Nail design - liquid stones. Manicure Liquid stones: photo design How to make a manicure stone effect

New nail art techniques never cease to amaze. Talented nail service masters are able to make a unique design using traditional nail materials. So, with the gel, which is used to simulate an artificial plate, you can create liquid stones on nails that look like sapphires, emeralds or rubies. We will introduce you to this technique better, tell you how to make liquid stones on your nails yourself, show you beautiful photos and fascinating videos.

What are liquid stones

In most cases, stones for marigolds are associated with rhinestones. But voluminous and heavy rhinestones and natural minerals are inconvenient to use, besides, they quickly fall off (especially from their nails). Liquid stones or casting is the newest technique that gel nail extension uses very often. This technology has the following advantages:

  • The beauty. With a thoughtful design, you can enjoy a delightful shine on nails of all colors of the rainbow;
  • Relative ease of implementation. With a little practice, you can recreate chic nail art at home. If casting does not work, then as a last resort you can buy ready-made polymer stones;
  • Durability. The technique is carried out only with the use of gel polish, due to which such a manicure lasts from a week to a month, depending on your habits or lifestyle.

At their core, these are polymer particles that are created either from a gel or from a special varnish. But in addition to these materials, foil is also required to create spectacular patterns and an ultraviolet lamp to make the gel dry faster.

  • Liquid stones are best done on long nails - extended nails with liquid stones look wonderful.
  • When doing such a manicure for the first time, it is better to do it on one nail first, so that mistakes are easier to correct.
  • Stones do not have to be painted on all nails; it is enough to decorate only two fingers with them (for example, ring or index fingers on both hands).
    technique liquid stones on nails
  • Such a manicure for brides looks great, but it is better to choose dim shades for it.
  • Try to match the color of the stone to the color of your eyes: brown-eyed suits a deep amber, blue-eyed - the color of the morning sky.
  • To make the imitation stone more natural, you can add a couple of grains of sand, glitter or a sprig of grass to the gel.
  • If a transferable manicure foil was not found at home, it will be successfully replaced by an ordinary non-transferable one, but the pattern will have to be cut out of it in advance.
  • Foil gel can be easily replaced with regular nail polish or glue.
  • Try to imitate different stones: sapphire, turquoise, malachite.
  • Such a manicure can be done without stained glass gel, but with it the stone will look more natural and voluminous.

Cons and pros

Liquid stones nail design has a number of advantages. Such artsy nail art allows you to:

  • make marigolds refined and refined without the effect of weighting;
  • to achieve the beauty and shine of natural precious jewelry without the use of expensive materials;
  • get stunning beauty not only in the salon, but also at home.

Along with the significant advantages of this technology, it is possible to note the disadvantages of this approach to nail design:

  • the main disadvantage of this decoration technique is the high cost of work in beauty studios. Since a nail-master actually does a colossal and microscopically delicate work, she a priori cannot get along with a fashionista in a penny;
  • this technique is relatively new and not every beauty studio has masters who are able to create such beauty. The training itself also takes more than one day and turns out to be very costly.

Materials and tools

The technique of creating liquid stones on the nails is rather complicated. To translate it into a unique manicure, you will need to prepare professional materials and tools. These are several color art gels, a tear-off foil of a golden hue, stained glass gel. The last remedy can be in different designs, but its azure version will look incredibly stylish and relevant in manicure.

You also need to choose your brushes carefully. It:

  • natural version up to 6 mm
  • angled version up to 6 mm
  • brush hair up to 2 mm

To complete the work on creating liquid stones, you need to prepare a sculptural gel, which should be of a thick consistency. A protective gel, free from dispersion, is also required. To consolidate the result, you will need an ordinary UV lamp.

A step-by-step guide to applying liquid stones

  • As for the technology for applying liquid stones, then initially a jacket must be decorated with a white gel. Within a couple of minutes, it should be fixed in a UV lamp. The master then covers the plates with a non-dispersive protective agent. Two-minute polymerization is duplicated.
  • The next step is to use black art gel. With its help, it is necessary to create ornaments on the nails. This is the basis for the future of casting. At this stage, it is recommended to use a hair brush, which will create clear contours and fairly voluminous lines. It is under this condition that the foil will be able to fix without problems. The "workpiece" is polymerized again within 2 minutes. After that, golden foil is applied to the nails. It touches the plates with the matte part. Then it must be abruptly torn off, as a result of which the ornament will become golden in color. This manipulation is carried out with each applied pattern. The end result is casting.
  • Further, using colored gels, a "hole" is created to fix the stone itself. The author of the technique recommends using at least two shades. This will allow the pebble to become three-dimensional and shimmer under the rays of any light. This step is followed by a two-minute polymerization, after which the stained glass gel must be applied. Again, it is optimal to use several versions of it in order to end up with a multifaceted and luxurious stone. The polymer must be cured using a standard method.
  • To make the artificial nail inlay look as believable and elegant as possible, it is advisable to cover the result with a sculptural gel. At this stage, the author of the technology recommends using a thin brush. Again, this step will be followed by polymerization in a UV lamp. Then the liquid stone is covered with a finishing agent in the form of a special gel, freed from dispersion. In a UV lamp, the marigolds undergo the last treatment.

