How to quickly raise the immunity of a child with folk remedies. Vitamins of group B. Cranberries with lemon for immunity are excellent means

From the point of view of the layman, immunity is the body's ability to withstand the onslaught of various infections, bacteria and viruses that surround everyone. To do this, the body has a functioning immune system, in healthy people it allows you to avoid all diseases that a person encounters with pathogens. Children's immunity has a number of features, it differs from an adult's - it is much less developed, and that is why children get sick more often than adults. How to increase the body's resistance and how to raise the immunity of a child will be discussed.

Formation of the immune system

Depending on the age, doctors distinguish several stages. The first period lasts up to 28 weeks of life - newborn babies have practically no protection against infections, it has not yet been formed. Therefore, it is very important to protect your baby from any, even the most common bacteria and viruses. After this period, maternal protection turns on - its own antibodies are not yet produced. The program of resistance inherited from the mother is working. The child is not threatened by those diseases against which his mother has immunity. This is followed by the stage of formation of their own immunity - this period begins from 3 to 6 months. At this time, the protective properties of the body are still quite weak, the child is prone to infection with ARVI viruses and intestinal disorders. It is no coincidence that it is at this age that babies are given basic vaccinations. At the same time, a tendency to food allergies may appear. The third period of development of immunity coincides with 2-3 years of the baby. Contacts with the outside world are expanding significantly, and the immune system is still underdeveloped. Children of this age should be protected from colds. And the last, fourth stage of development is the period of puberty. At this time, a hormonal disruption occurs in the child's body, which can lead to the formation of chronic diseases or to the manifestation of new allergic reactions.

Types of immunity

It is customary to divide immunity into specific and non-specific. The first is formed after vaccination or past diseases and manifests itself only in relation to the pathogen against which the vaccine was delivered. For example, specific immunity appears in a child after being vaccinated against diphtheria, but it does not guarantee protection against hepatitis. The second type of immunity is nonspecific, about the same in all people. It protects the body as a whole from various viruses and infections. When they talk about the need to improve immunity, we are talking about it.

What is meant by reduced immunity

Doctors say that children with weak protective functions of the body differ from healthy ones in several ways. They very often get colds - more than 6 times a year. Moreover, the diseases they endured leave certain consequences - all sorts of complications on other organs, they are characterized by a protracted course of the disease, severe forms of its manifestation, problematic and ineffective treatment. In addition to general weakness and soreness, enlarged lymph nodes, adenoids and tonsils indicate a decrease in the functioning of the immune system. Another sign is the inconsistent work of the immune system, when ordinary food causes rejection - this is how an increased tendency to allergic reactions appears. There are children who are allergic to almost everything: food, medicine, and plants. Such symptoms should definitely alert adults, make them think about how to quickly raise their immunity, and lead to a medical examination. Reduced immunity in medicine is called immunodeficiency, this diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. Increasing the body's resistance on its own with the help of medicines is unacceptable. In deciding how to raise the immunity of a child, it is worth paying attention, first of all, to the most harmless and sparing measures.

What determines the body's defenses

The ability of a child's body to resist various infections depends on many factors. First of all, nutrition is important - children should receive all the necessary elements from food, and for this it is important that the diet contains enough vitamins and trace elements necessary for growth and development. A child's nutritional needs are higher than those of adults. The quality of food depends not only on a sufficient amount of food, but also on its variety - the diet must necessarily contain vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, cereals, dairy products.

Another important factor that matters is the psycho-emotional atmosphere in which the child grows up. It is important in what environment and in what conditions it develops, and not only family relationships play a role, but also the specifics of the environment in kindergarten and in the school team. A child who fully receives the love and care of his parents is considered healthy in all respects. And the last factor is the general condition and development of all internal organs. It has been proven that children with chronic diseases: gastritis, pyelonephritis, intestinal dysbiosis, etc. are more likely than others to weaken the immune system.

What to do

If parents have suspicions that the child has lowered immunity, it is worth undergoing a thorough examination before taking medications. This will help identify and eliminate the reason why the body's defenses are weakened. The necessary medical examination includes a mandatory collection of tests: a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test, a visit to an ENT doctor, an analysis of feces for eggs of worms and dysbiosis, sometimes an ultrasound of all internal organs should be performed. These simple steps will help identify a disease present in the body that requires treatment. Only after the results of the examination are obtained, you need to think about how to raise the child's immunity. It is quite possible that the identification and timely treatment of any disease in itself will raise the body's resistance, and additional measures will not be required.

