How a man tries to make a woman jealous. What are the goals of a guy making his girlfriend jealous and how to stop these ridiculous antics

Hello dear readers. Today we'll talk about how to make a man jealous. You will find out what prompts a girl to take such a step, why wives need it. Figure out what you don't need to do. Let's analyze the situation of relationships at a distance and when communicating on a social network. You will learn why all attempts to induce jealousy may not work on a man.

When it is necessary to cause jealousy

All people are jealous. However, some can control this feeling, while others cannot. Uncontrolled jealousy is destructive; it does not indicate how much a person loves his partner, but demonstrates his emotional immaturity. A useful feeling is that it allows you to refresh past feelings, nourish love, strengthen the family union, but not destroy it.

Let's consider at what point you can start thinking about such a way of intriguing a man as jealousy:

  • he changes;
  • there is a relationship, but they have ceased to develop;
  • your couple has long ceased to spend a joint vacation;
  • common themes have disappeared, together you are bored;
  • a man doesn't care where you are and what you do.

All of these signs indicate that the partner's feelings have cooled. Indeed, it's time to try to stir them up.

If on the part of the spouse no attempts are made in order to promote the development of relations, it means that he is happy with everything or simply does not want to put in efforts. In such a situation, there are pitfalls that can affect you personally:

  • probably the current situation suits the man, but you do not know how to change something;
  • the husband is capable of replacing you with another woman at any time, who will be less comfortable, but "lively" and interesting, who knows what to do to stir up the man;
  • your family union, probably, can persist, however, most likely, you will degrade, life will completely absorb you. In fact, many couples live this way;
  • if, leaving the walls of the apartment, you go only to relatives - this is a bad symptom. Over time, the spouse will decide that you have become boring, and this will lead to a cooling of feelings.

A guy who is not interested in where his girlfriend is, is absolutely sure that she will not go anywhere. When boredom appears in a relationship, it is a sign that you have ceased to be interesting even to yourself.

If a man has changed, then you need to take into account his polygamy, inherent in nature. Understand that an affair on the side may not indicate something serious. However, in case of repeated cases, a woman should think about why this is happening, perhaps she does not give everything that her husband needs, it's time to reconsider her own behavior, only then try to persuade her husband to jealousy.

A woman tries to make her husband jealous when she wants to feel in demand, loved, to feel that the man is afraid of losing her. In this way, she proves her own worth. When a woman provokes her partner into jealousy, she shows that she is still interesting to other men. This is necessary so that the gentleman understands that she is at a high level and can always leave, since there are many people around who want to be around. When a woman resorts to jealousy, she tries to strengthen the relationship, restore it, and help her partner understand her feelings.

Why is a man not jealous

There are times when a girl makes her man jealous, but he does not react in any way. Why is this happening?

  1. Loss of female personality. A girl who stops developing and becomes a shadow of her man loses interest in the eyes of the chosen one.
  2. Frequent tantrums and whims infuriate a man, which affects the loss of interest in the object of such behavior.
  3. Discontent, constant criticism of a woman disappoints any guy.
  4. When a girl disrespects the interests of her partner, does not respect him, she falls low in his eyes.
  5. When a woman is a pathological jealous woman and takes out her husband's brain, on this basis she only causes the desire to commit adultery, but does not in any way provoke reciprocal feelings.
  6. The neglect of a girl who believes that at home she can look haphazardly affects the fact that the guy eventually stops seeing her as a former beauty.
  7. Total control. When a man lacks free will, he very quickly becomes disappointed in such a relationship and thinks about parting.
  8. Excessive requirements for your partner. A woman should understand that she, in fact, reflects who her man is. If he believes that he needs to change, then he needs to start with himself.

How to make your husband jealous

There are three main factors that will definitely make a man think that a lover has appeared in his wife's life.

  1. Stop talking on the phone when your spouse is around. If someone calls you, and it can be a mom or a friend, take the phone and leave the room or even the apartment. After such a conversation, you can return in high spirits, let your husband think that someone else is making you happy. Be prepared for the fact that soon he will start monitoring your calls and messages.
  2. Diversify your life, let some hobbies appear in it, go to some meetings and events, exhibitions. But do not forget about household chores, about children. Let your husband understand that your life revolves not only around him.
  3. Tune your appearance. The husband will definitely pay attention to the fact that you have changed. And this will make you suspect that this act is due to the appearance of another man.