In the course of such rather lengthy manipulations, a unique manicure is obtained. Despite the fact that it will take a lot of time, the fashionista will be able to amaze everyone with her individual, exclusive nail art, which, with the right choice of colors and shapes, can even become part of a business ensemble.

Liquid stone design technique video:

How to remove a liquid stone design?

Never try to pull pebbles away from the nail plate. Otherwise, you can severely damage the top layer of the marigold. In order to remove the applied design, you need to use a special machine. If you don't have this kind of equipment, a hard file is fine. However, such work will take quite a long time. Gradually file the nail until you erase the stone. After that, you can proceed to the standard manicure scheme.

Nail design "Liquid stones": reviews

Those women who once tried such a manicure technique have very conflicting reviews about it. So, some of the fair sex admire such a design and make it at every opportunity. Other ladies say that it is tasteless and pretentious. What reviews does this technique have?

"Liquid stones" are beautiful

Women say this technique allows them to show their individuality. So, sparkling elements on the nails look very rich and stylish. If earlier it was necessary to glue volumetric elements in the form of stones, now this can be avoided. In addition, pasted decorations can fall off at any inopportune time.

"Liquid stones" are reliable

The fair sex say that this manicure is quite durable. You can do the daily cleaning, cook, wash the dishes, or play with the kids. Nothing can damage your beauty. The "Liquid stones" technique is performed in such a way that the sparkling element is firmly attached to the nail plate. Even if you specifically want to tear off a pebble, you will not succeed.

"Liquid stones" are expensive

This is the opinion of those women who visit nail salons. Due to the complexity of the procedure, the master on average estimates one element at 200-500 rubles. Thus, creating a design on each nail, the manicure turns out to be quite expensive. If you make a liquid stone at home, the price will be much lower. You only have to spend your time and energy on work.

"Liquid stones" are original

If you love beautiful and shiny drawings, then this technique will certainly appeal to you. Women say that with the advent of this technique, their pens began to look completely different. Overflow stones look very original. Especially if you observe harmony in clothes, makeup and manicure.

Equipment manufacturers, price and quality comparison

When it comes to reliable equipment manufacturers who can play up the precious shine, facets, radiance and luxury of stones, this is the E.Mi brand. This brand offers to purchase polymers specially designed for the creation of liquid stones. However, it is worth considering that only those nail masters who have completed the course and received certification from the author of the technique can buy them.


From year to year, women have become more careful about caring for their nails and decorating them. After all, well-groomed and attractive nails and hands are always one hundred percent success. Today, there are almost a million options for a wide variety of nail designs that can be performed both in a beauty salon and at home. After all, a variety of coatings for nails are not only aesthetic in nature, they also protect the nail plate from negative external influences. Next, we will share interesting and fashionable ideas for manicure with stones and rhinestones and tell you how to make such a nail design without leaving your home.

What it is?

It is very easy to guess what a manicure with stones is. Every woman has seen such decor at least once in her life. Most often, this is a design in which decorative stones, rhinestones, buns, crystals and some other elements are used as decorations that create a luxurious effect. This design can be very diverse and can combine the most unusual techniques.

In general, a manicure with stones can be called universal. But here we are talking about their number. When the stones are miniature, there are few of them and several nails are decorated with them, then such a manicure will be an excellent addition to any everyday look. But massive rhinestones on the nails or stones made using the “casting” technique are perfect for any evening look, but still, be careful with large rhinestones.

Manicure with stones and rhinestones never goes out of fashion, and it not only makes the owner's nails attractive, but can also hide minor defects in the nail plate.

Modern manicure with stones and rhinestones will be an excellent complement to the nails of any representative of the fair sex, at whatever age they may be. Delicate and small rhinestones can perfectly complement youth nail designs, but massive stones on the nails will help emphasize female maturity.

A manicure with decorative stones, rhinestones and other decorations looks great both on extended nails and on your own nails, but it is best to perform it on gel polishes, so the stones will last longer.

