What do foreigners think about Russian women? He's drawn to the Russians. Why women around the world love men from Russia

Frederic, 45 years old, France

We have the idea that women from Eastern Europe, and therefore Russians, are a bit of a slave. They obey their husband in everything, do not contradict him, jump up to clear the table, and so on. I don’t know what it is about other countries, but ladies from Russia are definitely different. Proud, self-willed, with character.

Your women are well versed in high technology, much better than the French. They are always connected, actively use numerous applications, and masterfully search for information. And at the same time, they have completely archaic views on some things. I myself heard how young Russian girls (25–27 years old) thought about “female” and “non-female” professions, about the fact that the main thing in life is to get married successfully, be a good wife and follow a man everywhere. Moreover, they came to France themselves, developed their own route, easily booked and rebooked train tickets over a cup of coffee. They were superbly educated, well-read, traveled half the world... You won’t find such thoughts among the younger generation, this is typical for women over 70. And your ladies’ attitude towards sexual minorities is also the same... Last century.

Russians are very concerned about appearance. Very much. Some people get eyelash extensions, while others don’t use makeup, but obsessively follow the combination of colors in their clothes. We also have such ladies, but there are fewer of them. The dissonance is that from people who are so concerned about their image, you usually expect coldness, closedness, selfishness, and narcissism. But in the case of Russians, every time you realize that you were wrong: they turn out to be sincere, warm and open. True, it seems to me that you are more anxious and less confident than French women. The very fact that it is so important to you to make a good impression is evidence of this.

With Russians it’s not like with others: you never know what to expect from them. You are unpredictable. It seems like you have “no limits”. The mindset is as if “anything is possible,” and it doesn’t matter in what field: open a restaurant, go swimming in the lake at night, get ready for a trip in two hours, get a job outside your specialty and make a career, write a book, make a film. You are always at a low start and always ready to swing over the barrier. And also, it seems to me, Russian women are less prudent than, say, French women. If they like the food, they will eat more than they need; If they come to a party, they will easily exceed a reasonable portion of alcohol. I don't really understand what makes them do all this.

Slavic women are credited with sadness and melancholy, but here I only partially agree. Yes, Russians are more worried about “where is he, what’s wrong with him, why isn’t he calling, what if something happened.” French women are calmer and don’t spoil their own mood with what hasn’t happened yet. But on the other hand, Russians are cheerful, sincerely show emotions, and know how to have fun. And in general they look at the world optimistically.

I heard that Russians are prudent and mercantile, they say, keep your eyes open, otherwise you will go around the world. I have never met such women. On the contrary, I communicated with those for whom material values ​​are not the main thing. With those who, with great difficulty, agreed for me to pay the bill at the restaurant. Who preferred to give gifts and was embarrassed when receiving them. People are different, and you can't judge everyone the same.

“I easily recognize Russians on the street, and it’s not because of blond hair. The main thing is a blush like your nesting dolls. This is a sign of health."
Frederic, France

Australian's opinion about Russian girls

Robert, 37 years old, Australia

Women in Russia are very beautiful, and at first I fell in love two or three times every trip on the subway. You definitely know how to look cool anytime, anywhere, but it doesn't come without cost. And I’m not talking about the money side of the issue, although I understand that everything is not cheap. One day during a lesson (I teach English) the word “narcissism” came up. The student asked what it meant. I explained that this is a negative concept, and that a “narcissist” is a person who cannot calmly walk past a reflective surface and constantly checks how he looks. The girl looked at me puzzled: “What’s wrong with that?” My jaw dropped. I looked at the others - and everyone had the same question in their eyes.

I once went on vacation with my Russian girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend. Every time I tried to draw her attention to something interesting, it turned out that she didn’t notice anything - she was either fixing her hair or her makeup (listen, ladies, nothing happens to them so quickly, unless, of course, you fell under tropical shower). Or she posted a selfie on Instagram. This upset me: she missed everything that was happening to us and cared more about how she looked in the eyes of others, and not in mine. I appreciated her beauty, but the moments we lived together were much more important.

As for sex, women here are more eager to fulfill their partner’s desires. Almost every girl asked about my fantasies (I even had to invent new ones) in order to immediately realize them. Russians are confident in themselves and their physical shape (of course, they spend so much time maintaining it). So playing in front of a mirror or taking intimate selfies is no problem; rather, it is perceived as the highest form of praise. I admit, sex in general is wonderful and full of enthusiasm. But, unfortunately, you can’t build a relationship on him alone.

