Pear shape. All about the trapezoidal face: we emphasize the dignity. The right choice of hairstyle

Each face is marked by uniqueness and originality, however, depending on the proportions, all faces can be typified. The pear-shaped face often gives its owners a lot of problems and complexes.

This type is characterized by a sharp dissonance in the proportions of the upper and lower lobes of the face. Girls with this appearance usually have a very narrow forehead and fairly wide cheekbones. If you draw mental lines from the temples to the chin, you get a trapezoid. However, do not confuse the pear-shaped type with the trapezoid.

The first is characterized by soft lines of the chin and cheekbones, as well as rounded cheeks, while the second is characterized by a rather sharp outline of the lower jaw. There are also borderline between these two types. All these indicators are very important to consider when choosing hairstyles, haircuts, makeup and accessories.

When correcting this type of appearance, all efforts should be made to achieve a balance between all parts of the face and bring its shape closer to an even oval. To do this, it is necessary to visually balance the lines of the forehead and chin.

Short hairstyles are ideal for this type, since in this case the hair of the cheekbones and chin are absent, so visually these parts of the face lose additional volume.

At the same time, it is necessary that the hairstyle has volume in the upper part, this will visually expand the forehead area. Torn strands no longer than the cheekbone line will look very advantageous.

In the event that too short a length is unacceptable, then medium-length cascading haircuts are also an excellent option. Due to the torn strands, the necessary volume will also be created at the upper line of the face. The cascade should also not be below the line of the cheekbones, so as not to draw attention to them.

A pear-shaped face does not go well with long hair, however, there are also options here. Girls of this type are perfect for slightly elongated oblique bangs. She will focus the volume on the forehead and make it wider, which will balance the parameters of the face.

It is also better to choose a side parting, asymmetry will divert attention from a too massive bottom. A light wave will look very good on the hair, but in this case you need to remember that it should start from the very roots. If the curls are only on the lower part of the hair, this, on the contrary, will draw attention to the chin and cheekbones.

Regardless of the chosen haircut, the owners of a pear-shaped face will have to devote a lot of time to styling.

Important! In order to visually make the forehead wider, the hair must have volume, so you need to dry it by lifting it at the roots using special products.


If you prefer collected hair, then it is better to give your preference to fairly high hairstyles. If there is a bang, it is better to let it out. Also, do not forget about the root volume.

Owners of this type of appearance can afford the most daring hair accessories. The more attention will be riveted to the top of the head, the better.

Various headbands, tiaras, tiki and other jewelry are great options. You can also use a variety of bandages and scarves on your head, they will help create additional volume.

So, it is best for owners of a pear-shaped face:

  • Volumetric haircuts;
  • Oblique and elongated bangs;
  • Side parting;
  • Cascading haircuts;
  • Various hair ornaments.


Owners of a pear-shaped type need to be very careful in choosing jewelry. Earrings draw attention to the earlobes, and, consequently, to the cheekbones, which is undesirable.

However, this does not mean that earrings will have to be abandoned altogether. As an option for every day, it is better to give preference to small, neat carnations. Medium length earrings should be avoided as they will draw attention to the cheekbones.

In the event that a woman prefers elongated models, it is more advisable to choose very long options so that they end below the chin line, this will visually balance the proportions.

Various necklaces and chains should also distract attention from the lower part of the face, so you should avoid options that are too short and tight to the neck. Long chains, necklaces and beads will look winning. They will allow you to visually stretch the lower part of the face.

Neckerchiefs, scarves and ties can be good helpers in correction. The main thing to remember is that they should not fit too tightly to the face and be voluminous. These accessories should fall freely from the neck and be long enough.


When choosing glasses, the owners of the pear-shaped type can afford quite massive models. They will draw attention to the upper lobe of the face, visually balancing its proportions. An additional volume of the area will be given by glasses with protruding temples to the side.

Some of the individual models include:

  • Aviators;
  • cat's eye;
  • Grands;
  • Brownlines;
  • Nerd.

Headwear will also help to visually balance facial features. Wide-brimmed hats, tall hats and voluminous knitted hats are great for adding volume to the top of the head.