How to be with a guy

  1. Show him that your communication is fleeting, that you have little interest in his company. Hang out with other guys, but don't flirt. Let the chosen one get nervous.
  2. When communicating with your boyfriend, you can mention a man several times who has done something for you, helped in something. But don't talk too often about other males.
  3. After a weekend apart, don't talk about where you were or what you did. But be sure to mention that they were amazing. Let the guy think about what happened and who you were having fun with.

Causing jealousy on social media

  1. You don't need to be online all the time, sometimes disappear. The young man will think about where you are now and what you are doing.
  2. Set statuses on a love topic, but do not write anything serious. Let the young man ponder whether they relate to him or not.
  3. Display photos with a group of friends and guys on your wall. Let the guy see how bright your life is.
  4. You don't need to immediately respond to his messages.

If a man is far away

When lovers find themselves at a distance from each other - this is a serious test of the strength of their feelings. For some, they become stronger, for others, they go out. Let's look at what methods will be relevant in this situation, in particular, if it is possible to communicate on the Internet using video calls.

  1. Appearance. When a young man sees on his monitor a beautifully dressed, well-groomed girl with hair and makeup, he involuntarily begins to wonder why she looks like that now.
  2. To intrigue a man in a conversation, it is necessary to mention interesting cases at work or school, talk about some colleagues, specific people, especially males.
  3. A little ignore. No need to rush to answer calls or messages from your beau. Let him get a little nervous. This will hurt his pride and force him to take action.
  4. Changeable mood. During a video call, you can abruptly stop maintaining cheerful communication, interrupt it, or pretend that you are reading a message on your phone, then stop the conversation. A man will notice that you have things to do that are more important than him and this will definitely cause jealousy.

My friend Lena had a boyfriend with whom she dated for a little over a year. The girl wanted the young man to appreciate her, said how much he loved, was afraid of losing. However, she did not see it, she did not hear the words about love. It so happened that the gentleman was sent on a business trip. Then the plan was ripe to make him jealous. Lena began to behave with restraint, did not call first and the conversations were quick and without emotion. At some point, she told Igor (the guy's name) that she was kissed by a work colleague, and her feelings for him began to cool down. Of course, Lena took a big risk. Igor's first words were that they needed to part, that the girl had betrayed their feelings. However, after a day of visible reflections, the guy changed his mind, realized that he could lose a loved one. He said that he would forgive everything, and finally admitted that he loved her very much. Upon returning from a business trip, the couple submitted an application to the registry office. Today they have been husband and wife for five years already.

  1. A girl who wants to make a guy jealous should understand that great importance should be given to her own person. There is no need to get hung up on the subject of your adoration, it is better to devote more time to caring for yourself, your appearance, your figure. A young lady who has completely forgotten about herself will become uninteresting in the eyes of the alleged guy, she is unlikely to be able to point out her demand, trying to cause jealousy.
  2. A woman must have secrets. You should not tell your gentleman about everything, it is better to remain a mystery. Then it will be much easier to make the man jealous.
  3. It is necessary to keep your gentleman in constant tone. A young man should always understand that at any moment he can be left without his partner. A woman who completely and completely devotes herself to her man, achieves that he begins to feel like her owner. Such a person will never become jealous, because he is confident in his power over a woman.
  4. If you are seeking to evoke jealousy, try to be different at all times. Let the man think about why his partner is either cheerful, kind, or serious and unapproachable.
  5. Stop telling your boyfriend about every message or call that came to your phone. Let it make him freak out.

How not to behave

  1. It is unacceptable to make eyes at the friends of your chosen one. In such a situation, you will sooner remain at a broken trough than arouse jealous feelings in a guy.
  2. When a woman wants to make her husband jealous, it is unacceptable to use abstinence from intimacy. In such a situation, the man will decide that you refuse, because sex appeared on the side. Jealousy will be there, but it will be destructive. Depending on your husband's temperament, you may also suffer physically.
  3. Make an appointment with your ex to make your current partner jealous. Such an act will be regarded as a real betrayal and parting is inevitable.
  4. To tell your beloved man that a lover has appeared. Even after you admit that it was a joke, it is unlikely that you will be able to restore the former trust.

When a woman does everything to make her beloved jealous, she must take into account a sense of proportion. If you want to keep your partner, let him become a little jealous. If you want to lose him, let him become even more jealous.

Now you know why a woman makes a man jealous. As you can see, the goals of this behavior are different. And such an act is not always correct. Sometimes attempts to provoke a man can end very badly, lead to separation. It is important that a girl who decides on this method does not play too much, does not lose her love.