I was told that Russian women are very independent and know what they want. I would agree with the second part, but the first is more difficult. In Australia, relationships are regarded as partnerships. Both participants share responsibilities equally. In Russia, judging by my experience, everything is more old-fashioned. One day after a party, I decided to help clear the table and wash the dishes. My then-girlfriend and her friends looked at me in amazement: you shouldn’t do this, you’d better sit and drink with other guys. Not that it's a problem for me, but it does make you feel a little selfish and misogynistic. In Australia, everyone does household chores, regardless of gender, just to get rid of them quickly.

One day during class the conversation turned to gender roles. Surprisingly, most students vehemently defended the traditional patriarchal system. It was the girls who spoke loudest, and the men supported them. There were a few brave souls who stood up for equality, but they were quickly snubbed by ladies who wanted to maintain the status quo of the 1950s. In Russia I met independent, beautiful feminists with wild, untamed souls, unlike anyone else. But overall, I think the girls here are exactly as I described. Stereotypes are imposed on them from early childhood and influence their self-perception and self-presentation. Sometimes for good, sometimes not.

Russian women are frank and will tell you directly what they think – whether it’s good or bad. I love that they are always there to support you and give you advice (and they are amazingly insightful). They are generous and caring. I have many female friends and I hope to keep in touch when I leave.

American's opinion about Russian girls

Jeff, 29 years old, USA

Russian women are gorgeous, it's true. One morning in St. Petersburg, on the banks of the Neva, my American friend and I met two very elegant girls - high heels, short bright dresses, flashy makeup. They looked like aliens. My companion, watching them go, said: “They are dressed as if they were going to a nightclub, but this is just a morning walk!” In general, Russians are more likely than American women to dress beautifully. On the one hand, it takes so much time that I sympathize with them. On the other hand, they obviously have fun, so... respect!

What struck me was the absolute indifference of your women to feminism. A lot of American women do not consider themselves feminists. But if you meet an educated girl from a big city, most likely she will support this belief system, or at least speak positively about it. Meanwhile, some liberal-minded, reasonable and strong Russian women think that feminism is some kind of stupidity and “not for them.” For me, this is a normal and obvious value system, so it’s not easy.

It's hard not to love Russian women for their kindness and attention to others. Whether it’s your grandmother scolding you for not wearing a hat in the cold, or an official making an effort to help (albeit after several requests), or friends hand-making gifts and beautiful cards for you. And I want to say that they don’t have to make all these wonderful things, but every time my heart melts. The women I am associated with at work, at home, in stores always make me happier. I even feel a little like an energy vampire. But it's hard not to have a crush on people who are really nice to you and heartbreakingly good-looking.

Your conservatism doesn't amuse me too much. I don't mind "being a man" at all, wearing heavy things and all that. But when a friend says something like “I’m a typical woman: I drive like an idiot” or “I’m just a stupid girl,” I want to take her by the shoulders, shake her and say: “Don’t ever say that, you’re smart!” A couple of times I slept with a girl who called me “girl” because I washed the dishes after dinner she cooked.

In many ways, Russians are more straightforward than American women, and this is usually great. But when it comes to relationships and sex, you start talking in riddles. A girl may overanalyze your words or say something incomprehensible, and then expect miracles of deduction from you. Sometimes it seems to me that I am inside a Russian drama, where inviting a young lady to a party or helping with English suddenly means that I am in love with her and want children with her, although I just wanted to be a good friend. I made a lot of stupid mistakes, not understanding what a girl really wants from me.

Russian women are very generous when it comes to sex. But their conservative side shows up here too. Blowjob is included in the obligatory program of the night, but at the same time, about half of the girls are extremely surprised (sometimes scared) when I offer to do cunnilingus. I try to be attentive to my partner and make sure that she reaches orgasm. But with some people, sex is more like a show for me alone. One day I asked a friend, “Do you want me to help you cum?” (after he did it himself, and she obviously didn’t, because she was too carried away by the incredible acrobatics). She replied: “Stupid question.” OK. I took it to mean, “No, but thanks.”

“They dig their heels into the ground and fight for what means a lot to them. This is a special Russian stubbornness.”
Jeff, USA

We also heard that...

