What to do with thrush during pregnancy. Treatment of thrush at different stages of pregnancy: drugs and their use. Drug therapy methods

Most women have to go through such a pleasant period throughout their lives - the expectation of a future baby. When carrying a fetus, nervous situations, stresses and other processes that negatively affect the general condition and well-being are prohibited. Unfortunately, with the development of infections in the vagina, they cannot be avoided. The most common disease that haunts during pregnancy is called thrush of the female genital organs (other variants of the name are vaginal candidiasis, vaginal candidiasis). About why thrush occurs in pregnant women, how to treat the disease and what its symptoms are, we will consider in more detail below.

Features of the manifestation of thrush during pregnancy

You will not need much effort to recognize candidiasis. The first characteristic signs will be slightly sour masses exuding from the vagina. Often, the discharge has the consistency of not very thick cream, or it looks like a so-called curd mass. If we talk about the sensations noted in women, they are expressed by severe itching and difficult to bearable burning sensation in the genital area. It is important to know that itching occurs not only with thrush. This symptom may be a signal of another infection. Then you will need to conduct a thorough examination.

The causative agent of thrush is presented in the form of a yeast-like fungus, which belongs to the genus Candida. This genus consists of about 60 species of fungi, but the most common cause of the disease is the fungus Candida albicans. Candida are microorganisms that live in the mucous membranes of every person on planet Earth (women, men and children). The quantitative indicator of fungi in a healthy person is normal. But when the immune system weakens under the influence of various factors, the habitat becomes favorable for life, it begins to grow and multiply. As a result, candidiasis is formed. Now let's understand why this disease is a companion of every third woman expecting the birth of a little baby - a future baby.

Thrush in pregnant women: risk factors

The body of a woman who is in a position has to undergo a restructuring of the hormonal background. The number of female hormones, called estrogens, increases, and immunity is weakened. Therefore, the level of acidity in the vagina changes, the number of beneficial bacteria (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and others) decreases, which is a direct path to an unpleasant disease.
The risk factors are:

  1. Antibiotic therapy. In addition to harmful microorganisms, they kill useful microorganisms that maintain normal microflora. Taking antibiotics should be agreed with the doctor. During pregnancy, in most cases, it is forbidden to resort to treatment with such means.
  2. The presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland.
  3. Treatment with hormonal drugs, steroid drugs.
  4. Diseases of organs important for life - liver, kidneys.
  5. Eating large quantities of chocolate, sweets, cakes, yeast baked goods and yeast-based drinks. Simply put, any product with a high content of simple carbohydrates. Fungi love sweet environments and multiply at an incredible rate.
  6. Disorders of the endocrine system. An example would be diabetes mellitus, as sugar levels are elevated.

The development of such a large-scale disease is facilitated by the lack of hygiene or improper adherence to it. An important role in the body of a pregnant woman is played by the presence of vitamins, if there are very few of them, nothing can prevent the reproduction of fungi. As mentioned earlier, synthetic, uncomfortable underwear or tight-fitting trousers can cause the development of a fungal infection, since they create elevated temperatures in the genital area of ​​women.

It is also worth noting that while carrying a child, women are prohibited from negative emotions leading to stress, irritation, and malfunctions of the nervous system. As it turned out, they are also the reason that contributes to the increase in the number of infectious disease specialists.
Frequent douching and sexual intercourse act as a provocateur of candidiasis. The danger of such events lies in possible trauma to the vaginal walls.

The danger of thrush for the unborn baby

If the expectant mother did not cure vaginal candidiasis during pregnancy, this can negatively affect the born child. Infection of the fetus occurs while it passes through the birth canal. The fungal infection spreads to the baby's skin and mucous membranes. The probability of occurrence of the following types of candidiasis is high:
respiratory organs,

  • oral cavity,
  • stomach,
  • intestines,
  • the ocular membrane.

Intrauterine infection is rare but possible. Occurs in the case of a prolonged course of thrush. The last three months of the pregnancy period pose a great danger. The reason is caused by a fungal infection of the bladder, which contains a small crumb. This leads to premature birth.

Is infection possible while breastfeeding? Yes, thrush is easily transmitted by this route if the mother is sick with thrush. In order to avoid such infection, women are required to maintain breast hygiene. For example, rinse them with a mild baking soda solution before and after feeding.

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy

It is a mandatory event that a woman must start. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited, even if there is knowledge about the permitted drugs, about their action, since it is the doctor's task to prescribe the correct drugs. Pregnancy is a serious period, which has its own characteristics of treatment. Often they resort to local drugs, since they are not absorbed into the bloodstream and do not have a negative effect on the fetus in the mother's womb. Systemic medications are used in extreme cases. For example, when thrush is difficult to treat and proceeds for a long time.

How to treat locally? Doctors recommend the use of suppositories (suppositories), creams, vaginal tablets, ointments as topical preparations.

"Terzhinan" against thrush

Effective suppositories and tablets for insertion into the vagina with thrush is the drug "Terzhinan", which contains antifungal agents. The active substance of Terzhinan is nystatin. The drug is recommended for the chronic course of the disease, as well as for the acute form. Pregnant women are prescribed it from the second trimester. Therapy is approximately 10-14 days. This drug is prohibited only if there is an individual intolerance to its components.

What is ? It consists in allowing the use of menstruation. On the contrary, at the onset of menstruation, it is not necessary to stop Terzhinan therapy, since incomplete cure will lead to a relapse. It should be noted that the drug is sold at a fairly reasonable price.

Candles "Livarol"

Safety of candles "Pimafucin"

Medicinal suppositories "" are allowed:

  • at any stage of pregnancy;
  • during lactation (breastfeeding);
  • after childbirth.

