The French kerchief is a transformer. How to sew a beautiful accessory. How to sew a men's scarf pattern

Of course, craftswomen beat everyone, because with their sleight of hand and creative imagination, they can create anything. So it is with fashion: having seen a beautiful accessory in some glossy magazine, a creative person will immediately understand from what materials it can be done and how. Therefore, today we will tell you how to sew a French headscarf - an indispensable element of any stylish woman's wardrobe.

Why is the kerchief

There is no exact history of the origin of this accessory in history, although you can find information that the scarf was allegedly cut in half, saving material and thus getting a "French scarf".

What is most interesting, such a wardrobe detail was popular not only among real French women, but also in Russia and in neighboring countries.

And at some time, the French headscarf was even considered an official element of the Russian folk costume for women. It was by her that those around them could determine not only the girl's marital status, but also the material condition, social affiliation and even place of residence.

Although you should not take everything directly, because the name of the kerchief came, rather, from the ease of use: after all, it is much easier to tie one bow than to be smart about a mirror with a long silk scarf for half an hour.

From what you please

After a short excursion into history, it's time to discuss the necessary materials that we need.

The first place in importance is, of course, the fabric. It is worth approaching her choice responsibly, since the beauty and lightness of the product depend only on her. The main criteria when choosing a fabric should be: non-staining, plasticity, airiness, in addition, it is not bad if it is easy to wear off and does not wrinkle during wear.

You will also have to think about the color, relying on the rest of the wardrobe details with which you plan to wear the headscarf. If you want a light look, then it is better to opt for pastel colors with a lot of white. Conversely, go for luscious, tropical shades if you want a bold French headscarf. We will discuss how to sew, pattern and all other details a little later.

Also, don't forget to prepare your sewing supplies.

How to sew a French headscarf with your own hands: step by step instructions

To sew a good product without difficulty and mistakes, you need to tailor it correctly. Do not forget to check all measurements with a ruler, and if you are a completely newbie, then use special drawing paper, which will greatly simplify your work.

  • Place the paper on a smooth surface and translate the pattern, then check it with a ruler or measuring tape. It is very important that the side fold is straight, so use a small plate or lid that is the right size.
  • Prepare the fabric in advance: it must be carefully ironed with an iron to remove the smallest folds and unevenness.
  • Fold the fabric in half, gently straightening it, put a pattern on it and pin it with pins around the entire perimeter.
  • Circle the workpiece with soap or a special marker on the fabric, after which you can safely cut the workpiece and start sewing.

French scarf: easy to sew with your own hands

Now you can start the main part of our work - sewing. No matter how it seems, in our case it is not at all difficult, therefore even any beginner in sewing will master this product.

  • We will turn on the sewing machine in advance, put on the threads of a suitable color, thereby preparing the apparatus for further work. Also, do not forget to select the required type of stitch.
  • Fold the finished patterns with the front sides inward, chipping along the entire perimeter with pins and slightly sweeping the inverted product. After that, you can already remove the pins and set them aside.
  • French kerchief: how - independently or on a typewriter? It is best, of course, to choose a machine, since its stitch will be the same and accurate, unlike a human one, the dimensions and tension of which can vary significantly. Now we grind the blanks along the cuts, leaving only the shortest end intact.
  • Now it is worth well ironing the almost finished product. Then we cut off the seam allowances shorter.
  • We turn out the kerchief and iron it again.
  • It remains to cope with the remaining short tip: turn it up 3-4 centimeters, sweep and lay a line right along the cut of the fabric.

What to wear with, madam

Now that the French kerchief is already ready, how to sew, the pattern of the product is also up to us, let's see what we got.

The accessory came out very light and flexible, even almost weightless due to the composition of the fabric. To some extent, the kerchief resembles the once popular gauze scarves, which looked more like a thin spider web around the neck.

Most importantly, such an adornment suits everything: light summer jackets, warm cardigans, drape coats and even office blouses. A truly versatile piece is the French kerchief. How to sew, the pattern of the product and other nuances, if you do not know them yet, you can find in our article.

Temple scarf. Great idea - nice and comfortable!

Found this super-idea idea "How to sew a scarf for a temple" at the needlewoman Mayuttya. I think it can be useful to many!

  • they do not fall off their heads even when they bow,
  • cover their shoulders, which is important in summer, when you want to wear a sundress, but because of open shoulders you have to give it up
  • very beautiful and spectacular! Especially at a wedding, the bride will be incredibly good in such a scarf.