Makeup should also be aimed at visual balance of all parts of the face. In order to give extra width to the forehead, it is necessary to apply a lighter tone on it.

A darker shade is best applied to the cheekbones, side lines and chin. stands under the cheekbones, while shading them diagonally.

Particular attention should be paid to the eyebrows. To draw attention to the upper third of the face, they should be well drawn. The best option would be fairly long eyebrows of medium thickness. Also, when painting the eyebrows, you can slightly increase the distance between them.

It is better to focus color accents on the eyes, but for the lips it is better to prefer calmer tones.

For girls with a pear-shaped face, choosing a good hairstyle is not an easy task. But, if you understand what needs to be hidden and what to emphasize, then you can create a very stylish and attractive image.

A pear-shaped face is when the widest part is below the cheeks at the level of the cheekbones, but above the chin, while the forehead is relatively narrow. There are a number of techniques and haircuts that will create the illusion of an oval or circle shape.

Bangs for a pear-shaped face

Thick straight bangs

Such bangs form a clear horizontal line at the eyebrows. This allows you to visually expand the upper part of the face, which will balance it with the lower half and bring it closer to the circle.

If the thick bangs are made not straight, but slightly rounded, then this technique will create the illusion of an oval.

Long bangs framing the sides of the face

Bangs of this shape will gently adjust the shape of the face. The main thing when choosing it is to remember a few important points. Firstly, the main length of the bangs should be below the cheekbones, otherwise, the emphasis will fall on unwanted facial features. Secondly, the hair must be divided not into even parts, but with an advantage in one direction. The strands should be straight as the curls will add width.

Long asymmetrical bangs

Long oblique bangs are a great idea for a pear-shaped face. Her strands should end at eye level or just below the cheekbones.

architectural bangs

Textured bangs are also able to present a pear-shaped face in a winning light. The main rule is that it should be laid so as to go beyond the narrow forehead. This technique is often used by Kelly Osbourne.

architectural bangs

A few basic secrets for choosing hairstyles for a pear-shaped face

  • Haircut should not be very short. Choose a hair length that covers your ears.
  • Give preference to the side parting.
  • It is desirable that the hair strands hide wide cheekbones and frame the face.
  • Experiment with complex asymmetrical shapes.

“Pears” will not fit very short haircuts, hairstyles that give volume to the cheekbones, smoothly combed hair and a straight parting.

Below are examples of hairstyles that are best avoided.

An ideal oval, snow-white and clean skin, as well as facial features that blend harmoniously with each other are recognized standards of beauty. But you can break this idyll with an unsuccessful hairstyle, as a result, the image becomes sloppy, comical. And vice versa, do not despair for those whom nature has not endowed with a Hollywood appearance - a properly selected haircut will help to hide flaws and emphasize dignity. There are several types of face, they significantly affect the choice of hairstyles. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Round face shape

Every woman tries to look fashionable and perfect, so the question of a haircut (hairstyle) arises more than once. For owners of a round face, stylists have prepared many options for hairstyles and haircuts. Please note that hair length may vary.

The round face is distinguished by smoothness, softness of lines, gives the appearance of a childish spontaneity and disposes to itself. The type is determined simply: its length is almost equal to its width. You can give the image of femininity, slightly stretch it with the help of simple tricks:

  • Asymmetric, oblique bangs, laid to one side, with any length of hair - a great option to hide a wide forehead, visually lengthen the face. Ginnifer Goodwin's short haircut is a prime example. With the help of voluminous asymmetrical bangs, the girl managed to hide the fullness of her cheeks, to give the image of femininity.

  • Soft waves that go over the face will focus on the cheekbones and hide the "appetizing" cheeks. The parting should be straight, shifted to the right or left. This secret is clearly demonstrated by the charming Mila Kunis.

  • For lovers of graduated haircuts, you should move part of the volume to the crown. For medium length hair, cascading haircuts are suitable, but each of the tiers of the hairstyle should end below the chin line.

  • For girls with even hair, rounded shapes can be corrected by transferring the parting from the bridge of the nose. Pictured is Kelly Clarkson, who managed to narrow her face thanks to increased volume at the crown and an offset parting.

