How to become a soft woman. Femininity through the eyes of guys, or a look from the outside

Woman is a symbol of beauty. She is able to conquer even the most sophisticated representative of the male half of humanity. However, in order to become feminine and desirable, you need to regularly monitor your appearance and engage in self-development. A beautiful girl will not allow herself to be unkempt, because this way she ceases to feel desirable. Mysterious ladies are also considered sexy, their casual demeanor drives men crazy, and their inaccessibility and understatement make them follow on their heels.

How to become feminine and desirable: 25 effective ways

  1. Beauty is power. Don't let yourself be ugly, take care of your face, hands and hair. Watch your appearance, your femininity directly depends on how you look.
  2. Correct speech. Pay attention to what you say. Do not use obscene words, learn to express thoughts in an accessible language and read books. Guys love smart women who can keep a conversation going and open up new things for them. The art of speaking is highly regarded in the modern world.
  3. Hobby. Start knitting, go in for equestrian sports, sign up for a Pole-dance (pole dance without undressing). The latter art form enhances sexuality and, as a result, desirability. You will look extremely sexy by performing elegant tricks in a tight-fitting suit.
  4. Creativity. Men prefer resourceful women who can find a way out of any situation. Maintain the flavor that sets you apart from the rest. Develop creative ideas, think outside the box, and be creative.
  5. Required skills. Get involved in cooking, learn new recipes and improve old ones. Guys love to eat well, and a lady who can feed automatically adds 1 size to her breast volume.
  6. Clarity of mind. Do not become a sufferer who sees difficulties in everything. Think sensibly, find solutions to possible difficulties and do not start tantrums over trifles. The ability to maintain self-control will make you feminine, intelligent and desirable person.
  7. Smell is important. Pay attention to the perfume, it should not resemble a triple cologne. Men remember aromas, they are attracted and seduced. Perfume is an integral part of femininity.
  8. Figure. A small percentage of the male half of the population wants to be with fat women. Sign up for a gym, eat proper nutrition and keep fit. Beautiful appearance is a direct way to become feminine and desirable!
  9. Material consistency. Become financially independent, money is a powerful tool! With your own savings, you will be admired. Men do not like wasteful women, they prefer to have a self-sufficient and rebellious person.
  10. Positiveness and self-development. Enrich yourself spiritually, develop creatively and illuminate those around you with positive rays! Extract the good on the rainy days, be happy, nobody likes whiners.
  11. Wardrobe. Wear clean and ironed items. Buy beautiful lingerie, it increases self-esteem several times. Don't forget about shoes, they are a sign of femininity.
  12. Loyalty to yourself. Keep it natural, don't let your personality be overshadowed. Stay true to the principles and do not be led by dubious persons. Belief in yourself can work miracles, try it too!
  13. Vice. Do not behave in an easily accessible way, this behavior does not at all stir up interest. There are many such women, it will not be difficult for a man to choose the option he likes. Appreciate yourself and do not waste your time on trifles!
  14. Rudeness fight. Work on communication skills, exclude rudeness from circulation, if it is firmly entrenched there. Men prefer polite and well-mannered women to rude and sassy personalities. Correct behavior in society is subject to exclusively feminine persons!
  15. Respect for your own person. Treat yourself with respect and don't let others suppress your nature. Be a person. No matter what bad things you've done in the past, respect should go with you through life.
  16. Purposefulness. Maintain balance, do not allow yourself to become limp or doubt your own capabilities. Look for new peaks to be conquered. Set a goal and move towards achieving it.
  17. Swim on the same wavelength. A mysterious look will say much more than words. Try to think like a man, guess his desires, look with him in the same direction.
  18. Spontaneity. Surprise your boyfriend and prepare a romantic, buy tickets to the cinema or to the skating rink. Show your imagination, you are constantly on the move! Bores cannot be desirable, such behavior is not attractive.
  19. Individuality. To become desirable and feminine, it is not necessary to indulge a man in everything. Have your own point of view, keep your personality. You are, first of all, a person, not a dog at your partner's feet.
  20. "Say the words of love to me more often ...". There are no men who do not like flattery. Caress the gentleman's ears with gentle words, remind him of his achievements and personal qualities. Repeat regularly that he is the best man in the world and that you are incredibly lucky.
  21. Dependency or independence? Be independent when you are away from your partner. Develop professionally and do not seek help from others. However, when you are alone with a man, show that you are dependent on him to the core. You will become strong and weak at the same time, together these two qualities are characteristic of femininity.
  22. Focus on friends. Become a friend to your partner's buddies, get them to praise you. Let the man hear from others every time that you are the best. In this way, he will not stop wanting his soul mate.
  23. Support and support. A woman is a reflection of her man. Help your companion cope with difficulties, remain support for him in any situation. He will lift you up to heaven, because at a difficult moment he was there.
  24. Reliability. Don't embarrass your partner by flirting with other men. Self-esteem is a fragile thing, it will collapse, your desire will collapse. Hug your companion and make it clear that you love him! When you become reliable and caring, femininity and desirability will emerge.
  25. Bed joys. Take the initiative in sex, the man will not refuse to be tied to the bed when his companion has thought everything out so carefully. Start it up and improve the skills you have acquired, do not stop at one posture, try new and unknown ones. Confidence makes men want a woman!

