Hedgehog pincushion made of felt pattern. Original do-it-yourself needle beds: patterns, description, video mk. How to sew an owl with your own hands: step-by-step master class

- a necessary thing in every home. This is very convenient, since all the needles are collected in one place and you don’t need to look for them. In these master classes we will crochet needle beds of four types. It is knitted quickly and easily, literally in one evening. But they look very cute and unusual. They exude warmth and comfort, a wonderful gift for a friend, mother or grandmother. 4 step-by-step descriptions were prepared for you by our regular author.

Pincushion “Cup of Tea”

To knit a needle bed we will need:

  • Red and sand colored yarn;
  • Hook;
  • Sintepon;
  • Needle.

Any yarn is suitable for this pincushion. You can even use leftovers. Karachay yarn works well here. It holds its shape well due to its roughness and rigidity. You can take softer and thinner yarn. But then it is better to knit in two threads.

Let's start with the main part - the cup. We knit two air loops. And then we begin to knit the first row. We knit six single crochets into the second loop. The entire needle bed will be knitted using single crochet stitches.
photo 1

Now you need to perform increases in several rows. In the second row we knit an increase in each of the loops. In the third, we knit the increase through a loop. In the fourth - through two and in the fifth - through three loops.
So we knitted rows with increases and got thirty loops. There is no need to make any more increases. Otherwise, the pincushion will be too big.
photo 2

Next we will knit five more rows in the round. And we will not make any increases in them.
We will get half a ball.
photo 3

Now you need to knit a handle for the cup. Let's make six loops and close these loops into a ring.
And then we will knit eight rows in a circle with single crochets.
photo 4

And immediately use a needle to sew the handle to our cup.
photo 5

Then we take sand yarn, or you can use brown yarn, and knit two air loops. Next, we knit six stitches into a loop that is further from the hook.
We will make increases in several rows. In the second row we knit an increase in each of the loops.
In the third, we perform the increase through a loop. In the fourth - through two and in the fifth through three loops. If the yarn is thicker than the one from which the cup is knitted, then we knit one row less. If thinner, then a row more.
photo 6

And now we fill the cup itself with padding polyester. And we sew our resulting circle on top. You need to sew it so that the seams are not very visible.
photo 7

We hide all the protruding threads inside the needle bar or simply cut them off.
The crocheted pincushion in the shape of a cup of tea is ready! All that remains is to place the needles in it. The needle bar can be placed on the table or hung by the handle on a nail or hook.
photo 8, 9

A funny and cute pincushion came out, what do you think?

And so that our cup doesn’t get bored, we’ll add another sweetness to it - a cake. You can store needles in one pincushion, and pins in another, next door.

Pincushion "Cake"

If you like to decorate your home with interesting knitted items, then this master class is for you! In it we will look at how you can knit a pincushion in the form of a cake with cream.

For such a pincushion you needed:

  • Yarn Art Jeans yarn is beige, Children's Novelty yarn is white and lilac;
  • Hook 1.75 mm;
  • Scissors;
  • Sintepon;
  • Needle.

First we will knit the shortbread, so we start with beige yarn. We make a sliding loop and work 6 sc into it.
We tighten the loop. Next we will knit in the round with increases and decreases. In the 2nd row we knit 2 stitches 6 times, that is, 2 in each loop.
In the 3rd row, you also need to make 2 stitches in a loop 6 times, but since there are now 12 loops, we knit 2 sc in every 2nd loop of the row.
In the 4th row we will perform 2 sc each in the 3rd loop.
It remains to knit 2 rows with additions.
5 row. We knit 2 sc in every 4th loop.
And the last row with increases remained. We make them every 5, that is, in the 5th loop of the row. In total you will get a piece of 36 loops.
Photo 1

In the new row we knit 36 ​​sc, we place the hook only behind the back wall of the loop.
Let's repeat the previous row again.
In the new row we will knit the back walls of the loops and decrease every 4 loops.
Photo 2

