The history, properties and uses of pink topaz. Properties of pink topaz and its effect on humans What is the name of brown topaz

Topaz is a gem that has amazed the eyes of mankind since ancient times. In the Urals, it began to be mined in the 18th century. In those days, he bore the nickname "heavyweight", since the weight of this jewel significantly exceeded stones of similar diameter. He also has other nicknames, such as "diamond of Siberia".

It received this name from local jewelers, which perfectly distinguished its radiance and color from its counterparts. It was also called pazion, tumpaz and golden diamond.

It is not uncommon to find artificial quartz minerals in jewelry stores to this day. Outwardly, they have similarities, but not for those who have ever seen a real pink topaz. The stone itself is a natural mineral of a transparent color with columnar crystals.

Mostly the mineral has no tint, but rarely a pink, yellow or blue tint. Even less often, a jewel shimmers in several colors at the same time. Moreover, during its spread, it has acquired not only many names, but also legends.

Composition and types of stone

The natural gem is composed of aluminum silicate. Has a transparent light with a characteristic glassy tint. It has a high density and is a very hard and heavy mineral. In nature, crystals are formed of huge sizes - their mass reaches several hundred kilograms. One of the largest crystals was found in 1965 in Ukraine. Its weight was over 115 kg. But the largest of the stones belongs to Brazil - about six tons in mass!

The Ural diamond was previously often indistinguishable from other stones. This usually happened if the “Ural diamond” had other shades. This is the reason for its various names. In addition, its origin has grown with the same variety of legends.

According to some legends, the island of Topazios is considered the place of origin of the mineral. However, historical facts in the form of the story of Pliny the Elder refuted this fiction.

The color palette of the mineral has a fairly extensive gradation - many types of yellow, up to brownish-yellow. In addition, there is a pink and blue tint palette. Due to the large number of shades of yellow, there is another version of the origin of the name of the miner.

In the Sanskrit language, the words "heat" and "fire" are denoted by the word "tapas". It is believed that the "Ural diamond" of a rich yellow color, tapas with a wine or pink tint and a blue tint are the most valuable among the minerals of this type. Colorless stones are not so highly valued.

Pink topaz: properties of the stone

The healing properties of this mineral were known even to the most ancient Indian civilization. It was included among the twelve most important gems of the Hindu religion. Moreover, in the ancient writings of Ayurveda, it was described more than once as a stabilizer of the nervous system. It was recommended to be worn by people with sleep disorders and those who suffer from restless dreams.

In folk medicine, the gem is known as a remedy for bleeding and an indispensable attribute for asthmatics. Moreover, it is believed that the composition of the mineral contributes to the overall tone of the body and strengthens the immune system. In ancient times, it was believed that women suffering from infertility must wear a gem in order to give birth to a fetus in their womb. The most powerful stone among others is considered to be topaz with a honey tint.

Modern alternative medicine recommends this gem against energy and mental exhaustion, uses it as a calming catalyst that stabilizes the emotional and nervous background. The stone is even credited with properties that cure dementia. The ancients believed that the sunshine hue of topaz helped heal vision.

The mystical meaning of the stone

In ancient times, the mineral was revered as a sacred symbol of prosperity, loyalty and happiness. To temper the anger of overly emotional people, it was given, it helps to reduce the inner heat. In addition, the honey-golden color of the stone was considered the standard of pleasure and abstraction, contemplation.

It was the predominance of solar shades in the radiance of the mineral that instilled belief in the birth of the universe within a person who wears or contemplates a gem.

The strong magical properties of pink topaz from the Urals include:

  • Strengthening the development of the fifth sense in the perception of a person. As a result of this property, he was known as a stone for sorcerers and sorcerers;
  • The ability to subtly feel the emotions and states of the immaterial world and the human soul. This ability was acquired by the bearer of the gem, which means that he could unobtrusively inspire people with thoughts, control their consciousness;
  • Sharpened sense of perception of the world;
  • Strong energy, applicable in ritual actions;
  • The ambivalence of the possibilities of the stone - it all depends on whose hands it falls into;
  • The presence of the incredible power of a gem, which endows with a sense of a certain sublimity, superiority over others;

In addition to all the above properties, he is also credited with power over the elements. Therefore, sailors always took it on board with them to disperse storms, storms and fogs.

However, there is also a completely opposite opinion, according to which he protects family well-being and the peace of the household.

In purely magical practice, it serves as a talisman against "sidelong glance" and any other negative energies. Yogic practices position topaz as a mediator between a person and the Higher mind.

