What to do to make milk go away faster. A few facts about breast milk burnout. Gradual refusal to feed

My baby doesn’t breastfeed and I am constantly expressing milk, I’m already tired of it, and the baby eats formula well. How to properly stop lactation? Help me get rid of breast milk (((((
Svetlana Gomel

Hello, indeed, stopping breastfeeding sometimes faces a number of challenges. Let's deal with this issue in detail.

It is optimal for both mother and baby to gradually stop breastfeeding. In this case, the mother begins to apply the baby to the breast less and less, due to which the amount of milk produced by the mammary glands decreases and gradually reaches zero.

However, sometimes mothers have to abruptly refuse breastfeeding (in cases where the child categorically refuses to take breast milk or the mother is prescribed medication that is not compatible with the lactation process). Of course, you can't get your breast milk to go away overnight. Milk "burnout" is a rather lengthy process (it occurs within one - one and a half months). At the same time, there are several effective and safe methods to speed up the "burnout" of breast milk.

Method 1 - medication.

Currently, medicine is known medications, which allow you to achieve a complete stop of the lactation process in a maximum of two weeks (the most popular among them are Sinestrol, Microfollin, Norkolut, Duphaston). However, in no case should you prescribe this kind of medication yourself! Only your attending physician is able to choose the hormonal agent that is optimal for you after a complete and detailed examination.

Method 2 - folk.

In folk medicine, there are also a number of effective methods for abruptly stopping breastfeeding, each of which is based on the use of decoctions of medicinal plants. You can easily find a similar collection in every pharmacy (it includes elecampane, bearberry, parsley and madder). By consuming an infusion of these herbs instead of tea for 5-6 days, you will noticeably reduce the amount of milk produced by the mammary glands. Another proven folk remedy is the use of a decoction of medicinal sage. To prepare it, you will need a tablespoon of dry sage and a glass of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the broth is completely ready, it is recommended to use it 1-2 sips every hour. The use of a decoction of sage allows you to achieve a complete cessation of lactation in just 3-4 days.

And a few words about what to do is categorically contraindicated in an effort to complete breastfeeding as soon as possible. For a long time, it was believed that a woman's breast ceases to produce milk if subjected to a tight pull. However, this method of getting rid of breast milk is very dangerous, since when ligating the mammary glands, they can be seriously injured, provoke mastitis and other inflammatory processes.

In general, after you completely stop latching your baby to your breast, the amount of milk will gradually decrease. At this stage, you should stock up on calmness and patience, as well as closely monitor your diet and the amount of fluid you drink (remember that in an effort to stop lactation, you should keep it to a minimum). Good luck!

Pashkovskaya VV, Goretskaya Central District Hospital, obstetrician-gynecologist, 2 years of work in the residential complex of Minsk.

Zhenya 2015-09-22 05:40:04

do not feed and the milk will burn itself out, but not immediately of course

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Starting from the first day of life, a baby born into the world feeds only on breast milk or artificial mixtures.

The first option is most preferable so that the baby can receive all the valuable trace elements, vitamins and minerals.

But what if the mother needs to urgently interrupt lactation for some reason? You can find out about this from the review below.

One of the most painless and natural completion methods is to slowly reduce the number of feedings, which should be done gradually. To do this, you need to remove any one feeding, replacing it with a bottle. After that, the other should be removed until all feedings have disappeared completely.

It may be that the baby does not want to eat the mixture, getting used to the taste of mother's milk. In this case, you do not need to feed him, but just give him a little water to make him hungry. It is best to cancel the night feed so that your baby can bottle-feed in the morning.

Throughout this period, the mammary glands will adapt to the situation and will begin to produce a very small amount of milk, reducing it to zero in the future. As for the crumbs, throughout this time he will get used to other foods. Gradually, he will switch completely to breast formula and the mother will not have any problems.

