If conception occurred, what are the signs. Can there be changes in behavior, psychological aspect? Colorless vaginal discharge

The female body is arranged in such a way that the process of fertilization of the egg and the formation of the embryo occurs in such a way that until a certain time no one knows anything about it. At the same time, if a woman is attentive and monitors her health and changes in the body, then she will be able to notice signs of fertilization after ovulation. Of course, it can be difficult to spot them. In addition, there are not so many of them, but it can still be understood that the conception took place long before there was a sufficiently large delay in the critical days.

How is the fertilization of the egg

Before starting to consider the process of fertilization itself, it is very important to know what happens before that. The beginning of each new menstruation indicates that a woman has begun a new cycle. Also, therefore, it becomes clear that the process of maturation of the next new egg is started. This is a fairly small cell that gradually matures in a very dense shell that protects the follicle. An interesting fact is that in the ovaries of absolutely every woman who has already reached childbearing age there is a certain, fairly large supply of germ cells that mature in turn and leave the follicle.

When critical days begin, the pituitary gland produces a special hormone. It is he who most directly affects this or that egg and it begins its maturation process. It lasts an average of two weeks. When the egg is already fully mature, the pituitary gland begins to produce a slightly different hormone that acts directly on the follicle, which leads to its rupture and the release of the mature germ cell. After the follicle bursts, and the egg first enters the woman's abdominal cavity, then gradually passes into one of the fallopian tubes, we can say that the woman is able to become pregnant. Now it is necessary that a strong and fast spermatozoon enter the woman's body, on which it depends whether conception will occur or not.

Unlike eggs, sperm are produced in the male body all the time. They can get into the female only when ejaculation occurs during intercourse. In order to reach a mature egg, which has reached the fallopian tube and is there waiting for its one sperm, they have to go through a rather long and difficult path.

First, it is necessary that the sperm enter through the cervical canal directly into the female body. At this stage, most of the male germ cells die. This was foreseen, and therefore the seminal fluid of each man contains a huge amount of spermatozoa, which can exceed several thousand, or even hundreds of thousands. But only one, the most enduring, fast and strong, will be able to reach the final goal and, after intercourse with the egg, form a zygote - a new life. This is how the fertilization of the egg occurs, which in the future (if there are all the necessary conditions) will become the beginning of the development of the unborn child.

It is worth noting that once spermatozoa enter the female body, they can live no more than 48 hours, and therefore, for successful conception, it is necessary that it occurs the day before ovulation or on the same day that the egg is released from the follicle.

Successful fertilization: the first signs

Signs of conception after ovulation are quite rare and they are so insignificant that it can be incredibly difficult to notice them. In the same case, if the pregnancy is desired and expected for a long time, then the woman will pay attention to absolutely all the changes in her body. The same can be said if fertilization was carried out by IVF, or if before that the woman had been treating infertility or other problems with the reproductive system for a long time. If you carefully follow the sensations, you can notice some, even minor changes that begin to occur in a woman's body from the moment of conception. Some of them may be reminiscent of the sensations that often occur during ovulation.

Signs of conception after ovulation before implantation may be as follows:

  • basal temperature becomes several degrees higher;
  • the general temperature also rises slightly (on average by 0.5 degrees);
  • general well-being becomes a little worse, and the woman feels constant fatigue;
  • you may notice that the skin has become either drier or too oily;
  • in the pelvic area there is from time to time a feeling of heaviness, sometimes even a slight bursting;
  • in some women, early toxicosis begins.

If a woman constantly measures basal temperature throughout the entire time and keeps a special journal, then its increase can be clearly seen immediately after ovulation. Experts recommend keeping a journal of this type for absolutely all women who are planning a pregnancy in the future. This is especially important when there is no regular menstrual cycle and for a long time it is not possible to conceive a child. Such simple manipulations and measurements will help determine whether there is ovulation or not. Of course, you can do a very expensive ultrasound, which will indicate the presence or absence of ovulation, but it cannot determine its exact date.

With the help of such a log, one can quite notice that fertilization has occurred by the fact that the basal temperature is high enough when it should be low. This can be explained by the fact that after the fertilization of the egg occurs, the woman's body begins to produce progesterone in large quantities. This hormone plays a very important role and the normal development of pregnancy depends on it. Because of it, the basal temperature begins to rise until it reaches 37 degrees. It lasts until the placenta begins to fully function, and the corpus luteum, in turn, dies.

