How to use maternity capital to retire a mother. Is it possible to abandon the direction of the MSC for the formation of the funded part of the pension? Father's funded pension

Maternity capital for the funded part of a mother's pension is an excellent way to ensure a high standard of living for a woman in old age. Each certificate holder has the right to use it by transferring funds to a public or private pension insurance body. What is the legal background of this process and its features, it is worth considering in more detail.

When can I exercise my right to use the capital?

The transfer of funds from the mother capital to the account of the funded part of the pension is possible only after the child reaches 3 years of age. In this case, we mean the baby who gave the right to receive a certificate. You can use either part of the funds or their full size, at the request of the mother.

The option of using mother capital for accumulating a pension is not very popular, despite this it carries a large number of advantages:

  • an increase in monthly pension amounts at the onset of retirement age;
  • the possibility of increasing the amount of maternity capital due to investment income;
  • compensation for the unpaid period of childcare, which is not taken into account when calculating the pension (from 1.5 to 3 years).

It is possible to dispose of funds by increasing the funded part of pension contributions as soon as the child turns three years old. Mom should contact the nearest PF with the list of documents necessary for registration.

In the event that after a few years the holder of the certificate changes her mind and wants to send funds for the acquisition of real estate or for any other purpose established by law, she can write a refusal to transfer funds to the funded part of the pension. In this case, all funds are returned to the certificate account.

There are two types of pension insurance in the Russian Federation: state and non-state. The first is the well-known pension fund. The latter can be opened by various licensed institutions. For example, the well-known Sberbank opened its own NPF.

Despite the choice of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the pension will be formed due to:

  1. insurance or social contributions;
  2. accumulative part;
  3. voluntarily contributed funds.

If we cannot influence the first point, since the deductions are in strictly defined percentages, then the value of the second and third depends only on us. When funds are deposited into the funded part at the expense of the mother capital, it will significantly increase the total amount of the pension. Thus, if a woman wants to ensure herself a comfortable old age, then this method of implementing the certificate should not be neglected.

The funded part of the pension has some disadvantages. Among them, we can note the lack of indexing, i.e. the person will not be insured in the future against the depreciation of money. Despite this, there are significant benefits beyond an increase in the pension itself. So, in the event of a woman's death, her heirs will be able to receive the funded part of her pension.

How to use maternity capital to increase a mother's pension?

The holder of the maternity capital certificate has the right to:

  1. form the funded part of the pension at your own discretion;
  2. choose an organization for transferring funds and their amount.

It is important to understand here that it is possible to benefit from maternal capital only after reaching retirement age, and this requires patience.

Receipt of funds after their transfer to the accounting of the funded part of the pension is possible:

  • for life - the amount is distributed in equal shares for 20 years;
  • urgently - the payment period is reduced to 10 years;
  • lump sum - the amount is paid at a time, taking into account that it will not exceed 5% of the amount of the insurance pension.

You can use the funds by applying to the Pension Fund. Since the laws are periodically modified, it is worthwhile to consult in advance about your rights and the possibilities of using the certificate with a PF specialist.

The owner of the MC certificate can apply to any state branch of the PF with a statement about the disposal of funds. In this case, it does not matter whether the appeal will be transferred to the place of actual residence, since this can be done in any city of the Russian Federation. PF employees have no right to refuse to accept documents and applications.

The application for the disposal of funds, as a rule, contains the following data:

  • about the certificate and its owner;
  • about a child, after the birth of which the right to issue a certificate was obtained;
  • on the legal representative (in the case of using a power of attorney);
  • on the chosen direction of use of funds and their amount;
  • about the absence of restrictions on parental rights.

At the end of the application, the date and signature of the owner of the certificate are put, which are the official confirmation of the request for the use of funds.

Together with the application, you must provide a package of documents:

  1. MK certificate or its duplicate issued in case of loss of the original;
  2. copies and originals of documents confirming the identity of the certificate holder (passport, SNILS);
  3. documents of the authorized person (passport, SNILS), in the case of using a power of attorney.

The owner of the certificate must not be deprived of parental rights. This is very important, since in this case it loses the legal right to use the MK.

You can submit an appeal in three ways:

  1. by visiting the PF in person;
  2. by sending documents by e-mail;
  3. by sending documents by registered mail.

After receiving the documents, the PF employees are given one month to make a decision: to satisfy the request or refuse to execute it.

All residents of the Russian Federation have the right to choose between state and non-state PF. Only desire and individual decision-making play a key role here. The NPF also makes monthly contributions from wages, as well as to the state, while there is the possibility of creating a funded part of the pension. In the case of the intended use of MK, the certificate holder is obliged to:

  • apply to the Pension Fund with an application for the transfer of funds to the NPF;
  • conclude an agreement with NPF.

The right to change the fund remains with the citizen. Thus, for any reason, it will be necessary to change the NPF to a state fund, all accumulated funds are transferred to its accounts.

Refusal to use MC funds for the funded part of the pension

The owner of the certificate can exercise the right to refuse to transfer funds to the funded part of the pension. The conditions for such a refusal are:

  1. choosing a different direction for using funds from the mother capital;
  2. there is no purpose of payments.