Next, we will knit all the rows using both walls of the loops. Decrease after 3 sc.
Then decrease in the 1st row through 2, and in the next through 1 loop. Let's fill the part with padding polyester. There is no need to fill it too tightly. The part should not look inflated.
Then decrease in each loop until the hole is closed. Tighten the thread and break it.
Photo 3

The shortbread is ready. We knit the glaze. We start with white. We make 21 air loops. We skip the loop and knit 20 sc.
We knit all subsequent rows behind the back walls.
Then we make 1 loop for lifting and perform 2 sc in the first loop. Next we knit 17 sc. There will be 2 loops left at the end. We will knit them together, that is, we will make a decrease.
We change the thread and start a new row with a lifting loop. We immediately knit a decrease. Then 17 sc, and 2 sc in the new loop. The total will again be 20 sc. We turn around, knit a chain stitch, then 2 sc in the first loop, then 17 sc and then decrease. We change the thread. We do an aerial, decrease, 17 sc, increase.
So we will knit a total of 22 rows, alternating 2 rows of each color. Between increases and decreases there should always be 17 sc. We decrease and add everything in the same place in each row.
Photo 4, 5

Now we connect the first and last rows and sew them together. We turn the part inside out and get a cylinder.
Photo 6

We thread the needle and pass the needle between the rows at the top. Then we tighten the thread.
Photo 7

We do the same from below. Now let's just push the bottom in. The resulting part needs to be sewn to the cake.
The pincushion in the shape of a cake is ready!

I just want to say “Bon appetit”, but no - be careful, needles!

Then let's connect pincushions, which should be prickly by definition - a cactus and a hedgehog. All the needles are exactly in their place here.


You can knit a pincushion of any size, ours is small and compact, but you can even make a Mexican cactus (by the way, it’s interesting, if it works, send a photo :)

For knitting you need:

  • Yarn in green, pomegranate, yellow and brown colors;
  • Scissors;
  • Hook;
  • Synthetic fluff;
  • Needle.

Let's make 2 loops. After this, we will make 6 single crochets in the 2nd loop from the hook. Now we need to complete 1 row, making additions to each of the loops.

We will continue to make increases in the new series. Only this time we knit 2 stitches through a loop.

Let's connect the last row with additions. Increases should be made in every 4th stitch. That is, after 3. As a result, we will knit 30 loops on the circle.

We will knit the next 4 rows simply without any additions. 30 columns in each row.

Then we round the part, so we knit with decreases. First we decrease through 3 loops. In the new row we already decrease after 2 loops. And we will knit a row with a decrease through the loop.

We are left with a hole of 12 loops. We fill the part with synthetic fluff.

Now we will knit the shoot on the cactus. We knit 1 row of 12 stitches.

Then add after 1. We perform 4 rows of 18 columns. Filling in the detail. The next rows will all be with decreases. First, through a loop, and then we knit decreases in each loop until the part is closed.

Take the green thread and drag the process. This way it will stand out better.

Then double each stitch. We knit the next row without increments behind the back wall of the loops.

Then we will tie the increase through a loop. And we can complete the new row without adding.

Now we will perform increases in every 3rd loop. And then we knit 1 row without adding anything.

Then we knit 2 more rows without increases. That is, 24 columns.

We fill this pot with filler.

We begin to knit the earth. To do this, you just need to knit an amigurumi ring of 24 stitches. We start in the same way with 6, then add to all loops, then after 1 loop. And we knit 1 row, adding through 2 loops.

We sew a cactus to the resulting part. Then we insert it into the pot and sew it on.

Let's tie it to a cactus. Let's make it yellow. We cast on 7 air loops and perform a connecting stitch in the very first loop. And again we cast on 7 more loops. We place the connecting column in the same place. Repeat 3 more times.

Sew the flower into the center of the cactus shoot.

This is how you can very quickly and easily crochet a pincushion in the shape of a cactus!