The active substance of Pimafucin, which kills Candida fungi, is natamycin. What is the effectiveness of this component? It does not have a negative effect on the baby in the mother's womb, since it does not enter the blood of a pregnant woman. Suppositories have a local effect:

  1. They put in order and restore the microflora of the vagina.
  2. They are not toxic for long-term use.
  3. They kill the causative agents of candidiasis - yeast-like fungi.

The duration of therapy with Pimafucin is from three to six days. If candidiasis was detected in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, doctors recommend resorting to an additional course shortly before the planned date of birth of the baby. Usually, one suppository (100 mg) is taken and inserted into the vagina at bedtime. It is worth injecting as deeply as possible so that the drug spreads better in the vaginal cavity and destroys the fungi that deliver a lot of negative symptoms.

The drug "Clotrimazole"

To help destroy the so-called uninvited guests in the form of Candida fungi, doctors can prescribe the very famous vaginal tablets and suppositories "Clotrimazole". Dosages are different - 100 mg, 200 mg, 500 mg. The required dose of the drug is prescribed only by the doctor, and Clotrimazole is used in the form of suppositories and vaginal tablets once throughout the day. If we talk about tablets, they are administered using an applicator. Clotrimazole should not be used by pregnant women in the first three months of bearing a baby.

We treat thrush in pregnant women with folk remedies

Thanks to the rich natural world, thrush can be cured by means of the people. The first effective remedy that we will consider is a favorite treat of many people, produced by bees. Of course, it's easy to guess, we will talk about honey. This product has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and also helps to suppress the number of Candida fungi. How should the treatment be carried out?

Often do lotions or compresses... There is no secret to preparing a solution, as it is quite simple. It is required to mix half a liter of water and natural honey. The recommended water temperature is no more than 40 degrees Celsius, because an exceeded temperature indicator can destroy all the useful substances of honey. The lotion can be done after obtaining a homogeneous consistency.

How to apply honey compress? In order to take advantage of the tonic and antibacterial effect of this remedy, the compress is placed externally on the anal area. With the help of this method, it will be possible to reduce the itching sensations of the skin of the labia, located outside. Another common ailment, called candidiasis, can be cured with antifungal tampons, candles, which contain honey extract.

Honey swabs

To make tampons, you will need a honey solution. For this, the amount of water remains the same - 500 ml, and honey will need 150 grams. Typically, the swab is placed in a honey solution and soaked completely. Then, in fact, they begin local treatment. To do this, a well-soaked tampon is placed in the vagina, left there for about 2 hours. The frequency of application of such a procedure is from one to two times a day.
Throughout pregnancy, douching with a honey-based solution is prohibited. What causes the danger of therapy? This agent can penetrate the birth canal, which is in a slightly open state. As a result, douching will lead to violations of the physiology of the unborn baby. Outside of pregnancy, douching is a good way to reduce inflammation and kill germs.

Will essential oil help cure female thrush?

Essential oils are often used to treat thrush. In most cases, tea tree oil is used. You can find it in any pharmacy, so the search should not be difficult. This oil is allowed to be used along with other types of vegetable oils. Let's take a look at the recipe further. First, take 20 ml of base oil, which can be, for example:

  • peach;
  • sunflower;
  • olive.

Then essential oil is added to the main oil in the amount of 3-5 drops.
How to put this solution into the vagina? You can choose between two methods:

  1. Rinse your finger well, then moisten it in the oil mixture and treat the vaginal walls.
  2. Introduce the resulting mass by placing it on a tampon.

We save ourselves with a camomile

The effectiveness of chamomile has been proven a long time ago. It reduces inflammation, kills harmful bacteria and is a great natural remedy for thrush in pregnant women. Often, decoctions, tinctures are made from it. Making a chamomile-based product is very simple. You need to take a container, pour 200 ml of boiling water there, then put a spoonful of chamomile flowers. Then it needs to be warmed up for about 15 minutes, after which it should be infused for 30 minutes. The prepared solution is filtered.

What is the application method? Used in the form of lotions or detergents and for douching. To cook, you need to combine the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml boiling water;
  • chamomile in the amount of two tablespoons.

The resulting broth is allowed to douche after it has been filtered. It is worth paying attention to the required temperature - the broth should be warm.

Chamomile and calendula

Sometimes the broth is made not only on the basis of chamomile. Along with it, one famous medicinal plant, calendula, is used to prepare a remedy for thrush. In this case, take 1 liter of water and pour into it a couple of spoons of the two components (that is, calendula and chamomile). The further sequence of actions remains the same. This broth is excellent for washing away.
Remember that any of the listed methods of treating thrush are allowed to be used only after they have been prescribed by a doctor. So that neither the child nor you get hurt, give up self-medication!

If you have any questions regarding a common ailment, write and order a consultation with a specialist doctor on our website!

Unfortunately, milkmaids are a frequent companion of pregnancy. In this article, we will consider why thrush is dangerous during pregnancy, how to treat thrush.

Symptoms of thrush during pregnancy

Symptoms of thrush during pregnancy differ little from the symptoms of just thrush. This is a burning sensation in the genital area, itching, with liquid, thick, greasy, with an admixture of curdled-crumbly discharge, with a characteristic sour odor. Itching and burning may worsen after intercourse. Unpleasant sensations can be so strong that they really interfere with the life of a pregnant woman.

Why is thrush dangerous for the fetus during pregnancy?