“...Russian girls are too keen on intimate haircuts. They shave everything there. For what? This is completely unnatural.”
Cataldo, 39 years old, Italy

“...they worry too much about small things. I understand that the 1990s were a difficult time in Russia, but in England, for example, not at all, we had different childhoods, hence the problems. Let's say I'm a spender, and my Russian wife is extremely thrifty, and sometimes we argue about this. But I really think it’s time for you to stop worrying about everything.”
Jason, 31 years old, UK

“...the average Russian woman is much more savvy in matters of fashion – including men’s fashion – than the average European woman. As for sex, I personally haven't noticed any major differences, although your girls are probably more passionate. Stereotypes? I heard that there are two categories of Russian women. The first are rich, spoiled sexy dolls who haven’t worked a day and are burning through their parents’ money. The second are cold as stone, ready to sweep away everything in their path just to get what they need. So, I haven’t seen the first ones, but I really believe in the existence of the second ones.”
Lucas, 31 years old, Switzerland

Stereotypes are a controversial but very tenacious thing, especially when it comes to residents of other countries. Many people firmly believe that all Italians are expressive and emotional, all Germans are stingy and pedantic, the British are all snobs, and the Japanese are perverts... There is probably some truth in these judgments, but each person is unique, and you cannot judge everyone the same.

By March 8, the editors of Sneg.TV have collected for you the opinions of foreigners about Russian women. And among them there are some pleasant, some surprising, and some completely outrageous ones.

France, Frederic, 45 years old

“In my country there is an opinion that Russian women, like all other representatives of Eastern Europe, are a bit of a slave. They obey their husband in everything, do not argue, do not contradict, and jump up to clear the table and serve the next dish. I don’t know how it is in other countries, but ladies from Russia are definitely not like that - proud, headstrong, with character.

Russian girls are much better versed in high technology than French girls. They masterfully use numerous gadgets and applications, are always in touch and masterfully search for information. It’s a paradox, but very often it is precisely these modern beauties who have completely archaic views on certain things. I heard with my own ears how young Russian women (25-27 years old) discussed “feminine” and “non-feminine” professions, and also said that the main thing in life is to get married successfully, be a good wife and follow a man everywhere. With all this, they came to France on their own, the route themselves and with one hand they booked and rebooked train tickets over a cup of coffee. They were superbly educated, smart, well-read, traveled halfway around the world... But these thoughts and judgments of theirs are a thing of the past.

Girls from Russia are incredibly concerned about their appearance. Very much! They extend eyelashes and hair, and obsessively monitor the combination of colors in clothes. There are such ladies in France, but there are much fewer of them. The dissonance is that from people who are so concerned about their image, you expect narcissism, coldness, and selfishness. But in the case of Russians, every time you understand that you were wrong again: they turn out to be sincere, open, warm. At the same time, it seems to me that Russian women are more anxious and less confident than French women. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so important for you to make a good impression.

With Russians, everything is not the same as with others and you have to keep your eyes open, because you never know what to expect from them. You are unpredictable. It’s like you have “no limits”. Are you sure that “everything is possible”, and it doesn’t matter in what field: go swimming in the lake at night, get ready for a trip in two hours, open a restaurant, get a job outside your specialty and make a brilliant career, write a book, make a film. You are constantly at a low start and always ready to swing over the barrier. But this quality has a downside. In my opinion, Russian women are less prudent than French women. If they like the food, they will eat more than they need; If they come to a party, they may drink too much alcohol. I don't understand what makes them do this.

Slavic women are often credited with being melancholic, but here I only partially agree. Yes, Russian women are more worried about “where is he, what’s wrong with him, why doesn’t he call, what if something happened.” French women are calmer and will not spoil their mood with what has not yet happened. But on the other hand, Russian girls show emotions sincerely, know how to have fun from the heart and look at the world with optimism.”

Australia, Robert, 37 years old

“Women in Russia are incredibly beautiful! When I first arrived, I fell in love two or three times every trip on the subway. You know exactly how to look stunning everywhere and always, but this habit has a downside. And I’m not talking about money, although I understand that beauty is expensive. I teach English and one day during a lesson the conversation came up about the word “narcissism.” I explained that this concept is negative, and a “narcissist” is a person who cannot calmly pass by a single mirror and constantly checks how he looks. The student looked at me, puzzled, and asked: “What’s wrong with that?” I was simply stunned, I looked at the others and saw the same question in their eyes.

