What is the difference between fake perfume and the original. How to distinguish original perfume from a fake

Buying a fake instead of good and expensive perfume means not only losing money, which is quite offensive, but not scary. The main danger of such a purchase is a significant undermining of health. Using low-quality perfume, you can get a headache in the truest sense of the word. Among the negative points, one should also highlight the likelihood of allergies, asthma and other troubles. How to distinguish a fake perfume from the original? This issue should be taken seriously.

Products in transitions are not characterized by reliability

One way to avoid buying low-quality perfumes is to buy perfumes in stores that only work with official distributors. You don't have to do this in transitions. By purchasing a perfume that is positioned as confiscated, you can get low-quality products. The question of how to distinguish a fake perfume from the original is further complicated by the fact that outwardly they may not differ from each other. Even experts are not always able to see the difference at a glance. But the content is not always of the proper quality. It should be borne in mind that if you do not have a "brilliant nose", then the smell of low-quality products can be misleading.

You can use the tester

How to distinguish a fake perfume from the original? You should know that in almost every store there is a test showcase. You need to ask the seller for a tester or a sampler and apply the fragrance you like on the skin for about 20 minutes. Almost 90% of any alcohol-containing perfume consists of alcohol. And in the first minutes they will smell. A high-quality product is produced through a complex high-tech process. Underground organizations use mostly unrefined and sometimes dangerous alcohol. After 20 minutes, fake products will smell extremely bad. In this case, foreign impurities will appear in the aroma. But it should be understood that the use of a tester is not a panacea. After all, it can be stored incorrectly in the store.

The original can't be cheap.

How to distinguish a fake perfume from the original? It should be borne in mind that good, high-quality products will not be valued cheaply. Even if there is a sale. The price can fall by up to 10%. For example, 10 ml of high-quality French perfume in Paris will cost 1,500 rubles. In Russia, the price for the same perfume will be higher. This is due to a variety of factors related to transportation. Therefore, if you want to know how to distinguish real from fake, then first of all you should look at the price.

Look for errors in the title

Quite often you can learn about low-quality products from the name. You just have to read it carefully. Do not purchase a product that has typos in the name. This is a standard trick. Fakes are designed primarily for the inattention and inexperience of buyers, who are largely guided by how the name is pronounced. How to distinguish a fake from the original? or rather, their logo looks like Chanel. In this case, low-quality products may differ by only one letter, as a result, taking the form of Chenel.

Products must be carefully checked for defects.

No need to be shy. Examine thoroughly the packaging of the perfume you want to purchase. It is necessary to carefully check the integrity of the box and bottle of perfume. There should not be any scuffs or smudges. If there is no packaging film, then this does not mean that the product is of poor quality. But if it is, it should fit so tightly to the paper that when you try to remove it, the cardboard may deteriorate.

How to distinguish a fake perfume from the original? Check the expiration date. In addition, the bottle should not have cracks and chips. You can tell about the quality of products by color. If there is a precipitate, and the contents of the vial are cloudy, then you have a fake.

The original bottle usually has a complex shape

How to distinguish perfume-original from a fake? Naturally, in a bottle. You should carefully consider the products. Those companies that have made a name for themselves carefully approach the issue of producing containers for perfume. And at the same time, they use the services of only those manufacturers who have been able to prove themselves from the best side. In order for the products to become quite popular, the appearance of not only the packaging, but also the bottle itself plays an important role. Therefore, it is worth looking into the light. If bubbles and various irregularities in the glass are visible, then this is the first sign that you have a fake in front of you.

Perfume must be held tightly in the package.

There is another way to understand how to distinguish an original perfume from a fake. Inside the box is usually a special design. It does not allow the bottle to "dangle" around the packaging. In the manufacture of fakes, this is usually not given due attention, trying to save money. And if low-quality products have a similar design, then it will be made of cheap material. Therefore, you need to ask the seller for a box of perfume and shake it. If the bottle does not hang and rattle, then most likely you have the original in your hands.