The possession of such a jewel allows one to connect with God. This property is attributed to him due to the belief that the gem develops mental abilities and gives a person the ability to higher spiritual enlightenment. At the same time, it clears the mind, allows you to choose the right path.

Today esotericism uses it as a talisman of accompanying good luck, a lively mind and prosperity. The most harmonious zodiac sign for a gem is Scorpio. It bestows wisdom on the strong side of humanity, while it brings beauty to the female half of the population.

Varieties of jewelry with pink topaz

Today jewelry stores around the world offer a wide variety of exquisite pieces of jewelry made from ancient gemstones. These are rings with pink topaz, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, wedding tiaras, and much more. However, there are still a lot of hunters to get rich quickly and scammers. But now everything is being done more thoughtfully.

For example, "rauchtopaz" was widely publicized in the press. The duck was thrown quite well. And the lover of luxury, who buys earrings with supposedly pink topaz, received in reality only skillfully decorated quartz. The gimmick was precisely that the name contained "topaz".

Green topaz is one of the few stones that are perhaps the most beautiful and mysterious. For a long time, it was believed that topaz has the ability to improve vision, and not only on a physical level, but also on a psychological level. The people who owned this beautiful stone were given the opportunity to easily find a way out of any, even the most difficult situations. Most of all, this concerns just green topaz.

Features of green topaz

In those days, it was often enough to hear that it was green topaz that could make a person invisible and, in a sense, hide him from prying eyes. Since tsarist times, these stones have served as decoration only for thrones and royal and sultan's crowns, as they have always been one of the most expensive precious stones. The mineral has incredible properties. It has a fairly large number of shades, warm and cold. This stone is truly amazing.

Topaz can have different colors due to the fact that it is nothing more than aluminum silicate. This stone is able to attract wealth and friendship, as well as the gratitude of others. This mineral has a beneficial effect on the development of an optimistic outlook on life. Thanks to him, a serene unlimited enjoyment of life will be able to revive in a person.

This most beautiful stone is able to attract a person's gaze even with one inner deep glow. It is able to evoke wonderful pleasant sensations and some certain associations with wildlife. If we talk about natural natural topaz, then it is worth noting that it is often transparent and colorless. Stones of natural origin have a pale color of all kinds of shades. In order to saturate this stone with color, they began to give it to special heat treatments.

Today, jewelry containing topaz is very popular, since it is one of the most famous among its fellows. Green topaz is perhaps the most expensive and rarest gem that is represented by this species. Very often, a mineral of this particular color is confused with a high-quality emerald, since not only the appearance, but also the price for them is practically the same. If, entering a jewelry store, a person notices a piece of jewelry with green topaz among all the beauty, then he can consider himself lucky.

Both gold and silver are very beautifully combined with such a mineral.

And gold earrings with this wonderful stone and even a silver ring with green topaz will not leave anyone indifferent, let alone leave the owner unnoticed at any gala evening.

Does topaz have magical and healing properties?

Most people to this day believe that topaz can save a person from many diseases. In addition, it is able to attract good luck to its owner, as well as dispel all anxiety, fears and even anger. For your own moral support and just to raise your spirits, experts advise purchasing bracelets and rings with topaz. Through this stone, all its magical properties, and its beauty and singularity will be able to pass to a person.

It is worth remembering that jewelry that contains topaz does not look too flashy and intrusive on the hand. Silver earrings with this beautiful stone, or a chic gold ring will help any lady to feel like a queen of a gala evening. Such decorations are perfectly combined with absolutely any outfit, regardless of the style of the chosen clothes. It all depends only on the complexity of the product and, of course, the size of the stone.

Green topaz is able to attract the views of others, not only having excellent properties and characteristics, but most of all that immediately catches the eye with its luxurious appearance. Such a stone is always distinguished by its softness, naturalness, non-chemical color, which simply perfectly copes with playing in the sun, playfully shimmering in color and touching others.

It is worth remembering that green topaz is pristine and does not contain any smoky notes. If a topaz was offered in a jewelry store, in which the buyer found this very smoky coating, then it should be concluded that such a stone was most likely subjected to processing. This reduces both the overall value and the overall cost of the decoration sufficiently. If a person decides to order a piece of jewelry for himself or his beloved, a piece containing green topaz would be an excellent choice.

