost due to temperature. Although Myth is safe, use rubber gloves when hand washing, as the skin may dry out or irritate.
  2. Persil Expert Scan System. It cleans different types of fabrics well from dirt for its price segment (80 rubles - 450 grams). The clothes retain their color and saturation, the thing looks like new. Persil dissolves and rinses out easily.
  3. Pemos Authority. High-quality powder, which costs only 40 rubles per 0.3 kilograms. Substances retain their properties when hand and wash in activator machines. In cold water and hot. Complex dirt, stains, streaks are nothing for the product. There is no pungent smell on clothes.
  4. Tide 2 in 1 Lenore Touch. Hostesses choose Tide two in one, it stands out for its advantageous use (it is slowly consumed, it lasts for a long time) and the highest quality impact on pollution. A small pinch of the substance is used to achieve the desired result, which helps to save a lot of money. Old, absorbed dirt is easily removed. Tide does not spoil the material of the clothes, but rehabilitates their condition in a new, fresh form. The cost of a kilogram package is 150 Russian rubles.

In a typewriter

  • Sarma. The product will cope with washing colored, white, black and white, cotton and synthetic fabrics. The composition includes enzymes, enzymes that completely remove dirt and grease stains from clothes. Also "Sarma" acts as a bleach. The cost varies within hundreds of rubles per 800 grams;
  • Eared nanny. It is often bought for baby clothes, newborn children, but a person of any age can use it. Allergy sufferers will find a special advantage in it, the substance is hypoallergenic. "Nian" handles all types of fabric, except for wool and silk. There is almost no smell on clothes. A package of powder weighing 4.5 kilograms costs about 460 rubles;
  • Losk 9 automatic machine. A universal product suitable for white, black and multi-colored laundry. All fabrics are effectively washed, except for silk and wool. "Gloss" can be poured into a typewriter, into a bowl of water for hand washing. 9 components included in the composition remove stains of any complexity.

For 450 rubles, you can buy almost 5 kilograms of powder.

Ariel Mountain Spring for automatic typewriters. Ariel has long settled in the Russian market of household products; this is a good choice for caring housewives. There are many competitive products out there, but Ariel will remain at the top of the various charts for a long time to come. The spring is suitable for washing natural things, cotton bed linen, but it is harmful to knitwear, it "sows" them. Phosphates are absent in the list of components, but the norm of surfactants is exaggerated (15 percent instead of the established five). Among the advantages are the bleaching of clothes made of cotton materials, good rinsing ability, low price, not exceeding 120 rubles.

There are several more disadvantages of the powder:

  • dark, woolen, multi-colored, knitted, silk items cannot be washed;
  • fast consumption;
  • surfactant going beyond the normalized limit.

How to use for the best result

For more effective washing, observe the following rules indicated on the packaging of the product.

There is no need to pour the agent into the drum compartment of the machine: the residues of the substance settle on the fabric of the clothes. Add powder and other products to the special sections provided by the developers (usually located in the upper left of the machine).

Choose the correct amount of detergent, otherwise the washing machine will deteriorate, burn out or break down faster. The type of product (dry powder or liquid gel) does not affect the machine.