Such a scarf is sewn from guipure, fiston lace fabric, simply from silk and trimmed with the appropriate lace.
Consumption: with a guipure width of 140-150cm from 110-120cm you will have 2 scarves;
lace for a given size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 scarf);
1.5-1.6 meters of bias inlay to match;
1.5 m thin satin ribbon;
2 end pieces (or 2 beads)
This scarf was sewn for an adult, but my five-year-old daughter works as a model))), although it looks almost as beautiful on an adult

Layout plan.

1) we cut the fabric (140cm wide) in half lengthwise (in advance! The figure shows a plan of the already cut half !!!)
2) bend a strip of fabric in width
3) cut off one of the bottom corners (see photo below)
4) mark the drawstring

this is how we roughly cut off one of the lower corners on the fabric

This is after they have trimmed the perimeter with lace and sewn on the drawstring (the photo, as always, is uneven))), but in real life - everything is exactly !!!)

lace and guipure are elastic, so I sewed on a coverlet, but you can also use a double needle

I cut off the lace at the corners, and then sewed it in a small zigzag with an overlap, then cut off the excess

We sew the drawstring from the inside out, although I sewed it from the face on another scarf - it also turned out well

this is how it looks in this case from the front side of the drawstring

we put a satin ribbon into the drawstring

I have limit switches with a large hole, and the knot of the ribbon slipped into it easily. Therefore, I came up with this design with a bead.

scarf on the model

tie on the neck

By the way, I plan to sew such scarves for my little ones for the summer - it's very beautiful!

And here is how a children's scarf looks on a child.

Sewing lessons from Klepacheva Larisa.

Seam "Moscow"

“These are the pretty handkerchiefs I bought! More precisely, not handkerchiefs, but a coupon with handkerchiefs.

Let's cut the coupon and think about how best to process the edges of the handkerchiefs.

And what is there to think, - someone will say - Under the overlock and sweep.

Oh, I don't recommend it. Look at how thin and sparse the fabric is, you can see every thread.

And this means that the threads do not hold well to each other, and the overcasting line will quickly crumble along with the threads from the edge.

And the scar needs a thin, narrow one. At least cover it up, at least don't cover it up, it is unlikely that it will work out neatly. And we will cheat with you, we will fulfill Moscow seam

We fold the edge of the fabric by 3-5 mm (the smaller the better) and sew close - close to the fold (the closer the better).

Just do not try to cover up, it will not work. Cut the hem close to the stitching, leaving only 2-3mm.

We fold it over again (the smaller the better) and lay the second line, trying to get into the first (the more precisely, the better).

As a result, one line is visible on the front side, and two on the seamy side, but these two are as one. Here is such a wonderful Moscow seam for delicate edging. And the edges will not crumble, not like shop shawls.

But, if we didn’t manage to get into the first one, it’s okay, our nose will not notice it. But if you want to process a chiffon scarf with such a seam, then you will have to try.

There is another name for this seam - American. But I don't like it. What have the Americans got to do with it? "

How to process corners without chewing?

"What to do if the machine" chews "a corner on thin fabrics?

If you have a thin and sharp needle, the hole in the stitch plate is small, the rack teeth are adjusted, and the foot presses the fabric well, then it will be possible to carefully process the corners on thin cotton fabrics like cambric, but it will be more difficult with silk fabrics.

My way of processing is this.

I never finish all sides of a silk shawl or scarf in one go. I process each side separately.

With the first line of the Moscow seam, I process two opposite sides, cut off the excess fabric, then process the other two sides.

I start the second line of the Moscow seam about 4 cm from the corner to the end of the side.

Then I return to the beginning of the line and from this place I sew the line in the other direction, i.e. I sew a line on the remaining piece of the edge.

The order of sewing on the sides is the same as for the first stitch, first two opposite sides, then two other opposite sides. It turns out that I process each side in two steps, but it turns out smoothly and accurately.

I carefully hide the ends of the threads with a needle inside the seam.

Hem - Hem

The easiest way to sew the bottom of a garment is to hem with a seam.

Bend the edge of the product to the wrong side once, then again. The first time we bend it by 0.5 - 1 cm, the second time by 1 - 4 cm, the width of the hem depends on the type of product and the properties of the material.

Fasten the hem with pins, hand stitches or machine stitch directly.

