How to determine if a mink fur coat is good. Countries of North America. Choosing a mink fur coat, taking into account the type of figure

On August 12, 2016, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 787 of 08/11/2016 came into force, which obliges manufacturers, sellers and importers to mark products made of natural fur with special control (identification) marks - КиЗ. What is changing for buyers, how to choose the right fur coat according to the new rules, what to look for when buying - the site understands everything especially for its readers.

Why did you decide to chip the fur coats?

To reduce the number of gray and counterfeit goods in Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The main idea behind the labeling of fur coats is that each one can be traced all the way - from production to sale to the end consumer. With such control, fur coats are unlikely to appear out of nowhere, because the sale of unmarked products will be fraught with heavy fines. Fur products were selected for the pilot project due to the high proportion of low-quality products - up to 80%. If the project is successful, other goods (footwear, baby clothes, medicines, etc.) will also be chipped.

What kind of fur products should be marked with chips?

The labeling rules apply to all items of clothing, parts of clothing and clothing accessories made of natural fur (muffs, boas, ties, collars, etc.) sold on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan). Products are marked from mink, nutria, arctic fox, fox, rabbit, hare, raccoon, sheepskin and other types of natural fur. If the products have only natural fur lining, or the fur is attached from the outside, they also need to be marked. The exception is those items of clothing where the fur performs the function of finishing (collar, cuffs, cuffs, edging of pockets, etc.). Even if the fur coat was purchased by the store before 08/12/2016, it must still be marked.

What fur products can be sold unlabeled?

  • mittens, mitts, leather and natural fur gloves;
  • bags, backpacks, valise, etc .;
  • shoes;
  • hats, parts thereof;
  • toys, sports equipment, etc.

Who is obliged to chip a fur coat?

All companies and individual entrepreneurs related to their sale, that is, retail and wholesale, transfer under an agency agreement or on a commission, import into the territory of the Russian Federation, etc., will have to mark fur products. In case of individual tailoring by the order of an individual, a fur product does not need to be marked.

What is the best chip coat for the buyer?

Special marking of a fur coat (CiZ) confirms its authenticity and legality of origin. Anyone can check any fur coat from the store on the website of the Federal Tax Service using an individual code with C&I. Using the same link, you can download free mobile apps for iOS or Android to your smartphone. With their help, you can read the QR code from a fur coat with your phone right in the store and find out all the information about it: name, type of fur, country of manufacture, manufacturer, brand, seller, number of the declaration of conformity. That is, you can see the whole history of a fur coat and you will know exactly where and from what it was made.

What does the CiZ chip look like on a fur coat?

KiZ is a form of strict reporting with a radio frequency tag and protection against counterfeiting.

C&I for fur products, photo:

KiZ can be sewn into the seam of the product from the wrong side, glued to the sewn-in marking label or hung in the lapel hole, hanger or loop-fastener of the front of the product with a disposable seal. Its dimensions are 25mm * 160mm or 53mm * 80mm. KiZ red indicates that the fur coat was imported into the territory of the Russian Federation from other countries. KiZ green attached to fur products, produced in the Russian Federation.

What should you check when buying a fur coat or fur product?

  • Availability of KiZ, information on the number from it on the website of the Federal Tax Service or via a mobile app. If there is no C&Z on the fur coat, or there was no data on its number in the system, you are probably dealing with a handicraft coat or a fur coat brought in a suitcase from Turkey.
  • Product label, brand on leather fabric in products without lining. Pay attention to the specified standard or technical conditions, data on the color and its color, grade. group of vices, type of skins, size, release date.

What will the store have if it sells unmarked fur coats?

Fur products posted for sale must be labeled. If a store offers unmarked fur coats for sale, it faces liability under Article 15.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for the sale of unmarked goods. The fine for it is from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles for individual entrepreneurs and from 50 to 300 thousand rubles for organizations. Unmarked goods are subject to confiscation. For special cases, there is criminal liability under Article 171.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Given the increased responsibility, it will simply be unprofitable for stores to sell fur coats of dubious origin without labeling.

How to check the quality of a mink coat is the main question of everyone who seeks to purchase the coveted new thing. At exhibitions and annual sales, numerous manufacturers provide a huge selection of luxury fur, but unfortunately, not everyone is ready to admit that the products they sell do not correspond to the status of a "good" product, and often deliberately violate the requirements of GOSTs in force in our country. Most often, on the contrary, you will be convinced that the fur in the product is first-class, from auctions, with documents and certificates. Sellers of "soft gold" have a large arsenal of tricks and traps for uninformed buyers. From the most primitive - an increase in prices, and then a demonstration of a "global" discount, to documents questionable in terms of the legality of documents on the supply of products from a "prestigious" country.

In any case, if you decide to purchase a product at a fair, exhibition, market, during the sale period, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with several aspects of determining the quality of a fur product. Remember that when selling you must be given a document on the purchase of a product, a sales and cash receipt or a receipt on a strict reporting form. The check must contain the article, name, price.

Basic tips for determining the quality of fur

First, decide which model you want. If in doubt, then it is advisable to try on all possible options in the first store, but do not rush to buy based only on how the fur coat looks on you.

Before buying a product, you need to pay attention to the quality of the mink fur, to the general appearance of the product, the skins should be matched by color, pile length. Very often, there is special lighting in exhibition complexes, in which the fur looks especially attractive, but you will not wear the product under the spotlight, so if possible, inspect the fur coat by going to the window. Inspection is best done on a horizontal surface. There should be no breaks, creases, bald patches on the fur. The fur should shine, the color should be even.