Due to the increased amount of progesterone, a corpus luteum forms in place of the follicle that burst during ovulation. It is worth noting that the success of implantation of the ovum into one of the walls of the uterus will depend on whether the pituitary gland produces enough progesterone or not. It is interesting that a fertilized egg, which is first called a zygote and then a blastocyst, will move through the fallopian tube for some time. All this time, it is very actively dividing, developing, until it turns into a full-fledged fetal egg. When this happens, then the unborn child will descend directly into the uterine cavity. The moment when the embryo has successfully implanted in the uterine wall can be considered the official start of pregnancy.

When the first signs of pregnancy appear after ovulation, a completely natural decrease in immunity occurs in the female body.

Therefore, a symptom of pregnancy can to some extent include diseases of an infectious or catarrhal nature. It is worth noting that most women immediately after conception may experience some very unpleasant sensations, which include the following:

  • severe fatigue and weakness;
  • some apathy;
  • there are noticeable problems with sleep or even insomnia begins to bother.

Such unpleasant symptoms can be explained by the fact that literally a few days after fertilization, hormonal changes begin to actively develop in the female body. A large amount of progesterone also affects. If the symptoms listed above do not greatly affect the woman's performance, then this does not go beyond the norm.

Due to strong hormonal changes, the skin of a woman suffers first of all. It may begin to lose its color, in some it can peel off a lot. Acne or pimples often appear in large numbers. No need to worry about this, because as soon as implantation takes place, in just a few days the skin will completely clear and will look even better than before conception.

The first, as a rule, include a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the pelvic area. Such sensations are barely noticeable, so only a woman who is very much following her feelings can pay attention to them. In rare cases, this is noticeable when fertilization occurs at night or in the evening. During the day, it’s unrealistic to notice, because all the time something distracts the attention of a woman.

It is interesting that only 7% of all women begin to experience all the symptoms of early toxicosis just a few days after conception. They begin to vomit every morning, their sense of smell may become more acute, some cravings or changes in food appear. This allows not only to assume the presence of pregnancy, but also to notice it for sure. Very often, those women who have been waiting for an incredibly long time to get pregnant face early toxicosis.

So, there are the first signs of conception after ovulation, but they are poorly expressed, blurry. This only occurs because it is too early to talk directly about the beginning of pregnancy. This can only be explained by the fact that after the sperm fertilizes the egg and before the embryo is implanted in one of the walls of the uterus, some more time passes. During this period, the zygote develops to a certain stage and prepares for a rather complex process of penetration into the uterine wall.

Other signs of pregnancy

It is worth noting that if even a minimal failure occurs and it does not matter, external or internal, then the process of development of the zygote is immediately disrupted. This will lead to the death of an already fertilized egg and at the same time it does not enter the uterine cavity, but leaves the body during critical days along with other secretions. And, as mentioned above, menstruation is the beginning of a new cycle and then there can no longer be talk of pregnancy.

In the event that a woman is healthy and no failures have occurred in her body, then the fertilized egg begins to develop rapidly, and then it is quite successfully implanted in the uterus. When this happens, the expectant mother already has clearly expressed, familiar symptoms of pregnancy. The most important sign will be the absence of critical days.

If you have the first suspicions that conception will still occur and pregnancy will soon occur, but the test still does not show anything, then you can take a urine and blood test. Its results will allow you to determine as accurately as possible not only the presence of pregnancy, but also its exact duration, up to several days.

It is worth noting that in some women, immediately after the fertilization of the egg and even a slight increase in the amount of progesterone, the mood begins to change dramatically. Sadness is replaced by bouts of fun, a woman can get angry for no reason. What is interesting is that such a change in mood is simply impossible to control, and they occur regardless of whether a woman wants it or not. When the amount of progesterone begins to decrease, this problem will disappear completely or partially.

All the same progesterone will cause a woman to have frequent urge to urinate. This is explained by the fact that the hormone relaxes the sphincter of the bladder to some extent, and therefore a woman cannot hold a large amount of urine. At the same time, the more time has passed after fertilization, the more pronounced this, not very pleasant symptom, will be. First, a large amount of progesterone affects its appearance, and only then the weight of a rapidly growing uterus and fetus.

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Each woman learns about the conception that has taken place in her own way, but, nevertheless, some general points can be distinguished by which it can be assumed that a woman is pregnant. Recognizing these signs is very important in order to know how to behave after conception.

