Whether a stroke is in young women. Provoking factors affecting the female organism. Violation of blood composition

The age of young men and girls from 20 to 30 years old is considered the most sturdy compared to people who have time to live to live the fourth or fifth tenth. Previously, the stroke among the young population could not be conceived. Now things are completely different, stroke at a young age, starting from 20 years, has become a frequent problem.

Situations in which the obviously pronounced symptoms of dizziness, headache, accompanied by nausea and sharp jumps of arterial pressure, people, of young people do not pay attention. They think that nothing serious happens to them and soon feeling will be normal. With this respect, young guys and girls are chained to bed.

Medicine still does not find a single solution, why this happens with those people who only moved to the path of adulthood.


Stroke is divided into the following types:

  • Ischemic stroke. The most common variety, it affects only minor zones of the shares of brain hemispheres. It arises due to the blockage of the vessels, due to the formation of blood clots, embolism, cholesterol plaques.

The same risk group includes people who have cancerous diseases, as well as those who have not thought to pass the survey on time immediately after the injuries of the brain or with other problems associated with inflammatory processes in the body.

  • Hemorrhagic stroke flows in more acute form than the first. Pathology in this case arises spontaneously, due to the aneurysm of the vessels of the brain, when blood does not slow down both under ischemia, but it is poured out into the outer brain cavity.

The nature of the consequences of each type of stroke its own, it happens not only in young and people of the reverence, even newborn strokes in the same severe form. He does not choose people by age.

the reasons

Stroke among young women and men arises due to inattention in relation to health.

There are such situations where young people during the festivities on discos or celebrations of the wedding ceremony celebrate the fun use of a large number of strong alcoholic beverages, drugs and smoking cigarettes. Then the moment occurs when someone from the guests becomes bad, which is most often associated with intoxication. Indeed, in such a situation, people are unable to keep the coordination of the body. In some cases, convulsions, numbness, accompanied by high pressure, dizziness and nausea.

For what reasons, doctors state a stroke among young people:

  • If young people often have high pressure.
  • Violation of the work of the heart muscle.
  • Injuries associated with pathologies in the area of \u200b\u200bthe carotid artery.
  • Blood coagulation disorders.
  • Frequently unreasonable headaches.
  • Infectious complications. Change changes on the surface of the walls of the arteries and lead to further destruction.
  • In women at 20, provoking the manifestation of a stroke can take hormonal drugs, contraceptives. The result becomes the kneading blood or lead to the excessive formation of thrombus.
  • If a stroke arose in the family in people of young age.
  • Sometimes stroke appears in the interval of 20 to 30 years. This is caused by the excessive use of low-alcohol products, a larger lifestyle, drug intake and smoking cigarettes. Such bad habits sin young guys and girls who drink alcohol and smoke up to 20 years.

  • The blockage of vessels due to the formation of fat plaques is found not only in people who lived to retirement age. In young men and women under 30 years old, there is also a risk of a stroke, due to the high indicators of body mass index.

Doctors do not always immediately determine signs of stroke, but only additional studies of the brain, passing urine and blood to biochemistry. According to external features, symptoms are similar to the body poisoning with potent drugs, alcoholic liquid, or by the overdose of drugs.


If in childhood, the stroke is more often found in male babies, then in the youth with a probability of 70% manifests itself in women under 30 years. Many girls, feeling for the first time signs of stroke, more ignore the symptoms, which ultimately ends with early death or disabilities.

For what sensations, doctors can determine the stroke among the female population:

  • Numbness of facial muscles for a short period of time.
  • Left or right eye ceases to see clearly. There is a blinding immediately on both eyes.
  • Sharp headache.
  • Ferry pains in the limbs.
  • The occurrence of Icotes for no reason.
  • Often with stroke arises symptom of nausea.
  • Feeling pain in the abdominal cavity.
  • Concision confusion within a few minutes.
  • Changes in cardiac rhythm, accompanied by an unexpected feeling of tingling on the left side.
  • Problems with sleep.

The risk of stroke in women increases if the girls begin to smoke, it concerns men. It is this reason that it remainsless that it subsequently leads to such deplorable results as stroke. During smoking cigarettes, the brain does not receive the required amount of oxygen, the cells are gradually dying, the blood circulation is broken.

How to reduce the risk

If damage was affected by a minor part of the brain, then the recovery will be held within a few months. If, after the patient survey, the patient found broader and extensive sections of the hematoma formation, that is, the likelihood that a person would not live without any assistance. In such a situation, many patients cannot talk, moving their hands and legs, which will require at least one year's rehabilitation.