It should be remembered that if the mother tries to stop abruptly, then this may end in complications for her body. Most often this leads to the occurrence of an unpleasant disease - mastitis. Do not despair, because if lactation was interrupted correctly, then in the future there will be no adverse consequences for the mother's body.

Previously, women pulled tight breasts so that milk did not appear. Some, on the advice of grandmothers and mothers, still resort to this method of getting rid of lactation. This should not be done, otherwise serious breast problems may appear. With the help of such a controversial method, you can only harm your body. Tight pulling of the breast area leads to the following troubles:

  • Disruption of the normal blood flow in the chest
  • Blockage of ducts when blood clots clog and cause suppuration
  • The occurrence of edema of the mammary glands

In such a situation, the milk in the breast will begin to stagnate, which will entail the emergence of a dangerous disease - which often leads a woman to undergo breast surgery.

What does the piggy bank of folk recipes offer mothers?

If a woman is faced with the question of what to do so that breast milk burns out in a short time, then first of all she needs to pay attention to the advice of traditional medicine. The following herbs are better than others to stop its production:

  • basil
  • sage
  • parsley

With the help of such simple means, you can quickly activate the urinary system (in particular the kidneys), remove excess fluid from the body and suspend lactation.

In order to prepare a lactoblock mixture, it is recommended to take 4 tbsp. parsley (preferably fresh, not only leaves, but also stems are suitable) and pour boiling water in the amount of one glass.

After cooling, the drink should be filtered and drunk in small sips. Experts recommend drinking this drink for a month. In addition to its lacto-blocking functions, parsley infusion will help to relieve a woman of excess weight and improve her complexion.

No less effective and. It is able to remove excess fluid from the body, as well as calm the nerves. This remedy works much softer than any tablets.

In addition, leaves removed from white cabbage will help to remove excess breast milk, as well as stop it completely. Such raw materials must be well washed and rolled with a rolling pin. After that, the leaves are applied to the breast to the nipple area and bandaged with bandages for fixation. Leaves should not be removed until they take on a wilted look.

Sage tea is also very effective in stopping the production of breast milk once and for all. Use it regularly and after 7 days lactation will decline.

You can buy sage sachets at the pharmacy, or you can brew ordinary dried flowers - 1 tsp. half a glass of boiling water.

If, due to the current situation, a woman who has recently become a mother needs to stop producing breast milk, the doctor will prescribe pills for her specifically for this purpose. You need to know that such drugs have a hormonal basis. This means that such drugs should never be used on their own. Otherwise, the woman runs the risk of harming her health. The specialist will determine the time of taking these medications himself.

Among the most commonly prescribed drugs are the following:

  • Bromcamphor
  • Dostinex
  • Turinal
  • Bromcopretin

So that there is no inflammation in a woman's mammary glands, which is fraught with the release of pus, it is imperative to express milk. Moreover, it is necessary to carry out similar procedures when taking hormonal-based anti-lactation tablets.

It must be remembered that some part of the main substances of the tablets will be contained in breast milk, so the baby should not be applied to from the first day of taking the medication.

To obtain an effective result when using medicines, it is necessary to use them only in accordance with the scheme prescribed by a specialist. In addition, you need to know that such pills have contraindications, so they can not be taken by everyone, but only by absolutely healthy women.

Among the main contraindications to the use of such drugs, doctors call the following:

  • sugar
  • pressure surges
  • diseases of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys

With the help of such drugs, you can very quickly stop lactation, while remembering one very important point. It is necessary to use them only in special situations when all methods have been tried and do not have the desired effect.

Also, you can take such medications if you need to urgently interrupt the lactation process due to preparation for surgery, a long business trip or other special cases. In this case, it is imperative to read the information on the side effects of such medications in the instructions for them and take note of it.

How long it will take to end breastfeeding will depend on how correctly lactation was stopped in a recently given birth woman.

You also need to know that if a woman suddenly has a sudden increase in body temperature, there are seals in the chest area, slight discomfort or severe pain, you should immediately inform the doctor about this in order to prevent the appearance possible complications.