Design ideas

To create a design with stones, nail masters most often use the following materials and techniques:

  • Swarovski crystals;
  • Glass and crystal stones;
  • Shiny and matte rhinestones, broths;
  • Stones made of acrylic powder, made using the "sculpting" technique;
  • Liquid stones with a combined casting technique, most often this design is used for extended nails and perfectly complements service jackets;
  • Liquid latex for a flawless manicure.

  • It is not necessary to decorate all nails with rhinestones, recently it has been very popular to highlight only a few nails, for example, middle and nameless;
  • Diversify unusual painting on nails with decorative stones. Flowers in Chinese technique look very original, complemented by small beads or stones;
  • Be very careful about the reason for which you need a manicure. If you are doing everyday nail design, then choose delicate shades and not very massive stones, which will visually weigh down your hands. But for parties and other celebrations, sparkles, stones and "casting" are very appropriate;
  • Designs with sculpting on nails and interspersed with small shiny stones look luxurious and expensive. I would like to note right away that such decor can be massive, and sometimes uncomfortable, so preference should be given to small modeling on nails and decorating with medium rhinestones or broths.

You will also find great ideas for design and inspiration from the famous manicurist Christina Fitzgerald, who has her own brand and her own products. This woman has been doing a lot for the nail art industry since the days when nails were not a must-have beauty ritual for every woman. Therefore, you should definitely pay attention not only to this person and her work, but also to her excellent products for nails and their decoration.

Fashion trends

Today it is quite difficult to keep track of the fashion in the nail industry, because the masters do not use these or those techniques in their pure form, they always bring something of their own and something at the request of the client.

This year, as in the previous year, the “casting” technique, which is created by imitating various stones and patterns, remained at the peak of popularity. With its help, you can make an unusual figure in the form of a precious stone, and it can be of any color, and the frame looks most advantageous in gold and silver.

Many masters say that clients have not lost interest in the gradient and in recent years it is especially relevant. Such a design can be safely decorated with a scattering of crystals or small sparkling rhinestones. And it is not necessary to make banal stripes, you can very favorably emphasize the hole of the nails with stones or place them along the edges of the nails.

Also, you have probably already seen this fashionable pearlescent design with the help of a special powder-rub. Pearl nails in this design also "love" beautiful stones and Swarovski crystals. Girls began to actively choose such a fashionable design for weddings and other holidays.

Fashion trends in colors recommend that we pay special attention to wine shades for nails that go well with red and black stones. Most often, these options for decorating nails are not suitable for everyday life, but they look great. Also at the peak of popularity are all nude shades and bright blue.

Mostly this year, monotonous nail designs are not used. Do not be afraid to paint your nails in different colors, the main thing is that they are in good harmony with each other.

Light patterns for a beautiful effect on the nails

Beautiful, light and delicate patterns will not only diversify everyday manicure, but also emphasize it favorably.

  • Matte patterns and flowers look most advantageous, which can be supplemented with small stones. Moreover, it is not necessary to paint on each nail, although such a design is appropriate. It is best to decorate the middle and ring fingers. Previously, this was considered a curiosity, but now this technique does not go out of fashion.
  • To create a small lace pattern or draw details around future stones, it is best to use acrylic paints or gel polishes. Recently, the usual varnish options have lost their popularity due to the fact that they are not so stable, and various decor does not last long on them.

  • Also, ready-made patterns can be glued to nails using special sliders or stickers., which can also be complemented with various rhinestones. This technique is very easy to use and is primarily aimed at home use.
  • To achieve a beautiful effect on nails, painting can be done with gel polishes and rubbed for design. You can also sprinkle the pattern with acrylic powder, which will give a velvet effect, but you should not cover such a design with a finish, otherwise the dull effect will disappear immediately.

A wide variety of patterns using unusual techniques can be easily done in a beauty salon, but if you decide to experiment at home, then stock up on thin brushes, get dots and future decor elements.

How to do it at home?

Be that as it may, but at home you can bring to life the most unusual designs for manicure. And these do not have to be monochromatic options, because at home there is an opportunity to start over, if you don't like it, make adjustments or choose something completely different.

We suggest paying attention to several master classes that will help you make a manicure with pebbles at home. But first, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that before applying gel polish or usual, all nails must be cleaned. In the salon, you can be offered a hardware room, while at home you can use a spatula, wire cutters and a nail file to shape. Always treat your tools with an antiseptic.

Option 1. Monochrome gel polish with large crystals on the ring fingers.