Only concern for their body will prevent a stroke onset, it is important to know the following:

  • You can provoke a stroke if you do not follow the balance of your power supply, eat with dyes and taste additives. Including smoked products sausages, fish, meat. Also, it is strongly left into confectionery with sweet creams, buns and white bread.
  • Stroke can touch off women from 20 to 30 years, who fear to become pregnant, are taken by contraceptive hormonal drugs. The risk of stroke increases, if during the course the girl still smokes, drinks and does not follow health. This ends with the fact that the composition of the blood is changing, the level of formation of thromboms increases.
  • Hemorrhage to the brain occurs when taking low-alcohol products in both men and women from 20 to 30 years old.
  • Food must contain a minimum fat.
  • There is a long headache, which is usually manifested in the evenings or after experienced serious stress, lack of sleep.

  • High pressure applies only to the Elderly Society. But recently, medical statistics have shown many facts among young women and men from 20 to 30 years.
  • With the headaches of an unknown character, as well as after injuries of the head, for every 6 months, pass tomography.
  • The use of potent medical preparations in high doses and without recommendation of doctors.

If it does not seem to seek medical help and ignore any moments of poor well-being, then the person's life will change dramatically. Stroke can happen to each, starting with 20- Summer age or much earlier, if this was observed among the relatives of young people.

Vascular diseases, overdose of drugs, adversely affect the heart and brain. Stroke at a young age and the causes of its occurrence of rare. But many hemorrhages are due to increased arterial pressure. In most cases, doctors have not learned the misunderstandings, even with a multifaceted examination of the patient.

Why the youth between the ages of 20 and 40, seems to be quite healthy, falls on the hospital beds with a terrible diagnosis of "stroke". Often cases end in death. All patients are tormented by headache, resembling migraine feelings. For some reason, the stroke in young people aged 25 years of age provoke the same diseases as in patients of the reverence: manifestations of atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, heart rate disorders.

Causes and characteristics of strokes in young

The prevalence of youth disease is not massive, but it is amazing that the ailment affects young people from 5 to 45 years. A stroke at this age doctors do not recognize. They accept it for migraine, intoxication, loss of coordination due to dizziness.

Newborns fall into sad statistics. Sign of the disease they have convulsions. More from stroke, boys suffer at such age. Doctors bind causes of illness with a lack of oxygen during childbirth. Diagnosed in such patients of heart defects, brain artery damage. This is characterized by such a state in genetic predisposition, infection (meningitis).

In small patients, eliminating the consequences is faster than adults. The vessels are better restored, since the body is still young. If you do not interrupt treatment and take prevention measures, the disease will no longer repeat.

In young people, stroke arises for the following reasons:

  1. Next to hypertension.
  2. Anomalies in the development of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Damage to the carotid artery.
  4. Thrombosis or increased blood coagulation.
  5. Migraine.
  6. Inflammatory processes in the body.
  7. Infections.
  8. Tumor.
  9. Heredity.
  10. Receiving hormonal tablets.
  11. Smoking and drinking alcohol in large doses.

Young people who are fond of drugs are susceptible to strokes the strongest. Even if a person tried the potion and did not use it constantly, problems with brain vessels are possible in the future. Most often, arterial pressure problems are becoming the causes of the illness.

Diagnose strokes can be diagnosed with computed tomography, studying the blood circulation of the brain. One of the main indicators of the development of the disease is frequent or permanent migraines. In this case, only a neuropathologist can say, according to the results of the survey, there is a reason for concern. Investigate blood in various indicators, up to bilirubin, take urine analysis. In addition to tomography, vascular ultrasound is carried out.

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Types and symptoms of the disease

At any age, such a type of illness may appear as an apoplexy blow. Such a violation of the brain is characterized by the fusion of brain tissue cells. From this, deviations occur in its functioning.

Among the varieties are ischemic stroke (insufficient blood flow in the brain) and hemorrhagic (hemorrhage due to hypertension). Any type of disease can manifest itself in humans and young age.


  1. Sharp pain in the head.
  2. Negative reaction to light.
  3. Loss of consciousness.
  4. Paralysis.
  5. Speech disorders.

Experts revealed another alarming feature: for a long time they may not declare themselves, flowing hidden, without delivering concerns to patients. The fact that a man at the age of 27 will take for conventional fatigue and the result of a lack of sleep may be the first sign of dangerous illness. All the symptoms characteristic of a stroke in the younger generation are practically no different from the manifestations of the same disease in people of the revered age.