Whether or not to temporarily secure the hem with pins or hand stitches depends on your fabric handling skills.

Neatly ironing a hem 5-10mm wide, without experience, will not work. It is much faster to stab or sweep.

Better yet, learn to do without hand-stitches. Buy dishcloth fabrics and exercise. The benefit is twofold: you will acquire the skill and new towels for the kitchen.

The line is laid near the fold itself.

The kitchen towel cloth is grateful and very easy to work with. So while I was writing the post, I cut up the towels.

By the way, did you know that in Russian the word will undercut b matters shorten... Indeed, my towels have become shorter by as much as 4 cm.
Therefore, never forget to give a supply of fabric for the hem.

Ruffle zigzag stitching

We fold the edge of the ruffle to the seamy side by 5 mm and lay the line so that the right blow of the needle hits the right of the fold, and the left hit into the fabric.

We process both sides of the ruffle, by stretching the oblique cut, the edges acquire a beautiful wavy shape.

Next, carefully cut the hem of the fabric close to the line with scissors.

We set up the quilling with the formation of assemblies.

I did the seams without auxiliary stitches, just feeding the ruffle under the foot with slack and putting in small folds. If it is so difficult for you, you can pre-lay auxiliary lines to form gatherings.

The width and length of the ruffle when cutting depends on the type of material and the length of the ruffle stitching area. Thin fabrics require more assemblies, thick fabrics require less. The length of the ruffles cut along the oblique may be less than the length of the ruffles cut along the transverse thread. Etc. Therefore, to say unequivocally how much fabric is required for a ruffle is unrealistic. One can only speculate based on the following data.

The length of the ruffle should be 1.5 - 2 - 3 times longer than the length of the stitching area.

Sewing in concealed zipper

When the first Burda Moden magazines appeared in our country, I was delighted. Still, in the magazine there are not only high-quality patterns for all sizes, but also the sewing technology. But after reading carefully into the technology, I was disappointed.

The technology in the journal is presented in a formulaic manner without taking into account the peculiarities of the model; the processing methods are far from the most rational.

For example, attaching a hidden zipper. A very inconvenient option is presented in Burda. There is a much simpler and more efficient way. We will talk about him today.

The main difference between the considered method and the Burdian one is that the seam in which the fastener will be located must be stitched before the zipper is attached. The unstripped area for the zipper should be 2 cm shorter than the length of the zipper.

Seam allowances around the edges of the fastener can be reinforced with glue if the fabric is loose, thin, or stretched.

Draw fastening edge lines on the garment as a continuation of the seam line. You can iron the folds of the clasp.

Open the zipper, place the front side of the zipper on the front side of the product, placing the edge of the links of one side of the zipper along the marked line of the edge of the zipper. Pin it with tailor's pins.

Sew one side of the zipper with two stitches. The first line secures the outer edge of the tape and runs 2-3 mm from the edge of the fastener tape and along the entire length of the tape.

We sew the second line using a special single-edged foot. At the beginning of the stitching, use your fingernail to insert the zipper links and stitch exactly next to the links.

It is advisable to sew the stitch without a bartack so that you can undercut a little at the end if necessary. The seam seam must be a continuation of the seam seam and, accordingly, must end where the seam seam begins

After attaching one side, close the zipper. Align the edges-folds on the fastener section of the product and pin the second side of the fastener with pins.

Open the zipper. Sew the outer side of the fastener tape first.

Place second stitch next to the links using the one-way foot (same as for the first side of the zipper, see above).

Tie the left ends of the stitching thread of the zipper in a knot and fasten. Hand bartack at the end of the fastener.

The whole knot is ready, you can iron it

A kerchief is a headpiece made of fabric in the form of a one-piece isosceles triangle or a square cut of fabric folded diagonally. The accessory is put on the head and tied at two short ends under the chin or a turn around the neck.

It is considered the subject of the Slavic national costume. Simple kerchiefs were worn by peasant women. Larger embroidered options, known as shawls and shawls, were worn by noblewomen. This accessory was also in vogue during various periods of the 20th century.

The history of the kerchief

The kerchief is a modification of a scarf folded diagonally, obliquely from one to the opposite corner. The first women's hats in the history of the costume were made in the form of simple rectangular strips of fabric. In many traditional cultures, including Slavic, a married woman was required to cover her head and hair. In different regions of the world, similar strips of fabric have gradually transformed into hats: shawls, scarves, capes, hats.

