How to sew chair cushions. We create coziness with our own hands: decorative soft pillows for chairs. Photo of pillows on the chair

Everyone knows that things and decor items that are made with their own hands can serve not only for practical purposes. They will bring a unique atmosphere of coziness and comfort to the interior of their owner's home.

Recently, hand-made interior elements have gained immense popularity among both skilled housewives and famous designers.

One of these items is a soft chair seat. Such a creation will make your furniture comfortable and will become a unique highlight of the interior of the room. Of course, provided that the colors, materials and manufacturing techniques are correctly selected. More about this will be discussed in this article. We will tell you how to make a soft seat on a chair with your own hands.

What can be a chair cushion

There are many ways to make a soft chair seat. When choosing a specific one, focus on your skills and abilities, as well as on the availability of the necessary materials and the model of the chair or stool for which the seat is made.

Case options


If you know how to sew and you have a sewing machine, making a chair cover will not be difficult for you. The main thing is to choose the right fabric and filler material.

Depending on your imagination, decorative details (buttons, ribbons, braid, etc.) can be used to make such a cover.

Before sewing, it is necessary to make a special pattern that repeats the shape and size of the seat of the chair. It is desirable that it be made of a sufficiently dense material, such as cardboard.

Fabric parts, folded face to face, are sewn on three sides. Next, the product is turned inside out and a filler part is placed inside. After that, the fourth side of the cover is carefully sewn up. Optionally, you can add a bias tape on all sides of the cover.

The next step is to create ties and attach decorative elements.


The cover does not need to be sewn. The soft chair cushion can be knitted... Moreover, the needlewoman herself will choose the way of knitting: knitting or crocheting.


The use of soft filling in the manufacture of a chair cover is intended to make the product soft and comfortable.

Most often, foam rubber is used for this purpose.... It is a cheap and affordable material that does this job perfectly.

Batting, which is a fleece cotton, also belongs to the popular materials from natural raw materials.

In addition, many for this purpose use sintepon.

More expensive materials include seaweed.

How to mount on a chair

The simplest and most unpretentious option for attaching the seat to a chair is strings.

They can be made from the same fabric as for the cover itself. If the product is decorated with ribbons or an oblique inlay, strings can be made from them.

Advice... For chairs without a backrest or stools, a cover is suitable, along the perimeter of which an elastic band is sewn to fix it.

To attach the seat to a stool, it is also convenient to use rubber bands sewn in the corners of the product.

Another option is use of velcro.

How to sew a quilted seat

Quilted chair cushions are not only soft and comfortable, but also durable. After all the stitch prevents the soft filler from straining and deforming... In addition, such products look very original and aesthetically pleasing.

Before sewing a quilted seat, you should decide what size and shape it will be. After that, we make a blank from cardboard for cutting out the details of the future seat.

  • According to the received workpiece, we cut out two fabric parts. And one more, made of soft filler.
  • We put all the parts together so that the filler is inside, and the fabric parts are facing outward. We fix everything with needles.
  • On the surface of the workpiece, we apply the markings for the future stitch. We sew the product on a sewing machine according to the applied markings.
  • Next, you should process the edges with an oblique inlay, at the same time providing for the ties for the pillow.

The quilted chair seat is ready!

How to crochet and knit a seat cushion

If sewing is not your strong point, but you are great at using crochet or knitting needles, then an original and beautiful seat can be knitted! Moreover, it is not necessary to buy expensive yarn for this.

Advice... For knitting, both multi-colored leftovers of threads and strips from old T-shirts are perfect.


For knitting, we also need a hook number 5.

The most common and easiest way to crochet a seat cushion is knitting with the so-called grandmother's square.

IMPORTANT! You can decide for yourself whether to knit one large square for the entire seat, or the finished product will consist of several parts connected to each other.


  • First, cast on six air loops and close them in a ring.
  • Work 16 double crochets through it.
  • The next row will consist of 16 double crochets, separated by 2 air loops.
  • Then - the row is similar to the previous one. But to form the corners of the product, add 4 double crochets, separated by 3 air loops.
  • We knit the next rows according to the same principle. We expand the canvas by adding double crochets and air loops on each side of the square.


Knitted seats look no less original. When knitting such products, patterns of "braids", "openwork braids", "spikelets", "cones", "braids", etc. are often used. Focus on your level of skill and imagination.

The manufacturing principle is simple. According to the selected pattern, the fabric of the required size is knitted.

