How to determine the sizes for purchases in English ebay. How not to be mistaken with the size when buying clothes and shoes in American and European online stores Men's and women's clothing sizes

The wrong size is one of the most common reasons for unsuccessful purchases and, as a result, conflicts between the seller and the buyer. Although, if you understand in detail in each dispute, in the vast majority of cases, the fault lies with the buyer. Either he misunderstood and correlated the sizes of the goods and his own, or he did not bother to clarify them with the seller. How to avoid such cases - read our review.

If you delve into the analysis of situations associated with the wrong choice of sizes, then there are only two reasons for their occurrence. The first is when the buyer simply does not know his actual size. And the second, when the buyer incorrectly correlates international sizes - and on eBay you will find not only goods according to the American scale, but also according to the European, and Japanese, and English - with your own, Russian ones.

Buyers on eBay should be aware that if the seller does not indicate on the product card the possibility of returning it within a certain time after purchase (and this can be 14, 30 or 60 days), then an error with dimensions is not a basis for a positive decision in favor of the buyer. in the event of a dispute. In short, they did not fit in size - your problem, you will have to attach the thing yourself.

How to correctly determine your size

As strange as it may seem, many buyers really do not know their exact measurements. Because they have no idea how to measure them correctly. To begin with, let's name those parameters that determine the size range of each person:

1. Neck circumference is a key measurement for choosing the right shirt. Measured at the base of the neck, where the collar is usually located. Having determined the girth in centimeters, add 1-1.5 cm so that the collar does not squeeze the throat. This will be the final size.

2. Bust is the main parameter when choosing any outerwear. The entire international size range is based on this figure. The circumference of the chest is measured at the deepest inhalation, the measuring tape is located at the level of the nipples.

3. Sleeve length. It is measured from the upper outer point of the shoulder along the arm bent at the elbow by 120-160 degrees to the bones on the wrist. A very common mistake is when the length of the sleeve is confused with the length of the arm, which is measured simply in the extended state. Often sellers on eBay give the sleeve size from armpit to cuff. You can also measure it along the inner side of the bent arm from the armpit to the bones on the wrist.

4. Waist - in men it is not at all the same as in women. To put it simply, this is the circumference of the place (let's call it the waist) where you usually wear your pants. If on the bones of the pelvis - measure the circumference there. If on the stomach, then the abdomen is covered in a semi-tense state. There is no need to completely relax the abdominal muscles, but you also don’t need to pull in your stomach with all your might - if you order trousers according to such measurements, they will either be small or dangle in the “waist”. Usually on eBay they give the size of the waist, halved.

5. The length of the trousers along the inner seam is measured from the crotch to ... Here fluctuations are possible, depending on who prefers which style. In the classical sense, it is necessary to measure up to the inner bone of the ankle joint, moreover, while sitting. Our recommendation is to measure the length along the inside seam of the trousers that fit you best. This will be your size.

6. Foot size. One of the most difficult concepts and the reason for the most frequent "hits" with shoes. We will present here the most accurate measurement algorithm used by English shoe makers. To begin with, for the most complete description of the foot, three parameters are used: length of the foot (length), width of the foot (width) and circumference of the foot (girth). How to measure:

- length - we hold the pencil strictly vertically to the paper, outline the foot. The length of the foot is the distance between the outermost points:

- width - we also measure the distance between the most distant points:

- foot coverage - we place the tape around the foot at the most distant points:

So, having measured all 6 paramaters of our body in centimeters, we write down the numbers on a separate piece of paper. Then we will need them in order to correlate our data with international size scales.

Russian and international size scales

Americans are practical people, and their desire to simplify and standardize everything in an understandable and trivial form is quite natural. Although this is very strange, given the many body types among the population. But, nevertheless, 99% of all clothes for sale on are described by several Latin letters: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL. You probably know what they mean. But let's once again give a table of the ratio of this size range with those numbers, the values ​​of which you received as a result of measurements of your own body:

Of course, many brands and manufacturers, especially European ones, whose products are very popular in the United States, have their own size charts. But you can not bother yourself with this information, because all sellers, wherever they are and whatever they are selling, filling in the data on the product must indicate the sizes in the accepted and understandable letter designation.