How to choose a decoration

It is generally accepted that green topaz is a stone of female beauty. Therefore, every woman is simply obliged to have among the jewelry containing green topaz. If the lady is superstitious enough, then you should carefully read all kinds of descriptions and properties of this stone. You can find out if it suits the zodiac sign, etc. Of course, you should not focus too much on this, but everyone decides for himself.

When buying jewelry with green topaz, remember where these stones were previously used. Feel yourself in that era. Enjoy the old days. Feel like kings and sultans. All eyes will be on the splendor of your appearance.

Previously, people did not even think about using topaz in jewelry. Tools of labor were originally made from it. But times passed, morals changed, and this mineral has become one of the best adornments in jewelry.

Spectral characteristics

The color range of topaz is rich. Any color of this type of mineral is attractive and unique.
Stones of this type come in a variety of tones, as if once a heavenly rainbow suddenly crumbled into billions of small pieces, forming deposits of these wonderful gems. Smoky stone, which has blue, gold, yellow, white, pink, blue or even black hues, has earned respect as a very beautiful and relatively inexpensive precious mineral.
When thinking about topaz, a blue smoky stone immediately appears in the imagination, iridescent and sparkling. Yes, now this mineral is associated with the color of the morning sky. A little earlier, everything was somewhat different. Any yellow stone was certainly considered topaz.
And now a yellow stone is very common in this group, it has shades from bright yellow to deep brown. Minerals of orange color acquire their own hue due to the admixture of chromium. The less chromium, the more yellow the gem, and it is often confused with beryl of the same color.
Transparent topaz is no less common, it is white or colorless. This gem is an aluminosilicate mineral and practically does not contain impurities. These stones are often irradiated to give them a particular hue.

The renowned blue topaz is a very practical stone. Unlike most of its brethren, it does not fade in the sun. The chemical composition of such a gem is aluminum fluorosilicate, which has voids in the crystal lattice. Often, a mineral of this shade is obtained by annealing in quartz sand. Stones of natural blue color have a calmer shade, but artificially colored ones are very shiny and bright.

Also, blue and pink topaz can be obtained from yellow stones through X-ray irradiation or heating. This procedure destroys the structure of the mineral substance, which leads to a change in its color in any direction.

Properties of gems of different shades

Charms with this gem, regardless of the color of the stone, are very beautiful and always effective. Their magical features are simply excellent.
Each blue smoky topaz has a number of properties that are very useful for people who find themselves in a difficult situation or are faced with insoluble difficulties. A stone like this helps you stay optimistic no matter what happens. For a long time the mineral was especially appreciated by seafarers. They believed that a blue gem would help find the shore and ward off the storm.
If we consider the magical characteristics of blue topaz, one should especially highlight their ability to fulfill desires and realize dreams. Surely, the expression "blue dream" appeared precisely in connection with this ability of topaz, which has a blue tint.

Not only blue, but also golden topaz helps its owner achieve what he wants. Topaz, which has a golden sheen, becomes a reliable talisman for those who constantly feel insecure in themselves and their abilities.
The color of purity, white, in topaz becomes a symbol of sincerity and honest intentions. If the stone is also smoky, then this speaks of its ability to become an excellent talisman for those who strive to develop spiritually and never be content with what already exists.

In other words, white stone is a developmental mineral. Other gems keep no less interesting secrets. For example, the opposite color black smoky topaz has very similar characteristics. In fact, black is just a term for dark mineral rocks. Perhaps this is what makes it so similar in properties to a colorless stone.

How to choose the color of a mineral

Possessing one shade or another, the smoky stone also acquires different properties. Such features help to better navigate when choosing. The magical characteristics of a stone depend entirely on its color, and it is not so important whether it is a natural shade or an artificial one.
It has become known that abandoned women tend to choose the golden smoky mineral. They were deprived of love, and a stone of such a warm sunny color will definitely warm in days of adversity and sadness.

A blue-hued mineral seeks to help you achieve your goals. The most important condition that topaz adheres to is the requirement for the goal: it must be light. Its execution should not cause any harm. When purchasing a mineral in order to make a dream come true faster, you need to believe in it. Otherwise, all his magical abilities are lost to such an extent that then even the most gifted magician cannot restore them.
When choosing topaz, you should take into account not only your needs, but also which sign of the zodiac you belong to. A smoky yellow mineral is very favorable to Capricorns. Also, a golden gem is very suitable for the representatives of this sign, but it is contraindicated for Pisces and Cancers. For the latter, it is much more profitable to purchase a talisman with a heavenly hue topaz.
All the magical possibilities of the stone are enhanced if you frame it in a precious setting. The smoky gem looks great in silver, but framed in gold, it becomes several times more powerful.

