How to make a crepe paper pom pom. Do-it-yourself paper pompoms: a master class. Pompom holder

Paper pom-poms will perfectly decorate the venue of the event, like a wedding, birthday, or a theme party. This element of decor does not require special financial costs and incredible skills.

How to make paper pom poms - method 1

To make a floating paper pom-pom you will need:

  • thin colored paper;
  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • scissors;
  • satin ribbon.

To create a paper pom-pom, you can use colored papyrus paper, napkins, corrugated paper, etc. The photo below shows step-by-step instructions for creating a pom-pom from papyrus paper. Let's start creating a paper pom-pom:

  • On the table, stack the paper in ten layers. The size and splendor of the future pompom will depend on the chosen size, as well as the number of layers of paper.
  • We begin to fold the paper on one side in the form of an accordion.
  • To make the second fold, carefully turn the sheets of paper over and fold it over.
  • Repeat the same folding steps to the end of the sheet. In the process of folding, we try to make bends of the same size.
  • When the accordion is ready, fold it in half. This is necessary so that the pom-pom has the shape of a circle.
  • We fasten the accordion in the middle with wire. Use pliers to screw it on. Do not pull the wire too tight, otherwise you can tear the paper.
  • After tightening, the wire can be cut in several ways. The first - leaving one end of the wire 30 cm, for which it will be possible to hang the pompom. The second - after winding the wire, cut it short and glue a satin ribbon to it and make a loop out of it.
  • Using scissors, we shape the future pompom. To do this, you need to cut the ends of the accordion, giving them a sharp or rounded shape.
  • After the accordions are cut off on one side, you need to do the same with the second. The only thing left to do is fold the accordion in half and mark where the rounding begins.

  • We straighten both tails of the pompom and proceed to give a rounded shape to the pompom. To do this, separate one layer of paper at a time and raise them to the center to hide the middle of the pompom.
  • After straightening the first half of the pompom, turn it over and begin to straighten the second side.

The paper pom-pom is ready!

How to make paper pom poms - method 2

To create an openwork pom-pom you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • markers.

Let's start creating a honeycomb paper pom-pom:

  • We fold the cardboard in half and draw a semicircle on it, then cut it out.
  • Cut the cardboard circle in the middle into two equal parts.
  • We prepare colored, thin paper by first folding it into one stack of 10 leaves and cutting it to the desired size.
  • On a piece of paper, we mark vertical stripes with blue and green felt-tip pens. The distance between the strips should be the same size.
  • We put the first piece of colored paper on the marked sheet and glue the strips of the same color with glue.
  • Then we glue the second layer of colored paper and grease with glue on the second color.
  • Repeat these steps until you run out of sheets of paper.
  • Attach the semicircle to the glued sheets and cut along its contour.

  • Glue cardboard semicircles on one side and the other.
  • We pierce the top of the workpiece with a needle and thread it so that the pompom can be hung.
  • We straighten the pompom, and glue the opposite cardboard semicircles together.

Unusual, cellular pompom is ready!

Making a paper pom-pom is not difficult if you follow the above recommendations. Experiment with color combinations, pom pom size, petal shape, etc. Pompoms can decorate any celebration and create a special festive mood!

Surely you paid attention to the huge balls suspended from the ceiling in the halls of celebrations. Lush, delicate, airy, almost weightless, colorful and monochrome, bright and pastel colors ... They attract the eye! It looks like it takes a unique design talent to create this piece of paper art. It turns out that this is not entirely true. It is quite possible to make paper pompoms with your own hands.

What are pompoms for?

  1. First of all, pompoms are an excellent budget option for decorating a wedding (bride's room, restaurant hall) and in general any celebration where a large area is involved. You can, of course, use fresh flowers for decoration, but just imagine how many plants you have to ruin for this purpose. Pompoms will look no less luxurious, stylish and modern.
  2. Separately, it is worth mentioning. In fact, thanks to the pompoms, any table will become bright and festive! Napkins and napkins are decorated with decorative balls, as well as cute, toy-like pancakes, which with pompoms become just a feast for the eyes.
  3. Pompoms are often used as hanging decorations. Intricate balls hanging at different heights create a sense of celebration, transform the space and accentuate a certain color in the interior. They are used to decorate houses, cottages and offices. No theme party is complete without pompoms. And if you use these stylish accessories for a photo shoot, you can be sure that the photos will turn out beautiful, bright and memorable!

At the beginning of the article, we already mentioned that this magnificent decor can be made independently, without resorting to the expensive services of specialists. But how to do that? How much time and nerves will be spent on this creative process? So, we present to your attention do-it-yourself paper pompoms master class.

pom pom chrysanthemum

These pompoms look like spectacularly disheveled balls. Despite the rather uncomplicated technique of execution, they look extremely cute and pretty!

Would need

  • scissors;
  • cigarette paper;
  • wire.

Three sheets of paper need to be placed one on top of the other. Fold them like for a fan, then fix with wire and cut the edges into a triangle shape.
Carefully separate each sheet and spread first on one side, then on the other. Gradually, a shaggy ball will turn out.

If you can't find tissue paper, use any other thin paper. By the way, with careful handling, you can even make a pom-pom from a newspaper: you get a spectacular stylized accessory.

Pompom carnation

Pompoms of this type are very lush and look so elegant!

Would need

  • cigarette paper;
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • hot glue;
  • ribbon;
  • foam ball.

pompom rose

According to the technique of execution, it is similar to a pom-pom carnation. Only the shape of the buds will differ.

Do not know how to decorate the interior for the holiday? Original paper balls will be an effective and inexpensive solution, especially since they are made very easily and quickly. The following master classes will tell you how to make bright and airy paper pompoms with your own hands, which are suitable for decorating a birthday, wedding and any party.

Method 1

  • corrugated paper;
  • 2 sheets of thin cardboard;
  • 2 markers of different colors;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread.

Fold a sheet of cardboard in half and draw a semicircle on one side. The diameter of the finished craft will depend on the size of the cardboard circle that will serve as the base. Cut out a circle from cardboard.

Cut the cardboard base circle in half.

From a stack of corrugated paper in width, you need to cut off the excess part.

On the second sheet of cardboard, draw vertical stripes with different felt-tip pens. The density of cells on the ball will depend on the number of these bands and their frequency. We will have 5 strips, the blue ones should be coated with glue and glued to them the first sheet of corrugated paper.

Then glue the green stripes with glue.

Glue the next sheet of paper.

Similarly, repeat the procedure with the rest of the sheets, alternating gluing the sheets to the blue and green stripes.

On the finished stack of sheets of corrugated paper, attach a cardboard semicircle and cut the paper along its contour.

Stick the cardboard on the last sheet of paper.

Make a hole with a needle from one edge of the craft and pass the thread through it. It is not worth stitching tightly, otherwise the ball will not open. Tighten the thread in the form of a loop so that you can hang the craft.

Expand the ball. Take the craft by both cardboard parts and gently spread them apart. Be careful not to tear the thin paper.

Glue the cardboard joints together and the ball will take shape.

Such balls can be made in different sizes, plain and multi-colored.

Method 2

Pompom with rounded edges

Required materials and tools:

  • 8-9 sheets of plain or multi-colored corrugated paper;
  • sharp scissors;
  • thin wire;
  • lace or skein of thick thread.

Cut the paper into equal rectangles or squares. The diameter of the finished product depends on the width of the sheet.

Gather the sheets together and fold them like an accordion. Fold width - 1.5-2 centimeters.

Finish the edges of the accordion. Depending on what shape you want to make the ball, its edges can be jagged, torn, sharp, it all depends on your imagination. Our ball will have rounded edges. To do this, you need to cut the corners of the accordion with scissors, giving them a rounded shape.

Take the wire and bend it in half.

Wrap the accordion in the center with wire and tighten. The edges of the wire should be twisted into a loop, for which you can later hang the craft.

Straighten the paper accordion. Carefully separate each sheet and spread it first on one side, then on the other, forming a fluffy pom-pom.

Pompom with sharp edges

Please note that this is the same master class, but the pompom has pointed edges.

Method 3

Let's consider the option of creating a pompom from paper napkins, which can be used to decorate a gift box.

Required materials and tools:

  • paper napkins 2 different colors;
  • scissors;
  • pen;
  • needle with thread.

Take 4 napkins of the same color.

Put them together and bend three times as if you were planning to cut a snowflake.

Draw a semicircle along the edge of the folded napkin.

Cut off the excess.

Expand the craft, you get neat flowers. Cut similar ones from napkins of a different color.

To put all the blanks together, take a hole punch, fold the flowers in half and make a through hole.

Pull the thread through the hole and tie tightly.

Method 4

Required materials and tools:

  • corrugated paper;
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • foam ball;
  • ribbon.

The paper needs to be cut into sheets measuring 12 by 24 centimeters. For one flower, you need to fold 4 sheets of paper together and bend them like an accordion. Pull the accordion in the middle with wire, and cut the edges in a semicircle.

Spread the petals. Stick the finished flower into a foam ball and fix with glue.

Depending on the size of the ball, make the number of colors that will cover it completely.

Method 5

Required materials and tools:

  • corrugated paper of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • glue gun;
  • foam ball;
  • ribbon.

Wrap the ribbon around the ball and secure with hot glue. Do not cut the ends of the tape, with their help the finished product will be attached.

Cut the paper into strips measuring 10 by 25 centimeters. Fold each strip in half to make blanks 5 by 25 centimeters.

Wrap the workpiece around your finger and secure one of its edges with a stapler. Got a rose.

Make the required number of roses and glue them to the Styrofoam ball.

A ball with a diameter of 60 centimeters will require at least 300 buds.

Method 6

Required materials and tools:

  • corrugated paper 3 colors;
  • needle with thread;
  • scissors;
  • pen;
  • ruler.

Fold all sheets of paper together and cut out 20-30 circles of the same diameter.

Sew them together in the center, after aligning all the workpieces.

Draw the top circle into sectors.

Carefully cut the workpiece along the lines strictly from the edges to the center.

Fluff up the pom-pom. If necessary, pull a long thread through the center of the product to hang the ball.

Date: 05.08.14 / 19:10

DIY wedding pompoms, photo tutorials and detailed instructions

Pompoms are light and airy interior decorations in the shape of balls. It is not difficult to make them, and the manufacturing costs are minimal, and the result is simply amazing.

Handmade pom-pom making is a creative process that promotes self-development and self-expression. Pompoms can be made from:

- paper (cigarette, corrugated, crepe, etc.);

- fabrics (polyester, tulle, organza, etc.);

- interlining and other materials.

The wedding hall, decorated with pom-poms, looks stylish and elegant. The interior space of the room is filled with bright colors and a festive atmosphere.

Pompoms can be hung like a garland or hung singly on threads from the ceiling, on tree branches, on crossbars and curtains. Pom-pom halves serve as a very cute decoration for the backs of chairs, cloth napkins on tables. Pompoms can decorate a car, a veranda, an entrance to a restaurant banquet hall.

DIY corrugated paper pom-poms

Corrugated paper is a flexible and very easy-to-use material. It makes very beautiful pompoms for a wedding.

Materials for pom-poms:

- corrugated paper of one or more colors;

- large sharp scissors;

- wire.

Manufacturing instructions

  1. From corrugated paper, we need to cut a lot of A4 sheets. To do this, take a roll of corrugated paper, fully unfold and fold in several layers. On top of the corrugated paper, we apply a sheet of ordinary white paper of the required format (as a template) and carefully cut off the excess with scissors, including the edges of the sheets.

    Materials for fabric pom-poms:

    - directly fabric (synthetic);

    - scissors;

    - needle and thread;

    - a ribbon or rope to hang the finished ball.

    Manufacturing instructions:

    This pom-pom ball is very easy to make. We lay the fabric on the table and cut into strips of equal width. The wider the strip, the larger the diameter of the finished pom-pom. We take a strip and tightly collect it with an "accordion" on a thread. We turn the stitched tape in a spiral so that we get a half of the ball. We fix the half of the ball with threads or glue. Sew a thread in the middle. Similarly, if necessary, we perform the second half of the ball, fasten them with threads and hang them in the place you need.

    This is perhaps the most time-consuming of all the ways to create interior decorative pom-pom balls.

    Let's prepare for work:

    - Chinese lanterns in the shape of a ball;

    - hot glue;

    - scissors;

    - paper and pencil.

    Manufacturing instructions

    Cut out a circle from paper. It will serve as a pattern. The larger the diameter of the circle, the more magnificent the pompom will subsequently turn out. We apply a circle to the fabric and circle it, then cut it out. Having prepared a sufficient number of fabric circles, we get to work.

    We take a Chinese lantern, a hot glue gun and one fabric circle. The last one is folded in four. Apply glue to the middle of the fabric and press it to the flashlight. We repeat the operation until the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base flashlight is hidden under the fabric.

    Small decorative pompoms for decorating festive dishes can be made from strips of interlining or tulle of small width. To do this, it is enough to assemble the strip on a thread (we make a seam in the center of the strip, along), if necessary, fasten several blanks together. We glue the ball on a wooden skewer and decorate dishes or a flower arrangement in a vase.

    Please note that the color scheme of the pompoms should be in harmony with the overall design of the wedding.

    Video - Do-it-yourself paper pompoms for a wedding

    Video - Do-it-yourself tulle pompoms for a wedding

    Video - Do-it-yourself non-woven pompoms

Paper pompoms or balls look very nice in a wedding interior. They are easy enough to make. They will be a great decoration for your wedding, especially if they are hung in large quantities from the ceiling. You can make them small or you can make them big. If you want, let the pompoms be plain, and if you wish, multi-colored.

Step by step instructions on how to make paper pom poms with your own hands?

For work, you will need 50x75 cm crepe paper (you can take corrugated paper).

Step 1. Lay 8 sheets of paper on top of each other. If using different colors of paper, put them in the order in which you plan the order of shades in the pompom. For example, I first laid ivory paper, then pale orange, and then hot pink.

Step 2. Then you will need to fold all the sheets together with an accordion. Fold the sheets back and forth until you get a long strip.

Step 3. Take a piece of thick thread or twine and tie the strip securely around the middle of the strip. Do not squeeze the paper. Just tie everything together to secure.

Step 4. Then cut off the ends of the strip as shown in the picture. You can experiment and cut off the ends in the shape of petals. It will turn out very nice.

For work, you will need sharp scissors that can carefully cut all sheets of paper together.

Step 5. Holding in the middle, unfold your workpiece with a fan.

Step 6. Then take and separate each sheet separately. Be careful not to tear the sheets.

Step 7. To get a delightful effect, use inconspicuous threads to tie the middle, for example, in the color of a pompom.

Pompoms of the same color scheme in various shades look very beautiful. Now you know how to make paper pompoms with your own hands.