How to expand tight shoes at home. How to stretch new shoes. Video: Three Ways to Stretch Tight, Hard Shoes

Here are the shoes of your dreams! Ideal in all respects, except for one - too small. Half size - in size. But they are so good ... Oh, okay, I'll take it! Or another situation: you went to a shoe store on Sunday morning, and the shoes sat down like a glove. But on Friday after a working day it turned out that they are still small. Sound familiar?

For sure, yes. In both cases, the problem is the same - the wrong shoe size. Of course, it is best to choose shoes that fit the leg, taking into account the fact that they can swell in the evening and in summer. Tight shoes are not only uncomfortable, but also cause fatigue, impair blood circulation in the lower extremities and can lead to varicose veins. But since that's the case, try stretching your shoes. There are several ways to do this.

The wrong shoe size can be fixed at home!

How to stretch the shoe one size up?

  1. Take the shoes to the shoemaker. He will be able to "add" size to the pair or even more. This is the most correct and effective way to fit the shoes to your foot, and at the same time not spoil their appearance.
  2. Use a special spray. It is sold in shoe stores. You need to sprinkle them on the inner surface of the shoes, put them on and walk until the shoes are completely dry. It will stretch to fit your size. This is the second and final surefire way to increase the size of your shoes. All others are pretty risky. When resorting to them, you must understand that you can ruin your shoes.
  3. Alcohol. The popular way advises to do this: soak a cotton swab in alcohol or vodka, wipe the inside of the shoes thoroughly with the liquid, and then put on a thick sock and put on your shoes. Walk around at home as much as you can. Then you can repeat the procedure several times until you achieve the desired effect.
  4. Triple cologne. It works in the same way as alcohol. The method of application is the same.
  5. Ice pack. Take a sturdy bag, pour water into it and tie. Place the bag in your shoes and put it in the freezer overnight. When the water freezes, it expands, so that by the morning the shoes will already "grow" in size. True, how the material from which they are made will react to this is unknown.
  6. Water. You can put on new shoes with thick socks and go for a walk in the rain. The material will become soaked and stretched to fit your foot. But the shoes are also likely to lose their shape.
  7. Wet paper. Another option is to soak newspapers or napkins and stuff them into new shoes. All from the same moisture they will stretch.
  8. Wet socks. Water is also used to stretch shoes. Wet your socks and put your shoes on. Walk around the house as much as you can. If the socks are dry, you can put on others and walk some more.
  9. Hair dryer. Put on tight socks, shoes on top, and then turn on the hairdryer. Direct a stream of hot air at the shoes and run it several times over the entire surface of the shoes. The heat will soften the skin and stretch to the size of the leg. By the way, in this way you can reduce the shoes if they are too big.
  10. Steam. Pour water into a saucepan, place on the stove, bring to a boil. Hold your shoes over boiling water for a few minutes to warm up and moisturize your skin. After that, put your shoes on tight socks and walk around until they are completely dry.
  11. If the problem is in the hard backing, you can try to stretch it with your hands. Does not help? Then take a hammer and lightly hit the hard spot. The backdrop will become softer and stretch.

Remember that water and warm air can ruin your shoes!

Note that the methods that work with leather shoes may not work with any other. In addition, heat treatment, the use of alcohol, and the like. will negatively affect the appearance of patent leather shoes and the decorative finishing of shoes. It is also unclear how the glue and dyes used to make the shoes will react. Therefore, if the pair is clearly not your size, think twice about whether it is worth the risk and trying to stretch it.

Practical and comfortable. If the couple squeezes slightly, you can stretch the shoes made of artificial or natural leather at home. It is worth emphasizing that the processing methods are different and what can be applied to natural shoes can ruin the leatherette. Take a close look at the pair and let's get started.

Ways to stretch genuine leather shoes

One way or another, they are all associated with water and temperature exposure:

    Soak socks in warm water, put a plastic bag on your leg, a sock on top, then shoes and wear for at least 20 minutes.

    Quickly dip the shoes in boiling water, put on cotton socks and wear until they cool.

    It is good to treat the inside with alcohol, vodka or triple cologne, put on a sock and walk until dry.

    Fill with wet, well-wrung newspapers. Leave overnight, repeat as necessary. This is a good way to stretch wide.

