How to make a beer and fish cake. A cake made from small bottles of alcohol. Bouquet design ideas. DIY creative gift for a man

Cake is a must-have attribute of any holiday. But it is unlikely that your man will be delighted with a butter cake made of mastic. To really surprise your chosen one, an adult son or dad, you need a creative approach. Do-it-yourself beer cake in cans is the best men's gift in the hand-made style. Such a present will be relevant for lovers of a foamy drink.

Beer cake is tasty, beautiful and original!

Defender of the Fatherland Day, birthday, wedding anniversary, professional holiday. If you look at the calendar, then you can think of a reason for the celebration for every day. Holidays for women are a real test. And the point is not that you have to stand at the stove for half a day and then wash a mountain of dishes. The main problem is a gift for a man. Shaving accessories, belt, eau de toilette, cufflinks, wallet, business card holder, housekeeper - all this is already a hackneyed topic.

If your chosen one is friends with a sense of humor and loves to make you extraordinary gifts, surprise him too. A DIY canned beer cake and a bouquet of fish is the best gift you can give a man. The basis of such a foamy dessert will be an alcoholic drink in cans. But its decoration and presentation depends on the flight of your imagination.

We'll share with you a couple of creative ideas and valuable tips:

  • beer cans are the basis of the cake; you need to make it round and multi-tiered;
  • cakes are needed for any cake - in our case, this is a strong frame;
  • spacing, durable cardboard, plastic or wood can be used as a frame;
  • we fix the cans together with double-sided adhesive tape;
  • be sure to fix the bottom of the can on the frame;
  • you can decorate a beer cake with multi-colored fabric or corrugated paper;

  • the cake can be completely wrapped in fabric to keep the intrigue;
  • beer cake can be decorated with satin ribbons, bows, card clippings, balloons, candles, numbers, photographs.

It all depends on how much you unleash your creativity. A little tip: if you plan to move the cake from place to place, then you need to choose a durable material for the frame, otherwise the cake may fall apart. On average, you will need 25 cans with a nominal volume of 0.5 liters to make a three-tiered cake.

You can get creative and add a few glass bottles. You can attach stickers with wishes to each can, write words of love, jokes or indicate on what day you need to drink this foamy drink.

Beer cake - delight for a man

A real man will appreciate such a "dessert". The foamy drink is loved by many representatives of the strong half of humanity. Even if your chosen one does not drink drinks with degrees, you can stock up on non-alcoholic beer. The main thing in such a gift is presentation and originality.

Now we will tell you how to make a beer cake with your own hands. Take a step-by-step photo to help you turn a bunch of cans into a real cake.

  • 25 pcs. cans of beer;
  • 1 glass bottle with beer with a nominal volume of 0.5 liters;
  • scissors;
  • double-sided adhesive tape;
  • Scotch;
  • cardboard;
  • compass;
  • satin ribbons;
  • bows for decoration;
  • corrugated paper;
  • foil.

  1. Baking any cake begins with the preparation of the cakes. Let's not change traditions and prepare a frame for our beer cake.
  2. The first tier will consist of 7 cans. Let's put them in a circle and decide on the diameter of the base.
  3. Cut out three circles of different diameters from cardboard. We need to assemble a pyramid.

  4. Glue double-sided adhesive tape on the first cardboard blank.

  5. We glue the cardboard frame with foil. You can use crepe paper or fabric.

  6. By analogy, we decorate the rest of the cardboard blanks.
  7. We begin to collect the first tier of beer dessert.
  8. Place a can of beer in the center of the cardboard circle.
  9. We fix it with double-sided adhesive tape.
  10. We fixed the bottoms of the cans with double-sided tape. The base will hold firmly.
  11. To prevent the cans from falling apart, we will tighten them with tape or paste over with tape.

  12. In a circle, we expose more beer cans and also fix the bottoms.
  13. We need to completely fill the cardboard base with beer cans. We fasten the entire layer with tape or satin tape.

  14. Let's measure the height of the beer cans with a ruler.
  15. We measure out the corrugated paper of the required height and wrap the entire first layer of cans with it.
  16. We fix the paper with double-sided adhesive tape.
  17. We will decorate the paper in the middle with a satin ribbon. You can make an original assembly with threads on a ribbon or sew on an elastic band.