Thus, a woman does not lose anything by transferring funds towards a funded pension. As soon as there is a need to return them to the certificate account, it is enough to apply to the PF department, providing reliable information:

  • personal data of the owner of the certificate or his authorized representative;
  • selection of a new direction of funds;
  • the amount of funds being recalled.

Within one week, PF employees check the accuracy of the information, the amount of the refund and the balance of funds. In case of legal approval of the return, the Pension Fund will transfer the money to its accounts no later than 5 days, when using the NPF - 30 days.

An application for a refund to the certificate account can also be canceled, but this must be done no later than seven days from the date of contacting the Pension Fund.

How much will the pension increase after using the mother capital?

Since the transfer of funds from the mother capital to the account of the funded part of pension contributions is carried out at the request of the certificate holder, it is he who regulates the amount of transfers. So, you can transfer both 400 thousand rubles and 100 thousand rubles. The remainder remains on the account of the certificate, it will be possible to spend it for any other purpose established by law.

Thus, the increase in pension will depend only on the amount and the period of its use. For example, if the insurance pension is 10 thousand rubles, while 400 thousand rubles were transferred from the mother capital, taking into account urgent repayment over 10 years, then the amount of the increase will be 40 thousand per year or 3 333 rubles. in one month. The total amount will be slightly more than 13 thousand rubles. This increase seems insignificant at first glance, but it is more than enough to pay for utilities, for example.

Do not forget that the amount of the funded pension can be increased through voluntary contributions. So, it can be ten times more, which guarantees good financial support in old age.

Can a father count on an increase in his pension at the expense of the mother capital?

The official holder of the certificates is a woman, hence the name "maternity capital". Despite this, the law provides for cases when it is received by fathers or adoptive parents. At the same time, they have every right to direct funds from the mother capital to create a funded pension.

The reason for obtaining a certificate not a mother of children may be deprivation of parental rights or death. In this case, the right to receive it is transferred to the legal representative of the children. Note that in practice, such cases are isolated.

Maternity capital is a profitable investment in the mother's future retirement

Considering the above, a small summary can be made. The maternal certificate opens up a good opportunity to ensure a comfortable old age for the mother. Funds can be transferred to a PF chosen by the owner of the certificate personally. You can legally cancel your choice at any time. There are many advantages of transferring funds to accumulate pensions, while the risks are minimal.

Maternity capital can be used in different ways: to buy housing, pay for a loan or education, purchase special means for disabled children and form the funded part of the mother's pension. You can use the funds of the family capital to form a pension in whole or in part. To do this, you need to submit an application to the Pension Fund office and attach documents to it. The money can be directed to both state and private pension funds.

Maternity capital is a measure of state support for families with children. It can be used only for certain needs: improving housing conditions, educating children and forming the funded part of the mother's pension.

The maternity capital for the mother's retirement can be used 3 years after the birth of the child. The procedure for applying the aid received is not limited to the choice of only one method, since the funds can be used in part. For example, a woman has the right to use the funds received for the education of one of the children and the formation of a pension. The proportion of the shares is determined by the parents themselves.

The formation of the funded part of the pension is not popular, but it has obvious advantages:

  • increasing the size of the pension;
  • increasing the amount of the subsidy through investment.

It has been established that at any time before retirement, a woman can withdraw money sent to the Pension Fund and use or pay for educational services.

Where to go

The Pension Fund deals with applications for the use of family capital. Accordingly, you should contact his territorial office. It is determined according to the place of residence, permanent or temporary, confirmed by a stamp in the passport or a separate certificate.

In addition to a personal visit to a specialist, documents can be submitted electronically through a personal account on the Public Services Portal.

Documents for translation

So, the family made a decision to direct funds for the formation of the funded part of the pension. To do this, you need to prepare some documents:

  • statement;
  • original or duplicate of the certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • passport;
  • certificate of registration at the place of temporary residence (if the place of actual residence does not coincide with the registration according to the passport);
  • for a representative: power of attorney and passport.

How to fill out an application

An application for the disposal of maternity capital funds is filled out in the prescribed form. It contains general information about the applicant: full name, including received at birth, passport data, information about the place of residence. The document includes data on the certificate: date of receipt, issuing authority, number.

The application indicates the method of using the funds. In this case, the formation of the funded part of the pension, as well as the amount that should be directed to these needs.

By submitting the application, the woman confirms with her signature that she:

  • was not deprived or limited in parental rights;
  • did not commit a crime against the child;
  • the adoption was not canceled;
  • the child was not selected.

After submitting the application and documents, the specialist issues a receipt to the applicant, which confirms the fact of applying to the Pension Fund, puts the date and his signature on it.

on the transfer of maternity capital to the formation of a pension.

There are four ways to submit an application: in person, by mail, online, or through a representative.

Attention! The term for consideration of the application is one month. After that, a decision is made to satisfy the application or refuse.