  • Another bright, successful example of how to visually lengthen the face is the image of Marilyn Monroe. Voluminous curls, bangs falling on the face, transfer volume to the top of the head and divert attention from chubby cheeks.

  • Pixie haircut is a suitable option for bright and bold personalities. But be careful, the bangs should casually fall to the side, and the main volume should be concentrated above the cheekbones. You can visually stretch your face using the example of the famous actress Michelle Williams.

  • You can see another successful version of a shortened and fashionable pixie in the following photos. Due to the layering, the gradient of the hairstyle on the crown and side bangs at an acute angle, the stylists managed to visually lengthen the face, divert attention from rounded cheeks.

Now consider hairstyles that categorically do not suit chubby beauties:

  • smooth, straight bangs - a taboo for girls with a round face;

  • bob haircuts with styling from the face;

  • the hair is pinned up at the crown, the forehead is completely open. To make the image harmonious in this case, it is enough to select a few strands from the face;

  • parting strictly along the bridge of the nose in the absence of bangs.

Oval face

The oval shape of the face is considered exemplary, ideal. But keep in mind that incorrectly placed accents in the hairstyle can further lengthen it, make it excessively thin. The oval face is narrower in the chin and at the temples, and its widest part is located in the cheekbones.

As a rule, owners of this face shape can safely experiment with hairstyles, but the recommended hair length is shoulder-length. The following options will be especially successful:

  • A classic bob or bob with bangs to the side will open the cheekbones and emphasize the ideal shape of the face. Check out how feminine and sophisticated Sharon Stone looks with a short haircut and an open forehead.

  • For beauties with long hair (as in the photo of Melissa George), stylists recommend opening the forehead and making light, smooth waves, while the hair on one side can be pinned up. Such an asymmetry will emphasize the perfect oval, give the image a slight mystery.

  • Look great hairstyles with ragged bangs, elongated "feathers" falling to one side. At the same time, it is not necessary to weight the hair with varnish and fixatives; lightness and playfulness are welcomed in the image. The following photos will clearly demonstrate this option.

  • To create a romantic, gentle look for girls with long hair, stylists recommend giving preference to graduated haircuts, but the layers should not stand out. An inconspicuous cascade, like that of Penelope Cruz, combined with a slight volume at the crown, will soften facial features and slightly round the oval.

  • To give the appearance of brightness, to emphasize the cheekbones, you can short haircuts with a voluminous crown. For girls with long hair, it is not necessary to lose the length of the curls, there is an equally spectacular option. To do this, perform a small bouffant at the roots, secure with invisibility or collect in a ponytail, sprinkle with varnish. This hairstyle is ideal for a festive dinner, and its implementation will take no more than 5 minutes.

  • An elongated bob with and without bangs is ideally combined with an oval face shape. Here you can safely experiment: soft waves or perfectly smooth hair straightened with an iron, slight negligence or formality, rigor.

  • Bold, confident girls will suit haircuts in the style of a la garcon, as Alyssa Milano did. The haircut emphasizes the ideality of the form, demonstrates the steadfastness, confidence and perseverance of character.

It is very difficult to spoil the image of girls with an oval face type. This is perhaps the most versatile type of appearance. So feel free to experiment!

rectangular shape

The rectangular type of face is also called angular. Characteristic features of appearance are a massive, heavy jaw and a straight hairline along the forehead, and the width in the forehead is equal to the width at the chin. Angular outlines are characteristic of a male face, and they give rudeness to women.

The main task when choosing a hairstyle is to smooth out the corners, visually lighten the image, narrow the width of the forehead and chin.

Owners of a rectangular face will need the following secrets of stylists:

  • For lovers of short hairstyles, pixie haircuts are ideal, a la garcon without bangs and with extra volume at the temples. The direction of styling is also important - the curls are directed away from the face, opening the forehead.

  • A short haircut with thick, asymmetrical bangs is suitable. Additional volume on top will visually narrow the chin. Pay attention to how harmonious and feminine the Russian singer Valeria looks.