How to identify low-quality products using a spray?

How to distinguish real perfume from a fake? The spray that the bottle is supplied with must be neat. On the container, it must hold tightly and have exactly the same design as the entire package as a whole. If the metal rim directly under the atomizer will scroll freely, this is a bad sign. The first few clicks during the test may be without the corresponding "puff". This is quite normal, as there is a release of air that remained in the spray at the time of assembly at the factory. How to distinguish real perfume from a fake? The functioning of the spray must be checked. Quite rarely, marriage occurs in branded products. And it will be quite a shame if you get a perfume that you can not use.

Can smell help?

You should know that a real French perfume smells quite sharp at first. This is due to the fact that spirits are very concentrated. The main thing in them is the plume, which remains some time after a relatively small weathering. Apply a few drops of the product on the wrist and behind the ears. After about 15 minutes, the smell will take on a different shape. And after a while, a thin plume will appear, which should be considered a genuine fragrance. If it did not arise, and the smell simply weakened or disappeared altogether, then the perfume was a fake.

How to distinguish a fake perfume from the original? Chanel, Lancôme and Christian Dior can create a magical fragrance that will last up to 48 hours even if you've been in the shower or swimming pool. You should know that a real perfume must last at least 18 hours.

It is necessary to pay due attention to the sampler that is offered in the store. It should not look like a pencil. Almost all perfume companies in France produce samplers in small bottles. Their shape is similar to the packaging in which the perfume itself is sold directly.

Unique products

How to distinguish a fake from the original without being deceived? The uniqueness of this product lies in the fact that it is fully capable of opening only 30 minutes after contact with the skin. Spirits need to be given time to recognize the individual smell of a person. As a result, the owner will receive a fragrance that will fully correspond to the temperament and lifestyle. This will happen even if several people use the same vial. Each of them will eventually acquire its own flavor. Based on this, the value of the product is formed. It should be understood that original perfumes will not be cheap.

It is required to collect all the information about the perfume you like

If you have made your choice in favor of certain products, then before buying you need to stock up on all the necessary information regarding these perfumes. Visit the official website of the manufacturer or read the reviews. This must be done in order to understand exactly which bottle the original perfume has, where the logo is located and how it should look. You need to know everything about your preferred perfume to the smallest detail. This will help you make a choice in favor of quality products.

What else do you need to know?

You should know some basic points that can help in choosing a perfume.

  1. For original perfumes, the packaging is made at the factory. The name is written directly on the cardboard.
  2. A bottle of quality products is characterized by a rather complex shape.
  3. The probability of acquiring original perfumes in a store is an order of magnitude higher compared to markets and underground passages.


In this review, some ways were considered by which you can distinguish a fake from the original. Following the above recommendations, you will be able to purchase quality products. You need to be more careful when buying perfumes, and then you definitely won’t fall for the tricks of unscrupulous manufacturers of a fake product.

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Even in a large store, unfortunately, there is a risk of buying a fake instead of real perfume. And this is not only offensive, but also dangerous to health. But there are special signs by which you can recognize a fake, even if it is done masterfully.

We are in website collected tips that will help you buy good perfume and not be deceived.

Cellophane packaging

The box with the original perfume is covered with tightly stretched cellophane, which does not wrinkle, does not stick out and does not form folds. The plastic packaging of fake perfumes often doesn't fit well.

Seam neatness

The seam on the plastic packaging should not be wider than 5 mm, have irregularities and contain traces of glue. In the original, it is very thin and neat.


Manufacturers of real perfume do not save on cardboard, so they put a special design inside the box, and perfumes in such a package do not hang out. It should be made of quality cardboard and hold the bottle well.

See that the cardboard is white, not greyish.

Labels on the packaging

  • On the ecological packaging sign (arrows forming a circle), the black arrow is always on top of the light one.
  • Feel free to check the information on the perfume with the information on the manufacturer's website right in the store. If at least some detail does not match, you have a fake.