I had a Russian girl who was constantly fixing her hair or makeup, she lost sight of everything that was happening around her because she was posting selfies on Instagram. This made me terribly upset.

In sex, Russian women strive to fulfill their partner’s desires. I had to come up with more and more new fantasies, because almost every girl asked what I dreamed about in order to immediately realize it. Russian women are most often confident in themselves and their physical attractiveness, because they spend a lot of time maintaining it. Sex with them is wonderful and full of enthusiasm. But, unfortunately, you can’t build a relationship on sex alone.

For some reason, in Russia it is customary for a woman to clear the table. When at one party I tried to help with the dishes, they looked at me in amazement. But in Australia, absolutely everyone does household chores, regardless of gender, just to get rid of them faster.

One day in my class the conversation turned to gender roles. Surprisingly, most students fiercely defended the traditional patriarchal system. It was the girls who spoke loudest, and the men willingly supported them. The few brave men who spoke out for equal rights were quickly silenced by ladies who wanted to maintain the status quo of the 1950s. In Russia I also met independent, beautiful feminists with wild, untamed, free souls. But in general, most Russian girls are subject to stereotypes that are imposed on them from early childhood.

Russian women are frank and directly say what they think - even not the most pleasant things. But they are also amazingly generous and caring. I like that they are always ready to support you and help you with advice, and in this they turn out to be amazingly insightful. I have many female friends in Russia, and I hope to maintain our communication when I leave.”

USA, Jeff, 29 years old

“Russian women are magnificent - this is the honest truth. One morning on the banks of the Neva in St. Petersburg, my American friend and I met two very beautiful girls - short bright dresses, stilettos, chic makeup. They looked like aliens! My companion, following them with her gaze, said: “They dressed up as if they were going to a nightclub, but this is just a morning walk!” Russians are much more likely than American women to dress beautifully. On the one hand, it takes so much time that I sympathize with them. On the other hand, it is obvious that they enjoy it, so... respect!

What struck me was the absolute indifference of your women to feminism. Many smart, educated, strong-willed Russian women consider feminism to be some kind of stupidity. I, like most Americans, consider the feminist system of views and values ​​to be normal and obvious, so I have a hard time in Russia.

Russian girls are very modern and at the same time very conservative. You are capable of running companies and solving a bunch of issues at the same time, but when a friend of mine says something like “I’m a typical woman: I drive like an idiot” or “I’m just a stupid girl,” I want to take her by the shoulders, shake her and say: “Never.” Don’t say that, you’re smart!”

It's hard not to fall in love with Russian women for their generosity, kindness and attention to others. Whether it’s your grandmother scolding you for not wearing a hat in the cold; or an official making an effort to help with your problem; or friends who hand make gifts and beautiful cards for you. I tell them that they don't have to take the time to make all these beautiful things, but it melts my heart every time. All the Russian women I communicate with at work, at home, in stores, make me happier. Not only are they sweet and caring, but they are also heartbreakingly good-looking. Sometimes I even feel like an energy vampire.

In many ways, Russians are more straightforward than American women, and this is usually great. But when it comes to sex and relationships, most begin to speak in riddles and expect miracles of deduction from a man. Sometimes I get the impression that I am inside a Russian drama, where asking a young lady to dance or helping with English suddenly means that I am in love with her and want a family and children, although I just wanted to be nice. I made a lot of stupid mistakes, not understanding what a girl really wants from me.

Russian women are very generous with sex. But their conservatism manifests itself here too. Blowjob is included in the obligatory sexual program of the night, but at the same time, half of the girls are extremely surprised, and sometimes scared, if I offer to do cunnilingus. I always try to be attentive to my partner and take care of her pleasure. But with some people, sex turns into a show for me alone. Once I asked a girl in bed: “Do you want me to help you achieve orgasm?” - this is after I came myself, and she obviously didn’t, because she was too carried away by the incredible acrobatics. And she answered me: “Stupid question.” OK. I took it as “No, but thank you.” It was a fiasco."

Italy, Cataldo, 39 years old

“Russian girls are too keen on intimate haircuts. They shave everything clean off there. For what? This is completely unnatural.”