  • On prepared and filed nails, apply a base and dry it in a UV lamp;
  • Cover all the nails with the selected shade of varnish, you can cover the unnamed ones with another shade or do everything in a single color;
  • Dry the first coat of gel polish. If it is transparent or stripes for you, then it is best to apply the second one and it is on it to place large rhinestones on the ring fingers. Only then dry them in a lamp;
  • To complete the manicure, cover everything with a colorless glossy finish and cure again in the lamp.

See the whole process of creating such a manicure in the next video.

Option 2. Casting on extended nails with a jacket. Such a design may also work at home, but most often it is practiced by professional nail service masters.

  • Since extended nails are very strong, you can make a variety of designs with them and attach all kinds of decor to them. On a pre-made jacket on extended nails, draw a drawing using black gel polish. Don't dry it. We suggest depicting a beautiful heart and how to separate the French manicure;
  • Next, cover your drawing with a special rub in or use a swiping motion to print a special foil on it, so you get the "casting" effect;
  • Next, complement the drawn heart with various stones and rhinestones to taste. You can attach them with special glue;
  • Secure everything with a colorless finish and cure your nails in a UV lamp.

A beautiful and practical manicure is every woman's dream. And now, to create it, the "liquid stone" technique is actively used, thanks to which real masterpieces appear on the nails. A photo of a manicure with liquid stones will not leave indifferent any girl, especially since almost everyone can master such a design.

Features of the design "liquid stone" on the nails

A manicure created using this technique resembles the covering of nails with rhinestones. However, instead of heavy, bulky stones and natural minerals that fall off rather quickly.

This happens especially often if they are attached to natural nail plates, special gels and other additional materials are used. With their help, craftsmen reproduce original patterns imitating precious stones, gold, platinum and silver.

Liquid stones look very natural and impressive, so it can be difficult to distinguish them from jewelry creations.

How to do a manicure with liquid stones and casting at home

Technique "liquid stone" on nails and photos of this design is gaining popularity, so now you can learn how to do a manicure in this style on your own at home. To do this, you need to prepare tools and materials that are sold in almost any makeup store.

Liquid stone on the nails: what it is and how to do it.

For a beginner in this matter, you need to follow detailed instructions in order to avoid ridiculous mistakes.

Another important step in creating the perfect nail art, especially for natural nails, is the correct preparation of nails for applying gel and other materials, because the durability and beauty of the manicure depends on the working surface of the nail.

Required materials and tools

To create a manicure using the liquid stone technique, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • UV lamp to speed up the drying of each gel layer.
  • Manicure foil in harmony with the selected stone.
  • Colored art gel used to create a jacket.
  • Non-dispersive gel.
  • Gel paint required for contouring and printing foil after polymerization.
  • Thick sculptural gel.
  • Stained glass gel for casting stone.
  • Angled brush for basic french coat.
  • Basic brush for most manicure layers.
  • The so-called hair, necessary for drawing the contours.
  • Special polymer stones.
  • Means for degreasing nails.
  • File to prepare nails for casting.

Basic design step-by-step instructions

To create a beautiful and graceful manicure in this style, you will have to follow these steps:

  1. It is necessary to process the surface of the nails with a file to remove their natural shine, otherwise the pattern will blur.
  2. Now the nail plates need to be degreased using alcohol or a special tool.
  3. As soon as the nails are dry, you can cover them with gel, and a very thin layer must be applied to natural nails. After that, they should be dried under an ultraviolet lamp.
  4. Now you need to rid the nails of the sticky layer by wiping them with an alcohol-containing solution and you can start forming the pattern by completing its outline first. Here you need to show special diligence, because it depends on the quality of the contour whether the selected pattern will hold or will blur.
  5. Then, with the help of special glue, you need to fix the foil selected to match the pebble on the nail, and when it is firmly attached, tear it off with a sharp movement.
  6. Decorate the "frame" of the stone with paint or gel, drying it after application under the lamp.
  7. Now it remains to form the stone itself, using for this structuring gel and acrylic materials, and also cover the finished pattern with gel for a shining or mirror effect, drying each layer under the lamp.

Correct technology for applying liquid stones

To create liquid stones, the technology of multilayer manicure is used, in particular, a three-layer one. Therefore, they are based on contour drawing, stained glass, as well as sculptural gel.

Technique for applying liquid stones:

  • At the first stage, the outline of the future gem is drawn with black gel, which in most cases is decorated with gilding or silvering, depending on the chosen foil.
  • At the second stage, the prepared outline of the drawing is filled with a translucent or transparent gel to create a depth of color.
  • At the third stage, a gem is formed. With the help of sculpting gel and a thin brush, you can create an original gem that looks completely natural.

The technology of applying liquid stones also implies repeated use of a UV lamp, as well as coating the finished pattern with a finishing gel, which will give the stones a natural shine.