If mom changes her mind

If it becomes necessary to send money for other purposes, for example, to pay for housing or an educational institution, a woman can always refuse to send maternity capital to a funded pension.

To do this, you need to contact the department of the Pension Fund and write a statement in which you indicate another direction of use and indicate the amount of funds to be recalled.

Application processing takes a week. After the end of this period, a decision is made.

Note! If the money was in the state pension fund, the withdrawal period will be one working week. For NPFs, it increases to one month.

You can also revoke the revocation statement. But this can only be done within seven days.

Pension methods

There are two pension insurance systems in Russia: state and non-state. Before the onset of the pension, funds are accumulated on the personal account, which will be evenly distributed for a certain period. Such an individual fund is formed from the insurance, accumulative and voluntary parts.

The accumulative component of pension provision is formed at the personal request of the future pensioner. It can increase as a result of participation in the co-financing program, as well as through voluntary contributions, including from family capital. The great advantage of this part is the possibility of its inclusion in the hereditary mass.

Attention! In the period from 2014 to 2019, a moratorium was established on the formation of pension savings for payments from family capital.

Thus, the funded part can only be formed by those who first get a job and during the first five-year labor plan.

Pension options

The law provided for three options for receiving family capital funds after retirement:

  1. Urgent payment. The mother of the child herself determines during what period of time she will receive the funds directed by her and the income acquired from their investment. The minimum period is established by law and is 10 years, the maximum is not limited.
  2. A funded pension that is paid for life every month. The total amount is determined in accordance with the expected period of payment of pension benefits. For this, all the money on the woman's personal account is taken into account, including the mother capital.
  3. Lump sum payment. It is possible only if the funded pension is less than 5% of the insurance pension. In addition, women who, or, state support, can count on it.

Important!"By default" (in the absence of an application), the second option is always applied - a funded pension.

For example, a woman born in 1989 in 2017 wrote a statement about the direction of the capital to form a pension. The amount of funds allocated is 453,026 rubles.

If the age limit for reaching which retirement is associated does not change, then it will be equal to 55 years, as it is now. Consequently, she will be able to receive pension benefits in 2045. Until this date, the funds transferred to the management of the Pension Fund or another non-state fund will be invested and generate income.

The performance of public and private funds is different. For example, in the Pension Fund it is 7.8%, in the NPF Sberbank - 8.4%.

Until the moment of retirement, a woman remains 27 years old. During this time, the amount of savings will be as follows: 453026 rubles. × (1 + 7.8%) 27 years = 3,998,653 rubles.

Thus, if a woman chooses an urgent payment for a period of 10 years, her monthly income will be 33,322 rubles. With an unlimited option - 16661 rubles.

This calculation is for reference information. Pension legislation is constantly changing: the age is increasing, other reforms related to the accumulation of pensions are planned.

Non-state pension fund

Funds allocated by the state as support for families with children can be directed not only to the state, but also to a private pension fund. The most respectable of them belong to the largest corporations: Sberbank, Gazprom and others.

In order to transfer your savings to a non-state pension fund (NPF), you need to conclude an agreement with the NPF and submit an application to the Pension Fund on the transfer of existing savings. The money belonging to the applicant will be transferred within five years after the application is submitted, or the next year, depending on what is indicated in the application.

There are no restrictions on the choice of NPF and the possibility of changing it. The latest amendments determined that when savings are transferred to another NPF, the income received from investments is retained.

Note! NPF can offer more favorable conditions due to successful investments.

Table 1. The difference between the state pension fund and the non-state

State pension fund Non-state pension fund
1. Invests money in stocks, municipal bonds. Disposes at its own discretion.
2. There can be only one management company. Can involve any number of management companies.
3. The client undertakes to comply with the established conditions. When transferring funds, an agreement is concluded that contains the rights and obligations of the parties.
4. In case of inheritance, the funded part is transferred to the legal heirs. The funds are transferred to the person specified in the contract.

The decision on which of the many pension funds to direct their funds should be made only after a detailed study of the conditions of each of them.

For answers to individual questions regarding the direction of maternity capital funds, see the video:

Author: . Higher legal education: North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Justice (St. Petersburg) Experience since 2010. Contract law, consulting on taxation and accounting, representation of interests in government agencies, banks, notaries.
June 24, 2017.

One of the little-used purposes of matkapital is its investment in the mother's future pension. Before deciding on such a step, the family should weigh all the advantages and disadvantages, learn about the translation process and whether this action is reversible.

Since 2006, in connection with the adoption of Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, a federal program of maternity (parental) capital began to operate, the main purpose of which was to ensure a decent life for Russian citizens and support motherhood.

According to the terms of this program, since 2007, residents of the Russian Federation, upon adoption or the birth of a second or subsequent children in a family, have the right to receive a certain payment from federal budgetary funds.

Initially, in 2007, the amount of such payment was set at 250,000 rubles. Every year its size was indexed, and in 2019 it was already 453,026 rubles.

You can use the funds received under the maternity certificate for certain purposes established by law, and subject to some restrictions.