Since you will still use a fur coat for its intended purpose, namely, walking, sitting (although you should not fidget while sitting even in the highest quality fur coat), ride in a car, in public transport, etc., then you should think about how it will behave exactly under operating conditions. The easiest way to check the quality of the mink coat, the quality of the fur, is to try to pinch off a few fibers with moderate force, not trying to pull them all out. If the skin has been processed correctly, then the fur will not come out in shreds and you will have a few fibers in your hands. If the fur falls out in pieces, then, most likely, the technology of dressing the skin has been violated. The quality of the skins used in the fur coat is low and they will not last ten seasons (as it should be for a mink). Places of increased exploitation, armpits, pockets, places of contact with the bag will be worn out the fastest.

In most cases, defects in the hairline of a fur product can be detected as a result of a detailed examination of the leather tissue - the back, inner side of the product. For this, a number of conscientious sellers do not hem the hem of a long product, but leave it to the buyer to inspect what they are buying. But in our practice, there were cases when the lining was sewn as best as possible, so that it was difficult for the client to “see the goods with his face”, and all that remained was to rely on the conscientiousness and honesty of the trade worker.
The leather fabric should be of an even color, without streaks, stains, white, soft, no scoring, not prickly or rough, not dry.

Nevertheless, not all defects of leather fabric and the product as a whole may be critical, some of them are allowed by GOST, so, for example, the presence of small through holes, repaired gaps is permissible, but this indicates the low quality of the raw materials used, therefore the quality of the fur coat from mink in this case will be low, which may not affect its service life, but does not correspond to the price declared for the product.

Please note that the seams, armholes of sleeves, pockets must be reinforced. The threads used in the sewing of the product should be of the same color, as their difference may indicate that your "new beauty" was altered from an old, out-of-fashion model. Also, pay attention if there are Chinese characters, drawings, marks on the skins (leather fabric) (for convenience, furriers often sign the elements of the future fur coat during the cutting process), and the seller swears that the product is exclusively of Greek origin, you should doubt his awareness and honesty.

Great attention should be paid to the design features of the model. When trying on a fur coat, you need to move, raise, lower your arms, cross them in front of you. Walk around in the product, do not hesitate, because you are buying a fur coat not to stand in it. The product should not hinder movement and cause discomfort. You can pay attention to the size labels, but it's better to turn to your feelings and visual assessment.

More and more often we are approached by customers with design defects, i.e. with defects that are difficult to remove and rather difficult to diagnose. Since in order to determine the presence of this defect, one education of a commodity expert is not enough, practical experience in the manufacture of fur products and their design is required. The most common defect that is addressed for examination is the product slipping when walking forward or backward. Most often, this defect occurs in long products, which are correspondingly expensive. Sadly, as a rule, the raw materials themselves (skins) in such products are of very high quality, but it is precisely the miscalculation and mistake of the fashion designer that leads to the fact that the product is practically impossible to wear. In most cases, this defect is irreparable, since it requires a complete overlap of the fur coat.

Another important nuance is the smell. How does your new coat smell, sweetish, pungent? Do NOT hope that the smell will pass. The product should not emit a harsh, non-specific odor at all. The use of fragrances is allowed in pre-sale preparation, but this fact must also be taken with caution. After all, think for yourself, why use an additional irritant, perfume, if the product was stored in the right conditions and has no drawbacks ?!

Even if you got excited and bought the product without a preliminary comprehensive inspection, do not be discouraged, after purchasing the product, within two weeks you can carefully examine the quality of your mink coat (BUT you should not wear a fur coat, do not rip off labels). You can do this yourself, but we recommend that you contact an experienced merchandise expert for detailed professional advice. The cost of a consultation - from 2,000 rubles - is relatively inexpensive compared to the cost of a mink coat.

Summing up the above, I would like to note that mink is one of the most wear-resistant types of fur, but it must also be treated with care and respect, raise the hem of your fur coat, bend the product when getting into the car, do not fidget while sitting on a fur coat, do not carry a bag on the shoulder, and on the arm. For a long service life of a fur product, you should follow the operating rules - do not wash, do not wet, do not dry on heating devices, do not iron, properly store products (especially in the summer months) to exclude the appearance of moths. You should not use heated seats in your car when you are wearing a fur coat.

Now you know how to correctly determine the quality of a mink fur coat!

But if you have additional questions, or you found one or more of the above shortcomings at once, we recommend conducting an examination, since defects, most often, significantly reduce the service life of a fur product, and bring their owners worries about the unjustified cost of the product, and feelings deception by the seller.

Have you been sold a low-quality mink coat or other type of fur?

  • Contact a specialist for oral advice, if your doubts are confirmed, then ...
  • Research is being carried out (the cost of the initial consultation is included in the cost of the research)
  • A ready-made opinion is issued to you and our lawyers advise you free of charge on further actions and prospects of the court case.
  • You go to court or our lawyers represent your interests read the link)
  • You receive material and moral compensation from an unscrupulous seller (manufacturer).

Useful articles

Mink coat- the dream of many women. This item in the wardrobe is not just a standard of chic and an indicator of high status. It has excellent qualities - high wear resistance, good heat-shielding properties and is not afraid of damp weather.

Most modern manufacturers are focused on affordable prices for fur products. But not in all cases the parameters of price and quality are comparable. Despite the wide range and popularity, the question of how to choose the right mink coat is always open.

It is necessary to take into account a number of nuances and tips before buying the coveted fur coat. If you take them into account, then for more than one season she will delight her mistress with beauty and warmth.

Consider how to choose the right mink coat and not get caught by scammers.

Any fur product has its own distinctive features and characteristics. Mink is a noble fur and it has special properties, knowing which you can buy a high-quality fur coat or fur accessory.