Diagnose in young people and other diseases in symptoms similar to stroke. In terms of consequences and injuries. The hematomas formed due to them violate the normal supply of blood vessels. The result of this stroke becomes. Hematoma can grow or vice versa, dissolve. This process in any case needs to be monitored.

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How to live after stroke

If the arteries were damaged, then the person is restored quickly and soon recover. But if there was an extensive damage to the vessels of the brain, disturbances of speech and motor system are possible. In this option, the recovery passes for a long time.

The patient who has suffered a stroke should not lose sight of it was some other factors. If you reveal them, you can successfully deal with the prevention of attacks in the future. Includes:

  1. With increased blood coagulation, throw smoking, do not take hormonal pills (contraceptives).
  2. Do not drink alcohol.
  3. Avoid consuming fatty dishes.
  4. Start shooting as early as possible, the attack of migraine or just headaches.
  5. Control blood pressure, constantly holding it normally.
  6. Survey the vessels every six months (tomography).
  7. Adhere to the diet on the recommendation of the specialist.
  8. Take medications (only on the prescription of the doctor), reduced cholesterol.

If you have started short-term numbers or legs, it slows speech, you cannot formulate the thought quickly and clearly, do not wait for these signs while these signs go into irreversible processes, even if they were short-term. Stroke comes suddenly, but if a person has noticed the above-described messengers, you can avoid an attack on time to see a doctor.

You should eat and lead a healthy lifestyle. If you are from 20 to 45 children, you have no congenital pathologies of brain vessels, you do not smoke, do not suffer obesity, frequent headaches, no reasons for concern.

Only when a person himself is aware of the importance of accessing specialists, even with banal fatigue and frequent migraines, the disease can be prevented. Often such campaigns to therapists are bullied, but it is better to warn better than to treat.


Higher education:


Kuban State Medical University (KubanGMU, Kubbma, KubbMi)

Education Level - Specialist

Additional education:

"Cardiology", "Course on magnetic resonance tomography of the cardiovascular system"

Cardiology them. A.L. Myasnikova

"Course on Functional Diagnostics"

NTSSSH them. A. N. Bakuleva

"Course on Clinical Pharmacology"

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

"Emergency Cardiology"

Cantonal Hospital Geneva, Geneva (Switzerland)

"Course on therapy"

Russian State Medical Institute Roszdrava

Stroke at a young age began to meet more often in the last decade. If earlier people over 50 years old have come to the hospital, now 25-year-old guys and girls are regularly becoming neurosurgery and resuscitation patients. About the reasons for the formation of this trend almost nothing is unknown. Some doctors suggest that stroke began to appear in people in 30 years and earlier, because The effect of stress has increased. Other specialists believe that the whole thing in the diagnosis of infants and poor-quality medical examinations, where doctors because of their negligence do not reveal congenital pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Next, we will talk about what state is most often a stroke develops from young people and what happens if you do not apply to the hospital on time.

Causes of illness

Strokes in young people in statistics develop from 15 to 40 years. The main problem is that doctors do not diagnose the disease on time. This is due to the fact that acute circulatory disorders are more common in the elderly, and in adolescence they are considered an anomaly. The reasons for stroke in young are diverse. If we talk about babies, then the first place is lack of oxygen during childbirth. After the baby appears on the light, the doctor notices convulsions. When stroke at such an early age, brain arteries are damaged.

The kids are the effects of stroke to eliminate easier than adult people. It is due to the fact that the body of the child is still formed, so it can create new neural connections. Arteries, vessels and capillaries are restored much faster than adults. If you do not neglect treatment, then you can completely eliminate the ailment. As for the youth, the following causes of the disease are distinguished:

  • hypertension;
  • chronic migraines;
  • infections;
  • hereditary ailments;
  • problems in the structure of the cardiovascular system;
  • receiving hormones;
  • drinking beverages containing an increased amount of alcohol or sugar;
  • increased blood coagulation;
  • violations of the carotid artery structure.

People who use narcotic drugs are in the risk group. Even if the person "fell" on ordinary pills from headaches, then a change in the structure of the vessels. Blood pressure begins to change. To identify in women and men of young age, it is possible only using computed tomography. This procedure can find knots with impaired blood flow.