UK, Jason, 31 years old

“Russian girls worry too much about little things. I understand that the 90s were difficult in Russia, but in England they were not at all, we had different childhoods, hence the problems. I am a spender, and my Russian wife is extremely thrifty, and sometimes we argue about this. But that time has passed, and I think it’s high time you stopped worrying about it.”

Switzerland, Lucas, 31 years old

“The average Russian woman is more savvy in matters of fashion - both women's and men's. Russian girls are more passionate when it comes to sex. I also heard that there are two categories of Russian women. The first are rich, spoiled sex dolls who haven’t worked a day and are burning through their parents’ money. The second are unprincipled, cold as a stone, ready to sweep away everything on the way to their goal. I haven’t met the first, but I really believe in the existence of the second.”

Russian women have always been in high demand on international dating sites. Men of all age groups and skin colors willingly get to know them and often start strong families, despite cultural and language barriers. They are not deterred by rumors about the commercialism, explosive nature and fickleness of the broad Russian soul, and having a Slavic wife is prestigious even in the highest strata of society. Why do foreigners like women from the post-Soviet space so much?

One of the most common answers to this question is for their spontaneity. Representatives of the stronger sex unanimously say in different languages ​​that an affair with a Russian girl is an adventure that will be remembered for a lifetime. Relationships with a beautiful Slavic woman are rich in emotions and so bright that such girls are ready to forgive their whims and carry them in their arms. But this is not the only trait that is valued in our women.

Why do foreigners love Russian women?

They are the most beautiful in the world. This is why foreigners love Russian girls. Moreover, this beauty is expressed not only in physical attractiveness, but also in a special ability to present oneself. In most economically developed countries, women are not so keen on trying to please the opposite sex. Emancipated American, German and British women dress up, do complex hairstyles and full make-up only on occasion. Our girl is ready to look stunning every day, sparing no time and effort on her appearance.

Of course, a man is more pleased to see a feminine young lady in a beautiful dress next to him than a girlfriend in a T-shirt and jeans. Moreover, our women are ready to give foreigners a head start not only in appearance, but also in terms of interesting communication. Most of our compatriots have a broad outlook and know how to hold conversations not only on everyday topics, but also cultural and professional ones. Innate curiosity allows Russians to have informed discussions, be genuinely interested and listen to people, which are important traits for an interesting interlocutor.

Why do foreigners like the character of Russians?

The explosive nature of Russians is equated to the hot temperament of Italians. Why shouldn’t foreigners love Russian women if, after loud quarrels with breaking dishes, they are waiting for an equally stormy reconciliation with passionate sex? All this makes life real, bright and full. High emotionality reveals the soul and, without pretense, shows exactly what a person is feeling at the moment. Our girls are sincerely upset, but no less sincere in their love. And yet, it’s never boring with them.

The next trait that appeals to men is that Russian girls are always ready for adventures. They will agree to spontaneously change plans, go on a trip to the other end of the continent, move to another country, or simply go to a pizzeria in the middle of the night. This is a good companion who, subject to mutual love, will go through fire, water and copper pipes with his chosen one.

True, there are also negative aspects in the character of our compatriots, but they are either insignificant or compensated for by their subtext:

  • commercialism - concern for the well-being of the family and the arrangement of life,
  • lack of punctuality - multitasking,
  • extravagance - generosity,
  • nepotism - respect for family ties.

Russian girls in everyday life

Thriftiness is what foreigners love Russian women for if they are in the mood for a serious relationship. Slavic wives manage to do everything: look great, look after the children, keep the house in order. They will always find something to treat unexpected guests and feed their husband, who suddenly stopped by from work during the day. They know how and love to take care of their loved ones. A Russian girl will be happy to iron her beloved’s shirt, tie a tie, and help him choose clothes. For our women, these are completely natural activities, while foreign women are not ready to occupy their time with such activities.

At the same time, a Russian wife is not likened to service personnel. She demands respect for herself, gratitude in the form of pleasant surprises, and remains an equal participant in resolving important family issues. Even after years of marriage, she needs romance, dates and declarations of love, but she herself actively supports the sensual side of the relationship.

Over the course of a month, Russia received a huge number of foreigners who managed to sincerely fall in love with our country and feel the atmosphere of Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Saransk. The fans at the World Cup have already been asked, it seems, about everything in the world. We focused on the attitude of foreigners towards Russian girls.