  1. The funds received can be used in the following areas:
    • improvement of living conditions;
    • payment for the future education of children;
    • an increase in the level of pension, in other words, the ability to use fully or only part of the maternity capital for the mother's retirement;
    • providing families with disabled people with the opportunity to create conditions for their introduction into society, the purchase of certain goods and services.
  1. The program establishes a direct prohibition on cashing money using a certificate. Therefore, payments on it are made by transferring non-cash funds to the seller of housing, credit institution, educational institution.
  2. It is possible to spend maternity capital only when the child reaches the age of three. An exception is the case when the funds are used to pay off the parents' loan obligations received during the purchase of housing or improvement of housing conditions.

The law does not establish any restrictions and terms during which certificates must be used, in other words, already received papers can be applied at any time.

Certificates that were not used before 2015 were indexed annually by the state, which made it possible to significantly increase the amount of payments.

2019 benefits and changes

Despite the fact that the disposal of funds in favor of the mother's future pension is not very popular in the Russian Federation, the direction still has its advantages:

  1. The mother's pension, which is issued for old age, is being increased.
  2. There is a likelihood of increasing the pension due to investment income.
  3. There is an opportunity to increase the compensation received for childcare time.
  4. The ability to use funds for other purposes.

The amount of payments under the maternity certificate in 2019 remains unchanged. Federal Law No. 444-FZ of December 19, 2016, which entered into force in January 2018, it was established that the amount will remain the same until at least 2020 - 453,026 rubles. Therefore, it will not be indexed until 2020.

If we take into account the average inflation rate of 10.8%, the amount of capital will be depreciated by about 49,000 rubles per year.

Pension composition

There are several types of pension insurance in Russia:

  • non-state;
  • state.

In this case, the pension of each person consists of the following indicators:

  • there is no guarantee that the amounts will be indexed;
  • there is a possibility of incurring losses.

The advantage of the cumulative part is that it can be inherited. If it is formed at the expense of the mother capital, the heirs in this case can be the father (adoptive parent) of the child, the minor himself.

3. Voluntary part, the amount of which is formed at the expense of individual contributions. According to the law, for each amount of money deposited, the state undertakes to contribute the same of its own. The doubling rule applies only if the total of money deposited per year is 2,000 rubles. Voluntary contributions are allowed to be made by persons whose year of birth is 1966 and later.

If the maternity capital is added to the funded part of the pension, then its size will be significantly increased, and it is already possible to calculate the future amount to be received.

Not all holders of a maternity certificate use funds to increase their pensions and trust this method of investment. The size of the state payment is constantly changing, however, due to its replenishment with maternal capital, this amount can be significantly multiplied.

Funds directed to the funded part of the mother's pension can be withdrawn at any time and used for other purposes. But this must be done before the appointment of pension payments.

The current legislation does not prohibit the registration of maternity capital for the father (adoptive parent) of the child. He can spend targeted funds in the same way as a mother, with the exception of the desire to send them to the formation of his future pension. This is due to the fact that the named program was developed primarily to support women sitting on maternity leave in the period from one and a half to three years of the child - this time is not included in the total insurance experience.

Transfer order

It is important to mention the requirements for individuals who wish to retire capital. After 2015, you can choose to create a funded part if the following conditions are met:

  • the named right is granted to persons who are employed for the first time and within five years of their activity;
  • other citizens had this right only until the beginning of 2016;

It is impossible to receive the funded part of the pension for at least another 2 years, due to the imposed moratorium. ФЗ dated 30.11.2011 No. 360-ФЗ establishes several methods for obtaining capital in pension formation:

  1. Indefinitely, that is, the payment of the pension is made monthly and is calculated based on the expected accrual period.
  2. Urgent pension payment. The pensioner determines its duration independently. In this case, the term can be 10 years or more. The rest of it will be inherited in the general order.
  3. One-time. In other words, the receipt of the entire amount of savings, if they amount to less than 5% of the assigned pension.

Drawing up a statement

To apply for a certificate for a mother's pension, she needs to contact the nearest branch of the Russian Pension Fund (hereinafter referred to as the PFR) with information:

  • at the place of their residence;
  • at the place of their stay, with the attachment of a certificate confirming temporary registration.

List of all submitted documents:

  1. Statement on the use of maternity capital, containing:
    • details of the paper;
    • data of the certificate holder;
    • information about the child, at the birth of which the right to receive an additional payment arose;
    • information about the representative, in case of filing an application with the help of another person;
    • on the chosen method of using funds;
    • the amount that the applicant wishes to use;
    • information that the applicant is not limited in parental rights.
  1. Original and copy of the maternity certificate.
  2. Identity document.
  3. SNILS of the person in whose name the certificate is issued.

Ways of submitting documents:

  1. In person when visiting a branch of the FIU or through a legal representative.
  2. By sending an electronic application on the Internet, for example, through the State Service portal.
  3. By postal direction.

Within 1 month, specialists of the Pension Fund study the application and documents on it, and make:

  1. A positive decision on the transfer of funds.
  2. Decision on refusal, with justification of the reason.

Transfer of finance to a non-state pension fund

The transfer of maternity capital funds is allowed by law:

  • to government agencies;
  • non-state pension funds (hereinafter referred to as NPF);
  • management companies.