Varieties of illness

A stroke in 20 years is characterized by a manifestation in the form of an apoplexy. This circulatory disruption is accompanied by the ignition of the brain cells. Against the background of this anomaly, the person develops problems in the work of cognitive functions. The memory worsens, the patient begins to forget some words or experiences difficulties in the pronunciation of the phrase. Due to the relatively young age, patients doctors write off this anomaly for nervous overvoltage, avitaminosis and other diseases that have similar symptoms. The table below shows the most common varieties of stroke in young women and men.

Type of strokeDistinctive features
IschemicAmazes small segments of brain hemispheres. It is considered the most common among all strokes. The main reason for the appearance of this alend is cholesterol plaques. Also in the risk group includes patients with the following health problems:
vessel thrombosis;
inflammatory processes in the brain of acute or chronic form;
cancer tumors;
persons undergoing brain injuries.
This kind of illness is transferred to patients well. If not to start the disease, then the likelihood of the restoration of the brain functions is high.
HemorrhagicDiffers more acute form. Blood begins to fill the outer cavity of the brain. High probability of fatal outcome. The main reason for the emergence of this kind of disease in young patients is a genetic predisposition. A person during medical examination does not identify the aneurysm of the vessels, which leads to further progression of the ailment. In addition, among the causes of the disease allocate:
card and brain injuries;
congenital anomalies in the structure of brain vessels;
congenital elevated permeability of vessels;
With careful study, the doctors established the relationship between hypertension and the occurrence of stroke of this form. Almost all young age patients who have fallen into the hospital with this diagnosis had a hereditary predisposition to death and suffered from increased pressure.

It should be noted that people who have encountered a stroke at the age of 30 will carry it differently than pensioners of the 60-70 years. Young people most often remain in consciousness and rarely pay attention to the symptoms of the disease. Neurological deficit is very pronounced. If you do not proceed to treatment, the patient can remain disabled. The rate of destruction of tissues in young people slowed down, while the elderly patients quickly progresses necrosis. From stroke patients under 50 years old die much less often than sick senior age groups. The probability of recurrence is also below 50%.


Manifestations of stroke in young people will differ from the characteristic symptoms of the disease. Sudden drowsiness and fatigue, which many workers are taken for manifestations of stress, may indicate a violation of the blood circulation of the brain. Classical symptoms of the disease can also appear in patients, including:

  • dizziness in combination with a loss of consciousness for a short time;
  • problems with orientation in space;
  • complaints on the unbearable heat, when the temperature is normal;
  • heart palpitations;
  • paralysis of the limbs.

Some symptoms appear when certain sections of the brain are affected. If the hemorrhage began in the segment of motor activity, then the gait and movement of the person becomes uncertain. In the most severe cases, patients have paralysis. The first sign of a stroke in this case will be loss of sensitivity. If a plot associated with the carotid artery is damaged, it will begin to pulsate much. A person will speak incoherently, the muscles will become weak. In severe cases, the patient may be blind. During problems with the coordination segment, a person is experiencing dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Appears visual and auditory hallucinations. In women manifestations Others:

  • sudden sharp pain in his head, hand, leg;
  • deterioration of the clarity of view;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • person numbness for a short time.

During problems with the coordination segment, a person is experiencing dizziness, nausea and vomiting.


When you notice at my own or near person, symptoms of stroke, immediately call paramedics. It is necessary to ensure complete immobility of the victim. The head must be 30 degrees above the body. Can not drink drinking and food. Treatment of the disease as follows:

  • acceptance of medicines, improves the blood supply of the brain;
  • physiotherapy;
  • classes with a speech therapist to restore the speech function;
  • ergotherapy.

The treatment plan is developing individually for each victim. General are considered to be recommendations on the normalization of body weight. It is also necessary to pass the analysis of hormones. Often increased cholesterol production and weight gain are associated with problems in the work of the thyroid gland.

How to avoid stroke?

First, you need to go through a complete medical examination. It is necessary to exclude the fact of the influence of various injuries and infectious diseases on the state of the cardiovascular system. It is necessary to explore your own heredity. If your close relatives had problems with the blood supply of the brain, the permeability of the vessels, then the likely the likelihood that you inherited this pathology. Also, doctors recommend to pay time to the following prophylactic procedures:

  • Measuring blood pressure. Hypertension is in the first place among the causes of the breaks of the vessels. If you have a constantly increased pressure, then this is a signal to go to the doctor.
  • Control of the level of lipids in the body. All people have a different setting, and the standard forms of weight calculation are far from ideal, but if your BMI exceeded the norm or a decent feed supply is observed on the waist, then it's time to lose weight. In rare cases, elevated cholesterol is diagnosed in people with normal weight. This is due to the genetic features of the organism and the presence of any other concomitant ailments.