What is jealousy? Psychology answers this question in the following way: jealousy is a brightly colored emotional experience that is most directly related to the feeling of possessiveness. In most cases, jealousy is provoked by excessive selfishness and a desire to control another person. Scientists believe that not all people are predisposed to adultery, and the most prone to jealousy are subjects who themselves are unfaithful to their soulmates.

Blessed Augustine has a saying that a person who is not jealous of his partner does not love him. However, in reality, these two feelings are rather diametrically opposite than identical in meaning. Jealousy comes from a subconscious fear of losing the chosen one and creates many obstacles that prevent the creation of a normal family with an atmosphere of love and mutual trust in each other. To what disastrous consequences a hypertrophied feeling of possessiveness can lead, you can learn from the classic work of William Shakespeare "Othello and Desdemona".

What if there is jealousy in a relationship? Psychology claims that life with a jealous person usually turns into a real torture, when a spouse, possessed by a sense of possessiveness, makes desperate attempts to control literally every step of his partner. If at the dawn of a relationship, when partners are just getting to know each other, jealousy in certain quantities is permissible, then in an established couple, mistrust can easily

Jealousy in psychology

Jealousy in psychology is a strong emotion inherent in many people who adhere to traditional family values. Some of them believe that a pronounced sense of possessiveness is direct evidence of love, while others consider it extremely negative and destroying the strongest alliances. The closest to the truth will be the statement that jealousy itself does not have a positive or negative vector. The most sensible approach is not to turn a blind eye to the obvious evidence of adultery and at the same time not to harass your partner with constant claims and baseless accusations.

Jealousy is a feeling that can surge spontaneously against the will of the person himself or arise for one of the many reasons that will be discussed in detail below. If you look a little deeper, then a heightened sense of possessiveness appears as a result of the subject's desire to control a number of life processes that do not depend on his will. Strong emotional experiences can infuriate a partner and entail the most unpredictable consequences. Therefore, a couple experiencing trust problems should definitely make an appointment with a competent psychologist, for example, psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Even children and pets are jealous, so possessiveness is not a pathology. It's all about the scale of experiences, and in the case when they poison the existence of others, it is necessary to take measures to get rid of them as soon as possible. Where do adults get the prerequisites for jealousy? Psychologists say that often strong destructive emotions appear in people who have not received attention, love and parental care in childhood.

Interesting fact! According to statistics, couples living in an official marriage are more prone to manifestations of jealousy. The reason for this phenomenon is the feeling of possessiveness, which intensifies immediately after the wedding. One or both partners may sincerely believe that after signing at the registry office they have every right to increased control and alteration of the spouse for themselves.

Why people are jealous of each other: relationship psychology

Why is a man jealous of a woman? Psychology answers this question as follows: in modern society, the main factor provoking the emergence of an unhealthy emotional experience, known as jealousy, is combined with low self-esteem. In addition, there are a number of reasons that can awaken the obsessive fear of losing a partner:

  1. Lack of trust in people around them entails permanent stress associated with the constant expectation of some kind of catch or a blow in the back from the side.
  2. Lack of principles and discrepancy between spoken words and real deeds. A person who is unable to take responsibility for his own actions gets used to shifting the blame for any consequences to others, at the same time making himself dependent on them.
  3. Failure to compromise and take into account the wants, feelings and needs of the partner.
  4. The inability to throw out the accumulated negative emotions on the boss, colleagues or relatives. Therefore, irritability, aggression and unfounded suspicions are directed towards the other half.
  5. Self-defense. There is a well-known statement that attack is the best defense. Thus, jealous people roll up scandals and noisy proceedings in order to divert suspicions from themselves.

Why is a person jealous? people who themselves have an increased propensity for adultery seek to monopolize the partner's personal life and take it under their full control. One of the spouses, prone to bouts of jealousy, subconsciously realizes his desire to go to the left. In this regard, he naturally has a judgment that any person, as soon as he is given the opportunity to change, will gladly use it. In this case, jealousy is the translation of one's own insecurity to the people around.

The feeling of possessiveness, from which jealousy arises, is inherent in one way or another to almost any member of modern society, brought up by a culture of consumption. In some cases, suspicions may not be unfounded and based on real facts or evidence. In addition, the complete absence of fear of losing a partner often indicates an indifferent attitude towards him. In others, the situation becomes pathological, and one of the spouses literally harasses the other, making unfounded claims against him and showing excessive suspicion.