To implement this choice, you must:

  1. Visit the FIU and apply for the transfer of funds to the NPF.
  2. Sign an agreement with NPF.

The law allows an unlimited opportunity to change the management company, as well as NPF. At the same time, it should be used no more often than once a year with a refund to the Pension Fund of Russia.

According to Federal Law No. 410-FZ dated 28.12.2013, it is possible to submit two types of applications when transferring from one pension fund to another:

  • an early application, in which the transfer of funds is carried out in the next year from the moment of its writing;
  • urgent, in which the withdrawal of funds is carried out after 5 years from the date of its submission.

If you change your mind about spending capital on retirement

FZ of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ grants certificate holders the right to refuse to dispose of maternity capital for retirement. The main conditions for this are:

  • no cumulative payment has been assigned;
  • there was a different need for the use of capital funds.

The procedure and terms for considering such an application are contained in the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 11, 2016 No. 100. The holder of the certificate must perform the following actions:

  1. Visit the FIU authority and submit an application containing information:
    • about the holder of the certificate or his representative;
    • about a different way of using capital funds;
    • about the amount of the withdrawn amount.
  1. Receive a notification of the transfer of funds to the Pension Fund, or a request for maternity capital from the NPF.

The law provides the opportunity to cancel the application within 7 days from the date of its submission.

The following terms for the transfer of funds are regulated:

  • when transferring NPF - no more than 30 days;
  • when transferring the FIU - no more than 5 banking days.

The transfer of maternity capital to the funded part of the pension is one of the ways to use it. The action is mainly intended to increase the size of the mother's pension payments. Let us remind that the parents receive the right to receive this certificate in the event of the birth (adoption) of a second or subsequent child in the family. To send these funds to the mother's pension, it is necessary to apply to the Pension Fund of Russia with the appropriate application and documents.

Maternity capital for a mother's retirement is one of the legal options for implementing the state program (FZ-256). In accordance with the existing legislation, it is possible to translate MK for these purposes only when the child, with whom the right to MK appeared, is three years old. It is allowed to send to the mother's pension and part of the capital, and it is not necessary to invest all available funds.

Advantages of referring MC to mom's retirement

Today, this method of using MK funds is not very common in our country. But nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to it, because here you can notice undeniable advantages:

  • in old age, the mother will be able to count on an increased pension;
  • as a result of such a transfer, the amount of maternity capital will not stand still, the income from such an investment will increase it;
  • more honest compensation for the time when the mother did not work because of the child's care. So, according to the existing legislation, the insurance period required during the calculation of the mother's pension includes a period not exceeding 1.5 years for each of the children. Accordingly, if there are two children, this is three years. Therefore, if, in fact, the mother was on leave to care for two children for more than three years, such a period will not be taken into account when calculating the insurance experience and will not in any way affect the final amount of pension payments;
  • you can always decide to use MK's money in a different way.

Last year, among women who were retired by that time, the recalculation of pension payments for children was in great demand. In accordance with the new legislation (FZ-400), it became possible for one parent to calculate the time of caring for a child until he was 1.5 years old. This is done in the form of pension points that have already become common, and only if this period has not yet been taken into account by the FIU. Due to the fact that the total number of points (IPC - individual pension coefficient) has a significant impact on the amount of pension transfers. For some people, this turns out to be a significant increase in the pension for children.

Let's take a real one example... The retired citizen Fedorova has two adult children who were born before 1990. She managed to get 636.5 rubles as a supplement for two children. This amount was calculated as follows:

  1. She received 1.8 points for the period of caring for the first baby,
  2. 3.6 points were awarded for the second child.

All this was multiplied by 1.5 years and by 78.58 rubles for each point. As a result, we received 636.5 rubles. However, they can be credited exclusively to the insurance part of the pension.

What needs to be done to transfer MK to mom's pension

Let's take a closer look at how to use maternity capital to retire a mother. If she decided to increase her pension with MK funds, she needs to come to the Pension Fund and write a statement there. You will first need to collect a certain package of documents.

Due to the fact that this method of implementing maternity capital is very long-term, you need to very thoroughly approach the choice of a fund, and decide for yourself whether it will be a state or non-state institution. This is perhaps the most important decision.

If all goes well, the return on investment will significantly increase MK's initial funds. Typically, investment returns are much higher than inflation. Information about the profitability of a particular NPF can always be found on the Internet.

If after some time the owner of the maternity capital wants to redirect it (all or part) together with the profit received to other directions, you need to notify the FIU of your decision. To do this, a written application is sent to the Pension Fund by territorial affiliation, informing about the desire to refuse to send an MC.

Influence of the funded part on the full amount of the pension

Now even very young people are interested in pension reform, so everyone knows that in the Russian Federation, pension insurance is divided into two types:

  1. non-state,
  2. state.

That is why a person's future pension must be summed up from several types of transfers:

  • insurance (it is also called social in another way, it depends on whether a person has managed to accumulate the necessary insurance experience or points),
  • voluntary.