The characteristic signs of a successful fertilization sometimes look like a bad mood, an eating disorder, a cold. In order not to harm the child, you need to recognize the onset of pregnancy and follow the rules of conduct for the expectant mother.

When they appear

The first signs of pregnancy, with careful attention to one's health, are found after conception. Changes in the body begin to occur, starting from the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

This process takes up to 10 days. During this time, there may be slight bleeding, which sometimes confuses the woman.

The countdown is from the date of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. A sign of pregnancy is the production of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that is used to diagnose pregnancy according to a blood test.

Up to 20% of women experience a painful post-ovulatory syndrome after conception. A sign of this syndrome are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Pain can mean inflammation of the appendages, bladder, appendicitis.

If a woman planned to conceive, do not rush to take strong medications, pain may be a sign of the fertilization of the egg.

Decreased immunity

From the time of conception, when the embryo is already fixed in the uterus, in the first three days the body temperature and basal temperature decrease, and then it begins to increase. At this time, a woman may feel a slight malaise, which she may mistake for a cold.

At this point, you should not immediately begin to actively be treated with medicines, folk recipes with vodka, a bath, winter swimming. The malaise can be explained by a decrease in immunity caused by the fixation of the embryo in the uterus.

The woman's immunity perceives the embryo, which contains half of the genome from the mother, and the other half from the father, as a foreign body, trying to fight it. In rare cases, such poor health can last several months, and it is associated with the production of mainly the hormone progesterone.

For most women, the first two weeks of the conception that took place does not show any special signs, proceeds imperceptibly, secretly even with the closest attention to oneself.

In some pregnant women, food addictions change, there is intolerance to certain types of food, smells. You may vomit when eating your favorite foods. Dizziness may occur, weakness may appear.

Changes during pregnancy

  • The first sign, almost 100% guaranteeing the birth of a child in the near future, is the delay in menstruation.
  • The sensitivity of the breast changes. These changes are individual. Soreness of the chest may increase, or it may completely disappear, although it was usually felt before menstruation.
  • A sign of pregnancy can be the release of colostrum in the early stages.
  • Indicates pregnancy a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis, in some cases, women feel that conception has occurred, starting from the earliest possible date.

What should alert

The danger for the development of pregnancy is severe pain in the lower abdomen in the first days after conception. The first critical moment when the fate of pregnancy is decided occurs when the embryo is fixed in the uterine wall. This usually occurs in case of fertilization on the 6th-8th day of ovulation.

The next critical stage, which determines whether the pregnancy will take place or not, lasts from 3 weeks until the end of the second month of pregnancy.

What not to do when pregnant

You can not smoke after conception, drink alcohol. But do not worry if the pregnancy has come, and the woman unknowingly allowed herself alcohol.

The very fact that the pregnancy continues suggests that there was no embryotoxic effect, and the woman can safely bear the child without panicking about the ill-fated glass of alcohol.

It is dangerous for a future mother to be nervous. Gloomy thoughts give rise to pessimism, lead to depression. You should not, of course, drink alcohol, but you should not indulge in self-torture, panic, and even more so, run for an abortion.

After conception, you should not continue to train with full dedication, dance, run marathons. From the first days, you need to perform relaxing exercises, learn how to breathe correctly during pregnancy.

When to go to the doctor

To confirm that fertilization has taken place, you should go to the doctor after 2 weeks of delay with a positive pregnancy test. All doctor's recommendations must be accurately recorded and followed exactly throughout the pregnancy. You need to visit the doctor once a month, if there is a threat of pregnancy, the doctor is visited more often.

The mystery of the fusion of sex cells cannot be determined. The moment of conception is an intimate event that does not manifest itself in any way. A woman will not be able to understand that fertilization has occurred, and the first day of life has come for the future fetus. The first week of embryo development cannot be tracked: at this time, every day, the future embryo moves towards the uterus.

When will it be possible to realize changes in the body? How long and on what day after conception will signs of pregnancy appear? How long do you have to wait for the first signs to appear?

Symptoms of implantation

Some women will be able to assume the presence of pregnancy a week after conception. This is the time when the fetus was inside the uterus and began to look for a place to attach. This does not always happen immediately and the first time: there must be important and necessary changes in the uterus.