What are the causes of jealousy in men? Psychology claims that one of the main factors in the emergence of feelings of possessiveness in males is the presence of psychological trauma, which originates in adolescence or childhood. A subject who has experienced a strong emotional shock at an early age is often overly focused on an unresolved problem, which makes all his further relationships with the opposite sex very problematic.

There are frequent cases when the cause of male jealousy is various provocations on the part of a woman. Among ladies, a popular method of drawing the spouse's attention exclusively to their own person is veiled flirting with other males. Initially, a woman refers to such antics as innocent entertainment, but they often cause bouts of jealousy on the part of her husband and the breakdown of the family. If a woman believes that light flirting is not a reason for exacerbating a possessive instinct, then a man can interpret it in a completely different way.

Jealousy creates an atmosphere of emotional discomfort in the family, which in the shortest possible time can destroy almost any cell of society. Often, a person develops a sense of possessiveness due to the fact that they are too sensitive to the advice of friends, family and colleagues. For example, the mother constantly repeats to her daughter that her husband needs to be “kept tight-lipped” in order to discourage him from thinking about going to the left.

An entertaining fact! Jealousy - what is it? Psychology claims that, according to the results of a sociological study, jealous men are more prone to addictions such as alcohol than subjects who do not have such a pronounced sense of possessiveness.

Male jealousy and relationship psychology

What are the causes of jealousy in men? Psychology believes that the development of a culture with a predominance of patriarchal sentiments contributed to the strengthening of the possessive instincts in the male half. Thus, the male begins to seriously believe in the model of the relationship "master - slave" only because he considers himself entitled to dispose of the life of the chosen one as a master. Any attempts by the girl to show independence and independent behavior are regarded by him as an encroachment on her property.

If women are characterized by jealousy as a subconscious fear of being left without the protection of a strong patron, then men are afraid of losing their soul mate and spending the rest of their lives alone. For example, a spouse harasses his wife, fearing not finding a replacement for her due to age, insufficient material well-being, or an inferiority complex. with a girl 10 or more years younger than themselves, often feel jealous of her peers of the opposite sex. The way out of this situation is to jointly search for compromises and establish trusting relationships.

If a man is fed up with female jealousy, psychologists recommend that he focus on creating as few reasons as possible for suspicion of adultery. You need to emphasize the strengths of your soulmate, make compliments to her, delight her with pleasant surprises and explain that she is the one and only. It is worth leaving in the past the fear of losing a loved one, because fear is a destructive feeling, on the foundation of which it is impossible to build a strong family.

Causes of jealousy in women: relationship psychology

As for the reasons for jealousy in men, psychology gives clear and unambiguous answers, while with women things are more complicated. If most men cannot survive the fact of physical betrayal, then spiritual betrayal looks much worse for women. A fleeting infatuation with another passion or even casual sexual contact due to alcohol being drunk at a party does not touch a woman's nature as much as the sight of a spouse admiring another lady. Other common causes of female jealousy in psychology are:

  1. A developed fantasy that imagines various scenes of adultery, not based on real facts.
  2. An inferiority complex, when a woman constantly compares herself with others, looking for new flaws in herself. Therefore, many wives are jealous of their husbands for former passions, harassing them with constant questions like "what was there in her that is not in me?"

A tendency to dramatize events and excessive excitement. b their husbands because of the habit of protecting them from potential troubles, which include meeting a new passion. Since the hypertrophied sense of ownership in girls is often rooted in early childhood, it is necessary to concentrate on finding the causes of the formed phobia and eradicate them independently or with the help of a competent specialist.

Interesting fact! Lydia Smirnova, the star of the Soviet films "In the Name of the Revolution", "Welcome or No Unauthorized Entry" and "Carnival", once shared her opinion about marital jealousy with journalists. According to the actress, initially she was very worried about jealousy on the part of her husband, until she herself cheated on him. Psychologists do not recommend resorting to such radical measures, and before taking any specific steps, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Jealousy: What To Do?

What if a man is jealous? Psychology answers this question in the following way: first of all, it is necessary to carry out thorough work on the elimination of such feelings as fear, resentment and aggression, since they have a destructive nature. As practice shows, if a person's life is going well, he does not suffer from hypertrophied jealousy. And on the contrary: a subject who has not achieved success and is accustomed to passing blame and responsibility onto others is distinguished by an increased predisposition to the development and cultivation of a sense of possessiveness.

