Christmas tree made of beads. Christmas tree made of beads. Big tree of knowledge

On the eve of New Year's celebrations, the traditional Christmas tree is becoming the most popular festive attribute. However, in the case when decorating the interior with your favorite Christmas tree all over the world is impossible, you can create its original alternative with your own hands, especially since you can make it out of anything. Mini Christmas trees made from scrap materials will not take up much space and will help to recreate a full-fledged holiday atmosphere no worse than a natural forest beauty.

The crafts presented in our selection are suitable for decorating a home, office space and will be a good option for joint creativity with children.

Craft from beads

Stylish golden herringbone made of beads

In order to make a spectacular Christmas tree out of beads, you need the simplest set of materials and a minimum of time:

1. It is necessary to prepare in advance the shape of a cone, wrapping paper, garlands in the form of beads and hot glue;

2. In the absence of a ready-made frame made of wood or foam, you can make it yourself by rolling a sheet of cardboard in the form of a cone and fixing it in this state. The base is then covered with wrapping paper;

A string of beads is glued in a spiral from bottom to top

4. At the top of the head, the extra beads are cut and fixed, closing the top of the form.

Glowing Christmas tree made of garlands

Glowing Christmas tree made of garlands

A Christmas tree made of garlands, complemented by toys, looks interesting and modern in any lighting. However, such a decoration will show itself most effectively in the dark when connected to an electrical network.

In order to make a glowing Christmas tree, you need to fix the garland wire on the wall with double-sided tape, creating an elongated triangular silhouette. In the same way, within the framework of the resulting figure, several Christmas tree decorations are fixed.

Air tree made of threads

Light and airy herringbone made of threads

A Christmas tree made of threads looks light and airy. By varying the size of the cone, you can create a tree of any height. And if you put an LED garland inside the resulting craft, then the idea will become even more spectacular and magical.

In order to make a Christmas tree, you need any thread or yarn, PVA glue, water, starch, packaging film, a cone or a piece of cardboard with tape.

Master class on creating a thread tree

1. In the absence of a finished frame, a sheet of cardboard is rolled up in the shape of a cone and fixed with tape, and then the finished base is wrapped with food or packaging film.

2. In order to prepare the fixing mixture, you need to mix PVA glue, 1 tbsp. l. starch and 4 tbsp. l. water.

3. In the resulting composition, the threads of the desired color are soaked for several minutes.

4. Wet thread is slightly squeezed out of excess glue and glued in random order on the cone.

5. To prevent the tree from deforming, you need to let it dry thoroughly and only then remove the frame and the film.

6. If desired, the surface can be decorated by gluing glitter, beads, buttons and toys.

How to make a Christmas tree from cones with your own hands

Christmas tree made of cones

For such a Christmas tree, pine cones are best suited, although spruce cones can look original and interesting. If desired, the craft can be made from cones bleached in a solution of "Whiteness" or simply paint it with gold or silver paint.

Step-by-step instructions for making a Christmas tree

1. As materials for New Year's crafts, you need to take the shape of a cone, hot glue, dried cones, toys.

2. It is advisable to paint the frame of the tree in the color of the cones or glue it over with paper of the desired shade.

3. Then cones and small Christmas tree decorations are glued to the base in turn, starting from the bottom, in rows.

The tree trunk should not contrast with the cones.

4. On top of the head, you can install a toy in the shape of a star or just glue a bump there.

Christmas tree made of candies

Christmas craft - Christmas tree made of sweets

A sweet Christmas tree made of sweets can become not only an original craft, but also an excellent gift or decoration for the New Year's table. Since the procedure for its manufacture is simple, such a beauty can be made in a matter of minutes. This will require a cone shape, double-sided tape, candy and garland beads.

1. The first stage of creation consists in pasting a cardboard or foam base with double-sided tape. Since the candies will take up the entire area of ​​the tree, it is important to avoid empty, non-glued areas.

2. Starting from the bottom, the candies are glued onto the tape in rows.

3. Transitions and empty spaces between the rows are masked with tinsel or garlands in the form of beads.

Herringbone lamp

The Christmas tree lamp will decorate the room and will be a good option for a night light.

In order to make a safe herringbone lamp, it is undesirable to use candles and other fire hazardous materials, especially in combination with paper or cardboard. The best option would be an LED string hidden in the base.