Imitation gemstone options

Judging by the numerous photos, the liquid stone casting technique will make it possible to create on the nails an imitation of almost any gem and natural mineral - it all depends on the skill level and creative approach of the master.

But the following gems are especially popular:

  • translucent emeralds;
  • amber;
  • sapphires of a wide variety of shades;
  • juicy rubies;
  • rose quartz;
  • exquisite pearls;
  • luxurious turquoise;
  • iridescent malachite.

Liquid stones for natural and extended nails

The technique of casting liquid stones was originally developed for nails extended with gel or acrylic, since it required a fairly high density of the surface to be coated and a good length. Now it is actively used for natural nails, and a manicure made in this style looks quite impressive on them and is not weighted down.

Liquid stone on the nails: a novelty in manicure and pedicure.

The only limitation in this case may be the length of the nail plate. Since a lot of free space is required to complete a high-quality pattern so that it does not blur when applied.

Design depending on the shape of the nails

The technique of liquid stone on nails, the photo of which is becoming more and more popular in specialized and fashionable glossy magazines, is used on extended and natural nails. Therefore, the design and size of the stone is selected by the master, depending on the shape of the nails.

You can cast stone on round, square, pointed and oval nail plates, as long as they are not too short. On almost any work surface, you can recreate miniature jewelry masterpieces that will delight the owner of this manicure.

Design ideas: popular decor and new items

Oriental motives are one of the most popular decors when using liquid stones., which are performed in most cases on long square nails. Their tips are covered with gold, on which an uncomplicated pattern is applied with a bright blue and turquoise gel.

In order not to overload the image, casting is done on only one nail, while not being limited to one gem. At the base of the picture there is a large turquoise stone, a little further a bright red ruby ​​is created, and around them there are many small transparent emeralds that act as the setting for this "jewelry".

Decor novelties when using liquid stones represent original spring motives. So, emerald insects, ruby ​​dragonflies, sapphire scorpions and butterflies, as well as luxurious peacock feathers, whose "eye" is made of large and juicy gems, appear on the nails of fashionistas.

All these drawings are decorated in gold, and the background of the nail plate is chosen in the most delicate pastel shades in order to focus on such an unusual contour of the liquid stone.

Oriental style in the picture

Casting liquid stones is gaining popularity, so craftsmen are happy to experiment, creating jewelry masterpieces on their nails. Especially beautiful in combination with this technique, patterns in the oriental style are obtained, because they themselves are distinguished by wealth and luxury, since they are made of "gold and jewelry".

And liquid stones allow you to achieve a stunning result, because the gems made on the nails look natural and mesmerizing, turning the fingertips into a luxurious oriental fabric, embroidered with gold and covered with bright red, blue and green stones.

Liquid stones with french

One of the simplest designs in this style is the french liquid stones. Such a manicure looks elegant and delicate, especially if it is created to match the jewelry worn by a woman. Therefore, it is not too flamboyant and is suitable for everyday life.

To complete this technique, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Using an angled brush and white gel, paint a jacket on the tips of the nails, and it is better to choose discreet, pastel shades.
  2. Dry your nails under the lamp.
  3. Apply gel protection and fix it under the lamp.
  4. Using black gel and a thin brush, apply a pattern - the frame of any precious jewelry and dry your nails again.
  5. It is necessary to apply gilding to the nails using foil, gluing it and sharply removing it.
  6. The place for the stone should be covered with yellow and silver gel to create depth of color by drying each layer with a lamp.
  7. With a thin brush, cover the stone with colored stained glass gel, using the required shade, and dry again.
  8. To shape the volume of the stone, a sculptural gel is applied to its surface, giving it the desired shape with a thin brush. Then dry your nails under the lamp to harden the stone.
  9. Now it remains to cover the entire surface of the nail with a finishing gel and dry the nails again.

Liquid stone for wedding manicure

Each bride carefully thinks over her wedding image, and a special place is given to her fingers. By tradition, girls choose French manicure - stylish and discreet, but with the advent of liquid stones, they began to increasingly resort to casting. At the same time, decorating each nail with a gem is not worth it, since the appearance of the bride should remain gentle and not overloaded.

Therefore, most often they work with the ring finger, choosing not too bright stones - pearls, crystal, soft pink or white sapphires and they are framed exclusively in gold or silver to match the wedding ring.

Cost of execution in the salon and at home (average prices in Moscow)

The technique of liquid stone on nails, a photo of which is considered the property and pride of any nail salon and master in particular, is quite expensive. The average price of casting in the salon is 400 rubles per nail. Performing this manicure at home will not be so expensive - the masters take from 100 rubles per nail for their work.