  • Do not neglect exercise. You will extend your life if you enhance yourself 3-4 times a week 45-minute training.
  • Rational nutrition. Even if you do not have excess weight, it does not mean that you can eat 10 cream oil sandwiches per day. Choose food rich in vitamins and minerals.

In general, people who wish to avoid stroke should try to lead the right lifestyle. Do not apply drugs on an ongoing basis if the doctor did not appoint them. It is necessary to pass a full physical examination at least once a year and follow the number of sugar consumed.

The doctor of medical sciences is responsible, a professor, deputy. Directors of the Scientific Center of Neurology, Ramne Mikhail Pirates:

One of the leading risk factors of the stroke and indeed a long time was considered the age. Each next decade of life after 20 years, scientists argued, roughly twice the likelihood of the development of vascular brain pathology.

Today, the stroke of the year from year to the youth. According to American researchers, the number of 40-year-olds who died from a stroke has recently increased by 200 (!) Percent. Many young stroke victims and us. Among patients who have undergone acute violation of cerebral blood circulation are also 20 and 30-year-old. In some launchers for a dangerous process, hormonal contraceptives were taken for a dangerous process, and others - the crank-brain injury, even just a sharp turn of the neck while driving the car. A genetic predisposition is also played in a major role in the development of a stroke. Not to mention the fact that it is young people who smoke more, they consume more alcohol, lead a more rich, stressful lifestyle. All this negatively affects their health.

Stroke at young age

Stroke at younger Aged: Determining a stroke at a young age; The main reasons for the stroke at a young age; Stroke at a young age of the main reasons; Consultation of the neurologist and examination of patients with strokes in young age; Stroke at a young age difference from other diseases; Treatment of patients with stroke at young age

Stroke at young age According to the Classification of WHO, there are people aged 15 to 45 years. Ischemic strokes in young age It is characterized by a variety of producing factor; stroke at young age It may be caused by a vascular disease, cardiogenic embolism, hematological disorders, abuse of drugs, oral contraceptives, migraine and many other rare causes. Hemorrhagic stroke is at a young age manifests by subarachnoid, parenchymal and intraventricular hemorrhage and are due to arterial hypertension, aneurysm, hemangioma, atherosclerosis, hemophilia, synthem with red lupus, eclampsia, hemorrhagic vasculitis, venous thrombosis, verlgood disease, cocaine disease. In some cases, the cause of the stroke remains unknown even with a comprehensive and conscientious survey of the patient's neurologist at stroke at young age .

Stroke at a young age. Basic reasons:

I. Hypertensive disease (lacuniary infarction)

II. Cardiogenic embolia (endocarditis, atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction, artificial valve, stehas of aortic valve, etc.)

III. Vascular malformations

IV. DISSECTION OF SALE Artery (pseudo-oscillary during injury)

V. Hypercoagulant states (systemic thrombotes with antiphospholipid syndrome, snedone syndrome, the use of oral contraceptives, etc.)

Vi. Fibromuscular dysplasia (unreactive seg mental angiopathy of unknown etiology)

VII. Moya-Moya disease (unreactive occlusive IP Foreign vasculopathy unknown etiology)

VIII. Migraine infarction (Migraine with aura)

IX. Vasculitis

X. Hematological disorders (polycythemia, District Bullemia, DVS syndrome, etc.)

Xi. Inflammatory diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic red lupus, sclerodermia, SHEGREEN syndrome, nodular periateritis, vegetable granulosis, sarcoidosis, etc.)

XII. Infectious diseases (neuroborreliosis, neurocysticircosis, Herpes Zoster, Bacterial meningitis, chlamydial pneumonia, hepatitis C, HIV infection)

XIII. Embolia tumor cells

XIV. Hereditary diseases (neurofibromatosis, epidermal nevus syndrome, autosomal dominant leicoentephalophalopathy with multiple deep little infarction, Williams - syndrome)

XV Non-hydrogen (treatment of high doses of female sex hormones, the introduction of L-asparegenase, high doses of immunoglobulin intravenously, interferon, etc.)

Hypertensive and arterial hypertension of symptomatic nature is the most common cause of ischemic (lacuniary infarction) and hemorrhagic strokes. The latter also develop with such vascular anomalies as aneurysms and vascular malformations. Less often, hemorrhagic strokes develop as a complication of coagulopathy, arteries, amyloid angiopathy, Moi-Moi disease, CMT, migraine and the use of some drugs (cocaine, phenfluramine, phentermine). Health intracerene hemorrhage (Dutch and Icelandic types) is described.