An important point when choosing a product with this mineral is the attitude towards it. If a person is an adherent and admirer of another gem, and this one acquires from some other motive, then such a purchase will not lead to anything good. Each stone prefers to be loved and believed. Then, regardless of whether it is golden or colorless, blue, pink or green, the mineral will turn all its strengths for the one who needs them so much at the moment.

Pink topaz is the rarest and most expensive in its family. He is the only one equal to the highest level of precious stones. Fabulously handsome, he is also magically powerful. Its purchase is considered a great success.

History and origins

The pink topaz stone in the east has been known for centuries; Europeans only got to know it in the Renaissance.

In its original form, it is not particularly presentable, and they did not know how to process it. He was not interested in jewelers. The boom began when craftsmen cut stones to reveal the splendor of their natural beauty. In Russia, gems were mined in the Urals and were fashionable among the nobility of both capitals. However, the Ural mine dried up.

The procedure for changing the color of the mineral was known, but it was impossible to get pink ones. The case helped.

The families of the Ural artisans were not considered poor: many wives had jewelry with inexpensive smoky, light or milky topaz. An earring with such a stone was accidentally dropped into the Easter dough by the wife of master Volokolamov. The product was found when the Easter cakes were cut. The yellowish stone took on the color of a rose. The master turned out to be savvy and ventured to bake cheap grayish crystals in the oven. Heat-hardened, they changed their hue to a noble pink.

The master became rich, the Volokolamov couple entered the history of jewelry, Russian women of fashion received an inexhaustible source of stones.

The most famous topazes of this color are present in the “Gisella's headdress” (neck decoration).

The Spanish Order of the Golden Fleece, which is an exhibit of the Diamond Fund of Russia, is decorated with five Brazilian stones 3.31 x 2.41 cm in light lilac color.

Physicochemical properties

Pink topaz is an aluminum fluorosilicate.

The shades and color determine the impurities (chromium, titanium, iron), the location of extraction and the depth of occurrence. The closer to the surface, the lighter the crystals.

Often the crystal grows in two directions, creating a two-tone mineral. It can be, for example, red and yellow from different sides. This is the property of museums and private collections.

FormulaAl2 (F, OH) 2
CleavagePerfect by (001)
Density3.49-3.57 g / cm³

Place of extraction

Pink stones are rare in nature, there are only a few of their deposits on the planet.

Only in Russia, at the Kochkarsky mine (South Urals), purple, crimson and pink stones were mined, but it was worked out. Pink specimens are found near the Kamenka and Sanarka rivers, but the main deposits of the mineral are in Transbaikalia.

Brazil (a mine near the city of Ouro Preto) produces crystals called pink topaz.

Four mines near Pakistan. In Volyn (Ukraine), red or gems with a pinkish tint are found.

Varieties and colors

The pink gem comes in several colors. You can evaluate the varieties of topaz from the photo:

  • Imperial (imperial). There is a rich pink color, salmon, lotus, cranberry, raspberry, orange-red, purple. Brazilian is considered classic, but the market offers stones with the imperial tag from Pakistan, Sri Lanka and other countries.

  • Peach. The pure transparent color of the mineral is appreciated by jewelers.

  • Pinkish orange, champagne pink. Cheaper than the first three, but just as effective.

  • Red. The rarest species. It has a high value due to the impossibility of counterfeiting: it becomes cloudy during processing.
  • Misty Rose. Misty pink powdery gem, created by Swarovski jewelers.

Red and pink stones under the imperial brand are especially appreciated.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of rose-colored topaz are mentioned in the oldest medical treatises.

Gems are able to protect against many ailments, they help:

  • calm the nerves, get out of depression, improve sleep;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • not get sick during epidemics;
  • prevent hormonal disruption;
  • improve the reproductive system;
  • improve vision;
  • heal after poisoning;
  • to establish the work of the digestive tract, kidneys, spleen.

However, the stone increases appetite, which should be taken into account by people who are prone to obesity or dieters.

Ayurveda uses pink varieties of gem.

Magical properties

Residents of India are sure that the magical properties of rose-colored topaz can return hope, relieve worries and stress.