Video tips for a nursing woman:

When a baby is born, one of the most exciting questions for a young mother is how to establish lactation. As soon as a child turns one year old, most mothers ask a completely opposite question: "What should be done to reduce lactation and weaning as soon as possible?" True, there are those who are faced with a similar situation only 2-3 years after the birth of a baby. In any case, the question is considered one of the most relevant among mothers.

How is lactation reduced?

Even in the days of Ancient Russia, women thought about how to reduce lactation. And, in fact, the answer to the question of what to do to burn out breast milk was already known to many women at that time. At that time, all people believed in the power of various rituals, one of them helped a woman get rid of breast milk. The woman had to drop breast milk on the stove, and while it was evaporating, the process of burnout took place. In this case, milk ceases to be released from the breast without harm to the mother, such was the old custom.

In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine that a woman, in order to stop lactation, will look for a Russian oven.

Initially, you should understand what the process of reducing the amount of breast milk excretion consists in. Under natural conditions, lactation decreases by itself, due to the woman's illness, severe nervous shock or stress.

It is worth noting that diseases that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature lead to the fact that breast milk burns out. How to make sure to maintain lactation at the same time? The answer is simple - do not stop breastfeeding while you are sick. When it is vital for a mother to take medications, the active substances of which are transmitted through breast milk and can harm the baby, then lactation must be stopped.

Preparing to quit breastfeeding

What needs to be done to burn out breast milk? The first thing to do is to set aside time to prepare your body. Among experienced mothers who have already encountered this situation, there is an opinion that it is important to choose the right season for this - spring or autumn. This is due to the fact that if you stop breastfeeding at another time, this can adversely affect the immunity of the baby. However, there is no scientific confirmation of this fact yet.

The psychological factor is also of no small importance. If a young mother does not know what to do to burn out breast milk, then it is better to seek help from a breastfeeding consultant. They will help you to properly tune in and prepare psychologically for the fact that this process may take some time. The most painless way for the baby and his mother is to give up first day feedings, then gradually "getting rid" of night feeds. If the child is not yet a year old, but he already receives cow's milk, milk porridge as complementary foods, then at night you can give him milk or a mixture from a bottle. Since babies calm down during sucking, this option may help you for a while.

How do you choose the right time of the year?

In the experience of many mums, it is best to choose fall or spring for weaning. This is due to the fact that during this period the child's immunity is most resistant to various diseases. That is, it is believed that in the summer the body receives enough vitamins, and if vegetables and fruits grown on their own plot are used as complementary foods, then their benefits only increase.

It is also worth paying attention to the habits that have appeared in the baby. Mom may notice that the child is no longer so attached to the breast, can sleep peacefully at night, and accepts food from an adult's table well (cereals, vegetables, fruit purees, dairy products). This is another signal that it is time to stop lactating. And the amount of milk emitted in this case becomes noticeably less than the previous one.

Gradual refusal to feed

For those who are just starting to think about the question of how to make breast milk burn out, it is recommended to gradually reduce the amount. Thus, the baby's need for additional breastfeeding will be less. A decrease in the number of applications per day also affects the volume of milk secreted by the female body.

It often happens that by the first year of a child's life, the mother gradually becomes less milk and the question arises of how to transfer the baby to an artificial mixture or complementary foods. It is recommended to gradually accustom the baby's body to the fact that now he needs less milk.

It would be best to disaccustom the child to fall asleep "on the chest", then it will be easier to refuse from night feedings. If the baby is still small, then you can use a pacifier or a bottle with an anatomical nipple filled with formula or milk.

Use of medications

Doctors may recommend taking special medications to help burn out breast milk. What should be done first of all in this case? Choose the right medications, determine the duration of the course. Hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin are responsible for the production of breast milk by the mother's body. Therefore, for those who are wondering what to do to quickly burn out breast milk, it is recommended to lower their levels.