How to strengthen the immunity of a child. Vitamins

It is not difficult to increase the defenses of a weakened organism. An important factor for the functioning of the defense system is the presence of all the necessary vitamins. The most important in this case are E, C, A, D. Vitamin E is necessary to protect against microbes and tumors, it is found in egg yolk, liver, lettuce, vegetable oils. It can be taken alone in drops. The dosage in each case is determined by the doctor. Vitamin C is extremely important in the presence of colds, it strengthens the teeth and gums. There is a lot of it in rose hips, citrus fruits, currants, tomatoes and peppers. Vitamin B1 is important for the normal functioning of the nervous system, therefore, bran, oatmeal, beans, barley, and nuts are introduced into the child's diet. B2 is essential for skin and eye health and is called the youth-prolonging vitamin. Contained in peas, apples, beans, beef, dairy products. Lack of B6 leads to ear diseases, it is abundant in meat, fish, bran, milk. B9 - folic acid, very useful for anemia. Vitamin D is essential for the formation of the skeleton and teeth; babies are often prescribed it in the form of drops. It is produced in the body under the influence of the sun, from foods it is found in meat, milk and eggs.


For the normal functioning of the immune system, the body must have enough potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iodine. Many trace elements are found in foods such as cabbage, dark berries, prunes, raisins, rye bread, cheese, mushrooms, beans, bran. The lack of iodine can be replenished by eating seafood.


Immunocompromised children should consume more protein foods. Legumes are considered one of the main ones. At least once a week, you need to feed your child with dishes made from beans or peas - they contain a lot of vegetable protein, which is very important for the normal functioning of the immune system.


This name means various natural and plant substances that normalize the vitality of the body. These include ginseng root, eleutherococcus, echinacea, propolis, pollen of some plants, mummy, royal jelly. All of these products are sold in pharmacies in the form of powders, herbs, infusions or tablets. It is better to take them after consulting a specialist in small doses. Despite the plant origin and usefulness for the body, improper intake of them can backfire and lead to health problems. All drugs require careful handling. For immunity, children should strictly follow the dosage prescribed by a doctor.


This group of drugs includes substances that remove all unnecessary from the body. Their use is especially effective when a decrease in immunity affects the digestive system and intestinal diseases. They are sold in the form of powders and tablets at the pharmacy. The most famous are activated carbon, spirulina, elamin, herbal powders and herbal infusions: nettle, calendula, chokeberry. Strengthening the child's immunity with enterosorbents in some cases is gentle and quite effective.


This group includes drugs that increase immunity. Their use is unacceptable without a doctor's prescription - these drugs are prescribed for children only when an examination has been carried out and an immunodeficiency diagnosis has been made. Preparations for immunity for children are divided into several types. This includes a subgroup of interferons: drugs such as "Viferon", "Grippferon", etc. These drugs contain biologically active substances that help to raise the body's resistance. There are drugs called endogenous interferon inducers - they stimulate the production of their own interferons. These include medicines "Cycloferon", "Arbidol" and others. Another subgroup is drugs of bacterial origin. Medicines "Imudon", "Likopid", "IRS-19" and others - these drugs are designed to increase immunity and contain bacteria that do not cause disease and strengthen the body. All medications are prescribed by a doctor during an epidemic of viral diseases, in the off-season, during the routine vaccination of a child. It is also possible to use them for preventive purposes during preparation for kindergarten or school.

Folk remedies

How to raise the immunity of a child using traditional methods? In alternative medicine, vitamin teas with rose hips, decoctions of plants, horsetail, for example, are widely used to strengthen the body's defenses. Herbal teas are very useful during colds or flu; cranberries with lemon, cedar nut oil, and various berries are used for prevention. Recipes for immunity are easy to find in a variety of sources. For example, you can make tea from rowan berries: pour a tablespoon of berries with 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cool. You can drink with honey. You can also brew tea with rose hips or black currant berries. You can crush walnuts with cranberries or dried raspberries, add boiled water and a little sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat, cool, take a tablespoon twice a day. You can store the prepared mixture in a regular jar in the refrigerator. It is good to give cedar oil to children for immunity, a third of a teaspoon 3 times a day for a month - it perfectly strengthens the immune system. If it causes loosening of the stool, the dose should be reduced.