  18. Making the second tier of beer cake.
  19. We put a glass bottle on the jar in the middle.
  20. We can cut cardboard to the size of the bottom and glue it with double-sided tape.
  21. By analogy, we fix all the cans with scotch tape.
  22. We decorate the second tier with corrugated paper and satin ribbon.

Bouquet for a man

Floristry is not of interest to all men, and flowers are considered a woman's weakness. But your chosen one will be delighted with a bouquet of dried fish. We have already told you how to make a beer cake with your own hands. The master class showed you that there is nothing complicated about it.

Now let's make a bouquet. It can be based on any dried fish: bream, perch, roach, ram, roach. You can decorate the bouquet with chips, pistachios, crackers, herbs. Awaken your imagination and get creative.

Required materials and tools:

  • dried fish;
  • decorative paper;
  • multi-colored ribbons.

A step-by-step description of the creative process:

  1. We select a fish of approximately the same size.
  2. We fold it into a bouquet and tie it with a rope or elastic band near the tails.
  3. Wrap the fish bouquet in decorative paper. Newsprint looks original.
  4. We tie a ribbon and attach a bow.

You can spend a little more time and effort and create an unusual bouquet. Make flower blanks from corrugated paper or newspapers. The role of the stems will be played by floral sticks. Add some pistachios, salted nuts and other snacks to the beer. We wrap everything in decorative paper and fix it with tape.

It is difficult to surprise someone on a birthday with a beer, but if you present it festively, then hardly any of the men will refuse such a gift. Having decorated the present as a cake from cans of beer, you can present it instead of the main festive paraphernalia. The appearance, size and design of the future beer masterpiece depends on the preferences and imagination of the donor.

How to make a cake from cans of beer with your own hands step by step photo

The main thing is to prepare all the necessary materials in advance, as well as choose one of the options for yourself and create it for men with full cans of beer and fish, or for the female half with chocolates. Those who decide to make a cake from beer cans with their own hands have nothing to be afraid of. Various options for its execution are presented below, with a description and a photo.

Necessary materials

A beer can cake for men cannot do without this drink itself, so you need to purchase 26 cans of beer, it is not necessary to take all of them from one manufacturer, if you could not get them in the required quantity, then you can buy 6 cans of the same type for the first tier and 19 cans for the second. You can create a festive masterpiece with your own hands only with the help of the following tools and materials:

  • corrugated paper (color is chosen to taste);
  • 1 bottle of beer drink (in glass);
  • foil;
  • satin ribbon;
  • wire;
  • glue;
  • double-sided tape;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors.

At the end of the decoration of the gift, you will need to decorate it with a greeting card, you can also make it yourself, or buy it ready-made, and also use bows made of paper or thick fabric.

Step-by-step instruction

The basis will be a special confectionery cardboard, but if it was not possible to buy it, then its usual analogue is quite suitable, only it should be dense, and not a school version.

Step-by-step cake creation:

  1. Cut out circles of the desired diameter, it will depend on how many tiers there will be in the cake. Each of the cut circles must be covered with foil.
  2. The first tier consists of 6 cans of beer, which must be joined together and wrapped with tape. Behind them, place 12 more cans in a circle and fix them in the same way.
  3. It is better to immediately start decorating the lower tier, for which purpose cut out a wide strip from corrugated paper and wrap all the cans around it, connect its ends and glue it. From above, you can tie a satin or paper bright ribbon for showiness.
  4. On top of the resulting tier, install a second cardboard of a smaller diameter. Place a glass bottle with beer in its center and place the 6 remaining cans with a similar drink around it. Decorate this tier in the same way as the previous one, using corrugated paper, tape and tape.

Instead of a glass bottle with beer, it is allowed to use another alcoholic drink, it is advisable to pamper whiskey lovers with it. Surrounded by beer, such a souvenir will look the most weighty.

An alternative to alcohol can be chocolate bars, in which case the base of the cake will be made of empty cans, fixed together with tape, and all kinds of chocolate bars and long candies will be used as decoration for each tier.