  • Bob-car, bob, cascade will hide rough features, provided that the length of the strands is just below the chin, and part of the hair goes over the face, stylists recommend complementing the image with oblique long bangs and an offset parting. A good example of a successful transformation is the following images of Sandra Bullock.

  • Owners of long hair can use the example of the charming Angelina Jolie. To hide the angular outlines, a side parting and soft curls from the face help her. The forehead remains open.

  • Ragged cascading haircut, asymmetrical bangs - a worthy solution to the problem. The method works on both straight and wavy hair.

What mistakes should be avoided in choosing a hairstyle:

  • symmetry is absolutely contraindicated for owners of a rectangular shape;

  • curls, curls should not be wound on the face;

  • even bangs will hide the forehead and make the chin even more massive.

Square shape

If the width of the face at the level of the upper edge of the lips is equal to the width along the line of the eyes, most likely you are the owner of a square shape.

This appearance is rough, angular. To round the outline, to give the image of femininity, sensuality, the following recommendations will help:

  • Short haircuts with extra volume at the temples open the neck and visually lengthen the face. In this case, asymmetric, but not even bangs are allowed. American actress Natalie Portman took advantage of this technique.

  • You can hide the protruding corners of the jaw with a bob haircut, an elongated bob. It doesn't have to be straight hair. Light curls with volume in the ear area will round the face.

  • For long hair, it is better to use graduated, cascading haircuts. Please note that the shortest strands should be at shoulder level. A great example of such a transformation is supermodel, actress and TV presenter Heidi Klum.

  • Socialite, the famous sexy blonde Paris Hilton successfully manages to hide the angular outlines, thanks to the additional volume at the neck and asymmetrical, long bangs. Take note of this approach.

  • A bouffant at the crown, an open forehead and large curls in the neck are a great way to visually stretch the face. You can appreciate this technique in the photo of the world-famous actress Demi Moore.

  • Another option to stretch, smooth a square face is demonstrated by the American supermodel Cindy Crawford. To make the image feminine, sensitive, she was helped by a side parting, an open forehead and a little volume at the temples and below the chin.

Common mistakes that owners of a square face shape make:

  • straight bangs do not hide, but emphasize the angular outline;

  • cascading haircuts framing the face are banned;

  • ladder, which begins at the level of the earlobes;

  • additional volume in the cheekbones with a short haircut;

  • haircuts with hair length at the level of the chin.

triangular face

The triangular face is distinguished by a wide upper part in comparison with the chin area. This shape resembles a triangle turned downwards with a sharp top. Please note that such a face may have a sharp chin, sunken cheeks or smooth, soft outlines and expressive cheeks. Often the hairline has a protrusion in the center, the so-called widow's cape, and the shape of the face resembles a heart.

To balance the upper part of the face and chin, to achieve harmony in the image, stylists recommend:

  • It is important to use layered cuts so that the hair frames the cheekbones and provides extra volume to the area. To this end, you can twist the ends of the hair on a curling iron or curlers, and parting can be done in the center. We offer a visual assessment of the effectiveness of the reception in the photo of Reese Witherspoon.

  • With short haircuts, you should be careful that the new hairstyle does not add volume to the forehead. Stylists recommend trying an elongated a la garcon, bob or pixie, but with an elongated oblique bang.

  • An asymmetrical bob with volume in the lower third of the face is an ideal option to hide the flaws in appearance. This technique was once used by Reese Witherspoon. What came out of it, look at the photo.

  • Oblique elongated bangs or strands released from the face look elegant, natural, and for girls with a triangular face, this is an additional opportunity to hide flaws. The lower part of the hair can be braided into a voluminous braid, a ponytail falling over one shoulder.

  • For beauties with a wide forehead, a heart-shaped face, even bangs and light waves in the neck are suitable. As a result, you will hide the wide part of the face, settle the narrow chin, as Naomi Campbell did.

What hairstyles for a triangular shape are prohibited:

  • short haircuts with an open forehead;

  • elongated caret, with the ends laid away from the face;

  • any hairstyles with volume at the temples;

  • haircuts with hair length at the level of the chin;

  • styling with slicked back bangs, fully showing the forehead.

pear shape

The pear-shaped (trapezoid) shape is distinguished by a heavy lower part and a narrow top (along the line of the temples).