1. For work, you need a shape in the form of a cone made of thick cardboard or papier-mâché, a figured hole punch for cardboard or a drill with drills of different diameters, sandpaper (when working with a drill), spray paint and a garland.

2. A plurality of holes are made on the cone in random order. In the absence of a curly hole punch for cardboard, this can be done with an ordinary electric drill. In the lower part of the mold, it is advisable to make holes of a larger diameter than at the top.

3. If irregularities and roughness appear, use fine sandpaper to polish them.

4. Then the future lamp is coated with paint in several steps. The color of the paint can be white, green, silver, gold or any other that is in harmony with the interior of the room.

5. After the paint has dried, a garland is put into the base.

Bulky paper herringbone

Christmas tree made of colored paper

To make a voluminous Christmas tree, you will have to stock up on green colored paper and patience. The technique of its creation is called "papercraft" and consists in stringing sheets of paper folded in the form of needles onto a rod.

1. In order to get a small desktop Christmas tree, you need to take a metal wire, a compass, a ruler, a simple pencil, colored paper (10-12 A4 sheets), glue.

2. Using a compass on each sheet, you need to draw circles of different diameters.

3. On each circle, at the same distance, mark the cutting lines.

4. Having made cuts along the marked points, each strip must be rolled up with a funnel and glued from the bottom side.

5. Dried sheets of paper are strung on a wire from a larger diameter to a smaller one.

6. The top of the tree is hidden by a paper star or a piece of paper rolled into a small cone.

Christmas felt craft

Stylish felt Christmas trees

Felt is a soft and pleasant material to work with. Due to its pliability and aesthetics, it can be used to make volumetric compositions on the wall, miniature crafts from scraps and unnecessary pieces, or multi-layered multi-colored Christmas trees.

To sew a small voluminous tree, you need:

1. Take several pieces of felt of different colors, thread with a needle, safety pins, scissors, pencil, paper and decor (colored buttons or beads);

2. Using paper and a pencil, it is advisable to draw a pattern in advance for future crafts;

A variant of a pattern for a Christmas tree of their felt

3. From pieces of felt of different colors according to the patterns obtained, you need to cut out the details. The lower edge of the products can be processed with curly scissors;

4. Then the cut out parts are superimposed on each other with a slight overlap and fastened together with safety pins;

Blank for the future Christmas tree made of felt

5. The workpiece folded in the right way is rolled up in the shape of a cone and sewn with threads matching the color. The pins are removed;

6. The resulting Christmas tree can be decorated with bright buttons or beads, and for stability and better shape retention, put a cardboard frame inside or stuff it tightly with cotton wool.

Vintage herringbone made of lace

Lace New Year's craft

A vintage shebi-nik tree looks like a miniature work of art, but it is also as easy to make as possible. The original craft will decorate the space and create a festive mood. You can make a tree in two versions: on a leg and without it.

Lace tree on the "leg"

1. Materials for a Christmas tree with a "leg": cardboard, plastic, wooden or metal stick 30-40 cm long, several options for lace and braid, beautiful buttons and beads, unnecessary brooches, rhinestones and jewelry, beads, glass, glue, scissors.

2. In order to make a trunk for a Christmas tree, you need to wrap a stick with a tape greased with glue.

3. Before you start decorating the tree, a ready-made cone or a home-made paper cap is fixed with glue on the trunk.

4. The resulting paper base must be pasted over with several layers of lace and braid, and after it dries, abundantly decorate as desired.

5. In order for the tree to stand steadily, the trunk holding it must be installed in a glass filled with glue or filled with plasticine, and then fixed in this form until the adhesive mass hardens. From above the glass can be covered with white beads and decorated with pieces of lace, ribbons and jewelry.

Christmas tree made of buttons

Button Christmas tree

A beautiful Christmas tree will turn out if there are unnecessary buttons in the house. You can make it using pins or glue. In the first case, after the holidays, the tree can be disassembled, until the next celebrations.

In order to make a Christmas tree from buttons with pins, it is advisable to take a ready-made foam cone. Such a frame will tightly hold the pins and prevent them from falling out. To make the tree look more interesting, it is advisable to wrap it in a fabric that matches the color of the fittings. Then, with the help of pins, each button is strung on the base in turn.

The version with glue does not require a dense base, therefore, in this case, you can resort to a form made of cardboard or thick paper, rolling it up in the shape of a cap. Next, the cone must be covered with paints of the desired color or pasted over with wrapping paper. After drying with hot glue, you only need to glue the buttons closely together.

