Black fluffy cats what kind of breed. Fluffy cat breeds

Not all fluffy cat breeds (even the beloved and demanded ones) can boast of an official status, confirmed by major felinological associations.

How many furry breeds are recognized by FIFe, WCF, CFA

Currently, just over a hundred feline species are legally referred to as breeds.... They received this right thanks to three reputable organizations:

  • World Cat Federation (WCF) - registered 70 breeds;
  • International Cat Federation (FIFe) - 42 breeds;
  • Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) - 40 breeds.

The numbers are not considered final, since often breeds (under different names) are duplicated, and new ones are periodically added to the list of recognized ones.

Important! Long-haired cats make up a little less than a third - 31 breeds, whose representatives are admitted to pedigree breeding, have their own standard and permission for exhibition activities.

Top 10 fluffy cats

All cats, including those with elongated hair, are divided into several large groups - Russian aboriginal, British, Eastern, European and American. Only the Persian cat (and an exotic one close to it) is truly long-haired, while others are semi-long-haired, even if they are called long-haired.

In the native Russian it is the Siberian cat, in the British it is the longhaired British cat, in the European it is the Norwegian forest cat, in the eastern one it is the Turkish Angora, Burmese cat, Turkish van and Japanese bobtail.

In the group of American cats, elongated hair is seen in breeds such as:

  • Balinese cat;
  • York Chocolate;
  • oriental cat;
  • ragamuffin;
  • Somalia;
  • selkirk rex.

In addition, such well-known breeds as the American Bobtail and American Curl, Himalayan, Javanese, Kimry and cats, as well as Munchkin, Napoleon, Pixiebob, Chantilly Tiffany, Scottish and Highland Fold are noted for increased fluffiness.

The breed, whose homeland is Persia, is recognized by the FIFE, WCF, CFA, PSA, ACF, GCCF and ACFA.

Her ancestors include Asian steppe and desert cats, including. The Europeans, or rather the French, met Persian cats in 1620. The animals were distinguished by wedge-shaped muzzles and slightly cut foreheads.

Important! A little later, the Persians penetrated into Great Britain, where work began on their selection. The Persian Longhair is perhaps the first breed registered in England.

The highlight of the breed is its wide and snub nose. Some extreme types have their jaw / nose set so high that their hosts are forced to feed them with their hands (since the pets are not able to grab food with their mouth).

The breed, rooted in the USSR, is recognized by ACF, FIFE, WCF, PSA, CFA and ACFA.

The breed was based on wild cats that lived in harsh conditions with long winters and deep snow. It is not surprising that all Siberian cats are excellent hunters, easily overcoming water obstacles, forest thickets and snow obstructions.

With the active development of Siberia by man, aboriginal cats began to mix with newcomers, and the breed almost lost its individuality. A similar process (the disappearance of original qualities) took place with the animals exported to the European zone of our country.

The breed began to be systematically restored only in the 1980s, in 1988 the first breed standard was adopted, and a few years later it was appreciated by American breeders.

The breed, whose homeland is called Norway, is recognized by WCF, ACF, GCCF, CFA, FIFE, TICA and ACFA.

According to one version, the ancestors of the breed were cats that inhabited Norwegian forests and descended from long-haired cats that were once imported from hot Turkey. The animals have adapted to the new climate of the north of Scandinavia, acquiring a dense water-repellent coat and developing powerful bones / muscles.

Breeders put a barrier to chaotic mating, starting targeted breeding of the breed in the 30s of the last century. The Norwegian Forestry made its debut at the Oslo Show (1938), followed by a hiatus until 1973, when the skogkatt was registered in Norway. In 1977, the Norwegian Forestry was recognized by the FIFe.

The breed, which owes its appearance to North America, is recognized by ACF, TICA, WCF and ACFA.

They are dense and round animals, with a short back and muscular hips. The forelimbs are small and widely spaced, moreover, they are noticeably shorter than the hind ones, due to which the association with a rabbit arises. A significant difference from other breeds is the absence of a tail in combination with long hair.

The start of the selection, for which the long-haired manx was chosen, was given in the USA / Canada in the second half of the last century. The breed received official recognition first in Canada (1970) and much later in the USA (1989). Since long-haired manxes were found mainly in Wales, the adjective "Welsh" in one of its variants "cymric" was assigned to the new breed.

The breed, whose homeland is clear from the name, is recognized by the FIFE, TICA, CFA and ACFA. A distinctive feature is the auricles curved back (the more pronounced the bend, the higher the class of the cat). Kittens from the show category have a crescent-shaped ear.

The breed is known to have started with a street cat with strange ears, found in 1981 (California). Shulamith (the so-called foundling) brought a litter where some of the kittens had maternal ears. When mating Curl with ordinary cats, kittens with twisted ears are always present in the brood.

Introduced to the general public in 1983. Two years later, the long-haired, and a little later, the short-haired curl was officially registered.