Recognition of the causes of stroke at a young age Requires from the neurologist of the cropattime study of the history of the patient, aiming physical examination and the application of special methods for studying the cerebral circulation and the cardiovascular system.

Nowadays, lacunar infarction are detected by computer tomography (but in the first 24 hours they may not be detected). Their size of variable from 1 mm to 2 cm. They develop due to the destructive changes in the walls of penetrating (intracerebral) arteries in hypertensive disease and proceed either asymptomatic, or in the form of characteristic syndromes: "Pure Movement Hemiplegia" ("Isolate hemiplegia or hemiparez"), "Purely sensitive stroke" ("isolated hemigipesthesia"), "Homolateral sweeping and swirl paresis" ("Atactic hemiparez"), "dysarthria and awkwardness in hand". Less often lacuniary infarction can manifest itself with other syndromes.

The brain infarction in young age can develop as a result of long angiospasm with subarachnoid hemorrhage from the aneurysm. Periodically described brain infarction, developing at the height of the migraine attack (migraine infarction).

Source of cardiogenic embolism when stroke at young age There are: endocarditis, atrial fibrillation, recently suffered myocardial infarction, akinetic myocardial segment, cardiomyopathy with dilatation, intracardiac thrombus or tumor, changes in heart valves with non-bacterial tomb endockaritis, heart valve prosthetics, right-left shunt, heart aneurysm. Possible sources of embolism can also be: the mitral valve prolapse, remote (in the past) myocardial infarction, left ventricular hypertrophy, the hypokinetic segment of myocardium, the defect of the interpidential partition, calcifyting the aortic stenosis or the mitral valve, the aneurysm of the waltzalviva sinus.

Traumatic Sleepy Artery Flooring (Dissection) may cause stroke at a young age In case of injury (including with a light and hyperextension) and unsuccessful manual therapy. It is also described as a spontaneous phenomenon, with fibromuscular dysplasia, Martan syndrome, IV Type of Eless Darla, migraine syndrome, and some other rare diseases.

A rare cause stroke at a young age Is a washing-washing disease that manifests the characteristic neuralization pattern.

When the vasculitis is detected in the patient with insult in young age It is necessary to clarify whether the process is limited to the central nervous system (isolated Angiite of the central nervous system) or there is a systemic disease type of such a disease (Takayasu), nodule periatheritis, etc.

Hypercoagulation states (various variants of antiphospholipid syndrome, sledon syndrome, the use of oral contraceptives, malignant neoplasm, not sufficiency antithrombin III, protein C, protein S, Afibrinogenemia, pregnancy, malignant neoplasm, nephrotic syndrome, paroxysmal night-forming hemoglobulinemia, diabetes, homocystinuria) and hematologic Disorders (polycythemia, donglogulinemia, sickle-cell anemia, disseminated intravascular conversion syndrome, leukoyagglutination. Thrombocytosis, thrombocytopenic purple, protein deficiency with, protein deficiency, fibrinolysis disorders) - well-known cause of strokes at a young age. In the diagnosis of this circle, hematological (and immunological) studies have leading importance.

Inflammatory system diseases (rheumatism, rap Matoid arthritis, systemic red lupus, sclerodermia, SHEGREEN syndrome, polyimiomyosis, purple Genoch - Schoonne, nodular periaryitis, Shurga - Strauss syndrome, venener granulomysis, sarcoidosis) as well as an isolated anegite of the central nervous system can lead to a stroke As a complication of the main disease. The diagnosis is facilitated by the presence of symptoms of the current systemic disease, against which neurological cerebral symptoms are acutely developed.

Stroke at young age Against the background of infectious lesions of the nervous system (neurocythicircosis, neuroborreliosis, bacterial meningitis, Herpes Zoster, chlamydial pneumonia, hepatitis-C, HIV infection) are also developing against the background of already existing clinical manifestations of a somatic or neurological disease, the diagnosis of which is crucial to identifying the nature of the stroke .

Embolism with tumor cells belongs to rare reasons stroke at a young age (like the fat embolism as well as air) and in a significant percentage of cases remain unrecognized.