Peel off features, how to peel off liquid stone design?

This type of manicure looks impressive and holds extremely firmly, so it is not easy to remove it. The main thing to remember is that in no case should you rip stones off your nails., otherwise their surface layer can be damaged.

To get rid of the casting, you will have to use a special machine or a rigid file, which needs to grind the pattern until it disappears. But in this case, a tedious and long work lies ahead. And when there is no trace left of the stones, it remains to treat the nails with special solutions to remove the remnants of the gel.

Pros and cons of liquid stones on nails

A manicure created in this style has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you should know about before embarking on its implementation.

The advantages of casting are undoubtedly:

  • Durability. When creating this nail art, not rhinestones are used, but special gels, so the stones embodied on the nails will not fly off with any careless movement. So the completed drawing will last from a week to a month or even more - it all depends on the lifestyle of its owner.
  • The beauty. This technique will allow you to create real masterpieces on your nails that are not inferior to precious stones, and will captivate those around you with their radiance and iridescent tints.
  • Relative ease of application. It just takes a little practice to create the perfect manicure. In addition, you can always use ready-made pebbles made of special polymer materials that are easy to attach and sit firmly.
  • Versatility. This technique is used not only on artificial but also natural nails.

This manicure has its drawbacks:

  • This technique is quite expensive, as it requires an impressive list of ingredients to create polymer stones.
  • This manicure is intended for long nails as it requires a lot of free space to complete the patterns.
  • In most cases, a finished manicure turns out to be heavy and bright enough, so in everyday life it will look catchy and rather defiant.

One of the most luxurious and original manicures appeared thanks to the liquid stone technique.

With its help, you can create, at home, amazing jewelry masterpieces on your nails, which are suitable both for special occasions and for every day, and their photos will not leave indifferent any fashionista.

Video on how to make liquid stones and casting on nails

Nail design "Liquid stones using holographic sequins":

Liquid stones + Casting:

A woman always strives to look gorgeous: figure, hair, makeup, and of course, manicure. Beautiful nails can tell about the character and temperament of a lady, about her financial status. Liquid stone on the nails is the type of manicure that can be safely called one of the most chic types. The name reflects the essence, after a properly performed procedure, emeralds, malachites, opals, amethysts, and other liquid stones appear on the nails, which are very similar to natural precious stones.

Looking at such nails for the first time, many people think that rhinestones or small artificial stones with a flat bottom are used for decoration, but this is not so. Elena Miroshnichenko discovered this technique three years ago, and liquid stones on the nails instantly became a fashion trend. Such a manicure is a real work of art that does not require additional decorations. It is impossible to get such a deep effect with ordinary rhinestones. Massive decorative materials could not look so natural, moreover, the question arises about the durability of the glued object.

Most often, this design is accompanied by a gold or silver casting technique that looks like molten gold and silver. It is used to decorate and add more chic. Such a manicure looks very expensive, presentable and elegant. In fact, liquid stones are not cheap, both in the salon and at home. It's all about expensive materials and a lot of time. For one finger, the master requires an average of about two hundred rubles.

But the result is simply amazing. And due to the fact that such an effect is possible only with the use of gel polish, the design will delight the owner for a long time and bring her admiring glances. Gel polish is a special polymer that cannot be dried in air; this requires a UV or LED lamp.

I fell in love with this material due to its durability, the coating does not chip off for two weeks or more. In addition, it is very easy to apply it, like a regular varnish, so a manicure does not take as long as building. Of course, shellac will not add length, but the harm to the nails will be less.

Step-by-step instruction of the technique

Liquid stones are best used on extended nails, or if the owner is naturally strong and long, because a stone needs enough space. But even for short marigolds, you can find a solution and a suitable design. The liquid stone should be alone on the nail plate, without unnecessary decorative elements, the casting should not be sweeping.

For a professional, one nail takes on average from five to fifteen minutes, so it is worthwhile to release an hour and a half or two for a manicure in advance.

First you need to make sure that you have all the necessary tools and materials:

  • Degreaser or dispersion remover
  • Pusher or orange stick
  • Cuticle remover
  • Cotton pads
  • File
  • Tear-off foil for casting
  • Thin brush
  • Bonder
  • Primer
  • Stained glass gel
  • The finish
  • Dispersion-free protective gel
  • Gel paint
  • Ultraviolet lamp
  • Constructing thick gel

If you have no experience with gel polish, then it is better to entrust your pens to an experienced salon master, so that later you do not regret the wasted time and spoiled expensive material. If shellac is already a familiar concept, then you can safely learn new horizons and make liquid stones.