It is proposed to dilute them with homemade paper bows, they are attached to the banks using double-sided tape. The resulting birthday cake can be made as an alternative to teenagers who are already fed up with ordinary cakes. In addition, such a present, unlike an ordinary confectionery, does not have to be eaten all at once, sweets will last for several days.

Photo how to make a cake from cans of beer

Instead of scotch tape, you can use cling film to secure the cans, while taking into account that with a fragile base, it will be impossible to move the cake, and even more so to transfer it.

The final result is shown in the photo below, it can be supplemented with paper bows and postcards.

You can also create a birthday cake from beer cans with your own hands, the option in the photo. It is simpler to create it, you need to adhere to the following stages:

  • Glue a cylinder out of cardboard, the diameter of which is selected depending on the amount of purchased canned beer.
  • The cylinder received or found in the home bins (perhaps there is such a packaging from clothes at home) must be decorated with corrugated paper, its fringe should be located along the edge of the upper part.
  • As a decoration for the created packaging, a ribbon is suitable, which is tied around the diameter and made a bow out of it.
  • As an addition to such a cake, nuts can go: salted peanuts or pistachios, they must be poured into plastic bags and tied well.
  • Cut strips with large teeth from colored paper and connect them, outwardly they will look like sunflower flowers. It is necessary to attach plastic bags with nuts to them, they look like sunflower seeds in such a frame.

Cans are installed in the cylinder, a paper bow can be fixed on them as decoration. And next to the resulting beer cake, put manufactured sunflowers, by the way, they can be replaced by small fish bunches.

Video on how to make a cake from beer cans

The variant of a holiday gift offered below for men is slightly different from the ones given above. As a basis, a coil made of cardboard is used here, which is decorated with foil using glue. Seven cans of beer are installed between two interconnected bases. They are fixed to each other. The second tier is an addition to the drinks, and there is a snack on it. It is in cups decorated according to the holiday, they need to be attached to the upper base in a circle, if its diameter is about the same as in the video example, then five cups will be enough. In the center of the circle they created, you can install an additional bottle of aperitif.

If you want to congratulate your loved one in an original way on any holiday, then we suggest using the ideas of creating cakes from beer cans. They are suitable not only for home gatherings, but also for corporate parties.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Beer gifts: 5 great ideas

Yes, beer is far from a universal gift. But those who can be presented with one will definitely like the options presented.

Beer cake

Let's consider how to make such a cake at home. Naturally, this surprise will not be sweet in the usual sense of the word. However, an unusual and chic image of your creativity will create a real holiday atmosphere. And this delicacy has been its most important attribute for many years.

You need to take:

  • eleven beer cans with a volume of 500, 1000 ml;
  • chocolate bars;
  • 10 chocolate candies with foil;
  • any stand;
  • standard double-sided tape;
  • holiday ribbons and any bow;
  • regular scissors;
  • a tube of regular glue;
  • a tube of food glue;
  • several toothpicks;
  • holiday wax figures.

If suddenly you do not have scotch tape, then you can fasten all the cans with cling film.

You will most likely be carrying a beer cake. Therefore, the cake holder must have good strength. As such, you can use durable cardboard covered with bright foil or wide flattened dishes. Or use a dish of a similar color, why not. Try to decorate it yourself, choosing a certain sketch.

For all the candies on the cake, I advise you to make a unique paper wrapper. Such a trick when creating your masterpiece will help prevent the glue from coming into contact with the foil and will be an additional decoration on the cake.

Create 10 eyelets from double-sided tape. They are needed so that you firmly secure all the cans of beer. This is much easier than it sounds. Wind a couple of turns of this tape around your finger. Remove unnecessary pieces with scissors. Carefully lay these loops, try not to touch the sticky layer again.

Getting started:

If you want more options and ask the question: “how to pack a gift?”, There is, for example, such an idea as “a tank of beer”. You can also use additional components (for example, socks). With the help of the master class below, you can just make a cool beer tank:

Beer boat

Beer can be used to build a shape in the form of a boat, or a boat from bottles or cans.

To do this, you need to use a lot of tape or tightening tapes (glue is also used). As decorations, you can use bags of nuts and much more. In the middle of the structure, you can erect a mast by making a sail from a large napkin. A great gift for men.