Now we will knit a needle bed in the form. It is knitted very simply and quickly, so it does not take much time.

For the pincushion you will need:

  • Yarn “Children's Novelty” is beige and brown, as well as red and green;
  • Hook 1.75 mm;
  • Filler for toys;
  • Needle;
  • Scissors;
  • 2 beads.

We will knit in the round, so first we make a sliding loop. Then we perform 6 sc in a row inside the loop. Pull the tail of the thread and tighten the loop.

Our little piece consists of 6 loops. Next we will knit, increasing their number.

In the 2nd row you need to perform 2 sc in all 6 loops. So let's double their number.

In the 3rd row, in order to knit 6 increases again, we knit 2 sc, skipping 1 loop. That is, in every 2 loops of this row we knit 2 sc.

The detail gets bigger. We knit 2 more rows with additions.

In the 4th row we will increase in the 3rd loop of the row. We knit 2 sc 1 each, and in the 3rd loop 2 sc in a row.

In the 5th row we knit 2 sc in every 4th loop.

The part consists of 30 loops. Now we will lift it up. To do this, we will knit 5 rows of 30 sc in each of them.

Now we need to knit a beige piece using the same pattern. Only the last 5 rows without increases are not knitted.

Let's put the details aside. Let's start knitting the muzzle. Use brown yarn to knit 6 sc into a slip stitch. Tighten it and knit 1 row without changes.

Change the thread to beige and add through the column.

Then 1 row needs to be knitted without adding.

Next there will be an alternation of rows with and without increases. After each additional row, you need to knit 1 row without any additions. We make increments according to the amigurumi principle. That is, we further add after 2, 3. Between them there is 1 row without increments. At the end there are 2 rows without increases instead of 1.

Then we take the beige part and sew it to the brown one. As you sew, you need to fill the part with filler.

Sew on the muzzle.

Photo 6

Let's knit for decoration. We form a sliding loop from the red thread and perform 6 sc again. Next we increase the detail by increments through 1 loop. We knit the next 3 rows with 9 sc.

Decrease after 1 loop. Don't forget about the filler. We decrease in each.

- a necessary thing in every home. This is very convenient, since all the needles are collected in one place and you don’t need to look for them. In these master classes we will crochet needle beds of four types. It is knitted quickly and easily, literally in one evening. But they look very cute and unusual. They exude warmth and comfort, a wonderful gift for a friend, mother or grandmother. 4 step-by-step descriptions were prepared for you by our regular author.

Pincushion “Cup of Tea”

To knit a needle bed we will need:

  • Red and sand colored yarn;
  • Hook;
  • Sintepon;
  • Needle.

Any yarn is suitable for this pincushion. You can even use leftovers. Karachay yarn works well here. It holds its shape well due to its roughness and rigidity. You can take softer and thinner yarn. But then it is better to knit in two threads.

Let's start with the main part - the cup. We knit two air loops. And then we begin to knit the first row. We knit six single crochets into the second loop. The entire needle bed will be knitted using single crochet stitches.
photo 1

Now you need to perform increases in several rows. In the second row we knit an increase in each of the loops. In the third, we knit the increase through a loop. In the fourth - through two and in the fifth - through three loops.
So we knitted rows with increases and got thirty loops. There is no need to make any more increases. Otherwise, the pincushion will be too big.
photo 2

Next we will knit five more rows in the round. And we will not make any increases in them.
We will get half a ball.
photo 3

Now you need to knit a handle for the cup. Let's make six loops and close these loops into a ring.
And then we will knit eight rows in a circle with single crochets.
photo 4

And immediately use a needle to sew the handle to our cup.
photo 5

Then we take sand yarn, or you can use brown yarn, and knit two air loops. Next, we knit six stitches into a loop that is further from the hook.
We will make increases in several rows. In the second row we knit an increase in each of the loops.
In the third, we perform the increase through a loop. In the fourth - through two and in the fifth through three loops. If the yarn is thicker than the one from which the cup is knitted, then we knit one row less. If thinner, then a row more.
photo 6

And now we fill the cup itself with padding polyester. And we sew our resulting circle on top. You need to sew it so that the seams are not very visible.
photo 7

We hide all the protruding threads inside the needle bar or simply cut them off.
The crocheted pincushion in the shape of a cup of tea is ready! All that remains is to place the needles in it. The needle bar can be placed on the table or hung by the handle on a nail or hook.
photo 8, 9

A funny and cute pincushion came out, what do you think?