To become feminine and desirable, it is enough to respect yourself and be an independent person. Keep positive, develop and keep fit. Take time to change your wardrobe and buy a nice perfume. Sign up for a dance that will improve your plasticity and posture - important signs of femininity. Take the initiative in sex so that the man looks forward to the next time! Cultivate your creativity and dedication, become caring. Be irresistible!

Video: how to become feminine and desirable

It is sad to know that many, many girls are looking for answers to the question, how to become feminine... Nevertheless, female power, which in normal quantities makes a goddess and a sorceress out of a woman, sometimes flows away completely in the wrong direction. And in the end, it turns out that the woman is devastated. And she urgently needs to replenish resources.

Feminine girl, girl and woman makes the presence. It so happens that in the world today, a woman more and more accumulates male energy: at work (especially in managerial positions or working several jobs, a lot and often), at home (fixing plumbing, screwing in light bulbs, and so on), in relationships (strives for equality, does not know how to be soft, pliable, does not allow himself to pay and help himself), in society as a whole follows the slogan "I AM YOURSELF!"

As a result, it turns out that female energy for many women, the male is giving way. And hence the problems in relationships - only gay men want to live with a man. And there are many other problems - a woman cannot feel happy when she lacks female energy. And besides, her husband and family - if she has any - will not be happy with her either. Because a woman can make someone happy only when she is full of feminine energy and is happy herself.

How to Become Feminine: 15 Ways to Become Feminine

1. Start dressing nicely, especially at home.
Of course, I'm sure you dress well anyway. But now we are talking about how to dress beautifully. Set aside jeans and trousers on the top shelf for a while. And get out the sad, unaddressed dress. If there is no such item, buy it. If you really can't do it without jeans, then find a dress or tunic that can be worn over jeans. It's so fashionable now. Don't you dare? Then at least the blouse should be beautiful - with embroidery, ruffles and frills, shiny buttons or a brooch.
Do not forget to stroke all this splendor :).
And yet - every day, including at home - dress beautifully, as if the holiday is today. Feeling how much strength you will have and how your mood will improve, you will love this item forever.
And it is advisable to wear shoes with heels!

2. Do manicure-pedicure regularly
It is regularly, so that the gap between the nails is perfect and the nails are perfect not a day. Taking care of ourselves, we are filled with the feminine and generally the energy of the Universe. After all, you remember: where the attention is, there is energy.

3 go to the hairdresser every month
Even if you have long hair - look in, look for the growing moon - and go ahead. And your hair will become better, and you will feel much more confident, and you will be filled with feminine energy twice - first from looking in (the energy of the Moon is feminine), and then from going to a beauty master.

4. Take a bath once a week.
Not just a bath, but a magic bath: with candles, aromatic oils, soft foam, sea salt, dim light, alone with yourself. Such a ritual of purity, done according to all the rules, will help to become feminine and fill it with feminine energy. Do not skimp on attributes, do not spare the time for preparation - everything spent - both time and money - will pay off with interest.

5. Do a face mask at least once a week.
Whether bought in a store or made from handy products, the mask will not only take care of your skin, but also energize your feminine. Over time, you will notice how much better you look. Don't be lazy.

6 socialize with other women every day
It doesn't matter if it's mom, sister, friend or strangers in line at the checkout. The feminine energy is amplified many times over in the so-called “feminine circle”. Communication with women will give you strength, inspiration and fulfillment.

7. Ask for help whenever possible.
It can be tricky at first, especially if you don’t know how to ask and prefer to do it yourself. But try it - you will like it. Are you going to take out the trash? Ask your husband or child. Can't figure out a new program at work and are already typing a manual into a search engine? Ask an employee, sysadmin, or workplace neighbor to help you figure it out. Ask a friend to go to the dentist with you. Ask your neighbor to hold the door. Ask your loved one for advice, even if you know exactly what to do. Ask the higher powers for help in a difficult situation. Ask specifically and clearly. And it will be given to you, because you are a woman.