Considering the benefits and risks, you need to understand that the total amount of the future pension directly depends on each of the components available to the pensioner.

The cumulative part of pension contributions differs from the insurance part in that it is paid on the basis of the personal desire of the future pensioner. In addition, its size can increase when:

  1. participation in state co-financing,
  2. transfer of contributions on a voluntary basis, including maternity capital money.

Advantages and disadvantages of a funded pension

So, the funded part can significantly affect the final amount of the pension. But, despite this, do not forget and about the disadvantages:

  1. the state does not guarantee indexation;
  2. from such an investment, you can be at a loss.

A separate allocation would be fair positive points:

  • their owner can manage his savings by himself by choosing any insurer he likes;
  • the pension can be inherited by the legal successor of the owner of the MC (as for the maternity capital, it can be inherited either by the father (native or adopted), or by the child himself)).

Choosing a way to implement maternity capital, many doubt. After all, it is impossible to take money from the funded part according to the law (ФЗ-424). This means that this also applies to MK. In fact, this conclusion is incorrect. In the case of maternity capital, an exception is made.

Note! After the funds of the MC have been directed to the funded part of the pension, they can be redirected to other purposes permitted by law (improvement of housing conditions, purchase of medical equipment for the rehabilitation of disabled people, etc.). But there is one limitation. This must be done before the onset of retirement age.

Rules for using MK for mother's pension payments

Mothers who have received a certificate for maternity capital should know two important rules:

  • First, the right to form a funded pension has been limited since 2015:
  1. Now it can only be used by those people who have just started their labor activity and only during the first five years,
  2. enough time was allotted for other citizens of our country to get acquainted with all possible nuances and make a decision. This could be done until January 1, 2016. Those who have not used this opportunity will no longer be able to form a funded pension.
  • As for maternity capital, now there is no moratorium on the formation of pension savings with the help of it, introduced in 2014-17.

Note! Despite all the assumed calculations, the result of this method of directing MK can be felt only after retirement.

The legislation establishing the procedure for financing transfers from savings deferred until retirement (FZ-360) has provided for several ways to return this money:

  1. As a funded part of the pension throughout life, and the amount of funds provided for issuance each month is calculated based on the insurance period of 20 years (or 240 months). This figure is set at the government level.
  2. As a receipt of an urgent pension (how long it will be paid - the pensioner himself decides, it is possible to issue it, starting from 10 years and more).
  3. As a one-time payment, when all the accumulated money is issued in one amount, if the funded part of the pension turned out to be less than 5% of the amount of insurance payments.

How to send MK to a mother's retirement

As mentioned above, the owner of the certificate is given the right to redirect the MC to a state or non-state PF. But, regardless of the choice, the mother will have to come to the FIU to declare her desire to dispose of the pension funds. The FIU is chosen by territorial affiliation:

  1. by registration - in accordance with the stamp in the passport;
  2. at the location - with the provision of a certificate of registration;
  3. at the place of actual location.

How to draw up a statement correctly

In the statement about the desire to dispose of the funds of the MC, it is imperative to indicate the information:

  • about the issued certificate for mat. capital;
  • about the person to whom he was issued;
  • about a child, at the birth of which the right to this measure of support from the state arose;
  • about the selected representative (if the owner of the MC does not want to draw up paperwork on his own);
  • about the direction that was chosen for the use of funds (in our case, the transfer to the mother's pension);
  • on the amount of funds required for transfer;
  • that the parent is not limited in his rights in relation to the child;
  • the number of drawing up the document;
  • signature of the owner of the certificate or his representative.

Application documents

Together with the application, you will need to prepare the following list of documents:

  1. maternity capital certificate,
  2. passport confirming the identity of the owner of the MK, as well as the place of his registration,
  3. SNILS of the person who received the certificate,
  4. passport and power of attorney for a person representing the interests of the owner of the MC (if necessary).

There are several ways to send an application to the FIU:

  1. bring it in person (or transfer it with the help of a legal representative);
  2. send by mail;
  3. using the Internet.

You have to be prepared to wait a while. The PFR specialists are given a month to consider the application, after which they are obliged to make a decision on:

  • denial of satisfaction (provided together with justification of the reason),
  • satisfying the request.

An example of an increase in pension at the expense of MK

The girl, born in 1980, in 2016 decided to invest MK in a funded pension. In 2016, MK was not indexed, remaining at the same level equal to 453026 rubles.

Today, a woman retires at 55, which means she will become a pensioner in 2035. This means that the 19 years left before retirement, MK will increase through investment.

Consider the simplest option for investing MK in the PFR. Over the past three years, the size of its yield was 7.8%. As a result, by 2035 the following will be accumulated:

453026x (1 + 7.8%) 19 years = 1,887,468 rubles.

  • 15,729 rubles, when it comes to urgent payment, the period of which is 10 years,
  • 7864 rubles, if you mean an indefinite payment.

Note! As can be seen from the calculations, the profitability of the selected company plays the main role in calculating the future pension. But she may also be at a loss, so you need to be careful about the choice of the appropriate institution.