Sport24 correspondent Ekaterina Ardatova went not to Nikolskaya, but to one of the nightclubs in St. Petersburg, and registered in a dating application.

Center of St. Petersburg, night club

Around midnight, people are gradually gathering in a small but quite popular club. The vast majority are foreigners. Everyone is dressed in the jersey of their national teams, from which fans have not left since the beginning of the tournament.

They come up to meet me. The club brought together Brazilians, Argentines, and Mexicans. Nothing unusual. Age from 23 to 40 years. Everyone is friendly, polite, and trying to buy you a drink. Naturally, they talk about Russia.

Dutchman of Brazilian origin Thiago (he is somewhere in his late forties) admits that he knew nothing at all about Russia. The trip is a real adventure and discovery for him. He was in Kazan, Moscow, and now St. Petersburg. He says that he liked the capital most of all - it doesn’t look like Europe at all, it’s very large, with beautiful architecture, and St. Petersburg reminded me of the Czech Republic and Latvia. He put it this way about Russian girls: modest, very beautiful, sweet and kind. Thiago promised to tell all his friends and relatives that Russia is a wonderful country where nice people live, and everything else is stereotypes.

The Brazilian Pablo (he seems to be about 25) first of all reports that Russian girls are incredibly beautiful, much more beautiful than Brazilians. Pablo likes Russia: everyone is very friendly, always ready to help, show the way, but they don’t really know English. The Brazilian says that he will probably come to Russia again to get acquainted with Russian culture and find a Russian girl.

Argentinean Sebastian (25-28 years old) awkwardly offers me a drink, asks what I do, and begins to talk about journalism in Russia. He only knows about Russia what is written on the Internet and the media, but he doesn’t really believe all of it. I expected Russians to be more aggressive, but I met cool people. It is recognized that Russian girls are the most beautiful, that we are emotional and very sincere (we will never smile just like that).

While my friend and I are having small talk with foreigners, other girls want to attract their attention quickly - they climb onto the bar counter and start dancing. After looking at this spectacle for about a minute, our Brazilian and Argentine friends realized: “This looks strange and disgusting. Why are these girls acting like this?!”


What can you do for a text? You even had to register on a dating app. Fighting off strange offers to get acquainted, I asked foreigners a few questions about Russia and Russian girls.

Alon, 23 years old, Israel

The West doesn't think very well of Russia. To be honest, I was even a little afraid to go. I didn’t have any special expectations, I just wanted to see everything with my own eyes. And everything turned out better than I expected. But many people do not speak English, this, of course, complicates communication.

Russian girls? Beautiful, confident, intimidating. Most of them are very beautiful, but they look like you have no chance of meeting them if you are not from Russia. And, again, most people don’t know English.

Aaron, 22 years old, Mexico

I’m very surprised at how kind Russians are. I was sure that there would be problems in communication due to the language barrier, but this was not the case - everyone was ready to help. I like Russia, the cities are so big and beautiful!


The girls here are beautiful, kind and a little silent and shy. On Tinder I want to meet a Russian girl and go out with her somewhere, try Russian food, hang out.

Who is cooler: Mexicans or Russians? Haha, very difficult question. I love Mexican girls, but now I'm in Russia, so I'll say that Russian girls are cooler!

Carlos, 27 years old, Cyprus

This is my third time in Russia, many of my friends live and work here, so I know quite a lot about your country. I was only surprised that there are no Russian guys on Nikolskaya - only Russian girls and Brazilians. I definitely didn’t expect this :) And you organized everything perfectly: clean streets, security, smiling people. I really like everything this time, but in the center everything is expensive.

Many girls know English well, but not everyone speaks it. Of course, there are those who don’t know the language at all, but I learned a little Russian, so we were able to communicate. They are confident, love Brazilians and want to leave Russia. And they are also very different. There are, for example, very beautiful tall blondes with beautiful blue eyes.

Daniel, 23, Portugal

I am also a journalist, I came here to work for Portuguese television. European news covers everything related to Russia in a negative way. So I thought there would be a lot of crime, mafia, crazy people and all that. But now I understand that everything is much better: cool people, cool places. I really like it here.


Not many people speak English, so it’s difficult to even order food in a restaurant here. Both girls and men speak English very poorly.

Russian girls are shy, kind and most of them are very nice. You know, they look at us with their friends, then lower their eyes, laugh, and when we look at them, they blush a little.

