Hooponopono for beginners: quick results! Hooponopono - the technique of changing the world

One day, a man asked Morrna, the man who adapted Hooponopono in a modern way, whether it was worth marrying this girl? Morrna replied that she was.

A few years later, he again came to Morrna, already divorced, and says, they say, you said that you can get married. You see how it all turned out! And she: "Have you cleansed yourself?"

So it turns out that all those people whom we consider to be our other halves are the most necessary and important people! with whom we share a huge number of programs !!!

And what, in my opinion, is well thought out. You live with a person, you look at him like in a mirror and work on yourself. Well, who does not have irritation, resentment in family life. As the saying goes, this is an everyday thing. The beloved only presses our buttons to show what else you need to let go of.

That's what I was thinking the other day. But did God create us so that we would not be happy with each other? No. There is only one answer - something happened once and that we implemented a program of pain and resentment in ourselves in a relationship with a loved one.

A long time ago, even before hooponopono, in one of the films about love, the phrase "If you love a man, let him go, if this is yours, he will return". Truly a Hooponopon phrase!

What to hide, that in a problematic relationship, then one, or even both are trying to maintain the relationship. Hold, glue what you can. It is good if both partners have a desire, but when one tries and the other does not? Hmm ... Difficult and painful situation.

From the Hooponopono point of view, it is an attachment program. And we all know that it is very painful when one does not value the relationship. And not far off mental anguish, tears and snot.

In such situations "love-dislike" it is very difficult to keep your mouth shut and contain the conflict. However, it is better to do it all the same. And the best thing is to talk to a person when he is asleep. Yes, yes, it is better to tell a person everything when the conscious is asleep. We know that the conscious will begin to argue, swear. And the subconscious is the Inner Child. It turns out that the conversation will go with the Inner Child of a loved one.

I would tell the Inner Child, for example, my husband, how I love him, how glad I am that he is in my life, that I thank for everything that he does for me and just gratitude for the fact that he is what he is. there is. The main thing is to do it regularly.

From my practice, relationships become much better, full of love and understanding.

And what? I find this to be a great way to resolve conflicts and difficult relationships.

And in situations to be together or not, it's better to cleanse yourself and not expect anything. Of course, everything will be the same as you and your half will be wonderful. And most importantly, there is no need to cling. Hooks are the very thing we all need to work on. We all cling not only in relationships with loved ones, but also to bad habits, money, and so on.

I love you!
Thanks to!

Many people are increasingly resorting to treatment and restoration of their body using unconventional methods.

Hooponopono is a Hawaiian method of healing effortlessly, by correcting the mistakes of the past of one's own and relatives. At the same time, it is necessary to separate the concepts of responsibility and guilt. Wrong behavior of a person leads him to disease. Therefore, before embarking on self-healing, you need to sort out yourself, sort out your thoughts.

Having understood its mistakes, unraveling the tangle of failures, the body reconfigures and the healing process begins.

Try to forgive yourself, repent of what you have done. Then, you need to read the affirmations for a complete transformation:

"I'm sorry," "Thank you," "I love you," "Please forgive me."

Affirmations are said in different places, many times, with a sense of feeling.

There is a technique "Eraser", "Pencil". If you feel that your relationship with a friend or girlfriend is upset, then you need to tap with an eraser or pencil on your photo or object that needs to be cleaned. The method is able to smooth out the most old problems.

The hooponopono technique gives strength to the body, helps to overcome negative events that can block access to the Universe. Having learned to control your body, to be able to negotiate with it, it responds gratefully. You need to love yourself, your physical form and fill it with happiness and love.

This technique not only heals, but also gives a lot of knowledge about the universe and the laws of the universe.

To change the world around you, you need to tell yourself and others more often:

“I love you”, “Forgive me”, “It's a pity that it happened”, “Thank you”.

It is necessary to create positive thoughts, pure thoughts. After all, your thoughts are yourself. If thoughts are positively charged, then they exude Love. We must take full responsibility for creating thoughts and a positive aura around. Get rid of negative energy as often as possible, cleanse yourself by admitting your mistakes and repenting. As a result of this, space will be freed up, which will be filled with light.

To solve the problem, you need to constantly work on your personality. If the problem lies in another person, then you need to ask him for forgiveness. This has to be repeated many times.