Maine Coon

The breed, whose homeland is considered the United States, is recognized by the WCF, ACF, GCCF, CFA, TICA, FIFE and ACFA.

The breed, whose name is translated as "Maine raccoon", resembles these predators only in striped color. Felinologists are sure that the ancestors include Oriental, British shorthair, as well as Russian and Scandinavian longhaired cats.

The founders of the breed, ordinary country cats, were brought to the North American continent by the first colonists. Over time, the Maine Coons acquired thick hair and slightly increased in size, which helped them adapt to the harsh climate.

The public saw the first Maine Coon in 1861 (New York), then the popularity of the breed began to wane and returned again only by the middle of the last century. CFA approved the breed standard in 1976. Now huge fluffy cats are in demand both in their homeland and abroad.

The breed, born in the USA, is recognized by the FIFE, ACF, GCCF, CFA, WCF, TICA and ACFA.

The progenitors ("ragdolls") were a pair of producers from California - a Burmese cat and a white long-haired cat. Breeder Ann Baker deliberately selected animals with a gentle disposition and an amazing ability to muscle relaxation.

In addition, ragdolls are completely devoid of the instinct of self-preservation, which is why they need increased protection and care. The breed was officially registered in 1970, and today it is recognized by all the major cat fanciers associations.

Important! American organizations prefer to work with traditional color ragdolls, while European clubs register red and cream cats.

The breed, which originated in the UK, is ironically ignored by prim English breeders, who are still barred from breeding cats carrying the gene for long hair. Solidarity with British breeders is also shown by the American CFA, whose representatives are confident that British Shorthair cats should have an exceptionally short coat.

However, it is recognized by many countries and clubs, including the International Cat Federation (FIFe). The breed, which resembles the British Shorthair in character and conformation, has received the legal right to perform at felinological exhibitions.

The breed originated in Turkey is recognized by the FIFE, ACF, GCCF, WCF, CFA, ACFA and TICA.

The characteristic features of the breed are pronounced webbing between the toes of the forepaws, as well as waterproof thin, elongated hair. The area adjacent to Lake Van (Turkey) is called the birthplace of the Turkish Vans. Initially, cats lived not only in Turkey, but also in the Caucasus.

In 1955, the animals were brought to Great Britain, where intensive breeding work began. Despite the final appearance of the van in the late 1950s, the breed was considered experimental for a long time and was not approved by the GCCF until 1969. A year later, the Turkish Van was also legitimized by FIFE.

The breed is native to the US and is recognized by the ACFA and CFA.

(in appearance and character) very much resemble ragdolls, differing from them in a wider palette of colors. Ragamuffins, like ragdolls, are devoid of natural hunting instincts, are not able to fend for themselves (more often they just hide) and peacefully coexist with other pets.

It is interesting! The moment of birth of the breed by felinologists is not precisely defined. It is only known that the first trial specimens of ragamuffins (from the English "ragamuffin") were obtained by crossing ragdolls with yard cats.

Breeders tried to breed ragdolls with more interesting colors, but inadvertently created a new breed, whose representatives first appeared in public in 1994. CFA legalized the breed and its standard a little later, in 2003.

Shaggy fluffy cats are adorable creatures without a doubt. But you need to understand that their wool is not only a source of pride, but also a source of endless trouble for the owners. A luxurious fur coat should be looked after carefully so that it does not fall off, and the tail does not look like a shabby brush. Wool requires special attention during the shedding period.

If people who are not intimidated by careful grooming, they believe they can handle everything. It is with such citizens that fluffy cats settle at home. Especially for such brave people, we have made a selection of these graceful creatures. So what are the different breeds of fluffy cats? Now we will consider the types in more detail.


The fluffiest are Persian. These cats are very popular in Russia. By nature, they are soft, calm. The weight of an adult representative can reach seven kilograms. The chest and back of the Persians are wide, their legs are short, and their head is large. The coat of these cats is long, rather thick. Needs careful daily care, as it tends to form tangles. Note that such fluffy cats, the photos of which you see in our article, molt all year round, but especially in the summer. Care must be taken so that the pet does not swallow its own wool, otherwise blockage of the intestinal tract or stomach may occur.

In general, keeping such animals is not troublesome and quite convenient. Such fluffy cats become attached to their owners, try to be closer to them (unobtrusively). These pets are not spiteful, curious, playful, they are not afraid of children. Such animals easily get along with people and other representatives of the fauna.

Ragdoll (ragdoll)

Describing the breeds of fluffy cats, one cannot but recall the ragdolls. Representatives also need careful grooming of the coat, otherwise mats will appear, which will need to be cut out. For some colors, this is unacceptable. For example, in the place of the cut out spot, dark hair may grow on light-colored representatives. For color points, this is a real disaster.

The breed has a unique muscle relaxation ability. Sometimes taking such a cat in your arms, you can feel the complete relaxation of the muscles. That is, it is completely at the mercy of the owner. Due to the peculiarity, you need to take more care of the cat, do not leave it, otherwise it can lead to traumatic consequences. She cannot change position in the air and jump on her paws.