If there is no “fetal pillow” of the required thickness or the vascular blood flow in this place of the uterus is weak and insufficient, then the embryo will definitely move to another place. These movements will be accompanied by the following external symptoms:

  • single meager discharge of blood from the genital tract, which appear 7-8 days after conception;
  • slight and quickly passing pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

A woman may not pay any attention to these manifestations, thinking that these are the first signs of approaching critical days. Implantation symptoms that appear 7-8 days after conception are so meager that in the vast majority of cases, women do not understand that this is how pregnancy manifests itself.

Symptoms of toxicosis

Sometimes the first signs of early toxicosis may appear a few days before the expected menstruation. These will be the following symptoms:

  • soreness and engorgement in the chest;
  • slight dizziness and motion sickness in transport;
  • morning nausea and lack of appetite;
  • heightened sense of smell;
  • emotional lability.

All these signs are possible before menstruation, when there are manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. Therefore, a woman does not perceive these symptoms as the beginning of pregnancy.

If doubts and assumptions arise, then it is extremely difficult to confirm the presence of an embryo in the uterus without delaying menstruation. A pregnancy test will show a negative result, blood for hCG may be negative or doubtful, an ultrasound method may add doubts and fears. It makes no sense to consult a doctor - it is impossible to detect signs of pregnancy a few days before menstruation.

Symptoms after missed period

The day after the next missed period, some women may find that premenstrual symptoms have not disappeared, but even intensified. After counting how many days have passed since the last menstruation, a woman will come to realize: did a miracle happen! The first signs of pregnancy 14-15 days after conception can manifest as typical symptoms of early toxicosis.

It may well be a situation where there are no manifestations, except for the absence of menstruation. In this case, you need to test:

  • perform a morning urine test;
  • donate blood for hcg.

This is enough to confirm conception. It is not necessary to go to an ultrasound room just to make sure that there is a pregnancy: ultrasonic waves at very early stages can have an adverse effect on the embryo. However, if problems appear in the first few days after the delay, then you should consult a doctor. Unpleasant symptoms will be:

  • pulling or pressing pain in the abdomen;
  • scanty bleeding from the vagina.

This is especially important for women who have had spontaneous miscarriages, miscarriages or recurrent miscarriage in the past. The sooner the doctor prescribes treatment, the more likely it is to save the fetus. In some cases, it is necessary to determine the presence of pregnancy as soon as possible in order to carry out conservation treatment from the first stages of embryonic development.

It does not matter how many days after fertilization signs of pregnancy appear. If conception has occurred, then the time will come and the woman will know about it. It is much more important that after conception the embryo reaches the uterus, and the process of gradual growth and development of the fetus begins. It is in the first few days that future organs and systems are formed in the embryo, so it is extremely important not to interfere with this process by doing unnecessary actions and diagnostic studies.

For any woman, pregnancy is an important event. Some people have been waiting for this happy moment for years and listen to any changes in their body in the hope of giving birth to a long-awaited baby, others are afraid to learn this news because of insecurity in their partner, accidental unprotected contacts, etc. Life situations can be different, but one thing unites everyone: for every woman, it is important to catch the first signs of pregnancy as soon as possible and understand that an interesting situation has come.

The first symptoms of pregnancy that appear before the delay of menstruation are called subjective. Pregnancy itself after conception occurs within 7-10 days, so much time is needed to move the fertilized egg to the uterus.

From the moment the fetal egg is fixed, various changes in the body begin to be observed, signs appear that may indicate the likelihood of an interesting situation.

A single manifestation of one of the earliest signs of pregnancy does not give confidence in conception, but if a combination of two or more symptoms is observed, then it is already possible to tune in to expecting a baby.

Sleep disturbance

Recently, more and more doctors tend to consider sleep disturbance as one of the signs of pregnancy. Insomnia occurs in every second woman waiting for replenishment in the family, and is usually associated with hormonal changes occurring in the body. Psychological and pathological causes of this condition are also possible.


Nausea is one of the earliest, most common, and most common symptoms. Aversion to food may occur only in the morning or throughout the day, may alternate with a desire to eat something unusual or not eat at all.

Often, nausea is accompanied by vomiting, in which case a woman must make up for the loss of fluid and drink more clean water.

If nausea occurs more than 20 times a day, it is advisable to resort to the help of a doctor, it may be necessary to further monitor the state of health in a hospital.

Soreness in the lower abdomen

A few days after fertilization, some women may complain of pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which disappear without a trace after 2-3 days. Sometimes the pain may be accompanied by scanty spotting, the duration of which is not more than 2 days. Such signs indicate the adaptation of the body to the presence of the embryo.