And so that our cup doesn’t get bored, we’ll add another sweetness to it - a cake. You can store needles in one pincushion, and pins in another, next door.

Pincushion "Cake"

If you like to decorate your home with interesting knitted items, then this master class is for you! In it we will look at how you can knit a pincushion in the form of a cake with cream.

For such a pincushion you needed:

  • Yarn Art Jeans yarn is beige, Children's Novelty yarn is white and lilac;
  • Hook 1.75 mm;
  • Scissors;
  • Sintepon;
  • Needle.

First we will knit the shortbread, so we start with beige yarn. We make a sliding loop and work 6 sc into it.
We tighten the loop. Next we will knit in the round with increases and decreases. In the 2nd row we knit 2 stitches 6 times, that is, 2 in each loop.
In the 3rd row, you also need to make 2 stitches in a loop 6 times, but since there are now 12 loops, we knit 2 sc in every 2nd loop of the row.
In the 4th row we will perform 2 sc each in the 3rd loop.
It remains to knit 2 rows with additions.
5 row. We knit 2 sc in every 4th loop.
And the last row with increases remained. We make them every 5, that is, in the 5th loop of the row. In total you will get a piece of 36 loops.
Photo 1

In the new row we knit 36 ​​sc, we place the hook only behind the back wall of the loop.
Let's repeat the previous row again.
In the new row we will knit the back walls of the loops and decrease every 4 loops.
Photo 2

Next, we will knit all the rows using both walls of the loops. Decrease after 3 sc.
Then decrease in the 1st row through 2, and in the next through 1 loop. Let's fill the part with padding polyester. There is no need to fill it too tightly. The part should not look inflated.
Then decrease in each loop until the hole is closed. Tighten the thread and break it.
Photo 3

The shortbread is ready. We knit the glaze. We start with white. We make 21 air loops. We skip the loop and knit 20 sc.
We knit all subsequent rows behind the back walls.
Then we make 1 loop for lifting and perform 2 sc in the first loop. Next we knit 17 sc. There will be 2 loops left at the end. We will knit them together, that is, we will make a decrease.
We change the thread and start a new row with a lifting loop. We immediately knit a decrease. Then 17 sc, and 2 sc in the new loop. The total will again be 20 sc. We turn around, knit a chain stitch, then 2 sc in the first loop, then 17 sc and then decrease. We change the thread. We do an aerial, decrease, 17 sc, increase.
So we will knit a total of 22 rows, alternating 2 rows of each color. Between increases and decreases there should always be 17 sc. We decrease and add everything in the same place in each row.
Photo 4, 5

Now we connect the first and last rows and sew them together. We turn the part inside out and get a cylinder.
Photo 6

We thread the needle and pass the needle between the rows at the top. Then we tighten the thread.
Photo 7

We do the same from below. Now let's just push the bottom in. The resulting part needs to be sewn to the cake.
The pincushion in the shape of a cake is ready!

I just want to say “Bon appetit”, but no - be careful, needles!

Then let's connect pincushions, which should be prickly by definition - a cactus and a hedgehog. All the needles are exactly in their place here.


You can knit a pincushion of any size, ours is small and compact, but you can even make a Mexican cactus (by the way, it’s interesting, if it works, send a photo :)

For knitting you need:

  • Yarn in green, pomegranate, yellow and brown colors;
  • Scissors;
  • Hook;
  • Synthetic fluff;
  • Needle.