By nature, cats are phlegmatic, peaceful. One kitten costs an average of twenty thousand rubles.

Siberian cat

These cats are descendants of wild ones. They have a fairly large body, muscular legs. The weight of representatives reaches twelve kilograms. Their head is wide, the ears are rounded at the ends, medium in size.

The eyes of cats are oval, large enough, can be either green or yellow.

These cats have preserved hunting instincts. By nature, they are independent, calm, restrained. Such cats are active, fearless, physically hardy. They lend themselves well to training, get along with people and animals.

Sacred burma

These fluffy cats need daily grooming. It is necessary to comb it two or three times. They have a very beautiful fluffy tail and a luxurious woolen silk collar. They are quite sociable by nature, they like to play and communicate with other relatives and people. Moderately active.

Maine Coons

These are not only fluffy cats, but also the largest ones. The color is similar to that of the common raccoon. The weight of representatives reaches fifteen kilograms. The body of such cats is large, muscular, the chest is developed, rectangular in shape. The rather large head has sharp features, the neck is of medium length.

The ears are set wide apart, at the ends of the tassels, due to them, these fluffy cats are similar to a lynx. The eyes of the representatives are beautiful, slanted. They can be golden, green and amber. The tail is wide at the base and pointed towards the end, long, reaching at least the shoulders. Its shape is conical, omitted.

The price for one kitten ranges from five to fifty thousand rubles, depending on various characteristics and factors.

Turkish angora

The nature of cats is docile, affectionate. They are curious, outgoing and playful. Such pets are attached to the owner. They easily get along with people, animals.

Leaving does not require much effort. You need to comb it three to four times a week. You can wash it once a month (not more often!).

There are still many interesting breeds of fluffy cats, but not all of them are listed. We have identified the most interesting representatives.

A little conclusion

Now you know what the fluffiest cats are. All of them are beautiful in their own way. If you, too, are not afraid of careful care, then choose such beautiful pets for yourself. You will definitely not regret it!

There are many breeds of cats in the world. The number of officially recorded breeds reaches hundreds. Some breeds are closely related and similar to each other, and some are radically different. The difference may be in the length of the coat, its color, structure, or its complete absence, like in sphinxes. Some have a large body, but small legs, while others are distinguished by long legs in the neck and tail. There are many options. This article will review the most popular long-tailed cat breeds.

This is a very active and inquisitive cat breed. Throughout its life, the Abyssinian cat remains active and playful. Their main features are silence and not love for locked spaces.

Medium size, weigh from 3 to 5 kg, live about 15-20 years... Have a predisposition to kidney disease.

These cats have enough peaceful character, they get along well with children and at the same time easily tolerate loneliness in the apartment. Australian cats have a medium, muscular body with a rounded chest, medium-sized legs and a long tail, tapering towards the end. A wedge-shaped muzzle. The shiny and short coat does not require much maintenance.

medium size, with excellent body proportions, and weighing in the region of 7 kg. These cats have medium-sized legs, but a long tail, narrowed at the end. Asian cats have an exemplary character, they are not conflicted, they are well attached to the family, and get along with children. At the same time, they are suitable for city apartments, as they can live well without visiting the street.

Caring for short-haired representatives of this breed will not be difficult, but for semi-long-haired cats you need a special shampoo and a rare comb. Well, you can't do without a scratching post. And Asian cats have no hereditary diseases.

They are very friendly, love to play with children, and always participate in all household chores. At the same time, they like long walks outside the home. They are smart, easy to bring up and retain their childish character for life. The main distinguishing feature is the ears that are rolled back.

The American Curl has a good lifespan in the area 17 years... And at the same time, hereditary diseases are unnoticed.

Mostly with an elegant, harmonious figure. Long legs and tail, flexible neck. These cats perfectly defend their title of pets, as they are skillful mice. They are easy to train and adhere well to pets. White coat color is considered original.

This is a Siamese cat with long hair, legs, body and neck, but medium size. Balinese cats are very energetic and playful, they are very attached to the owner and do not tolerate loneliness. Their upbringing should be gentle, as these cats do not require much grooming.

Have an average life expectancy of 14 years old... But there are many hereditary ailments: "Siamese" strabismus, asthma and diseases of the oral cavity. Average weight from 2 to 5 kg.

Bengal cats

Famous for their color. It resembles the color of wild cats, or larger predators. No less beautiful physique of the Bengal cat: it is muscular, with long legs and a tail. The neck is muscular and long. The most common color is brown and black, while blue and “snow leopard” are very rare.

Bengal cats have an explosive nature, they are constantly active, ready to play and in great need of attention. And such attention should be paid if there is also an aquarium in the house. Since Bengal cats are not averse to swimming. They are not very demanding in care and maintenance. But in the whole world it is one of the most expensive cats.