To fix it on the chair, you can knit ties from the same yarn as the main product, or pull the fabric on the seat with an elastic band.

How to make a pillow from pom poms

The pom-pom seat will have a bright and unusual appearance. To make it, you should take thicker yarn, preferably 2 - 3 colors, combined with each other... And also to us you will need scissors and a special net for needlework.

Making a pom-pom is not difficult at all.

  • Wind the required amount of yarn onto your fingers or cardboard. You should have a thick thread ring.
  • It is tied in half and the edges are cut.
  • As a result, we get a fluffy thread ball.

Each of these pom-poms must be tied to the net.... If you wish, you can lay out a certain pattern from them.

Some kind of fabric should be sewn to the back of the net to hide the knots of thread that attached the pom-poms. The product can be supplemented with ribbons or yarn ties at your discretion.

IMPORTANT! These seats look very harmonious in the children's room. By touching the multi-colored pom-poms, the baby will develop his tactile sensations.

How to make a patchwork seat

Products made in the technique of "patchwork" or, according to the folk, "patchwork", are able to fill any room with home comfort and the atmosphere of family happiness.

Making a seat using this technique is not difficult at all. Correctly selected materials and colors of the product guarantee a unique result.

For work, you need shreds of multi-colored fabric... They must be the same size, filler, fabric for the bottom of the seat, threads, needles, a sewing machine.

IMPORTANT! When choosing fabric for patchwork, try to keep it uniform in density and texture and not shrink when washing.

  • Measure the size of your stool. Having folded the flaps in an arbitrary strand, sew them on the seamy side. Thus, we will get a canvas from patches of a given size.
  • Cut out pieces of the same size from a whole piece of fabric and soft filler.
  • Sandwich all the pieces together.
  • Sew them with a sewing machine. Trim the edges of the garment with a bias tape and sew on the ties.
  • If you wish, you can sew the surface of the seat so that the filler does not go astray or deform in the future.

Useful tips for making chair seats

  • When choosing materials for making a seat, give preference to natural fabrics and yarns.... The product must tolerate washing well and not be deformed in the future.
  • Try not to use decorative elements such as beads, decorative stones, beads in the manufacture of the seat. This will make the seat cushion impractical and inconvenient to use.
  • When choosing yarn for knitting a seat on a chair, make sure that it will not leave traces of fibers and threads on the clothes.

If you want the kitchen stools to become more comfortable and cozy, or the old chair covers require urgent updating, then you can sew small pillows on the chairs for them.

To work, you need to prepare:

  • strips of fabric or patches for top cover;
  • foam rubber or cotton wool for laying;
  • lining or any other fabric for the back of the pillow (lining);
  • binding for edging.

A soft rug can be made in the shape of a chair, in the form of a square, an oval, or any other shape. The necessary details are first drawn on paper, then transferred to fabric. The dimensions of the rug are determined by the seat of the chair or stool: measure the side of the chair and add 1-2 cm to the resulting length to overlap the edges.

The details of the top of the rug, lining and padding are cut out. Then the gasket is stitched to the lining and both parts are connected to the top of the product with the front sides inward, while leaving 20 cm unstitched.

The resulting rug is turned onto the front side, straightened at the seams, ironed and swept along the edge to preserve the contour lines. Then, according to a pre-planned pattern, they are stitched with a machine line.

The edges of the quilted rug can be edged in the same fabric or in a contrasting color. The binding for the edging is cut along an oblique line with a length equal to the perimeter of the pillow.

The chair cushion can be sewn in a slightly different way. In order to make it, the main parts are assembled from multi-colored patches, connected in some pattern and then trimmed along the edge with a contrasting inlay.

Having cut out the main details, the inlay is lightly smoothed along its two long cuts. One cut is aligned with the upper part of the pillow with the front sides inward and grinded. The gather is distributed evenly on all sides, leaving a little more folds in the corners. The second gathered cut is sewn to the bottom part, leaving a small piece unstitched.

The pillow is turned inside out and laid out with prepared foam rubber or batting. The gap is sewn up and the product is quilted, laying a line along the seam of the connection of the main part with the inlay and along the seams of the connection of colored flaps.

Almost every home has stools or chairs with uncomfortable wooden seats. To remedy the situation, beautiful removable cushions can be made very easily and quickly for these seats: round, oval, square and any others.