Everyone involved in the world championship in any way will remember this month for the rest of their lives. But the girls who had not been abroad received especially many impressions. Convenient: you don’t need to go anywhere, the whole world has come to you.

Fans from Argentina, Brazil, France, Portugal had no idea what awaited them in our country. And unexpectedly for many they found themselves in the center of the holiday, where they were expected and already loved with all their hearts.

There was only one question left to which I could not find the answer. Who fell for whom more: Brazilians for Russian girls or vice versa?

Finnish women appreciate our handiness, and Japanese women appreciate our size

Finnish women appreciate our handiness, and Japanese women appreciate our size

I recently got into a conversation with a friend who had just returned from Germany, where he has been studying for three years. I’m interested in his personal life, and Lesha says: “Foreign girls are crazy about our boys. Why do you think? Because we are real!” I went into online forums and blogs. And I came across a huge number of “imported” young ladies who are romancing Russians. And most of them are absolutely delighted with ours.

* French women, every single one, highlight in our men generosity and “a unique ability to throw the whole world at their feet.” But... not everything is so perfect.

For Russian men, the appearance of their chosen one is important. Mine took me to pretentious boutiques on the Champs Elysees, where he left a ton of money. I wonder what the salaries of large businessmen in Russia are, if mine worked only as a manager in a small company? - reported Catherine from Strasbourg. - Alex got mad when I wore flat shoes. I reproached her if she ran out to the baguette shop in sweatpants and a T-shirt. With all this pathos, he often got drunk to the point of a pig and began to go on a rampage.

My Russian husband is generous like a king - notes Parisian Ivanna. - And very straightforward. She might say that the dress makes me look fat or that the dinner is not tasty. At first such words offended me, but now I understand that this is the most valuable quality in him. The French will never tell the truth to your face.

* Canadian We are also delighted with ours. During the year I lived in Moscow, Daphne Poiret from Vancouver I managed to enjoy romances with three Russians of different ages. She liked everything so much that, upon returning to her homeland, she managed to find herself a Russian there too.

You should try to meet these men, if only for the sake of interest, says Daphne. - When you date a Russian, you become his “baby.” He'll tell you to dress well if it's cold outside, and he'll call you every two minutes to see if you got home from class. Russian guys will surprise you with beautiful bouquets for absolutely no reason. And they also have a funny accent - a sort of “Russian gangster”.

* Finnish They consider us the most attractive.

I have been married to a Russian for five years, and Vladimir is the best in the world for me! - the lady under the nickname opens up Red_ stokkie. - He will always fix a broken thing, assemble a nightstand, change tires and pull a car out of the mud. Finnish men are accustomed to turning to special services. They can hardly do anything with their hands.

Not only are Russians handsome (you know, such purely masculine beauty: stubble, big arms, massive backs), but they will also turn your life into a holiday, writes in the online community Helga Stein(according to her, she has been married to a Russian for seven years and gave birth to two children from him). - Russian men love fun and practical jokes. My current one often jokes with me: he’ll throw rubber bugs into my bed, or he’ll jump out from behind the door wearing a mask. He is capable of doing spontaneous things and knows how to do nice things.

*Asians Russians are also loving. Translator Tatiana Kim I lived in Japan for 11 years and noticed the following:

Japanese women are attracted to Slavic appearance - large eyes, tall stature, protruding nose, blond hair. Russian men are assertive and do not hesitate to be the first to start a conversation with a girl. While the Japanese will stand aside. Japan has a conservative attitude towards women. Even food in restaurants is served to the man first. That's why Japanese women are attracted to Russians by their gallantry. They are shocked when they are given a hand or the door is torn off to let them go forward. Moreover, among the Japanese it is customary that the lady pours the alcohol. Imagine how amazed Japanese women are when a Russian asks: “More wine?”

Russians are considered sex giants by Japanese women. It's not just about size, but also about ardor. For example, my friend Yuko in 26 years of my life I have never experienced an orgasm with the Japanese. Only the Russian could satisfy her. And it happened, you won’t believe it, on a plane!

Many Japanese women have repeatedly accused their Russian partners of infidelity. And they almost always forgave.