A kerchief is a lightweight version of a scarf, which was folded diagonally in half to obtain long ends-ties. In this form, a headscarf was covered and tied under the chin or wrapped around the neck. Summer and decorative kerchiefs were made in the form of a ready-made triangle. In the 20th century, this accessory was introduced into everyday life by famous actresses and public figures: Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy.

In the 50s-60s, a small silk scarf folded in half was fashionable to be worn as a headdress or around the neck as an adornment. In the USSR, a red pioneer tie was just a neck scarf. Since then, the accessory has remained in women's wardrobe as a stylized retro item or as part of the uniform of flight attendants, for example, and nurses.

In the 10s of the 21st century, designers again brought the kerchief to the catwalks. Bright, contrasting shawls, scarves and headscarves are offered by both Russian and European fashion houses.

How to sew a scarf

Due to the simplicity of the cut, making a headscarf with your own hands does not require patterns and special skills. It can be sewn from any fabric of medium thickness and density. The best look and drape of the knot has a silk satin weave. Cotton is practical, but when tying a product made from it, the ends will not fall softly and beautifully. The use of fine wool, viscose is acceptable.

The easiest way to sew a scarf

  1. Choose a suitable fabric that can be easily draped.
  2. Wrap the head with a measuring tape, measuring the length of the ends of the scarf. The optimal measurement length is at least 80 cm.
  3. Draw a square with a side of about 55 cm directly on the fabric.
  4. To lay stocks on the processing of edges: for a thin double hem, 0.8-1.0 cm is enough.
  5. Cut out the part.

Sewing a scarf is essentially the process of processing its edges. In high quality luxury products, the edges are hemmed with silk thread by hand. For a more inconspicuous seam, you can gently pull the thread out of the fabric after cutting. Taking the thinnest possible needle and silk thread to match, hem the scarf with a seam with a hemming width of 0.3-0.4 cm. Machine processing with the so-called Moscow seam and overcasting stitch is acceptable.

The final stage is wet heat treatment of the product. Hot steam removes creases, strains and flattens the edge.

Types of kerchiefs

In addition to the classic square scarf, the fashion world today offers various modified versions:

  • in lace for ceremonies;
  • for wearing as a full-fledged winter headdress made of woolen fabric;
  • kerchiefs combined with hats;
  • children's models with an elastic band, protecting from the sun, for a girl;
  • knitted or crocheted.

The trends of the last year are actively showing the classic headscarf made of dense silk in winter collections. The return of the retro style of different periods can be seen in the accessories and headdresses of the collections of the leading fashion houses. Today, the kerchief does not look like an outdated element of a suit, but in an updated color scheme it helps to create a fresh fashionable wardrobe.


To handkerchief and for it to look good, it is necessary that the width of the chosen one is large enough - at least 90 centimeters. It is better to use silk fabric or fine wool for this, which will drape nicely and well on the head or around the neck.

For a scarf, fabrics in a flower or with a pattern with a regular structure - a cage, polka dots are suitable. Immediately select a thread of a suitable color for the fabric. If the fabric is colored, then choose the thread in the dominant color. If the store sells fittings, then see if you can find the right one in color and texture. It should not be longer than 5-7 centimeters, otherwise handkerchief will be difficult to tie.

Before starting the fabric, it is best to wash it in hot water to make it shrink and shrink, as this is typical of woolen fabrics. Then iron it and start cutting. Cut out a square to the width and length you want, remember to add 1 centimeter on all sides for the hem. Finish all four edges, folding the fabric about 5 millimeters. If there is a fringe, then double-stitch it over the right side of the scarf.

Helpful advice

It is not recommended to combine fabrics when sewing shawls, because even the thinnest and most neat seam makes the material coarser and does not allow it to drape beautifully and naturally.

Restless and disturbing dreams do not give you rest in real life, the memories of dreams come back to you again and again, details and impressions are kept in your memory for a long time. Surely you understand that the things that you dream can be harbingers of the future. So, for example, a scarf seen in a dream can promise positive or negative events.

What can a dreamed scarf mean?

If you dreamed about a scarf, most likely there is no cause for concern. After all, a beautiful headscarf is not only a sign of good news, a pleasant gift or an unexpected surprise, but also of changes in your personal life.

You dreamed that you put a scarf on your head - this means that interesting news or surprising news is waiting for you. For unmarried girls, a headscarf for the wedding, and if you are married, it is possible to get acquainted with love adventures on an exciting journey.