  • Several years ago (5-10), up to the present day, it was believed that thrush during pregnancy can be "vertically" transmitted to the fetus and infect it. According to the experience of our portal specialists (doctors), during pregnancy Maybe intrauterine infection of the fetus with candida. The risk of infection is increased with the imposition of circular sutures on the cervix with ismico-cervical insufficiency.
  • A baby can become infected with thrush during childbirth, in the process of passing through the birth canal. With intrapartum (the period of fetal life from the onset of labor to birth) infection with candida, the newborn usually develops candidal infection. There is nothing particularly terrible in this, it is quite quick and easy to treat, but it complicates the first days of adjustment. Therefore, in order to avoid such a scenario of the development of events, it is necessary to treat thrush, immediately before childbirth, if for some reason this was not done earlier.
  • Thrush-infected tissues are less elastic. That is why in the process of childbirth, infected women may occur more often. In addition, infected tissue is slower to heal. This is an additional reason why thrush is treated before childbirth, even if the pregnant woman is not worried about anything.

Is it necessary to treat thrush during pregnancy

Opinions differ on this issue. Here is the opinion of the specialists of our portal.

  • If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with thrush (candidiasis), but she does not have any negative feelings about this, then you can not treat thrush until the very birth. If the birth is planned to be natural, then before the birth necessary treat the disease to eliminate the risk of infection of the baby during childbirth. If childbirth is planned with help, then you can not treat thrush if the woman does not feel symptoms (itching, burning, no discharge and smell).

Note. It so happens that thrush is diagnosed (in a smear) in the first trimester of pregnancy. And the woman does not feel any symptoms at the same time. And she does not want to take any drugs in the first trimester, protecting the developing child as much as possible. Then you can wait with the treatment as described above.

  • If the characteristic symptoms of thrush are present, then this cannot be tolerated, it must be treated. The life of a pregnant woman is not sugar anyway :), if unpleasant sensations complicate her, then this is not good.
  • If thrush comes back constantly, even with treatment, this may indicate that thrush is "covering up" some more serious disease, such as chlamydia or ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis (all together STIs). In this case, it is imperative to make all the necessary ones (the doctor will prescribe) and carry out the appropriate treatment.

Thrush during pregnancy, treatment

  • Before you treat anything, you need to make sure that it is still a thrush, even if all the symptoms coincide. It is necessary to pass tests (the doctor will prescribe), and only then make a decision on treatment.
  • Almost all drugs in tablets (such as fluconazole and its derivatives) are prohibited during pregnancy. Basically, candidiasis during pregnancy is treated with local remedies: suppositories and creams (gels).
  • ... Make sure that you do not overuse sweets and pastries.
  • If you drink kefir, then give preference to products, the fermentation of which occurs not due to the kefir fungus, but due to biphytobacteria or acidophilus bacillus.
  • Candles "from thrush" are also not suitable for all. You can use suppositories Livarol, Clotrimazole (after 12 weeks), Terzhinan vaginal tablets.

You should pay attention to balanced high-quality for pregnant and lactating women only on a natural basis, a huge selection of which is presented in Mom's Store.

Note. The return of food and cosmetics at our expense is only possible if the packaging is intact.

Attention! Polygynax, Nystatin, Miconazole are contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy.

  • In parallel, your sexual partner should use an ointment with the same name, for example, Pimafucin or Nystatin, you can also purchase Clotrimazole cream for a man. It is necessary for the period of treatment.

Important! The course of treatment specified in the description of the drug must be fully maintained, even if the unpleasant symptoms have disappeared earlier. This is important because a relapse of the disease may occur and the growth of the fungus will resume.

  • Good hygiene is also important. Do not use ordinary soap or shower gel, but get a special product specifically for intimate hygiene, for example Lactacid or any other from the same area. Wash the labia with them daily. Lactacid is a means for daily intimate hygiene, contains the necessary lactobacilli.
  • Instead of Lactacid, you can use a solution of "Cyteal" at a dilution of 1:10, no more than 2 times a day and no more than 7 days in a row, it will relieve itching, irritation and all unpleasant sensations.

Thrush does not go away during pregnancy

A frequent complaint of pregnant women: "no matter how much I treat thrush, it comes back again." Let's look at what could be the reason for this phenomenon.

  • As mentioned above, frequent and chronic thrush during pregnancy may indicate the presence of a more serious infection, such as chlamydia or ureaplasmosis (STIs - sexually transmitted infections).
  • The fungus that causes unpleasant symptoms (Candida) has many varieties, about 200. It is important to understand correctly which species is in a particular case, and to choose the right drugs.
  • If a pregnant woman has a severely reduced immunity, then thrush may return. The reason is that all fungi and bacteria are present in the human body, but in a certain concentration. And against the background of reduced immunity during pregnancy (this is also associated with a changed hormonal background, as well as if, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, any immunodeficiencies), a favorable environment for the reproduction of the fungus is created. Therefore, you may need to take immuno-strengthening drugs, in conjunction with antifungal therapy. Most often, drugs are prescribed in the form of suppositories.
  • The manifestations of candidiasis in the reproductive system may be associated with intestinal dysbiosis. Therefore, it is often recommended to normalize not only, but also the intestinal microflora. It is with this moment that dietary recommendations are associated, for example, do not abuse sweets, and so on.

Prevention of thrush during pregnancy

  • As a rule, antibiotics during pregnancy are prescribed only as a last resort, but remember (just in case) that even in a non-pregnant person, taking these drugs is likely to cause subsequent manifestations of candidiasis. This is because antibiotics inhibit the growth of other bacteria and create a favorable environment for fungi to grow.
  • If you have had symptoms of thrush before pregnancy, then you must definitely treat the disease before pregnancy.
  • Analyze how sex affects the appearance of thrush. The fact is that the manifestations of candidiasis in men are not as pronounced as in women. Therefore, the partner may, in principle, not be bothered by anything. And yet it will infect you every time. As a rule, pregnancy is considered by most married couples as "a great time for unprotected sex." Unfortunately, if relapses of thrush occur every time after marital sex, then the partner needs treatment (together with you), and sex during treatment is possible only in a condom.