The cats are very pretty, medium in size with piercing eyes and large pointed ears. The head is wedge-shaped and the neck is long but not wide. These cats are also wonderful pets, strongly attached to the owner. They are easy to educate and train. But with a lack of attention, Brazilian Shorthairs become aggressive and distrustful. Therefore, so that the cat's attitude towards the owner does not worsen, a lot of attention should be paid to her. Also, Brazilian cats do not have hereditary diseases and are in good health.

At first glance, this breed is no different from ordinary domestic cats, but the distinctive feature of the Li Mao breed is green or yellow slightly slanted almond-shaped eyes, and small black dots (in the form of a smile) at the edges of the mouth. And also a strong, muscular body, proportional legs of the same length, an elongated head with a rounded forehead, rounded ears and of course a long tail. The brown tabby is the only recognized color for this breed.

Are dragons - smart cats, with a calm disposition... Because of this, they are easy to train and train. They easily get along with other pets, but it's hard to get used to children (although they treat them with due tolerance). Do dragons do not require special care and do not have hereditary diseases.

The cats are distinguished by their leopard coat color. The most popular colors are golden, silver, black, blue and bronze. The coat is short and requires no maintenance. The cats themselves are quite large and muscular, with a round head and a long tail. No hereditary diseases.

Ring-tailed cats (Ringtails)

Ringtails are medium sized cats with strong muscles and graceful body proportions. Legs are medium in size with oval paws. The eyes are almond shaped. The coat is resilient and comes in a variety of colors. The main distinguishing feature is the tail curved almost in a circle.

Ring-tails are very curious and friendly, yet calm cats. They get along well with pets and love to play with children. Long loneliness is hard to bear. Caring for the ringtails is quite simple, it is enough to examine the cat once a week and cut the nails once a month. Ring-tailed cats do not have hereditary diseases.

Another representative of long-tailed cats with amazing hair. The coat is silky and sticks out chaotically, but the texture itself is individual for each cat and can change with age. They get along perfectly with young children and pets. La Perm does not require special care.

It is a lovely big one with a long and fluffy fox-like tail.

Persian cats

They have a huge range of coat colors. These can be the following colors: white, cream, blue, black, smoky. Persian cats are perfect for an apartment, as they are not eager to constantly go out. Caring for Persian cats is quite difficult, as they often shed.

The main distinguishing feature of the Russian cat is a short, seemingly plush, double coat of blue color with a transition to silver.

Often confused with the Russian blue cat. But its main difference is a soft, medium-length, silky coat.

It is a lively and playful cat with long hair, legs and a tail. Most of them are very large massive cats.

Cat breeds not included in the list

Also, several breeds can be attributed to the breeds of long-tailed cats. For example, cats from the "sphinx" family. These include Canadian Sphynxes, Don and Persian Sphynxes, and even cats from the Ukrainian Levkoy breed. Some Rexes also have long tails. Among them are Oregon Rex, Devon Rex and Tennessee Rex.

There are about 256 breeds of domestic cats in the world. There are fluffy, smooth-haired, affectionate, wayward, active, proud and so on. Which one is better is up to the decision of what is going to start. In this article, we will look at the breeds of fluffy cats, as well as the features of their characters.

Fluffy cats are very popular as they are very cute, funny and soft. It is a pleasure to hold such a pet in your arms. But you need to understand that such individuals need high-quality care. Their fluffy coat must be combed, trimmed and healthy. You need to be prepared for all this if you decide to have fluffy pets. Consider the names of the softest breeds:

  1. American bobtail. Cats of this breed are distinguished by a stocky constitution, compact round paws, thick, semi-long and slightly shaggy hair, as well as a short tail and oval slanting eyes. They are quite calm, patient, good-natured, but freedom-loving animals.
  2. Himalayan cat. Outwardly, it is very similar to Persian. These cats have a beautiful and graceful appearance, despite their fluffy fur coat. They are demanding, picky, emotional and loving. They need to be given a lot of attention, to be taken care of so that they are happy.
  3. Persian cat. This is a very calm and emotionally stable breed. Representatives rarely meow loudly, much less scream. They love to explore new places, sniff corners, etc. They have a long, thick and silky coat, and the tail is also very fluffy and slightly rounded.
  4. York cat. It is a very energetic, active and playful breed. Such cats prefer to hunt, run, jump and, of course, play a lot. Their coat is semi-long, silky and soft. In no case is it allowed to bring a Yorkie female or male with a representative of another breed. She is mostly brown in color, but can be red.
  5. Angora. This breed is distinguished by refinement and elegance. Cats prefer to be active and constantly explore new places. This predominantly white breed of Turkish nationality does not tolerate loneliness, a measured lifestyle and the absence of bright light. Like the Siamese, she is graceful and intelligent.
  6. Briton. Separate short-haired and long-haired representatives. Long-haired ones are distinguished by their patience, kindness and dedication. They often have large blue eyes. Animals require attention and special care because of their long hair.
  7. Maine Coon. This is a large cat breed with characteristic tassel ears. Such animals need special care in order for them to develop correctly, be healthy and live for a long time.
  8. Burmese. A feature of this breed is the semi-thick coat of one of the point colors with white paws. Also, such cats are distinguished by a calm and obedient character, restraint and good breeding. Burmese cats love guests, treat them well, but remain loyal only to their owners.

