How to make light waves with an iron. Beautiful beach curls with mousse and hair dryer. Video: how to make waves with a curling iron

Many are attracted by the beach hair effect. It is beautiful and natural. Beach Hair Effect is sun-bleached hair with many textured and casual curls. They have a light and attractive look. Fortunately, it doesn't take a lot of effort to make yourself the same. You can easily create the beach hair look at home.


Beach hair effect with braids or buns

    Comb your hair to create beachy curls. Pigtails are one of the easiest ways to make your hair look like you just got back from the beach. When you unweave them, you should have naturally curly curls.

    Twist your hair in a bun or several buns overnight if you don't feel like braiding a lot, or don't know how to do them, or just don't have time for it. You can also get the beach hair effect with a bun.

    Use a headband. You can also create a beachy look by rolling it into a headband. It's a little more difficult to do, but the result is also pretty good.

    • Take an elastic band and put it around your head in such a way that it is in contact with your forehead. Then grab a section of hair and curl it up. Wrap your hair around the inside of the headband.
    • Repeat the process until most of your hair is curled. Apply hairspray and go to bed. As with others, this method works best if you lightly moisturize your hair overnight.

    Beach hair spray effect

    1. Spray your hair lightly with a sea salt spray. This is one of the most common ways you can get your beach hair look. You can buy sea salt spray from shops that sell beauty products. It will cost you very little.

      • The sea salt spray will add a beach-like texture to your hair. The natural beach curls that you would have after swimming in the sea are obtained with the help of salt, which is found in seawater. The salt makes the hair curl into natural curls.
      • To replicate this look with a spray, part your hair into three sections. Spray starting from the bottom. Then twist it in your hands.
      • Wait a few minutes and then repeat the same procedure for the rest of the parts. Roll the front portions of your hair around your finger before styling so that it falls nicely on the sides.
    2. Make a homemade sea salt spray. You may not find this item in the store. But it's easy enough to make it at home, and there are several ways to do this. Although you can use regular salt for this, sea salt is still better.

      • You can make a homemade sea salt spray that consists of salt, coconut oil, and water in a 1: 1: 5 ratio, respectively. Coconut oil is great for your skin and your hair and adds shine.
      • Alternatively, you can make a homemade spray with sea salt and warm water, then apply with gel or mousse to your hair and curl.
      • You can also take a small amount of hair gel or frizz-boosting cream and add to warm water along with two teaspoons of sea salt. Place everything in an empty spray container and apply to hair.
    3. Dry your hair naturally. Using a hair dryer or straightener can do a lot of damage to your hair. To have really beautiful beachy curls, your hair needs to be shiny and healthy.

      Beach hair effect using other methods

      1. Lighten your hair with lemon for a sun-bleached look. Using lemon is a natural remedy for lightening hair, and natural remedies are always better than bleaching or dyeing. Make your hair look like you've actually been in the sun - this is the key to the beach hair effect.

      2. Spend time at the beach. If you stay on it for a long time, you will acquire beach curls naturally. With the help of the sun, you will get beautiful, naturally highlighted strands.

        • Lie in the sand for a while. Walk along the coast. You want the breeze and salty moisture to get onto your hair.
        • You need to be on the beach for a while to get the look you want. Do not swim under water, otherwise the hair, when dry, will not look as it should; they will look rather messy.
      3. Do not wash your hair every day as your hair will look silky. Another way to get the beach hair effect is to not wash your hair for at least one day. This will help your hair look more textured. Freshly washed and well-groomed hair looks silky, which is not what we want.

        • When you wash your hair, do not use conditioner. Alternatively, you can apply dry shampoo to your hair. This will give them volume and an almost "dirty" look.
        • The "golden rule" is to wash your hair three times a week, as washing too often harms the hair, which produces the natural oils needed for hair growth.
      4. Use a curling iron to make your hair wavy. If you want large, natural curls, go for the Large attachment. However, curling irons is not the best way to create beach curls, as they often look too even and orderly, and the main feature of beach curls is a disheveled, natural look.