How to choose the right mink coat

Therein, To How to choose the right mink coat , will help you professional advice.

  • The very first thing you should pay attention to is fur. If it is of high quality, then it has a rich color and shine, it shimmers in the sun.
  • The fur of the animal should not have a pungent smell. Otherwise, the dressing of the hide was wrong. And the fur coat itself was not made at a special factory. The stuck together fluff testifies to the same.
  • Uneven or faded color indicates the old age of the animals used. The presence of rusty spots is a nuance in keeping animals in cages. No dry cleaning will take them out.
  • The lighter the shade and the lighter the weight of the product, the higher its price. A coat made of good, large skins is the best choice. It should not have creases and other defects - protruding threads and glue, small pieces of fur.
  • In any case, the surface of the fur coat must be smooth and even and free from visible defects.

Basically, advice on how to choose the right mink coat comes down to a visual inspection of the product and focuses on the fur from which it is made. But do not forget about such things as lining and accessories, the style of the fur coat itself.

  • Turn the coat inside out and check the evenness of the seams on the lining fabric. The fabric should be tight and the stitching should be straight. The lining should not be too tight when trying on.
  • High-quality fittings - buttons and snakes should be securely and evenly fastened, open well and fasten without effort.
  • And the most important thing is size. When trying on, compare fur coats in several sizes, even if you know exactly which one is right for you.
  • Give preference to the classic cut and length of the fur coat - this way it will always remain in the latest fashion trends. The same applies to the color of the product.

How to identify a mink coat

How to identify a mink coat

How to choose a mink fur coat - the tips that were given above are good if you buy a product in a company store and you really have a mink product in front of you. Now more than ever, fur coats of different colors are popular. Their price is more attractive and it is not easy to determine the quality and naturalness of the product by them. There are certain nuances , how to choose the right mink coat, which in this case should be followed.

  • Price - a good mink coat, especially in the autumn-winter season, cannot have a low price. Large discounts are a sign of low quality goods or old models, in the worst case, fake fur. Light fur and light weight, large animal skins are the best choice. But the price of such a fur coat is much higher.
  • Fur - a real mink does not fall off, has a thick down. Natural skin is soft to the touch, light in color and with a characteristic shine. It shimmers and shines evenly over the entire surface. Run your wet hand along the fur coat - if there are lint on it, then you should not choose this product.
  • Color - it can be anything. It is best to give preference to natural shades of skins that are found in nature. But, if you want a bright and spectacular fur coat, then resort to a little trick. Check the color fastness - rub lightly on the fur with a damp cloth or cloth, there should be no traces of paint on it.
  • The flesh of the dyed product has a dark shade. Regardless of the color - the fur of the fur coat shimmers and shines. It should also not wrinkle and will return to its original position if clenched in a fist.

How to distinguish a mink coat from a fake

Consider how to do it right choose a mink coat when purchasing.

At the time of purchasing a fur coat, many women can act impulsively and forget about the quality of the thing for the sake of a more attractive price or model. But quality criteria should not be neglected if you do not want to become the owner of a fake.

  • Start by evaluating the fur itself. The fur fabric must be uniform and free from visible defects. With a light pinching of the product, you should not leave any fluff or hair in your hand. Otherwise, after a short time, the fur coat will lose all its attractiveness and crumble like a stagnant New Year tree.
  • Pay attention to the general appearance of the product offered to you. Creases and bruises indicate that the fur coat has been lying for a long time. Stuck together down indicates improper storage and violation of technology at the time of manufacture. Mink hair should be soft, shiny and supple. Run your hand over the cover of the fur coat - natural and high-quality fur will immediately return to its place.
  • Estimate the weight of the item. A good mink coat weighs more than meets the eye. But you shouldn't rely too much on these feelings. A product made of high-quality fur of young animals is inferior in weight to those made from old animals.
  • Examine the thing from the inside. Turn the coat inside out and pay attention to the back, where the lining easily comes off the hide. This place is the most vulnerable - it is the most subject to wear and tear. If the seams are straight and do not diverge, then everything is in order.

In addition to these nuances when buying a product, it is important to know how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake... They can also be performed at a high level and this is a fairly common practice.

Here are some more tips on how to avoid counterfeiting.

  • The surest way is to ask the seller for a certificate and check the labels on the product. The markings applied to them must match. Otherwise, the fur coat will not only not last a couple of seasons, but will also harm your health. Fake or substandard mink coats can easily cause allergies and skin rashes.
  • The low cost of a fur coat, which, according to the seller, is made from whole skins, also speaks against a natural fur coat. Mink fur is highly valued and therefore cannot be cheap.
  • Uneven seams, traces of glue, protruding threads or pieces of fur are not only signs of poor quality, but also not an original product. A different color of the flesh or a backing that does not correspond to the pile is also very likely a fake.
  • Often they try to replace the mink with a marmot or a rabbit. It is worth remembering clearly - rabbit fur is shorter and softer, the marmot has coarser flesh and no soft fur. The texture of the mink's fur is stiffer, while the mink itself has delicate downs.

Where you shouldn't buy a mink coat

Regardless of all the advice and criteria for the quality of a fur coat, the place of purchase plays a decisive role. If in doubt, how to choose a mink fur coat - choose the right store that sells fur products.

Markets with their many stalls are not the place to buy quality goods. Basically, there are glued mink coats made of pieces. They are not subject to long-term use and wear out quickly at the gluing joints.

It is worth purchasing mink coats in fur stores that have existed for far from the first year. They monitor their products and issue a product warranty.

The domestic manufacturer also takes good care of the quality of its products, so buying a fur coat in his company store is quite justified.