    Put a bag inside the shoe, fill it with water and put it in the freezer until morning. Remove, keep at room temperature until thawed and dry. Repeat if necessary.

    Treat with a special spray, gently pull the shoes with your hands and wear them at home for at least half an hour.

If you need to stretch the skin to size, it is better to go to the workshop, at home you can tear the seams.

How to stretch leatherette shoes

Leatherette shoes do not have such elasticity as natural ones, since the material has a woven base. If it is too small for you, you need to be extremely careful not to tear the seams and the material itself.

You can stretch leatherette shoes like this:

    the "wet newspaper" method described above;

    heating the steam with a hair dryer and wearing it until it cools down;

    rubbing with paraffin before going out;

    shoeing on a toe, having previously treated it well with alcohol.

Choose a pair carefully. If you are already uncomfortable in the store, but you are ready for anything to buy this particular pair (it matches the color, ultra-fashionable), correlate the cost and the possible consequences. If you can't stretch, you're wasting your money. Shoes after "wet" stretching and mechanical stress are not subject to exchange and return.

Probably, many will agree that shoes should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. However, quite often new shoes become not an adornment of the owner's feet, but his "pain".

Even a pair of shoes, boots or boots that are perfectly shrunk when trying on in a store the next day can severely squeeze your legs and leave calluses. Therefore, it is very important to know how to carry narrow shoes so that the new thing does not gather dust on the shelf due to the inconvenience caused.

How to properly stretch shoes or boots?

Before you start wearing your shoes, you need to find out what kind of leather they are made of. The fact is that if the leather on the shoes or boots is not natural, it will be very difficult to stretch them, and in some cases it is simply impossible.

Therefore, try to purchase shoes made from natural materials so that, if necessary, their size can be adjusted.

With alcohol

Shoes made of genuine leather can be moistened with alcohol from the inside, then put on a thick sock and walk around the apartment for several hours. If the shoes or boots press very hard, then you can stretch them in several approaches: wear them for 5-10 minutes 3-5 times a day so as not to torment your feet.

Using boiling water

Shoes that shake your feet a lot are easy to stretch at home with boiling water. To do this, it must be poured into shoes and wait until the water cools down. As soon as the water temperature approaches room temperature, shoes must be put on and walked around in them for some time. To avoid getting your feet wet, you can put a plastic bag on the top of the sock. After this method of posting, the shoes will quickly take the desired shape.

In a basin in water

If, for example, shoes need to be made one size larger, then they can simply be put in a basin of water for a day, and then start to wear out. However, this can only be done with factory shoes, which are not only glued, but also stitched. In this case, boots or shoes of dubious production can come unstuck.

How to stretch faux leather shoes?

Stretch faux leather shoes very carefully. For example, you can try to stretch them with a regular paraffin candle, lubricate the inside of your shoes well with it and leave them there for a day. You can also do this by wetting your shoes with alcohol.

Also, leatherette boots can be increased by half the size if you wear them at home on a wet toe.

How to stretch tight suede shoes?

Using newspapers

Since suede shoes in themselves require special care, the same requirements apply to wearing them out. If suede shoes cause some discomfort when worn, you can stretch them with newspapers.

To do this, you need to steam the shoes, then fill them with wet newspapers and leave them for a day. At the same time, newspapers in shoes should fit snugly together, but not excessively. It is advisable to lay them in the shape of your foot. Patent leather shoes can be stretched in the same way.

Using table vinegar

Another effective way to handle suede shoes is to soak them in vinegar. Before proceeding with the posting, the shoes should be carefully moistened with vinegar from the inside so that it does not protrude outward, after which - boldly put it on a nylon sock and start to wear it.

You will learn a few more ways to help you quickly and effectively stretch tight shoes from the video.

How to stretch ballet flats?

You can try to stretch ballerinas using the same methods as other types of shoes. And you can use other, no less effective methods.

Shoe stretcher and hairdryer

You can stretch the new ballet flats with a hair dryer and a special tool for "carrying" shoes. To begin with, the shoes are warmed up with a hairdryer, after which a "stretcher" is applied. It should be noted that when buying a "stretcher" you need to pay attention to its function and what type of shoe it is intended for.

In the freezer

New ballet flats can be stretched with ice. To do this, you need to put tight bags inside the shoe, fill them completely with water and tie the edges of the bags so that water cannot flow out of them. After such simple manipulations, the shoes can be safely sent to the freezer for a day.