Let's make 2 loops. After this, we will make 6 single crochets in the 2nd loop from the hook. Now we need to complete 1 row, making additions to each of the loops.

We will continue to make increases in the new series. Only this time we knit 2 stitches through a loop.

Let's connect the last row with additions. Increases should be made in every 4th stitch. That is, after 3. As a result, we will knit 30 loops on the circle.

We will knit the next 4 rows simply without any additions. 30 columns in each row.

Then we round the part, so we knit with decreases. First we decrease through 3 loops. In the new row we already decrease after 2 loops. And we will knit a row with a decrease through the loop.

We are left with a hole of 12 loops. We fill the part with synthetic fluff.

Now we will knit the shoot on the cactus. We knit 1 row of 12 stitches.

Then add after 1. We perform 4 rows of 18 columns. Filling in the detail. The next rows will all be with decreases. First, through a loop, and then we knit decreases in each loop until the part is closed.

Take the green thread and drag the process. This way it will stand out better.

Then double each stitch. We knit the next row without increments behind the back wall of the loops.

Then we will tie the increase through a loop. And we can complete the new row without adding.

Now we will perform increases in every 3rd loop. And then we knit 1 row without adding anything.

Then we knit 2 more rows without increases. That is, 24 columns.

We fill this pot with filler.

We begin to knit the earth. To do this, you just need to knit an amigurumi ring of 24 stitches. We start in the same way with 6, then add to all loops, then after 1 loop. And we knit 1 row, adding through 2 loops.

We sew a cactus to the resulting part. Then we insert it into the pot and sew it on.

Let's tie it to a cactus. Let's make it yellow. We cast on 7 air loops and perform a connecting stitch in the very first loop. And again we cast on 7 more loops. We place the connecting column in the same place. Repeat 3 more times.

Sew the flower into the center of the cactus shoot.

This is how you can very quickly and easily crochet a pincushion in the shape of a cactus!


Now we will knit a needle bed in the form. It is knitted very simply and quickly, so it does not take much time.

For the pincushion you will need:

  • Yarn “Children's Novelty” is beige and brown, as well as red and green;
  • Hook 1.75 mm;
  • Filler for toys;
  • Needle;
  • Scissors;
  • 2 beads.

We will knit in the round, so first we make a sliding loop. Then we perform 6 sc in a row inside the loop. Pull the tail of the thread and tighten the loop.

Our little piece consists of 6 loops. Next we will knit, increasing their number.

In the 2nd row you need to perform 2 sc in all 6 loops. So let's double their number.

In the 3rd row, in order to knit 6 increases again, we knit 2 sc, skipping 1 loop. That is, in every 2 loops of this row we knit 2 sc.

The detail gets bigger. We knit 2 more rows with additions.

In the 4th row we will increase in the 3rd loop of the row. We knit 2 sc 1 each, and in the 3rd loop 2 sc in a row.

In the 5th row we knit 2 sc in every 4th loop.

The part consists of 30 loops. Now we will lift it up. To do this, we will knit 5 rows of 30 sc in each of them.

Now we need to knit a beige piece using the same pattern. Only the last 5 rows without increases are not knitted.

Let's put the details aside. Let's start knitting the muzzle. Use brown yarn to knit 6 sc into a slip stitch. Tighten it and knit 1 row without changes.

Change the thread to beige and add through the column.

Then 1 row needs to be knitted without adding.

Next there will be an alternation of rows with and without increases. After each additional row, you need to knit 1 row without any additions. We make increments according to the amigurumi principle. That is, we further add after 2, 3. Between them there is 1 row without increments. At the end there are 2 rows without increases instead of 1.

Then we take the beige part and sew it to the brown one. As you sew, you need to fill the part with filler.

Sew on the muzzle.