The healing and relief that came after the affirmations is the miraculous effect of the hooponopono technique on the environment.

Method history

Dr. Ihaleakal Hugh Lin is the very first person to put the Hooponopono method into practice. For many years the doctor worked as a psychologist in a clinic in Hawaii. His patients were cruel and ruthless criminals with serious mental disorders. The staff at the clinic did not stay for a long time, because patients quite often attacked people in white coats.

The doctor was not going to leave the hospital, he wanted to cure his patients. However, Hugh Lin behaved rather strangely. He never personally communicated with his patients, did not give them various recommendations, he did not deal with their treatment. The doctor constantly studied the cards of his patients, looked at the patients' diseases and tried to influence only himself. This is what the hooponopono technique does. The doctor improved himself and treated his patients, and he achieved incredible success.

Why did this happen? The doctor said that he only uttered certain words in relation to himself, and he successfully treated crazy patients. They were recovering literally before our eyes. They were no longer given tranquilizers and psychotropic drugs. Some even went to discharge, and they were absolutely healthy, and no longer posed a danger to society. Dr. Hugh Lin has proven that hooponopono can work miracles!

Birth in Hawaii

Dr. Hugh Lin, of course, did not invent the hooponopono system with his own hand. He studied the ancient Hawaiian art, which allows you to get rid of your own problems and help others. The technique allows you to correct past mistakes and change your life for the better.

Hawaiians were convinced that problems were all made in the head. It is the person himself who provokes certain situations, he is head over heels in trouble only thanks to himself. A person's thoughts provoke a variety of diseases, troubles and a violation of harmony. The root of the main problem is in the past; it has a direct connection with other people's mistakes, which provoke problems. If you change this, then life will be much better than before.

Aboriginal people believed that hooponopono through prayers, phrases, repentance and forgiveness helps to find a stream of abundance. The technique is able to erase negative programs in a person's head, correct his personal mistakes and the mistakes of others. That is why you should not expect the result to come instantly. Also, the ancient method allowed only a select few to conduct rituals, and not any person. Shamans and healers were involved in the practice. One Hawaiian healer told Hugh Lin about the method. Now the technique has changed a little, it has become simpler, so each person is able to independently practice hooponopono and cleanse themselves of negativity.

Hooponopono philosophy

Everything that is in the Universe and surrounds a person establishes mental programs that are controlled by memory from the past. All the mistakes and experience of ancestors lies on the shoulders of a person, presses on them and does not allow them to open up. In order to unblock this, you should carry out various actions that each person can do.

It is a person who is responsible for everything that happens to him, you should not pay attention to past experience and the mistakes of ancestors, only he himself is able to change the existing state of affairs. This is not just about what happens to a person personally. He can influence everything that surrounds him.

Hooponopono considers the key phrase that the world begins with a person. All events with friends and relatives, with work and children, everything is under the influence of a person. He should be responsible for everything, even watching TV. All conflicts, wars or disasters also occur because of a person, his conversations and actions in the past and present. If a person on the street sees a quarrel of strangers, then he should know that it was he who attracted it, made the events develop in this way and nothing else. If a person observes this, then he has already let the situation inside himself.

People around you don't look like that, they stop you on the street, they insult, only the person is to blame for this, which means he provokes such behavior. It is quite difficult to understand all this, but it is imperative to accept it.
You cannot blame others for your own troubles, because the blame can only lie with the person himself. Also, do not blame yourself for everything that happens, you just need to accept the situation and be responsible for it.

A person using the hooponopono method can change a lot and make his own life and the lives of those around him much better. You just need to learn to work with your thoughts and mind. Each person has a great strength inside, which must be learned to use correctly. You need to be ready to accept the power inside, then it will not keep itself waiting long.

Hooponopono teaches to feel responsibility and change programs in the head, the mind is cleared. As a result, changes in life will necessarily occur, and they will become noticeable from the very beginning of the practice.

Hooponopono Technique and Instruments

First you need to try to change yourself, then those around you will also change. There are several stages in hooponopono. You need to learn to forgive, love, repent and transform. It is imperative to use the necessary phrases in order to actually change yourself from the inside.