In this case, ballerinas stretch due to the properties of water (water molecules expand in the cold, thereby stretching the shoes).

Using shoe lasts

Tight shoes can be worn out using special wooden or plastic foot-shaped shoes available from shoe stores. All that is needed is to tuck the pads into a brand new pair of shoes and wait for them to stretch the shoes themselves. For extra effect, shoes can be pre-moistened with water.

How can the length of the shoe be stretched?

In order to stretch boots or other shoes in length, any of the above methods can be used.

However, there are several other ways out of this situation:

  • stretching shoes can be entrusted to a specialist - this service is available in many shoe shops;
  • shoe stores sell special sprays for carrying shoes. As a rule, such products are affordable and quite effective in use if the shoes are tight in length.
  • you can ask someone you know to help carry shoes (whose leg is slightly longer, but not wider).

If none of them helped you or does not work for you, you can resort to another option.

Stretching the shoe in length with a tremper

You can effectively stretch the shoe in length using water and an old trempel. To do this, you need to completely immerse the shoes in water and wait 5-6 minutes, then cut the trempel so that it is slightly longer than the shoe itself, and place it inside a new pair.

When wet, the shoe stretches a little, and a piece of plastic sets the direction for it to increase in size at this moment. This will make your boots or shoes a little longer and stop pressing.

How to stretch narrow shoes in width?

With cologne

To stretch narrow shoes, you can use one of the old methods, the essence of which is to lubricate the inner walls of the shoes with cologne and wear for 2-3 hours.

It is better to try this method in the evening, when the legs are swollen and increase in size, compared to the morning hours. At night, after posting, the shoes can be stuffed tightly with paper and newspapers. However, the main disadvantage of this method should be taken into account: the smell of cologne is quickly absorbed and remains in the shoes for a long time.

Using castor oil

Castor oil, which needs to be treated inside and out, can help stretch the shoe wider. Then you can start posting. After 3-4 hours, the oil should be removed from the surface of the shoe. This method is useful for posting shoes made from any material (except suede). Also, castor oil will help bring old hardened shoes back to life.

How to choose the right shoes?

In order not to puzzle over how to stretch the shoes after the purchase, you need to know a few simple rules that will help you avoid further problems with the new thing.

Give preference to natural materials

It is better to give preference to factory-made shoes made from natural materials. As a rule, although it is more expensive, it also lasts longer. It is quite easy to stretch shoes made from natural materials without feeling painful sensations.

Choose shoes by size

You need to buy only those shoes that fit in size. If a girl has complexes about a large foot size, then she still should not take shoes one size smaller, since it is quite difficult to stretch the shoes by size. It is better to choose a model that visually reduces the length of the leg (for example, with a round toe or wedge heel).

Shop in the evening

It is necessary to buy shoes in the evening, as most people have a little swelling of their feet towards the end of the day. If you buy a new pair of shoes in the morning, your swollen foot may not fit into them the next day.

Each of us at least once in our life faced the problem of tight shoes. How does it happen: you seem to come to the store, try it on, and everything sits down wonderfully, but when you return home it is cramped, uncomfortable, crushing. What to do in this case?

First of all, let's talk about how to avoid these unpleasant moments:

If possible, give preference to leather or it is stronger and sits on the leg rather quickly. In addition, if necessary, you can carry out some procedures to increase comfort (but more on that, at home, later).

Go shopping in the afternoon or at the end of the day. Your feet swell a little after a hard day at work, and, therefore, wider shoes are needed.

Carefully examine the model you like, be sure to try on both shoes and walk around or, if necessary, run.

However, if a nuisance still occurs, and the shoes are so to your liking that there can be no question of returning, then human ingenuity comes to the rescue.

My advice is to go to a professional! Almost every shoe repairer has a special device for stretching it and will be happy to help you.

But if there is no desire or opportunity to consult a specialist, you can try to cope on your own.

There are many different tips on how to stretch your shoes at home. I will only talk about those that actually work. Important! If your shoes are made of suede or velor, under no circumstances use alcohol, cream, vinegar or any other means (except specially designed ones) on its surface.

How to stretch shoes at home

1. There is a small stretch for shoes on sale, which you can buy in special departments for or on the market. The thing is very useful and inexpensive.