To raise immunity for a child, you can prepare another vitamin mixture - crush walnut kernels, almonds, raisins, lemon peel. Pour squeezed lemon juice over the mixture, add honey. It is insisted for two days in a dark place and given to the child 1-2 tablespoons before meals.

In addition to herbal remedies and herbs, hardening is very useful as a means for immunity for children - fairly frequent ventilation of the room, walks in the fresh air, water procedures, massage and gymnastics.

For nine months, the child was completely protected from all sorts of negative manifestations of the outside world. Developing in the belly of the expectant mother, he received all the vitamins and minerals necessary for growth. Already there, he began to form immunity, taking the genes of his parents as a basis. But then the baby was born, breathed air with his tiny lungs and was instantly attacked by microorganisms, not all of which are harmless. And if in the first hours and days the little one is in a relatively sterile maternity hospital, then later, when the happy mom and dad brought him home, the danger increases significantly. It is absolutely impossible to completely eliminate it, and this is not required, because raising a child in greenhouse conditions means condemning him to inferior development.

A growing body needs stress and relative discomfort in order for it to learn how to deal with them. You just need to make sure that they are beneficial, and not cause disease. Although no one will ever be insured against the latter.

For the first six months of life, the baby, feeding on mother's milk, continues to receive everything that is needed. But already at this time, parents are obliged to take some steps and actions to strengthen the immunity of their child. The room must be kept clean. The toddler should be more in the fresh air. Compulsory daily bathing and special exercise for newborns. Gentle bending of arms and legs, tummy and back massage, heel massage.

The normal routine of the day, when the child does not get too tired and gets enough sleep. All this helps the baby to quickly adapt to external stimuli and enter this rather dangerous world fully armed.

Hardening the child - strengthening the immune system

And now your child is three years old. He is cheerful, active, he has favorite activities and food preferences that do not always correspond to the correct diet. On a walk, he communicates with his peers with pleasure and curiosity, he always strives to pick up something bright from the ground and stroke his neighbor's dog. And it's time to go to kindergarten. It is better to start preparing for this difficult time in advance.

At this age, the list of folk remedies for strengthening children's immunity is not yet very diverse. It is still too early to use various decoctions and tinctures on herbs - after all, the baby's gastrointestinal tract is not yet able to cope with such unusual ingredients. But there are other very effective ways.

  • In the first place is hardening. Just do not immediately shove the child under a cold shower or dip into the hole. You need to start with rubdowns with a damp, slightly cool towel, gradually lowering the temperature and only then proceed to pouring over the legs and the whole body. The main principle of hardening is its consistency and consistency. In this case, the body will not only learn to fight the cold, but also develop the necessary protective mechanisms for some groups of viral diseases such as acute respiratory infections, influenza and tonsillitis.
  • Rinsing the mouth and tongue gymnastics are also very useful. It is necessary to rinse every morning, for example, when brushing your teeth, with cool and slightly salted water. And gymnastics can be done in the form of a game. Arrange a competition who will reach the tongue to the chin. Exercise helps to improve blood flow and sheds congestion from the glands, which are very fond of pathogenic microbes to sit on.
  • And, of course, as much fresh air as possible. Periodically ventilate the apartment, and go out for a walk, not wrapping up too much. On the street, in no case stand in one place. Play, swing, slide, and so on.

How to strengthen your child's immunity before school

Strengthening the child's immunity - hardening the throat

At seven years old, the child needs to be prepared for school. Don't just buy notebooks, textbooks, pencils, pens and take measurements for sewing school uniforms. But once again to strengthen the immune system. In primary education, contacts with other children will be much more numerous than in kindergarten. At recess, when from all classes with shouts and noise run out of late and bored for the lesson children, there is not only a mixture of groups, which will quickly take their places with a call to the next lesson. Everything mixes up. Some of the children coughed or sneezed at one end of the recreation, and after a few seconds the germs had spread all over the nooks and crannies. The ability to pick up an infection increases several times. We must foresee this and take action ahead of time.

Tempering, gymnastics, fresh air - this has not been canceled. But there is an opportunity to strengthen the immune system and other folk remedies. A child at this age already calmly tolerates any types of food, and it is with them that the body receives the most important and necessary nutrients for health. The gastrointestinal tract has strengthened enough to respond correctly to decoctions, tinctures, vitamin compotes, and this is a real storehouse of vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

However, let me start with ice cream. There is not a single child, and perhaps even an adult, who would not love this wonderful delicacy. But few people know that it can be used not only as a dessert or refreshment on a hot summer day, but also as a means of hardening the throat. This should be done without fanaticism, in small portions, otherwise there is a big risk of getting a sore throat instead of strengthening the pharynx.