You can often see perfumes that are very similar to famous originals in name and design. This allows firms that copy famous perfumes to protect themselves from litigation. Therefore, carefully look at the box and bottle.

perfume color

Well-known brands most often produce perfumes in pale shades, without a large amount of dyes. The bright, "chemical" color of the liquid says that most likely you have a fake in front of you.

Unfortunately, often in perfume shops under the guise of real French perfumes they sell consumer goods and low-quality fakes.

Distinguishing the difference, at first glance, is impossible even for those who are a little versed in perfumes, and even for those who have little idea of ​​how real French perfumes should look - all the more so ...

Here are some useful tips on how to distinguish branded perfumes made in France from a fake made in no one knows where and out of nowhere.

How to distinguish a fake by packaging

Perfumes are certified, and they must have a label in Russian indicating the manufacturer's address, expiration date, regulatory GOST, barcode and expiration date. In addition, all branded perfumes must have a license plate printed on the bottom of the bottle. And not on the label, but on the glass.
True, if the perfume was imported "in a suitcase" (usually for online stores), then there will be no such label - which will not prevent the perfume from being real.

1. Take the package and check how tightly the cellophane fits to the box itself. There should not be any bubbles or swelling, just as you should not see any traces of glue.
The cellophane itself on the packaging of real perfumes is very thin and transparent, but at the same time, it is extremely durable - it is almost impossible to tear it.

The seam on the plastic packaging should not be wider than 5 mm, have irregularities and contain traces of glue. In the original, it is very thin and neat.

2. Now take a closer look at the packaging itself. In no case should it be dented.

Manufacturers of real perfume do not save on cardboard, so they put a special design inside the box, and perfumes in such a package do not hang out. It should be made of quality cardboard and hold the bottle well.

See that the cardboard is white, not greyish.

If everything is in order with this, carefully read what is written on it. The text on real perfumes will always be written on the box itself, not pasted on top of it. So, on the front side, the name of the perfume and the name of the company that produces them should be clearly visible.


1. On fakes, fuzzy printing design is often striking: too small or blurry inscriptions; on the originals, the inscriptions are always clear and neat.

On the ecological packaging sign (arrows forming a circle), the black arrow is always on top of the light one.

Carefully check the inscriptions - the names and data about the manufacturer. Many manufacturers of fakes often add extra letters to the name or change their places. For example, a box might say Clema instead of Climat, Cool Winter instead of Cool Water, Genzo instead of Kenzo. The title must be in English or French.

2. Real French perfumes will never say "parfume" - with an "e" at the end, only "parfum". And the data about the manufacturer indicates not just the country (France, etc.), but the phrase “Made in France”. In addition, the originals always indicate the name of the product, the country of origin, the date of manufacture, the expiration date, and the composition of the product.

Feel free to check the information on the perfume with the information on the manufacturer's website right in the store. If at least some detail does not match, you have a fake.


1. Firstly, the name of the spirits must be duplicated there.

2. Secondly, French manufacturers must indicate all the ingredients that make up the perfume, and the three main notes that make up the fragrance: main, middle and top. If this information is not available, then you have a fake. Also, at the very bottom of the package should be the manufacturer's code and its full address.

3. The barcode for French perfumes starts with the number "3".

Barcodes of some other countries:

  • UK 50,
  • Germany 400-440,
  • Spain 84,
  • Italy 80-83,
  • France 30-37,
  • USA, Canada 00-09.

Below the code there is also a serial number - a cipher of letters and numbers, which must necessarily match the cipher on the bottle.

If so far everything is in order, shake the package a little. The bottle must sit firmly in the stand, therefore, it cannot move from side to side.

How to distinguish by vial

Vessels for aromatic liquids have existed since ancient times. The pharmacist poured liquid into simple vials, and the buyer poured the contents into a porcelain or crystal bottle at home. And only at the beginning of the twentieth century, the smell and the bottle became inseparable. Perfume becomes recognizable not only because of the unique smell, but also because of the original bottle.