Lyudmila USTUPINA, matchmaker at a marriage agency:

- The demand for our men among foreign women is now huge. The fashion for Russian handsome men began about six years ago. Asian women value Slavic appearance, American women love Russians for their soul, Greek women for their positive and easy attitude to life, and Spanish women find common traits in their temperament. These relationships do not always last long. Although the Norwegian woman, whom I introduced to a Russian several years ago, is still happy. The couple are raising a son.

As much as I read and talked with foreign women, they all mainly note the generosity of Russian men. And, of course, our courtship is beautiful and always on a grand scale. Note that only in Russia there is such an insane number of 24-hour flower stalls.


Remember the American singer Joanna Stingray? Such a liberated girl with a strange hairstyle, who hung out with St. Petersburg rockers in the late 80s. In fact, she was the first foreigner to sing all the delights of the Russian man. Joanna had a special passion for Boris Grebenshchikov:

He conquered my will and mind. When I left for Los Angeles, all I could think about was how to return to Russia again. I flew here every three months. I loved all the guys very much! There are also a lot of good, interesting people in America, but they are very simple and predictable. But this Russian soul has become a real drug for me,” the singer admitted more than once.

In the early 90s, Stingray married the drummer of the group "Center" Alexandra Vasilyeva.

Not all Chinese are small

But what do our girls think about overseas princes? It is clear that all this is a personal opinion, which may not coincide with the experience of others, but some conclusions can be drawn.

Inna, 28 years old:

I had sex with Chinese people. They stick very unobtrusively and bashfully. You don't have to wait for fireworks in bed either. But the eyes sparkle. And their sizes are not microscopic, as many believe. There were instances - wow! It’s nice that the Chinese wash themselves thoroughly “before” and “after”. Therefore, spontaneous sex outside the home is not recognized - it’s unhygienic. Romantics. Two of the three, the morning after the first sex, quite seriously offered to get married and immediately move to live with them.

Tatyana, 35 years old:

I got the most brutal (biceps-triceps, two meters tall) and emotionally restrained Italian. So don’t believe those who say that they are all whining about how their life has failed, gesticulating eloquently and shouting “Mamma Mia!” during orgasm. During the six months of my affair with Ricardo, I cannot note any crazy generosity on his part. And there weren’t really any unforgettable romantic surprises. But the ability to choose a 100 percent suitable thing as a gift for your beloved, a wonderful sense of humor, slightly careless (but it feels like it was absorbed with mother’s milk) gallantry and attention to the girl’s interests and preferences - all these features have forever put Italians in a place of honor on the pedestal for me . Honorable, but not first... Everyone, of course, has different stories, but my personal experience shows that no one will understand a woman better than a man in love with her, who speaks the same language with her and has a similar social perception to her .

Italians are the biggest lovers of delicious and fresh food. It would never even occur to them to fry cutlets and then eat them, heating them one at a time, for a whole week. One day I decided to surprise my boyfriend with a “herring under a fur coat.” Rick was shocked by the appearance of the dish, but he devoured a third of the impressive size of the salad bowl with pleasure. I put the leftovers in the refrigerator. The next day I put the dish on the table and read misunderstanding in my macho eyes. Of course, he made two plates, but you should have seen what mental and physical torment he experienced!

Alina, 32 years old:

I lived in Tallinn for two years. Contrary to stereotypes, all my Estonians turned out to be hot guys. They loved to do THIS in clubs, public toilets, cinemas. They categorically refused to use protection. If there were romantic meetings for the whole night, then it seemed that the partner’s batteries would never run out. One minus is that Estonians approach the process somehow without a soul.

Polina, 41 years old:

The French are very spoiled by an easy life, well educated, sophisticated, pampered, love the classics, opera, and art. They love to dress beautifully and stylishly. Because of all these “national characteristics” they are often perceived by others as gay. But, believe me, a person who has lived in France for almost 20 years, there are only a few gay people among the French!

Sex is not as important to them as foreplay. It is always accompanied by a trip to a restaurant, where the girl should admire how skillfully the gentleman chose the dishes and drinks. If you refuse to try some “yummy” food from his fork, know that you will not have a second date with this person!

Valeria, 24 years old:

During the three years I lived in London, I would say that English men are very well-mannered, reserved, cultured, and not the most generous - it is not customary here to court a woman, since she is too emancipated. Costs are divided in half. You can rely on an Englishman, he will be gentle and caring. But you won't get any special emotions. Frankness is not always easy either.