To make the image harmonious, it is enough to balance the area near the forehead and chin. To do this, stylists use the following tricks:

  • With ease, short haircuts in the style of bob, pixie, garcon with additional volume at the crown will help to redistribute the volume from the cheeks to the temples. It is better to refuse elongated strands that go down along the cheeks, they only focus on large cheeks.

  • Side parting, parted forehead - salvation for girls with a pear or trapezoid face. Rate it. how harmonious Olivia Wilde looks with asymmetrical styling.

  • Volumetric, thick bangs, opening part of the forehead - the best way out for any hair length.

  • Cascade haircuts with volume at the roots will also correct appearance flaws. Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston uses this technique. Please note that for greater visualization of volume in the upper part of the face, she adds light strands.

Options that do not suit girls with a pear-shaped or trapezoidal face shape:

  • additional volume in the cheek area is unacceptable. See how Olivia Wilde emphasizes the massiveness of her cheeks in the next photo;

  • lack of volume at the roots, combined with a parting in the middle. An unsuccessful hairstyle shows Jennifer Aniston in the next photo;

  • twisted ends of the hair at the level of the chin emphasize roundness.

diamond shape

Owners of a diamond-shaped face have a narrowed line of the forehead and lower jaw against the background of wide cheekbones. It is easy to correct the defect, it is enough to visually expand the area at the temples.

  • Oblique, angular or lush, rounded bangs are a must in many cases. Pay attention to how harmoniously, feminine Lisa Kudrow looks with her.

  • A slightly open forehead, combined with additional volume at the crown, is an ideal technique for smoothing out the massiveness of the cheekbones. They were successfully used by Sophia Loren, the side parting added additional volume.

  • Hair below the shoulders, styling, expanding downwards, visually rounds the chin, makes the image gentle, soft.

  • Short asymmetrical haircuts with bangs are a great option.

  • There are curls twisted at the chin line. It is possible that several strands cover voluminous cheekbones. In this case, it is better to open the forehead, add volume at the roots, as Lisa Kudrow did.

Unsuccessful options for girls with a diamond-shaped face:

  • short, non-voluminous haircut and a completely open forehead;

  • straight hair without volume at the crown;

  • styling, voluminous in the cheekbones;

  • a central parting combined with perfectly even strands.

To sum up: a hairstyle is a magical tool that can be used to hide some of the defects in the shape of the face, give it femininity and smooth out angular outlines. The recommendations of experts in our article will help to correctly place accents and choose a good haircut for every beauty.

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What haircut is ideal for your face type, stylist Roman Medny will tell.

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Owners of a pear-shaped face are the least common. For which women are very grateful to nature, since, unfortunately, this is one of the most complex types of appearance that requires skillful disguise of flaws thanks to a well-chosen haircut and hairstyle. With the right approach, your hair will help to conquer others with originality. Believe me, your face can become very attractive. NameWoman will share tips on choosing the most beneficial haircuts and styles for you.

The main differences between the pear-shaped (trapezoid) face shape

Owners of a face in the shape of a pear or a trapezoid are very easy to determine. Distinctive features: a wide lower part of the face, a massive chin with a square-shaped lower jaw (the jaw line is the widest), prominent cheekbones and a relatively narrow forehead. The main task when choosing a hairstyle for a pear-shaped face is very clear - you need to balance the upper and lower parts of the face. Right off the bat, a little tip from NameWoman: to widen the forehead line, make a correction of the eyebrows and lengthen them a little with a pencil.

Hairstyles and styling for a pear-shaped face

Forget about high and smooth hairstyles (especially smooth, combed back strands “sleek” at the temples). They, unfortunately, will emphasize your main shortcomings. Choose small and medium natural curls, careless bouffant, focus on volume at the crown. Owners of a pear-shaped face are not very short haircuts (the length of the hair is sufficient to cover the ears) with hair laid in the direction of the forehead. Look closely at the image of Kelly Osbourne, wherever she goes out, she never forgets about the volume. Kelly even makes the classic evening bun taller and softer due to the volume at the roots.