Fermented milk products must be present in the child's diet. At least once a day you need:

  • a glass of kefir,
  • a few spoons of yogurt,
  • cottage cheese.

They stimulate and have a very positive effect on the digestive system, and it is one of the main builders of immunity.

In general, the menu should include a variety of products. Meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals. This helps balance the body's defense mechanisms across the board. Some parents, who consider themselves modern and advanced, focus on proprietary vitamin complexes and homeopathic remedies purchased at the pharmacy. There are no contraindications to this, and if they really help the child, they are only welcome. But the same necessary substances can be obtained from the use of old, time-tested folk remedies. Moreover, it is also not only useful, but in the overwhelming majority of cases it is very tasty.

Decoctions, tinctures, juices and compotes to boost immunity in children

Folk remedies for raising the immunity of a child - dried fruit compote

On a hot summer day, a child, running on the street with friends, comes home tired, happy and, having washed his hands, runs to the kitchen to drink. This is where the moment arises when, instead of ordinary water, give a pre-prepared compote of fruits and berries, freshly squeezed juice or herbal decoction. They quench thirst several times better, and at the same time deliver a whole bunch of all the most useful things to the growing body.

This is the summer when there is no shortage of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs by definition. But in winter and spring in the garden you will not pick either an apple, or a cherry, or a currant, and herbs in the forest rest under a thick layer of snow. Do not despair. In this difficult, dangerous time with vitamin deficiency, dried fruits and pharmacy herbal preparations will come to the rescue, if you yourself, for one reason or another, could not stock up on them.

It is worth citing a few simple, but very effective recipes for such drinks, which have a beneficial effect on strengthening in children of all ages.

Herbal decoctions and tinctures

  • rosehip infusion, rich in many useful substances, but most of all contains ascorbic acid, which in turn is a very effective agent in the prevention of infectious diseases. There are two ways to cook. Steam a certain amount of berries in a thermos and let it brew for 10 hours. If the taste is too intense, dilute with boiled water. The second method is faster, but it entails some loss of vitamins. 200 grams of berries, whole or chopped, are dipped in a liter of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes and then allowed to brew for 3 hours. Give the child a drink 1-2 times a day, no less than half a glass. Since the drink contains neither honey nor sugar, it is perfectly tolerated even by allergy sufferers.
  • chamomile tea and horsetail decoction are prepared in the same way. A teaspoon of raw materials per glass of boiling water. A very good remedy for colds.
  • aloe juice. In its pure form, drinking it, to put it mildly, is not very pleasant, since it tastes bitter. Therefore, children can prepare a tincture according to the following recipe. Pass through a blender or meat grinder 100 grams of peeled aloe leaves and 500 grams of walnuts. Squeeze the juice of 3 lemons into the resulting mixture and add 300 grams of honey. Take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day about half an hour before meals. It is worth paying attention to the presence of honey, which is not suitable for everyone.

Dried fruit compotes

Dried fruit compotes can be very different. Apple with dried apricots, prunes with peaches, pears with raisins. Or a mix of all of the above fruits. Wash the dried fruit thoroughly, let it sit for 10-20 minutes in water to swell, put it in a saucepan with boiling water and cook for 20 to 30 minutes. Cool and drink. There are more than enough vitamins and microelements in such compotes to stimulate the body to strengthen immunity.

Along with compotes, you can drink freshly squeezed juices: there is no need to spread a lot here - their benefits have been proven for a long time and are known to everyone.

Enhanced folk remedies for raising immunity in children

Strengthening the child's immunity - fish oil

The most famous is the "beloved" fish oil. One of the best immunomodulators, saturated with vitamins A and D and fatty acids. It strengthens not only the immune system, but also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain.

  • Eleutherococcus is a plant that reduces the risk of infectious diseases by 2-3 times. A small side effect - it increases activity, which not all parents like.
  • Mumiyo - a natural mountain resin - is an effective remedy not only for strengthening the immune system, but also against allergies.
  • Echinacea - fights infections and inflammation.

These funds must be used with caution and the main rule must be observed: 1 drop per year of age. You can add it to the same compotes, juices, tea.