Remember that you can always look at the reviews on the website of fur salons and read detailed information about fur shops on the Internet.

For other tips on how to choose the right mink coat, watch the video.

They learned to cut, pluck, knit, laser and perforate fur. But none of the sophistication of designers cancels the fact that a fur coat should warm and be comfortable. So remember:

The warmest is the fur of a deer, raccoon dog, beaver, marten, sable, seal, mink, muskrat, feline, astrakhan, broadtail. Moreover, fur coats made of male skins are better protected from frost, but females are colder and more expensive. Next come: rabbit, goat, marmot, ermine.

The heaviest - fur of a wolf, raccoon, sable, otter, beaver, polar fox, astrakhan fur; lighter - mink, rabbit, nutria, muskrat, squirrel, polecat; the lightest is a plucked beaver, chinchilla, broadtail, hare fur.

The most practical is otter fur (will last 20 seasons), river beaver (18 seasons), fur seal (17 seasons). Waterfowl furs are not afraid of wet snow, so they are worn longer. A high-quality mink coat will live 10 years, from marten, blue fox and astrakhan fur - 7, fox, nutria - 5, squirrels, marmot - 4, broadtail - 2-3, rabbit, goat, hare - 2 seasons. Plucked and dyed furs are more expensive but less durable, while shorn furs are more practical.

Hair to hair

To check the quality of the fur, shake the fur coat - the fur should make a soft rustle. If the sound is loud, the material is damp.

Rub the fur with a piece of woolen cloth and tug lightly: if the fibers adhered to the fabric, and a generous bunch remains in your hand, the skin is poorly dressed - the animal was killed during the molt.

The best fur is "winter": at this time the animals have "fur coats" with a thick down.

Squeeze any part of the fur coat in your fist - it should immediately return to its original shape, and the villi are not supposed to stick together. If the hair is dull and lifeless, then the animal was in pain. Stroke the fur against the grain - if the puffs are sparse and the hairs break, this is handicraft work.

Blow on the fur: if the base is visible between the villi, it means that the skins are very stretched - they tried to save on their quantity. This is bad - the fur will begin to go bald. The same will happen if the flesh (the back of the skin) rustles at your fingertips. It should be elastic. The yellow fur is from the old fur.

When buying a dyed fur coat, rub it with a white handkerchief. If barely noticeable stains remain on it, the paint will float under the snow.

Fur plates not less than 15 by 15 cm in size are considered whole. Everything else is pieces, the price of such a fur coat should be 20-30% lower. Feel the seams in the sleeves, under the collar. If they are small, not very convex, everything is in order. But if you did not find a seam at all, then perhaps in front of you is a glued product that will quickly fall apart.


Collar. Pick it up. There should not be any twisted seams, let alone wrinkled, bald fur. The collar must keep its shape, and not lie like a pancake. The hood, if any, should not fall off the head, because its mission is to replace the headdress.

Belt. He should not turn a fur coat into a hoodie with a dozen folds at the waist. The belt is supposed to be straight and of the same shade as the fur coat.

Bead fasteners. should not mow, and the hooks should stick out. If the fur coat is wrapped from below to a greater or lesser length than from the top, this cannot be explained by any "free step".

Sleeve. Pay special attention to the cut - the sleeve should fit in the shape of the arm, and not twist.

Hem. The bottom side of the fur coat must be at least 2 cm. Otherwise, the length of the product is increased for the sake of a higher price at the expense of quality. Do not try to wrap yourself in furs from head to toe. Let the hem not reach the floor 15 cm - this is the optimal length, taking into account our weather conditions.


Designers have long learned to cut and dye a rabbit so that it looks like expensive fur - most often a mink. You can identify a fake by too soft fur. In addition, the pile of a mink is always long - this allows you to distinguish it from a marmot, which has different lengths. The fox, disguised as a silver fox, gives out the hair color: it has only two shades, while the fox has three colors (gray, white and black at the end).

In order not to run into a fake, look for a branded label with a quality standard mark sewn into the side seam. The lining must have a label with a barcode and care instructions in several languages, including Russian.


When trying on in the store, raise your hands, sit down in a chair - nothing should hinder your movements. Buy a fur coat that is exactly the right size, otherwise it will stretch. Think: where will you wear it? For daily commuting on public transport, a slim fit, calf-length or hip-length is suitable. If you're driving, the long hemline will interfere with pedaling, the shoulder and chest fur from the harness, and a puffy collar will limit visibility. It is better to choose a coat up to the knee, with a stand-up collar and not very wide sleeves or a jacket. Well, if you are preparing for long walks with your child, buy a long fur coat. Curvy women should give up long-haired fur.


German SHALUMOV, fur clothing designer:

- Such a serious purchase should be made in stores, not in the market, and carefully examine the goods. For example, the flesh should be only white: not yellowish or bright red, no matter what kind of fur the fur coat is from. Otherwise, this "old lady" will not last long. In addition, at all times, fur coats made of solid fur plates were valued. In other words, the fewer seams, the warmer you will be and the longer your purchase will last. Now you can find lumpy fur coats, in which one skin has up to 50 seams ... There is no sense in such a fur coat, even if it costs a penny. Don't forget about fashion trends. This winter, the fur coat has noticeably shortened - its length barely reaches the knee. The most fashionable colors of the season are black, chocolate and cognac. And the real leader among furs is the North American mink. It differs from the Scandinavian, which is more common, in shorter fur.

It is important to know how to check the quality of a fur coat in order not to become a victim of deception.

Most often, inexperienced customers ask themselves how to check a mink coat for its authenticity, because many dream about this product. First of all, experts recommend paying attention to the quality of the fur itself, its appearance, color, length and density of the pile. If you buy a mink, there should be no light or dark spots on the skins, they should be monochromatic.

It is advisable to inspect the product in daylight, since special light is often used at exhibitions, on which the fur looks especially attractive. There should be no defects on the surface of the material - breaks, creases and bald spots. High-quality mink fur should shine beautifully, be uniform and evenly thick.

Proceeding from the fact that you will wear a fur coat, sit, ride in it in transport, the actual question is how it will behave during operation. Not sure how to check the quality of a mink coat regarding its wear?

Experts give one simple advice - try to pinch the product a little, if a pile remains on your hands, you should not buy such outerwear.

How to check the quality of a mink fur coat: basic methods

You can understand the quality of mink skins during inspection of the leather tissue by assessing the condition of the inner part of the product. To do this, bona fide fur clothing manufacturers leave a small part of the hem unstitched. If the bottom of the fur coat is carefully sewn up, and there is no way to inspect the material inside, most likely poor quality skins were used. Such a product will not last 10 seasons, as is usually the case if all the conditions for dressing skins are met.

There are several more ways to check a mink coat when buying, so that the thing will serve its mistress for a long time. Check the quality of the seams, especially in the area of ​​the armholes and pockets, they should be as reliable and durable as possible. One of the main methods of how to check the quality of a mink coat when buying is the fitting of the product you like. It is imperative to evaluate the constructive qualities of outerwear, namely, how it will fit the figure of its potential mistress and whether it will be comfortable and comfortable in it. When trying on a fur coat, you need to sit down, raise, lower and cross your arms in it, you should not feel constraint in movements, only such outerwear can be used to replenish your wardrobe.

Before buying, do not hesitate to sniff the fur of your outerwear, this is another effective way to check a mink fur coat. Experts say that the product should not emit harsh and unpleasant odors.

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Some sellers may use perfume during pre-sale preparation, but this fact should be considered with caution.

The most common defects in the quality of fur

Every person who has decided to allocate a considerable amount of money for the purchase of luxurious outerwear is looking for effective ways to check the quality of a mink fur coat so that it will last up to 10 seasons. When inspecting a fur fabric, special attention should be paid to its appearance.

The most common defects include:

1. The presence of traces of burnout and fading, wear of the fur, all this indicates the old age of the animal, the skins of which were used when sewing a fur coat. Even if the mink was young, the skins were not obtained during the catching season, but when the animal was subject to molting.

2. Furs stuck together. In the presence of such a defect, there is every reason to believe that the manufacturing and storage technologies of the fur coat were not followed. High-quality mink fur should have an attractive shine, smoothness and perfect evenness of the hairline.

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3. Rusty spots on light fur are the result of keeping animals in metal cages. It will be impossible to get rid of rust.

Based on the fact that mink is one of the most expensive furs, cheaper materials are often given out under its guise. How to check the authenticity of a mink fur coat and not buy a cheap fake marmot or rabbit fur? Mink fur has a stiffer and thicker pile, and it is also longer than rabbit fur.

Learn more useful information will help the video on how to check a mink coat when buying:

Fashionable muton fur coats are very popular due to a wide color palette, strict classic and youth styles. ...

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Since the days of Ancient Russia, this fur was considered a jewel, clothes made of it were worn by nobles, princes and tsars. Now the most famous people use it.

The fur of this animal has many positive characteristics: it is very warm and soft, pleasant to the touch, and durable. Popularity.

It is known that absolutely everything suits the owners of a slender figure, but ladies with curvaceous forms still need to try to find the right one.

Fur clothing has been successfully holding its leading position for many years, despite the fact that their models change every year. Designers for women of fashion.

All women dream of buying a fur coat, however, the exception is those lucky women, in whose wardrobe this luxurious thing is already stored. ...

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Here you can write a commentary on the entry "How to check the quality and authenticity of a mink coat"

A mink coat is an expensive pleasure. On the fur market, it costs at least 40 thousand rubles. Therefore, women choose a fur coat carefully. When choosing, you need to know by what criteria the quality of fur, a fur product is assessed.

The main parameters for determining the quality of outerwear by professional fur businessmen:

How to check the quality of a mink fur coat

Before buying, find out about the methods for determining the quality of mink fur. You should not trust the sellers, since their main task is to sell the product.

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There are simple ways to determine the quality of fur yourself:

  1. Run your hand over the fur against the growth of hairs, it will immediately restore its original position. Here it should be noted that the pile does not stick out in different directions.
  2. Take a closer look at the fur. Under the guard pile, fluff, shorter hairs should be present. The reliability of the fur coat in severe frosts depends on them.
  3. Examine the fur coat with your hands. If villi stick to your hands, the fur is of poor quality. The seller is also obliged to allow the fur to be tugged, which will also help determine the quality of the fur.

The pile should not fall out. Otherwise, your fur coat will constantly shed and lose its presentation after the first months of wearing.

  • Another way is the sense of smell. Smell the future fur coat. Extraneous chemical odors should not come from it, only natural ones.
  • Examine the inside of the fur coat. The lining fabric, the quality of sewing, the size and evenness of the stitches, the durability of the socks will depend on this.
  • If the mink is dyed, we check the quality of the application. To do this, you need to take a piece of light-colored cloth, rub the pile. If traces remain on the fabric, the toning is of poor quality.
  • Check that there are no traces of rust, faded areas of the coat on the coat.
  • When choosing a fur coat, choose the right size, model. Please note that a mink product is for winter, you will have to wear warm clothes under it. When worn, it should be comfortable, not embarrassing, and in line with modern fashion trends.

    Authenticity analysis

    Consider what types of mink are used to make expensive fur coats:

    • Living in North America, Canada. Blackglama mink is especially appreciated. Her fur is velvety and durable. Blackglam mink is sold at auctions and has a very high value.
    • Scandinavian. Lives in North America, Denmark, Finland. Cheaper than North American, but different colors. From blue, gray, to brown and black.
    • Living in Russia. New breeds of North American mink developed, but with warmer fur and long hair.

    When buying a fur product, find out information about the manufacturer, this is also very important. Manufacturers must be known in the fur market, in proven fur salons. In the salon, the seller must present a quality certificate to convince you of the authenticity of the mink product.

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    Many couturiers will sew a fur coat from another animal so that a simple housewife cannot distinguish a mink from a marmot or a rabbit. Here you need to know the structure of the fur. Mink fur is stiffer, coarser to the touch than rabbit fur, and marmot hairs, in general, prick.

    To achieve the unique resemblance of a rabbit to a mink, its fur is plucked in a special way. But when viewed with one's own eyes, it is noticeable that the undercoat has a different length, or it is the same length as the guard pile. So - in front of you is a rabbit.

    To distinguish a mink from a marmot, you need to take the pile into a fist and slowly release it. If the fur flows one-dimensionally, it quickly assumes its previous position - a mink, and if it leaves stripes that separate the pile lines from each other, and when it returns to its previous state, it has a feeling of bruising, it is a marmot.

    After purchase, all methods can be carried out at home again to make sure that the fur is 100% natural.

    How to determine the nature of the mink skin?

    When Blackglam mink pelts are auctioned, they are tested for naturalness. A label is sewn to each skin indicating the type of mink. The label should be white with a black lettering, and when viewed under ultraviolet rays, you can see an invisible word.

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    Each label has a number printed on it. The serial number can be used to determine the authenticity of the hide. Each number can be found in the leather register on the Blackglam website.

    Today, it is customary to microchip fur coats. Chipping will reveal counterfeit goods. The barcode is applied to outerwear if the lining of the product or the product itself is made of fur. But if there is only fur trim (collar, sleeve, pocket), then the chip is not applied.

    Each fur coat has a C&I chip attached. The country of origin is determined by the chip. If the chip is green - Russia, red - the fur coat was brought from European countries. The marking can be sewn into the seam of the product, sewn onto the main label.

    If an outerwear store sells goods that are not labeled, then this is fraught with penalties, up to and including confiscation.

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    I am not a vegetarian, but I would not buy a mink coat and in general any fur coat. Now there is such a choice of clothes that I have become an ardent protector of animals in this regard.

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    I can say with confidence that it is better to trust a domestic manufacturer. I now buy furs at the Gardener in "Furs from Vitaly" at the Gardener line 4, pavilion 148. Indeed, the fur shines and is cut very well.

    I really wanted a mink coat. I saw an ad on Avito, they say, the woman was carrying the season, and she was tired of her ... A noble fur coat and a quarter of the money cheaper ... I bought it, and after a couple of seasons I also thought to sell it, but then gave it to my mother. The fur coat is very light, but at the same time warm (in its own way it went up to -20), and the hairs were like silk. The style has changed to a more sporty one, the fur coat has become irrelevant, but it has fulfilled its dream, moreover, itself!)

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    How to check the quality of a fur coat when buying

    A luxurious warm fur coat will not only warm you in the cold, but also emphasize the status of a woman. A good thing costs a lot, so it's worth figuring out how to check the quality of a fur coat before purchasing, so as not to regret the money spent.

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    Arctic fox, fox, sable and muton warm the best. Mink, beaver and nutria are slightly behind in heat conservation. And the rabbit, marmot and ermine almost do not warm. In terms of wear resistance, beaver fur is in the first place; sable, mink and raccoon coats serve for a long time. The most short-lived - only two winters - rabbit and chinchilla.

    How to check a fur coat made of any fur?

    Inspect the inside out. In high-quality models, the lining is not sewn up tightly - there is an opportunity to inspect the flesh. If it is yellow, dry, with cracks, then the skin is old and will quickly deteriorate. You need to choose fur with a white elastic seamy side.

    Estimate the weight. It must be adequate. An overly heavy fur coat indicates that the fur is old. Too easy - that the furriers saved. The master stretched the skins, reducing the thickness of the skin and the distance between the hairs. The product has become lighter, but also colder, and it will wear out faster.

    Feel the pile. Pinch the fur gently and check to see if any fluff remains on your fingers. If so, such a product is not worth buying. In addition, iron the fur coat "against the grain" and vice versa, crumple it in your fist. The pile of a quality product should be easy to recover.

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    Check seams. If not, the pieces of fur were glued together. Such products are short-lived.

    You need to buy a fur coat from winter fur, with a thick down. It is better if the animals lived in the wild: things made from their skins last longer.

    Mink coats are loved for their silky beauty and durability. Such products serve for years and almost never go out of fashion, they are easy to take care of. But only if the coat is made conscientiously.

    How to check the quality of a mink coat? A natural mink is tougher than a rabbit or marmot that "pretends" it. For fakes, the pile is usually shorter. The surface of the fur must be smooth, without scars and bald spots.

    If the fur is unpainted, inspect the model for faded and rusty spots.

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    Fur coats of natural colors are more resistant to wear than dyed ones. The latter are checked for the quality of the dye. To do this, put a light handkerchief on the fur and crush it together with the nap. A stain on the fabric indicates that the product will fade quickly.

    When choosing a fur coat, think not only about the quality of the fur and the tailoring of the product, but also about the style. Floor-length models are less practical than medium-length pieces. And for those who drive a car, it is better to choose a sheepskin coat.

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    How to determine the quality of a mink coat?

    Mink coats are universally considered the standard of beauty and grace, as well as an indicator of status. Today, manufacturers offer customers a large number of modern models of complex cut from dyed, sheared fur, with decorative patterns and original details. Nowadays, mink coats have become not only very beautiful and elegant, but also affordable. The main thing is to choose the right product. But if everything is more or less clear with the style and length, then how to determine the quality of a mink coat?

    Common defects in mink fur

    Experts note several fairly common defects that are often found in products of unscrupulous manufacturers. These include:

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    • irregularities in the color of the fur, burnout, scuffs - all this suggests that the fur coat is sewn from old fur;

    If you encounter one of these defects, you should refuse to purchase it.

    A high-quality mink coat not only looks good, but is also not afraid of moisture, and also has an excellent ability to keep warm. And properly processed fur is worn for a long time - up to eight seasons. But, purchasing such an expensive item (mink coats, of course, have become more affordable, but they are still quite expensive), it is important to observe several conditions:

    1. It is better to buy a mink coat in a store, and the most correct option is the manufacturer's branded boutique. Unlike markets, in stores there is not only the opportunity under normal conditions to try on a product and examine yourself in a mirror from all sides, but also to receive a certificate for a fur coat, a manufacturer's warranty and a receipt. These documents will come in handy if you decide to return the fur coat after discovering hidden defects or to sue the seller. By the way, if the product is really branded, you will be provided with a certificate and a warranty card without any questions.

    How to determine the quality of the fur?

    When buying a mink fur coat, you must take a good look at the product, try on, touch the fur, evaluate the lining, and only then make a decision. A correct and careful examination will determine the quality of the mink coat. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

    • Properly treated mink fur should be smooth, silky and soft with a thick undercoat that provides the main protection from the cold.

    Applying these simple tips in practice, you can buy a high-quality and elegant mink coat that will delight you for more than one season.

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    How to distinguish a mink coat from a fake

    In anticipation of the upcoming winter season, let's talk about how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake. Fur is an expensive pleasure, and it is doubly insulting to give a lot of money for a fake or illiquid stock. But don't worry! The experts of the Furs of Russia portal will guide you along the most winding path to a meeting with your beloved and desired mink coat.

    How to identify mink fur

    Mink belongs to the highest category of valuable furs along with sable, lynx, chinchilla and is characterized by increased wear resistance. A mink coat is worn for at least 6-8 winters, and can last for several seasons.

    It is for its beauty and durability that mink is so fond of. But its quality varies, as does the price. The quality is mainly influenced by the age of the fur, the part of the skin and the type of mink: European, Scandinavian, American, etc. Fur coats are sewn from different parts. From the back, they are more expensive, from the foreheads and belly - cheaper.

    Self-assessment of the quality of fur

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    Let's try to determine the quality ourselves. The method is suitable both for individual skins and for the whole product.

    1. Evaluate by touch.

    Good quality fur is smooth and soft to the touch. Moderately pliable, the villi should return to their original position when you run your hand over it. Should be a little pricked. Less wear-resistant fur, the same rabbit, softer and not prickly. Look also at the undercoat to see if it is thick enough.

    Important: Good fur does not need to be dyed. They cut and paint to mask defects.

    2. We look at the undercoat.

    Mink is winter and summer. They differ in pile and undercoat. Winter has a thicker undercoat, it is warmer, and it costs less. Summer mink has a smoother, even and shiny appearance, less undercoat, and it costs more.

    3. Checking the flesh.

    Mezdra is the lower part of the skin. She talks about age. Choose only products and skins with light elastic skin. Dark, brown - indicates the old age of the fur.

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    4. We evaluate visually.

    Look at the fur coat or skin in general. The fur should be uniform and even. The fur from the back is denser and smoother. Lobs, belly and other parts are less durable and beautiful. But they are significantly cheaper.

    Important: In the product from the backs, the joints and undercoat are absolutely not visible. It gives the impression of a cast skin. A fur coat made of parts looks like it was sewn from small semicircles, in appearance it is wavy.

    How not to buy a rabbit instead of a mink?

    The rabbit is more suitable as a cheap analogue of the chinchilla, especially the Rex breed. But he is also given for a mink, usually for a sheared one. The rabbit is not a bad animal. It grows quickly and is soft to the touch. Its price is one of the lowest on the fur market. It is not at all shameful for a young girl to have a vest or a handbag made of a rabbit. It is worse if, under the guise of an expensive and high-quality mink, they offer a rabbit fur coat. Lack of experience leads to the purchase of such "mink coats". But this can be avoided. You must call on the help of vigilance and skepticism.

    You can distinguish a rabbit from a mink by eye. Rabbit fur is soft and fluffy. Looks like cotton balls. Virtually no undercoat. To bring the rabbit closer to the shorter pile of the mink, it is plucked. Move the pile apart, look at the inside to see if there is any undercoat.

    Look at the color. The rabbit is one color and the mink has fine white hairs. The fur coat itself does not "play" in the sun and it has no shine.

    The next test is by touch. The rabbit is much softer than the mink. Feel more coats, after 10 you will understand where the fur is soft and where it is tougher.

    Important: A sheared mink is pricked to the touch by the trimmed guard hairs, but the rabbit still remains soft.

    The difference between a good mink coat

    A good mink coat looks expensive and rich. Quality is evident in everything: cut, tailoring, details and the level of the fur itself. The fur coat should be sewn from solid plates, from the backs. This is the most durable and beautiful option.

    Sometimes a fur coat is sewn into dissolution. For this technology, the skins are cut into a herringbone and sewn back together. On the one hand, the fur coat has a flying silhouette, but, on the other hand, the product itself is less durable. In case of poor-quality sewing, furrows may appear after the first season. When choosing such a model, pay special attention to the quality of the seams.

    A good fur coat is made soundly. No protruding threads, semi-loose seams. The seams shouldn't be visible at all. Expensive lining. After all, a fur coat is bought for many years, and the lining should also not wear out ahead of time.

    Pay attention to the style. Super-trendy tailoring can look outdated after 1-2 seasons. If you do not plan to change your fur coat often, give preference to the classics.

    Important: According to statistics, the most popular model of a fur coat is knee-length and with a hood. It's warm in it and you don't need to buy a hat.

    A good fur coat is unlikely to be sewn in handicraft production. A craftsman must understand furs, be able to select skins according to color and quality for one product, and know all the subtleties of technology. Knowledge and skills are acquired over the years and no one will exchange them for sewing low-grade products. Large salons work directly with well-known factories, offering customers the best models.

    Before buying, do not be lazy to check a mink fur coat

    So we come to an exciting moment: I like the fur coat, the price is suitable, it remains only to go through our checklist.

    1. Shake the fur coat, rattles or not, or squeeze the edge, listen to the rustle. Sounds will tell you whether the fur was overdried or the dressing technology was not followed.

    2. Blow on the pile and touch the entire surface with your hands. You don't have to find creases by touch, the coat needs a soft one.

    Important: Creases in the flesh lead to holes and rapid wear.

    3. Run your palm over the fur or gently twitch the hairs. Nothing should remain in the hands, and the fur should quickly return to its previous position.

    Important: Do not believe the assurances that the fur is falling off because the fur coat has been rolled up for a long time or has not been worn. The fur climbs due to violations of production technology or the mink was mined during molting.

    4. Look at the appearance, how the same color is throughout the product, even color transitions.

    5. Swipe over the fur coat with a white napkin or handkerchief. They must stay clean. This way you can check whether the fur is dyed or not.

    6. Look at the flesh by lifting the hem at the lining if it is not sewn on, or by sliding the fur from the outside. Take a fur coat only with light skin, which indicates the absence of paint and young fur.

    Important: there is an opinion among buyers that the lining of a fur coat should not be sewn on, otherwise it is a fake. We hasten to dispel this myth. Whether or not to sew on the lining is up to the manufacturer, and many eminent designers and factories sew on it, which does not detract from the merits of designer products.

    7. Smell. There should be no chemical odors. One more "bell" of dyed fur. Also, you should not feel dried animal fat, this is an indicator of a disruption in the technological process.

    Important: sometimes the skin remains light during painting. This happens when using bleaching or lightening dyeing technology. Then trust your sense of smell.

    8. Look at the armpits. They will give out a seller who is trying to sell a used fur coat.

    Important: Wrinkled armpits indicate a worn product.

    9. Look at the seams, they should be strong and durable; also the quality of the lining fabric, and how it was sewn.

    Important: the perfect lining is sewn by hand through the bias tape.

    10. Examine the label. It must contain the serial number and country of origin of the fur, the manufacturer's address and other contacts.

    Important: There will still be a separate label for the auction fur.

    And finally, no matter how trite it may sound, buy fur coats in proven places. Well-known trading houses and brands do not sacrifice their reputation for dubious profits from the trade in low-quality fur, in the long run it will come out more expensive.

    How to determine the quality of a mink coat

    Sellers of fur products are ready to go to any tricks to sell goods, including low-quality ones. They offer all kinds of discounts, gifts, free dry cleaning. But do not fall for these tricks, otherwise you may be very disappointed after the purchase.

    It has already been verified that a high-quality mink fur coat, with proper care, can serve the owner for ten seasons. This is pleasing, because a product made of such fur is not cheap. It is better to purchase a fur coat in specialized salons, then the likelihood of buying a low-quality thing is significantly reduced.

    Rules for choosing a fur coat

    In order for a fur thing to look like new for several seasons, it is necessary to adhere to several rules when buying.

    1. The fur should be shiny and thick. To determine this, you just need to carefully feel the product: the fur should be dense, and the skin should be thick.

    2. The next step in checking the quality of a mink coat should be to examine it in the light. At the same time, good fur will shimmer and flow. Immediately it is necessary to smell the product, the fur coat should not have any foreign odors, give off mustiness.

    3. The mink must not shed! This is easy to check: you just have to run a damp hand over the fur coat, no hairs should remain in the palm of your hand.

    4. The fur should not break, even if it is folded in half, the undercoat of a quality product will certainly be thick.

    5. The product should not crunch when it is crushed in hands. If, nevertheless, this happens, you can safely refuse to buy, because the flesh of such a thing is overdried, and this will lead to rapid wear and tear in the first season.

    6. An honest manufacturer never sews a lining to a mink coat. This makes it possible to evaluate the inside of the product. If there are uneven seams, pieces of fur are taut, there are tears, the thing will not last long. And you shouldn't spend money on it.

    7. Fur coats made of unpainted fur are considered the highest quality and most expensive. This is very easy to determine, just blow on the fur and look at the flesh. If it is light, the fur is of natural color.

    8. Some unscrupulous manufacturers simply alter old products, passing them off as trendy things. But even this is easy to determine: in this case, the pieces of mink will be of different sizes, uneven in color, and the fur may fall out in shreds.

    Knowing these details, you can easily distinguish a low-quality product from a good mink coat yourself. When buying, you should not be guided only by the recommendations of the seller, because his main goal is to sell his goods.