  • The main meaning of pink topaz is to feed a dying passion, to make partners mutually attractive.
  • A ring worn before pregnancy will help to become a mother.
  • The ancient Greeks believed that wearing topaz makes men lucky, strong, and wise.
  • The magic of pink stones makes the right people benevolent. But it helps only those who are ready to reach the heights in an honest way.
  • The stone gives calmness, confidence, reconciles those who quarreled.
  • Recommended for people of mental labor.

The owner of pink topaz is always young and attractive, she is not in danger of loneliness or betrayal of her lover. A man who has a talisman is sure that his beloved will not betray him.

The properties of pink topaz give sociability and generosity even to those who are deprived of these qualities from birth.

The magical properties of the stone are enhanced by gold. The ideal talisman is a ring or a ring on the right index finger.

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac

Reddish-pink gemstones can be used by almost all signs of the zodiac.

The gem is especially suitable for Pisces, Aquarius and Leo according to the horoscope.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+++

("+++" - fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

It is better not to combine the mineral of the air element topaz with water stones: together they create unpleasant vibrations.

According to the research of Pavel Globa, due to informational and planetary incompatibility, topaz conflicts with diamond and rock crystal.

Where is used

The only sphere of use of the stone is jewelry.


Almost all pink stones were originally milky, yellowish, gray. The color was acquired after going through the refinement procedure, that is, heat treatment. If the technology is followed, the color will be resistant to ultraviolet radiation, and the stone will be durable.

Refined pink specimens are more expensive than natural blue or blue.

Whether the stone has been ennobled will tell you the color of the topaz: if violet or blue is seen, it means that the gem was processed.

In trade, they are called warm.


Jewelry with pink topaz is presented in two types: with natural stones or refined (heated). Almost the entire assortment of jewelry stores is heated stones.

Natural crystals are enclosed in platinum or gold 750, combined with diamonds, rubies, emeralds.

The heated ones are framed with silver or gold of 585-th test, supplemented with colorless Swarovski crystals, rock crystal, cubic zirconia, semi-precious garnet, rhodolite, chrysolite.


The pink gemstone topaz, like blue or golden yellow, is considered the most valuable among topaz.

The price of a natural pink gem starts at $ 300 per carat.

The most expensive are the imperials. For saturated pink or with a predominance of scarlet shades, they lay out $ 500- $ 3500 per carat.

Silver jewelry cost:

  • ring - $ 30-60;
  • earrings - $ 50-70;
  • bracelet - $ 200-400.

Gold jewelry is three times more expensive.

How to distinguish a fake

The fact that the gem has been ennobled is usually mentioned on the jewelry tag. This is considered an imitation by convention. It is worse when glass is offered instead of a mineral.

You can establish the naturalness of the stone at home:

  • topaz is very hard, only it can scratch quartz;
  • you need to rub the gem on the woolen fabric: if hair sticks to it, it is topaz;
  • heat in the palms: a slight tingling sensation should be felt;
  • the surface of the stone has cracks, other minor flaws; everything is smooth with a fake;
  • a sign of a fake - loudly poisonous colors;
  • stones, unlike glass, take a long time to heat up.

You can expose the gem in the sun for a couple of days. If it turns gray, it means it was natural. The color cannot be restored, so the experiment is considered theoretical.

Any product made of pink topaz without processing is supplied with a certificate, but in order to eliminate doubts, the jewel is taken for analysis to the laboratory.

How to wear and care

Topaz are delicate and require gentle care.

How to wear

A delicate shade makes the gem a feminine attribute. Stones of restrained or cold colors are suitable for men: a tie clip, cufflinks will complement a business suit.

Gold ring with pink topaz

The frame of the jewelry is selected according to the type of appearance:

  • white skin - silver, platinum, white gold;
  • peach skin - pink, red or yellow gold.

Young people will suit the light tones of a stone in silver, mature ladies will be adorned with inserts of a more saturated color in gold.

The products are appropriate for a business, romantic, evening wardrobe.

If you are lucky enough to become the owner of jewelry with pink natural topaz, you need to protect it from ultraviolet radiation.

The stone looks most advantageous in the evening or in artificial light.

How to care

Clean products in warm water and soap or neutral detergent. If necessary, leave in the solution for 20 minutes, then clean (without pressing) with a brush.

The physical properties and characteristics of pink topaz determine the rules for using jewelry with it:

  • jewelry is put on when the hairstyle is done and makeup is applied: from cosmetics, the stone fades;
  • topaz is best worn in the evening, in the sun it fade to the point of discoloration;
  • jewelry is removed at home, especially before household chores: household chemicals can damage the stone.

Store individually wrapped in a soft cloth.