The gloomy coloring of the dreamed scarf means that your impressions of this acquaintance are doubtful, and bright, motley with red or blue color is a sign that the trip will be successful and eventful.

A silk scarf in a dream is a sign that your real feelings will be mutual, because you are in love and will be happy in your personal life.

In a dream, covering her head with a scarf, a young woman in real life usually hides thoughts and feelings, is ashamed of her relationship with her beloved.

A few more interpretations of the scarf dream

An unpleasant story awaits you, if you buy a scarf in a dream, it means that you need someone's help, since you cannot cope with a difficult situation on your own, in which your reputation or finances are suffering.

In dreams, you see that you wear a scarf yourself, which means that you are waiting for advice or protection from loved ones, because you cannot cope with strong worries and experiences alone.

In a dream, giving a handkerchief is a sign of possible grief and anxiety that your loved ones and relatives bring you.

A clean scarf dreams of the loss of something, but you prove yourself worthy, and significant luck with such a difficult test awaits you.
To see a dirty handkerchief in a dream means a direct path to wealth, to monetary profit.

A dreamed white handkerchief is good news, it is a sign that you are innocent in a difficult situation that has arisen and can achieve an excellent result in negotiations. In your dreams, a black scarf can mean the sad loss of not only a loved one, but also a wallet or money.

If he dreamed of a scarf, he can be sure of loyalty and devotion to his beloved, and a dirty scarf is gossip behind his back.

In dreams, a cotton scarf portends need and poverty. But remember that this is just a dream or fantasies of your subconscious mind, in whatever environment or form you dreamed of a scarf. Dark experiences should be just a warning, not a prediction.

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A scarf is not only a bright wardrobe item that can complement an image, but also a practical thing. With the help of a properly selected accessory, you can hide figure flaws and emphasize its advantages.


The first thing to think about is the size of the item. The size of the scarf is determined by the tying method, which will be used later. If various knots and multiple turns around the neck do not appeal to you, a 45x45 cm scarf will suffice.Fans of lush bows, folds and draperies should opt for a scarf at least 90x90 cm in size.

Before making a purchase, think about what wardrobe elements it will fit. If you don’t think about the "fate" of the scarf in advance, it is highly likely that you will wear it only a few times a year.

Summer shawls are made from lightweight fabrics such as fine cotton, crepe de Chine, chiffon, satin and silk. Winter shawls are designed to keep their wearer warm, so choose cashmere, wool and angora products.

Follow a simple rule: choose multi-colored, variegated shawls for monochromatic clothes, and vice versa.

If your eye is drawn to colorful ornamented scarves, choose one that contains colors that repeat in your ensemble.

If you have large facial features, give up a scarf with a small pattern. Against his background, the face will seem even more massive.

The color type of appearance is the main selection criterion. The cold appearance of blue-eyed blondes will be emphasized by a blue, turquoise shawl. If your hair is golden in the sun, go for a peach and coral shawl.

Wine, fuchsia and magenta are colors that suit deep blue eyes.

For an autumn color type of appearance with brown eyes and chestnut-red curls, you should choose a scarf of rich lilac and red colors.

Correct use of the scarf will help to correct the features of your appearance. If you cannot boast of a long swan neck, do not wrap the scarf several times around the neck, it is better to tie it in a knot, leaving asymmetrical ends. To do this, choose a scarf of sufficient length in a triangular shape.

A long scarf should also be chosen by those who will tie it in the form of a tie. This technique will help hide overly broad shoulders. Sloping shoulders are well masked with light silk scarves.

If in your wardrobe shirts and trousers have a "cigarette" cut, complement your look with a scarf with black tassels. For lovers of denim pants, you should give preference to bright scarves with print in brown and orange.

Helpful advice

If you make a purchase through an online store and are unable to try on the purchased accessory. Print the selected scarf on the printer and attach it to several sets from your wardrobe.

There are so many ways to tie scarves that you can create a new look every day. The most important thing is to find the tying methods that work for you. With an accessory like a scarf, you can easily stand out from the crowd.

Different ways to tie a scarf

The peasant shawl tying method involves the following steps: fold the shawl in half and place the longest side along the forehead. The triangle should be at the back. Pull the ends of the scarf under your hair and tie them together. This method will allow you to hide your hair from the sun and look original. Peasant-style shawls used to be tied by female workers in the fields. And now it is a fashion accessory.