Pain in the lower back

Women who are preparing for childbirth for the first time complain about the occurrence of periodic pulling pains in the lumbar region. Pain is explained by the increase in the size of the uterus to accommodate the growing embryo and is observed throughout pregnancy.


The greatest number of complaints of migraine occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, and this is due to an increase in blood volume and a sharp change in hormonal levels. An attack can begin suddenly from any stimulus or load.

Change in appetite

Often, the appearance and course of pregnancy is accompanied by a radical change in taste preferences. Once-familiar food suddenly seems completely unsuitable and even disgusting, and products that have never been used in the everyday diet are becoming more in demand.

Some from the first days of pregnancy may experience a constant feeling of hunger.

Emotionality, irritability

Hormonal changes in a woman against the background of other signs of pregnancy, of course, affect the emotional sphere: continuous mood swings, anxiety, rage, irritability - all this is most pronounced in the first days and months of pregnancy.

These conditions are natural and temporary.

Sensitivity to odors

Almost all women notice increased sensitivity to smells in the early stages of pregnancy. It is believed that this factor causes nausea and vomiting. The perception of smells develops and proceeds differently for everyone: some react sharply to the aromas of perfumes, others to products.

Change in sex drive

Hormonal changes in the body with the onset of pregnancy can both increase sexual desire and be the reason for the rejection of intimacy.

In the second case, this may be triggered by the presence of additional signs of pregnancy, such as nausea, insomnia, and fatigue.

Other signs of pregnancy

These include an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands, fever and chills, which are replaced several times a day. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur that was not there before.

External symptoms and signs

Swelling of the face and limbs

Puffiness in the first months should not be. If, nevertheless, this phenomenon begins to appear before a period of 20 weeks, then this often indicates a disease of the kidneys or the cardiovascular system, the development of which led to pregnancy.

In any case, if such symptoms occur, a doctor's consultation is required.

There is a belief that if a girl has acne during pregnancy - a sure sign of the appearance of a girl, and if the skin remains clean - we are waiting for a boy. Believe it or not, it's up to you to decide.

One thing can be said with obvious certainty: the appearance of acne on the face is one of the first signs of pregnancy, and it is associated with active changes in the hormonal background of the expectant mother.


Flatulence, or bloating, is another sign of pregnancy and can appear 7-14 days after conception. But this sign of a woman is rarely called, it begins to manifest itself especially clearly later - with the development of the fetus and the deterioration of the intestines.

breast augmentation

From the first weeks, women may notice breast enlargement, complain of pain or tingling in the mammary glands. This is easily explained by the growth of the glandular tissue of the breast and milk ducts, which is caused by an increase in estrogen and progesterone.

Often women pay attention to this physical sign before others.

Darkening of the skin around the nipples

Simultaneously with breast enlargement, there may be a change in the color of the nipples, areola, the appearance of tubercles around the nipples (Montgomery's glands). The nipples themselves can react sharply to touch, women are able to feel pain and burning.

Facial redness

As a result of intensive blood circulation, a blush may appear on the face, more often it can be observed in the evening.

Other external signs

Additional signs of the birth of a new life may be an increase in the venous pattern on the chest, in the lower abdomen, a change in the color of the conditional line going down from the center of the navel is possible - it is pigmented and gradually darkens.

Physiological and laboratory changes

In addition to subjective symptoms, the presence or absence of pregnancy will help determine physiological signs and laboratory tests.

The main sign by which a woman most often determines that she is pregnant is a delay in menstruation. A slight delay does not indicate the presence of a situation, but if there were no previous hormonal disorders and there were no psycho-emotional disorders in the recent past, then, together with other signs, this may confirm the presence of a fetus.

Increase in basal body temperature

If menstruation does not occur at a certain time, it makes sense to measure the internal (or basal) body temperature when the thermometer is inserted into the rectum for 5 minutes.

In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules, if not observed, you can get wrong results.

  • It is necessary to carry out the procedure in the morning, without getting out of bed, to remain as still as possible.
  • To obtain accurate data on the state of the body, temperature measurement takes place over several days at the same time.

If the body temperature exceeds 37 degrees, you should contact a gynecologist. The chance of pregnancy is high.

With the onset of pregnancy, a special hormone begins to be produced in the female body - human chorionic gonadotropin, which is formed by the tissues of the fetus. This hormone preserves the fetus and affects the course of pregnancy.