All of these aforementioned remedies are good helpers in strengthening the child's immune system. However, the main thing that parents should remember is that children should not grow up in a greenhouse environment. At the first suspicious coughing, it is not necessary to wrap the child in warm blankets, deprive him of walking in the fresh air and stuff him with drugs. It will be much more productive to do physical education, outdoor games, hiking in the forest for mushrooms and berries with your baby. Strengthening the immune system correctly is as important as teaching your child to read, write and have an opinion.

A frequently ill child is a child who has lowered immunity, that is, the body's resistance to disease. Often it is enough just to use folk remedies to make the baby stronger and healthier.

Note! Not all foods that increase immunity can be given to children. Each case must be approached individually, it is better to consult a doctor who knows the peculiarities of your child's health.

Strengthening immunity in children with folk remedies without drugs:

Folk remedy Application Application features
Ginger Mix with lemon, honey, add to tea. After 2 years, in small quantities, it can cause allergies.
Propolis Gargle, rinse your nose, drink. We prepare the solution, apply for 1 - 2 weeks. Beware, there may be allergies.
Mummy Add to sweet teas in small quantities. It is forbidden for an infant, the rest only as prescribed by a pediatrician.
Oats Add to drinks. It is possible for six-month-old babies.
Echinacea Broth with honey or sugar, in small quantities. It is not allowed for children under six years of age, later only after consulting a doctor.
Garlic and onion Add to dishes, just lay out peeled on a silver platter around the children's room. Children often do not like the taste, so we teach them gradually.
Dairy products We eat products bought in the store. Don't forget about homemade yogurt and kefir. We pay attention to the inscriptions with the expiration date and the recommended age of the child.
Lemon Add to tea and dishes. A contraindication is citrus allergy.
Nuts As part of sweets, including honey or fruit. Better ground, as the baby may choke.
Honey Better to use buckwheat or lime varieties, no more than a teaspoon.
Decoctions and fruit drinks Cooking with rose hips, currants, raspberries, blueberries and chamomile. If there is no allergic reaction.
Fruit and vegetable juices Better to make it yourself. Juices are especially useful in winter.

Does fish oil help strengthen the body's immune responses? Of course. But it must be remembered that this supplement has contraindications.

Taking care of your child's health at home, pay attention to nutritional balance. The diet should be less fatty and sweet foods, more dairy. It is especially dangerous to give a small allergic person spices in large quantities.

Strengthening immunity in children by years

The newborn baby is protected from disease by the antibodies of the mother's body.

It is important that the baby is breastfed.

Diseases of the child are activated at certain periods of the formation of the immune system:

  • before reaching 28 days of age;
  • about 3-6 months of life;
  • 2-3 years old;
  • for 6-7 years;
  • in adolescence.

A newborn has a susceptibility to diseases, it is especially dangerous to become infected with a premature baby.

After 3 months, the development of microbes and viruses is hampered by congenital immunoglobulins. But they are still not enough to protect against diseases, especially intestinal diseases.

By the age of one and a half, an allergic reaction to food appears.

It is important in infancy to be vaccinated in a timely manner and to know what to give to a one-year-old baby.

A child at 2 years old or at 3 years old is an independent baby who wants to communicate with everyone that can be dangerous for the child himself, his immune system still cannot cope with viruses on its own.

We offer a treat containing a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins. Mix chopped nuts with raisins and dried apricots, add a spoonful of lemon juice and honey. We give the baby 1 spoon 3 times a day.

Two-year-olds are prepared for kindergarten, where they start to get sick. There are many reasons, including stressful situations. They can be avoided by surrounding your child with attention and love.

Starting from the age of 4 years, children develop diseases that turn into chronic ones; at 6 years and 7 years old, allergic reactions to food and everything that surrounds the child become more frequent.

Do not forget to control the diet and the presence of a sufficient amount of nutrients in it. We also remember about observing the daily routine, about carrying out morning exercises and outdoor games.

The peculiarities of the body of a teenage child, starting from 8 years old, and in some children from 10 years old, are quite a lot. The changes require an increase in the body's defenses.

Immunity has to not only protect against diseases, but also correspond to the restructuring of the whole organism. It is very important at this age to consume a variety of foods containing, first of all, vitamins to strengthen the whole organism.

It is necessary to pay attention to the state of the immune system after antibiotics taken on the recommendation of a doctor.

If an increase in body temperature appears very quickly, then this means that the body is fighting and the immune system is working. Whether you need an immunologist's consultation is up to the pediatrician to decide.