Despite the fact that the transfer of MK towards maternity pension has its own risks, they are not so great. This is a very worthy option that should not be neglected.

2018,. All rights reserved.

Navigating the article

The state is closely monitoring the demographic situation in our country. It is important that the population grows every year. Therefore, a system of material incentives was developed for citizens who give birth to more than one child, in the form. You can use money in different directions, but not everyone knows that a mother can use these funds direct to the formation of the funded part of your future pension.

Basic information about the maternity capital program

The program is designed to support families. A cash allowance is paid for the appearance of a second child in the family. Active since 2007... It was planned to be completed in 2018, but once again everything was carefully reviewed and decided extend until 2021.

The amount of the certificate is 453,026 rubles - You can receive funds only once and only after the second or subsequent child appears in the family.

There are several areas for which you can spend maternity capital:

  1. Investing in mom's retirement.

Few are aware of how to use the funds received to calculate the pension.

Pros and cons of transferring funds to form a pension

Money can be directed to the formation of your future pension, and more specifically, its funded part. But it must be borne in mind that the received amount is not transferred immediately after the appearance of the child, but only after reaching the age of three.

The law provides for the distribution of funds received from maternity capital in different options for calculating pension payments.

There are several advantages to transferring money to mom's retirement:

  • amount of payments by old age, much will increase;
  • the amount of mother capital will grow due to investment income, which is generated from the turnover of funds;
  • Women are not paid insurance premiums during parental leave, so investing in a pension will fully compensate for the loss.

The investment is beneficial for mom, it will help ensure material independence in old age.

The insurance pension in our country consists of two parts.

  1. Insurance. Calculated from seniority, points are added.
  2. Cumulative. Formed from payments based on insurance premiums. Voluntary contributions are encouraged to help increase it.

There is a possibility on your own increase your pension, by transferring funds "capital" to the funded part. There are pluses and minuses everywhere, and in this system. The main disadvantage and frightening off our population from such actions - non-guaranteed indexation of funds... Money from capital may depreciate over time, the pension will remain at a low level.

But you don't need to think only about the bad. There are many advantages to this investment:

  • in case of premature death owner of capital, all saved funds are transferred to heirs, in this case they are only the father and the child;
  • the insurer has the right to dispose of his future pension himself, he can choose the best investment conditions himself.

You should not immediately abandon such investments, you need to think about further actions.

How to get funds from the mother capital after being retired

Another important plus in the transfer of money to the mother's pension. Money can be received in different ways.

  1. Urgent pension payments.
  2. Funded pension.
  3. Lump-sum pension.

The duration of urgent pension payments is assigned by the owner of the certificate... The minimum period for such payments is at least ten years. Paid out of the invested "capital". The calculation includes the funded part of the pension and plus the income from investment of funds.

A funded pension is paid for life every month... The amount depends on the owner of the capital; personal pension savings are additionally added. All information can be found on the website of the Pension Fund of our country.

If the amount of the funded pension on the day of appointment is 5% or less in relation to the entire amount of the old-age insurance pension, then it is provided lump sum payment... Often, such a payment is accrued to people who receive a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner or disability. Sometimes such a payment is assigned to citizens who are unable to assign an old-age pension due to the lack of work experience. Often thirty points are not enough to receive a pension, and such an investment will help compensate for them and solve the problem.

Documents for registration of maternity capital for pension

It is easy to draw up. Basic documents will be required:

  • statement from the owner of the certificate, the form is issued by a standard employee of the local Pension Fund, drawn up at the place of registration or residence;
  • insurance certificate for pension insurance to the owner of the certificate;
  • passport;
  • birth certificate of children.

Sometimes, instead of a mother, relatives can do the decoration. Then they need to certify the application form and it is better to have a notary. The guarantor is provided with a passport, a certificate.

Is it possible to refuse from the invested funds for retirement?

Some are afraid to invest funds from the received "capital" on account of the future pension, in view of the fact that plans will suddenly change, and funds will be needed for other needs. You should not be afraid, the decision of such actions is inconclusive. If something changes in life, funds can be redirected... The main condition for age has not reached retirement age.

To refuse, you will need a statement from the owner of the certificate. Documents are submitted to the Pension Fund. It takes about a week to review. If the request is considered positively, then the money will be returned from five to thirty days.

There are times when the Pension Fund refuses citizens. There are several reasons.

  1. The capital was not used to form the pension.
  2. The application from the owner of the certificate was approved earlier.
  3. At the time of filing the application, the amount indicated is greater than the amount indicated in the fund.
  4. The person has reached retirement age and is already receiving monthly payments.

In other situations, money is returned quickly, on demand.

Can a father use maternity capital for his pension?

There is a note in the legislation that sometimes a certificate. He can use it on all suggestions, except for the formation of a pension... The reason is that such an offer for mothers was made due to the fact that caring for a child 1.5-3 years old, the mother loses her work experience.

In other cases, the father can send money to improve housing, treatment and rehabilitation of a child with a disability, and further full-time education of children.