You can often see perfumes that are very similar to famous originals in name and design. This allows firms that copy famous perfumes to protect themselves from litigation. Therefore, carefully look at the box and bottle.

1. The bottle itself, with current technology, is very easy to fake. Again, pay attention to the glass - it should be transparent, there should not be any bumps, haze and air balls.
The original perfume bottles are made very carefully. In a fake, the bottle has joints, bumps and uneven thickness.

2. Also, no stickers are allowed on the bottle - the name of the perfume must be written in its side part, and the information that is on the package is duplicated at the bottom.

3. A real perfume is never closed with a metal cap - contact with metal can ruin the perfume.

For original perfumes, the lid is absolutely symmetrical, unless, of course, its design provides for the opposite.

4. Take a close look at the spray gun. In good French perfumes, it will fit snugly around the neck of the bottle, and have a metal rim. Real perfumes with atomizers made of white plastic are not released!

In general, it can be summarized that every detail of the original perfume is made with high quality, starting from the packaging and ending with the atomizer. If you look closely at fake perfumes, they generally look less neat.

5. Also, there should be a license plate at the bottom of the bottle. If you, for example, enter it into a search engine on the Internet, they will clearly write to you exactly which spirits this number corresponds to.

The serial number of the batch must be marked on the bottom of the vial. (Not pasted! For real perfumes, it matches the number on the bottom of the carton. It can be embossed or printed on it.

6. The requirement of transparency also applies to the liquid itself. It should not be cloudy or sedimenty.

Well-known brands most often produce perfumes in pale shades, without a large amount of dyes. The bright, "chemical" color of the liquid says that most likely you have a fake in front of you.

Usually the color of perfume varies from fawn to deep yellow. Sometimes with the help of dyes, greenish, pinkish or lilac shades are achieved. But the bright "chemical" color should be alarming. If you see perfumes of a famous brand, but bright blue or red, you definitely have a fake in front of you.

How to distinguish by aroma

Original perfumes, as a rule, do not lose their fragrance for a long time. The duration of the "sound" of the aroma depends on its type and concentration of aromatic components in it.

The most expensive product of all perfumery - perfume. They consist of 30-40 percent of aromatic oils, so they have the strongest and most concentrated aroma. It is customary to use perfume in the evening, on special and solemn occasions. Due to the high concentration, it is enough to apply one or two drops. Quality perfumes last 6-9 hours.

Usually used during the day perfume water (eau de parfum). It has almost the same scent as perfume, but less concentrated. And the content of essential oils in toilet water is lower - up to 8-14%. The fragrance lasts about 4-5 hours.
The lightest and most unstable - eau de toilette. The content of essential oils in it is 3-8%, so it has to be updated every two to three hours. But it is ideal for the summer heat, office and other situations where a strong and intrusive aroma is not appropriate.

1. Real French perfumes smell too harsh at first, as they are very concentrated. The main thing in them is the “loop” that they leave after they fade a little.

Apply a drop of perfume on the wrist (on the pulse area) and behind the ears. And go for a walk around the store. For real perfumes, after 15-20 minutes, the smell will take on a slightly different shape, and after another half an hour, it will leave exactly that thin plume, which is their true aroma. If the smell simply weakens or disappears altogether, it means that you have a fake in front of you.

Real perfumes last at least 9 hours. And such well-known brands as Lancome (Lancome), Chanel (Chanel) and Christian Dior (Christian Dior) are generally able to create a magical aroma around you for 48 hours, even after a shower or going to the pool.

2. Also pay attention to the sampler that is offered to you in the store. It can't be in the shape of a pencil! All French perfume companies (except Salvador Dali) produce samplers in small bottles, similar to those in which the perfumes of this brand are sold in 8, 9 and 15 ml.

How to distinguish by certificate

Spirits officially delivered to Russia are certified.

1. Some, but not a complete guarantee of the quality of perfumes and eau de toilette can be given by a certificate of conformity, which is issued on the basis of comprehensive studies of the physicochemical and biomedical properties of a particular perfumery product. It should be everywhere where trade takes place, and you have the right to demand it. If you are denied access to its content, then there is every reason to doubt the authenticity of the brand of the proposed product and the quality itself.