Good time to buy

If the pebble is planned to be used as a decoration and a magical tool, the jewelry is bought on the first or second lunar day. Begin to use in the 15th or 16th.

Natural topaz belongs to the second group of jewelry gemstones. This stone is known to almost everyone firsthand. Correctly crafted topaz is beautiful. He will not leave anyone indifferent. Its trademark is pronounced brilliance, variety of colors and affordability. That is why he is so loved and appreciated.

The name of the stone came to us from Greece. There is an island in the Red Sea called "Topazos", which in Greek means - to seek, or from Sanskrit - fire.

Physicochemical properties of topaz

  • Chemical formula - Al2 (F, OH) 2.
  • Possible impurities Fe3 +, Fe3 +, Ti, Cr, V, etc.
  • Crystals are prismatic, short-columnar.
  • Cleavage is perfect.
  • The system is rhombic.
  • Color in nature - Colorless, golden yellow, pale blue, yellow, yellowish brown, violet red, pink.
  • Transparency - transparent.
  • The shine is glassy.
  • Mohs hardness - 8.
  • Density - 3.49-3.57.
  • Refraction or refraction period - 1.606-1.638.
  • The fracture is conchial.

Topaz color

If you take into account all sorts of options for the color scheme of topaz, the list will be very long. Natural topaz has many natural shades - tea, pinkish, light yellow, bluish, brownish, peach, cognac. Plus, topaz has an excellent property - it is able to acquire rich colors obtained by various types of heating and radiation treatment. I will list the most famous shades of topaz and their brand names.

London blue topaz- dark blue topaz. Sometimes with a slight gray or green color.

Sky blue topaz is a light blue stone that resembles the sky on a clear day. The first two colors on this list are obtained exclusively through heat treatment. Sky blue topaz is also obtained by heating, but a crystal of this color can also be found in nature.

Topaz color " Champagne"(" Champagne ") is also known to many. Soft luminous tone and sophisticated shades radiate natural warmth, tenderness and beauty.

It is considered the most valuable in the world market today. Yellowish-golden, reddish-golden and pink colors, with a rich and fade-resistant tone. This is all Imperial Topaz.

I would also like to note that natural topaz with a red or pink tint is the rarest and most expensive among natural topaz. The price of such a stone can reach 300 - 500 US dollars per one carat of weight. Brownish and yellowish shades are an order of magnitude cheaper, but by no means cheap.

Today on the world market, including in Russia, they offer the widest range of Imperial topaz. A wide range of shapes and sizes. Where did so many high-quality stones come from ?! The fact is that almost all of these topazes have an artificially obtained color. They have nothing to do with the natural color of the imperial topaz. If you take a colorless, natural topaz crystal and bake it in the oven and knead it into a dough, it will take on a pleasant yellow hue. Now imagine modern technology! Everything becomes immediately clear.

And a little more about the brown shade

is not topaz. This name was coined to attract sophisticated amateurs. Just a PR move. Rauchtopaz is nothing more than smoky quartz. any topaz. Thanks to this delusion, many managed to make good money.

There are also colors that are obtained through various types of processing. Green, red, pink, mystic or azotic topaz (containing various iridescent spectra; mystic with predominantly blue, violet and green colors; azotic with red, yellow and golden colors).

Topaz deposits

There are many deposits of this mineral all over the world. Brazil is the main supplier of quality crystals. Topaz also comes to the world market from the following countries: Australia, Afghanistan, China, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Russia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, USA, Zimbabwe and Japan.

Healing properties of topaz

It is believed that topaz helps with nervous disorders, improves sleep, relieves insomnia and nightmares. Topaz is an excellent remedy for diseases of the liver, gallbladder and spleen. Some traditional healers with the help of topaz relieve attacks of bronchial asthma, stop bleeding. There is an opinion that topaz should be worn on the body to prevent colds and increase immunity. In ancient times, topaz was used in the treatment of poor eyesight. The most powerful in their energy are considered to be golden and honey topaz.

The magical properties of topaz

In the countries of the East, a golden stone is considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. It frees one from violent and dangerous passions that give rise to a serene enjoyment of life in a person. Eliminates negative emotions - depression, fears, doubts, anger, hatred. In many countries, amulets are made from topaz that can protect against evil spirits, black witchcraft, the evil eye and damage.

Light blue topaz makes you look optimistically at life, strengthens your intuition. He gives women - beauty, men - wisdom, and together - prosperity, recognition and success.