If a child is constantly sick, it is necessary to instill in him good habits:

  • start the day by exercising;
  • to accustom to adherence to the daily routine, to perform hygienic procedures;
  • play outdoor games;
  • more often be in the fresh air;
  • tempered;
  • visit the bathhouse;
  • drink more water, which removes toxins from the body.

Immunologists advise you to pay attention to the following:

  • give children antibiotics as little as possible, only when urgently needed;
  • control nutritional balance;
  • if possible, get vaccinated;
  • take medications and active supplements as directed by a doctor.

Experts believe that the body's resistance to diseases is influenced primarily by the state of the child's nervous system, its resistance to stressful conditions.

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Discussion: 9 comments

    To answer

    The article is really very sensible, the advice is good, I liked the plate with the recipes and their features, it is necessary to take it into service, in a week the school and the kindergarten. While we keep at the expense of probiotics, the immunologist advised to take probiotics in courses several times a year, they support the intestinal microflora well, and therefore immunity. We do not even take courses, but constantly drink them, I make "yogurt" at home using the probiotic ferment Bifidum for children, the children eat every day with pleasure.

    To answer

    Folk remedies are certainly a good method to strengthen the child's immunity, but I also use vitamins - Evalar "Baby Bear Formula" multivitamins ". Vitamins at an affordable price, with no chemistry. Bears can be from 3 years old. They look like gummy bears, which children really like. Soft, delicious. It contains 10 vitamins and minerals + iodine and choline. We took one bear a day for two months. The child feels good, active, with a good appetite. No allergies.

    To answer

    1. I buy these vitamins for my daughter too! she likes it) says that they are tasty and, most importantly, useful. In addition, almost every morning I cook porridge for her, with dried fruits and nuts she eats. Sometimes we add fruit. Very helpful too.

      To answer

    I do not know what a weak immunity is from Internet articles. Than just tried to strengthen it, but traditional medicine gave me only a short-term result. Then in the pharmacy I was advised to drink a course of Esberitox with Echinacea. As if natural, but already effective. I liked it, now I often do not get sick.

    To answer

    Thanks for the article. Of these methods, I will list that we walk regularly in the fresh air, we play outdoor games, we do everything according to the schedule - but all the same, the child was often sick. Ginger, propolis and mumiyo - not right away, since they have a strongly pronounced taste, I would not persuade you to try it for any price. But my child agreed to take vitamins, I buy immuno bears in the form of jelly bears, just to improve health. My child likes it, and I am calm that we are strengthening the immune system.

    To answer

    we drink vitamins Immuno - baby Evalar formula. They are in the form of gummy bears, so you don't have to force the child to eat them, as part of sea buckthorn and rose hips, which is very useful. They really stopped hurting

    To answer

The baby's health must be monitored from the first months. In order to raise the immunity of a newborn child, some parents begin to vigorously patronize the baby or, on the contrary, test all methods to strengthen the body on it. Of course, good health from childhood is a guarantee that a person will be healthy in adulthood, but you should always adhere to the rule: "Do no harm".

About immunity of newborns and infants

Strengthening the immune system in a child under one year old has some specificity, since the immunity at this age in children has not yet fully formed and has a number of distinctive features:

  • In the human immune system, there are ten classes of immunoglobulins - protective antibodies. In children under one year old, only one of them is in an active state - this is immunoglobulin G, which he receives during intrauterine development. The production of all other immunoglobulins is dormant. Until about 6 months, maternal antibodies (immunoglobulins G) are present in the body of the crumbs, after six months their number decreases, since the child begins to form his own specific immunity. For the first three months, the baby's body is protected exclusively by maternal antibodies, and its own immunity is gaining strength only by the year. Because of these features, children under one year old are especially prone to colds and allergies.
  • The child receives maternal antibodies in the last trimester of intrauterine life, therefore, children born prematurely, at 28 - 32 weeks, do not receive them from the mother and after birth are characterized by weakened immunity.

Therefore, before interfering with the infant's immune system, you need to make sure that it really needs support. If a child has had ARVI 3-4 times a year, is not prone to frequent allergies, then you should not take any emergency measures in order to increase immunity.

Doctor Komarovsky advises: video about immunity

What factors affect immunity and its strength? Is it true that during pregnancy the child receives immunity from the mother to many diseases? Is it enough to do a routine blood test to find out the state of the immune system, or do you need some specific tests? These and other questions will be answered by Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky.