2. Please note that a genuine certificate must have a “live” seal, not a copied one. The document is issued for only one type of product (if you are shown a certificate that lists several items, this is a fake). If you have not been shown a certificate, call the State Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation for Antimonopoly Policy.

3. In addition, an annotation is attached to each product. If not, then the certificate must contain a full description of the quality of this product. After all, many famous firms have sold licenses for the production of their perfumes to manufacturers of "third" countries. In this case, the quality of the perfume is often lost. The price of such products should be much lower.

Today, the choice of perfume is incredibly wide, it allows every woman to find exactly her perfume. A few more tips on how not to buy a fake.

1. If the seller tells you that the contents of the bottle are made and bottled under license - do not believe it. Perfume brands do not issue any licenses for the production of what they continue to produce themselves. Why would they feed freeloader ads?
If you are offered to purchase an analogue of something known in a primitive case under the number (this is Lambre, it seems like Rosalur and Ciel perfume, maybe someone else), if they tell a legend that manufacturers officially sell the concentrate for dilution to third parties organizations - do not believe. The cost of a fragrant liquid in the total cost of a bottle is about 50 eurocents, everything else is the cost of packaging, advertising and distribution. The manufacturer must have an unprecedented fit of altruism so that he continues to bear the advertising and other burdens, and someone else makes a profit by selling the fragrance without unnecessary expenses.

2. Versions do not repeat the packaging of the original, and they can be distinguished by the word version (version), written in small letters on the box, usually at the bottom.
There may or may not be an inscription.

3. Variations on the theme can accurately imitate both the box and the bottle, but in the name one of the letters will be necessarily replaced by another. Legally, such spirits are considered legal, as they go under a different name and claim to be original. Therefore, do not be lazy to spell the name and compare with the original spelling.

4. "Gray" import is not a fake, but an illegal supply of real perfumery from countries for which, for example, the manufacturer's price is lower or the novelty came out earlier. Such perfumes are often cheaper. Sometimes stamps that are not officially supplied are imported into the country in this way.

5. French perfumers recommend following the advice that allows you to make the right choice: for several days you need to wear a piece of material soaked in some kind of fragrance. If you like the perfume, then you should not buy a large bottle, because it is known that perfumes exhale in the open state over time.
based on www.woman.ru, blondie.ru, randa.ru

Watch a helpful video on the topic.

Modern society is not distinguished by moral principles, for this reason many manufacturing companies produce low-quality products. The so-called fakes can be found on the shelves with cosmetics and perfumes of famous brands. At the same time, sellers unanimously repeat that you are holding original products in your hands. Since the cost of such instances is quite high, it is important to be vigilant in time. How to distinguish fake perfumes from real ones? Let's try to figure it out together.

Step #1. Perfume Information

Before you go shopping, study the information about the perfume you want to buy. To do this, you can familiarize yourself with the available information on the manufacturer's website. As a rule, firms give clear data regarding their products (where the barcode is located, batch number, etc.).

If possible, make a print-screen on your phone or print. It is important that during the purchase you can check the bottle in your hands with what you found on the Internet. At the same time, it is necessary to compare not the probe, but the bottle that you are going to buy.

Step #2. Polyethylene film

Perfume, made in Italy, France and other leading countries in the production of chic fragrances, is packaged in cellophane film. It should not be too dense or, on the contrary, thin. Polyethylene fits snugly to the cardboard box, does not wrinkle, does not wrinkle. The cellophane is stretched so that it doesn't end up crawling over the package, deforming at the corners and bottom.

The original perfume has an even seam, which is located on the back or side of the carton. To make a fold, it is necessary to use a heating method similar to that used in hypermarkets to seal bags. For this reason, the seam is very thin and neat, no more than 0.5 cm wide. If you saw that the ends of the cellophane are glued together, you have a fake in front of you.