The Siberian cat is also very fluffy. This is a tricolor breed that loves to hunt and learn new things. In addition to these, breeds such as the Neva Masquerade and Turkish Angora have long hair. There are a lot of fluffy breeds in the world. They often take part in exhibitions. But in order for the animals to look spectacular, you need to keep an eye on their fur coat, trim them from time to time, take them to a groomer and much more.

British and Persian cats are very popular among fluffy cats in the world. Regardless of what color, the pet must be monitored and given due attention. Caring for long-haired cats involves not only cutting, brushing and going to the groomer, but also regular bathing, using special shampoos. In addition, it is necessary to apply the shampoo to the coat very gently, massaging it, and then rinse off with water of medium temperature. If all this is not done, then the pet's fur coat will be covered in mats, which will make it look untidy and unattractive.

Some people think that black cats are not worth getting, as they bring bad luck. Any cats, be they gray or white, will bring joy and happiness if they are loved. Not only little kittens need care and attention, but also adults. Some owners forget about this, which is why their pets often get sick and die quickly. Only in a loving and caring family will a cat live happily ever after. If other cats or dogs live in the house, then before you start a new pet, you need to find out how this or that breed gets along with other animals. This is necessary to prevent "conflicts" and calm life of all pets.

According to the English writer George Mikish, people have dogs, and cats of people, apparently, classifying them as useful pets. It's a joke, you might say, but, as they say, every joke has a grain of truth. Yes, these pets are more independent, characteristic and even somewhat arrogant than dogs. But this not only does not scare people away from them, but makes them respect, love and appreciate even more. In addition, different breeds have their own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing your pet.

Representatives of the oldest breed, which were depicted next to the pharaohs, definitely attract attention. Their gracefulness, royal posture and confident gaze make it impossible to doubt that they were once really considered sacred. Despite her proud appearance, she is very playful, mobile and extremely curious. She can show character, since she does not like to sit in her arms. But with other pets, the Abyssinian gets along quite well, as well as with children.

A cat of medium proportions and characteristics, but with surprisingly shaped ears. They seem to be turned outward, and the curl owners joke - so as not to miss a rustle. There are several varieties with different coat lengths, but they all carry the gene for long hair, and fluffy kittens can also appear in the smooth-haired family. The coat of cats is silky, soft and has no undercoat.

As for character, they are distinguished by intelligence, playfulness and obedience. Their upbringing will not cause difficulties, because these cats can even be walked on a leash.

A cat shrouded in mystery, arousing interest and attracting more and more people who want to buy it, regardless of the cosmic price. It is the only feline to gain popularity without being recognized as a separate breed. According to the authors of the breed, this is the result of crossing cats - Asian leopard and domestic, as well as a serval. But skeptics are sure - this is nothing more than a variety of savannahs.

But, be that as it may, these are graceful, large cats, the weight of which can reach 14-15 kg. Outwardly, they very much resemble a leopard. Like all cats, they are curious, playful and great with children.

An explosive mixture of temperamental wild leopards and docile domestic felines, however, both took only the best qualities from both. Immediately striking is her intelligent, graceful appearance and leopard print.

Moreover, from wild ancestors, the cat also inherited a voice that varies from gentle purr to roar, and love for water. Bengals are very fond of socializing, playing and are distinguished by their mobility. Loneliness is not for them, they will not be bored with such a pet.

A graceful cat with satin black hair and a graceful physique, beautiful, with a touch of exotic and mysticism - this is. Representatives of the breed attract not only with their gorgeous appearance, but also with a noble origin, balanced temperament and unpretentiousness. Even if the cat is angry, she will not rush into battle, it is easier for her to hide from everyone and come to her senses in silence.

Powerful, well-developed animals, with a pleasant plush fur, have won popularity for a long time. They are very colorful, have a serious look and match his character. They have all the classic feline habits, but only in moderation - curiosity, independence, friendliness and playfulness.

The owners point out that they will never completely obey the owner, appreciating their own freedom and territory. This can be called a plus, because such a pet can go without the owner's attention for a long time and not bother with its presence.

Burmese (Burmese cat)

This is a representative of an ancient breed, portrayed in temples and worshiped her. Today, the cat is not only popular with amateurs, but also with breeders. Thanks to their attention, two types of breed appeared - European, with a triangular muzzle, and American - with a more rounded one.

One of the advantages of cats of this breed is their silky coat, which is very sensitive to external temperature and can even change color. As for the character, such a pet is very playful and suitable for families with children. Indeed, even in the midst of the game, the Burmese will not use claws and teeth. She does not remember the insult and always remains benevolent.

This is the result of selection work, for which the Burmese cat and the Persian chinchilla were used. The cat received a muscular Burmese body and beautiful fur from a Persian. very companionable animals, they can listen to their owner and even relieve stress.