Photo 6

Let's knit for decoration. We form a sliding loop from the red thread and perform 6 sc again. Next we increase the detail by increments through 1 loop. We knit the next 3 rows with 9 sc.

Decrease after 1 loop. Don't forget about the filler. We decrease in each.

As you know, no house can do without a needle. But, unfortunately, they can easily get lost and pose a danger to others. To prevent such troubles from happening, it is better to acquire a needle bed, and one of your own production. It’s nice when this piece of furniture looks unusual and aesthetically pleasing, delights others, and inspires the owner to new achievements in the field of needlework.

Of course, you can buy a pincushion in a store, but a handmade product will never compare with the purchased product. And the variety of ideas for pincushions is so huge that every needlewoman will be able to choose a model to suit her taste. In addition, this extremely important item of sewing accessories is often made from leftover fabric, lace, a piece of felt or scraps, which does not require any special costs. But the process of creativity and creating a small work of art will bring a lot of pleasure and positive emotions.

The selection of today's material describes various ideas for making needle beds, ranging from the simplest and most basic to more complex and elaborate products.

The master classes and recommendations for creating needle beds presented in the article will make the process simple and accessible even for beginning craftswomen. A thematic selection of photos and a detailed video tutorial will definitely inspire you to create a new masterpiece in the form of a home pincushion.

By the way, this handicraft item is perfect as a gift or present for any representative of the fairer sex.

While sewing, it is very convenient to have a pincushion on hand to prevent the loss of a needle or sewing pins. Pincushions come in a variety of sizes, textures and shapes. It could be a simple pillow, a tied mushroom or cactus, or it could be an elegant hat or a stylish mannequin. In this case, it all depends on the desire, skill and availability of the necessary materials.

Simple DIY needle beds

Perhaps the simplest will be pincushions - pads that are easy to make without any patterns or special tools.

You need a piece of fabric, filler (sintepon, cotton wool) and a needle and thread. But even in such light hand-sewn needle cases, there is room for flight of fancy. By sewing on buttons, beads or beautiful braid, embroidering initials or making a rose from a thin ribbon, you can completely transform the model of a pincushion that seems so simple at first glance.

Here is the simplest example of making a round needle bed:

  • a circle is cut out of cardboard (for the stability of the future pin stand);
  • prepare a piece of fabric larger than a circle of cardboard; slightly tightened with a simple seam along the edge of a circle of fabric;
  • a padding polyester is placed in the fabric, and a cardboard circle is placed on top;
  • Having connected the parts (you can additionally glue the fabric to the cardboard) with stitches by hand, fix the product around the cardboard frame;
  • The pincushion is decorated with beads, beads, and thin braid.

A variation on the theme of a round pincushion will be “pumpkins” or “flowers”.

This model does not require a cardboard circle. Two round parts of the same shape are sewn together, stuffed with soft material and decorated with large stitches. At the end of the work, decorate with improvised means (a beautiful small button, a bright ribbon).

Another interesting and convenient device for a seamstress would be a needle bed with a fixing tape on the arm. This can be a thick thick elastic band or Velcro tape.

Such pincushions can be of different shapes: round, square, heart-shaped or, more complexly, in the shape of an animal, handbag, shoe.

Pincushions made in the shape of ladies' hats look original and elegant. Making them is not difficult at all, and the result will exceed all expectations.

DIY “hat” pincushion

Let's look at a step-by-step master class of an unusual do-it-yourself pincushion “Hat with polka dots”:

  • Prepare a cardboard circle and a circle made of fabric twice as large - these are the future brims of the hat.
  • Carefully fix the fabric on the cardboard circle, making uniform folds.
  • Cut out a second circle of fabric equal in size to the cardboard pattern.
  • We place a small piece of padding polyester inside the fabric and sew it together.
  • We connect two parts (you can sew or glue).
  • We decorate the pincushion hat with a ribbon with a bow and small flowers (you can use beads, seed beads, decorative ribbon bows and artificial small flowers).
  • In 30-60 minutes you get an excellent device for needles and pins.