A paper stamp of a round or square shape is usually glued onto the seam. It is important to remember forever that some eminent perfume manufacturers, such as Hugo Boss, Сlinique, Shiseido, etc., do not seal the cardboard box with cellophane as a matter of principle.

Step #3. Cardboard box

A typical sign of fake perfume is a gray cardboard box. Pay attention, first of all, to the shade. The original perfume is packaged in snow-white, pale pink or pale blue cardboard. Branded boxes do not have stickers, the logo is pressed into the cavity of the cardboard.

After visual inspection, touch the packaging, it should be tight. To the touch, such products resemble delicate velvet, as manufacturers use elite cardboard. In the case of a fake, the packaging will have uneven edges, it will literally rustle under your fingers.

In cases where you often fly abroad, where you buy high-quality perfume for yourself, do not throw away the packaging from it. In the future, you will be able to identify a fake if you decide to purchase goods in a Russian boutique. The same applies to products from Duty Free.

Step number 4. Packaging design and lettering

When you visited the website of the manufacturer of a particular perfume, you probably specified where the inscriptions should be located, which letters are in bold, etc. You also made print screens with which you purchased products. Do not be lazy to check the information from the site with the information on the package, being directly in the store.

Information should cover the volume of the vial, composition, place of procurement and packaging. In cases where the manufacturer's website assures that its products are produced only in 30 ml. and 100 ml., and they are trying to “suck in” a product with a volume of 50 ml., the last option is a fake.

Pay attention to the name of the perfume. Often misprints are made on fake packages, an extra letter is inserted, or the meaning of a word is changed. Such a move helps scammers evade responsibility for falsifying perfume. Allegedly, the name is different, despite the similar appearance.

The original packaging has clear inscriptions, the contours are clearly visible. A fake is often equipped with smudges, poorly readable words. In this case, the color reproduction of the original from the copy is significantly different. In the first case, it is saturated, bright, in the second - faded with floating transitions.

Many copies have a line with the names of the cities "Paris-Madrid-London". It is important to remember that the original inscription consists only of a line like "Made in France" or "Made in Italy", and not the banal "France" or "Italy".

The original packaging is engraved in a smaller font than the fake. The round icon with an arrow on the copy is drawn backwards (down arrow), and should be an up arrow.

If perfumes are officially delivered to the Russian Federation, they undergo a thorough check. The label has a GOST certificate, a barcode, an expiration date, and the address of the manufacturer. In this case, the barcode has a different marking. For example, Italy is numbered from 80 to 83, Spain - 84, France - 30-37.

Step number 5. Inner carton box

The cavity of the box has an integrated white cardboard construction. Such a "construction" does not allow the bottle to fidget from side to side during transportation, storage. Fake packages are made of gray cheap cardboard, since they are still not visible in the window and from the outside when viewed.

If it is not possible to evaluate the inside of the vial, shake the sealed package. The bottle inside should not dangle from side to side. Noise will be minimal, no rumble.

Step number 6. Bottle

By packaging, you can only identify the very bottom of fake perfumes, which are most often produced in the UAE and China. If the cardboard box did not arouse suspicion, it makes sense to examine the bottle directly. To do this, contact the sales consultant to unpack the cardboard box. Do not be shy, the procedure can be carried out without violating the aesthetic appearance of the package.

The original bottle is made of completely transparent glass without smudges, irregularities, casting errors, changes in shade, small bubbles in the bottle cavity. High-quality perfume is bottled in bottles made by hand. Often, a metal plate with engraved information about the country of manufacture, batch number, expiration date, etc. is attached to the bottom of the container.

Inspect the inscriptions, the letters on the copies are not on the same level, they may be half-erased or fuzzy. While the original has a clear inscription, which you can’t find fault with. It is important to remember forever: if the shape of the bottle is unusual, it will be quite difficult to fake it. If you want to get an authentic product, compare the purchased bottle of perfume with the image on the website or with a tester in a perfume boutique.