2. Use a solution of alcohol and water (1: 1). Spray on the surface and inside, shoe the shoes on tight toes and walk until dry.

Attention! For patent leather, you must use a solution of alcohol and water in a 2: 1 ratio.

3. For smooth skin, you can use oily cream, castor oil, glycerin, petroleum jelly or vegetable oil. Apply to the surface and problem areas inside, let stand for about 2 hours, clean and then shoe on a tight sock. Under the influence of fatty acids, the skin will become more elastic and easily sag on the leg.

4. Keep your shoes over steam, wear tight-toed shoes, and walk for a few hours.

5. Insert plastic bags filled with water into the inside of the shoe and leave in the freezer overnight. Under the influence of low temperatures, the water expands and stretches the walls of the shoe. Take your shoes out of the freezer in the morning and let stand until the ice begins to melt. Then remove the packages and you can safely put your shoes on.

6. Lubricate problem areas on the model with paraffin and put on a tight sock.

7. Spread a 3% vinegar solution over the surface of problem areas, shoe on a tight sock and walk until dry.

If you don't have the time or desire to wear out tight shoes, you can always stuff the models with wet newspaper and leave to dry.

Now you know how to stretch your shoes at home. However, be careful when purchasing. Do not forget that stretching the shoe in length is only possible by half a size. If you are trying to fit shoes that are too small for you, you risk ruining either theirs or your feet.

Often, a pair of shoes that seemed quite comfortable when they first tried it on in the store turns out to be tight and stiff.

How to stretch your shoes at home?

Consider several simple, affordable, and most importantly safe methods.

Stretching shoes at home: is it possible?

It is impossible to let things go by themselves, because tight shoes are not only uncomfortable, but also unhealthy. After the first hours of wearing, expect the appearance of calluses, corns and pain in the legs. Of course, in most cases, unsuitable shoes can be returned to the store. But it is important to have time to do this before the expiration of the warranty period. In addition, if you had time to walk down the street in a new thing, then it will not be easy to return it.

Models made from natural materials lend themselves well to stretching. With artificial materials, the situation is more complicated, but you can experiment with them. Rubber and fabric shoes are not stretchable. The first material is too hard, and the second, after stretching, will immediately lose its presentable appearance. It also doesn't make sense to stretch shoes that are obviously small. Any pair can be increased by no more than half a size.

How to stretch shoes at home: methods

Among the mass of ways to stretch shoes, the simplest and at the same time known is the usual wearing around the house. It is enough to walk around the house in a new dress instead of house slippers for a while. The first days new shoes are worn for 2-3 hours a day. But one should not forget about health, especially if such wearing brings tangible discomfort. In this case, one of the following methods will help you.

Alcohol treatment... Moisten the inside of your shoes with rubbing alcohol (vodka and cologne are also fine). Then immediately put on your shoes and walk around the room until they are sufficiently stretched. You can also use a simple stretching cocktail. Mix equal proportions of alcohol and water. Using a spray bottle, spray the resulting solution onto the shoes. Then put it on and walk in it for at least 20 minutes. The solution with a solution is considered to be more gentle, which means that it can be used even for patent leather boots.

Never use alcohol on suede shoes. It will immediately deteriorate. Therefore, some craftsmen recommend replacing alcohol with beer. But this eccentric way, if not stained, will give the shoe a very distinct scent.

Boiling water treatment... Pour hot water over the shoes to soften the leather. It is important not to overdo it. Walk around in your shoes until they get the shape you want. Many even prefer water to alcohol. But this method is only suitable for thick leather products that can easily withstand high temperatures. It is better not to subject patent leather or even leatherette to such tests.

A more gentle method is to soak a rag in hot water and wipe the inside of the shoe with it. For greater safety, it is better not to allow a large amount of water to get inside, because the liquid can easily deform the leather insoles.

Even rubber shoes can be stretched with boiling water. True, only if it is made of polyvinyl chloride. To soften such boots, you need to pour boiling water into them. When the water cools down, you need to drain it and quickly put on your boots. After a few minutes, climb into a basin of cold water in your boots and wait a few minutes until the shoes take the required shape.

Steam... This is a very good tool for stretching genuine leather goods. Bring your shoes to a boiling kettle and keep them over the steam for a few minutes. You need to remove your shoes when droplets of moisture appear on the skin. Then put on toe shoes and walk in them for at least an hour.