Once again, handicraftsmen surprise me: from what people do not make New Year's firs! Some copies are so original that one cannot help but feel respect for the creative author. Many crafts are nice to me, there are some that make me smile, and some are amazing: how could you come up with a picture of a Christmas tree from this? Well, okay, enough prefaces, we still have to watch and watch) For us, the main thing is to look for a suitable idea, at least a little in tune with our tastes, and then, you see, your own imagination will connect, make adjustments) And we will have a completely different craft - the author's ) So, let's see what the people make Christmas trees from?

Let's start with a Christmas tree made of tinsel: the material is inexpensive, the work is simple, it takes little time, and the result is excellent!

To help everyone who wants to make such a Christmas tree - for making.

Christmas decorations

Another simple and affordable way is from Christmas tree decorations, they surely will be found in every home. It will not be difficult to depict the New Year's symbol on the wall (or window, door). You will have to tinker with the volumetric image a little longer.

But the spatial composition looks interesting. And if, instead of threads, you hang the balls on a thin colorless fishing line, the illusion of soaring in the air will be complete.

As a child, we drew Christmas trees in albums, and now we can quite do creative work on the walls of our own house - who will forbid us?

If you decorate a painted spruce tree with real toys or a garland, it turns out very interesting!


Or you can not draw anything: attach the garland to the wall, giving it the shape of a Christmas tree. A wonderful express option for giving the room a New Year's look.

Don't like the tree on the wall? Then "put" it in the center of the room or in the corner)

By the way, an additional plus - then you don't have to waste time removing toys and cleaning fallen needles)

Perhaps most of the options for homemade trees are made of paper: the material is inexpensive, it's easy to work with it, the result can be very good!

Not only colored paper is used, but also napkins, newspapers, pages from books, cardboard packaging.

You can ignore the drawing of paper at all: a charming Christmas tree can be in pastel shades, and in a bright version, and even monochromatic.

Call for help with any paperwork techniques that are familiar to you: quilling, origami, modular origami, and so on.

And do not try to exactly copy the craft from the photo, let you get your own creation. The main thing is for the process to be joyful and enjoyable.

Christmas trees from books and magazines

Making a desktop Christmas tree from an old magazine (well, what can I do, my reverent attitude towards books does not even allow me to assume that crafts can be made from them), it will take 20-30 minutes, no more. You can accomplish the task even faster by simply stacking the books in a pile, giving it the appropriate shape.

The variant in the middle photo quite accurately copies the shape of the tree, but, in my opinion, is extremely unstable.

I really like the Christmas trees made of buttons - simple, but so cute! Anyone can handle the job, the main thing is the availability of a sufficient number of buttons for the craft. Once I was just about to make a similar Christmas tree, but there were very few suitable buttons in stock. I went to the store, chose the right ones, counted the right amount. Then I came up with the general result - how much it will cost me a set of buttons for the Christmas tree, and changed my mind about making it.

But I think the idea is worthwhile, anyway I will make such a cute Christmas tree someday.

If you like working with beads, ideas for cute miniature Christmas trees will certainly come in handy on the eve of the holiday.

All of them are good, but two beauties left a particularly strong impression (photo on the left). I sincerely admire the author's skill!

A composite hodgepodge of all sorts of trinkets that any woman must have (earrings, hairpins, buckles, brooches, bracelets, beautiful accessories from handbags, and so on). This is where you can find a worthy use of the wealth accumulated over the years!

The Christmas tree from the clock looks symbolic: as if it reminds us of the transience of time, of the uniqueness of each moment. As if he advises not to waste precious minutes on empty grievances and quarrels, but to live them profitably: to enjoy every day, to talk to loved ones about your love, to rush to do good ...

Want a Christmas tree made of ribbons? Easily! All that is required for work is the tape itself, a glue gun, a stand and a base that plays the role of a barrel. First, prepare pieces of tape: for the bottom row - the longest, for the second (bottom) - a little shorter, and so on. Fix the base (wire, kebab skewer) on the stand. Roll up the pieces of tape, apply glue to the edges and attach to the base.

The glue gun can be replaced with simple bobbin threads. Perhaps this will go even faster than with glue: you can attach not one rolled blank to the barrel, but 2-3 at once.

Christmas trees from sesal, jute, tulle

Christmas trees from a grid (sesal, jute) look very impressive. There is no way to buy this material in our village, otherwise I would definitely try to make such a craft.

