Long-term relationship with a married man. Psychologist's advice: what to do, how to break off relations with the married man you love? Relationship of a married woman with a married man. Relationship with a married man - advice from a psychologist

If earlier it was considered a shameful vice for a woman - to meet with a "married man", now it is somewhat depressing ubiquity. The psychology of relationships with a married man is no longer surprising to anyone. Although it would seem logical that this is wrong and bad. What to do and how to act in a situation when, as in the song "I love a married man"?

Psychology - the "Why" aspect

So why are women continually drawn to seemingly forbidden things? They are not blind, not stupid, and often fully aware of what they are doing. As well as the consequences. But all the same, as if headlong, they rush into dangerous, dubious relationships.

You can start with the fact that, of course, how many people - so many different opinions. Each woman had her own reason to start such a relationship and each of them answered the question - Is it worth it? - differently. And yet, there are a number of specific reasons:

  • Everything is ready. A married man, as a rule, is already an accomplished person. As in the family, so in society and career.

  • Freedom. He does not need to wait home in the evening, cook food for him, wash clothes or somehow count on his actions. All this is already done by another woman. The mistress has much more free time, which she can spend on herself.

  • Celebration atmosphere. If a wife sees a man in all her remarkable and not very beauty, then the woman on the side is only familiar with his positive qualities.

  • Money. Comments are unnecessary here.

  • Unwillingness to marry. Sometimes there is a situation when you want love, but getting married is quite the opposite. Then the point about freedom and relaxed relationships pours into this one. A married man will not demand any special obligations from his mistress.

  • Low self-esteem. Thoughts that there are too few good men around and the fear of loneliness sometimes push women and not so. Therefore, they are content with "what is."

  • Hope. Love is evil ... or, to use a proverb: there is no fish and cancer is a fish. Especially if this "cancer" every now and then promises to leave the family for her, beloved and unique. And the woman believes these words. And this belief in her exclusivity, that it is with her that everything will not be the same as with everyone else, makes her stay in such a relationship. But life is not a film with a lyrical ending or a love book. In reality, these promises often remain empty promises.

Relationship with a married man

What if a woman still decided to start a relationship with a "married man"? On this score, the advice of a psychologist is based on the basic principle: you need to be realistic. That is, ready for the fact that such love can take and abruptly break off at any moment. And you certainly don't gossip about such a relationship with a friend.

The main plus and at the same time a minus - no one owes anything to each other. It is not difficult to sleep with a married man whom you love, but it will not be easy for a woman to start dating him and, moreover, to keep him close and make some plans. In no case should you advertise the meetings, otherwise it will immediately undermine trust. Pressing a man with your connection is also not worth it - he perfectly understands that he has no obligations to you. He already has a family with a wife and children. If he needs a relationship on the side, he can always find himself another, less demanding, passion. Therefore, if the goal is to conquer the heart of this particular man, you will have to work hard, measuredly and carefully, making him fall in love with yourself and everything that will be associated with her.

But still, it is far from the fact that a man will leave his family for his mistress. The fact is that a man cannot just go and go where he will be better. Most likely, if the marriage breaks up, it will not be because of the beloved lady on the side, but because of the big discord in his own family. Only if the legal relationship did not show itself on the good side or burned out, being a mistake - then the man will divorce and go to his ardently expecting mistress. Otherwise, no forces of great love will force him to leave his native nest called "family".

Exiting the cage

Sooner or later, the realization comes that a man is still not going to leave the house with children and a married woman, and he no longer wants to put up with it. How do you end this relationship?

The advice of psychologists is quite simple: you need to mentally prepare yourself before breaking the connection with your married person. Write down all its shortcomings on paper and glance at this piece of paper more often. Think about the question, is it really necessary? Most likely, a married man's mistress has no prospects in terms of her own family well-being. And sooner or later every woman will want to have her children and a normal family. Then karma will definitely not be on the side of this woman ...

How to end a relationship?

Secret meetings and constant secrecy can also adversely affect the general background of life. Especially with a man who is younger than his second darling. You need to decisively declare this intention to your married partner, calmly and rationally convey your point of view to him. This relationship does not have a future that you want. You will have to come to terms with the breakup and be sure to ask never to bother again. This is difficult, but otherwise, instead of a period, a blurred comma will appear in the relationship. Especially if a man tries to dissuade his mistress from such a "hasty decision." It could be a last date goodbye gift or something like that. But in reality - this is just a trick in order not to end the relationship.

Cheating in the family, unfortunately, is normal not only for our time. Sometimes you want to try something new, sometimes the previous partner does not satisfy in bed, then you just need to understand that the world is not fixated on one person. There can be many reasons for cheating, but the outcome of an adulterer is only two - either parting with a lover or mistress, or leaving the family in order to find happiness on the side.

Being the lover of a married man is not easy - the constant fear that your wife will reveal your relationship, that you will be abandoned. This is why many women. How to do it so that it is painless for him and for you like this article.

Before making such a difficult decision, weigh the pros and cons in order to understand whether you need to stop dating a married man or still continue the relationship.

So, you need to break the ties if:

  • You do not like. If a relationship with a man has one plus for you - sex (or gifts), and you don't feel anything else, then after six months you can safely leave. In the end, every girl deserves mutual and pure long-term love, and the chance to miss her happiness by being in a relationship with the wrong person is very big.
  • You start to feel something, but you see what. It will only get worse from now on. You will finally crush on your ears, and one day he will say that it's all over. Believe me, you don't need this pain and tears. Therefore, if you notice something like this, start thinking about how to break up with your married lover. And as soon as possible!
  • Throwing a lover is also worth it if you see that it will be better for his family. For example, if there are several small children and the spouse does not work because she is sitting with babies. In such a situation, cheating is a disaster! And you, as a woman, must understand that a man is simply driven by the male's instincts, and he cannot be completely responsible for his actions, since he leaves the family in such a situation. In addition, even if the gentleman stays with you, he will also remain the father of his children and, most likely, will not break off relations with his ex for the sake of them. This situation will constantly ruin your life.
  • If there's a better perspective on the horizon. It is worth telling a married man about the breakup even if it seems to you that you have finally found your love, which does not have a stamp in your passport. When you are sure that this person does not just want to get into bed with you, and you yourself feel sympathy, leave a relationship with a married man, which will not lead to anything good.
  • It often happens that, in a fit of hatred or despair, spouses come to their mistresses and ask them to leave him alone so that he can return to their children. Sometimes they even offer money. A kind of ransom for happiness. Or they even threaten to publish your naked photos, which some girls send to lovers in a fit of passion. You can't blame your wives. They are desperate if they go to their mistresses. Just imagine yourself in her place. She lived with a man for many years, gave birth to children, tried to be good - and then you ruin everything. Directly enemy number one. Listen to your spouse. If, however, you feel sorry for her and understand that it would be better to end the infidelity - quit. You will earn a plus sign in karma.
  • If you are bored. Often, girls think about how to break off relations with a man if they are tired of constantly living in fear that the legal spouse will reveal a secret, arrange a hysteria and fray their nerves. At first, the mystery stirs up the blood and brings more passion, but then the encryption of messages and dates on the outskirts of the city begin to weigh on, because hiding from the whole world is a dubious pleasure. If you have such thoughts - do not worry, you are not the only one, this is the lot of many mistresses. And if you think this is a sufficient reason to end the connection, go for it.

If you recognized yourself at one or several points and made a responsible decision that it is time to leave, then you should think about how to get out of the relationship with this person with the least loss.

Gradual parting

The psychologist's advice described below will help you break up and leave a married man. To begin with, let's decide what exactly is required: quickly get rid of the role of a mistress or find a way to beautifully part with a gentleman and not hurt feelings. The following are ways to stop being a lover: quickly, beautifully, or neatly.


If you have definitely decided that you do not want to be with him for a second or you need to break up so that the guy does not want to come back to you. For example, if you feel that you have love for him, but he only has lust, or your spouse came to you and asked you not to ruin the marriage. In this case, choose one of these methods:

  1. Say that you have another. Explain that you are tired of being a kept woman and you need a family and children, and here on the horizon is a prince without a ring on his finger. And you almost went to the registry office. Even if this is not so and you did not even have thoughts about anyone else. If it doesn't help, tell him that you've already slept with him. Treason for a traitor is a heavy blow.
  2. Say that he does not suit you as a lover and you do not want to be together further.
  3. Say that you understand that it is sinful to cheat and you will not be with anyone else until the wedding.

The main thing is not to succumb to persuasion, but to turn around and leave. It is better to add to the blacklist on social networks and on the phone, delete all correspondence, erase the number and never even hint at its existence.

If you think the above three methods won't work for you, you should try a nice or slow breakup.


In order to understand how to part with a married beautifully, in order to get out of the situation as a queen and maintain self-esteem, you need to understand for yourself the true reason why you want to end everything. After all, nothing can be more beautiful and more spectacular than a skillfully presented truth.

Further, when you understand the reason (or came up with it so that it looks as true as possible, for example, if you fell in love, but do not want to talk about it), you should think about how to present it beautifully and choose a place that is either symbolic for you, or how- something related to this reason. For example, you can invite to a cafe where you had your first date and dot the i's.

If you want more, but he cannot offer you this, make an appointment near the wedding palace and start your speech by saying that if he had called you here first, everything would have been different. This option works well if you leave for the good of the family. Find out in which registry office he and his wife signed, invite them there and remind them of wedding vows and duty.

A safe bet would be to make an appointment at an expensive restaurant and pay for the dinner yourself. It will be a beautiful parting gesture. And it’s easier to talk about unpleasant things at dinner.

Be sure to think over your speech, you can even write it down. It must have an introduction that sets the tone for your meeting and says that you are no longer a couple, an explanation of the reasons, a conclusion and words of gratitude for the time together. If you think you have nothing to be grateful for, at least don't throw mud at it. This is low and does not do you credit. And if you think well, you will find something to say thank you for. After all, there is always something good, albeit very little.


There are two ways to make the gap gentle. Either make it so that you are abandoned, or sit down and very calmly and sincerely talk about feelings for each other, explain that the situation is a dead end and something needs to be changed.

It is not worth talking about how to make sure that you are abandoned - everyone knows what annoys her lover. Can:

  • Throw tantrums every day for a variety of delusional reasons.
  • Lie that you are pregnant, and then make him reveal the lie.
  • Don't give it to him in bed.
  • Demand a lot of gifts.

For best results, use all products at once. But the main thing is not to overdo it, so that the person from your harm is not disappointed in people.

But if you do not want to hurt feelings, because you have tenderness for him, then it is better to sit down and talk calmly. Nobody knows how to get away from a married man whom you love so that later it does not hurt. But the least pain comes from quiet parting with sincere words from the heart, without preparation, with warm gratitude. Your heart will tell you how to say such an unpleasant thing. After all, only you yourself can do it.

What's next?

Many girls ask how to forget a married man if you had something for him. Here it is worth to start to switch the vector of attention.

This could be:

  • Job. Career advancement has never bothered anyone in life. Turn the energy of pain into a positive direction. Ask your boss to send you to refresher courses, stay after the end of the day and do what you can't do. But just make sure that the boss sees this and notes your efforts.
  • Studies. Foreign language courses, programming or cutting and sewing - new knowledge will always be useful, and the brain will be distracted from heavy thoughts.
  • You are the beloved. Gym, new haircut, wardrobe renewal. A radical transformation will help not only forget the past, but also look into the future with hope.

The main thing is, do not immediately rush into the arms of a new person, let yourself forget and relive the old.

Starting a relationship with an initially busy partner, every woman asks herself about the future fate of the union and the consequences of sympathy.

If love for a married man has overtaken, karma will not necessarily change, but it all depends on your specific role in the development of that family and your feelings. Let's talk about what an illegal union leads to, and if you are interested in the karma of a mistress or a traitor, read the corresponding article on our website.

What to do if you find a karmic married husband

Sometimes it happens that a karmically destined man is not free. As a rule, this happens because this partner turned out to be fateful for another woman. Such an epithet cannot be equated with “the man of fate”, because in the first case it is only meant that the spouse is a catalyst for some kind of external change for the lady. At the same time, he is not karmically connected with his wife, since fate was originally intended that a spiritually given man would change exactly the woman who has to be content with the role of a mistress.

The karmic punishment from such a turn in life is unlikely to come if you do not intentionally destroy someone else's family and actively meddle in a partner's relationship with his wife (or, even worse, with children). Usually, fate corrects its own mistakes, so that either the marriage of a loved one will end and he will go to you, or you will still receive from him the same wise experience and the life lesson you need, but in the position of a lover. In the second case, the woman herself at some point realizes that the union has exhausted itself, and decides to end the relationship.

A karmic connection with a married man in this situation will rather be healing, so the breakup will be natural and painless.

In such conditions, you can and must fight for your happiness, if you can confidently tell yourself that you trust your partner, believe him that you love each other mutually. If you even for a minute admit the thought that he is indifferent to your worries about this situation or may even leave you, the relationship must be severed. Do not be afraid to take the initiative, talk to the person.

Karmic relationships with a married man as punishment

It also happens that a destructive relationship in which a woman finds herself in the status of a mistress is itself a punishment for past karmic sins. A lady can repay a debt, for example, for the fact that in her past reincarnation she acted badly in relation to her cheating husband or his passion.

In this situation, of course, there will be no additional punishment for such a relationship. But a lot of suffering, worries and emotional disturbances fall on the lot of a woman, and this cross must be borne with dignity if you really love this person.

Of course, giving birth to an illegitimate child is not worth it, and it is unlikely to succeed, because the punishment may be accompanied by problems with reproductive function or be associated with the health of the baby. Do not tie your partner to your children, because you already feel bad because of the circumstances, and if your offspring suffer, it will only get worse. If you have such a connection with a married person, karma can pass to the next generation, because you will not repay the debt.

Usually, this karmic situation is resolved on its own, when a person has properly and the right amount of time worked out the debt, showed meekness and humility to fate. You can break off this relationship, but it is possible that your life will begin to develop in a spiral, and you will again come to the same round of illegal ties, but with a different partner.

If this happened, it means that you could not get out of the old relationship correctly, and now you need to look for another solution to resolve the problem.

Relationship with a married man: karma as a test

Sometimes this connection acts as a life obstacle aimed at the spiritual growth of both partners. As a rule, the task of a person in such a situation is to gain courage and end mutual suffering, be honest with himself and draw the right conclusions. In such a situation, the punishment from the law of karma will befall you if you want to cheat and still stay with this partner without changing yourself. There will be no happiness in such conditions.

Radical measures in the form of breaking the union are necessary here, since endless negative emotions from relationships will only build up new negative karma, which will pass into your next life. And consciously overcoming the problem, on the contrary, strengthens good karma and protects your future children by strengthening the generic energy.

Sometimes it also happens that a married partner is given by fate to implement a female karmic task. That is, his status does not matter, this person is needed only for a short time so that the lady can change and grow as a person. In such a situation, for example, a woman can become pregnant and be left alone.

If you have a child from a married man, karma will not get worse from this, if you do not destroy someone else's family. It also does not mean that you are thus punished for the sins of past reincarnations. It was simply by fate that it was conceived that the girl realizes her destiny at the expense of this man, who then does not matter. In these conditions, a woman, as a rule, does not worry that everything ended this way, she realizes that this is for the best, because she has become wiser.

Harmonious connection with a married man and karma

Imagine a situation in which a woman is a lover and is quite happy for herself. The love triangle amuses her, she benefits from the union and does not suffer in any way. In such a situation, perhaps the partner herself is a karmic test or punishment for the lawful wife or the spouse himself.

In this case, the relationship will end when someone from that family makes a certain right choice. It is also possible a situation in which neither side suffers at all. If everyone agrees with these conditions, then the karmic consequences of a relationship with a married man will not come at all, because no one suffers. At the same time, it is very important that children born in a family or already on the side do not suffer either.

Why you can't date a married man: karma and consequences

In some cases, unfortunately, none of the situations described above is relevant to reality. And communication with someone else's partner is a simple whim and whim of a woman who only makes herself worse, because she pollutes her karma, increases the chances of working off heavy debts in future lives.

The mistress lives in the illusion that this is her karmic partner, but she is mistaken and only destroys strong family ties, leads the man of fate away from his intended wife. What does this situation lead to?

Strengthening the karma of a loner

Possessing a man who is not intended for her according to the plan of fate, a woman loses her potential fateful partners and really karmic life companions from the field of vision. As a result, she may remain lonely when the alliance with an unfree companion ends.

Depletion of inherent healthy karma

If there is a meeting with a married man, the karma of the female essence loses some of the healthy energy, since all the potential is spent on the realization of the partner. Historically, nature has developed so that the karmic goal of the weaker sex is to help a man improve himself, get settled in life, find himself and thereby find himself as a woman.

But someone else's partner can never become a participant in an equivalent energy exchange. As a result, the lady is not able to realize her true destiny, because she is exhausted at the energetic, informational and spiritual levels. But as practice shows, a woman gives her energy not only to her lover, but also to his entire family, because she takes the received charge back to her house.

As many as 7 years after the breakup of the relationship, the mental connection of the partners remains, so the woman remains without energy for many years and suffers.

Intercepting someone else's fate

Sexual contact with a stranger increases the likelihood of invading the energy vibrations of the wife and taking over her karma. You can also accidentally take over your partner's karma.

Deformation of energy shells

Due to the negativity that can come to the mistress from the mother-in-law, mother, children and, naturally, the partner's wife, the woman is guaranteed breakdowns in the aura. As you know, in the subtle matter around a person there is also that layer that is responsible for previous lives.

If negative information is so strong that it penetrates even there, misfortunes are guaranteed for the lady in future reincarnations. A curse or a lapel is perhaps the most dangerous karmic punishment for having a relationship with a married man.

Wives, who are also mothers of 2-3 children, have so much negativity towards other women that they can curse the whole family and clan, and then the karma of subsequent generations will be ruined. This situation can only be changed by the repentance of the mistress and the working off of the karmic debt for the rest of his life.

Chakra problems

Since the energy system inside a person is closely related to his external aura, many psychics notice, when diagnosing lovers, a blockage of healthy streams of vital forces in the solar plexus region. This affects not only the possibilities, but also the ability of a woman to start a family.

Changing the karma of the unborn child

Surprisingly, if a woman does not break strong karmic knots with a past married partner, she transfers information about his gender even to that baby who is born from another person 2-10 years later!

Of course, for this you have to be a mistress for a long time and stick to your partner, but still, the likelihood of telegonia can never be ruled out. A child who has an energetic connection with other men, and not his own father, has very weak generic and personal karma, his fate is not determined.

Passing on your fate to offspring

When there is communication with a married man, the karma of a real woman worsens, as already mentioned above. But if she did not manage to find a really suitable partner for her and did not even realize her mistake, she could not learn any lesson from such a sad experience, then from whom the child is eventually born, he will get a part of the mother's unsuccessful personal life. First of all, this applies to daughters.


If a married partner distracts a woman from fulfilling a true karmic goal, her energy will become weak, and this will lead to a weakening of immunity. As a result, the body becomes a potential breeding ground for diseases, besides, the lady's intuition is muffled.

Moreover, the presence of debts in karma caused by relationships with someone else's spouse leads to specific ailments not only in the mistress. So, in the body of deceived wives, the risk of mastopathy increases, and in the traitor, 2 chakras overflow, which causes adenoma. When a person prevents truly loving hearts from connecting and deceives others (in particular, a mistress), he has an increased likelihood of neurodermatitis.

It is worth noting that if women know about each other, during sex they put more aggression and destructive energy into their partner. This leads to diseases of the genitourinary system both in men (as a carrier of this negative) and in women (as recipients of these vibrations).

Return of the boomerangs

Sometimes karma can work in such a way that a man who has left the family again begins to change with a new passion. This is a classic scenario of returning a karmic debt for your mistakes, when a mistress has to endure the same unpleasant feelings that she provoked in a deceived wife.

How to clear karma: a relationship with a married person out of my head

The first step in freeing yourself from the burden of unnecessary relationships is awareness. First you need to figure out that this is really not the right partner for you. To understand this, in general, is not difficult. If a woman has ceased to enjoy life, is sick a lot, emanates from jealousy, does not feel support and help from a man, it means that the feeling experienced is difficult to call love.

When there are no common interests, there is only tension and fear, there is no financial security or spiritual closeness, one must seriously think about what can be taken out of this union in general.

When it is established that a relationship is not doing any good, you need to understand that while maintaining it, you show dislike for yourself and your children. You invade someone else's space and will answer for this before fate in various forms of suffering, illness and problems. Then you need to cleanse your life from the external presence of this person. Change your phone number, change your place of residence, throw away all reminders in the form of gifts and photos. It is not necessary to remember the past pleasant moments, it is better to make plans for a happy future with another man.

For karma to be restored, a married man must return to his original family. Therefore, it is so important to mentally ask for forgiveness from his lawful wife and children. If she knows about treason, she must contact her personally. You can go to church to pray and forgive sin.

Many yoga masters advise women who have a relationship with someone else's partner to resort to the exercise of clearing karma from someone else's energy. The same practice can be used by a loving man himself:

  • Stand up, put your feet together, lower your hands. Make the so-called pushing. during which the anus will tighten and raise your reserves of internal energy. It is necessary to raise the flow to the top of the head, for this the ladies repeat 5 thrusts, and the men repeat one less.
  • Between the thrusts, the anus relaxes. You should feel the rising energy filling your head. At the end, you need to calmly exhale, imagining that the streams are spreading throughout the body. Do the practice twice a day after normal exercises. Engage even after breaking up with your partner.

If you have a sincere and strong love for a married man, karma will not change and will not suffer when it was intended by fate. In such a situation, mutual feelings and even existing suffering become fertile ground for self-improvement.

In other circumstances, it makes sense to be celibate. Remember, if you steal someone else's karmic partner, you will also take about 1/16 of the negative karma of the wife herself.

Content of the article:

The fact of treason is always especially painful for the weaker sex. Women are especially vulnerable in this matter, because cheating is more often most often censured in relation to men, and not vice versa. Vulnerable and sensitive, who know how to love, they try to find a strong male shoulder, and each time they step on the old rake - they try to achieve reciprocity and conquer a married man... Our psychologists will tell you from what angle you need to look at the problem in order to avoid the sad consequences for yourself in this difficult life situation.

Features of the perception of treason

For a self-confident, wealthy man who has a good job, a family and a mistress, the status of the most successful person... In the minds of the masses of people, just such an image is formed, to which many are trying to strive, as a result of which men, feeling their impunity, find themselves mistresses, most often without realizing what kind of they hurt their other half and what damage they have done to their marriage.

The next problem is how society assesses the current situation and how roles are distributed among the participants in the love triangle. We have already figured out that a man most often takes a winning position; the wife, most likely, will be the victim, and all dogs are usually let down on mistresses, considering them the source of evil. But it is not so. Sometimes it is very difficult to overcome emotional addiction and make the right decision. Let's figure out how to break off a relationship with your beloved married man.

First step. Awareness of the problem

To solve any problem, you need to be aware of it. You need to ask yourself the question why you want to break off such a relationship. There may be several options:

  • Jealousy for a rival;
  • Negative attitude of society;
  • Own negative assessment of treason;
  • Lack of further perspective in the relationship.

Jealousy for a rival in itself cannot be the reason for the termination of the relationship on the part of the mistress, since this relationship began with the presence of a wife for her man. Most often this is combined with the lack of development of the novel. In other cases, women do not cope with overly harsh criticism of their relationship and the pressure of colleagues, friends and family. Another reason why you may want to end communication with a married person is immersion in a three-way relationship, where there is sympathy and solidarity in relation to the lover's wife.

If you yourself have come to the realization that the problem still exists and needs to be solved, then success is guaranteed.

Why exactly married?

It is important to understand why you paid attention to a married man. The following is very common - a woman who has an affair with a married man.

It is not the man himself who attracts, but intrigue and risk

It can be a passion for the risk of the game, and an attempt to assert oneself. If you are really attracted by the presence of obstacles and dangers, then you will need to explain to yourself what difficulties may arise in this case and weigh everything. The odds are most likely in favor of the various problems arising from trying to create such a connection.

You found yourself deceived

But there are also situations when a woman is interested in a certain man, and information about the presence of a wife emerges only later. This is the most painful case for a lady, since her location is achieved by deception, depriving her of the opportunity to resist the fact of a man's betrayal. In this case, the easiest way to get out of what happened with minimal losses would be to ignore the deceiver, as well as to simultaneously switch to the sphere of creativity or work.

New acquaintances will help

How to break off a relationship with a married man without fear of loneliness, if you do not have very many fans and acquaintances of men in general. Most often this is due to a rather narrow circle of contacts, in which strangers are rarely allowed. To solve this problem, you need to try to leave home more often, attend various events and exhibitions, festivals, travel more, because it is on vacation that people are more open and disposed to make new acquaintances.

  • Dance courses - pair dances;
  • Sports games - bowling, billiards;
  • Rock climbing and other extreme areas;
  • Intellectual games and quizzes.
  • Special theme nights

More ways to overcome addiction

Often there are cases when a woman, realizing the problem, realizing the insignificance of her role in the love triangle, seeing all the negative aspects of what is happening, simply cannot find the strength to break the connection on her own. A man, taking advantage of his advantageous position in this situation, abuses the credulity of a lover and begins to manipulate her. Resentments begin to intertwine with gifts and promises to always love her, which blinds her and does not allow her to soberly and rationally consider her situation.

In order to end the relationship, a woman must find the strength to open her eyes to the present state of affairs, and not build illusions about a joint future. You need incredible control over yourself, the ability to control your feelings and the situation. Find these forces in yourself to break off relations with such a man!

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Orthodox calendar

Tuesday, 5 March 2019(February 20 old style)
Cheese week (carnival)
Venerable Leo, bishop Katansky (about 780)
Memorial Day of Saints:
34 Martyrs of Valaam: Titus, Tikhon, Gelasius, Sergius, Barlaam, Savva, Konon, Sylvester, Cyprian, Pimen, John, Samon, Jonah, David, Cornelius, Niphon, Athanasius, Serapion, Barlaam, Athanasius, Anthony, Luke, Leon Thomas, Dionysius, Philip, Ignatius, Basil, Pachomius, Basil, Theophilus, John, Theodore, John (1578). Schmch. Sadoka (Shah-Dusta), bishop Persian, and with him 128 martyrs (342-344). Venerable Agathon, Pope (682). Blgv. book Yaroslav the Wise (1054). Venerable Agathon of Pechersky (XIII-XIV). Prmch. Cornelius, abbot of Pskov-Pechersky (1570). Prmch. Cornelius, abbot of Pskov-Pechersky (1570).
Memorial Day for Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Schmch. Nikolai Rozov as a presbyter (1938).
Day of veneration of the icons of the Mother of God:
The Cypriot Icon of the Mother of God in the village. Stromyn of the Moscow region.
Cheese week (Shrovetide) is continuous.
The marriage ceremony does not take place during Cheese Week (Shrovetide).
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
On lit .: -Ap .: Jude 1: 1-10 Ev .: Luke 22: 39-42,45-23: 1
In the morning: - Ps. 85-90 Ps. 46-54 Ps. 55-63; Ps. 64-69 For the evening.: - Ps. 109-111 Ps. 119-133 At the 3rd hour: - Ps. 91-100 At the 6th hour: - Ps. 101-104 At the 9th hour: - Ps. 105-108

When a woman is in love, any difficulties seem to her on the shoulder, she is sure: together you can overcome all the troubles! Then the fog clears and the pink glasses lose their former charm. It turns out that the man next to him is no longer the same hero, because he is afraid to admit to his wife that he has a “third extra”, because he does not want to change anything and uses it shamelessly. Then you have to put the question bluntly, what you choose: feed your heart with illusions, being content with the role of "victim", or break the vicious connection, because self-respect is more expensive. The latter is chosen only by strong women, the pain lasts a long time, but the healing is worth it.

How to break up with a married man if you managed to become attached to him with your soul

To do this, we suggest doing 3 simple steps.

Step 1. Reassessment of the situation and epiphany

What keeps a woman next to a married man? She intellectually understands all the hopelessness of her position, but her heart does not want to let go of love so simply, which means that it needs to be persuaded. Try to focus your thoughts on what you get out of this situation? Rare sex under cover of lies for several years? The pitiful excuses of the men who are trying to appease you without offering anything in return? On holidays, you are alone, in society you have to be considered a loner with an unenviable status. Look at the situation realistically, no matter how painful it is.

Does your chosen one have negative sides? Maybe you can't rely on him? Or maybe he will cheat on you just as he is cheating on his wife now? Age difference, bad habits, flaws in appearance, material instability - do not be afraid to remind yourself that a man is not at all attracted to a "gift of fate", that this is just a temporary insanity of reason, a thirst for adventure, hopelessness. Anything but love! At least not on his part. At some point, common sense will outweigh, you will see the light and be able to say a firm "goodbye".

Step 2. Cutting off a man from a "power source"

Why does the stronger sex go to the side? There are many reasons: boredom in a relationship, sexual dissatisfaction, the search for a source of moral support or an outlet. The wife does not give something to the man, which you naively donate for free, helping the deceiver to receive a "dose" of euphoria and return home happy. Stop doing this - and the lover will leave you on his own, so you don't have to torment yourself with explanations. Become for him such an unbearable and greedy bitch like the women he hates - and he will be the first to escape, exposing his bastard insides.

How to do it? Turn on your brains. Start pestering him with your whims and tantrums on the topic “when will you leave your wife”? Become a rude and calculating woman who only thinks about her own enrichment - demand expensive gifts, gold rings, overseas trips, going to restaurants. Will he refuse? Call him an insolvent impotent, redneck, sucker, after all. No man will tolerate reproaches below the belt. You can also play jealous hysterics, flirt with everyone you meet, call his colleagues or wife, punish the poor thing with lack of sex. The tactics of total disregard and selfishness also work well. Of course, you need to play believably, not using all the techniques at the same time.

Step 3. Hard knockout

If the man is still next to you, and it was not possible to make him escape, then you will have to cut him alive. Prepare in advance for the fact that all his vows are an empty phrase, because he has not made a serious decision in 5 years, what do you hope for now? People change little, from the word "never". He will promise the moon, talk about his desperate situation. Lies are all, there is always a way out, both of you are adults.

Stop crying, bending over under his pressure and posing as a "good girl" for whom he was "the light in the window." Think only about yourself and your future, you have already cared enough about it. Respect your time, heart, dreams, do not get fooled by provocations! Rehearse your speech ahead of time, if necessary. And cut the thread to the end, you will somehow get sick, suffer, but you will become stronger, make room for new relationships. No more agony.

How to live after parting and not be sad?

  • The first rule is not to keep emotions in yourself, not to close, but to give an outlet for all this pain. Watch sad movies, cry, dance, write abusive letters to your ex and then burn them. Do not be afraid to drain everything that has boiled over the years, the pain cannot be left inside, it must be experienced. You can invite your friends for a glass of "intoxicating" and together discuss the difficult fate of women, emancipated "princes" and the crisis of white horses. You can go to the forum and find free ears that will help you get through a difficult moment with music. The main thing is to let yourself speak out in order to calm down and accept the situation as it is.
  • The second stage is to redirect the released energy into action, so that there is no temptation to return and destroy the remnants of pride. Are you experiencing financial difficulties? It's time to find a part-time job and take care of your future. A pet can be a source of love and warmth, so seriously consider introducing a fluffy antidepressant at home. And, of course, do not forget to fill your life with new impressions - sign up for a foreign language course or a group on oriental dance, take part in a running marathon, buy sexy lingerie, take makeup lessons. Load yourself up, change the usual environment, meet new people - this will exhaust you, but it will not allow bitter thoughts to swarm in your head.

Parting is not the end, but a new round in life. It's time to improve relationships with yourself, bring your body and mind into shape, fall in love with life anew.