First you need to prepare your nails for coating:

  • If the cuticle is small, it is better to use a remover, it will not only make it soft, but also remove adherent residues from the nail plate, which is extremely difficult to do without special tools. You need to apply it to the cuticle, wait until the gel gives a softening effect, as indicated in the instructions. After the gel is removed, the cuticle is pushed back to the matrix with a pusher, and the remnants of dead tissue are cleaned off. This will prevent the design from flaking and will wear well.
  • Shape free edge
  • Buff the surface a little, removing the gloss. This is necessary for good adhesion of the coating, but some manufacturers have learned how to make shellac, which holds well even without washing down, so you need to clarify this point in the instructions for the bottle.
  • Degrease the surface with a product and a cotton pad, at the same time removing dust from the saw
  • Apply a primer to prepare and protect the nail plate, air dry. It dries the nail, evens out its balance, prevents pigmentation, promotes adhesion
  • Apply a bonder, it is needed mainly for adhesion of a natural coating with an artificial one. Usually requires lamp drying
  • Cover with base and dry
  • Next, you need to make the background. Very often, a classic jacket is taken as a basis, or a simple one-color coating, dry in a lamp for two minutes

Now you can grab a brush and start the creative process. Gel paint is usually taken in black, in combination with gold foil, a very natural effect is obtained. Think over the design and draw the outline of the future stone and casting patterns.

The lines of the gel paint must be dense and voluminous, otherwise the foil will not be printed well.

  • Dry in a lamp, the black outline on the future casting should be sticky
  • Take a piece of foil, press the matte side to the contour and immediately tear off sharply. Colored spraying should remain on the casting. If the foil is not completely printed, just repeat the sealing.
  • When the contours are ready, you can start with the liquid stone itself. There are two ways to create it. The first involves using the same technique as in casting. That is, the contour where the liquid stones will be located is painted over with black paint, dried and printed with foil to match the color of the stone.

The second effect is more complicated, but the color is more natural and multifaceted. To do this, a substrate layer is applied to the place of the future stone and dried. It is important here not to be mistaken with the shade. For example, if it is a ruby, then black paint is needed, and if it is an emerald, then gold and silver. After polymerization, a stained glass gel with the main color of the future stone is applied on top and baked in a lamp, thanks to which the color acquires a play of color and the effect of a cat's eye.

  • Now that the liquid stone is almost ready, you need to add as much similarity to the design as possible with the help of volume. To do this, you need to take a construction gel and put it in the contour until the size is similar to a natural pebble.
  • Dry for two minutes
  • Fix the manicure with a protective gel and cure
  • Massage cuticle oil

It is a pity to delete such a design, but if it has lost its original appearance, it must be done. Since liquid stone is made from sculptural gel, it cannot be removed with a simple solvent. Only an abrasive file or a special machine will help here. The polymer must be filed off very carefully so as not to damage natural nails.

The rest of the shellac and gel polish are removed with foil and gel polish remover. A piece of cotton pad should be generously soaked with the product and put on the nail. Wrap the top tightly with foil so that the liquid does not evaporate, and wait 15-20 minutes. The coating should flake off the nail and peel off easily with an orange stick.

Do not scrape off the coating, or tear off liquid stones, otherwise the natural nail can be very damaged. After removal, the nail plates are most often weakened, so you should give them a week's rest. It is better at this time to use funds that have a firming effect and carry out health-improving procedures.

Ideas for manicure

It is best to apply liquid stones only on one or two fingers, and cover the rest with a gold or silver pattern.

Do not overload the nail with sparkles, rhinestones, beads and other decorative elements, everything should be in moderation and in place, otherwise the manicure will look childish and tasteless.

Instead of casting, you can decorate the liquid stone with an equally beautiful technique called velvet sand. To do this, instead of foil, crushed polymer is used, similar to fine colored sand. It is better to use the paint of the color that was conceived for the pattern. Before polymerization, the contours of the pattern are generously sprinkled with material, you can press down a little with your fingers.

Then the design is to dry for a couple of minutes and the excess non-adherent particles are swept away with a brush. In this case, the pattern should be done last, after the fixer, otherwise the effect of velvet on the nails will be lost. Using the same technology, you can use flock, a coating that looks like cashmere. The combination of foil and velvet looks great.

Liquid stones can be of different shapes and sizes, this can be used to create a whole composition. You can focus not on the stones, but on the drawing. For example, cast the wings of a butterfly or petals of a flower, and make the tips of the antennae and the core of flowers from a liquid pebble.

Someone may not be able to afford or out of place such a design for every day, but on the happiest day of her life, a girl can afford to be beautiful. A wedding manicure will be the best accent of the whole bride's look if you use the stone effect in combination with a classic jacket. When traveling to eastern countries, liquid stones will allow them to flow into their atmosphere. In this case, it is better to pay attention to stone compositions.

As a result, I would like to say that every lady should try liquid stones. It is quite possible to make it at home, if you have the necessary materials and at least a little experience. Having done such a gorgeous manicure, you can easily feel like a queen.

The author's technique of liquid stones on nails was created quite recently by Ekaterina Miroshnichenko. In 2013, such a design appeared for the first time, but gained rapid popularity among lovers of fashionable manicure. The name may be associated with rhinestones or ordinary designs, but this method of application has nothing to do with painted or pasted stones.

What are liquid stones in nail design

This name is quite justified, because a print created in this way resembles a real precious or semiprecious jewelry with its color, shape, tints. Liquid Stones on Nails is a volumetric splash nail design created using a gel base and regular stained glass paint. It is called liquid because a gel is used during molding, which then solidifies under the UV rays of the lamp. It is important to know that this is a design of extended nails, because polymer materials will not adhere firmly to a natural plate.

How to make liquid stones with your own hands

You can make this creative design at home if you have a manicure lamp, paints, and a shiny base. At first glance, it is difficult to make drops of the desired shape, but you should first try the technique in practice. Any minerals can be imitated - emerald, jasper, coral, ruby, sapphire, chrysolite and many others - it all depends on the designer's imagination. How do you create the desired mineral? Gloss and color are obtained by combining foil or glitter varnish with a drop of paint. Try your own combination and you will definitely like the result:

  • silver glitter, green vintage gel - emerald;
  • silver mica, blue lacquer - turquoise;
  • golden shine, base in combination with red pigment - ruby.

This technique requires little experience. When you figure out how to combine colors, you can come up with different designs: a bright oriental, delicate velvet flower, sand or strict designs of black nails. The technique is used as an independent nail art and as a design of French nails with a pattern. The latter is the most popular among modern women of fashion, because it combines the restraint of lines and the luxury of jewelry.

Step-by-step instructions for casting nail design

Foil nail designs are very varied, unusual and include the technique with liquid stones. There are only 2 conditions: long and extended nails. Casting is created using varnish, and the mineral itself is a gel, mixing it with stained glass paints or ready-made colors, applying to a base with foil, sparkles or mica. The shape is often made oblong, it visually stretches the plate, makes the fingers more graceful.


The step-by-step gel lesson includes some basic steps. At the very beginning, you need to work on building up, and then start casting. To create such a complex-looking manicure, you need:

  1. Carry out the extension procedure. Prepare the plate, i.e. apply a foundation. It can be a French manicure of any color or just a plain varnish.
  2. We apply a drawing, specifically the edging of the desired shape. We do casting - we print foil on this edging.
  3. The next step is to apply foil at the base of the mold. We select the shine color for the future stone, paint over with the base and translate in the same way, slightly pressing. It can also be based on mica.
  4. The main thing remains - to design the form. Mix a drop of transparent gel with paint (stained glass) or add pigment, apply the resulting ball on a brush into the prepared edging, form a drop, dry it.
  5. We enjoy the result. By combining different shine and colors, you can get an imitation of a large number of jewelry and any nail design with stones.

Stained glass gels

With the help of stained glass gels, transparent jackets of the aquarium effect are created when building up, they are also used in the technique of liquid stones on nails. With it, a simple procedure for creating minerals becomes even more accessible: the technique is performed according to the same scheme, only after applying a shiny base (foil), a drop is formed and polymerized under the light of a lamp. The effect is no worse, and the work is much easier. If you add another drop of black paint to the stained-glass window, then the effect of glass with overflows and shadows is created.

How to work with foil

Another novelty for craftsmen and fashionistas is foil. It can be found in any specialty store or ordered online. This material is cheap, but it helps to embody stunning multi-colored ideas, for example, stained glass design. Craftsmen work more with a transfer or tear-off material, it has a coating that is easily transferred in contact with varnish. When working with other types, you have to cut patterns by hand. To work you will need:

  • color and transparent gel polish;
  • a thin brush for drawing sharp edges;
  • transfer foil;
  • lamp;
  • top-end coverage.

The contours of the future pattern for casting with varnish are applied to the finished manicure (matte finish or jacket). The transfer foil is pressed over the varnish. Gold or silver casting is easy, all that remains is to fix it with a top coat and dry it under a lamp. Apply under the stones in the same way, just do not cover with a top, but immediately apply stained glass gel in the edging. Working with such a technique is easier than doing, for example, artistic modeling, and learning will be enjoyable. if you watch the master class below.