I'm sorry

When a person begins to realize that it is he who brings negative thoughts into his life with wrong thoughts, then he must accept and understand this fact. A person must understand that it is in him that there is a root of evil, that it was he who attracted this problem. A person should repent of his actions, then he will be able to understand and change a lot.

Thank you

In this case, a person turns to the Universe. He must thank her for everything that happened to him and will happen in the future. Everything in the world is relative, this must be understood. This phrase is only positive, it has tremendous power. The Universe will certainly take gratitude into account and will help in all difficult situations. Just don't hope for an instant result.

I love you

A person should feel an all-consuming love for everything that surrounds him, and also not forget about himself. Hawaiians say that love is the personification of the Creator. You need to love fully and unconditionally the Sun, the sky, passers-by, friends and everything that is in the world. Love should come from the heart, regardless of what is happening around. If a person has love inside, then others will definitely feel it. This is the law, so you have to give in order to receive in return. The constant repetition of this phrase can completely clear the consciousness of a person, bring it to a starting point, which is zero.

Please forgive me

It is necessary to pronounce these words periodically, but at the same time refer to yourself. You must definitely ask for forgiveness for your actions from others, yourself, your body and mind, for everything that happens. You can not shift responsibility to others for the fact that they commit bad deeds in relation to a person. This is only his own fault.

The above phrases should be repeated as often as possible everywhere. Wherever the person is. Moreover, you need to be aware and understand exactly why they need to be pronounced, and not just pronounced aloud. Dr. Hugh Lin spoke precisely these phrases, and it helped his patients to recover.

First, you need to choose any of these phrases and say it several times. You can do this by looking in the mirror to see the expression on your face and to reflect. After practice, you can repeat all four phrases in any situation. Soon, the person will definitely notice the changes. Which will begin to happen in his life.

There is a huge variety of exercises in hooponopono practice that will help you change yourself and your own life for the better. Each tool has its own objectives and goals. It is worth considering them in more detail.


You need to take a pencil with a washing eraser at the end. You need to tap on a certain thing that needs to be cleaned. You can even knock on yourself, as if erasing old problems and mistakes. In this way, a person will be able to eliminate negative memories from his head, to feel relief. All this is so simple that it seems truly incredible. You can also say those phrases while knocking. Which were described above. Washing the gum will erase even the oldest and deepest problems.

Water in a glass

Fill the glass halfway with water. And then put it in your home. It is imperative to change the water twice a day. If a person starts to feel anxious or nervous, then it is worth changing the water again. To solve a specific problem. You can write it down on a piece of paper and put a glass of water on it.

Blue water

You need to find a blue glass and pour water into it. Next, you should put it on the window so that the liquid is exposed to sunlight. In an hour you can drink water, wash your face, cook food and do whatever you want.


You need to look in the mirror for as long as possible and imagine yourself exactly as the reflection shows. You should feel incredible love for yourself, love yourself with all your heart and soul.

Tutti Frutti

This practice helps to get rid of various diseases. Even if the person is currently feeling well, it is possible to use the practice for prevention. All fears and sufferings will disappear without a trace from a person's life.

Also, the whole family of a person, his relatives and friends, all diseases go away. If you pronounce the word tutti-frutti, you can clear your own memory and the mistakes of your ancestors.


This practice brings happiness to the family and makes you completely forget about quarrels and scandals. You need to put a photo or drawing of a bright butterfly on the wall. Fridge. On the monitor screen. Any convenient place, and periodically look at it. At this time, you need to pronounce the above phrases. The butterfly will help you get rid of scandals and unleash your creativity.

Ice blue

This technique helps to eliminate pain, both mental and physical, to get rid of suffering. You just need to constantly repeat the words "blue ice" as much as a person needs.

Milky Way

These words help to perceive new and interesting things, reveal the secrets of consciousness, remove all doubts and fears, suffering and pain. Such words can completely change a person's life, make it happier and more interesting.

Techniques for attracting money

In order to become financially independent, one must also use special practices. If you use them, you can attract money and keep it.

Orange juice

You need to imagine in your mind a glass of orange juice and put a large banknote into it. Juice is a symbol of the sun's rays, because of this it can be called divine light. If a person takes loans. And then he pays interest on them, then the money is very offended by him. You must definitely ask for forgiveness from them, which is why you should put them in orange juice.