It is very important to take care of your hygiene in an excellent position and use only natural products. In Mom's Store you can choose and buy:

  • and with the correct Ph;
  • based on natural ingredients;
  • with a hypoallergenic effect;
  • (natural panty liners, breast pads, etc.).

Note. Please note that oral sex also carries a risk of infection if one of the partners is infected. In addition, candidiasis can affect not only the genital area, but also the microflora of the nasopharynx, which causes strong and severe. Considering all of the above, be careful and maintain the health of both yourself and your partner.

Folk remedies for thrush during pregnancy

  • Apply baths from a solution of soda and iodine;
  • Insert a tampon with honey into the vagina;
  • Apply a solution of borax in glycerin;
  • Insert into the vagina, and keep ice there (!). Interestingly, recommendations for the treatment of subsequent cystitis (and it is likely to follow immediately) are not given;
  • Inserting tea tree oil into the vagina.

According to the above folk remedies, the following can be said. Doctors warn that any douching (whatever), and even more so with a solution of soda, is strongly discouraged! The same goes for inserting anything inside the vagina. With this method, you can achieve the spread of candida ascending, thereby provoking inflammation of the ovaries, tubes, uterus. In general, do not risk your health and the health of your child, see a doctor and treat correctly.

Be healthy!

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You've probably heard more than once that thrush in pregnant women is a fairly common occurrence. But this does not mean at all that you need to accept this as an axiom and wait out the unpleasant symptoms. Thrush during pregnancy, as at any other time, is a rather dangerous disease that should not be allowed to take its course.

What is thrush?

Doctors give a clear definition of thrush. This is a dangerous disease caused by fungal organisms of the Candida class and accompanied by abundant curd discharge, itching, burning in the labia. But, please note that such symptoms can cause at least five genital diseases, so self-medication is postponed until all the circumstances are clarified.

Symptoms of thrush during pregnancy

If you notice profuse discharge that looks like curd mass, you most likely have thrush. Additional symptoms of thrush during pregnancy are severe itching, especially towards the end of the day, burning sensation, swelling of the perineum. In addition, one of the obvious symptoms of the disease is the smell of secretions - sourish, somewhat reminiscent of fish.

There is no clear pattern at what stage of pregnancy thrush may appear, perhaps you will be lucky and your pregnancy will pass without "sour milk" disease.

Thrush in early pregnancy: causes

If we talk about the causes of thrush, then there is no way to get away from describing its root cause. The disease is an increase in the number of fungi of the Candida class on the genital mucosa. Each person has spores of this type of fungi in small quantities, but as soon as favorable conditions for their reproduction arise, the process becomes uncontrollable.

One of such favorable conditions is pregnancy, or rather not so much a condition as the changes that it entails. And this:

  1. Change in hormonal levels;
  2. Weakening of the immune protective function;
  3. Change in the acidity of the vaginal environment.

As a result, fungi multiply, and you have a whole bunch of unpleasant, sometimes unbearable sensations and discharge.

Thrush in early pregnancy is guaranteed if the woman has previously been treated with antibiotics. Drugs of this type do an excellent job with bacteria, but they are absolutely powerless over fungal ones. As a result, fungi reign alone, and no other organisms interfere with their reproduction. But with the treatment, you should not delay a day.

How to treat thrush in the first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most dangerous period for drug use. During this period, the fundamental organs of the child are formed, any intervention is too risky. Before starting drug treatment, you need to try other methods:

  • Enhanced personal hygiene;
  • Correction of nutrition. Sweets and dairy products contribute to the growth of fungi. You need to give up sweets, muffins, kefir, fruits and yoghurts with bifidobacteria; An important article on nutrition during pregnancy >>>
  • Increasing the body's immunity.

If the disease is acute and you cannot do without drugs, in the first trimester you are allowed to use only topical agents. These can be ointments or suppositories.

Unconventional methods of treating thrush

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy in 1 trimester raises a lot of concerns, so you should think about unconventional or alternative methods, homeopathy is also good in this case.

  1. Homeopathy

Interestingly, in the homeopathic literature you will not find a diagnosis of thrush, but the following phrase, namely "leucorrhoea", is the best way to characterize the main symptom of the disease.

For treatment, homeopathy offers you a complex of two drugs, one - Asidium Nitricium should be taken in the morning, the other - Mercurius Solibilis - in the evening, respectively. You should start with one grain, if necessary, gradually increase the dose, but only up to five pieces. As soon as the symptoms subside, the dose is gradually reduced, then the medication is taken every other day, and so on.

But it is better to turn to a homeopath to choose homeopathic remedies, since the appointment is strictly individual, based on your state of health and the general type of constitution of the body.

  1. Cold treatment

You should immediately calm down - the cold will not affect the baby in any way, he will not feel any discomfort. The course of procedures is a week. The number of approaches is three. Material - ice and Malvit hygienic solution.

To prepare an ice candle, you will need a container from Kinder Surprise, in such a container there will be ice without corners and uneven surfaces, water and a drop of Malvit solution. Comfortable posture - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. The time of one approach is 5 minutes, the next stage should be started in 10 minutes.

  1. Honey treatment

You've probably heard about the magical properties of honey, you know that sore throats and colds go away forever (read about colds in early pregnancy), but it turns out that thrush, or rather its pathogens, are afraid of the beekeeping product like fire. If you have no obvious allergic reactions to this wonderful product, then go ahead.