Wool socks... This method is suitable even for winter shoes. It is enough to squeeze into the shoes in thick socks, and then heat them up with a hairdryer. Then walk around the house in boots until it reaches the desired size. Some craftsmen suggest wearing wet socks, but this is fraught with health problems.

A similar method works for patent leather shoes. Warm up the shoes from the inside with a hairdryer and immediately put them on a tight toe. However, be careful, because if you overexpose the hair dryer, the varnish will lose its shine. In addition, this procedure requires regular repetition.

Wet newspaper stuffing... Before stretching your shoes at home, steam them, then stuff them with wet newspaper and leave them to dry completely. It is important that drying takes place naturally, without heating appliances. Otherwise, you risk deforming the products. If you exclude the use of boiling water from this method, it can be used to safely stretch suede and patent leather shoes.

Laundry soap... This simple remedy will help stretch your faux leather shoes and boots. Rub the inside of the product well with soap, after 5-6 hours, remove the remaining detergent with a damp sponge, put on socks and walk in the shoes until they are completely dry.

Ice packs... You will need 2 bags filled with water. They will need to be placed inside the shoe, which will then be placed in the freezer. Wait until the water freezes, then remove the steam and after the water melts a little, remove the bags. Do not stretch patent leather products in this way.

Castor oil... Stretching with castor oil is also considered effective. With this tool, the shoes should be treated from the inside. Then you will have to walk in shoes for a while. The oil will soften the shoe, after which it should take the desired shape. True, the described method can hardly be called convenient. After it, you will need to thoroughly cleanse the shoes from oil.

Petrolatum... The named tool will help to stretch leatherette shoes. Treat the product with it from the inside, and after 3 hours, remove the rest of the petroleum jelly with a napkin. Then walk with your shoes on for about 30 minutes.

Corn... This method works well for those who want to stretch their shoes in the instep. Pour the prepared grain into the shoes, and then lightly cover it with liquid. During the night, the grain will swell and do its job. After pouring out the grain, wear leatherette products for about an hour.

Vinegar... To expand the boots, treat the inside with a 3% vinegar solution. This will help loosen the shoes that are pinching your toes. At the same time, outside it is treated with another means intended for stretching.

Paraffin... This is another gentle method that works for lacquered and suede shoes. Rub the inner surface of the shoes with paraffin and leave them in this state for 10-12 hours. You can also use potato skins in the same way.

How to stretch your shoes at home and not ruin them?

The ideal solution is to give a close pair to the workshop.... Here it will be stretched with special pads. They are known to professionals as shoe stretchers - wooden blocks made to fit the shape and size of the foot. Such tools can be purchased at a specialized store.

If it is not possible to do this, then the use of a special tool will no less quickly solve the problem. It is enough to purchase the desired spray and treat tight shoes with it. Then the shoes should be worn as long as the instructions say. You can even purchase a product designed for a specific material. For example, for nubuck it is easy to find a special stretching foam. If you are the proud owner of expensive branded shoes, carefully study all the available recommendations for choosing a brand of spray.

For those who are seriously thinking about how to stretch shoes at home, a number of important nuances should be taken into account.

None of the above methods will expand the shoe in length, only in width.

After stretching, natural skin loses its natural grease. The skin can become brittle, so it is best to apply a special cream to the shoes. This is especially important if a hairdryer has been used to stretch.

Extremely careful handling requires shoes made of thin leather. They must not be frozen or boiled. The same goes for patent leather. If mishandled, it will lose its shine and crack.

Nubuck products require a special approach when stretching. For this material, neither fatty creams nor alcohol are suitable, since this will leave stains on the surface. Your best bet is to just wear these shoes around the house. The properties of nubuck in most cases allow the shoe to wear out over time.

Using water to stretch your shoes, remember that it softens the leather, but if it dries incorrectly, it can ruin its texture. Water and suede are bad allies. On suede, water provokes the appearance of faded spots and generally spoils the material.

Don't rush to use harsh methods. Perhaps natural posting will suffice. Although this is the slowest, it is also the most efficient method. The shoe is deformed to fit the shape of the foot.

Keep in mind that your legs swell after lunch. This means that at this time, you will most likely avoid buying too tight shoes.

Extreme stretching should be used only in case of urgency. If the task can be postponed, we stretch the shoes with the utmost care.