Philosophy Hooponopono prefers to view money in the role of living beings. You can have conversations with bills and ask them for advice. It is the bills that carry the energy of a huge number of people, both positive and negative. You need to talk heart to heart with money, say that they are loved and ask for forgiveness. In this case, all negative information is eliminated. The main thing is to pronounce the words from the heart and believe in what is said.


A yellow flower will quickly clear the path to money and remove all blockages. You need to say this word out loud, hang an image of a sunflower in the house or plant it in the yard.

Practitioners are confident that hooponopono will surely provoke positive changes in the life of any person. Everything around him will change, the attitude of those around him will become much better, the problems will go away.

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Modern people, especially those who live in big cities, tired of the hustle and bustle often fall into a state of internal disharmony. This is understandable, so many contradictions and temptations are pursuing a person today. To fight this ailment, people began to resort to the help of various methods of self-cleaning. One of them - hooponopono. This Hawaiian way of harmonization will teach you how to clear a situation or find a way to yourself.

What is hooponopono?

Hooponopono- a method of harmonizing all aspects of human life: health, career, family, relationships with people. This technique was first used in the Hawaiian Islands, but it gained worldwide recognition thanks to Dr. Ihaliakala Hugh Lin. Its essence lies in the fact that we understand our responsibility not in a narrow sense, only for our actions and deeds, but in the broadest sense.

We are responsible for everyone who is sick, everything that happened somewhere. It doesn't matter where. It is important that for healing the practitioner directs all on myself.

In practice, it looks like this - you need to constantly repeat the following phrases:

  • I love you;
  • Thank you;
  • Forgive me;
  • I'm sorry.

This approach is completely opposite to what has been known until now: to see problems in others and to try to heal those who are around, not yourself.

That the technique works has been proven in practice. Dr. Hugh Lin, an employee of a mental hospital in Hawaii, has implemented a hooponopono system in his hospital. It contained not only ordinary mentally ill people, but also dangerous criminals who, due to insanity, escaped imprisonment. As well as patients with severe mental disorders. Therefore, the situation was tense - no one wanted to work in this clinic, and the attitude towards patients was negative.

Hugh Lin has achieved incredible results. People who took jobs here never quit. The patients began to recover, and soon the clinic was closed altogether, everyone was discharged. Hugh Lin did not hold meetings or interviews with reprimands. He did not communicate with patients, did not diagnose them. He just studied the histories of their illnesses and spoke at the same time the cherished 4 phrases.

Not everyone believes in what happened in this clinic, but this is a well-known fact, the story of which has spread all over the world. After that, the hooponopono technique went beyond Hawaii and became extremely popular.

In this video, Tatiana Kondratyeva will tell you how you can heal from mental suffering with the help of a hooponopono and a signature cell:

Hooponopono - cleansing from negativity

Even in the doctrine, in addition to the four cherished phrases, there are such postulates:

  1. The real universe exists because of my thoughts. He is what I make her;
  2. Negative thoughts create negative reality;
  3. Perfect thoughts create a reality that is filled with love;
  4. Nothing can exist apart from a person.

These are 4 laws that must be adhered to by everyone who wants to cleanse themselves of negativity and find harmony with those around them: help themselves and those close to them.

The hooponopono theory is closely related to belief in God, refusing which a person takes the path of suffering, since he believes that he himself knows everything better. By adhering to the rules of hooponopono, we can get into the divine flow, accepting everything that happens as God's will.

Thus, there is no room for negativity in the soul- the product of human physical desires.

Healing meditation

This is an active process during which your consciousness falls into a state of some kind of trance. You are tuning in to heal the problem that is preventing you from creating a perfect physical reality.

This should be done like this:

  • Find a comfortable place. Look around where your gaze falls and it seems to you that this is where you will feel comfortable;
  • Sit down and focus on the problem that is bothering you;
  • Think and send the words to the situation: “I love you! I am grateful to you that you appeared in my life. Now I want to heal you and myself ”;
  • If you want to say something else, do it. This is very good, express everything that is painful to close the question once and for all;
  • Perhaps, in the process of work, aching pain will appear in some part of the body. This is normal, it often happens. This means that this part of your body is sick from this conflict. Then direct your thoughts to him. Also ask for forgiveness and give thanks.

You will know when it is time to finish. If you return to reality, you feel like you have healed the problem. not completely, repeat the conversation with her.