For honey lotions, you need a tampon. You can make it yourself, from cotton wool and gauze bandage, or you can use finished products, but of the smallest size. The tampon is inserted into the vagina for two hours, all this time it is advisable to lie on your back with bent knees. The course of procedures is from seven to ten days.

  1. Medicinal properties of tea tree

In the fight against Candida mushrooms, the tea tree will also help you. To prepare the healing solution, you will need olive oil and a few drops of tea tree oil. You need to moisten the tampon abundantly and insert it into the vagina for two hours. The course of treatment is one week.

In the list of unconventional ways to treat thrush during pregnancy, there is also baking soda, a solution of which is used for douching and borax in glycerin. The latter is sold ready-made in pharmacy chains.

Traditional treatment for thrush

Medical treatment of leucorrhoea in pregnant women directly depends on the period. You already know that the most dangerous first trimester, however, in cases of emergency, doctors allow the use of medications in the form of suppositories.

  • Medicines for thrush: 1 trimester

In the list of acceptable drugs for the initial stage of pregnancy, you will find only two drugs - Betadine and Pimafucin. If doctors are unanimous about Pimafucin, then Betadine is controversial. This drug contains iodine, and, therefore, can provoke a malfunction of the thyroid gland at the stage of its formation.

  • Thrush during pregnancy: 2nd trimester

Treatment in the second third of the gestation period completely duplicates the appointment for the third trimester. The list includes two drugs you are familiar with - Betadine, which you should be on the lookout for, and Pimafucin, whose action, unfortunately, is rather weak.

Further, the list is continued by the Gino-Pevaril candles. It is worth noting that all three of the above medications must be taken in a course of six days. But the next one - Gynofort is administered once. In a pharmacy, to eliminate the causes of thrush during pregnancy, you may also be offered Clotrimazole, the course of treatment is seven days.

  • Thrush during pregnancy: 3 trimester

We discussed treatment with medicines above. I draw your attention to the following fact: if at least one symptom of thrush was recorded during the course of pregnancy, regardless of whether it passed by itself or was treated, then it is imperative that at the end of the third trimester be repeated treatment. It is important to eliminate the possibility of infection of the baby with Candida spores during childbirth.

You should know that the treatment of thrush is carried out not only by you, but also by your sexual partner. It is advisable to give up intimate relationships during the procedures. Unlike a pregnant woman, a man can take active drugs in the form of pills, one of which is Fluconazole.

Errors in diagnosis

Abundant discharge, unpleasant itching, and sometimes burning are the main symptoms by which you can independently diagnose thrush in yourself. However, a number of other vaginal diseases have similar symptoms, among them the safest one is an allergic reaction, which does not require specific treatment.

Discharge, accompanied by unpleasant sensations and inflammatory processes, can signal serious sexually transmitted diseases. If the wrong treatment is carried out, then time can be lost, and the disease smoothly passes to the second, more difficult stage.

Only bacterial culture for microflora will help to determine the diagnosis, a smear is taken from the vagina. By the way, to exclude the possibility of an allergic origin of itching, a regular blood test from a finger will help. If the analysis shows a low number of eosinophils, then the allergic nature of the inflammatory process is not confirmed.

You should be aware that the detection of Candida fungus in a smear also does not give an absolute diagnosis of thrush. There are several reasons:

  1. the smear was taken incorrectly;
  2. the woman has already undergone an antifungal course of treatment, and the sowing revealed already harmless fungi that are excreted from the body;
  3. during pregnancy, the rate increases significantly, and even the use of kefir at night can affect an increase in the amount of Candide.

Another option is also possible, when, in the presence of thrush, bacteriological culture does not show the pathogen:

  • the smear is taken superficially;
  • before taking a smear, the woman performed douching or used folk methods for self-medication;
  • the localization of thrush is not in the vagina, but, for example, in the ovaries;
  • non-observance of the rule according to which one cannot urinate for an hour before the procedure.

A single smear and blood test to establish thrush or refute is often not enough. It is necessary to examine the entire history of the pregnant woman, donate blood for sugar, examine the vagina, cervix and appendages.

How to relieve the condition?

Establishing the diagnosis is often delayed for several days, and you have no strength to endure the unbearable itching? Then there are several tricks on how to reduce inflammation and alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman.

First, you can wash the genitals with an alkaline solution, that is, water with baking soda. Such manipulations will somewhat reduce the acidity in the vagina, which is favorable for the growth of the fungus.

Secondly, you can put a cooling compress on the inflamed tissue.

Thirdly, remove salty, pickled and peppered dishes from the daily diet, which a pregnant woman already had to do. And also it is worth giving up dairy products and sweets, including baked yeast products.

Pay attention to underwear - it should be made of natural breathable fabrics. It is worth giving up tight clothing, this will only provoke itching and burning.

At the stage of pregnancy planning, each woman begins to monitor nutrition, tries to put her health in order in order to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future. Imagine her surprise when she is faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as thrush during pregnancy. How to treat, what to do, is thrush dangerous during pregnancy ... There are a lot of questions. Let's try to figure out whether this disease is so terrible or is it possible not to worry too much?

Thrush (candidiasis) Is a disease characterized by itching genitals (sometimes very strong), and white cheesy secretions with a sour smell. However, do not rush to diagnose yourself: these same manifestations can be symptoms of other diseases, so rely on a doctor to diagnose candidiasis. Especially unpleasant is the phenomenon of thrush during pregnancy.