They will fit well into the interior of the room, besides, they are much more pleasant to sit on. There are many ways to attach pillows: strings, Velcro, rivets, elastic bands, etc. Buttons, ribbons, bows and tassels are used as unusual decorations and decorative elements. In this article, you will learn how to sew original and practical pillows.

Pillow with ties

Before you start making pillows, imagine where the chair will sit. Based on this, choose a fabric. For areas where you often visit and spend a lot of time, choose a material that is easy to wash. By measuring the base of the chair and adding the required amount of material for the ties and edging, you can calculate the amount of material required.

To find out the length you need for the edging, you need to measure the length of the seat around the perimeter. To make a pattern, you need chalk and tracing paper.

It is also necessary to purchase polystyrene intended for furniture upholstery (its thickness should be at least 4-5 cm), and a sewing kit.

Seat contour marking

To make a pattern, you first need to transfer the contours of the chair to tracing paper: take tracing paper, a little larger than the size of the seat, put it on top and bend the edges tightly, then mark the tracing paper fold line with a pencil.

Remove the tracing paper from the chair and fold it in half from the front to the back edge of the seat. Make sure all sides match, and if they don't match, correct them. Cut the tracing paper along the outline. Place the pattern on top of the seat and check for a match, paying particular attention to the back edge near the chair legs.

Foam preparation

Spread the pattern on the foam and circle it with a pencil, then use a sharp knife to cut out the workpiece of the shape you need. Attach the pattern to the material and cut out two parts, leaving a 1.5 cm seam allowance on the sides.Then measure the seam length to cut out the edging, and add 5 cm to connect its ends together.

Sew the piping and attach it to the right side of the top of the garment. Fold the two pieces right side together and sew, remembering to leave a gap in the back for the pillow.

Attaching the strings

Place a pillow on a chair and mark the places where the strings will be sewn. To make them, cut two pieces of material, measuring 60 × 3 cm, and sew. The finished ties must be folded in half and attached to the inside of the piping located on the bottom of the cover. For a more elegant look, you can prepare wide ties and simply attach them to the seat by tying a spectacular bow.

The final stage

Iron the cover and insert the pillow into it through the opening left in advance. Align the edges, seam allowances, fold inward and sew gently by hand. When it's time to wash the cover, simply open the seam and remove the pillow.

How to make a button pillow

When decorating furniture, buttons are often used as the easiest way to decorate. This element looks nice on small pillows. In most cases, buttons covered with leather or fabric are used, they can be purchased in stores.

If you want the buttons to look nice on the pillow, you also need to make them yourself. In addition to the standard sewing kit, you will need a long, thick needle and strong thread (twine).

Decorative pillows can greatly diversify your interior design. Cheerful or austere or warm shades transform the look instantly. In addition, it is very inexpensive, and you can do it yourself. The choice of fabric is now simply amazing, and you can experiment with colors and patterns at least every week. In addition to the fact that your interior will sparkle with new colors, it will also be unique. Even if you are just tired of the look of the room, and you don’t want to spend money on updating the interior, covers and curtains will always help you out. Or vice versa, you want to decorate the room in some unusual color, but you are afraid, the pillows will immediately evoke the necessary associations, and you will quickly understand whether you like this tone or not, and whether they can decorate large areas of the room.

If possible, combine pillows with other textiles in the room, such as curtains or tablecloths. Handicrafts deliberately made with defects look very impressive: the vintage style is always in fashion. But traditional rectangular simple pillows look good, especially if you choose for them a bright fabric or catchy ornament, here proceed from the general design.

You don't have to spend big days transforming the interior - sew the pillow yourself. The manufacturing process is very simple and resembles the sewing of a regular bedroom. Choose the size you want and cut out a paper pattern. Transfer it to the fabric, remember to leave a 1.5-2 cm seam allowance. Put the filler inside, sew the pillow, after inserting the tapes to secure it to the chair. Everything - the exclusive product is ready.

Can you knit? Tie a pillow, those that are knitted with a large knit look beautiful. Associate with any pattern or ornament, the benefit of the drawings on the Internet is now the sea. By the way, you can knit with knitting needles or crochet. Some craftswomen manage to make products with beads and stones. Such products look simply stunning, but, unfortunately, they are not very practical - it is uncomfortable to sit on them.

The buttons form a nice geometric row and look good. For such products, it is worth choosing foam rubber as a filler. Then the look of the pillow will be even, and you will sew the buttons along straight lines.