Helping Tools: Clearing the Situation

To help yourself, take the items at hand. In order to clear a certain situation, different items are suitable:

  • Glass of water- put it on a piece of paper on which your problem will be written or on a photograph;
  • Coins- help to change the attitude towards money. Talk to them, ask for forgiveness. Money doesn't like carelessness, clean up your money history and start over;
  • Flower. Anyone will do. This is the same appeal to the divine. It's good if it grows right in your home so as not to rip it off. Approach him, talk about love for people, about gratitude to God. He will become your partner on the path to self-purification;
  • Dew drop... Go outside early in the morning, better outside the city and choose your own drop. It is considered the most powerful cleansing agent. Tell her about the conflict, internal or external. When it dries up, your conflict dries up too;
  • Butterfly- will cleanse the relationship, take the negativity with it and free the way to perfect reality. Looking at her, whisper those 4 phrases that we told you about above.

You can choose any item, the main thing is tune in to it correctly... By telling him about your problems, you will clear your mind of unnecessary negativity.

For the representatives of the weaker half of humanity, they have their own meditations. Their task is to help you get through difficult periods in life and learn let go of any situations:

  • You need to undress and lie down. For comfort, you can cover yourself with a sheet;
  • Put on calm music;
  • First, forgive yourself. List everything for which you are to blame for yourself. Sincerely, slowly to the beat of the music. Cleanse yourself of accumulated personal grievances. They all have them;
  • Accept your flaws as the will of God. Tell yourself about them and understand that they are, and you are not to blame for this;
  • Now fall in love with everyone who once offended you, ask them for forgiveness and say thank you.

Such introspection will not be easy for you, but the result will be changes that have occurred in you and the world around you. Repeat the meditation as needed. Better to make it a rule to do it at least every other day.

In this article, we tried to clearly explain the complex specifics of hooponopono, how to clear the situation using this harmonization technique. Now you know everything it takes to build your perfect reality.

Video tutorial on clearing situations and memories

In this video, Alina Vetrova will talk about hooponopono, which clears memories and situations:

In the traditions of North American Indians, there is an unusually attractive custom - give-away. On the occasion of important celebrations associated with the life of the tribe, or on the occasion of important events in their personal lives, the Indians donated things to society that belonged to them personally.

Do not think that in this way they got rid of low-value things. Quite the opposite, they distributed all the best. It so happened that they gave literally everything, while remaining in a loincloth.

In response, each member of the tribe gave something to the donor. In such communities, prestige was possessed not by the one who had, but by the one who gave everything. From our point of view, such views are difficult to understand.

Exercise 1

Choose some little things that are important to you. These can be souvenirs associated with someone, with some events, old photographs. Imagine that you need to part with them, let's say, give them. How would this make you feel? Could you easily do it?

Depending on the psychological type, you can do it easily or, conversely, with great difficulty. Everyone can react differently. The value of a thing is expressed in this case not materially, but emotionally.

This exercise reveals one side of our character to us: attachment to things. The most valuable things are those that can be in the physical world, and in the subtle.

Our give-away the Hooponopono practice described below will be for you.

These techniques came to us from the Hawaiian kaguns. One of them, Morran Nalamaku Simona, retold it for the Europeans. During the training, she said that the more people will perform these practices, the less there will be misfortunes and illnesses in a given society. We convey this idea to you.

Hooponopono is a technique for balancing energy and harmony in our lives through forgiveness. Thanks to her, we can heal the soul and body.

In this practice, you must adhere to the instructions and not change any of its parts. In particular, this applies to a fragment where you will receive permission to execute it in a special way.

In order to release negative emotions and memories, first of all, we must become aware of this. We do not always want to remember them, we often try to expel them from consciousness.

However, in order to start working with them, you first need to see them, admit them and understand that they exist.

So, let's prepare some blank paper cards. In order, write down according to the proposed scheme all the problems, personalities, objects, cases associated with this group.

If in the course of this work you remember any negative or positive events, write them down too. You do not have to be limited only to these names.

In this process, not only specific individuals or events are important, but also events and phenomena that exist in our life. After all, they can also, whether we like it or not, influence our actions, both on a physical and spiritual level.