Step number 7. perfume color

After visually inspecting the vial, evaluate the color of the liquid. As a rule, perfumes can be dark yellow and fawn. In some cases, manufacturers vary the shade of the liquid with dyes. The result is a pinkish, bluish, greenish or lilac hue. However, if you notice that the perfume has a rich color, it contains chemical impurities. Too bright colors are typical for fakes.

Step number 8. vial cap

You may not even pay attention to the cover, but it best characterizes the fake. Perfume bottle designers typically patent the plastic used to make the cap. For this reason, the accessory is perfectly even, without burrs and unnecessary bulges. Fake, on the other hand, has flaws. Creases, irregularities can be located on it, the product is very light in weight, it looks cheap.

Step number 9. Spray

In the original perfume, the atomizer is tightly attached to the bottle, does not scroll, and is carried out in compliance with the general design. Pay attention to the metal rim located under the atomizer. Make sure that the element does not scroll around its axis, does not “walk” from side to side. A perfectly executed element sits quite firmly on the bottle. It is known that the first 2-3 clicks do not spray the composition. This is due to the fact that the liquid is pumping through the tube. After the release of the air that has collected in the cavity during assembly, the perfume is freely sprayed.

Step number 10. Series and batch number

A branded perfume has an engraved series and batch number, usually consisting of a combination of numbers and letters. In this case, the inscriptions are made both on the cardboard box and on the bottle itself. It is important that the instructions are not on the glued label, but on the products themselves (glass, cardboard). Codes on the bottle and packaging must match.

If you doubt the authenticity of the products, ask the sellers for a quality certificate. By law, stores are required to provide it without giving reasons. When the original certificate is in your hands, carefully inspect the seal. It should be wet, a little smudged, not copied or drawn.

To distinguish the original seal from a fake, turn the certificate at an obtuse angle. If it is printed on a printer ("Photoshop"), it means that a fake certificate is in the hands. The original print stands out on the paper, sticking out a little.

It is quite difficult to distinguish an original perfume from a copy, even despite the above information. Here are some more tips to help you choose quality products.

  1. Do not listen to sales assistants who claim that the perfume was bottled under license in Poland, India or China. French and Italian manufacturers never issue licenses, they only create perfumes in their own country. The production technology is not disclosed.
  2. Well-established manufacturers only rarely produce so-called probes of 10-15 ml. At the same time, perfume brands do not supply products in pen-spray bottles to store shelves, with the exception of Salvador Dali.
  3. When it comes to French perfume, world leaders pay due attention to the word "parfum". That's how they spell it, without the "e" at the end of the word ("parfume"). If you see a typo, do not purchase the product, it is fake.

It is quite difficult to distinguish the original perfume from a well-made copy. First of all, inspect the plastic film, box, internal structure. Pay due attention to the bottle, cap, spray bottle. Examine the inscriptions and certificates, evaluate the shade of the liquid.

Video: how to distinguish a quality perfume

A drop of your favorite perfume can give you a great mood for the day, give you the opportunity to feel special.

“Sometimes I didn’t have anything to put on, but I always had my perfume, rice powder and Pablo’s tenderness” -
so said the beloved woman of Pablo Picasso, Fernand Olivier.

Finding "your" flavor is not always easy. Moreover, it is more difficult, given that you can buy a fake. How do you know if a real perfume is being offered to you or not? Read in the article, where we will consider effective ways that will help you buy only quality products.

How to identify the original perfume?

To understand whether you are holding an original perfume in your hands, do not rush to the cashier with the coveted bottle of Moschino or the first Lanvin that comes across. Arm yourself with patience - at least to vilify the perfume for 2-3 hours (the original perfume "opens up" over time and smells of new notes). During this time, just study the packaging for originality.

There are many ways to check a product and distinguish a fake, each tip is useful in different situations.

Tip one: you should carefully inspect the packaging.

Some brands make cellophane over cardboard packaging. It should not be very thick and fit tightly and evenly around the box. Under no circumstances should glue be used to seal the seam!! Cellophane is heated, and thus the seams are connected.