By changing the color or fabric of the product, you will get a completely new and beautiful masterpiece that you can admire endlessly. If desired, you can create hats of different styles: delicate and aristocratic or modern and sporty. There are actually a lot of options. The main thing in this matter is to show your imagination and realize your plans.

DIY pincushions from a jar

Many needlewomen, when making needle beds, use improvised means such as jars. The jars are chosen whole, small, and, if possible, beautiful. But ordinary small jars of mustard or baby food will also work. The main thing is to skillfully decorate the container and turn it into a “helper for a seamstress.” What is the convenience of such needle beds?

And the fact is that the jar, in addition to a pincushion, also serves as a storage place for small buttons or beads. Thus, the dual purpose of the product is fulfilled: practicality and beautiful appearance.

Let's look at a detailed master class on how to make a pincushion from a jar with your own hands.

You will need a jar with a lid, thick fabric for the pillow, decorative elements (linen ribbon, lace, paper flowers, silk ribbon), synthetic down, glue, cardboard.

  • Wash and dry a jar with a lid of the required size.
  • Prepare a pincushion for decorating the lid.
  • To do this, cut a circle of fabric (twice the diameter of the lid) and a cardboard circle (equal to the diameter of the lid).
  • Put a little padding polyester or padding polyester and a circle of cardboard for a strong fixation (detailed instructions are given in the description of making a round needle bed).
  • Using stitches, firmly tighten and fix the fabric around the cardboard circle, while pressing the padding down.

  • Glue the finished pad to the lid of the jar (you can lightly sand the surface in advance for a tighter fit).
  • Decorate the jar with braid and ribbons using special glue.

To ensure that the jar remains functional, when decorating it, you should not seal the junction with the lid. It is enough to decorate the pad on the lid, for example, with an embroidered patch and matching braid.

If the manufacturer does not pursue such practical goals, the jar can be completely decorated, changing it beyond recognition.

DIY felt pincushions

A very popular material in modern needlework is felt and felt. Soft and pleasant to the touch, easy to sew, felt in crafts looks bright and original. Pincushions were no exception: products in the form of animals, plants, and household items cannot fail to evoke a smile and tenderness among others.

Current models will be cacti, whose needles will visually replace sewing needles and pins. This pincushion looks natural and is very easy to make.

  • First, you need to cut out all the parts of the needle bed from felt.

  • You can make the pattern yourself or use an approximate version, doubling it and printing it on a printer.

Approximate pattern of a do-it-yourself pincushion “Cactus”

  • On finished parts you need to leave seam allowances.
  • Sew all the parts, turn them inside out and fill them with some soft material (foam rubber, cotton wool, remnants of fabric or thread).

  • Connect the parts to obtain a whole product.

  • Decorate the cactus with a felt flower of a bright color, for example, burgundy or red with a button instead of a core, and the pincushion is ready!

Felt is a durable non-woven material with a soft, felt-like structure. It is very easy to work with because its edges do not fray and do not need to be further processed with an overlocker. It bends perfectly, glues, and has no back or face. And crafts made from felt are soft, slightly fleecy and very pleasant to the touch.

That is why felt pincushions have a kind of “homey”, warm atmosphere of perception and create real comfort in the home.

These funny and cute pincushions can be sewn from pieces of felt. By the way, the task is greatly simplified by the fact that now handicraft stores sell felt in small pieces, especially for crafts. And the color range is so diverse that you can easily choose the right shades, mixing and matching “as your heart desires.”

DIY book pincushion

You can also make pincushion books from felt. They turn out to be very roomy and unusual. Well, everyone can decorate and transform such a “book” at their own discretion.

The main thing in such pincushions is to think about what the main frame will be made of and what decorative elements will be used. The book can be either whole or divided into halves, sewn by hand or on a sewing machine. A fundamentally important condition is the presence of soft felt in the middle of the book so that the needles can be easily fixed in the needle bed.