Possible future pension

Not all citizens know how the pension is calculated. This conclusion is drawn from the fact that they enjoy such a benefit in our country. only 2% of mothers... To roughly imagine what kind of pension awaits a mother, let's look at real life examples:

Victoria A., 1986 year of birth. In 2014, a second daughter appeared, when she was three years old, she decided to direct the "capital" to her future retirement. The amount was 453,000 rubles.

Victoria will retire in 2041. All money will be invested for the entire twenty-four years. Having considered the proposals of non-state funds, I decided to invest my funds in the Sberbank Pension Fund. The annual income will be 8.4%. It remains to calculate the amount that will turn out in the future:

(1+8,4%) 24 x 453026 = 3139470 rubles.

The amount is not the same for everyone. Depends on the wishes of the mother:

  • for indefinite payment (20 years): 3139470/240 = 13,081 rubles. per month.;
  • for urgent, calculated for 10 years, will be: 3139470/120 = 25162 rubles. per month

The size of state pensions is constantly changing, and it is not known at what level it will be in the future. This calculation shows that the cumulative part for the mother will be something like this. In addition to the funded part, insurance payments will go depending on the length of service and other indicators.

How to transfer funds to other funds

The legislation of our state allows you to invest received from maternity capital to Non-State Pension Funds... Also, if after some time the owner of the certificate did not like the foundation for something, it can be changed.

There are a number of rules for replacing a fund

  1. Change the fund is allowed no more than once a year.
  2. It is allowed to transfer funds at any time to the Pension Fund.

To transfer funds, you need to do the following:

  • conclude a pension insurance contract with a selected non-state fund;
  • send a request to transfer to non-state structures to the territorial pension fund;
  • write a statement on the disposal of funds from maternity capital to the pension fund, indicate the direction of expenses in the same place.

If the mother has already signed on the refusal of the services of the state system, then you only need to contact the territorial bodies of the pension fund, write a statement on how it is planned to dispose of the funds further.

There were cases when mom was denied opportunities invest in non-state actors... Officials answered that the money belonged to the state and that the only thing left to do was to wait for the retirement age. The actions of the official are not correct, or the woman did not understand something in the answer.

Lawyers advise first on their own go to the portal of public services and find out if the funded part of the pension is being formed. If it is noted in your personal account that the pension is still being formed, then you need to find out the following:

  1. where are the pension savings at the moment;
  2. what is the amount of pension savings already formed.

The problem in this case most likely arose due to the fact that the application for the transfer of capital to another structure was not submitted. First you need to declare your desire to transfer funds to a non-state fund and then notify the Pension Fund.

It is not profitable for the pension fund to lose its clients, so they often do not explain in detail how to act for citizens in such situations. The money of citizens in the accumulation system is, first of all, money of the people themselves, and only they have the right to dispose of it.

The meaning of investing in a future pension

There is a lot of controversy about whether to plan this far. There are three options for using funds from the received certificate. Lawyers, having worked through all the proposals from the state, note that people with good financial income usually invest in future retirement... It is more profitable for families with an average income to invest in housing or the education of their children. Also, if there are deviations in the child's health, then it is better to take up treatment.

There is still a sense of investing in retirement:

  • After retirement, mom is guaranteed a comfortable old age.
  • The deposit can be formalized as long-term.
  • This is a sure way to protect your health in old age, elderly people often do not have enough money for medicines and surgeries.

Therefore, before making a decision, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. The state provided an opportunity for mom to think about her future, you need to take advantage of this.

Ways to send documents

Today it is not necessary to go to the Pension Fund with the entire package of documents. It often happens that the mother has no one to leave the kids with, or the family lives far from government agencies.

There are different ways of addressing:

  1. visit representatives of the Pension Fund or send their representatives;
  2. use the services of post offices;
  3. send all documents via the Internet, for such transactions the "Gosuslugi" portal is open.

In addition to the application and the certificate, you must attach a child's birth certificate, SNILS, a document certifying the applicant's personal data.

Children and funds invested in future retirement

For many mothers, it immediately arises what will happen to the invested funds in the event of a premature death, will the children be able to receive the savings? There is an article in the legislation indicating that only a father or an adoptive parent can receive funds.

Minor children or children who have reached the age of eighteen can use the mother capital, on one condition that they study in educational institutions on a full-time (full-time) basis. The child's age cannot exceed 23 years... Money can issue before completion of training.

If there are no direct heirs, then the funds are paid according to the general rules established by law.

In order for the father to be able to receive maternity capital due to the death of the mother he needs to provide a number of documents:

  • a document confirming identity and paternity;
  • a certificate from social care that he is not deprived of parental rights;
  • birth certificate of a son or daughter, or an adoption document.

If funds are received for a child, then you must first of all submit certificate from the place of study... There should be a mark that the training is full-time.

The state has done everything possible to make it profitable for parents to have several children. Obtaining maternity capital provides an opportunity for a mother to think not only about the real problems of the family, but also to think about her old age. Therefore, in making a decision, you need to think over everything and not rush to conclusions.