If there is a woman's jealousy in a relationship, psychologists recommend first of all to firmly understand the fact that love implies caring and striving to improve the quality of life of the object of adoration. Violence and excessive selfishness are inappropriate in two people who love and respect each other. Suspiciousness about a partner violates the boundaries of comfort and introduces him into a state of permanent stress, from which it is very difficult to get out. In order to get rid of the pathological feeling of possessiveness, the following recommendations should be adopted:

  1. Minimize communication with former lovers or spouses.
  2. Praise your chosen one more often and emphasize in conversation the strengths of his appearance and character.
  3. It is important to keep yourself in good physical shape. Advice for girls: pay more attention to your own health and beauty than useless reproaches towards your husband.
  4. It is worth respecting the personal space of another person, and not arranging periodic checks of the phone for sms messages and other compromising content.

When a spouse is plagued by suspicions of adultery, the wife should at least temporarily begin to dress less defiantly and flashy. It is also worth minimizing contact with members of the opposite sex and organizing a joint visit to a psychologist with a good reputation. An excellently proven specialist is Nikita Valerievich Baturin, a hypnologist, a practicing psychologist and a consultant for getting rid of neuroses and phobias.

Nikita Valerievich is the author of effective methods for overcoming fears, on which the feeling of jealousy is based. Therefore, a couple who wants to improve relations and return lost trust in them should definitely ask them the accumulated questions and get professional support. To do this, you can sign up for an online consultation or contact directly through the VKontakte social network. Nikita Baturin runs his own channel on YouTube video hosting. For example, in this video, the author talks about effective ways to get rid of anxiety and fears necessary to establish trusting relationships within the family:

Jealousy is a powerful feeling that is nearly impossible to control. A person in a state of jealousy is simply not able to think adequately. He does everything to bring his beloved partner back. He tries to please him, constantly follows him, worries, finds out. Girls usually like this behavior on the part of guys, it flatters their pride. Now the guys are encouraged to do the same: make the girls jealous so that they fall in love with them.

Male site site does not attribute jealousy exclusively to a negative phenomenon. Many talk about how jealousy can even strengthen relationships. It is important to understand in which girls you can evoke this feeling in order to further strengthen the relationship. You should also know how to do it.

Who can be jealous of?

There are often those cases when people deliberately make each other jealous. It seems that society has a negative attitude to this feeling, but for some reason people begin to use it in order to somehow feel love for themselves. "Jealous means he loves" - and it's true! But when jealousy is deliberately provoked, it can lead to dire consequences.

Who should be jealous of? In front of whom can you "fill your own price" just due to the fact that you have a lot of fans? Only in front of the girl who is ready to be jealous and run after you. This category also includes people who constantly need to cause jealousy, otherwise they will not love.

Surprisingly, there are girls who cannot live without jealousy. They show their love only in this way. If they are jealous, they feel alive. If they are ignored, energy immediately awakens in them. Idyll and harmony in relationships is destructive for such people. Does this surprise you? You need to accept this as a fact that many are faced with. And if you like to cause jealousy in others, then you need just such partners who, although they suffer, but still do not feel alive without jealousy.

However, there is another category of girls who absolutely do not want to waste their time and energy on jealousy. If you are "filling yourself up" in front of them, they will interpret it negatively. They do not need such emotions, so they are looking for loyal and "non-social" guys. This is what people who have a negative view of jealousy usually talk about. They understand the essence of love differently, so they perceive jealousy as a destructive feeling that kills their deep and strong relationship with their loved ones.

Understand this if the one with whom you want to build a relationship falls into a different category. Don't ruin the relationship if your actions don't give you the results you want. Be careful, because it is not at first glance that you can understand with which partner you are building a relationship. There are girls who like to be jealous, although they themselves do not admit it. There are people who really lose their love through jealousy of their partners. First, study your beloved partner, and then evoke in her those emotions that fuel her love. And if you see positive results, know that you are doing the right thing.

When can you start a strategy to make a girl jealous? In the following situations:

  1. She flirts with other guys herself, making you jealous.
  2. She suddenly lost interest in the guy.
  3. She perceives the guy as a friend, not as a sexy man.
  4. There is a desire to strengthen the feelings of the partner with whom the guy has been dating for a long time.

If such situations suddenly arise, then you should not wait. Jealousy can play a good role in the desire to evoke love feelings in a girl. However, do not forget that all girls are different. And if, causing jealousy, you are faced with other emotions on her part, then this venture should be postponed.

How to make a girl jealous?

If you understand that you can make a girl jealous, thereby making her fall in love with you, then take action. There are several ways to do this:

  • Disappear from her life.

This method is good in a situation where a guy has been running after a girl for a long time, but she did not reciprocate, or she herself constantly made him jealous. As they say, you need to take revenge on her a little and show that you are good-looking too. Here it is necessary to adhere to the following algorithm of actions.

First, you disappear from the girl's life. You constantly ran after her, were in her sight, and then it became somehow quiet. She calls you, but you do not answer. She writes to you, but you are silent. Try not to even catch her eye. Let her be alone with her thoughts and guesses where you disappeared.

What to do with yourself at this time? While the girl is trying to contact you, do not waste time. Start making yourself better. Tidy up your appearance: pump up, change wardrobe, get a new hairstyle, lose weight or gain weight. Engage in personal growth: develop qualities that are attractive to women (courage, arrogance, etc.). If you have any problems with your studies, solve them. If there were problems with the work, then fix them.

Depending on how long you talked with the girl, the duration of your disappearance increases: the longer you talked, the more you don't see each other. And then suddenly show up. Be kind, but don't talk about yourself. Be a little cryptic, incomprehensible. Do not finish so that the girl has more and more questions about where you were, what happened to you, why you disappeared, etc.

Then you need to show yourself in practice. Invite the girl to a place where you can meet common friends and other girls. While she's gone, you must meet strangers. And when the girl comes to the meeting place, she should see you with other beauties. At first, do not pay attention to her, but only eventually approach her.

Let the girl feel what it is like to be in the background, wait for her to pay attention, get the love of a guy, etc.

When you start hanging out with the one you want to make jealous, start acting like a sexual partner. Don't interact with her like friends. Flirt with her, but don't show love.

Why look for a comfortable situation to arouse jealousy? Around there are a lot of girls with whom you can just talk nicely, smile, hug lightly - and this will already cause jealousy in your beloved. Any attention you give to other young ladies will create jealousy and resentment within your partner. And you can flirt with anyone, because you are not going to date them, so you don't really need to choose.

  • Tell us about a friend you know.

When communicating with a girl, sharing news or telling some stories, just casually tell about some acquaintance. It is better to talk about either one girl or many (choose only one direction). Tell as many stories as possible about how you walked and had fun with this friend. Make it clear to your girlfriend that this acquaintance likes you and that you can have a relationship if you suddenly quarrel.

Who needs jealousy?

To call a girl or not is the business of every reader. The guy just needs to understand that jealousy does not always give the results that he expects to get. Girls are different, as are their reactions to guys flirting with other girls. The more reckless a girl is, the more she is prone to various scenes of jealousy. However, there are calm young ladies who build relationships only on loyalty and tranquility.

Here you can apply the following principle: if the girl herself does not make you jealous, does not flirt with guys and does not start about what she can change, then it is better not to resort to situations that will make her jealous. She does not see this feeling in her relationship, which, most likely, refers to as a betrayal.

If a girl herself flirts with guys, has many friends among guys, communicates with exes, does not understand your jealousy and tells stories about how jealous she was, then you should evoke a similar feeling in her. She is ready to be jealous, just, perhaps, no one has yet made her jealous. If you make her jealous of you, then perhaps she will love you very much.


Some people believe that jealousy is a sign of love. Other people build relationships on different ideas and emotions. You should first figure out what kind of girl you are building a relationship with, and then cause her the appropriate experiences. If you choose the right approach, you can drive a girl so crazy that she can think of no one else but you.

Jealousy can be both destructive and constructive. The main thing is to find the right application for it and call it in the person who is able to love because he is jealous of his partner.

Anything can happen in life, and sooner or later most girls are faced with the desire to bring their man to jealousy.

And most often the reason for this is his growing indifference to his lady or his excessive confidence that she will never leave him, because either he considers himself so cool, or he considers her not good enough for others. Or just got used to it.

In the article "" I already wrote that jealousy is ... well ... normal) And I promised to tell one day how to make my man jealous and whether it is worth doing it at all. Let's get started!

Should you make your man jealous?

Or is this business dangerous and may lead to a break in relations?

Again, I remind you that people are different. There are jealous, there are not jealous. There are stupid, there are wise. There are aggressive, there are adequate. There are suspicious, there are normal. And depending on what kind of person is next to you, and on how exactly you will cause jealousy, your relationship can either deteriorate further, or remain at the same level, or strengthen.

A man may not be jealous of you for many reasons. Yes, it may be purely his non-jealous nature, yes, it may be your almost ideal relationship, where everything seems to go delightfully without jealousy - so much you trust each other, etc. etc.

And it was not in vain that at the beginning of this article I brought the most common reasons for not being jealous from the side of the man. And among them - I repeat:

  • excessive "settledness" of relations, i.e. when everything is already so familiar, commonplace and not new that jealousy has nowhere to come from;
  • excessive self-confidence of a man that he is inimitable, and that he is the best (or even the only possible) party for a girl. It's a little humiliating, right? But it is girls who give their men the conviction of their exclusivity.
  • firm belief that the girl will not go anywhere: such confidence is also caused by female behavior. Okay, if a man just knows that the girl is very loyal and decent, but most often this confidence is the result of the behavior described in the article ""

You can see that all of these reasons are not very good for a relationship, because they lead to cooling of feelings, emotions and boredom in the relationship.

Therefore, sometimes you need to cause jealousy (I repeat, if you know that this motivates your man, and does not spoil your relationship). And since I am fortunate enough to understand how male psychology works, I will explain why you need to induce jealousy from time to time.

Why make a man jealous?

Making a man jealous is one way to make a man feel emotional. When a man experiences emotions next to you, the relationship does not become boring and does not bore him.

You've probably already noticed that I cite this motive in many places: make sure that your relationship does not become boring either for you or for a man, causing him to emotion.

For example, in the article "" you can see that practically in each of the reasons this problem is present in one way or another: the cooling of emotions in some part of the relationship.

And it's not just men who have this problem - we often get bored too. But the truth is that girls endure constant peace, serenity and predictability in relationships much better and more willingly than most men.

But now is the important moment! In no case do I propose to arrange amateur scandals, to behave "suddenly" and unpredictably and constantly play on a man's nerves, as many women who supposedly understand this advise.

This pattern of behavior certainly gives some fruit for the first time, but! What do we want with you? So that men feel good next to us, so that they never have the thought: "God, wouldn’t I have enough to endure this nutty and can better find a normal girl?"

Therefore, as I always say, you need to act very competently. Thus, it is necessary to evoke your man's emotions, but not every day, but periodically, competently and correctly, effectively and accurately, because wrong actions can lead to undesirable consequences for your relationship.

When a girl decides to make a man jealous, she can overdo it or "not do it enough", do everything wrong - in general, screw up and ruin everything.

Therefore, an extremely important question is not only "Do I need to make him jealous", but also "How right make your boyfriend / husband / man jealous? " - and we analyze this issue in

Jealousy is a dangerous weapon in inept hands; if a woman resorts to it too often, the whole effect disappears, if you do not use it at all, the relationship can become boring and insipid.

The truth is that all people are jealous, while they realize it, or not, is a completely different question. But women can quite deliberately cause jealousy of the man they like in order to get what they need.

Of course, it looks like an unpleasant manipulation, but everyone knows the phrase "In love, as in war, all means are good." And jealousy is just the same bizarre mixture of love and "war" in a relationship.

Nothing binds you like jealousy.
André Maurois. Prometheus, or the Life of Balzac

When does jealousy help?

Jealousy is a very powerful tool that can greatly affect a person, so let's be humane and don't destroy a person's life with our own hands.

The essence of "good" jealousy is to use it for good purposes, to help relationships, and not destroy them, but at the same time and shatter the psyche of a loved one.

Below are examples of situations when it is desirable to use jealousy and when not.

When you SHOULD create jealousy

  • When a couple is in a relationship and the woman feels neglected. In this case, jealousy will serve as a life-giving elixir for relationships and will refresh the feelings and emotions that were gone.
  • When a man and a woman generally sympathize with each other, but the status of their relationship is still not clear, or the relationship is developing too slowly. Jealousy will push the young man to take action, consciously, or obeying the "hunter" instinct.

When you CANNOT cause jealousy

  • If a girl broke up with a guy, but at the same time flirts with his best friend or colleague, hoping to cause jealousy and return him.

    Here, a woman uses jealousy to induce guilt, thereby, as it were, punishing the man. This is bad for him and for her.

    While a woman is overwhelmed by a feeling of anger and resentment, she cannot think soberly, and when the first emotional tension subsides, she will greatly regret what she did. So keep in mind that deliberately provoking jealousy in exes is not a good idea.

Why is it sometimes just necessary to make a man jealous?

A man never, even to himself, admits that he is jealous.

If a girl likes a man, but she is not sure of his reciprocal sympathy, then jealousy can serve as a catalyst for both, revealing true feelings for each other.

Also, jealousy can spice up a dying relationship, returning them to their previous channel, safely avoiding a painful parting.

Techniques that will make a man jealous

Making a man jealous is sometimes so simple: they get jealous when a girl looks stunning and does not belong to them, they get jealous when a girl flirts with another, completely ignoring him - so wonderful in every sense.

They get jealous, even when someone outsider simply noted the attractiveness of a woman, without reciprocity on her part. They get jealous often and unknowingly, so why don't women take the wheel in their own hands?

Jealousy is a sign of love.
Alexandr Duma. Count of Monte Cristo

1. Sexuality

It is known that men "love with their eyes", therefore grooming and elegance are the shortest way to gain the attention of a man.

To give yourself even more chance, try to add a sexy touch to your outfit. And remember: there is a very thin line between sexuality and vulgarity, so it is important not to overdo it here.

2. Flirting

The art of flirting is an irreplaceable skill in communicating with the opposite sex. Flirting in communication eliminates nervousness, calms and attracts the interlocutor.

Nothing will make a man jealous as much as the scene of your flirting with another "candidate for hand and heart." So feel free to flirt with his friends, rewarding him with your attention from time to time. After all, demonstratively "bypassing" him, flirting with others in front of his eyes is the most disastrous strategy for seducing a man.

3. Ignore

Men just hate it when the girl they like ignores and does not notice them. One caveat - ignore should not be pretentious and demonstrative.
  • Don't show that you were looking forward to his call.
  • Don't ask a hundred times about your next weekend meeting.
  • Do not pick up the phone on the first ring.
  • From time to time, allow yourself not to answer the call at all, and when he later asks (and he will certainly ask) what it was, give a plausible, and most importantly, worthy explanation for your absence.

    You should only talk about the reasons for your employment in response to his question. No initiative is needed here, let him torment himself with guesswork.

  • Do not ask him endlessly about his feelings and what he thinks about. This shows the girl's great interest, it is especially unprofitable when he himself does not show such signs of care.

4. Meeting with friends

Group meetings can work for you in two ways. The first is a company with more women. Ignoring him, his remarks and jokes against the background of the other women involved creates dissonance and catches his attention to you.

The second - a company, mainly consisting of men, gives you even greater bonuses: easy flirting and active communication with everyone inflames and inflames a man's jealousy worse than a gunpowder bookmark.

5. Social networks

Social networks are just a treasure for those who want to make a man jealous, even when they are at a decent distance from him. With modern technology, it's ridiculously easy. Make interesting ones on Instagram or Facebook with friends of the opposite sex, publish ambiguous posts and put ambiguous statuses.

Give him room for imagination! Let her thoughts "become attached" to you, reflecting on who you are this "friend" and what you did together at that meeting. What did you want to say by "hanging" this status on your wall? And what is this post about unrequited love for a distant and unattainable man? Did you mean him or someone else? Let him think and worry, and we will mark 1: 0 in our favor.

Jealousy is the engine of demography. The more jealousy, the higher the birth rate!
Snow Love, or a Winter Night's Dream

Things to Avoid

6. Obvious

Making a man jealous, it is important not to do it "for show" and so that he could guess that this is your trick. If you guess - write it was lost, you lost. Distance and cooling from his side is guaranteed.

It is not for nothing that jealousy was nicknamed a dangerous weapon, it is akin to poison: in the right dose, this medicine, a little more than what is permitted is already poison. Try to act according to the context of the setting and communication, without causing strong contrast, try to appear sincere and spontaneous, and you will succeed.

7. The boundaries of what is permitted

If you're in a relationship, hugging others in front of your loved one isn't a good idea, to put it mildly. If you are at the stage of "playing with your eyes" and have not even really talked yet, such a clear interest from other men will certainly arouse the object's interest and jealousy. In the first case, you will receive burning, angry jealousy and a well-founded cooling of your partner. Plus, most likely, you will no longer be trusted.

It seems like the same situations, but the result is so different! It's all about the context of the situation and the limits of what is permissible for your partner. If he is a Casanova - a public kiss can rekindle attraction and refresh relationships, if a calm, "family" guy - even a light flirting can be the reason for separation.