To tie the scarf in the classic way, fold it into a triangle. Place the longest side of the scarf over your hair in front. There should be a triangle behind. Then cross the ends of the scarf under the chin. Pull the ends behind the neck and tie. In this case, you can also capture the triangle from behind. Tie the scarf in the classic fashion and put on your sunglasses. Your image will become mysterious and businesslike. If you have a very long, oval face, you can emphasize this by tying the ends of the scarf in front.

If you are on a cruise or on the beach, bring a scarf with you to tie it in a pirate fashion. Fold the scarf into a triangle. Place the longest side of the scarf over your hair. Pull the ends back and tie a knot at the back of your head. Spread the ends of the scarf and lower it down. The triangle should be under the strings. This method is often used by Hollywood stars and other celebrities. This method of tying a scarf goes well with oversized earrings and sunglasses.

If you tie the scarf like a pirate, but place the knot on the side, you have a gypsy-style scarf. At the same time, hide the ends of the scarf under the scarf or wrap them around the knot. If your hair is too smooth, the scarf can constantly move off your head. Therefore, fix it with invisible ones.

You can make an original bandage out of a scarf. Fold it diagonally several times to form a rectangle. Wrap the scarf around your head and tie it under your hair. Lower the tips on your back or tuck under the bandage.

How to tie a turban or turban?

The scarf can be tied in the shape of a turban. This can be done in several ways.

Method 1: Cover your hair with a scarf and cross the ends at the back of your head. Then tie a knot on your forehead. Make a loop at one end and pass it through the knot. Pass the other end of the scarf through the loop. Wrap the ends securely under the fabric on the right and left so they are not visible.

Method 2: Cover your hair with a scarf so that the hanging ends are the same length. Cross the ends of the scarf first on the back of your head and then on your forehead. You don't need to make any knots. Simply fold them to the right or left under the fabric.

Method 3: Roll up the scarf and place the longest part in front of your hair. Then pin off the ends of the scarf at the back with a pin. Now twist each end: you get two bundles or rollers. Wrap your head with these harnesses as far as it will go. Tuck the ends of the bundles under the fabric.

The turban is suitable for cool and windy weather, as the hair does not fly in different directions with this method of tying. Due to the fact that the head is completely covered, the image is very stylish.

A scarf is a fashionable accessory that has recently become very popular among many girls: some women wear it on their head, some around their neck, and some prefer to use it as a stylish strap. If you think that the image with a scarf looks old-fashioned, then you are mistaken, you just have to learn how to tie this accessory correctly and you can “play” with the images, create new ones every day, and incredibly attractive ones.

Easy ways to tie a headscarf

In order to beautifully tie a scarf on your head in any of the following ways, you will need about 10 minutes of free time, and if you strictly follow all the actions, the end result will exceed your expectations.

An easy way to tie a scarf on your head in winter

This method is suitable if the weather outside is not too cold. So, fold the scarf in such a way that you get a wide rectangular strip. To do this, first fold the scarf in the form of a triangle, then carefully fold it into a rectangular strip no longer than 8-10 centimeters. Holding the ends of the accessory in your hands, place it on your head without touching your forehead, then put the ends of the scarf under your hair and tie a knot. Leave the resulting knot under the hair, straighten the ends of the scarf and lay on the shoulder.

How to tie a turban headscarf

Take a wide shawl that does not have such decorative trims as tassels and fringes. Fold the accessory in half in a triangle shape. Place the scarf over your head so that all three ends are on your forehead. Fold the two side ends together over the forehead and twist 360 degrees, then spread the ends in different directions and wrap around the head, fasten at the forehead and hide under the scarf. To keep the turban stronger and look brighter, the knot can be secured with a large brooch.

How beautiful to tie a scarf on your head in winter

Take a rectangular shawl and wrap your head so that its ends are where you want to make a rose. Twist the ends of the scarf into a tight bundle and, continuing to twist, lay the bundle in a circle, forming a rose. Fix the resulting rose with two or three pins, then try to loosen the flower a little and slightly tighten the edges of the scarf in the rose. This will give the flower a special charm.

If you want to emphasize the beauty of the scarf, then fold the accessory in the form of a triangle, throw it over your head, then cross the free ends in front of the neck area, then throw it over your shoulders and fix it with a brooch. If the scarf is large, then its ends can be loosely wrapped around the neck several times. As a result, you get a kind of hood, which can be removed and put on at any time, if necessary.