Signs of lowered immunity

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Here are some signs that your baby's immune system is weakened:

  • Frequent ARVI (every two months or more), with complications in the form of tonsillitis, otitis media.
  • There is no temperature rise in inflammatory and infectious diseases.
  • Cervical and axillary lymph nodes constantly enlarged in size.
  • Phenomena: diarrhea, constipation, allergic dermatitis, diathesis.
  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness, moodiness, pallor of the skin.
  • Increased susceptibility to allergies.

If the baby has such violations, then the parents should immediately show the child to the pediatrician. You should not rely on vitamins, only with the help of them you will not be able to raise the child's immunity to normal levels.

How to increase and strengthen the child's immunity?

As for how you can raise the immunity of a child immediately after birth and support the baby's defenses during the first year, there are several tips:

  1. Give preference. Even if there is not much milk at first, continue to stimulate lactation. Breastfeed as long as possible, according to the latest WHO recommendations: until 1 year of age, breastfeeding is mandatory, since milk is a source of nutrients and specific antibodies for the baby, and up to 2 years of age - preferably for the purpose of psychological support, which the child continues to need. Today, it is generally known that when breastfeeding, children get sick less often, and this is not only because they are better protected immunologically. A more favorable psychological background (closeness to the mother) in these babies too
    helps to strengthen the immune system.
  2. increase the immunity of an infant. you can start from the first days of life. And in the future, add water procedures. Do not wrap the baby, teach to endure discomfort from a young age. Walk a lot, especially in summer and do gymnastics.
  3. Cleanliness is the key to health. Keep your child clean, toys, dishes and personal hygiene items. >>>
  4. Monitor your baby's nutrition. Be careful when introducing new foods that may cause allergies. Try to provide your child with a complete diet, rich in vitamins and other essential substances, give your baby fresh fruits and vegetables. From 7 to 8 months, the baby should receive fermented milk products, they are important for maintaining the intestinal microflora. >>>
  5. If a child is sick with ARVI, do not abuse medications, especially immunomodulators and antibiotics, do not bring down fever with antipyretics if it is below 38.5 0 C. Most of these drugs are contraindicated in children under 1 year of age or are prescribed in extreme cases only by a doctor. Allow the child's body to cope with common colds on its own. Drink an age-appropriate multivitamin.
  6. Don't give up on vaccinations. Of course, today there are many pros and cons of this method of protecting children from diseases: the harmlessness of artificial immunization has not been fully proven, there is a risk of complications, which stops many parents from vaccinating their babies. But, nevertheless, according to research, vaccinated children really practically do not get sick with these dangerous diseases. And outbreaks of seemingly rare diseases like whooping cough and mumps are still encountered. Therefore, if you live in a city, often communicate with other children, travel to crowded places and plan to attend kindergarten and school, then it is better to adhere to the generally accepted vaccination schedule.

Folk remedies to increase immunity

Here are some drinks and folk remedies that can be given to children under 1 year old in order to increase immunity:

  • Juices: apple juice (rich in vitamin C) and carrot juice (rich in vitamin A).
  • Rosehip decoction: 250 - 300 g of dried or fresh fruits per 2 liters of water, boil for 3 minutes and leave for 3 - 4 hours. The broth can be given to the baby to drink several times a day.
  • Compote of apricots (dried apricots) and raisins: for 500 g of apricots and 1 tablespoon of raisins - 2 liters of water.
  • With herbal teas, you need to be careful because of the likelihood of allergies. Sometimes you can give chamomile tea, it has a good effect on digestion and intestinal microflora, thereby increasing immunity. For children under one year old, it is better to buy ready-made teas for babies, where the composition and dosage are already balanced.
  • Closer to the year, if there is no allergy to honey, you can add half a teaspoon of it to the porridge instead of sugar.
  • Echinacea for children under 1 year old can only be given in the form of a decoction. The collection (roots, leaves or flowers) is sold at the pharmacy, it must be brewed and given according to the instructions. It is advisable to consult a pediatrician before use.
  • Decoctions of herbs (linden blossom, St. John's wort, chamomile) are useful to add to bathing water. Such baths support the body's defenses well.
  • If you have already begun to introduce berries into the child's diet, then the most vitamin of them are: lingonberries, cranberries, black currants, strawberries, raspberries.
  • And, of course, if a nursing mother wants to increase the immunity of her baby and herself, then she herself must eliminate allergens and take vitamins, because breast milk is the main food for babies up to 6 months.