Chorionic gonadotropin begins to be formed by the cells of the embryo 7-10 days after the fertilization of the egg at the time of attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. One of the objective signs of pregnancy is precisely the increase in chorionic gonadotropin, which can be determined in the blood already on the 6-8th day from the intended conception.

The presence of hCG in the blood over 25 mU / ml indicates the presence of pregnancy, if this figure is slightly lower, a second analysis is needed. It is possible to speak unambiguously about the absence of a fetus with indicators less than 5 mU / ml. The increase in hCG levels lasts up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, then gradually decreases.

HCG analysis is the most accurate method for determining pregnancy, timing and possible pathologies. To obtain the correct results of the analysis, it is important to follow several rules: it is better to carry out the analysis on the 3-5th day after the delay of menstruation or on the 12-14th day after the approximate date of conception; 4-6 hours before the analysis, it is advisable not to eat.

Symptoms of conception by children of different sexes

More or less reliably obtain data on what gender the child is, using medical methods.

  • Ultrasound is a planned examination, which is carried out no more than 3 times in 9 months of pregnancy (100% fidelity of the result).
  • Amiocentesis - the analysis is associated with piercing the fetal bladder, prescribed in case of fear of a genetic disease, it can have unpleasant consequences for the mother and baby (it does not apply only to determine the sex of the child).
  • DNA test. Surprisingly, with the help of a DNA test, it is possible to determine the sex of a child from the mother's blood starting from the 40th day of pregnancy (100% certainty).
  • gender test. The sex of the child is determined in the same way as pregnancy is determined - using a test at home. It turns out that the sex hormones of the unborn baby are present in the urine of a pregnant woman. When urine is combined with the reagent, if the strip turns out to be green, we are waiting for a boy, and orange - a girl (data fidelity is 90%).

In addition to the above methods for determining the sex of a child, for centuries people have been trying to guess the sex of the unborn child on their own, coming up with signs that have been passed down from generation to generation. Some of them have survived to this day and are still used in determining sex.

Earliest signs of a boy being pregnant

It is possible to expect a boy according to the following signs:

  • if a woman has a sharp belly, the waist is preserved behind;
  • the baby in the stomach kicks hard and often;
  • constant desire to eat salty;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • clean, smooth facial skin;
  • The first months of pregnancy are easy.

The first signs of pregnancy for a girl in the early stages

The following notes are relevant:

  • deterioration in appearance, problems with the skin of the face;
  • if the stomach is encircling, there is no waist from the back;
  • darkening of the areola of the nipples;
  • The first months of pregnancy are difficult.


You can listen to the subjective causes of pregnancy and assume its presence, but only physiological changes and medical tests can reliably report this. If you notice the first symptoms of pregnancy, immediately contact a specialist.

Every woman should understand that there have been certain changes in her condition - pregnancy has come. This is very important, because then you need to adjust your work schedule, go to bed earlier, give up bad habits, alcohol, junk food, and even wear heels less. From the very beginning, it is important to save energy, because they will still be needed in the next 9 months.

Features of the conception process

Almost all women planning children know that the chance of conception increases during ovulation. Ovulation occurs on the 14th day from the beginning of the month(you can determine the beginning of this process using a thermometer). At this time, the mature egg begins to move towards the uterus. During this movement, fertilization occurs. Further, the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus. After about 7 days, it is fixed and the embryo begins to develop. From this moment, the process of gestation begins.

Methods for determining early pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy in the early days are not pronounced. But there are several ways to identify "interesting position" early on. The choice of one of them depends on the desire of the woman, the urgency and importance of obtaining the most reliable information.

Visiting a gynecologist

After a gynecological examination, the doctor, according to the condition of the cervix and uterus, diagnoses conception and determines the approximate period. A doctor can diagnose a seven-day pregnancy, with one hundred percent probability he will determine a ten-day pregnancy.


The most accurate diagnostic method. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to diagnose the fact of conception after 7 days (that is, in fact, at the time of fixing the fertilized egg on the uterus and the beginning of embryo formation).

Test - strips

It is also a very accurate detection method. But the test - the strip must be able to use it correctly. It reacts to a specific hormone that the placenta begins to produce after fertilization - hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Its concentration in the blood increases gradually (the percentage of hCG increases by an order of magnitude every second day) and reaches the peak required for the test, by day 14 of pregnancy. Therefore, if the pregnancy is planned, then you should not do the test before the second week. Up to this point, the result can only be negative because the concentration of hCG in the blood is too low.