Be sincere with yourself. Don't share your descriptions with anyone. It is a cleansing process that is only associated with you and your Younger Personality. Only when you dare to be completely sincere will you receive the trust of your second “I” and a positive effect.

If you don't think of any event or person related to this category of problems, write only the name. So you will not miss anything. Your subconscious mind will do the rest for you. On the mental level, it will supplement the cards with all the missing elements, consciously or unconsciously forgotten.

We assure you that after you have completed this exercise, more and more images and events will be remembered in the course of your work. What at first was completely unrelated to your life can later turn out to be surprisingly important and evoke a lot of memories.

This exercise should be performed until the negative emotions completely disappear during the work. This work can continue for several years. We receive experience almost all our lives, and its purification also takes a lot of time.

Don't be upset. Everything is as it should be. Thanks to the exercises in this course, it is likely that it will not last very long and will bring positive results.

Be Lucky, Successful, Rich, Loved, Healthy and Happy!

Do you want to study and understand more deeply how the Hooponopono method works, so that you can consciously, for the benefit of YOURSELF and your UNIVERSE, apply it in practice?

Everything in life is good, and at the same time, something goes wrong ... Sound familiar?

You obviously want more, but it is not clear how to achieve it;
- You are seized by the routine, it seems that one day is exactly like another;
- There is no necessary level of mutual understanding with other people;
- Feel that something in life is not going the way you want;
- Sometimes it seems to you that it is very difficult to work with other people;
- Sometimes it is difficult for you to agree with others or your agreements are violated;
- Everything seems to be good, but clearly I want more!

Find yourself in at least one point? Yes?

I have great news for you: everything can be changed!

Please contact.

Sign up for a skype meeting Skype: Tatyana Oleinickova and find out how to find a solution to your problem, situation or task. Together we will consider each situation in detail and deal with them.

Skype: Tatyana Oleinickova

[email protected]

Viber: +3 8068-782-79-34

You will understand and feel for yourself what tremendous benefits cleansing can bring.

according to the Hooponopono method in all areas of life.

Get answers to questions about the essence of Hooponopono in an easy and accessible way:

What does Morrna Nalamaku's phrase “Hooponopono is the path of complete liberation from the past” mean?
What is a null state?
What does it mean to trust God / the Universe and how to come to complete trust?
How does God / Universe know what and how much attracts (chooses) a particular person? How does the Highest Reason not confuse us, because we are all created in the image and likeness of the One?
How and what is erased in us when using the Hooponopono method?
How to practice the method to get fewer "bumps"?
How not to turn practice into running in a circle: from problem to problem?

Get some very simple yet highly effective tricks:

to establish personal relationships;
for the rapid transformation of negative emotional states: fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, etc.;
to cleanse the body from power units.
techniques, the use of which facilitates the path of self-knowledge, in particular, helps to overcome the most difficult life situations and difficult periods.

An understanding will come that:

The whole World is You and only You are responsible for it - There are no others in your world.

People often come to me with questions about what to do with my husband, child, neighbor, boss ...?

I say right away - you don't need to do ANYTHING with them.

You can ONLY do it yourself.

Ho "oponopono is a cleansing method that brings you to zero. In Hawaiian: Wow means cause and ponopono means perfection. Ho" oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing method that changes and clears all energies associated with present and past situations and people, and also the entire ancestral line, yours and other people of the entire Universe. There are four basic phrases for this in hooponopono. You may not feel the change at first. Don't worry, the work is still being done 🙂 But with a little practice, you can really feel the difference in yourself and those around you. You will cleanse your life, and as you continue to cleanse, you will feel yourself in a better mood for both body and soul! Read on to read why the Hooponopono Method has received bad reviews or how to practice Hooponopono correctly.

It is about taking full 100% responsibility for your actions, as well as for the actions of those with whom you are in any way connected. You just put your thoughts and consciousness in order and, since we are all one, and your reactions are projected onto everything with which you come into contact (especially what makes you emotionally charged)!

It may be difficult to understand, but .... Everything that you experience in your life, right down to the announcement you just read in the newspaper, you attracted to yourself. It's a simple law of attraction. If you attracted something to yourself, it means that you were looking for it and you need it. You can say: “But I didn’t look for and didn’t want to be attacked by robbers in the evening, beat and robbed me. I didn't attract them into my life! " This is not true. Think, everyone is looking for what they don't have or what they lack.