In medical practice, several similar drugs are used, for example, "Bromocriptine", which consists of active substances contained in ergot. It stimulates dopamine receptors, which inhibits prolactin synthesis. The drug is used strictly on the recommendation of a doctor, as it has side effects that seriously affect cardiac activity. While taking the drug, the accumulated milk must be expressed. It is noted that after a week of taking the pills, breast milk completely burns out. If a woman notices that her health has deteriorated, she has a breakdown, nausea, sweating, the drug should be stopped.

The same main component is part of another popular drug, Dostinex. Prescribed by a doctor to burn out breast milk. What to do for a woman who urgently needs to give up lactation? First, obtain permission for use as a medicinal product, assess the possible risks. Since it acts much faster than the first drug, it should be borne in mind that after about three hours the woman will notice the lack of milk flow. The effect of taking it lasts for a month, then you need to consult a doctor for further recommendations. In case of stomach ulcer, depression, the drug is not recommended to be taken.

Forced reason for termination of lactation

It often happens that it is important for a woman to urgently stop lactation, and she does not know the methods by which breast milk burns out. How to make sure that you do not harm yourself or your baby? It is best if the mother maintains lactation for the first six months. At this time, breast milk is rich in all the necessary vitamins and enzymes to strengthen the body, the population of the children's gastrointestinal tract with beneficial bacteria. After that, you can include an artificial mixture in the diet.

If the baby is comfortable with feeding through a bottle, then you can first express the accumulated milk and give it instead of the formula. You can restrain the flow of milk using the method traditionally known to many mothers - pulling the mammary glands with a tight bandage. However, it is better to first agree on this method with a doctor so as not to damage the skin.

Healing sage

They resort to grandmother's recipes when they do not know what can be done to burn out breast milk and not take it hormonal drugs... The easiest and most effective way is herbal medicine or herbal medicine. As the main ingredients, herbs are suitable, which have similar properties to hormones produced by the female body.

Sage infusion is very popular. It allows not only to reduce lactation, but also to strengthen the immune system. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of boiling water and add 3 g of dry grass to it. The broth should be infused for half an hour, then it should be divided into three parts and taken during the day.

Useful properties of mint

Similar in its action to sage peppermint. During its reception, it is forbidden to attach the baby to the breast, since it acts directly on the work of the mammary gland. Peppermint is so powerful that it can damage the heart muscle of a child. You can use a proven folk remedy to burn out breast milk. What to do with mint? For 2 cups of boiling water add 2 tbsp. l. herbs and leave in order for the infusion to stand. It is recommended to take 2 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day.

The advice of experienced mums and breastfeeding consultants agree that compresses are just as effective. One of the simpler methods is the cabbage leaf. In order to use it correctly, it is preliminarily recommended to wrinkle the leaf before the juice is released and apply it to each breast. It is suggested to keep such a compress until the leaves are completely dry.

Psychological component

The main advice: think in advance about how to do it right to burn out breast milk. Because emergency weaning is much more difficult not physically, but psychologically, both for the mother and her baby.

The baby perceives the breast not only as a way to satisfy feelings of thirst and hunger. For him, it is also a connection with his mother, which gives a feeling of security, unity. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom him in advance to other methods of calming down. For example, you can just hug more often, stroke the child on the back while lying down.

How quickly does lactation go?

The body of each woman is individual, in some, milk ceases to be released almost immediately, while others note that this process was long. It is worth noting that if a woman is in no hurry to give up breastfeeding, then it is recommended to stretch the process for several months, gradually canceling daytime feedings, then morning, evening and last night. Perhaps the order will be different in each case. The most important thing is to take into account the fact that the child may simply not be psychologically ready for weaning.

If you still have questions about what needs to be done to burn out breast milk, it is best to first study all the methods in absentia and only then try it on yourself. Breastfeeding consultants agree that the growing baby needs to organize interesting leisure activities that will distract him from thinking about the need to kiss the breast.