Example: Luxury perfumes or eau de toilette like Chloe are packaged in strong but not too thick cellophane. The seam at the package is thin (from 5 mm), fixed by a thermomethod (heating), but in no case with glue.

The box itself of the original perfume (for example, Gian Marco Venturi woman) is made of thick, high-quality cardboard with the correct geometry. Inside there is a special insert that fixes the bottle in the package.

Advice: Be careful - some brands like Hugo Boss, Shiseido do not pack perfumes in cellophane, so do not be surprised at its absence - this is not a fake. But even if you met Hugo Boss in cellophane, do not rush to sound the alarm. Some stores wrap products in cellophane at the point of sale to protect the packaging. This question should be clarified with the seller.

Tip two: check the originality of perfumes by comparing them with the original.

Packaging design and inscriptions - the volume of perfume, composition, country of origin - must be indicated in the same sequence as on the manufacturer's website (for example, Moschino Funny woman). Differences indicate a fake.

Reminder: If there is an original packaging from under the original perfume bought in Europe, for example, or in duty free, you can compare it with it.

On the websites of manufacturers on the Internet there are also photos that clearly show how the bottle, packaging, and the color of the perfume look like. This information is useful when it comes to distinguishing fake perfumes.

A quick cheat sheet for buyers looks like this:

  • Make sure that there are no leaks or smeared paint on the cardboard packaging.
  • On the package, carefully check the name so that all the letters are in place. Often, scammers change one or two characters, thus avoiding liability for copyright infringement.

Example: Paco Rabanne OLYMPEA must not become Paco Rabane OLYMPIA and Valentino Donna cannot become Valentina Donna.

  • Inner cardboard. Must be in stock! Manufacturers of luxury perfumes make sure that the fragrance gets into the hands of the future owner safely - for this, a cardboard frame is put into the packaging, which protects the bottles from shaking.
  • Bottle. Made of clear glass, no bubbles or bumps (like on beer bottles). The lid is made of heavy plastic, without irregularities, well dyed. Spray - neat, tightly seated on the bottle and made in the same style as the bubble.
  • Serial number. Displaced not only on the cardboard box, but also at the bottom of the bottle itself. If both numbers match, you have the original. Any real fragrance, be it Bvlgari Omnia Cristalline or Lanvin Eclat D "arpege, has such a code.

For the most part, fakes attract attention with an unusually bright, “acidic” color. The original perfumes come in pale, cool shades (like Yohji Yamamoto SENSES).

Tip three: ask the seller to present a certificate.

Perfumes are subject to certification. Usually the original certificate is at the manufacturing plant. Suppliers and sellers cooperating with him receive a copy (always with a "live" seal) - only such a seal guarantees quality.

If it is clear that this is just a duplicate printed on a copier, the originality of the perfume is a big question.

If the seller refuses to provide a certificate, you can be sure that he offers to buy a fake.

Good advice: Find a certified store in your city that sells perfumes and has the coveted Dsquared2 Rocky Mountain HE WOOD or Fendi L "acquarossa in its assortment, do not be too lazy to ask for a license from the seller - you have a legal right.

What should not be done when checking if the toilet water is real?

In addition to proven and effective methods, there are ways that at first glance seem reliable. But upon closer examination, it becomes clear that using them is more expensive for yourself. Here are the three main ones:

1. Tips on the forums. They would have helped ten years ago. Now the forums have become a place of spending time for those who have nothing to do with themselves. Out of boredom, members of the forum discuss the same thing several times. At the same time, their qualifications in the matter, to put it mildly, are doubtful. No one will check what and how they buy, and whether they buy.

Beware of paid reviews on forums distributed by unscrupulous sellers!

2. Strong persistent odour. The expectation that a fake can be determined by the strength of the aroma may not justify itself. Some cheap fakes have a strong smell that, at first glance, lasts a long time. But if the perfume was created in violation of technology, then by the time the top notes are already exhausted, a strong smell of ambergris will remain on the body. And her "aroma" few people will like it.