This means that you lack strength and self-confidence, and, perhaps, in various situations you feel like a victim, afraid to act and make decisions. You are a cat and attracted power into your life! And the robbers looked for weakness and defenselessness in order to show their strength. If you radiate inner peace and confidence, if your body does not "smell of fear", you do not feel like a hostage to circumstances and their victim - you will never become it. Believe me, with this example - the robbers will just pass by. They will find what they are looking for. They don't need strength, they have it.

You say, "I didn't want to get sick (well, or get into an accident, or break my leg)." And it seems to be true. No sane person wants to attract anything like this into their life. But, think, maybe in your life there are such circumstances, people, situations from which you by all means, by any means want to get rid of and “cut the knot” that binds you? It sits deep in your soul, so that it’s scary to yourself to admit it ... This is when you consciously understand that you owe something to someone (or yourself), that you cannot change anything by an effort of will, that your desire is unethical, immoral, well, or something else, which is not, in your opinion, an excuse. When you consider yourself a hostage of a situation and cannot get out of it. Then inner experiences, discomfort, and a frenzied drain of energy and result in illness and catastrophe. Now do you understand that it was you who pulled the situation into your life?

This is the Perfect Law of Attraction in the life of every person! If there is something in your life that leaves you somehow emotionally charged, it is you attracted him, and you can transform this energy through purification. You cleanse your memory, thereby transforming and clearing everything in the entire Universe. This is your world, and when you are sad - this is your joy, when you are happy - this is your peace of mind in a storm, this is everything and nothing / zero all at once!

Hooponopono: bad reviews - why the method might not work

Point zero - This is a complete removal of the emotional charge in relation to the situation that worries you. Those. THIS stops emotionally clinging to you completely! You accept what happened as a fact, you stop throwing out energy about the situation, you perceive it with your mind, but it does not bother you. You are calm, harmonious, and open-minded. If you have not reached point zero, then the method will not work. Therefore, there are bad reviews - people seem to be repeating phrases, but do not realize the reason, they continue to blame other people or circumstances for what happened, just not themselves, their beloved :). Thus, they retain their emotional charge and their energy continues to flow away ...

The Hooponopono Method is also receiving bad reviews because of the strong desire of the founders and followers to make more money from it. Courses and trainings are far from free and not cheap. But this is a personal matter for everyone: what to invest their money in. The technique is working and thriving.

So: how to properly practice hooponopono to "work"

Initially and sequentially, you say 4 key phrases: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you and thank you.

When you see a problem, repeat four phrases. When you think about a person - also repeat magic phrases. When you experience negative emotions, repeat four phrases. When you are worried, unhappy, depressed, angry, full of aggression, etc., etc. - again - the cherished four phrases.

Become whole, become a breath of love, and repeat the four phrases over and over. When are you happy? You guessed it: say these four phrases! Be grateful! This is called cleaning.
Say them in any order, in your head or out loud. Say one phrase several times or say another - your intuition will guide you on how to do it better! So relax, breathe, and let go of your situation. And everything will be in a divine perfect order.

Ho "oponopono process:

    • Imagine that person in front of you, or imagine a situation where something needs to be corrected.
    • Imagine that a silvery calm light (or stream) is pouring from the endless universe through your crown. It is the light of healing, love and tranquility. It fills your entire body and, overflowing through your heart, begins to fill everything around ... And the person you represent or the situation is also filled with this light of love. Feel that you feel good and calm and that your love is accepted and understood ..
    • After the energy of love fills the spaces, mentally talk to the person you represented, ask him for forgiveness and ask him to forgive you.
    • Let go of this situation or person, observe how he moves away, floats away into the distance and dissolves into it ... If you notice that there is any connection left between you - a thread, cord, or something similar, tear or cut it. If you want to change your relationship with a person and keep in touch with him, keep his image in yourself, filled with your love.
  • This process can be done for any situation and for any person towards whom you feel an energetic leak or hold.

How can I check if I got it right? The answer is yes if you can see or think of the person without experiencing any negative emotions. If you feel negative emotions, or are annoyed, or return in your thoughts to the situation and "replay" it over and over again - do the process yet, it is not finished, point zero has not been reached ... So you got the answer to the question: Hooponopono: how practice correctly to .