They can hardly bear loneliness, love to be with their families and get along well with all members - people and animals. These cats have another quality that evokes affection - they can smile.

This is a relatively young breed, its representatives have a slightly fabulous appearance. They have a triangular muzzle with huge saucer eyes and large ears. Their main property is a meaningful and very piercing look.

- this is a real companion, because the pet will follow on the heels, participating in any business. Representatives of this breed are playful, curious and sociable. If you need a cat that will walk "by itself", then the Devon Rex will not work.

The history of the breed goes back centuries, and its age is over 3000 years. Moreover, during this time its representatives have practically not changed. A wild cat has a beautiful color and gracefulness, but sociability and the need for attention give it away as an absolutely domestic animal.

They can hardly tolerate loneliness and can even be intrusive, demanding affection. Otherwise, Mau are no different from other felines - they love to play, show curiosity and are very smart.

Not a very common cat breed, however, noteworthy. This is a Thai cat with a blue coat and expressive eyes - orange or amber. Their characteristic quality is affection for their family. They are ready to follow on their heels, showing interest in any process.

They are also very playful, if they are not given special toys, they themselves will find something to do with themselves. do not get along with other cats, showing a clear sense of ownership. They will not tolerate other favorites and will be very jealous.

Cornish Rex

Graceful cats with exotic curly hair have already won the love of many. They are stately, have high legs and a light body - real aristocrats. Their silky coat is often compared to astrakhan fur - it is soft and pleasant to the touch.

The owners are unanimous - pets have a lot of advantages. They are intelligent, clean, smart and love not the house, but their owner, of course, the latter cannot but bribe.

Werewolf cats, werewolves, catwolves - as soon as they do not name the really strange representatives of this breed. They were an accidental result of breeding work, but were still recognized and named -. Cats lack hair around the nose and eyes, gray hair and bright yellow eyes, which add mysticism to the animal.

But their appearance does not prevent them from being cute and benevolent, cats love to be in the spotlight and sometimes require affection. They can get along with cats and dogs, but small animals and birds will be perceived by them as prey.

Cats of this breed are called dachshunds or bassets because of their low body size. And, indeed, the Mankchin actually has overly short legs. But such a physiological feature does not affect the health of the animal, and otherwise it is an ordinary cat.

Of course, these cats cannot jump as high as their long-legged cousins, but this does not detract from their playfulness and activity. By nature, they are similar to dogs, they do not dislike walking with a harness, they are loyal to their family, sociable. But at the same time they are able to stand up for themselves.

These are the most beautiful cats - Asian aristocrats who once lived in temples and imperial chambers. They have amazing, crystal blue eyes, whose gaze radiates universal calm, and, like other bobtails, a shortened tail.

Asians are playful and even eat with pleasure; they do not release their claws during the game. But they can bite if they feel that a person has crossed the border. Therefore, this is not the best option for young children. These cats can get along with other pets, but they will definitely show their leadership qualities.

This breed originated from the Siamese cats, adopting some qualities from them. They have an elongated, elongated muzzle, expressive, slightly squinted eyes and surprisingly sized ears. very graceful, with long legs and a light body.

Representatives of this breed are not suitable for people who cannot pay enough attention to them. Orientals are gullible, loving, mobile and talkative. They are happy to meet the owner and do not hide their emotions.

Not a very common breed of cats with a wild color and purely domestic ancestors. - This is the result of crossing Abyssinians with Siamese. They have good physical development and average size. As for the character, they are very sociable, sociable and funny pets.

If the owner does not have time to pay attention to the Ocicat, then you can get out of the situation by having another pet - a dog or a cat. The pet will be able to find a common language with a new family member and will be less bored. These cats tend to choose one owner, but at the same time communicate with everyone. They are distinguished by their loud voices and are not averse to "chatting".

Participants and favorites of exhibitions - these cats have long won the love of breeders. They are beautiful, graceful and petite, have a luxurious, silver-blue fur coat and emerald eyes. - a real aristocrat who shows restraint and calmness, even if she is torn by curiosity. She will not impose her society, but she does not mind being with the owner.

It takes time to gain her trust, and this applies to both humans and other animals. The cat loves to explore everything new and observe the events taking place. Therefore, they can often be found looking out the window or exploring all the nooks and crannies of the dwelling.

A very fashionable breed that attracts attention, because it is a large hybrid of a Serval and a Siamese cat. Of course, the offspring of such love has undergone joyful changes and selection work, but the result has justified itself. inherited the wild appearance and qualities of a domestic cat, but only after several generations.

The nature of the savannah depends on how much wild blood flows in its veins. The smaller, the more accommodating and trusting she is. Of course, the first litter of a serval and a cat will cost fabulous money, but it will be better to keep the pet in an open-air cage. Subsequent crosses of offspring with domestic cats reduce the cost of kittens and make them more domesticated.