Effects of thrush on pregnancy

Like any other infection, candidiasis is a potential danger for both the expectant mother and the baby. It complicates the course of pregnancy, creates risk of infection a fetus or even a newborn - if the thrush was not treated until the moment of delivery. Although it occurs in pregnant women very often, despite its almost asymptomatic course, candidiasis is not such a harmless companion to pregnancy, so it is important to diagnose and treat this disease in time.

Causes of thrush during pregnancy

The manifestation of this disease is due to various factors. There are so many of them that it is often difficult to determine what exactly caused the candidiasis. It may have arisen from wearing synthetic underwear, or due to a mechanical factor such as frequent and rough sex, leading to trauma the walls of the vagina.

In general, fungi of the genus Candida can live in the body for years and absolutely not manifest themselves in any way, and then, against the background of a decrease in immunity, thrush may appear during pregnancy. The reason for the weakening of the body's immune system can be various diseases: diabetes mellitus, infectious and oncological diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, tuberculosis, etc.

Also candidiasis can be called vitamin deficiency, vaginal dysbiosis, chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, and even taking certain medications, for example, antibiotics, immunosuppressants and corticosteroids.

Another reason that many pregnant women face the problem of candidiasis is a change in the hormonal background of a woman, as a result of which the vaginal microflora changes, becoming an extremely favorable environment for the development of Candida fungi.

Some doctors believe that thrush in pregnant women is more pronounced if consumed a lot of sweets.

Diagnosis of thrush during pregnancy

Correct treatment of thrush in pregnant women begins with a diagnosis. Usually enough bacterioscopy... During the examination, the doctor takes a swab from the vagina, urethra and cervix, and then sends the material to the laboratory for analysis. This method detects the disease even in the absence of any symptoms.

There is also a more accurate method - cultural... The material taken during the examination is planted in an environment favorable for fungi - if they are, they will certainly appear, which the laboratory assistant will see under a microscope.

Well, and the most accurate method is considered to be the method polymer chain reaction(PCR). However, firstly, it is quite expensive, and, secondly, during pregnancy it often gives a false-positive result. Therefore, thrush in pregnant women is usually detected in the previous two ways.

The gynecologist will most likely recommend that you take not only a smear, but also other tests: a general analysis of urine and blood, a smear for sexually transmitted infections, a detailed blood test for HIV. You may also have to visit other specialists: an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist - perhaps they will identify the cause of candidiasis.

How to cure thrush during pregnancy

As you yourself understand, the treatment of thrush during pregnancy is difficult: many drugs, which under normal conditions would quickly help to forget about this problem, are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Therefore, no self-medication: tablets and suppositories for thrush during pregnancy can be used, but only on the recommendation of a doctor. By the way, exactly candles are considered the most effective and safest remedy, since they act directly on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, minimally absorbed into the blood.

A separate controversial issue is folk remedies from thrush during pregnancy. There are a great many recipes, each tool is positioned as effective and harmless, but is it really so? Again, only a doctor can answer you. Even “safe” herbs have contraindications and side effects!

Many folk remedies are unlikely to help - at best, they will not harm. Washing with a soda solution, a decoction of calendula or oak bark is very popular. They are able to eliminate the symptoms of candidiasis and alleviate its manifestations, but the effect will be unstable and short-term.

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy will be more effective if you adhere to the following during the treatment period recommendations:

  • stop sexual intercourse, as a last resort - do not forget about a condom;
  • limit physical activity;
  • adjust your diet: give up spicy foods, sweets, starchy foods;
  • eat dairy products, more fruits and vegetables;
  • drink more liquid (it is great if it will be various juices and fruit drinks);
  • do not abuse douching;
  • wash yourself with clean water without soap 2-3 times a day;
  • for a while, give up thongs and tight underwear: your underwear should only be cotton.

Thrush during pregnancy is not a very pleasant phenomenon, but, nevertheless, it is removable. The main thing is to adhere to the recommendations of doctors in everything and not let things go by themselves: candidiasis can cause infection of both the pregnant woman herself and the fetus, therefore it is important to diagnose it on time and undergo a course of treatment.


Thrush (candidiasis, candidiasis) is an infectious and inflammatory disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida, most often Candida albicans. In pregnant women, thrush manifests itself 3-4 times more often than in non-pregnant women, in most cases affecting the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system, then they talk about genital or vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Pregnancy is a priori immune deficiency state, as the body “deliberately” reduces the immune defense in order to avoid rejection of the fetus by the mother’s body. Therefore, a woman during pregnancy is more susceptible to any infectious diseases, including thrush.

Causes of thrush during pregnancy:

Decreased immunity, the presence of chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, oncological pathology, HIV infection and others);

Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene (insufficient hygiene is just as harmful as too frequent washing, especially with soap, which destroy the natural protective microflora of the vaginal mucosa; wearing tight, synthetic underwear; using pads throughout the day without replacement);

Taking certain medications (glucocorticoid hormones, antibiotics, immunosuppressants);

Inappropriate nutrition (an excess of sweets provokes a change in the composition of vaginal secretions and provides a rich environment for the growth of the fungus).

During pregnancy, additional provoking factors appear:

Hormonal changes in the female body (the predominance of progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy, causes specific changes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs, it becomes looser, juicy and abundantly supplied with blood, and the acidity of the vaginal secretion also changes, it becomes higher, which prevents the growth of bacteria, but increases the risk of thrush);

Iron deficiency anemia (in pregnant women, this condition is observed in the overwhelming majority, since the consumption of iron during gestation is much higher than usual and the food iron is not enough to fill the deficiency) and hypovitaminosis;

Constipation and other intestinal dysfunctions (during pregnancy, constipation is a very common occurrence, which, however, is not the norm and leads to stagnation of feces, a violation of microflora and excessive proliferation of fungal colonies, which can also lead to vaginal candidiasis);

Chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, which are prone to exacerbation during pregnancy.