Hereditary diseases (homocystinuria, Fabry's disease, Martan Syndrome, Elessa-Dano Syndrome, Elastic Pseudochantom, Randu-Osler-Weber Syndrome, Neurofibromatosis, Epidermal Network Syndrome, Cadasyl Syndrome, Williams Syndrome, Sandadon Syndrome, Mitochondrial Encephalopathy with Lactat-Acidoz and Stroops - The so-called MELAS syndrome) capable of leading to stroke is confirmed by clinical and genetic analysis, characteristic neurological, skin and other somatic manifestations.

Yatrogenic stroke forms at a young age develop sharply in response to the introduction of some drugs (high doses of female sex hormones, L-aspargopases, immunoglobulin, interferon and some others), which serves as a basis for suspicion of non-heinee origin stroke at a young age .

Studying the history of the disease patients with stroke at young age. Your doctor neurologist is important to pay attention to the presence of risk factors or characteristic bodily symptoms that have been in the past, or detected during a neurological inspection in the present.

Some eye and skin symptoms are important. The probability of atherosclerosis as a possible reason stroke at a young age. Increased in the presence of such risk factors as smoking, arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, radiation therapy; Dyssection of the carotid artery can be suspected if there is an injury in history or manual manipulations in the neck area.

Cardic cause of stroke can be suspected if frequent intravenous drug administration is found, or a connection is detected stroke at a young age With exercise, deeper vein thrombosis is found, noise in the heart, operation on heart valves, bone marrow transplantation.

About hematological cause stroke at a young age Sorpovoid cell anemia, deep vein thrombosis, reticular lidio, bone marrow transplantation. Sometimes the key to the rays of the nature of the stroke is information about the use of oral contraceptives, alcohol abuse, recently transferred (within one week) feverish disease, pregnancy, HIV infection, myocardial infarction in the past, instructions on stroke at young age In a family history.

The presence of a "corneal arc" around the iris is talking about hypercholesterolemia; clouding the cornea can reflect the disease of the Fabrya; Identification of nodules Lisha (Lisch) allows you to suspect neurofibromatosis; Slords of the lens - Martha disease, homocystinuine; Retinal perivasculitis - Sickle-cell anemia, syphilis, connective tissue disease, sarcoidosis, inflammatory bowel disease, Behalet's disease, ILES disease (EALES). The occlusion of the retinal artery may accompany the embolism of the brain vessels and multiple heart attacks; Retinal angioma - cavernous malformation, Hippel Lindau disease; Atrophy of the optic nerve - neurofibromatosis; Retinal Gamartoma - tuberous sclerosis.

Inspection of skin can suggest or directly indicate such or other bodily or neurological pathology. The nodules of the Osler and traces of hemorrhage sometimes accompany endocarditis; Xanthtoma indicates hyperlipidemia; spots of coffee and neurofibromes - on neurofibromatosis; Wounding leather with lightweight bruises and blue sclers - on Elessa-Dano syndrome (type IV); Teleangioectasy are forced to exclude the disease of Osler-Weber-Randy (hereditary hemorrhagic teleangioectasia) and sclerodermia; Purple hemorrhages - coagulopathy, genuine-semonyne disease, cryoglobulinopathy; Aphtose ulceration - Behanet's disease; Angioratosis - Fabryal disease; LiveDo Reticularis - Snedon Syndrome; Facial angiofibromes - tuberous sclerosis.

NB: Cerebral veins thrombosis - a rare complication of various diseases. Cerebral veins thrombosis can be aseptic and septic (frontal parapasal infections and other sinuses; otitis; pregnancy; carcinoma; dehydration; with standing marasma; androgens, cisplatin, aminoka acid treatment; intravenous catheletterization; nodile periarteritis; veneman granulomy ; Bechchta's disease; Degosyl disease; sarcaidosis; nephrotic syndrome; chronic lung diseases; diabetes; CHMT; some hematological diseases; disseminated intravascular coating; arteriovenous malformation; steria-webber disease; idiopathic thrombosis of cerebral veins).

Stroke at a young age examination of patients:

Clinical blood test (number of platelets, hemoglobin, number of red and white blood cells, SE), urine analysis, biochemical blood test (including potassium electrolytes and sodium, glucose, krotinin, urea, bilirubin, liver tests, Act and Alt, cholesterol , triglycerides, etc.), plasma osmolarity, blood gas composition, acid-alkaline equilibrium, test for pregnancy, HIV infection, phospholipid antibodies, alcohol anticoagulant, cryoglobulins; A coagulogram with a definition of fibrinogen, fibrinolytic activity, thrombinime, promcrinoline, hematocrit, blood consumption, antitrocytes III, as well as the aggregation ability of red blood cells, blood viscosity, toxicological examination of blood and urine, the reaction of Wasserman, blood test on HBS-antigen, CT or MRI, ECG (Sometimes ECG monitoring for holder), EEG, radioisotope brain scanning and explosive blood flow, ophthalmoscopy, various methods of doppler, lumba puncture, blood sowing, according to indications - carotid or vertebrian angiography, immunological examination of blood, chest radiography. The consultation of the therapist is shown.