        • When using this method, your hair should be initially dry, as curling irons can damage damp hair. Part your hair into sections. Roll each strand in turn on a curling iron at a 45-degree angle. Hold for a minute, then gently release the end of the strand and let the hair slip.
        • For better control over your curls, twist each strand at a time. Start at the roots by curling your hair in a curling iron for about a minute. Then go to the central part of the strand and hold for a minute as well, and then to the end of the strand. Repeat the process with the rest of your hair.
        • For faster curls and more voluminous curls, curl large strands of hair with a curling iron and hold for about two minutes. Use your fingers to tousle your hair a little after wrapping the strands. Just do not overdo it, otherwise the curls may straighten altogether.
      • If you are making a sea salt spray at home, add a drop or two of natural lavender, rose, or peppermint oil to give it a pleasant scent.
      • This look looks more natural on a cascade haircut. Stay on long layers that frame your face, then choose one of the following for a beachy look.
      • Add accessories. Tie a flower into your hair or wear a seashell necklace.
      • Sling your hair over to the right or left side for a really beachy look.
      • Trim your hair every month to get rid of split ends. There is no need to do this more often.
      • If your hair is naturally straight and heavy, you may find it difficult to achieve the beach hair effect.

      What do you need

      • Sparse-toothed comb
      • Hair ties
      • Lemons
      • Sea salt sprays (purchased or homemade). For a homemade spray, you will need hot water, sea salt, coconut oil, a spray bottle, and possibly a curl-enhancing hair cream.

Strands slightly curled in waves are one of the most romantic styling, which is popular not only among owners of straight hair, but also among owners of curls. In this way, you can curl not only long braids, waves of medium length look no less impressive, and even on very short ones.

Wavy hair is very beautiful, find out how to achieve this result

If you want to make waves in your hair, it couldn't be easier. From the article you can glean information about what tools and tools are used to create the effect of slightly curly strands, the features of their use, types of hairstyles based on waves.

The procedure for creating a wavy effect on hair of different lengths is simple and consists of the following steps:

  • applying a styling product;
  • the formation of curls;
  • fixation.

The process, which is simple at first glance, has a lot of subtleties and tricks, so let's take a closer look at each of the stages.

How to stack?

To make retro waves on your hair, you need clips and curlers. Apply the gel to the washed hair and separate it with a side parting. We lay the strands that are on the sides of the parting, fixing the bends with clamps; curls at the back are wound on curlers. After the gel has dried, remove the clamps and curlers, straighten the curls with your fingers (the back strands can be slightly combed). The hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

Wavy hair looks very attractive, so choose a curling method as soon as possible and have a beautiful hairstyle.

The cold wave hairstyle is popular and easy to do. With a few strands and dried with a hair dryer. Thus, spectacular vertical careless curls are formed.

Those wishing to experiment on how to make light waves on their own hair can independently create delicious new hairstyles using various means.

2 ways to make light waves with an iron

It is possible to create wavy curls with an iron using different methods. First you need to gently comb dry and cleanly washed hair.

Soft waves


  1. Distribute the heat protection agent on the hair. Use a comb with a tip to separate the hair in 3 straight partings from the forehead to the back. Make 3 partings from left to right on the head. Secure all but one section with hairpins.
  2. Pinch 1 strand between the ironing plates, twisting up to the skin - wait 30 seconds. The loose curl does not need to be touched.
  3. Continue twisting the rest of the strands. By its initial thickness, the volume of the wave can be adjusted.

Romantic waves


  1. Use a comb to separate the hair into a lower and upper section.
  2. First, in the upper section, divided into thin, about 1 cm in diameter, wrap the strands with your finger in a circle, fix with hairpins.
  3. Follow the same process for the bottom section. Press each bun with tongs of an iron heated to 200 degrees vertically. Without releasing the clamp, you need to wait 20 seconds.
  4. After the performed procedure with all hair, you must wait 10 minutes and remove the hairpins.

To fix the resulting curls, you need to spray them with varnish.

Light waves with harnesses

It is possible to make light waves on the hair by twisting the strands into bundles:

  • wash your hair and comb gently;
  • divide wet hair into 3 or 4 parts;
  • gently twist each into a tourniquet;
  • fix the hair in a bun with hairpins.

The hairstyle will be ready after drying... You won't have to wait very long if the bundles are not too thick.

Wave with curlers

How well-groomed the curls look if you make light waves on your hair with curlers.


Beautiful wave with brushing and hairdryer

Suitable method for those with manageable hair. Well suited for owners of medium to long lengths.

How to do:

  • cleanly wash your hair, comb and divide your hair into small strands;
  • wind them on brushing;
  • dry all twisted strands with a hairdryer;
  • remove curls from the brush.
  • sprinkle the resulting waves with varnish.

The use of a diffuser is possible. Blot well washed hair with a towel, dry the curls one at a time using a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment.

How to make waves with wet wipes?

A very simple method is reminiscent of how our great-grandmothers made curls using rags.

Do this:

  1. Stretch a damp cloth into a tourniquet.
  2. Comb the clean, damp curls and divide into suitable parts.
  3. Wind the strands in the center of the stretched napkin and tie the ends with a knot.
  4. After drying, you need to unwind the "curlers" and make out the waves with your fingers.
  5. Fix the waves with varnish.

Making waves with braids

How to make light waves on your hair using a gentle method, if not by braiding tight braids.

This requires:

Those wishing to make a bundle will be the owners of even better waves. To get a faster result, apply an iron.

Curls with foil

To create waves with this method, you need to purchase foil. It is cut into long rectangles. Wrap small pieces of cotton wool inside the foil to obtain beautiful voluminous strands.

The procedure for creating curls:

  • wind the strands onto curlers made of foil. The thickness of the curls depends directly on the thickness of the twisted strand;
  • fix the strips of foil with hairpins at the roots of the hair, making sure not to unwind;
  • repeat the same steps with all hair;
  • tie a handkerchief around your head and you can go to bed;
  • remove homemade curlers in the morning and give your hair a beautiful shape;

For a long-term holding of curls, you need to fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Waves with iron and foil

The metal foil strengthens and prolongs the ironing effect. Waves look great and last quite a long time.

The process of their creation:

  1. Cut the foil into rectangles of suitable size.
  2. Comb and divide into 10 strands.
  3. It is easy to twist each one, twist it in a ring and wrap it in a rectangle made of foil - bend it in half, put a ring of hair on its half, and cover the other. Bend the foil around the edges to keep everything in place.
  4. Warm up all hair rings with an iron for 2 minutes.
  5. After the foil has cooled completely, leave for a couple of minutes.
  6. Remove everything from the strands and straighten the curls with your fingers.
  7. Fix the hairstyle with varnish.

How to make retro waves?

How to make light waves, popular about 100 years ago on hair, that can beautify fashionistas:

Creating light waves with rags

First you need to make your own curlers:

  1. Cut unsuitable tights into strips about 4 cm wide, stretch over the edges. Cut paper thick sheets into rectangles, wrap pieces of nylon around.
  2. Wash and towel dry hair well. There is no need to use a hair dryer - let them be wet. Divide them into strands.
  3. Place the bobbin under the strand in the area above the middle. Screw them on, tie the edges of the cloth.
  4. Tie a scarf. To create wide waves, thick curls are taken for winding. It is advisable to wait 3-5 hours for the result. After that, you need to remove the rags. Spread the curls with your fingers.
  5. Fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Beautiful curls with a bandage

How to make light waves on their hair for the fair sex without damaging them, and get elegant curls:

How to make waves with a beam?

The fastest way is this:

Creating waves with a curling iron

Wonderful waves are obtained when using a curling iron, they last until the next shampooing.

Creation procedure:

Cold wave

You can create a hairstyle called a cold wave using the hot method using a curling iron:

  1. Switch on the device at medium power.
  2. Separate a clean, dry strand, about 4 cm thick, and wind it along the length of the spoiler.
  3. Wait 1 minute and gently remove the curl. Secure it with invisibility.

The wave will be dense and elastic if, immediately after removing the curl from the curling iron, you give the curl time to cool down, and only then straighten it.

Beach wave

The hairstyle should look slightly sloppy, therefore it does not require strong curling of the strands.

The beach wave is advised to be done some time after taking a shower and applying a hair dryer.

How to do:

  1. Make a composition of warm water, 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, 1 tbsp. l. gel. Spray your hair with a spray - you get light waves with the effect of wet strands. Suitable for owners of hard curls that hold the styling tightly.
  2. Distribute the heat-protecting agent on the hair, let it dry and wind the strands with a round curling iron.
  3. After that, it is easy to straighten the hairstyle and sprinkle with varnish.

Long hair is curled not from the roots, but closer to the ends.

Choosing a styling product

After choosing the appropriate method, how to make beautiful light waves in the hair, choose a styling product.

You can purchase a suitable one from those on the market:

When applied with a good styling product, styling will last for a long time.

Video on how to make light waves on your hair

Curls with an iron at home:

Light waves without using a curling iron, iron or curlers:

Light waves on your hair are a great option not only for evening and wedding hairstyles, but also for everyday life. They are able to transform a representative of beauty, adding lightness, romance and charm to her image. It's good when your hair is naturally curly. But even if this is not the case, you should not be upset, since there are many ways to make curls.

How to make light waves in your hair at home? This is fast enough, but nevertheless, it is recommended to take the time to practice once. In addition to mastering the technique of styling such a hairstyle, you need to know a few general points.

So, when creating waves in your hair, use a medium hold varnish. If you choose to fix your hair with strong fixation varnish, you run the risk of making the curls unnatural and "hardened". And the main delight of this hairstyle is lightness and airiness, remember this.

Also, wash your hair thoroughly using conditioner before making curls. Thanks to this, the hair will be soft and manageable, which will allow you to make a very beautiful hairstyle.

How to make light curls and who is this styling suitable for?

Wave hair is a versatile hairstyle that will suit almost any girl. The main thing is to choose the right type of curls, depending on the shape of the face, and you will be simply irresistible. If you are the owner of a rounded face, in no case, do not leave your hairstyle loose. Better to do the volume on the crown and lift the curls a little. If you have an elongated face, prefer soft and not very curled waves. But styling in the "retro" style is ideal for oval shapes.

Styling with a hairdryer or curling iron. To create waves on your hair, you can resort to old and proven means - a curling iron or a hair dryer. A hair dryer will allow you to create large waves at the ends of long to medium hair. To do this, use a special round brush and a fixing agent such as mousse. Also, remember to use products that will protect your hair from the hot air. Otherwise, when overheated, they may look dull and lifeless.

The curling iron has been used to create curls since the days of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Then there was no such assortment of styling products as now, so the hairstyle was created using ordinary granulated sugar. It was diluted in water and applied to the strands to fix the hairstyle. Now, when making a curl with a curling iron, use a special foam. And remember that if you have thick hair, this procedure will take a long time. So, if possible, get someone to help you.

Making Retro Waves: Features

Retro waves are a hairstyle suitable for both short and medium length hair. For an elegant look, you can use the fixtures, hair clips and a large-toothed comb. So, with the help of a comb, form the strands of the required width, process them with the chosen tool and fasten them on the head with hairpins. Now wait a while for the hair to dry and loosen the hairstyle by shaping it with your fingers.

Creation of waves using the "beam" method

To create light waves in your hair at home, wash your hair and dry it using a hairdryer. Better, of course, if they dry on their own. In this case, the use of fixing means is not necessary. If you have unruly hair, use a foam. Now, tilting your head forward, divide the hair into 2 parts, twist each of which with a tourniquet and connect into a bundle, securing it with hairpins or elastic bands. The tufts should be located at the top of the head. Only in this case you will be able to achieve a gorgeous volume. Wait 1.5-2 hours and dissolve, making the hair style that suits you best.

An iron is a special device designed to smooth hair. But, if you do some simple manipulations, you can create great curls at home. It is important to do styling only on clean and dry hair. So, take a lock of hair and twist it with a tourniquet. Remember that the thinner the strands are, the more beautiful and effective the hairstyle will be. Now, with a well-heated iron, run the flagellum from top to bottom several times, without rushing. After that, loosen the strand and fix with hairspray.

Hair styling with curlers

You can make light curls with curlers. They come in several types: plastic, metal, foam rubber, Velcro curlers, etc. Soft curlers can be screwed on before going to bed, and in the morning you can get up and make a great styling in a fairly short time. It is inconvenient to sleep on metal and plastic curlers, and therefore it is better to use them during the day. Thermo-curlers are no less effective for curling hair, thanks to which you can get wavy curls in 30 minutes.

Light waves for medium hair: photo

When choosing a method that allows you to make waves in your hair, try to time it correctly, otherwise you may not have time to get your hair done. This is especially unpleasant if you are going to any celebration. If you are doing your hair for the first time, look on the Internet for photos of girls with medium, long and short wavy hair. This will help you try this look on yourself. Take your time and then you will shine with the beauty of your hairstyle.

Creating light waves on short hair is both easier and more difficult at the same time. Hair is shorter, but harder to pick up with a curling iron. Try the styling method described below, you may like it and will use it.


  • comb
  • curling iron
  • hair fixation spray
  • thermal protection
  • hairpins

Styling process

1. Apply heat protectant and comb through hair.
2. Peel off the top layer of hair and pin with a barrette on top.

3. Take large strands and curl with a curling iron, if the hair is too short for curling, curl only the ends.

4. Remove the hairclip and part your hair horizontally again, this time from temple to temple. Pin everything above this line with hairpins.

5. Separate the strand, wind it on the curling iron as close to the head as possible. Continue until you twist all the loose strands.

6. Remove the hairpin and loosen up the remaining hair - there won't be much of it. Wrap the strands again, but now you can start somewhere in the middle and not wrap from the roots. This will make the curls look more natural, romantic and soft.

7. Sprinkle hairspray on your hair.

  • It will be easier and faster to use a curling iron with a large nozzle.
  • To make your hairstyle more voluminous and playful at the very end, take a few thin strands and wind them on a curling iron, then comb them a little with your hands.