Symptoms of thrush during pregnancy

Acute candidiasis is a disease that has arisen for the first time, which can be cured with a timely start of treatment. However, the treatment of thrush often begins late, and the factor of immunosuppression in the body of a pregnant woman also plays a role and thrush acquires a chronic course with relapses, the frequency is different for all women, up to a continuous course, the chronic course is diagnosed in the presence of 4 or more episodes of recurrent candidal vaginitis within 1 of the year.

For acute and exacerbation of chronic candidiasis, the following signs are characteristic:

1) Highlights. The discharge from thrush is white or slightly yellowish, cheesy, thick, abundant or moderate, has an unpleasant sour odor (yeast). The discharge can be in the form of a plaque on the mucous membrane, thick creamy, or separated by thick curdled lumps.

2) Itching and burning. Itching and burning of the external genital organs and vaginal mucosa can be of different severity, sometimes characterized as unbearable and disrupting normal activity. A burning sensation in the vagina may be observed at the end of urination. Sexual intercourse also provokes discomfort.

3) Swelling and redness mucous membranes and skin of the external genital organs, reddish rashes may be observed. All of these symptoms are aggravated at elevated body temperature, in the evening and during sleep (which often interferes with sleep), while walking (especially if you are sweating), during water procedures.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis

Candidacy is possible - this is a condition when a fungus is found in a smear that does not multiply (there is no fungal mycelium in the smear), and there are no external symptoms of thrush. However, this condition during pregnancy must also be treated.

Diagnosis of thrush:

1) Clinical picture.
2) Anamnesis (clarification of the facts of similar complaints in the past, especially if no treatment was performed; concomitant diseases and risk factors).
3) Gynecological examination (examination of the external genital organs, examination in the mirrors).
4) Microscopic method.

Microscopy of a well-taken vaginal smear is the main reliable method for diagnosing thrush. Microscopic examination of dry smears is performed, as a rule, in a laboratory, but sometimes native (fresh) smears are examined right at the doctor's appointment (if the appropriate equipment is available and the doctor has the skills of microscopic diagnostics).

Cultural and molecular biological methods are not used in the primary diagnosis of this disease, because single Candidaalbicans can be observed in the vaginal microflora of a healthy woman.

Recently, microbiologists and gynecologists are re-studying together a seemingly long-known pathology, but it turned out that now thrush can be caused not only by Candida albicans, but also by other fungi of the genus Candida. Many of them are typified (Candidatropicalis, Candidakrusei, Candidaparapsilous, Candidaglobrata), for some there is no separate name yet. Therefore, the group of fungi that cause thrush and are not related to Candida albicans is called Candidanon – albicans.

The culture method can be used in the chronic recurrent course of the disease, to determine the type of yeast-like fungi (especially to identify species not related to Candidaalbicans), when studying the action of antifungal drugs, in an atypical course of the disease (including with systemic manifestations of candidiasis), when excluded other possible pathogens.

Thrush caused by Candidanon-albicans is unpleasant and dangerous in that many of the usual drugs do not lead to a cure and the inflammatory process turns into a chronic one.

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy

Personal hygiene is the basis for the prevention of thrush and an important part of treatment. As we said above, the acidity of the vaginal secretion increases during pregnancy, which increases the risk of thrush, therefore, during this period, it is not recommended to use intimate hygiene products containing lactic acid (and in ordinary life this is encouraged). It is recommended to use pure water, a decoction of chamomile or calendula, intimate washing gels with a neutral pH. All of these funds are used externally, only for ablution of the external genital organs.

DO NOT DINK! Such procedures wash out the microflora from the vagina and aggravate the already impaired local immunity.

If the itching of the skin of the external genital organs is very pronounced, then you can prepare a weak solution of soda in warm water and wash it off without injecting it. This manipulation will help relieve itching and burning and create a more alkaline environment. But for the mucous membranes, the effect will be too sharp.

Nutrition should be rational and this is a common truth. With excessive use of sugar in any form, especially in the form of carbonated sweet drinks and baked goods (that is, in combination with yeast), yeast-based drinks, a favorable environment is created for the propagation of yeast fungal colonies.

If you receive treatment even with the most modern drugs, but continue to eat cakes and other sweets, drink kvass and sweet soda, then the treatment will be much less effective, and the risk of relapse increases.

You should also exclude excessively salty and spicy foods, as this leads to discomfort in the genital tract and during urination.

The basis of the diet is vegetables, fruits (exclude grapes, bananas and other, too sweet fruits, give preference to seasonal fruits), cereals (with the exception of semolina), meat and fish.

Elimination of the mechanical factor... During the treatment, one should observe sexual rest, do not take a bath for a long time (preferably a shower), wear only underwear made from natural materials and exclude panties - thongs; change the gaskets as often as possible.

Medication for thrush.

During pregnancy, for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, as a rule, local drugs are used, which are practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation and therefore have little effect on the general metabolism. And yet, only an obstetrician-gynecologist should be engaged in the selection of the drug, taking into account the data of all examinations and the clinical picture.

Systemic drugs for oral administration (except for pimafucin in tablets) are used very rarely, since there is a significant risk to the fetus. The decision to prescribe a systemic antifungal drug must be carefully justified and the intended benefit to the mother must outweigh the risk to the fetus. Treatment varies by trimester; by the third trimester, fetal organs and systems are fully formed and a wider range of drugs are allowed. The most difficult period is the first trimester, since the choice of drugs is limited and the potential risk to the fetus is not excluded.