Treasure chest

For true connoisseurs of beer, it is better to choose items of large volumes. An impressive keg of beer is very original, however, if you also put it in the chest, you will get just a unique surprise.

The chest can be built from ordinary cardboard, which must be decorated in a festive way. In addition to a keg or bottles of beer, you can put a variety of snacks in the chest. You can also use wheat or other vegetation as decorations so that the bottle looks beautiful and harmonious in the chest. A wonderful gift for a man. Look at the photo below.

Beer with original labels

Bottled beer can be an unusual gift, even if you just replace a regular label with a handmade one. This will be a truly unique gift!

These labels are made independently or you can entrust such work to professionals. The text and picture on the label can be absolutely varied, but they should be associated with the man to whom the gift will be given: funny texts, photos that mean a lot, compliments and verses with a name, wishes, congratulations to the gift ... Who knows what else do you think of?

Don't forget the beer drink itself

This is the easiest option! I think you yourself first of all thought about it when you were at a loss as to what to buy for a beer lover. Of course, this is the best idea.

As hop lovers themselves often joke, there cannot be much of this drink. This is a gift with a real masculine character. Especially if it is high quality beer from the best brands. Well, if you can get a rare beer that cannot be purchased in open sales, then the man will be especially happy with this gift. Moreover, the giver himself in this case will acquire an excellent bonus - he, most likely, will also get a share of this gift.

If you have definitely decided that you will give beer, then a difficult dilemma arises - what to focus on: quality or quantity?

  • If you have chosen the first option, then you can turn to online stores that specialize in the transportation of elite imported beer.

It is no secret that branded goods of the most famous foreign brands can rarely be bought in domestic stores. Most often, you will purchase beer that is brewed at a domestic brewery that has acquired a license to produce products from a foreign company.

Naturally, this gift, taking into account the high quality and price of transportation from another country, will be expensive, but for a good person - why not.

  • However, if you still chose the second option - you want to buy a lot of beer - in this case, the most important point will be knowing what the recipient likes the most.

A huge box of your favorite alcoholic beverage, which can be lightened in the warm and friendly company of close friends and family, what could be better? The recipient will definitely be pleasantly delighted and shocked by such a heavy and tasty surprise gift.

You can give such unusual gifts from beer to your loved one for any occasion: on February 23rd or on a birthday, etc. Share the article with your friends on social media. networks and see you soon, dear readers!

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

In this article I would like to highlight the issue of choosing a bouquet for a man. This question is quite relevant and includes a lot of nuances.

Are you familiar with the fact that Japanese women have been giving flowers to their men for centuries? On the so-called Boys' Day, ikebana is a traditional offering. This is not typical of our mentality, because even on February 23, they usually give something else.

Still, bouquets are mostly a ladies' gift. However, representatives of the stronger sex need congratulations. "What bouquet to give a man?" - believe me, more than one woman has a headache over this question. How to be? Don't panic! In this article, we will cover this issue in as much detail as possible, and you will no longer be afraid to get into an awkward situation.

How to make a bouquet of men's panties

For decoration, we will need, in fact, the wardrobe detail itself, artificial flower stems, wire, decorative ribbons and packaging in which ordinary flower bouquets are decorated. It will be much more convenient to form lingerie buds if you wrap them around the stems. The stems, in turn, will be held by the wire.

It is recommended to attach the buds to the stems with ribbons - this will be quite beautiful. You can additionally decorate the bouquet with some elements in the form of butterflies or dew drops from beads. In addition, if you include socks or ties in the bouquet, you get a real gentleman's set. You can neatly tie the whole composition with a tie.

IMPORTANT: Is it worth mentioning separately that such a gift should only be presented to your loved one? The gift is quite intimate, although it can be decorated with humor.

How to make a bouquet and socks?

A very simple, inexpensive and original way to bring joy to the stronger sex. There are jokes about a gift in the form of socks, even despite the obvious benefits of this thing. Well, what if you arrange socks in the form of bouquet buds? So, what we need:

  • Several pairs of socks. Naturally, new and different colors. Although it is possible to withstand a gift in one color scheme - then rely on your perception. The combination of dark and light shades looks quite interesting.
  • Scissors
  • Plain or safety pins - at your discretion
  • Scotch
  • Any sticks - these can be balloon sticks, cocktail rolls, skewers for small sandwiches, kebab sticks. In general, everything that is in your reach
  • Wrapping paper in which ordinary bouquets are wrapped
  • Various accessories according to your taste - beads, beads, ribbons, toys. You can prepare a decorative basket if you plan to present a gift in it.

Although it seems that making a bouquet is not easy, believe me, this is a delusion. You can create it as follows:

  • Unpack your socks and roll them up. This should be done around their axis, starting with the rubber band. Socks twisted in this way are transformed into buds
  • Now bend the edges of the resulting buds - so they will look like opening petals. Leaving socks just rolled up is not recommended, since the similarity with flowers in this case will be minimal.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that it is not recommended to roll the socks tightly, it should not be done loosely either, since the thing will simply fall apart. It is very important to observe the so-called "golden mean".

  • Secure the resulting buds with pins - this will serve as a guarantee that they will hold the desired shape. From an aesthetic point of view, English are ideal, thanks to which the finished bouquet will look elegant and festive. Often, these pins are decorated with a bead, which will come in handy
  • Make several of these buds - the number depends on the expected volume of the bouquet
  • Now it is worth adding stems to the buds - for this, the prepared sticks will come in handy. They can be either long or short. Do not be discouraged if you managed to get only short ones - in this case, the bouquet will turn out to be miniature, but no less cute. Sticks can be fixed with tape or tapes.

  • The final touch is to wrap the resulting bouquet in gift paper. If you've never wrapped bouquets before, it doesn't matter, it's easy to do. You just need to cut two rectangles out of paper, fold them with a shift diagonally and slightly corrugate, collecting in the center. At the same stage, you can add decorative elements in the form of ribbons, beads. You can even put sweets in the package. The resulting bouquet can be placed in a decorative basket if you don't want to mess with wrapping paper

How to make a beer bouquet of fish and beer for men

If a man likes to pamper himself with a foamy drink from time to time, a bouquet of beer and fish will be a great gift. You can simply wrap the fish in a folded newspaper and tie it with ribbon. Cans of beer can be neatly folded into a cake.

Or you can combine all the components of the gift into one composition. For this we need the following:

  • Large can of beer. You can even buy a small barrel - it will look quite interesting
  • Several fish that will look great if you pack each of them in a transparent package. It is recommended to give dried roach
  • Packages with crackers, smoked meat, snacks, pistachios, squid, nuts, chips

IMPORTANT: All packages with snacks should be small - large ones in a bouquet will look sloppy.

  • Special gun for gluing materials
  • Wooden sticks
  • A set consisting of satin ribbons. It is preferable to purchase ribbons of dark shades.
  • Decor netting available at a florist store

So, the material is prepared. How do you start designing it?

  • First of all, glue a pack of snacks, croutons, or some other snack to the top of the can or keg. This can be done with a glue gun. Do not forget to leave untouched the opening of the can.
  • Now take the packaged fish. If you are puzzled about where to get a roach in finished packaging, just wrap the fish with decorative cellophane for flowers, which can also be purchased at a florist store. Wrapping the vobla, collect the cellophane of each fish at the top into a bun and tie it with a satin ribbon
  • Take wooden sticks and distribute them along the length of the fish. Do it carefully
  • Now glue the sticks to the beer can. You can also place them in a large beer mug. Or fold in a bouquet, tied with wrapping paper
  • Now fix the pistachios on wooden sticks and insert them into the general bouquet. Decorate the entire composition with decorative mesh, ribbons

bouquet in a beer mug

Make a bouquet of panties with your own hands

Above we talked about the fact that you can simply wrap the panties around the decorative stems, thus creating a resemblance to the buds. You can also do it in a different way, creating a more complex composition, including socks:

  • First of all, roll the panties with a roller, holding the elastic
  • Now lift up the colored bottom, which will create the color scheme, and wrap it around the elastic
  • Now you can create the design of the bud - then the composition will turn out to be quite interesting and in some way multi-tiered. Socks of the same range can be used as decoration items. Fold the socks so that the heels and toes are pointing up - you get a kind of petals
  • Fold these petals around the bud of panties, fixing everything with an elastic band for money
  • In a similar pattern, make several buds with petals, connecting them in a bouquet
  • Wrap the resulting bouquet in a film for florists, decorate with decorative trim of your choice. It will be a great solution to tie a bouquet with a tie.

Bouquet of sweets for a man

This idea is good for several reasons at once:

  • Many men love sweets as much as women.
  • This bouquet, unlike the floral one, is quite functional.
  • He will be remembered for a long time, despite the banality of such a gift as candy.

The creation of a bouquet of sweets is exclusively a figment of your imagination. The composition may include not only sweets, but also snacks, interesting accessories, unusual postcards, alcoholic drinks. Here's one idea for a candy bouquet:

  • Take the most common small plastic bottle and cut off the cork
  • Focusing on the capacity of the bottle, cut out a small cylinder from a hard washcloth

IMPORTANT: Check if the cylinder fits into the bottle. It should not go far, you can install it in the bottle closer to the surface.

  • Fill the bottle with candy a little more than half.
  • Now wrap the cylinder in golden paper, insert it into the bottle on top of the candies already poured there.
  • Take the leftover candies and wrap them up in some pretty way. It is advisable to attach candy to the skewers

  • The final step is to place the candies in the bottle over the cylinder. You can fasten it all with scotch tape.

... or in the form of a grenade - just in time for February 23

Bouquets for men on February 23

Whatever bouquet you have looked after for a gift to a man on February 23, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • Make sure that the shape of the bouquet is linear. This rule applies to all bouquets - both handmade and purchased from florists. Baskets and a spherical shape are not welcome - this is a more feminine option. An exception, perhaps, can be made for the option with socks, since not everyone succeeds in attaching socks to sticks properly. But as for the flowers, they should be on high legs, but at the same time not create a strong volume.

IMPORTANT: It is better to let the bouquet be higher in height than in width. Sharp outlines, corners are only welcome.

  • Now a few words about the decor - it's just great if not only ribbon and packaging, but also high-quality coffee, tea, and a bottle of alcoholic beverage act as decoration. It is a very good idea to add themed souvenirs: for example, if you congratulate the driver, you can attach a toy car, if the athlete is a ball

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to minimize bright ribbons and colorful wrapping papers. It is best to choose something more neutral, albeit festive.

... or so
  • Leave the pastel colors to the ladies. For a man, saturated shades are preferable, preferably dark ones.

Bouquets from bottles for men

If a man is not averse to drinking alcoholic beverages from time to time, then he will certainly appreciate the bouquet made up of bottles. Bottles should be beautifully tied with ribbons. Better yet, wrap each bottle in a separate bag according to the principle by which we described the wrapping of fish, and attach wooden sticks to the package.

The sticks in this case, of course, should be thick, because the bottles are much heavier than fish. In such a bouquet, appetizers will organically look. If the bouquet is too massive, place it in a flower pot. The pot can be tied with a ribbon.

Men's bouquets of flowers

Despite the fact that flowers are usually given as a gift to women, men will certainly be pleased to receive them too. However, it is important to take into account some of the nuances. What flowers should you pay attention to?

IMPORTANT: Classic roses can also be presented to a man. However, remember that they are a symbol of passionate affection, so they are not suitable for a gift to your boss or a friend; it is better to leave them for your beloved man.

Original bouquets for men

The bouquet does not have to be decorated in a standard way. Men are big children, so they will surely be delighted with a floral presentation in the form of a ship or a treasure chest. It is better to entrust such beauty to a professional florist, as it is rather difficult to make.

However, with due diligence and training, you can make something similar with your own hands. Flowers can be supplemented with a bottle of good wine, cognac or other alcoholic beverage, sweets, fruits, a variety of snacks, and decorative elements of decoration.

Original design - chest

Cool bouquets for men

It is not at all necessary to give flowers. Above, we have already written about the idea with an interesting design in the form of bouquets of socks, panties, alcoholic drinks and snacks for them, fish, sweets. Alternatively, you can beautifully stack together and present a set of deodorants and shaving foams, chocolate bars. It all depends solely on your imagination.

As you can see, it is possible and even necessary to give bouquets to men. Believe me, they will certainly appreciate your original approach, sense of humor and caring. Even flowers can be presented in such a way as to highlight the qualities of a man. We hope that we were able to make it easier for you to choose a gift.

It is very difficult to find a gift for a man. Of course, if you know all his preferences and interests, then it will be much easier to make a surprise. For an already chosen presentation, an unusual cake will be a pleasant addition. You can make it from beer in cans.

This article describes in detail the instructions for creating this design for a gift for a men's holiday. Such an original cake will be remembered by guests for a very long time!

How to make a beer cake - preparing materials and tools

The cake can be made in several tiers or only in one. Everything will depend on the amount of beer and the company for which it is intended. This master class involves making a two-tiered beer cake.


  • 25 cans of beer;
  • 1 bottle of beer in glass;
  • adhesive tape;
  • thick double-sided tape;
  • thick cardboard;
  • corrugated paper;
  • a roll of foil;
  • scissors, wire;
  • satin ribbon in two colors;
  • lighter and greeting cards.

Here are some important material tips to keep in mind when shaping your beer cake.

  • You can use the same brand of drink if you are giving the cake to one person. Or several types, if the cake is intended for a small company.
    The beer bottle is needed as an additional base for the construction.
  • Choose double-sided tape with a thick base as it is stronger and will hold cans of alcoholic beverages.
  • For the same reason, use heavy cardboard or a large box. You can take circles that are used in the confectionery industry as the basis for the cake. They have a very dense structure and will be able to withstand stress.
  • To decorate the cake, take satin ribbons more than 5 cm wide. Since the cake will turn out to be tall, a narrow ribbon will look out of place.
  • If you did not manage to purchase corrugated paper for decorating a gift, then use any other one, but only with a dense pattern or color.
  • Choose postcards depending on the theme of the men's holiday. They can be Happy Birthday or February 23rd.

How to make a beer cake - forming the first tier

  • Prepare two circles out of cardboard, depending on the diameter of the cake. If you are going to cut them out of the box, then avoid folds and creases.

  • The two bases must be glued together. It is much faster to do this with double-sided tape. Cut to the required length and glue it in two rows on one of the circles. Peel off the plastic and press down on the second part of the base.

  • To hide the look of the cardboard, cover it with foil on all sides. It bends easily, and wrap the cuts under a circle and fix it with tape.

  • Here's what you should get.

  • To form the bottom tier of beer, first place seven cans in the center of the circle.

  • For a secure fit, tape them together. Then glue the bottom of each jar onto the circle with double-sided tape. This will prevent the cake from “eating” while it is being carried.

  • Place the rest of the beer cans around the center, forming a circle.

  • Also tie them with tape. You can use a wide double-sided tape for this - it will be convenient to place paper on it to decorate the cake. Fix the bottom of the cans to a circle in several places.

  • From corrugated paper, cut a wide strip along the height of the cans, but only slightly narrower. Remove the protective tape from the tape and stick it to the side of the beer circle.
  • Pull the central part with a ribbon and tie it with a bow. Be sure to burn the edges of the sections on it, so the threads will not loosen.

How to make a beer cake - shaping the second tier

  • For the second layer of beer cans, you will need a glass bottle. Place it strictly in the center of the first tier and secure with tape. Set six cans around it, in a circle. Pull them together with duct tape. Fasten the bottom of the cans with double-sided tape.

  • Also decorate the side of the cake with a piece of corrugated paper and tie a ribbon.

  • Satin ribbon can be used in two colors. For a more lush bow, tie another small butterfly-shaped blank in the center of it.

  • Or tie a long ribbon over the first bow.

  • Here's a cake you get at this stage.

How to make a beer cake - postcard decorating

  • At the final stage of decorating the cake, place cards over its entire surface. To do this, cut off a small part of the wire and wrap it around the pencil. Glue the postcard from one end, and attach it to the beer cans with the other.

  • Place the largest card behind the bow.

  • This is the kind of cake you should get.

  • In addition to this, you can wrap the dried fish in a bouquet. Use newspaper or parchment as wrapping paper, which you will not mind using as a fish tablecloth.

  • The design of an alcoholic cake can be anything, as well as the number of tiers.

Making such an original beer cake in cans is much easier if you follow such a detailed master class. Such a gift will be remembered by your man for many years.

Another version of a beer cake with a cardboard body, see the video: