Home exercises for pregnant women. Kegel exercises for pregnant women. Fitball exercises for pregnant women. What exercises can pregnant women do? Preparing the body for childbirth in the ninth month of pregnancy. Harbingers of childbirth in the last days of pregnancy

In the 9th month of pregnancy, the functional systems of the fetus are preparing for adaptation in extrauterine existence, and many of them are already performing specific functions.

Babies born by the end of the 36th week of pregnancy are considered full-term. If a child was born before 37 weeks, then he is considered premature, if later than 42 weeks, then delayed.

The laying of the alveoli ends, in almost each of them there is a surfactant that covers the respiratory surface. The respiratory center, located in the medulla oblongata, may already provide the breathing process.

The development of the liver and pancreas continues, but their formation is not yet completed by the time of childbirth; even in the first years of life, it continues. The fetal brain is so developed that it is able to "catch" the mother's moods and respond to them by changing motor activity.

We completely pass the digestive tract, and thanks to the formed intestinal villi and weak peristaltic movements, meconium (original feces) moves to its lower parts.

The glands in the stomach produce pepsin, and the pancreas produces insulin. It is important that the contents of the digestive tract are absolutely sterile: the bacteria involved in the digestion process settle in it only when ingested with mother's milk.

A sucking apparatus is formed. This is facilitated by:

  • active blood supply to the oral mucosa;
  • the formation of chewing muscles and salivary glands. Their final development occurs only after the start of breastfeeding;
  • the formation of specific devices that facilitate sucking - special rollers on the mucous membrane of the jaws and lips.

Changes are also taking place in the child's endocrine system. The adrenal glands grow in size, and during childbirth, they release adrenaline and norepinephrine, stress hormones. Thanks to special studies, it has been proven that the blood of a newborn contains several times more of these hormones than in a state of severe stress in an adult. This is a kind of adaptive response that allows the baby to get ready for childbirth.

Other "devices" that facilitate the process of childbirth include the condition of the bones of the skull. The sutures of the skull are not yet formed, the bones themselves are soft and pliable. Two fontanelles (parietal above the frontal bone and occipital in the back of the head) and soft sutures allow you to change the configuration of the fetal skull during the passage of the mother's birth canal.

Sufficiently developed subcutaneous fatty tissue, sensory organs, and coordinated movements.

The amount of lubricant on the skin, equal to the number of vellus hairs, is minimal. The marigolds protrude above the phalanges of the fingers. The external genital organs are finally formed; in boys, the testicles are already in the scrotum, and in girls the labia minora are covered with large ones.

By the end of the 9th month, the weight of the fetus is approximately 2600-5000 g, and the length is from 48 to 54 cm.

Physiological changes in the mother's body

The general well-being of the mother improves slightly: due to the fact that the fundus of the uterus has dropped lower, it is easier for the woman to breathe.

However, the contraction force of Braxton Hicks' false contractions may increase. They can go from unpleasant to painful, feeling like menstrual cramps. Before the very birth, they can become as strong as possible. In general, changing body position or starting to walk can relieve discomfort.

At the 9th month of pregnancy, women who have undergone surgery on the uterus in the past or in case of the death of a child during a previous birth should be hospitalized in advance.

The process of urination becomes more frequent than usual, which is due to the proximity of the baby's head to the bladder. Lower back pain can also get worse as the child sinks lower; the ligaments of the pelvis and uterus stretch more.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of diarrhea and constipation, nausea disturb the pregnant woman more and more often. The reason is the action of the hormones of childbirth on the gastrointestinal tract.

Vaginal discharge that is pinkish or milky white also becomes more abundant.

In the last stages, a mucous substance that protected the uterus from infections during pregnancy, a cork, leaves the genital tract from the mother. It can come out as a few weeks or days, and a few hours before delivery or directly in them. Externally, the cork resembles a dense yellowish, brown or transparent jelly with veins.

Bloody issues. It is a blood-stained vaginal discharge that precedes the exit of the plug. The reason is the rupture of the blood vessels of the cervix due to its "erasure". Discharge is not abundant, about a teaspoon in volume, their color varies from brown to pink. If there is more blood in the discharge than mucus, and they themselves are bright red, you should immediately inform your doctor about it.

In the process of preparing a woman's body for childbirth, the ratio of hormones in the woman's blood also changes: the level of progesterone decreases, the amount of oxytocin, estrogen and prostaglandin increases. Thanks to the action of these hormones, the pelvic ligaments are weakened, and the tissues of the vagina become more elastic. The cervix of the uterus under the influence of these hormones becomes softer and thinner, which prepares it for disclosure.

The process of preparing for childbirth itself can take from several hours and days to several weeks. During this period, the child descends even lower into the pelvic cavity, the cervix opens to a width of 1-2 centimeters.

Changes in appearance

The fundus of the uterus in the last month of pregnancy is located in the middle of the distance between the xiphoid process of the sternum and the navel. The navel bulges out at the end of pregnancy. Possible aggravation of existing edema on the face, arms and legs, an increase in varicose veins. Weight gain is insignificant, and before childbirth there may generally be some weight loss.

Emotional background

At the 9th month, it is normal to feel anxious inside without any external cause. You just need to relax and trust your mother's instinct.

  • unlimited rest. It is advisable to go to bed when the baby is sleeping;
  • limiting the number of visitors and the time of communication with them in case they are a burden;
  • good nutrition with a lot of complex carbohydrates to replenish energy reserves; from drinks it is better to give preference to plain spring water. Exclude caffeine, alcohol, soft drinks;
  • acceptance of all, without exception, offers of assistance in cleaning, food preparation;
  • communication with other expectant mothers - there are a huge number of topics for conversation now.

The principles of nutrition are the same as in the last stages of pregnancy.

The only difference is the higher content of complex carbohydrates in the diet: at this time, fat depots are formed in the body of the fetus and the mother - a supply of nutrients necessary not only during childbirth, but also for full lactation. Carbohydrates replenish glycogen stores in the muscles of the body and liver, in the placenta and uterine muscles.

The rate of protein intake is 2 g per 1 kg of body weight, fats - 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight, carbohydrates - 7, 0 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Typical problems in the 9th month include: nausea, constipation, heartburn. A large number of vegetable and fruit salads in the diet will help to cope with constipation, with diarrhea - a large amount of fiber in whole grain breads, bananas, oatmeal, rice, bran, oatmeal.

The diet should contain at least 3-4 servings of foods high in calcium (sources - cottage cheese, milk, hard cheese) and iron (sources - turkey, seafood, spinach, buckwheat, apples, dried fruits). The main sources of folate are beans and lentils, green leafy vegetables, and vitamin C: citrus fruits, papaya, cauliflower, tomatoes, broccoli, bell peppers and kiwi.

Since in the last term, the liver and kidneys of the pregnant woman work with a load greater than usual, it is better to use salads and light vegetarian soups instead of fried meat, rich broths and hot spices.

It is better to refuse sugar, confectionery, white bread, sausages, sausages, smoked meats, canned meat and fish. No coffee and alcohol.

It is better to eat often and little by little (5 - 6 times a day at intervals of 3 hours). The amount of liquid you drink should be limited to 1, 2-1, 5 liters per day.

Physical activity

At the 9th month of pregnancy, exercise is recommended to be performed to a minimum. Particular attention should be paid to relaxing exercises that provide rest and pain relief during childbirth, breathing training due to the pectoral and abdominal muscles, and training the muscles of the perineum.

In performing relaxing exercises, the Jacobson technique is effective. The main difference between this technique and most others is that a person must relax the muscles after strong tension. Tension and relaxation should alternate from one muscle group to another, that is, in a certain sequence. You need to start with the muscles of the neck and upper girdle, and end with the muscles of the lower extremities.

In the supine position on a firm, straight surface (floor), you need to find a position in which you feel as comfortable as possible. Place pillows under your knees, ankles and head.

After lying down for a while at rest, it is necessary to strain any part of the body, for example, the shoulders. This is achieved by bending the shoulder blades towards oneself. The main thing when doing the exercise is calm breathing. The voltage must be delayed for about half a minute. Only after feeling tired and that the muscles are actually tense (there should be no pain), you can relax.

Muscle relaxation must be increased with each exhalation. It is also impossible to relax too slowly, as overstrain may occur.

Exercises for training the muscles of the perineum, which are performed in later stages, include alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles as if during the act of defecation or urination. The duration of the exercises is approximately 3-4 seconds. The pace can be fast or slow.

During the 9th month of pregnancy, travel and sex are not recommended.

Examinations in the ninth month

During the 9th month of pregnancy, a woman can conduct self-examination to study the activity of the baby. To do this, you need to count the number of strokes or movements with the whole body of the baby at the same time during periods of the baby's greatest physical activity for 2 hours. The norm is the performance of ten motor manifestations. If their number is small, it is better to inform the doctor about it.

  • scheduled examination of an obstetrician - gynecologist, performed 2 times a month. Includes examination of the uterus, listening to the fetal heartbeat, measuring the circumference of the abdomen, blood pressure and weight of the woman;
  • study of general analyzes of urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound of the fetus with an assessment of the position of the fetus in the womb;
  • CTG - fetal cardiac examination. The goal is to determine the physical activity and work of the baby's cardiovascular system.

A woman should always have an exchange card (presents a document containing the results of analyzes and examinations) with her. Without an exchange card, in the event of the onset of labor, it can be accepted only in a specialized maternity hospital, where women are admitted without registration and a certain place of residence, as well as nonresident.

Possible complications

Placenta previa - may be accompanied by pathological bloody discharge that looks like menstrual bleeding. In previa, the placenta is attached to the base of the uterus and is located below the fetus. The exit to the birth canal is partially or completely blocked.

Placental abruption. Depending on the severity, it has different consequences. In mild cases (detachment of one or two tiny fragments), there may not be serious consequences, in severe cases (separation of up to a third of the placenta), a caesarean section may be required.

Preeclampsia - the main symptoms include: high blood pressure, swelling of the legs, arms and face, protein in the urine. It can result in eclampsia, the main complication of which is the development of convulsive syndrome. Typically, regular antenatal check-ups involve early diagnosis of preeclampsia and effective treatment, including antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, and bed rest.

When to see a doctor immediately

  • excessively strong Brexton-Hicks contractions (one minute long, once every five minutes);
  • severe pain, increased activity of the baby, discharge of water;
  • bleeding from the birth canal - bright scarlet, reminiscent of menstrual flow, accompanied by pain, profuse;
  • signs of reduced fetal motor activity (frequency of movements in 2 hours less than 10 times);
  • fainting, "clouding" in the eyes;
  • decompensation of existing chronic diseases;

signs of labor:

  • vaginal discharge from pink to brown, preceding the discharge of the mucous plug from the same place,
  • some weight loss,
  • loose stools
  • "nesting instinct" (behavior aimed at finding a secluded and quiet place).

Nine months have flown by, as if one moment, your baby has grown up and is about to be born, the time until this bright moment is less and less, and the surprises do not end there.

What to expect at the 9th month of pregnancy?

To begin with, your position requires constant monitoring, and therefore visits to the doctor will become more frequent, and you will be a constant guest in the gynecological department.

So be prepared to visit your doctor afterwards at least once a week.

Such frequent examinations are necessary to be able to determine when the long-awaited birth of the child will come.

For this, as well as in order to be confident in the state of your health, the attending physician prescribes the following examinations:

  • determination of blood pressure - after all, your body is not iron, for nine months it lived in a mode of constant stress, and therefore it is not surprising that the pressure may be slightly higher than normal. Constant weighing is also necessary, since the increase in body weight may slow down, or even stop altogether. Weighing is necessary in order to determine how harmoniously the child's development proceeds with growth;
  • determination of the content of sugar and blood in the urine;
  • an ultrasound visit to determine the state of the placenta and internal organs of the child;
  • a visit to the functional diagnostics room, where they will make you an encephalogram and an electrocardiogram and give an opinion on how calm the pregnancy and childbirth will be;
  • listening to baby's heart tones. Absolutely indescribable sensations when the doctor outputs sound to the speakers, and you hear the heart of your bloodstream beating;
  • determination of the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • determining how the fetus lies. These little tricksters can make your life fun by taking the booty down position. It is also necessary to constantly determine the size of the fetus and how low it is;
  • determination of the presence of edema and varicose veins. By the way, edema is considered a pathology, and therefore be prepared for an offer of hospitalization. And don't give up - it's a good idea, by the way. It is very beneficial to be under the constant supervision of specialists before the onset of childbirth - God forbid, of course, but this is undoubtedly calmer;
  • determination of the degree of dilatation of the uterus. Not a very pleasant examination, the main thing here is not to break loose and not get nasty at the doctor - he, by the way, does his job, but bear with what is unpleasant for you. Do you want it to be without complications? Here it is;
  • Determination of the frequency of Braston-Hicks contractions. In another way, these contractions are called false. The phenomenon is usually completely painless, so don't worry - it's just that the uterus and cervix are preparing for the upcoming birth and exercising by contracting. The closer the delivery is, the more often false contractions may appear. Their duration ranges from 3 seconds to 2 minutes. And do not rush to worry if you do not have a similar phenomenon - your uterus just does not need such training, she already knows how to behave correctly during childbirth. It is quite simple to distinguish false contractions from real ones - real ones cause much more unpleasant sensations and appear much more often;
  • discussing with your doctor questions regarding your well-being and symptoms that concern you.

Also in the antenatal clinic you may be offered to take courses for pregnant women. Do not rush to refuse - the advice of friends and information picked up on the Internet is a good thing, but not always correct, while the recommendations of professionals, as they say "from hand to hand," are much more reliable.

What do doctors say about the 9th month of pregnancy and the upcoming birth?

During this period, you may become more tired, your body weight may decrease slightly, which indicates an upcoming event. The movement of the fetus before childbirth can also change. As a rule, it slows down, the baby becomes cramped in your uterus.

How to determine if it's time to get ready for the maternity ward?

Doctors name the three most important symptoms for which you should not postpone the transfer to the hospital, and which say that childbirth has already begun:

  1. The appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract.
  2. Outpouring of amniotic fluid.
  3. The beginning of the contractions.

It does not hurt to consider the rest of the symptoms accompanying the ninth month of pregnancy in order to be able to navigate in future events.

  • vaginal discharge has changed - it has become thicker, a small amount of blood may appear or a change in shade to pinkish-brown;
  • you have become more likely to be bothered by problems of the gastrointestinal tract, your appetite has changed;
  • dizziness and headaches have become more frequent;
  • during sleep, cramps of the lower extremities began to appear, the sleep itself was disturbed;
  • worried about pain in the back and lumbar spine, pains in the lower abdomen are felt;
  • swelling of the limbs appeared, sometimes it can also affect the face;
  • possible nosebleeds and bleeding of the gums;
  • fluctuations in emotional state have become more frequent.

In general, the emotional state in the ninth month of pregnancy is a completely unpredictable thing. Along with the joy and feeling of relief that the baby is about to be born and all the inconveniences of pregnancy will be left behind, unreasonable fears and anxiety may appear.

You may begin to react sharply to others, excessive excitability appears.

Try not to be nervous or worried, this is harmful to both you and your child. And everything will definitely be fine.

The 9th month of pregnancy, if counted according to the lunar calendar, in which 28 days, is 33, 34, 35, 36 obstetric weeks. There is not much time left before meeting the little one. Some women give birth to babies this month. This is still premature, but with medical care, all healthy babies survive and develop without any significant pathologies.

What mom feels in the ninth month

1. Fatigue. I would like to give birth as soon as possible, despite the fear of the birth itself (for most mothers). The last months, which, by the way, are already on maternity leave, you need to devote yourself to your beloved. You need to find yourself a hobby or engage in self-education - you have a lot of free time, use it. When a child is born, you will devote all of yourself to him.

One important point is that if severe fatigue is combined with tachycardia even at rest, this may indicate the presence of iron deficiency anemia. Donate blood for hemoglobin. Your level should not be less than 110. Otherwise, you need to take an iron supplement. Many women refuse it, since such medications provoke constipation (and pregnant women often have problems with stool), but this is not worth doing. Remember that iron deficiency threatens fetal hypoxia and is fatal during childbirth, both natural and operative. Iron supplementation continues for several months. The dosage is determined by the doctor.

2. Frequent uterine tone or preparatory contractions. By the end of this month, all progesterone medications are usually canceled to prevent premature birth. These drugs removed hypertonicity in mothers. So, after the end of their intake, the tension in the uterus, its stony, will be felt much more often.

Also, periodic hypertonicity of the uterus, usually in response to any physical activity, is called preparatory contractions or Braxton Higgs contractions. They do not lead to the opening of the cervix and the onset of labor. Although unpleasant, it is not painful and does not intensify, like real contractions.

3. Pressure in the perineum. Sometimes the discomfort is associated with a breech presentation of the fetus, which may try to stretch the legs (if they are drawn in). But more often this is due to the low position of the baby's head. This happens closer to childbirth. If the doctor at the examination notes the motionless head of the fetus during manual examination, it may make sense to look at the ultrasound scan of the length of the cervix. If it is greatly shortened, inpatient treatment and observation is necessary.

What happens to the fetus at 33-36 gestational weeks

The kid becomes very strong and well-fed. By the end of the ninth month, his weight is already 2.5-3 kg. Height is 45 cm on average. Chubby cheeks have formed. They are clearly visible with 3D ultrasound. The sucking muscles give relief to the face. By the way, their baby develops even in utero. You can see how he sucks his thumb. After birth, this habit persists in all babies. Only many of them are swaddled, so you can't get a finger in your mouth. The sucking reflex in newborns is very strong. Dimples on the shoulders and buttocks are visible.

At the end of the month, in the case of breech presentation of the fetus, some women will be referred to a hospital. This applies to women of various risk groups. Caesarean section, if necessary, is done as close as possible to the expected date of birth, so that the child is as ripe as possible for life outside the womb.

Earlier births are to be expected with multiple pregnancies. So, at a period of 36-37 weeks, many twins are born.

The baby's head is round and oval when inside the mother. But after birth, the shape of the head is often irregular, pointed. This is a normal deformity that occurs as a result of natural childbirth. The bones of the skull are very soft to facilitate labor. But within a few days, the head will return to the correct shape.

The nature of the child's movements changes. They do not become less common, but they are different. Mom notices how the baby rests his limbs against the uterus. Have you seen on the Internet a picture of a pregnant tummy with a clearly protruding baby's foot? This is what happens at this stage of pregnancy.

Anxiety in mothers can be caused by the so-called hiccups in a child. Especially if it is long and frequent. In fact, the child does not hiccup in the literal sense of the word, but performs breathing exercises, trains before his birth. It's not at all that you ate fatty foods. Do not worry! Doing an ultrasound or CTG because of this is not worth it. The alarm should be caused by the absence of movement for several hours.

All organs and systems of the child's body are almost ready for birth by the end of this month. And, most likely, with a gestational period of 36 weeks, the baby will be able to stay in the maternity hospital in an ordinary ward with his mother. That is, you do not need to nurture him. This applies specifically to healthy babies, without deviations.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman is looking forward to when the baby will be born. But at the same time, it becomes a little alarming, because a very crucial moment will soon come - childbirth. And the expectant mother would like to know in more detail how the last month of pregnancy will proceed and what can be expected from him. After all, it is better to be ready for anything than worrying over trifles.

Determining the timing

Pregnancy lasts an average of 280 days or 40 obstetric weeks. This corresponds to the usual 9 months with the addition of another 7 days. The period of bearing a child for each woman is individual, but it should not go beyond normal values. For example, if a baby is born before 37 weeks, he is considered premature, and after nine months - delayed.

It is extremely important to determine the gestational age itself, because from this all further calculations of the date of birth will be carried out. This is done in various ways:

  1. By the last month or date of conception.
  2. By the first movement of the fetus.
  3. Based on the results of a gynecological examination.
  4. By ultrasound examination.
  5. According to a blood test for chorionic gonadotropin.

The simplest method is to calculate by calendar dates. A woman can even do this on her own, knowing when her last menstruation began, had sexual intercourse and ovulated. The time of release of the egg from the follicle is easily determined by measuring the basal (rectal) temperature. But for this you need to keep a diary for more than one cycle. A woman can find out the gestational age based on the time when she felt the first movement of the fetus. But this will happen much later - at 20 and 18 weeks (respectively, in primiparous and multiparous).

A gynecological examination will be more indicative, when the doctor, focusing on the size of the uterus during a bimanual (two-handed) examination, tells the woman the approximate gestational age. But this method also does not give full accuracy - the range of values ​​reaches 2 weeks. Additional diagnostic methods are considered the most reliable, among which ultrasound is widely used. Chorionic gonadotropin is studied less frequently.

The term of the expected birth is calculated at the first examination by the doctor, when the pregnant woman is registered with the antenatal clinic. First, a preliminary calculation is carried out based on anamnestic data - the date of the beginning of the last menstruation. From it you should subtract 3 months and add 7 days. But this is only an approximate time, and it is difficult to say how it will actually happen. More accurate information is obtained at the first ultrasound screening at 11-14 weeks.

You can find out the duration of pregnancy and childbirth in several ways, but it is better to focus on the most informative and reliable ones.

Fetal development

A baby at 9 months of pregnancy is already fully formed and is considered full-term. Therefore, he is quite ready to be born and live in the external environment. Among the signs of morphological maturity, the following should be noted:

  • Weight over 2.5 kg (typically about 3200-3400 g).
  • Body length is not less than 46 cm (mostly 50–52 cm).
  • Pink and clear skin, no grease residue.
  • The subcutaneous fat layer is well developed.
  • Fluffy hair remained only on the head, shoulders and between the shoulder blades.
  • Formed auricles, elastic cartilage.
  • The nails protrude slightly beyond the edge of the fingers.
  • Only the large fontanelle is open.
  • The navel is located in the middle of the distance between the xiphoid process and the bosom.
  • Boys' testicles are located in the scrotum.
  • In girls, the genital slit is closed, the small lips are covered with large ones.

If a baby is born in the ninth month of pregnancy, then all systems are already developed, so he is completely ready for life outside the mother's womb. Signs of functional maturity of a newborn include:

  • Shout.
  • The movements in the limbs are active, chaotic.
  • Increased muscle tone (flexion posture).
  • Consistent body temperature.
  • Respiration rate 40-60 per minute, stable and without delay (apnea).
  • Heartbeat with a frequency of 120-140 per minute, rhythmic.
  • Reflexes of good liveliness, symmetrical.

It will not be superfluous for a mother-to-be to know that a full-term baby has well-expressed unconditioned reflexes. Some of them are vital (swallowing, sneezing and coughing), therefore they persist, while others exist for the first 6 months. The most important transient reflexes found in a young child are:

  • Sucking.
  • Proboscis.
  • Prehensile.
  • Search.
  • Supports.
  • Protective.

At birth, the child's condition is assessed according to a special scale that takes into account the most important morphological and functional characteristics: skin color, reflexes and muscle tone, heart rate and respiration. In accordance with it, groups of children's health are formed. Normally, on the Apgar scale, the child receives from 8 to 10 points.

A baby born at the end of pregnancy, namely at 9 months, is full-term and already fully formed.

Changes in a woman's body

With the approach of the end of pregnancy, the woman already feels that the baby will soon be born. This can be recognized by a number of changes in the body. Starting at 36 weeks, precursor contractions appear, which prepare the uterus for further childbirth. At this time, muscle fibers contract, which leads to painful sensations in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum. They do not depend on external factors (body position or walking), which makes them different from Braxton-Higgs pseudo-contractions. But, like the latter, they are irregular and are not accompanied by cervical dilatation. Most often they occur in the evenings or at night, causing a woman to wake up.

In addition to precursor contractions, the ninth month of pregnancy is characterized by other changes in the woman's body. The uterus is already decently enlarged. The height of the bottom is 36–38 cm, and the abdominal circumference is close to 100 cm. But about a week before childbirth, the uterus sinks more deeply into the pelvic cavity, so the woman feels some relief: heartburn decreases and it becomes easier to breathe. Due to the absorption of amniotic fluid, she can even lose weight up to 1.5 kg. However, instead, there is distension and heaviness in the lower abdomen, dull pain in the pubic region and sacrum due to the pressure of the fetal head on the pelvic nerves. And when walking, a woman can seem awkward and awkward.

Given the growth of the uterus and fetus, in the last stages of pregnancy, discomfort becomes more and more intense, among which the following should be noted:

  1. Constipation and bloating.
  2. Increased urination.
  3. Pain in the lumbar spine.
  4. Pasty of the lower extremities.
  5. Calf muscle cramps.
  6. Itching and stretch marks on the abdomen.

At 37-40 weeks, symptoms characteristic of the early stages may well appear. The woman suffers from mood swings, insomnia, and dizziness and fainting. But the latter are associated with the so-called inferior vena cava syndrome, when in the supine position the uterus presses on the vessels that carry blood to the heart. Other signs, such as increased anxiety, anxiety, excitability, and hyperactivity, also occur. Many are worried about the approaching birth, which affects the psycho-emotional state.

The function of the genitals changes. Physiological discharge (leucorrhoea) becomes thicker and more abundant. They may contain blood (streaks) or acquire a brownish tint. Immediately before childbirth, a mucous plug leaves, which leads to an increase in the amount of discharge. Colostrum - a thick white mass - is already beginning to be secreted from the breast, which indicates that the gland is ready for lactation.

The ninth month of pregnancy is characterized by a mass of changes in the woman's body, by which one can recognize the impending birth.


At the end of pregnancy, a woman should be careful about her health, because a crucial stage is approaching - its completion. For this purpose, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the expectant mother and child. Weekly monitoring is required, which primarily includes a medical examination. First, the specialist determines the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen, body weight, position and presentation of the fetus. Then blood pressure is measured, the results of urine analysis (protein, sugar) are checked. This is necessary to identify probable signs of gestosis and other obstetric pathology (for example, gestational diabetes).

To determine the condition of the fetus, an ultrasound scan is performed. The last screening is done at 34–37 weeks of gestation. But if necessary, it is also repeated before childbirth. If the fetus has signs of hypoxia, the doctor will also prescribe cardiotocography. And in the first stage of labor, it will also show the dynamics of contractions (frequency, duration and intensity).

The beginning of labor

Many women who have stepped into the 9th month of pregnancy are wondering how you can find out that labor is starting. This moment is unlikely to go unnoticed, because it comes with the following symptoms:

  • Discharge of the mucous plug from the cervical canal.
  • Rupture of amniotic fluid (rupture of the fetal bladder).
  • Regular contractions of the uterus (contractions).

The mucous plug comes off about 1-2 days before the onset of contractions. This can be seen by the pinkish discharge. Sometimes this is observed at the beginning of labor, when the cervix begins to open. Amniotic fluid is poured out immediately or in parts. They leave the day before childbirth or directly in the first period: first a small portion (front), and with the release of the baby all the rest.

Labor pains are regular contractions of the muscle layer of the uterus. At first, they last no more than 20 seconds with an interval of 15-30 minutes. Then the contractions become more frequent, longer and more intense. The last contractions come in a few minutes and turn into attempts.

You can find out about the approach of childbirth by a number of signs, which are quite difficult to miss.

When the ninth month of pregnancy has come, the woman should be even more attentive to herself. She will hear important recommendations from the doctor and must carefully follow them. These include the following:

  1. Be in the fresh air more often.
  2. Do not expose yourself to physical activity.
  3. Eat correctly and fully.
  4. Change sanitary napkins regularly.
  5. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing, and if necessary, a prenatal bandage.
  6. Prepare breasts for lactation.

A special place is occupied by the issue of sex in the last month of pregnancy. But only a doctor will unequivocally answer it. Some recommend refraining from sexual intercourse at this time, as this can provoke early childbirth. Others do not prohibit, unless the woman has leakage of amniotic fluid, placenta previa, multiple pregnancies and the risk of premature birth. But before having sex, it is better to consult a doctor about this. If he permits, then positions that eliminate pressure on the abdomen are best suited: on the side or in the knee-elbow position. Sometimes sexual intercourse can be considered a good stimulant if labor is delayed for some reason.

It is important for a woman to psychologically prepare for the approaching end of pregnancy and the birth of a baby. Courses for expectant parents help a lot in this. After waiting for the ninth month, you should go through another important stage - childbirth. And after that, you can truly feel the joy of motherhood, relax and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of caring for a child.

A baby and a woman at 9 months pregnant are ready to meet each other. Starting from this month, the fetus is already considered full-term, respectively, from 36 weeks it is necessary to have a ready-made bag with all the things that are on the list from the hospital.

It is worth noting that the ninth month of pregnancy is a turning point, and there is no longer any need to fear premature birth. Your child is already fully formed and ready to meet the outside world. His body has acquired proportional dimensions, and his lungs are ready to inhale air on their own. By this time, the fetus may well suck on its own mother's milk. It is the sucking reflex that will help him eat in the first year of life.

Weight gain calculator

Your height in centimeters:

Weight before pregnancy in kilograms:

2 week 4 week 6 week 8 week 10 week 12 week 14 week 16 week 18 week 20 week 22 week 24 week 26 week 28 week 30 week 32 week 34 week 36 week 38 week 40 week

Nutrition at the 9th month of pregnancy

In the ninth month of pregnancy, it is worth reviewing your diet. The calcium requirement is no longer as high as it used to be. Hair does not fall out, it has become thicker. A large amount of calcium contributes to the rapid closure of the fontanelle in the baby and an increase in intracranial pressure. At this point, you need to completely remove allergens from the daily menu. These include strawberries, chocolate and citrus fruits. Alcohol should not be included in the menu. The child's tendency to diathesis will depend on this.

All food during the ninth month of pregnancy must be thoroughly cooked. Cook meat and fish a little longer. At this time, it is very dangerous to catch E. coli. Therefore, if you constantly have diarrhea, donate feces for dysbiosis. After giving birth, the baby may have conjunctivitis or staphylococcus infection.

At nine months of pregnancy, try to increase your daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Reduce your consumption of fish and meat, these foods reduce the elasticity of the cervix, which can significantly prolong the birth process. This contributes to the appearance of gaps.

Nausea at 9 months pregnant

A few weeks before giving birth, bowel movements are disrupted. This is facilitated by the growing uterus, which displaces the internal organs from their usual places. Usually, nausea is observed with overeating and excessive consumption of smoked and fatty foods.

To improve the feeling and well-being, you need to eat often and little by little. Divide your daily diet into 5-6 meals. In the ninth month of pregnancy, heartburn is often observed, this is quite normal. To reduce the burning sensation, try not to sit down immediately after eating, but to walk a little. Large portions promote gastric acid back up into the esophagus.

What to do if there is edema at the 9th month of pregnancy?

The appearance of edema of the legs in the ninth month of pregnancy is facilitated by the pinching of the veins with a large belly. Blood circulation decreases in the pelvic area, respectively, the liquid does not have time to dissolve in time, the legs swell.

To reduce leg pain and swelling, try to spend as little time as possible in a sitting position.

Buy comfortable shoes and go for more walks in the fresh air. Never wear heels. To improve kidney function, drink "Kanefron" and rosehip decoction. These drugs improve fluid drainage. If you have depression, drink a soothing tea.

Discharge at 9 months of pregnancy

Normal vaginal discharge:

  • pink or reddish after internal examination or sex;
  • mucus streaked with blood a few weeks before childbirth;
  • scanty white thick discharge.

And also the discharge of milk or colostrum from the breast is characteristic.


9 months of pregnancy in 14 minutes

Baby development in the 9th month of pregnancy

How I was preparing for childbirth)))))))))) 9th month of pregnancy)))

If you notice a strange slimy lump on your panties, it could be a plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. If your mucous plug has come off, then labor begins no later than in a week. It happens that this lump of mucus leaves just before childbirth, and this is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

If, after consultation and examination on the chair, you find spotting, do not worry. Before the birth itself, the walls of the cervix become very sensitive, and the capillaries become fragile. After internal examination, scanty spotting is the norm. Some blood may appear after sex.

Is a cold at 9 months of pregnancy dangerous?

Acute respiratory diseases in the late stages are less dangerous than at the beginning of pregnancy. The temperature indicates an infection of the body, but it is not necessary to bring it down. A runny nose cannot be treated with vasoconstrictor drugs.

All organs of the child are fully formed, and he has the same immunity as his mother. Therefore, even if a cold provokes premature birth, your baby will be able to breathe and live without the help of doctors.

How to Improve Sleep?

Many pregnant women are worried about sleep, because a few weeks before giving birth, the belly increases in size, and the baby becomes active. Many women are not used to sleeping on their backs and therefore have difficulty falling asleep.

If you do not know how to sleep at 9 months of pregnancy, get a special pillow. This product is shaped like a horseshoe and will be useful for feeding your baby. A set of several pillows can be purchased. Sitting on your side will help improve sensation. Try not to overeat before going to bed, this will help prevent heartburn.

How to cure hemorrhoids at 9 months of pregnancy?

Signs of hemorrhoids:

  • bloody discharge from the anus;
  • itching and burning in the anal area;
  • the appearance of hemorrhoids.

If you experience these symptoms, do not hesitate and see your doctor. Pregnancy promotes the accumulation of feces, which causes the large intestine to stretch. At the same time, the sensations are unpleasant, it will seem to you that you constantly want to use the toilet. Further cracks and nodules appear. To improve the sensation, try to avoid stool buildup. Therefore, eat fractionally, include a lot of fiber in the menu. You may be on a special diet. Gymnastics will help improve the condition. Take a laxative as recommended by your doctor, but diarrhea is not a way out of the situation and will not eliminate hemorrhoids. In almost all women, hemorrhoids disappear after childbirth.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's body constantly lacks calcium, respectively, there are problems with her teeth. Try to get all your teeth treated before pregnancy. If you are already in position, then it is not worth doing dental treatment in the first trimester. But what if the filling fell out before childbirth and is it possible to treat teeth at the 9th month of pregnancy? If you feel aching pain or your cheek is swollen, go to the clinic immediately. Anesthesia will not harm the fetus, since in the ninth month of pregnancy all organs and systems of the baby are formed.

What happens to the belly in the ninth month of pregnancy?

The ninth month of pregnancy is a watershed. After 35-36 obstetric weeks, the fundus of the uterus drops, and the abdomen looks very low. You will notice that it becomes easier for you to sit and breathe, but it is difficult to bend over. Heartburn practically does not torment.

At this time, your child takes the final position, and his head presses on the pelvic bones. With light pressure and a small layer of fat, you can even feel the baby's head and bottom. Fetal movements become less pronounced. This is due to the fact that the baby is very cramped in the uterus. He practically cannot move. The abdomen at the 9th month of pregnancy drops, and the weight is established and does not increase. If you do not understand whether the belly has dropped or not, look at the photos of pregnant girls.

How to understand when it's time to go to the hospital?

Feelings at the 9th month of pregnancy are very diverse, sometimes it is difficult to determine the onset of childbirth. If you notice some kind of liquid on the pad that oozes a little and pulls on the lower abdomen, most likely you are losing water. Please note that the water practically does not smell, so if you notice a strange smell, tell your doctor. The amniotic fluid does not always flow out in a stream, sometimes leaks are possible.

In the last month of pregnancy, use panty liners so you can control the color and nature of your discharge. If you find that the color of the water is green or brown, be sure to tell the emergency doctor about it. This means that meconium is in the amniotic fluid and the baby may be infected. With uterine spasms that recur periodically, you need to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. At the very beginning, the sensations are not painful, and the interval between contractions can be 7-10 minutes. After a few hours, you will feel a cutting pain and contractions will become frequent. A video will help you prepare for childbirth. Good luck to you and your baby.