But I have everything ahead of me: local florists carefully wrap even tiny bouquets in huge panels of such nets) Another couple of holidays, and I will have plenty of material for the craft)

Crafts from tulle look airy and weightless.

It also holds its shape well, does not sprinkle on the cuts, in general, working with tulle is easy and pleasant)

I have no idea where you can find threads on spools of wood now? We certainly do not have such on sale! I have a couple of wooden rarities (still from Soviet times), so that the children at least know what a wooden reel is. If you have such a rarity in abundance, it will not be difficult to build a Christmas tree)

I like the downtown option the most, do you?

It seems to me that almost no one throws away wine bottle corks) If you have managed to accumulate a sufficient amount - the Christmas tree options are for you!

Even a small one looks good, and even a big one - and even more so!

An excellent option for New Year's decor, crafts made from natural fibers (threads, twine) look especially stylish: cotton, flax, jute, hemp. The base is made of cardboard (triangle, cone). They generously grease it with PVA glue and wrap it with threads.

The Christmas tree blank is ready! And everyone decorates it to their own taste: beads, cones, flowers, dried fruits - whatever you can find at hand.

Luxurious New Year beauties are made from lace - in my opinion, they don't even need additional decoration.

Variations on a lace theme: with a base of paper and fabric, with fragments cut out of lace.

In the photo there are crafts in pastel colors, but you can make them in any color that will fit into your interior.

Christmas trees made of fabric

Have you saved some pretty scraps of fabric that you can't find a use for? Take a closer look at these pretty Christmas trees - maybe you should make one of them?

The option is even simpler - felt Christmas trees. It is very easy to work with this fabric: it does not slip, the edges do not crumble (do not require additional processing), it holds its shape well.

Buttons, simple embroidery, a few beads - and from a modest craft before our eyes it turns into a stylish one.

In my opinion, these are quite fresh ideas.

I liked the fur craft very much. It's a pity that there is no suitable material, otherwise I would gladly make one.

Christmas trees from separate fragments

There is no limit to the fantasies of the craftswomen) Balls of thin strips of fabric, balls of thread, flowers of ribbons - in skillful hands, everything will fit for making a Christmas tree!

And it can also be made from self-made blanks: bows, snowflakes, pompons, and so on.

Christmas trees made of cones

Even a child can make Christmas trees from cones: paint it green, decorate with beads, put an asterisk on the top of the head, fit a stand. Everything! A wonderful craft from natural material is ready.

Don't like the paint option? Then put them aside: see how charming a Christmas tree made of ordinary cones looks, without any additional decoration. The crafts in the photo on the right seem to be covered with frost: it is easy to depict it using artificial snow (spray). No coveted spray can? It doesn't matter: take PVA glue and a brush, grease each bump and sprinkle it with the material at hand (flour, starch, sugar, salt, soda, grated polystyrene is also possible))) It will turn out just as good!

And if you add a little vanilla to the artificial frost, the Christmas trees will smell of fresh baked goods - a small nuance to create a festive atmosphere.

Nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas and material for creativity! See what can be adjusted for New Year's crafts!

From brushwood, you can make both a small tree and a rather impressive size - in full size.

If the sight of bare branches makes you sad, just decorate them with Christmas decorations.

I liked these vintage plywood trees - they have an inexplicable charm in them. And I would very much like to thank the author of the Christmas tree shelf for the great idea: it is both beautiful and practical, and a festive mood has been created)

And here are the stunningly beautiful Christmas trees made of wood! I would not give up any of them if I could buy. It is not enough to do it with your own hands, there is nothing to try.

The hand of a real master is visible here.

Christmas trees from seafood

If you (like me) like to wander along the seashore in the early morning, collecting shells you like, cut by waves of glass - there is more than enough material for such a craft.

True, I did not come across starfish, but there will be enough shells and glass for a Christmas tree three meters high.

You won't surprise anyone with Christmas trees made of fruits, but nevertheless I included them in the selection, the ideas of execution seemed to me very successful.

For crafts, you can take any fruits, up to dried mushrooms and capsicum, but, as I think, should be mandatory.

Any child's dream)

Maybe we can work as wizards? Children need so little for happiness ... By the way, a Christmas tree can be made not only from sweets.

Christmas trees made from coffee beans

New Year tree ideas for lovers of an exquisite drink. If you want with lace - please, in a stylish snow-white design - no problem!

I guess the dyed grain craft won't be as fragrant as her friends on the left.

The attractive shapes of today's pasta, as well as their variety, have not escaped the attention of lovers of craftsmanship. They quickly found use, including for the manufacture of Christmas trees.

The craft in the photo on the left for some reason reminded of the lost treasures of the Incas)

A lot of time and effort was spent on the construction of bottle Christmas trees.

It's interesting to watch, but for some reason I don't want to repeat)

You know, considering all sorts of ideas, of course, is very interesting, but trying to collect them in one article is unrealistic) Somewhere in the middle of the selection, I realized that it was necessary to somehow group ideas more tightly, otherwise the review would drag on indefinitely)

Christmas trees from what you want

I could not think of a more accurate name for this group of crafts) Well, really, how can you combine all this variety under one concept?

A little imagination, a minimum of decor, and the role of a Christmas tree will be successfully performed by glass jars, flower pots and plastic yogurt cups.

If suddenly you have a lot of wooden rulers and brushes, and you have no idea how to attach them to the case - these are great ideas!

And another practical option) The appearance changes depending on the intensity of the decoration. And if you equip the ladders with improvised shelves, they can be placed on them even for a very large family.

And, if absolutely nothing more suitable was at hand, make Christmas trees from what you have a lot)

Well, have you picked up a suitable idea, wanted to repeat something from what you saw? No? Then we continue)

A separate section is devoted to metal crafts. I didn't think there would be so many ideas!

And, I repeat, I took only a part, trying to cover as many options as possible. The Christmas tree made of mesh touched, and from the barbed wire - inspired sadness and unpleasant associations.

I noted the Christmas tree made of bicycle rims as interesting and uncomplicated in execution, but I looked at the installation of clothes hangers for a long time, but unsuccessfully: I did not manage to understand how this structure was created.

O! Here are interesting crafts - from horseshoes. If (as the old folk tradition says) even one such metal product is capable of giving a person happiness, can you imagine what will happen to the owner of a whole Christmas tree set? Yes, he simply has to be completely happy all his life) True, only the horseshoes found have magical properties ... So postpone the raid on the nearest stable) Better look for a place where scattered horses constantly lose their horseshoes, then everything will be according to the rules)

And here are a few more ideas for a New Year's symbol made of metal. How do you like works of art from ordinary saws? I was impressed, and how!

And two more pretty beauties.

A fragile Christmas tree made of light bulbs and a miniature techno tree.

But cozy and practical crafts: after the holiday, pillows can be used for their intended purpose)

Of course, you cannot ignore the New Year's money tree)

And do not say that you have absolutely nowhere to put the Christmas tree, or that you are bored with its familiar look. If desired, everything can be solved!

So our review has come to an end. I hope that at least one of the proposed ideas seemed worth the effort and time to create it.

If you are still prettier than an ordinary live Christmas tree, it is not necessary to put a whole tree: from several branches and floral foam (sponge) you can make a charming mini-spruce. Just do not forget to moisturize the foam, then the branches will retain their freshness for a long time (rich color of needles and aroma).

Or just put a few branches in your favorite vase - it's up to you to decide what and how your Christmas tree will be made of!

Go to the competition page - there are also many interesting Christmas tree crafts (and not only)! Very convenient: if you find your own version - a detailed description of the manufacture is attached)

It's a pity, but surely many of the interesting ideas were not included in my collection for a simple reason - I did not see them. Join, supplement the selection with your ideas in the comments, there is still time before the holiday, let there be as many options for crafts as possible! And one more thing: many are ashamed (judging by myself) to show their own works, considering them too simple (ugly, not worthy of attention, and so on). This is mistake! Do not deprive us of the joy and pleasure of admiring your work. Who knows - maybe it is your idea that needlewomen have been looking for for a long time and unsuccessfully, so help them find it!

The article is posted in sections:,

In the fall, more and more often you begin to think about the coming of the New Year with its festive mood, meetings with friends and family and, of course, gifts. In addition, we all associate the New Year with the Christmas tree since childhood! Let's talk about her)

Fortunately, people are increasingly thinking that it is not worth chopping a live tree for the sake of a few holidays. Krestik and I fully support this decision and believe that a Christmas tree with our own hands is much more interesting and humane! In addition, these are excellent options for those who have nowhere to put a large Christmas tree (for example, there is no free space, or an active little child on this free space).

We bring to your attention a large selection of master classes on creating a decorative Christmas tree with your own hands, which will serve as a wonderful decoration for your home and an original gift for a wonderful holiday!

Christmas tree made of cones

A very original Christmas tree with your own hands can be made from pine cones. But we will not use the whole cones, but use only their scales so that the tree is not too bulky.

So, to begin with, let's separate its scales from the cone. This can be done with a sharp knife, wire cutters or pruning shears.

Be careful, take care of your hands!

The next step is to make a cone out of thick paper or cardboard, which will be the base of our tree. We fold the paper into a cone, glue it on the side and cut off the excess at the base.

Then we just take the scales in our hands and glue them in a circle, starting from the base of the cone.

You can glue each new row in a checkerboard pattern, you can, as here, one above the other.

You can glue a clove on the top of the tree (such a spice))

After the glue dries, you can start painting our beauty. To do this, you can use spray paint or regular acrylic paint.

If you choose acrylic paint with a metallic effect, then your tree will look much more impressive.

Then we cover the ends of the "twigs" with PVA glue and sprinkle sparkles on them.

Such beauty is obtained as a result of these uncomplicated actions:

In exactly the same way, you can decorate the cone with chains and beads, decorative cords, ribbons, braid, etc.

Another very popular way to make artificial Christmas trees with your own hands is weaving them from beads. This is perhaps the most painstaking way, but for lovers of beading, there is nothing impossible!

A detailed process of weaving Christmas trees from beads will not fit in one article, so we share with you links to master classes previously published on "Cross".

Christmas tree made of paper and cardboard

If you have nothing to do in the workplace) or just want to add a little holiday to the office, make a Christmas tree out of paper. What's easier?)

And this tree is very similar to the design one, don't you think? It's all to blame for colored designer cardboard, which is so beautiful and bright that you don't need to decorate the Christmas tree with anything else), which simplifies the process of making a Christmas tree with your own hands.

Secondly, to make a designer Christmas tree, you can use threads that are wound on a paper cone using the technology of making fishnet balls.

Thirdly, a flower net and a net for bouquets.

The manufacturing technology of these three trees is very similar, so the process of their creation is shown in one master class.

Herringbone made of feathers

Yes, they do too! Feathers are available at hardware stores, or do you have stocks of bird feathers? They can be dyed with food coloring for brightness. It looks original, beautiful and so airy!

Christmas tree made of sweets

A Christmas tree made of sweets is not only beautiful, but also delicious! Such a gift for the New Year will be appreciated by everyone: both adults and children! Watch the video master class from Kateryna bay and create!

    Christmas crafts even the smallest children can learn from fluffy chenille wire, and you can make a Christmas tree from chenille wire in just a few minutes.

    Chenille wire bends easily, is pleasant to work with, the product from it immediately takes on a finished look.

    I offer two ways to make a Christmas tree from chenille wire.

    The first method is suitable for small Christmas trees, pendants, toys.

    You need to make a cone out of paper and wind a green or silver wire around it, you can combine several wire colors in one product.

    You can decorate such a Christmas tree with balls, also made of chenille wire.

    See examples below:

    Craft Christmas tree for the New Year chenille wire can be made in a more complex way.

    For such a craft, you need a lot of wire and a base in the form of a wooden skewer. We will make each branch separately, as shown in the photos below:

    The answer is given for the site

    Have a creative holiday!

    As an option, wind such snowflakes and take a strong wire and plant snowflakes on it in the center at a short distance, it should turn out nicely.

    And just do I want to share just such a master class. It is done not difficult, we cut out a segment of the size you want from cardboard, and glue it into a cone.

    And we get such beauty at the end. She can also be dressed up as desired.

    Beads, tinsel, buttons, small bows, knobs, whatever your heart desires, everything will look beautiful.

    The simplest way to make a Christmas tree from chenille wire is as follows.

    Berm two pieces of wire, one larger, the other smaller. Fold the small one in half - this is the trunk of the Christmas tree.

    From a large piece, according to the pattern, we bend the triangles-branches of our Christmas tree. We attach them to the trunk.

    Chenille wire is good because the joints are not visible on the finished product.

    Thus, we fasten a couple of branches at the same height. The result is a voluminous loch that can be dressed up with anything: beads, buttons, Soviet badges, beaded jewelry and other small things.

    And this is just a mega-simple super chenille wire, an option for a nursery group :) We bend the wire in half - this is the trunk and start winding the chenille wire pieces onto the base. We dress to taste, that's all :)

    Video master class on making a beautiful Christmas tree with your own hands.

Hello dear readers! On New Year's Eve, an incredible number of all kinds of New Year's decorations appear on store shelves: Christmas decorations, tinsel, rain, bright garlands, firecrackers, artificial and live Christmas trees, etc. Speaking of Christmas trees, nowadays manufacturers offer consumers a really wide selection of Christmas trees: tall, small, tabletop, floor-standing, lush, graceful, white, green, multi-colored ... From which we can conclude that anyone who wants to pick up exactly that model of Christmas tree without any problems, which, in his opinion, will most successfully fit into the interior of a house or apartment. But today's article is not at all about factory stamped Christmas trees, but exclusive Christmas trees made with your own hands!

DIY Christmas trees.

To make a decorative Christmas tree, you can safely use almost any material: rhinestones, Christmas balls, threads, beads, wine corks, coffee and other grains, paper, buttons, wire, cones, tree leaves, feathers, pieces of fabric, ribbons, pasta, etc. much more!

We decided on the materials, but how to form the basis of the future tree? You can act in the following ways:

  1. Pick up a cone-shaped bottle, on which you subsequently glue the necessary parts.

2. Purchase a ready-made foam cone - sold in the All for Creativity and Handicraft departments.

3. Make from a sheet of paper.

Let's consider the last point in a little more detail ...

First way: we take a sheet of Whatman paper, draw a circle, cut it out, then on this circle we mark a sector in the form of a triangle with a pencil, cut it off, and form a cone from the remaining part by gluing the side part with tape or glue.

Second way: take a Whatman paper, draw a circle, measure out the fourth part of the circle - a triangle (see photo), cut out this part and form a cone.

So, having selected or made the most suitable cone, we proceed directly to the decorative part ...

DIY Christmas tree ideas.

Paper trees.

We select paper of a suitable shade, cut out and form a cone (described above), decorate with rhinestones, foil stars, beads, beads or ribbons.

Christmas trees do it yourself photo

Coffee trees.

We prepare a cone from thick paper, after which, using super-glue, we consistently fill in all the gaps on the cone, as an addition, you can use rice grains, seeds, acorn caps, rhinestones, beads or beads.

Christmas trees do it yourself photo

Do-it-yourself decorative Christmas trees from pasta.

We select curly pasta, for example, bows, paint them in a suitable color from the spray can of the pulverizer, and after the paint dries, we fix it on a cone (preferably a dense one made of foam) using moment glue. At the final stage, the Christmas tree can be supplemented with star-shaped pasta or small decorative bows.

Christmas trees made of threads.

We form a cone out of paper, take dense, woolen threads that match the shade, cover the surface of the cone with PVA glue, and wrap it tightly with threads. Such Christmas trees can be supplemented with bows, beads or rhinestones.

Christmas trees made of wine corks.

We form a Christmas tree out of wine corks by gluing the corks to each other with super glue.

Christmas trees do it yourself photo

DIY Christmas trees from buttons.

We prepare a large number of buttons, if you want the buttons to be the same in tone, pre-paint them with a spray can of a puller. We form a cone from thick paper, and completely glue it with buttons, the buttons can be glued in several layers.

Herringbone from cones.

We completely form the Christmas tree from cones ... starting to glue the cones to each other from the inner circle, at the end we place the resulting tree in a pot or fix it on an improvised decorative leg made of branches.

Christmas tree decorated with sparkles.

We form a cone from paper, cut finely rain and tinsel, mix thoroughly, cover the cone with PVA glue and sprinkle completely with chopped sparkles. At the end, cover the Christmas tree on top with PVA glue so that shiny elements do not crumble.

Christmas tree made of wire.

We take a cone made of polystyrene and from top to bottom in the form of a spiral, cover it with dense wire. The result is a very stylish herringbone spring.

Herringbone made of feathers.

We purchase small feathers in the All for Creativity departments, make a paper cone, and begin from bottom to top, tightly joining each other to glue the weightless feathers onto the transparent Moment glue.

Herringbone from dry leaves.

We take dry leaves or bay leaves harvested from the fall, and glue them to a pre-created paper cone; it is better to form a "crown" from top to bottom, gluing the leaves under each other.