Symptothermal method for determining the day of conception

We can say that this is an ultra-precise method for determining the "interesting position". It is possible to establish the fact of conception already for 2-3 days. But this requires constant and systematic monitoring of the "behavior" of their reproductive system.

The essence of the method is that it is necessary to monitor the basal temperature and condition of the cervix. Record the results of observations in a special table. Temperature drops can mean both ovulation and pregnancy. Thus, a decrease and then an increase in body temperature may be a sign of pregnancy in the first days after conception.

Summarizing the above. You can determine pregnancy in the early stages by choosing one of the following methods:

The main symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception (5-7 days)

Certain symptoms of pregnancy can be felt as early as 2-3 days after conception. This is due to the fact that even before the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cavity, the embryo is formed, the genetic code of the unborn child is “mounted”, and active division of blastomere cells occurs.

During this time, you may experience:

  • slight increase in body temperature (like a mild cold);
  • small spotting (appears after the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterus, slightly damaging the blood vessels).

The first signs of pregnancy after conception (on the 7-10th day)

A woman who is planning a pregnancy (and any other woman) can understand that she is pregnant without any tests and ultrasound as early as 7-14 days after fertilization. Depending on the characteristics of the organism, women may experience these symptoms, how:

Mood swings, drowsiness, temperature changes, dizziness

All these symptoms indicate that hormonal changes are taking place in the body, it is preparing for 9 months of bearing a child. During menstruation, similar symptoms may also appear. But if there is a delay, then they are eloquent evidence that pregnancy has occurred.

Interestingly, all these symptoms disappear 5-6 days after conception, when the body is finally rebuilt. A woman may simply not pay attention to them.

Breast changes

Women can also observe certain changes in the mammary glands during menstruation. But with the onset of pregnancy, these changes are much more pronounced. The breast increases in size, swells, becomes tight. There is a tingling sensation, the nipples become as sensitive as possible.

Change in the appearance of the abdomen

Naturally, the belly does not begin to grow from the first days of pregnancy, but as the uterus reacts to the embryo in it and increases in size, the belly rises a little. This symptom is especially pronounced in thin women with a flat tummy. In the old days they said that the stomach "rose" like dough. This symptom usually appears on the 8-10th day after the onset of pregnancy.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and spotting

Pain in the lower abdomen is not uncommon during menstruation. After conception, they begin at the “wrong” time. It usually lasts for several days. The pain is not very strong, and can be tolerated. After they stop, you need to watch yourself intensely, their repetition can become a “wake-up call” for the expectant mother.

Bloody discharge, small, not abundant, is also a normal symptom of pregnancy. Although it is extremely rare. Allocations occur due to the fact that small vessels burst in the uterus due to the beginning of the growth of the embryo.

Increase in basal body temperature

In the first 10 days after conception, the temperature keeps steadily at around +37. This indicates that pregnancy has occurred (unless, of course, there is an intestinal infection).

Absence of menstruation

For some women, a slight delay is normal. But, if there is suspicion or a planned pregnancy, then the absence of menstruation 14 days after ovulation is the main sign that pregnancy has occurred.

The course of pregnancy in the first 2-4 weeks after conception

If pregnancy has occurred, then certain changes and manifestations await the woman (which, by the way, can become additional symptoms for those who are unsure that conception has occurred). In the first month of pregnancy, a woman is expected to:

Interestingly, not all of the changes described above can occur, and symptoms appear in the first days of pregnancy. Some women, for example, do not gain weight at all or even lose it. This is due to stress, workloads and other reasons. Some do not have early toxicosis in the first days of pregnancy, which, however, can still manifest itself in the second and third trimester.

Having a baby is a difficult process. especially in the early days of pregnancy. Much depends on individual characteristics and the general condition of the body. Some women at this time change their taste preferences, others become intolerant of certain smells, others complain of muscle cramps. Do not ignore these symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. The fact is that they can talk, for example, about the lack of any trace elements and vitamins in a woman's body.

During pregnancy (especially in the early stages) need to adjust the daily routine, reduce physical activity, change the diet, protect yourself from drafts and hypothermia. A woman during this period is very vulnerable, since many medicines (even banal analgin and citramon) are banned. That is why it is so important to focus on the first signs of pregnancy after conception.