If you, nevertheless, have a question about a particular geometric size of the thing you like, do not hesitate to write a letter to the seller to clarify. A normal seller will always give any information. But, of course, in inches. So multiply the numbers you get by 2.54 to get centimeters. Just do not forget - the size of the chest ("chest" or "pit to pit") and the size of the waist are usually given in half. That is, if, in response to a question about the chest, they send you: "chest measurement is 20 inches" - "chest size is 20 inches", this means that the half-girth of the chest is 20x2.54 = 50 cm, the whole chest is 100 cm. on the plate - size M.

The size range in shirts is a little more complicated, but if you figure it out, there are no problems, besides, if there is such a plate:

As you can see, numbers are added to the standard lettering. They represent the girth of the neck in inches, and many manufacturers add this information to the labels on their shirts.

As for jeans, their sizes are determined by two parameters - the length of the waist circumference (waist) and the length of the inner leg (inseam). Both numbers are expressed in inches. Determining your size is very simple - divide the waist length by 2.54, it gets your size. You do the same with the length.

In the next review, we will clarify all the issues related to the correct selection of shoes.

Today, many people order clothes and shoes on eBay, as there are many interesting products at affordable prices. But the lack of the opportunity to try on the chosen thing significantly complicates the buying process. In addition, the sizes indicated on eBay differ significantly from Russian and international standards. Moreover, the size grids used in different countries differ significantly from each other. Therefore, the dimensions shown on the product cards on eBay may vary depending on the manufacturer. And even from the same manufacturer, different models can have completely different sizes.

But do not get upset and refuse purchases. There is a universal way to calculate the right size and make a purchase that will fit your body perfectly. In order not to get into a mess while shopping on "Ebey", you need a size chart. It allows you to accurately determine the size of both children's and adult things.

What sizes are used on Ebey?

The following sizing standards are most commonly used:

  1. Russians. Calculated by measuring body parameters and dividing the results by 2.
  2. American. The letter designations are X, S, L, M, and so on.
  3. European. Numbers are used for designation.
  4. Asian. They are designated by letters, but at the same time they are several sizes smaller than the American ones.

Russian sizes have an equivalent on the American scale: S = 44, M = 46, L = 48 and so on by analogy. European sizes are six sizes smaller than Russian ones. For example, European size 38 will correspond to Russian size 44.

To calculate the dimensions on "Ebey" in Russian, you can use a special table:

Russian size US size European size Chinese size
40 XXS 34 S
42 XS 36 M
44 S 38 M
46 M 40 L
48 L 42 XL
50 XL 44 XXL
52 XXL 46 XXXL

How to determine your size?

The first thing to do when calculating a suitable size is to arm yourself with a measuring tape and some thing from your wardrobe. Measure the length of your pants, sweater, or T-shirt carefully and write it down on a piece of paper.

In addition, you need to measure the parameters of your own body:

  • chest / bust - chest volume;
  • waist - waist size;
  • hips - the volume of the hips;
  • shoulder - shoulder width;
  • sleeve - the length of the arms, which is determined by measuring the distance from the wrist to the shoulder;
  • neck - neck girth;
  • length - the length of the product, which is determined by measuring similar items from the wardrobe.

The picture shows a sequence of actions to determine the parameters of your body:

Apart from clothes, Ebey also sells footwear. To determine the size, you need to measure the length of the insole.

If the "Ebey" size table is presented in the description of the goods, then you can use it to determine the appropriate Asian size. The parameters obtained as a result of the measurement should be converted into inches. Remember 1 inch is 2.5 centimeters. Consider the fact that Asian products are often undersized. Therefore, you should order clothes that are several sizes larger than the listed sizes on eBay.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of size when buying shoes. International designations are often indicated on "Ebey" - 6, 8, 5 and so on. Keep in mind that the maximum size of women's shoes on "Ebey" often ends at around 39. Therefore, if you need to choose a 40 or 41 size, "Ebey" will not suit you.

The sizes are very rarely indicated on "Ebey" in Russian. Most often, sellers indicate Asian sizes on the product card.

Clothing sizes listed on eBay are easily converted from one size chart to another using tables.

Men's and women's clothing sizes

The size of clothes for men and women is calculated according to special size tables. But in order to use the table, you must first measure the parameters of the body. In rare cases, on "Ebey" the table of sizes in Russian is indicated in the product card. If it is not there, then you can turn to the sellers for help.

We suggest men to choose clothes according to the following table:

Waist girth, cm Hip girth, cm Size, Russia International standard Size, USA Size, Europe Size, China
70 92 44 XXS 34 38 S
76 96 46 XS 36 40 M
82 100 48 S 38 42 L
88 104 50 M 40 44 XL
94 108 52 L 42 46 XXL
100 112 54 XL 44 48 XXXL
104 116 56 XXL 46 50 XXXL
108 120 58 XXXL 48 52 XXXL
112 124 60 XXXL 50 54 XXXL
116 128 62 XXXL 52 56 4XL
120 132 64 4XL 54 58 4XL
124 134 66 4XL 56 60
128 136 68 5XL 58 62
132 140 70 5XL 60 64

There is also a table for buying women's clothing:

Size, Russia International standard The size,
Size, USA Size, Europe The size,
Size, Japan Size, China
38 XXS 4 30 0 32 36 0 3 S
40 XS 6 32 2 34 38 I 5 M
42 S 8 34 4 36 40 II 7 M
44 M 10 36 6 38 42 III 9 L
46 M 12 38 8 40 44 IV 11 L
48 L 14 40 10 42 46 V 13 XL
50 L 16 42 12 44 48 VI 15 XXL
52 XL 18 44 14 46 50 Vii 17 XXL
54 XXL 20 46 16 48 52 VIII 19 XXXL
56 XXL 22 48 18 50 54 IX 21
58 XXXL 24 50 20 52 56 X 23
60 4XL 26 52 22 54 58 XI 25
62 4XL 28 54 24 56 60 XII 27
64 4XL 30 56 26 58 62 XIII 29
66 5XL 32 58 28 60 64 XIV 31
68 5XL 34 60 30 62 66 Xv 33
70 5XL 36 62 32 64 68 Xvi 35

Help to determine the size and customer reviews left in the product card. Usually, those who have already purchased a product willingly share their opinion about its size in order to reassure or warn future buyers.

Men's and women's shoe sizes

Shoes on "Ebey" are also in great demand. There are a large number of interesting, stylish and inexpensive models here. The choice is huge, the main thing is to correctly translate the indicated sizes on eBay to the usual standards.

For this, as in the case of choosing clothes, special tables are used. Men's footwear:

Size, Russia Foot length, cm Size, USA Size, Europe
40 25,5 7 40
40,5 26 8 41
41 26,5 8,5 41,5
42 27 9 42
43 27,5 10 43
43,5 28 11 44
44 28,5 11,5 44,5
45 29 12 45
46 29,5 13 46
46,5 30 14 47

Women's shoes:

Size, Russia Foot length, cm Size, USA Size, Europe
34,5 22 5 35
35 22,5 5,5 35,5
36 23 6 36
37 23,5 7 37
37,5 24 8 38
38 24,3 8,5 38,5
38,5 24,5 9 39
39 25 9,5 39,5
40 25,5 10 40
40,5 26 11 41
41 26,5 11,5 41,5
42 27 12 42

Measure the length of the insole carefully so that the ordered pair of shoes fits perfectly. Feel free to contact the sellers. They will help you calculate the size according to your individual parameters.

You may be interested

Clothing sizes indicated on ebay are often not entirely clear for our perception of designations. The reason is that the clothing and footwear sizes used in different countries are not the same. Moreover, the dimensions of the same product may differ depending on the manufacturer, and for one manufacturer - depending on the model. However, there are universal methods for determining sizes, which we will talk about in this article.

How to choose a size on eBay.

First of all, in order to determine the size of the ordered item, you need to measure your own body. To choose clothes, you need to know the following parameters:
  • chest volume (chest / bust);
  • waist volume (waist);
  • hips (hips);
  • shoulder width (shoulder);
  • arm length (distance from shoulder to wrist) (sleeve);
  • leg length (inner);
  • neck girth (neck) - for the purchase of products with a collar;
  • the total length of the product, by analogy with the one you already have (length).
How to measure yourself correctly, the following picture will show.

To choose a shoe, it is necessary to measure the length of the insole (the length of the foot along the insole from the heel to the tip of the most protruding toe) and the width of the foot.

  • If you do not have a measuring tape, use a thread or regular tape and attach it to a ruler.
  • When buying large items (for example, jackets), it is better to add a couple of centimeters to the resulting measurements (sweater allowance).
  • It is better to measure the length of the foot on the toe.
  • When buying clothes for children, take into account the speed of their growth - do not take things "back to back".
  • When ordering children's shoes, make a stock not only for a tight toe, but also for the thickness of the fur for winter shoes.
  • Children's shoes, unlike adults, have two types of sizes (in centimeters) - internal (along the insole) and external (along the sole). Check with the seller on what size you should focus on in his case.
  • Chinese clothing sizes are almost always small by about two sizes (i.e. size M in China will be equal to European S).

Matching sizes on eBay.

With the measurements obtained, you must refer to the dimensional grids indicated on the site. Some sellers include sizing charts directly with their product descriptions. However, if there are no sizing charts in the description of your chosen product, you can always refer to the general sizing charts listed on eBay.

Size chart on eBay.

There are size charts published on ebay, they can be found at the following links

Detailed size tables and instructions on how to measure yourself correctly: Please note - in many tables, dimensions are indicated in inches (inches), which should be converted to centimeters. 1inch = 2.54cm.

How to determine the size on ebay.

Please check the seller's item description before referring to general sizing charts. Also, if possible, measure a similar thing that you already have at home, and which sits on you exactly as you need it. Ideally, the item being measured is the same brand that you are going to order.

If after all attempts to calculate the size yourself, you still have questions, contact the seller for help. As a rule, it is the sellers who know best what size will suit your specific parameters, will indicate the real dimensions of the product you have chosen and give practical advice on how to choose the sizes for ebay.

Happy shopping!

“What size S” or “What size L is in Russian?”, How often have you asked yourself this question? Perhaps, when looking for a new thing in an online store, you have repeatedly encountered the problem of determining the size of the thing you like. And it's true: the size of clothes, shoes, various accessories differs significantly when comparing the European scale, for example, with the Russian one. But for the convenience of buyers of online stores, popular online auctions, for example, eBay, very convenient tables of correspondence between sizes in different countries have been compiled.

They will become your irreplaceable assistants in making purchases, as they are reliable and proven in practice.

According to tables of correspondence of sizes of shoes and clothes in the countries of Europe, USA and Russia.

Correspondence tables

Corresponding size charts are shown below:

  • - men's outerwear, jackets, trousers and suits (for example, sizes S, M, L, XL)
  • - men's shirts;
  • - men's underwear;
  • - socks;
  • - women's clothing;
  • - lingerie;
  • - bras;
  • - women's shoes;
  • - children's shoes;
  • - men's shoes

Determination of the fullness of the foot

Often, in order to purchase shoes without being able to try them on, you need to know the volume of your foot's fullness. This is the value measured at the widest toe. The Russian, European and American measurement systems use digital numbering.

There is a standard (American) scale for determining the fullness of the foot. For many people, these values ​​will be standard, so you can use these indicators.

Foot fullness:

B - narrow, fullness of the foot;

D - medium or standard;

E - slightly fuller than average;

EE - full, wide foot.

If you need to independently calculate your foot volume, you can use the formula W = 0.25 B - 0.15 C - A, where W is the desired size of the fullness of the foot, B is the coverage in the widest part of the foot in mm, C is the length of the foot in mm, A is the coefficient indicated in the table below.

The circumference of the foot is measured at its widest toe part with a centimeter, then, using the formula, calculations are carried out. For example, if you are a man with a foot length of 220 mm and a coverage of 205 mm, the calculation is made: 205 x 0.25 = 51.25 - 220 x 0.15 = 33 - 17. As a result - 1.25. This means that according to the Russian scale, your completeness is equal to one.

If you need to calculate the fullness of the leg according to the American system, use the table below. The American system is completely identical to the English one, it can be used in relation to European and American shoe models.

Glove sizes

When purchasing gloves, you need to find out your size. It is calculated in accordance with the size of the palm. You can recognize it by wrapping a measuring tape around your palm without grabbing your thumb. We look for the resulting coefficient in the table below.

Hat sizes

You can determine the size of the hat using the following table:

When choosing hats, you may come across the following terms:

Brim- indicates the height of the crown of the hat (indicated in inches);

Crown- indicates the width of the brim of the hat from the crown (indicated in inches).