It will be best if, instead of the mother, the father or someone from close relatives will put the child to daytime and evening sleep. Thus, it will be possible to train him to sleep without the need to attach to the chest. At the same time, less milk will be released, since the body will no longer receive a signal about the need for further lactation.

Breast milk is the healthiest food for your baby. The health benefits of breastfeeding cannot be underestimated. In addition, this feeding method is also very convenient. The young mother produces milk that does not need to be boiled. You also don't have to worry about the degree of freshness.

Often women complain that they have very little milk and that the child is not full. In fact, there are many ways to stimulate lactation. The simplest and most effective is the frequent latching of the baby to the breast. Stimulating the nipples results in the release of certain hormones that are responsible for the arrival of milk.

It is for this reason that modern doctors recommend feeding babies not by the clock, as it was before, but on demand. The more often the baby asks for breast, the better.

The skin-to-skin contact leads to increased lactation. Young mothers need to often hold babies in their arms, hug, stroke. Some pediatricians advise you to try sleeping together.

Do not worry that milk will run out if your baby suckles frequently. It arrives in such quantity as is needed at the moment. If a woman for some reason cannot feed her baby, and her breasts are swollen, she needs to express milk. This will help relieve discomfort and provoke a new flush.

Milk arrives intensively at night, so doctors advise against giving up night feedings. This can lead to lactation problems.

Nutrition and breastfeeding

Milk is made from blood components, but nutrition can affect its composition. Certain foods and drinks are known to stimulate milk production. In order for it to arrive at an accelerated rate, you need to drink more fluids. In this case, it must be warmed up. It is best to consume it 10 minutes before feeding. You can buy a ready-made collection at the pharmacy to enhance lactation, or purchase dried herbs and brew them.

The arrival of milk is facilitated by the use of decoctions of cumin, anise, nettle. To prepare milk tea, you can pour the guest of dried nettle leaves with a liter of boiling water, insist for several hours, strain and consume 2-3 tablespoons before each feeding.

Strengthening lactation is facilitated by the use of tea with milk. Cow's milk can be simply added to ready-made tea, but it is even better to brew a drink based on it. To do this, pour a spoonful of dried tea leaves into milk and boil.

In this case, it is important not to harm yourself. There is also a "grandmother's" method of weaning a child from the breast - pulling the breast with tight bandages. But at present, doctors are against this method, since the consequences can be very dangerous in the form of severe forms of mastitis.

When choosing a method for suppressing lactation, you must take into account your own characteristics - the frequency of feedings per day, the amount of milk produced and its quality.
If we talk about the safest way, then in order for the milk to burn out, it will be necessary, first of all, to reduce the number of feedings per day, especially during the day. Since it is a well-known fact - frequent sucking of milk and good emptying of the breast, leads to the production of even more milk. In addition, it is necessary to consume as little liquid as possible. A good effect is observed when playing sports, because with sweat the body also loses fluid, thereby producing less milk. Thus, milk will gradually disappear until it disappears completely. Let this method take a long time, but it will not harm the mother and will not be stressful for the child.

In the literature, social networks, advice from friends, relatives and acquaintances, there are often advices that in order for the milk to burn out, nothing needs to be done, but simply wait until it "disappears by itself." Perhaps this method has the right to be, but do not forget that with abundant lactation, lactostasis can form, accompanied by high fever and painful sensations. More dangerous consequences of such suppression of lactation can be various forms of mastitis.

As for the medication method for suppressing lactation, the most popular drugs are Dostinex and Bromkreptin. However, you should not take medication on your own, without consulting a doctor, since each drug has its own contraindications. If, nevertheless, there is a need to take pills in order for the milk to burn out, then you need to consult with a mammologist who will prescribe the most suitable drugs for you.

In any case, when choosing one of the methods of suppressing lactation, you must be guided by common sense and the advice of professional doctors, since what suits your friend can greatly harm you.
Health to you!