Pincushion books, the endpapers of which are decorated with embroidery, are popular. This unusual solution for a pincushion makes it look like a real mini-book or notebook. The design for embroidery is selected to be small, compact, and ornamented. Most often these are plant and floral motifs. The book is usually held together using silk ribbon. On the inside of the book, felt is either glued or sewn.

Thematic decorative elements used to decorate the “title page” (a pin, miniature scissors or a spool) can be easily purchased at specialized handicraft stores. Such details refresh the craft in their own way, giving it an individual character.

The clasp for a pincushion book can also be made in the form of a loop and a button. There can be two or more pages in such a “book”, depending on the need. They can be made entirely of felt or partially glued onto the base material.

The applique on the pincushion book is a stylish and fashionable decorative element.

If you don’t have felt on hand, you can sew a pincushion of this shape from another material: cotton, cotton or linen.

With this shape of the pincushion, it is convenient to take it with you when you go away or give it to your child for labor lessons. All sharp needles will be securely hidden in a soft book. This is one of the main advantages of such a needle bed; all other models have an open look.

One of the most complex, but also the most attractive, is the mannequin-shaped pincushion. Graceful figures are often made in a romantic, vintage style, which makes them seem even more sophisticated and delightful.

Do-it-yourself pincushion “mannequin”

Such pincushions are made in a full silhouette or on a footstool, using many additional accessories. A beautiful hand-made pincushion, in addition to its direct purpose, will become a real interior decoration. Materials you may need are silk, velvet, corduroy, cotton, flannel, tulle and a variety of stylized accessories.

We continue the story about such small and so necessary pincushions, here is a story about how to make pincushions in the form of a turtle, puppy, and hedgehog. And also - an additional photo gallery of needle beds, part two. First part .

Pincushion turtle

This turtle pincushion has many small parts - they are all numbered in the diagram: 1 - head, (2 parts); 2 - paw, (8 parts, better made from knitwear); 3 and 4 - parts of the shell (non-flowing material); 5 - bottom of the shell; 6 - ponytail (knitwear); 7 - diagram of the arrangement of parts of the shell.

All parts are cut out with a small seam allowance and sewn on the wrong side with a seam over the edge according to the specified pattern. Sew the bottom to the shell, leaving a hole. Turn the resulting form inside out and insert cardboard into it according to the shape of the bottom. Stuff the body with cotton wool and sew up the hole.

On the wrong side, sew the parts of the head and paws from knitwear in pairs. Turn them inside out, stuff them with cotton wool, sew up the holes and sew them to the body.

To decorate the face, place small balls of cotton wool under the cheeks. Sew on eyes from oilcloth or dark beads. Use a pencil to lightly color the turtle's cheeks, draw eyebrows and a mouth.

Without sewing up the neck hole, sew the head to the shell. Make bangs from threads and sew on a tail. You can make a bonnet from felt or cloth. The turtle is ready.

Puppy pincushion with pocket for small items

We sew a cute puppy from two identical parts, first sew a muzzle, eyes, nose onto one of them and connect it to the other - the back part. Turn it inside out and stuff it with filling – pieces of foam rubber, batting or padding polyester.

Sew a bag with sewn paws onto the finished needle bed and pull an elastic band or cord into it.

If you make the ears in the shape of a triangle, you get a kitten. Or you can make a bear, lion cub, tiger cub, etc.

Pincushion hedgehog

The hedgehog pillow looks very cute, the needles of which are sewing needles and pins.

The hedgehog pattern consists of 3 parts: two backs and one belly. First you need to sew 2 back pieces from the wrong side, then attach the belly and sew, leaving a small hole for turning and stuffing. Then turn the pad out, fill it with pieces of foam rubber, padding polyester, batting, etc. Sew on ears consisting of two parts: light and dark, eyes - dark beads.

You can sew a mouse using approximately the same shape, just add a tail and make it gray.