Video of original hand-made covers:

Very beautiful pillows in the form of blades of grass, master class.

Hand-made products bring a unique flavor to the arrangement of a country house. They help to decorate the interior in a uniform style and emphasize the individuality of the home owners.

In this article we will talk about covers or, in other words, seat cushions.

With their help, you can beautifully decorate home furniture, create a cozy nest or on the veranda, add bright colors to the design, and much more.

Types of chair accessories

Before getting started, you should figure out how you can decorate your furniture. Let's consider the most common accessories:

  1. Chair cushions are covers that can be made from a variety of materials. They help protect furniture from damage, make the seat of a chair or stool softer and serve as an additional decoration;
  2. If you don't want to attach covers to your furniture, you can sew or knit pillows for them. If desired, they can be removed;
  3. Chair covers or mats are covers that cover not only the seat, but the entire chair. In most cases, they are sewn from fabric.

Helpful advice! Seat materials should be selected in accordance with the design of the room. If the room is designed in pastel colors, then bright accessories will look out of place.

DIY seats

Simple carpet seat

This is one of the easiest ways to make a seat. Also, why not use an old waste rug to create original furniture decorations?

Carpet materials are quite soft and pleasant to the touch, but at the same time, they are resistant to deformation and dense. To make a furniture cover out of a carpet, you need to cut a square or a circle out of the material, depending on the shape and size of the seat.

Remember to leave an extra 5-10 cm around the edges to secure the cover. To keep the product in shape, the edges should be overcast with thick or woolen threads, this can be done manually or using an overlock (a special device for overcasting).

If you have a fabric or braid that matches the color of the carpet, you can make an unusual edging for the seat cushions.

Seats made of fabric or rags

It can also be made of thick fabric, such as denim, woolen, tweed, etc.

If you are proficient in the patchwork technique, you can combine different types of fabric by simply sewing the patches together. The main thing is that the fabrics are combined with each other, and the product looks neat.

In order to sew the cover, a cut should be made from the fabric that corresponds to the shape and size of the chair seat (by analogy with making a seat from a carpet).

How to crochet a seat cushion

There are a lot of options and schemes for making knitted covers for chairs and stools. Various schemes can be found on the internet.

Thick woolen threads are very suitable for knitting seat cushions. A fairly common scheme "Grandma's Square" will look great on square or rectangular chairs.

For round seats or stools, you can crochet a circle using the crochet technique. Threads can be either plain or multi-colored.

We add that for knitting covers, you can use not only ordinary yarn, but also knitwear, denim, satin and much more. The choice depends on your imagination. Cut old knitted or denim items into strips 0.5-1.5 cm wide and the material for knitting is ready.

How to fix a seat cushion on a chair

In order for the product not to slide off the chair, it must be fixed. There are several ways to secure:

  • For square-shaped stools, it will be enough to sew four small elastic bands in the corners to the seat;
  • To fix the seat on a round stool, you need to fix a circular elastic band on the product. for this, a fabric is sewn to the cover, with a hole for the elastic left in advance. An elastic band inserted into it will tightly hold the cover in the desired position;
  • You can fix the cover on a chair with a back in the following way: to each corner of the finished cover you need to sew two strings and fix it inside the seat.

How to sew a pillow

Chair cushions can also be sewn or knitted. We will focus on making a pillow from fabric:

  • The first thing to do is to sew or a pillowcase made of thick material. In order to make a pattern, it is most convenient to mark the contours of the chair seat on tracing paper. Place a sheet of tracing paper on the seat and bend around the edges. Mark the fold lines with a marker or pencil;
  • Put the tracing paper on the foam rubber and cut out the base for the pillow of the desired size and shape along the contour;
  • Before making patterns to the fabric, you need to attach a diagram on tracing paper. Mark the seam allowances of about 1 cm on the fabric. The result should be 2 parts;
  • The finished patterns are folded and aligned (you need to sew the parts from the wrong side). Before sewing parts on a typewriter, we recommend sweeping them, so the fabric will be in a fixed position;
  • We sew three sides of the patterns on a typewriter, leave the back part to insert the foam pillow;
  • We turn out the finished pillowcase on the front side and insert the foam rubber. For greater decorativeness, you can sew buttons to the unstitched side of the pillow, insert a zipper or sew a blind stitch.

For information on how to tie a round seat cushion on a chair, see this video: