How to bleach a white mink hat. How to clean white mink fur from yellowness at home. Cleaning fur hats from unpleasant odors


You can clean dirty fur at home in the following way: first, sprinkle the fur pile with an adsorbent that absorbs dirt. You can use dry starch or semolina as an adsorbent for light fur. The fur sprinkled with an adsorbent must be carefully rubbed between the palms so that the dirt passes onto the adsorbent, and then shake off the adsorbent and gently clean the fur with a soft brush.

The most famous recipe for cleaning white mink fur at home is cleaning with starch. In this case, it is very important to first thoroughly rub the starch into the pile, and then shake it out no less thoroughly. We pour starch, not sparing, directly into the fur, gently wrinkle and grind until the powder collects the dirt. Then shake the hat well and comb it first along the pile, then against the pile. If the starch from the fur spills out frankly gray, the procedure must be repeated.

A similar procedure is for semolina.

To clean very dirty fur, a hat sprinkled with the same starch can be sprinkled from a spray bottle with a solution of a delicate washing powder or shampoo. We smear the resulting mass with our hands all over the wool. When the "dough" dries up, brush it off, shake it out well and comb the fur. In this case, it is also important to dry the product well after cleaning. It is better to dry it in the air, away from heating appliances and not in the sun, otherwise the fur will turn yellow and coarse.

White furs, so that they do not turn yellow, are wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water, a few drops of ammonia). You can try to return whiteness to an already yellowed fur with the same, but more concentrated solution. Using a spray bottle, apply the solution to the scalp, but only along the top of the coat, so as not to damage the flesh, and leave it in full sun for 1 day.

If light fur is heavily soiled, clean it with starch and gasoline. The starch is kneaded on refined (aviation) gasoline. This gruel is used to wipe the fur and let it dry. Then the fur product is shaken out. For safety reasons - work is carried out in a ventilated area.

A greasy stain from light fur can be removed with a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon), table salt (3 teaspoons) and water (0.5 liters), or you can use hair shampoos or washing liquids for woolen, silk and synthetic fabrics ( 1 tablespoon in a glass of water). After finishing the treatment, the surface of the fur is repeatedly wiped with a swab dipped in clean water and wrung out, preventing the flesh from getting wet, and dried. The fur should not be rubbed too vigorously so as not to tear.

Another recipe for removing stains from white fur: equal parts of denatured alcohol and ammonia, or 1 part of ammonia, 3 parts of sodium chloride and 50 parts of water. The wiped fur should be blotted with a clean linen towel, knocked out and shaken.

But best of all, a good specialized dry-cleaner for fur products will cope with any contamination. When choosing a dry cleaner, I advise you not to skimp on quality, so as not to spoil a good thing.

And in order for products from natural white fur to serve you for a long time and look "excellent", follow a few simple rules:

Before storing the product for summer storage, it must be thoroughly cleaned, dried in a draft indoors or in the air in the shade. After drying, the fur thing must be carefully knocked out and shaken.

Since light fur turns yellow from light, products from it must be stored in bags made of thick fabric or dark thick non-dyeing paper.

Use an anti-milling agent when storing natural fur products.

Dyed fur and dyed things in general should not be stored next to light-colored fur products.

- Hats are best kept in boxes or at least in bags or bags made of linen or paper. In this case, fur clothing must be stored separately from felt and woolen.

The mink fur is not only beautiful, but also very wear-resistant, but even it becomes greasy and tarnished over time. To give a dirty mink hat an impressive appearance, there is no need to contact a specialized dry cleaner.

It is quite possible to return the fur to its former fluffiness and beauty with the help of banal household products, such as shampoo, starch, bran and preparations from a home medicine cabinet.

How to clean a mink hat yourself: means and methods


At home, you can use regular shampoo to freshen up your fur.

  1. The principle is as follows:
    Before cleaning the mink hat with this handy tool, gently knock out the dust from the hat, comb the nap with a soft brush and make sure that the shampoo does not contain conditioner, balm or other additive that can spoil the structure of the fur.
  2. For convenience, put the hat on a hat blank or a suitable sized saucepan.
  3. Squeeze a small amount of shampoo into a bowl, add a little warm water to it, and beat the cleaning solution into a thick lather with your hand or a shaving brush.
  4. Soak a brush or new kitchen sponge in the foam and use it to scrub the entire surface of your hat. When wielding with a sponge, do not rub the foam too hard into the fur - make sure that the cleaning solution does not soak the flesh. Skin that is wet through dries shrinks and hardens, so the cap may become small after excessively intense wet cleaning.
  5. Collect the foam that has settled and absorbed all the dirt from the surface of the fur with a clean, damp sponge.
  6. Air dry the mink hat without removing it from the pig.

When cleaning fur in this way, instead of shampoo, you can use high-quality liquid soap or a special product designed for washing woolen items.

Hot bran cleaning

In addition to refreshing the fur with soap suds, there is another affordable, harmless and at the same time very effective way to clean it at home, which involves the use of rye or wheat bran.

To clean a mink hat with this method, proceed as follows:

  1. Measure out a liter jar of bran, put them in a saucepan and put it on low heat. Stir the bran all the time and be careful not to burn it.
  2. Spread a clean sheet on the table and place your hat on it. Pour the heated bran onto the hat in a thin stream and rub it lightly into the fur, running your palm against the lint.
  3. Having processed the entire cap in this way, comb out the cooled bran with a comb, and knock out their remnants with a flexible twig or a light beater.

In the absence of bran in a similar way, you can clean the fur with hardwood sawdust or coarsely ground corn flour.

The specifics of cleaning light fur

You can remove yellowness from a white mink hat with the help of everyday foods such as ordinary semolina or potato starch. This is done like this:

Cleaning with semolina

Pour 1.5-2 kg of semolina into a large bowl, dip a hat in the rump and ruffle the fur with light finger movements, remember it slightly and “wash” it a little.

Then shake the hat well and use a comb to comb out the remnants of the groats from the fur.

Starch cleaning

Sprinkle starch over the surface of the cap and rub it lightly into the fur with your fingers. Let the headdress lie for a couple of hours in this state, then shake out the starch, knock out the hat with a twig and comb out the fur with a thick brush.

In addition to starch and semolina, for cleaning a light mink, you can use a pharmacy ground talcum powder, which perfectly absorbs fat enveloping fur fibers, together with dust particles adhering to it.

Cleaning with ammonia and salt

Another homemade way of cleaning light fur from grease stains is to use a solution prepared from 1 teaspoon of ammonia, 3 teaspoons of kitchen salt and 2 glasses of water.

Before cleaning the white mink hat from fat with this solution of ammonia and kitchen salt, apply it for a test on a small area of ​​fur in an inconspicuous place and, with a favorable result of such a check, treat the entire hat with it.

At the end of the cleaning procedure, wipe the surface of the fur 3-4 times with a damp sponge.

Whitening yellowed mink hat

Hydrogen peroxide will help to restore its former whiteness to a mink hat that has turned yellow from time to time.

  1. Dilute a tablespoon of peroxide in a glass of warm water, add 5-7 drops of ammonia to the solution, pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle, spray a yellowed white cap from it and expose it to bright sun for several hours.
  2. To restore the shine and elasticity of the pile, wipe the bleached fur with a sponge dipped in vinegar or 10% glycerin solution.

White mink fur is a symbol of luxury, elegance and status. And I perfectly understand the owners of snow-white fur coats, who want to keep them snow-white for as long as possible. So today I will tell you how you can take care of light-colored mink products and how to clean them.

Why does the mink turn yellow

Before I tell you how to clean a white mink, I would like to explain why it begins to lose its original color and turn yellow. There can be two reasons:

  1. Features of socks... While you are walking down the street in an expensive product, a large amount of dust and dirt accumulates on it. In addition, spraying all kinds of cosmetic preparations near it has a detrimental effect on the material.
  2. Improper storage... It is necessary to store a white mink coat, cloak, hat or other product only in a special case and in a cool place. Due to temperature changes, the fur loses its snow-white appearance faster.

Before storing, it is imperative to apply a special “anti-mop” impregnation on white fur.

Mink cleaning: 7 recipes

Caring for white mink products is quite difficult in itself. Of course, you can always have your item dry cleaned. But, firstly, the price for such a procedure is very high. And secondly, from exposure to chemicals, the inner part of the fur coat can harden and begin to wrinkle.

So here are a few of my personally proven methods of cleaning a mink at home.

Dry methods: 2 options

Dry cleaning is considered the most gentle for fur, but it is effective only for light dirt - street dust, for example:

Image Instructions

Option 1. White talc
  • Sprinkle with white talcum powder.
  • Lightly rub it into the fur.
  • Wait a couple of hours, then shake out the talcum powder, and remove its remnants with a fur care brush.

Option 2. Semolina
  • Spread the product on a flat surface.
  • Pour semolina on top of the light fur. Pay special attention to the areas that get the most dirty - the sleeves and collar.
  • Use gentle, do-it-yourself motions to treat the areas for 35-40 seconds.
  • Remove the remains of semolina with a special brush.

Wet cleaning: 5 ways

Wet cleaning is more aggressive on the mink fur, but it helps to cope with tough dirt.

Image Instructions

Method 1. Starch and gasoline
  • Mix both ingredients until a gruel is formed.
  • Apply the mixture to the villi.
  • Wait until the homemade product is completely dry and comb out its remnants in the direction of the growth of the villi.

Method 2. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

The use of hydrogen peroxide solution allows you to effectively bleach mink products:

  • Dissolve a teaspoon of the product in a glass of water.
  • Add a few drops of ammonia to the solution.
  • Apply the liquid to the fur with a clean cloth or cotton pad.
  • Wait for the product to dry naturally.

    Under no circumstances should you dry mink clothes near a radiator or with a hair dryer - this will only ruin the fur.

Method 3. Salt and ammonia
  • Dissolve a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of ammonia in two glasses of water.
  • Soak a cotton pad or a piece of clean cloth in the resulting composition, and wipe the surface of the mink product.
  • Hang the item up to dry in the open air.

Method 4. Shampoo for animals

A rather unusual way to clean a white mink:

On women's forums, you can often see complaints from the owners of winter fur hats or white fur coats that the fur turns yellow over time. As a rule, the coat begins to turn yellow after several seasons of wearing. In this regard, a natural question arises:

  • Why does natural fur turn yellow over time?
  • how to remove yellowness from fur?
  • how to bleach fur at home?
  • how to clean yellowed fur?

That is why we decided to help them solve this problem. After all, not everyone knows that there are several proven methods for cleaning snow-white natural fur, a fur coat or other fur product at home.

Important: do not try to get rid of yellowness of light or white furs of expensive exclusive fur coats on your own, for example, mink. It is better to give such a fur coat to dry cleaning. Fur professionals know exactly how to do it professionally and without unforeseen consequences.

If your fur coat is not new and it is made of rabbit, muton or arctic fox, you can start bleaching, but be extremely careful and strictly follow the instructions below!

The photo below shows what a light fur product looks like a few seasons after purchase. You probably noticed that the fur gives off yellowness, but this is fixable. Below are recipes and cleaners for fur.

Yellowed natural arctic fox fur

How to bleach yellowed fur

So how to make yellowed fur white? You can clean it at home using some folk methods:

  1. Spread the fur on a flat surface and straighten it so that there are as few folds as possible.
  2. Sprinkle some kind of absorbent material on the fur that will absorb all the dust and dirt from the fur. Plain potato starch or semolina can be used as the absorbent. To ensure that the absorbent is well distributed over the entire length of the fur, gently rub the fur in your hands between your palms.
  3. After 30 minutes, shake the fur coat and comb the fur with a brush.

Note: starch, flour or semolina heated in a dry hot pan do a good job of bleaching rabbit and arctic fox fur. Spread the food over the pile while still hot.

Whitening products

  • Treat the fur with a solution (table vinegar + lemon juice), which you need to wipe the fur with a semi-hard brush, then dry the product in the open air.Also, to remove the yellowness of a white fur coat, you can prepare the following solution: mix an equal ratio of 3% hydrogen peroxide with water and ammonia ... Take a sponge, dip it into the solution, squeeze it out, and rub it on the fur in the direction of its growth. Once you're finished bleaching the fur, hang the garment out to dry. It is best to leave it to dry in the fresh air, but not in the sun.
  • Another folk remedy is bran. With their help, small dirt can be cleaned. To do this, heat them up in a pan and sprinkle them on the dirty parts of the product, rubbing them lightly into the pile.
  • You can bleach yellowed fur with chalk. To do this, grind it and distribute it over the surface of the fur, rubbing it lightly between the pile, and then shake the fur coat.

Important: after cleaning a fur coat with any of the above folk methods, it must be carefully knocked out and combed with a fur brush, which can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy or a pet store.

Greasy stains on a fur coat can be cleaned with gasoline and starch by mixing them together. Apply the resulting mass to the oily area of ​​the fur and wait about half an hour. Shake out the remnants of starch, and ventilate the fur coat itself so that the gasoline vapors evaporate.

As you can see, in order to whiten the fur of a fur coat or an expensive polar fox collar at home, you can use many different methods. However, please note that getting rid of yellowness for a long time will not work, but you can remove it for a while.

Cleaning the lining

to wash the lining of a fur coat, it must be carefully ripped off, and then washed subject to the manufacturer's recommendations. If you do not take into account the peculiarities of the fabric, then it can be irretrievably damaged. It can shrink and shrink.

Mink coats for women symbolize luxury, elegance and beauty. This is not just clothes, but a way of self-affirmation. A luxurious fur coat made of natural fur is an attribute that reflects a person's success and the impeccability of his appearance. It is sad when a snow-white expensive thing takes on an unattractive yellow tint. Fortunately, in addition to traditional store-bought stain removers, there are improvised means with which many people manage to bring fur products to their original form and remove all dirt from the surface. In this article, we will talk about how resourceful women offer to clean a white mink coat from yellowness.

Home cleaning of light mink fur

Precautions for handling fur

We do not guarantee the complete elimination of yellowness from fur products, but only give popular methods that are easy to implement at home. In any case, first test any product on the most inconspicuous part of your fur coat. Only when you are fully convinced of the safety of the chosen method of cleaning the fur, you can apply it on the entire surface.

Washing and drying fur

Never wash the product with ordinary detergents. Do not dry natural fur coats near artificial heat sources such as a heater, hair dryer, battery. Room temperature is required to dry the fur. You should not influence the fur coat with an iron, including smoothing the creases from the inside out. In order to straighten the fur coat without an iron, it must be placed on a hanger.

Hydrogen peroxide for cleaning a fur coat

Treatment of fur with ammonia with peroxide

Prepare for the procedure:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia.

Mink fur can be removed from yellowness with the help of a pharmacy drug called hydrogen peroxide. Take a glass of water, dissolve three large tablespoons of liquid in it and add a small spoonful of ammonia. It can also be obtained from a pharmacy and is inexpensive. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle, from which the fur should be moistened. Then you do not need to do anything, just dry the product, it is advisable to hang the fur coat in such a way that the sun's rays fall on it. Alternatively, you can bring her on a Wednesday with room temperature, she should dry out in a few hours. This solution is also suitable for preventing yellowing of snow-white mink coats. To protect a long-term stored product from damage to its appearance, a weakly concentrated solution is used, that is, you can take more water and less drugs.

Cleaning a white fur coat with peroxide shampoo

Fur products:

  • shampoo for pets;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

If you do not know how to clean a white mink coat from yellowness, then try a primitive method - wash the surface with soapy water. To properly prepare the product, you need to take a bowl of warm water, pour shampoo intended for pets into it, and also put a few large spoons of the aforementioned hydrogen peroxide. Taking a sponge made of foam rubber, you need to soak it with a prepared solution, then start processing the fur coat. You should move strictly in the direction of its pile. Finally, the fur is washed with a piece of damp cloth, then dried naturally.

Cleaning a white mink coat from yellowness: must be produced with safe means that do not damage the structure of natural fur

Popular remedies for removing yellowness from fur coats

Natural adsorbent for fur

What is necessary:

  • semolina;
  • potato starch.

It is known that natural absorbent fine-crystalline substances can give light fur a second life, remove dirt and remove dust deposits. The white surface will most likely not be damaged if it is peeled with semolina or regular potato starch. Position the fur coat in such a way that the processing is comfortable for you. For example, you can spread the product on a clean floor or place it on a table. If it is necessary to remove dirt from the fur hat, then it can be put on a three-liter jar, around which a terry towel is pre-wound. The cleaning process is extremely simple: a small amount of the selected absorbent should be poured onto the problem areas of the fur coat, and then carefully work the entire surface with a soft bristled brush. Can be operated with hands without brushes. You will soon notice a darkening of the powder, it will take on a grayish tint. Finish the cleaning process with shaking or vacuuming off the dirty powder.

Blue for cleaning a white mink coat

The operation will require:

  • blue;
  • water.

There is an old, slightly extreme method of whitening fur products. You use it at your own risk. In a basin of water, you need to dissolve a little of the so-called blue for linen. You should have a pale blue solution prepared. Pour the prepared liquid into a container with a spray bottle. Apply the blue product to the yellowed fur coat, spraying it evenly. Do not wash off the blue. It remains only to dry the product. Never leave it near heat sources. Finish the process by gently brushing the fur. For this purpose, use a brush purchased from a pet store.

Cleaning a fur coat with alcohol and salt


  • fine salt;
  • alcohol and water.

Having prepared a solution of water, salt and alcohol, it should be used to treat the fur. It is convenient to do this with a sponge.

Lemon juice and vinegar for cleaning fur coats


  • lemon juice;
  • vinegar.

To remove stains on a light-colored fur coat, you need to mix a bite with lemon juice. After working on the contaminated areas with a cotton swab, you can supplement the impact with a brush. Finally, dry the fur coat naturally.

Take good care of your light mink coat, and it will last a long time and always look amazing.