Comb your hair before you style your hair. Dry your hair, be sure to lift the strands at the roots. Your main tool is a large round comb. Hold it for a long time at the roots when you direct the stream of air coming from the hair dryer. Do not forget about the right tools in your styling. Pick up a great professional mousse, such as from the Loreal line. Before you dry your hair, spread a small amount of this product in the parting, it will maintain volume throughout the day. Remember: a straight perfect parting is forbidden for you, a good choice is a side parting.

Accessories will also be an important element of the hairstyle. For example, women's evening hairstyles, complemented by a rim with a large detail, look spectacular and at the same time create the necessary volume on top. Let a few strands come out of the hair over the headband. It is important not to use various flowers and hairpins at the bottom of the head, it will look ridiculous.

Haircuts for a pear-shaped face

Short hair and medium length hair, i.e. a haircut modeled on the inverted shape of your face, according to many stylists, are the most practical for girls with a pear-shaped face. But this does not mean that long hair is a taboo, just that they adorn you, and do not emphasize flaws, you will need to devote a lot of time to hairstyles with them. However, the beautiful actress Mini Driver with a naughty chic mop of hair, it seems, almost always succeeds with a minimum of effort. Pay attention to the unruly strands of hair at the temples and to the mischievous curls in motion, framing the chin and covering the cheekbones.

Short haircuts like Kelly Osbourne or Rihanna are practical, beautiful and trendy. Due to short and two-layer cascades, you will get the same balance effect, your face will resemble a classic square shape rather than a pear or a trapezoid. In addition, such a haircut will be easy in daily styling and will save you from problematic split ends. It is worth experimenting with asymmetrical haircuts.

According to professional stylists and makeup artists, a trapezoid face shape is not common. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity with a trapezoid face, of course, know that the shortcomings of this type of face are the most difficult to hide. However, even the trapezoid face shape, which is extremely far from the reference oval, lends itself well to correction with the help of a well-chosen hairstyle. As part of today's article, the site will talk about what hairstyles are suitable for a trapezoid face shape.

The trapezoid face, which is often referred to as an "inverted triangle" or pear-shaped face, is characterized by a prominently protruding wide lower jaw. The owners of this type of face, in addition, have a relatively narrow forehead and a rather massive chin. The length of this face shape slightly exceeds its width. The trapezoidal shape of the face gradually expands from the forehead to the jaw. The main task of haircuts, hairstyles and bangs for a trapezoid face lies in giving harmony and femininity to facial features, which are achieved by visually narrowing the massive jaw and balancing the width of the chin with the forehead.

Stylists advise girls, whom nature has awarded with a trapezoidal face shape, to grow their hair so that it is somewhat longer than the chin line. Hair in no case should be flush with the line of the chin. The ideal hairstyle for a trapezoidal face type should be voluminous. Moreover, the main volume should fall either significantly below the chin, or above it, but not at all at the level.

  • hairstyles that have shapes opposite to the shape of the face, that is, for example, a hairstyle, the splendor and volume of which falls on the upper part of the face;
  • hairstyles, in which a much smaller volume falls on the level of the cheeks;
  • hairstyles with hair combed over the face in the cheek area;
  • hairstyles with a deep side parting.

Strands of hair combed on the cheeks or curls curled on the cheeks will mask the wide cheekbones. You don't have to put your hair behind your ears. It is advisable to opt for hairstyles with a side parting. Thick and lush side bangs in a hairstyle for a trapezoid face, hiding imperfections, will make the face more feminine. Slightly sloppy and ragged haircuts look good on a trapezoidal face.

  • hairstyles that repeat and emphasize the trapezoidal shape of the face, that is, hairstyles that, with hair combed back, have a small amount at the top.
  • hairstyles with a parting in the middle.

A hairstyle with hair that is pinned up on top and magnificently styled will look great. As an option - a short haircut, but again with volume at the top. Such hairstyles, by adding width to an overly narrow forehead, are designed to balance it with a massive chin and divert attention from a massive jaw. Beautiful hairstyles for a trapezoidal face can be created using hoops or stylish elegant hairpins.