Representatives of the ancient Thai breed, who were nicknamed the "moon diamond" in their homeland. Because of the dark muzzle and paws (point), the Siamese is often confused with other cats, but it has a more refined, narrowed muzzle, large ears and almond-shaped eyes.

Very smart and not devoid of willfulness. She loves to draw attention to her person, but she can easily endure 10-12 hours of loneliness. Allegations that cats of this breed are angry and aggressive do not find confirmation, since with proper care and good attitude, they are excellent pets.

The amazing cats, whose name translates as "snow shoes", are actually an oversight on the part of the Siamese cat breeder. Not knowing who is the father of the offspring with white socks, the woman did not disregard this, and, continuing the breeding work, identified the culprit, it turned out to be an American shorthair cat.

So these proud, not devoid of independence, cats appeared. They love water, sing and are trainable. Thanks to their beautiful appearance, these ladies are well suited for an exhibition career.

Due to their physical resemblance, they are often confused with Siamese cats. The blood of the ancient Siamese flows in their veins, and the Thais themselves were known back in the 14th century. very beautiful, she has a dark muzzle, against the background of which her crystal blue eyes literally shine. But the owners who have a secret more appreciate its other qualities - humility, love, a sharp mind and quick wit.

People are sure that if you take a Thai cat into the house, then later there will be no question of pets of other breeds. In addition, there is a belief that a cat of this breed brings happiness and good luck to the house.

Modern breeders increasingly set the goal of obtaining an affectionate, domestic cat with the appearance of her wild counterparts. So toyger was the result of striving to breed a cat with a tiger's appearance. The cat turned out to be beautiful, stately, with a striped fur coat.

And, in addition, careful selection and selection made the character of the pet very attractive. very affectionate, loving, balanced, such a cat is ideal for a family with children. The cat loves to communicate not only with its family, but also with guests.

These are unusual curly cats from the Urals, information about which appeared in the 40s of the last century. They immediately interested breeders who are still improving the breed. Curly coat gives a funny and mischievous look.

But even more people who want to have such a pet are attracted by their amazing character. Cats of this breed are very tame, affectionate and loyal. They are unobtrusive, but can support in difficult times, are patient with children's pranks and are very attentive. An ideal pet for a friendly family.

Another name for the breed is, representatives of which came from Scotland. Their feature is interesting, curved and hanging ears. In addition, the Scottish Fold has a sturdy body, round eyes and a thick, pleasant coat.

The pet has a very funny look that evokes positive emotions. This is especially noticeable when the pet is curious. It is also an affectionate purr, kind and friendly. He will be happy to be with his family, but he can also find something to do alone.

- this is the abbreviated name for the representatives of this breed, are the fruit of the crossing of American and Persian cats. But the breeders pursued the goal - to get an American with a Persian color, and the result was a Persian with short hair. Moreover, the exotic cat is similar in all respects to the Persian, except for the fur coat.

By their nature, exotics are gentle purrs who adore sleeping with their owner, sitting in their arms and being caressed. Due to their phlegmatic nature, the breed is recommended for the elderly. Such cats provide comfort and calm atmosphere, without fuss and dirty tricks.

The appearance of these cats is quite common - medium size, short hair, they are compact and well built. But their uniqueness is betrayed by a short, curved (twisted, straight or kinked) tail. It is like a fingerprint, since there are no two identical tails.

They love to play, jump, purr or meow loudly, are noisy and whispering. does not like to sit around and is constantly busy exploring everything around. But at the same time, cats of this breed are loyal to their owners, they have good contact with children and other animals.

Semi-longhair cats

These are representatives of a semi-wild breed, the ancestors of which are considered the Bobtail from Japan. These pets are called lynx cats, because outwardly they are very similar to them, and, moreover, they are adapted for life in a harsh wild environment. Life on the Kuril Islands made cats large, hardy and fearless, and crossing them with a Siberian cat fruitfully influenced their character.

- a large cat with a short tail and semi-long, dense hair, the claws of these cats do not retract, they love water very much. They are very attached to the owner and can even protect him, driving away strangers.

Maine Coon (Maine raccoon)

Cats with lynx tassels on their ears and a raccoon's tail, huge (as for domestic cats) size and expressive muzzle are the dream of many. Despite their somewhat wild appearance and size (males can reach 15 kg), these pets are affectionate, playful and sociable.

Of course, they have a number of peculiarities, for example, they like to get into the water, not all of them are tame, but all of them are "talkative". They do not release their claws unnecessarily and like to be always close to their owners, but at the same time they do not interfere.

This breed originated from the Abyssinian cats, but differs in semi-long hair throughout the body and longer in the neck, pants and tail. A feature is their color, in which light and dark tones alternate, capable of forming stripes. The more stripes a cat has, the higher its price.

Somalia are not couch cats and their playfulness does not go away with age. However, they are not destroyer pets and usually do not cross boundaries. They are suitable for large, noisy families with children and other pets.

Representatives of this aboriginal breed are rather large, well-built and beautiful animals. Their peculiarity is a special "Van" color - it is a white fur coat with reddish-reddish spots in the area of ​​the muzzle and tail, their presence on the back is also allowed.

- This is a very sociable cat, amenable to training and loving water procedures. She not only loves affection, but is ready to substitute her back at every opportunity. Representatives of this breed also need walks and feel great on a leash. Of course, they are not dogs, and it is enough for them to walk 1-2 times a week.


This is the abbreviated name for these cats, has a chic Persian fur coat and the original color of the Siamese. Around the breed many legends, tales wander and they are called "sacred". It is difficult to say what is true and what is fiction, however, the Burmese are distinguished by a truly "holy" character.

They are playful, but not dirty, active, but in moderation. They do not impose their communication and agree to wait for the owner to have time for communication. The Burmese cat gets along with children, but does not like excessive noise and tense surroundings.

They are called Siberians with Siamese sophistication, cats and cats of this breed are beautiful, large and very colorful. But this is not at all the merit of the efforts of the breeders, but the result of an accidental love between a Siberian cat and a cat with a Siamese color (it is not known exactly whether she was Siamese or Himalayan).

It is a long-liver, its coat does not cause allergies and does not require painstaking care. She has a certain charisma - she loves to show off, but she is distrustful of strangers. She perfectly adapts to new conditions and loves her family.

Once upon a time, this large, colorful animal with long luxurious hair lived in the Norwegian forests. Naturally, this determined his hunting qualities and endurance, but selection work turned the cat into a cute domestic creature that retained high intelligence and beautiful appearance.

Suitable for home keeping, she is very level-headed and calm. He loves to communicate, but sometimes he is not averse to retirement. Finds a common language with other pets and treats children well.

It is hard not to notice the cats of this breed - after all, they have an extravagant appearance - a wide muzzle with a flattened nose and gorgeous hair. The breed has undergone a number of changes, not always positive, but today it has no flaws, and its representatives are healthy and active.

- this is an ideal companion who does not like loneliness and is not adapted to live on the street - only with a person does she feel calm and confident.


A young amazing breed of cats, capable of completely relaxing all muscles, which is why its name translates as a rag doll. These are rather large animals with beautiful hair. Born with white wool, after a year and a half, it acquires the most incredible colors.

- absolutely collective cats, loneliness is difficult for them, and they are ready to follow their master wherever they go. They are phlegmatic, like to lie around, but they also like to play, especially with children.

This is an indigenous breed of Siberia, it is believed that it originated from wild forest cats. Stocky, large (cats weigh up to 12 kg), fluffy - cats of this breed cannot leave anyone indifferent.

It has a developed hunter instinct, therefore, even if it is lost, the pet will not disappear and will be able to provide itself with food. This quality also helps to rid the house of rodents. These pets are unpretentious in all aspects of life, smart, but somewhat reserved.

- snow-white (less often there are blue and black individuals), a graceful beauty - with blue, greenish or with different eyes. She is a regular participant in various exhibitions and is very popular.

The Turkish Angora does not require special care, it is smart, intelligent, calm, gets along well with children, but it can be "on its own" or overly sensitive.

Bald cats

This is the fruit of crossing a short-legged munchkin and a bald sphinx, he turned out to be stocky and naked. Representatives of the breed have a very touching, defenseless appearance, therefore they were named as small children -. By the way, long-legged kittens may appear in the litter of these cats.

These cats are not hunters, so they do not show aggression during the game. This allows you to keep bambino in the same digging, even with mice. They are gentle, affectionate and playful.

Representatives of the breed have a very exotic appearance, however, they were bred on the territory of Russia. Cats do not have a coat, they are very graceful, but have developed muscles.

Very curious, active, but not dirty. He chooses one owner whom he adores. He finds a special approach to the rest - he knows who plays with him, who feeds.

Folded and bald, however, who have won love and respect, they look very peculiar. They have warm, delicate skin that is pleasant to touch.

As for their character, they are very gentle and loyal, not jealous of other animals and not aggressive. They have pride, so they will not humiliate themselves and beg for a treat. But they will definitely try to pull it off.

The birthplace of the breed is the northern capital, it is here that bald cats with a model appearance appeared. Short-haired ones can also be born, but in character they do not differ at all from their naked counterparts.

These cats will wake up in the morning, take you to work and greet you. They are friendly to all family members, but the owner is simply idolized by the pets. A plus is their cleanliness, a minus - excessive "talkativeness".

A rare breed - its representatives are hairless and lop-eared, very attracts lovers of unusual cats. have a serious, and even angry, look, which has nothing to do with their character.

Cats are loving, gentle and loyal. They are easy to learn, fun and positive, but demanding. It will not be difficult for them to follow on the heels of the owner, substituting their back or jumping on their knees - they will definitely receive their portion of affection!

Cats are one of the most amazing and extraordinary pets. They can have a different appearance and temperament, small and not very weak, but in any case - they get along with a person and become part of his family.