Treatment of thrush in the first trimester of pregnancy

- Pimafucin (Natamycin)... Pimafucin suppositories are prescribed 1 suppository deep into the vagina at night for 3-6 days. With a persistent recurrent course of thrush, pimafucin tablets are added (1 tablet 4 times a day for 10 to 20 days). Data on toxic effects on the fetus have not been established.

- Zalain (sertoconazole)... The drug is used when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. One vaginal suppository is inserted deep into the vagina once at night. If symptoms persist, re-administration is possible after 7 days. Before using the drug, you should make a toilet of the external genital organs using neutral soap.

Candinorm. Candinorm intravaginal gel is applied once a day at night for 1 - 3 days. The gel is available in individual tubes, the contents of one tube must be inserted deep into the vagina at a time. Candinorm Intravaginal Gel (6 ml) should be combined with Candinorm External Hygiene Gel (30 ml). Gel for intimate hygiene is applied 1 - 2 times a day, rinsing with warm water from front to back, can also be used by a partner. The drug is positioned as safe at any stage of pregnancy.

Viferon. It is used in the complex treatment of recurrent candidiasis, starting from the first trimester. Viferon 500 thousand units is applied 2 times a day rectally for 5 - 10 days. Combines with all antifungal drugs.

- Betadine (povidone - iodine, iodoxide, iodovidone, iodosept)... These are suppositories containing an iodine compound, 1 suppository is used 1 - 2 times a day for 7 - 14 days, if necessary, the course is extended according to the doctor's prescription. In the II and III trimesters, these drugs are not used.

Treatment of thrush in the II trimester of pregnancy

Polygynax. The drug is used strictly from the second trimester, it is available in the form of capsules. The capsules are inserted one at a time deep into the vagina, moistened with water. Course 6 - 12 days.

Terzhinan. It is produced in the form of vaginal tablets, used at night, 1 tablet deep into the vagina, moistened with water. The course is from 6 to 20 days, selected individually.

Clotrimazole. Clotrimazole comes in vaginal tablet form and is very affordable. Apply 1 vaginal tablet at night for 6 days. The tablet must be injected deep into the vagina, moistened with water.

Livarol. Livarol suppositories are used 1 suppository per day (preferably at night) for 10 days. This drug is remarkable in that it has proven efficacy against Candidanon – albicans and a low recurrence rate of thrush.

- Gyno - pevaril (econazole)... It is produced in the form of suppositories with a dosage of 50 mg and 150 mg.
Gyno - pevaril 50 mg 1 suppository before bedtime for 14 days.
Gyno - pevaril 150 mg 1 candle before bedtime for 3 days. In case of relapse, the course is repeated after 1 week.

Treatment of thrush in the third trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester, all of the above drugs are used (except for iodine preparations), and a solution of boric acid in glycerin is used (borax in glycerin, sodium tetraborate 20%). It is used for copious accumulations of fungal mycelium on the walls of the vagina, recurrent course. The genital tract is sanitized with a tampon dipped in a glycerin solution of borax for 1 to 3 days, sometimes longer. Sodium tetraborate is not an independent type of treatment and will not relieve thrush, but it will significantly reduce the fungal mass and cleanse the mucous membranes so that the further prescribed drug acts more effectively.

Additional drug treatment for thrush

- multivitamins for pregnant women (elevitpronatal, vitrumprenatal, femibionnatalke I or II, depending on the duration of pregnancy);

Preparations of pre- and probiotics (linex, hilak - forte, bifiform, maksilak) to normalize bowel function, which is one of the breeding grounds for thrush fungi.

To obtain a lasting effect, the partner should be treated as well. The partner should be treated by a urologist or andrologist. For men, as a rule, external creams and gels are prescribed; if ineffective, systemic drugs are used.

Complications of thrush during pregnancy

Complications for the mother

Complicated labor. Inflamed vaginal walls lose elasticity, become loose and vulnerable, therefore, the likelihood of ruptures in childbirth increases and suture healing worsens, the risk of bleeding during childbirth and the early postpartum period increases.

Complicated postoperative period after cesarean section. The postoperative period may be complicated by difficult healing of sutures, incompetence of the scar on the uterus.

Accession of other flora. Mixed infection is always more difficult to treat and longer than monoinfection. The addition of bacterial vaginosis can lead to the prescription of more drugs and increases the risk of toxic effects on the fetus.

Complications and consequences of thrush for the fetus

- Delayed growth and development of the fetus. A chronic inflammatory process leads to fetal growth retardation, disruption of placental blood flow.

Intrauterine infection of the fetus. Mother's candidiasis is dangerous for the spread of infection to the fetus. After birth, fungal plaque is found on the gums (candidal stomatitis), skin infection (vesiculopustulosis). The most extreme manifestation of intrauterine infection is candidal sepsis.

- Threat of termination of pregnancy. Recurrent itching causes sleep disturbance, restlessness, which can affect the tone of the uterus.

- Threat of premature birth due to premature rupture of amniotic fluid. Untreated thrush can lead to damage to the membranes and their premature rupture with leakage of amniotic fluid.


With timely treatment, candidiasis is treatable and does not provoke complications. With regular observation, monitoring of the recovery, you can be sure that your baby is safe. However, advanced cases of such a "harmless" and commonplace infection as thrush can provoke many of the above complications.

When thinking about planning a pregnancy, you should definitely visit a gynecologist and exclude microflora disorders, infections and other risk factors. Having been treated before pregnancy, you will significantly protect yourself and your unborn baby. If thrush caught up with you during pregnancy, then you should immediately go to your gynecologist, the earlier you start treatment, the more effective the result. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Obstetrician-gynecologist A.V. Petrova