Stroke at a young age difference from other diseases: Under the mask of a stroke can be hidden and other diseases with stroke-like flows: multiple sclerosis, partial ("hemipartic") epileptic seizures, brain tumor, brain abscess, subdural hematoma, brain injury, migraine with aura, dysmetabolic disorders during diabetes mellitus.

For a faster and accurate solution to the issue and carrying out effective treatment, please contact your doctor Neurologist in Volgograd Sergey Yakovlevich Borzenko

Heart attack, stroke at young age

5. Lina | 05.08.2013, 14:35:48

Women protect hormones, more often happens to men. ECG, blood tests - biochemistry and clinical, gynecolologist, ultrasound organs, dentist and. Gori, Hospital! In the sense, you don't need to worry!

At young age does not spare no women nor men. It happens that he is bypassing the side of the older generation people, but she overtakes those who barely become 20-30 years old. It can be said that the disease grows significantly. A few decades ago, young people did not even think about such an agement and, more and more, they did not assume that they could be diagnosed with them.

To date, the diagnosis of stroke in young to put it is not easy. Experts may be mistaken, as it is still not easy to believe that a young man has so big health problems. Statistics says that such a diagnosis is not so rare. Despite the fact that people under the age of 40 do not want to think about illnesses.

A stroke at an early age leads various diseases of the vessels. Smoking, overdose of drugs destroy the brain and heart.

Specialists are not always able to determine what caused a stroke in young, despite the studies. A precursor stroke often serves as an incessant headache, which happens when migraine. It is also not necessary to ignore the occurrence of dizziness, nausea, a sudden leap of blood pressure. The stroke itself is a sharp impaired blood circulation of the brain, which entails local, as well as extensive neurological pathologies.

Stroke characteristics in young people

Stroke is not only in humans under 20 years old, but also in newborns. A sign of a serious illness are cramps. Boys are more susceptible to him than girls. The cause of the disease is the lack of oxygen directly during childbirth. In such patients, doctors showed damage to the artery of the brain, as well as heart disease. In infants, the effects of stroke are eliminated faster than the elderly. After all, the cells are regenerated easily and quickly, damaged vessels are restored. During treatment, remarkable results can be achieved. The disease will be able to stabilize and avoid his repeat.

Causes of stroke in young

  • anomalies of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • increased blood coagulation;
  • migraine;
  • tumor;
  • infections;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • bad habits;
  • improper nutrition;
  • hormonal pills;
  • damage to the carotid artery;
  • thrombosis;
  • inflammatory processes observed in the body;
  • tumor;

Harmful habits of stroke

Also further than alcohol and cigarettes on the body of young people affect drugs. It is because of them the brain vessels suffer very much. Even if, during the period of drug use, a person did not have a stroke, this ailment is able to overtake the time. Increased blood pressure is the most common cause of a stroke at an early age.

The reasons for the stroke in the young, most frequent are thrombus, violation of the structure of stenotic fabrics ,.

Symptoms of illness

Prevention of illness

  • refusal to consume alcohol, drugs, cigarettes;
  • refusal of oily food;
  • rejection of hormonal tablets;
  • timely treatment of migraines;
  • conducting tomography of brain vessels 1 time in six months;
  • monitoring arterial pressure;
  • diet that allows you to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Getting rid of the most dangerous illness, effective treatment

If a person has a stroke happened, he is hospitalized urgently. People can take a number of measures before the arrival of physicians. It is necessary to raise the head of the patient, about 30 degrees. It is important to provide him with complete immobility. The water is impossible to give the patient. Getting into honey. The institution, the patient will receive medication therapy, if required, it will be determined in intensive care, special care will also be provided. In the hospital, the patient will try, most likely long enough. To restore speech the speech therapy methods, the patient will also receive ergotherapy and physiotherapy. Every patient in the hospital is an individual approach, because the physical possibilities of the body are different. In addition, the brain defeat stroke will also be varied in patients. It is important that the patient does not have any time at the incident. The patient has the chances of living many years after the submitted illness.