In a healthy family, it will be much easier for the baby to stay strong. Therefore, it is important to take care not only of the immunity of the baby, but also of the whole family. Make it a rule of family physical education: while the baby is still small, take it with you for walks in the park, on the ski slopes, go to the pool. All this will not only strengthen the health of the parents and the child, but will also make your relations in the family more friendly and warm, which cannot but have a positive effect on the general condition of each of you.

Video: 4 best ways to strengthen your child's immunity. Vitamin menu for every day

Note to moms!

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The role of immunity in a child's life is invaluable. Proteins-immunoglobulins, produced by the immune system, protect against diseases that can become a stress factor for an organism that has not yet matured and cause many complications, even a delay in the development of a baby. If the immune system is weakened, then health is under direct threat, and active actions are needed to strengthen the body's defenses - preferably non-drug.


Signs of a weakened immune system

The state of immunodeficiency, which develops gradually, is accompanied by characteristic signs that any observant parent can distinguish. These include:

  • increased fatigue, frequent headaches, pallor, blue circles under the eyes;
  • dull, split hair, brittle nails;
  • sleep disturbances (insomnia or drowsiness);
  • frequent colds and viral diseases (more than 5 times a year). At the same time, during the illness, the child rarely has a fever;
  • painless enlargement of the cervical and axillary lymph nodes;
  • dysbiosis (violation of the stool, bloating);
  • decreased appetite, body weight;
  • food allergies.

If one or more of the listed symptoms is found in a child, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician: perhaps these are signs of a dangerous illness (for example, blood diseases). If the diagnosis is determined, the immune system should be helped with the means approved by the doctor.

Methods for increasing general immunity

The state of the immune system is complex and depends on many "building blocks". It is not enough just to temper the child without providing the body with all the necessary substances, or only to fully feed, neglecting physical activity. In strengthening the immune system, the following are especially important:

  • balanced diet. Together with food, the child should receive the amount of vitamins and minerals appropriate for his age. The diet requires fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, fish, dairy products;
  • compliance with the daily regimen. It is recommended to be in bed for a child already at 21.00. Both too early and late awakenings are not recommended. The optimal time for waking up in the morning is 7.00-8.00. Daytime sleep is shown to preschool children;
  • elimination of foci of chronic infection (timely treatment of carious teeth, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • prevention and treatment of helminthic invasions;
  • elimination of dysbiosis. It is known that the intestine contains a tangible part of the immune system - about a million immunocompetent lymphoid organisms that do not perform their functions in a state of imbalance in the intestinal environment.

An effective means of strengthening the immune system is considered to be hardening - dousing with cold water, wiping with a towel, contrast shower, walking barefoot, visiting the pool. Pediatricians do not recommend starting hardening "in the fresh traces" of the disease, as well as in the cold season - for the development of immunity, at least 2 months of regular procedures are required. Hardening actions should be attended to until the period of autumn-winter colds: in spring or summer, starting with pouring water at room temperature, light gymnastics, walking barefoot on warm sand.


Immunomodulating drugs can strengthen the immune system after a serious illness and surgery. These include:

  • interferons ("Viferon", "Kipferon"), which protect against viral infections;
  • stimulants for the production of natural interferons in the body ("Anaferon", "Arbidol", "Cycloferon");
  • bacterial agents made from neutralized infectious agents (Likopid, Riomunil, IRS-19);
  • herbal preparations ("Immunal", "Bioaron S").
Pediatricians do not recommend starting hardening "in the fresh traces" of the disease, as well as in the cold season - for the development of immunity, at least 2 months of regular procedures are required.

Any immunomodulator is a "heavy artillery" that should be used only in cases where vitamin therapy, hardening, physical activity and other methods of increasing general immunity have failed. Taking immunomodulators is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor; frequent or uncontrolled use of stimulants can cause the opposite effect - depletion of the immune system. In addition, such drugs should not be given to children under the age of 1.5 years.

The basis of some immunomodulatory drugs are extracts from medicinal herbs, berries, fruits and other gifts of nature. Some of them can be eaten without restrictions (these are vegetables, buckwheat, peas, garlic, wheat germ, walnuts), but most are better taken with therapeutic courses (decoctions of nettle, chamomile, rose hips, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, echinacea).

The most effective remedy for enhancing immunity is a decoction of oat grains, they are recommended to water the child in the warm season for a month. Taking the drug can cause some loosening of the stool, so the dose of the decoction should be adjusted depending on the child's individual reaction to drinking.