8) Compliment yourself, including your beloved one every time you look in the mirror.
Choosing between the thought “how beautifully Lena from the accounting department is dressed today” and the words “Lena, you look gorgeous”, give preference to the second option. The exchange of positive energy with a woman (and Lena will be very pleased) will greatly enhance your feminine energies. And at the same time, relations with others will improve. There is nothing to add about compliments to yourself - from today, not a single look in the mirror should be left without words of love and support from your beloved, well, or thoughts.

9 meditate
I am not talking now about meditation as an art and about meditation for enlightenment, although this is certainly worth striving for. But since we are talking about how to become feminine, then I am talking about meditation to calm the mind, abandoning the running line of thoughts for a while and withdrawing from anxiety for a while. Have eight minutes of silence at least once a day.

10 sing and dance
We have become adults, boring, we care about how we look from the outside ... Spit on all this - so what if you don't know how to dance and that a bear stepped on your ear even before birth. Sing along to your radio, dance at least alone with yourself. First, you may have to force yourself, and then the body will loosen up, the blocks will subside - and you will feel a natural need to move.

11. At least twice a month go to the shops, and on those where cute things are sold, completely unnecessary, but so beautiful ...
I think you get what I mean. Sometimes allow yourself to buy something, albeit not very necessary, but very attractive. And of course it is useful to buy clothes, cosmetics, perfumes and accessories. How to become feminine? - Go shopping!

12. Take a photo and ask to be photographed
Many young ladies do not like photo shoots, because “they are bad at taking pictures”, “they are shy or afraid of the camera”, “they are ugly or not made up” ... Put on makeup, dress nicely, do your hair - and take pictures. Analyze the photos in which you don't like you. Take a different pose, turn the other side to the camera, change your facial expression ... And finally see that you are a beauty. And the proof of this is beautiful photographs. Start an album, which will contain only your successful pictures, and be sure to be in a good joyful mood.

13. make sense of household chores
Cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing and other household chores isn't just hard work. These are also ways to be filled with feminine energy, to become more feminine. Therefore, if you abandoned all this a long time ago, it is worth looking at these cases from the other side.
Do your homework with the thought that you are filling up at this time, do everything with love. At this time, it is good to think lovingly about your husband, children, if any. This way you won't just clean and cook. You will fill the space with happiness, joy and love, and the food will be healing and sacred, bringing goodness to everyone who eats it.

14. Speak Quieter
Try to follow your speech. Loud, emotional, with a slipping obscenity, sharp, rude? ... If at least one of these words characterizes your speech, work on it.
Watch what and how you say it. First, try to speak a little more quietly and fluently, remove harsh words and all kinds of negatives. At first you will feel a little strange, but over time you will begin to speak differently, and as a result, you will become more feminine.

15. Feed
Dear people, employees, friends, birds, dogs, cats ... You will not only be filled with feminine energy, but also

Useful tips to help you become a feminine girl in the shortest possible time! Let's take a note.

Every woman from her birth has the charm of a beautiful nymph, with the help of which she can achieve absolutely everything in her life.

But with the passage of time and the prevailing social norms and standards, many ladies have simply forgotten how it is to be weak, vulnerable and beautiful.

Dear ladies, remember forever that they are afraid of strong women, and anyone who is weak!

The wisdom of each of us should be to correctly apply the charms given to us by nature, with which we can hit and conquer absolutely any man.

How to become feminine in this not simple and complex world?

How can you allow yourself to be weak and loved?

Change in yourself everything that at least a millimeter separates you from that fabulous image of light and beautiful fairies.

Let's start the path to transform into a beautiful and feminine person.

A beautiful look will help you become feminine and cute.

Agree, it's not in vain that writers and sages described the beauty of the female gaze in their creations.

Remember the myth of Medusa?

She possessed such power of gaze that she was able to turn into stone anyone who looked into her eyes.

I certainly do not call you to such actions, but the essence is the same!

With the right gaze of your adorable eyes, you can bring everyone to their knees.

It is not for nothing that they say that a man should be afraid not of a woman's hysteria, but of a woman's gaze!

To make your eyes more expressive, apply makeup, just be very careful and careful.

Depending on the shape, size and color of your eyes, you need to choose the right makeup.

If you do not understand this well, then go to specialized courses or engage in self-education.

How to become a feminine girl? Touches and gestures.

How you behave is very important.

Your gestures, facial expressions, manner of speaking and listening beautifully.

Everything matters.

Pay attention to how you gesture when you speak.

Study psychology and non-verbal methods if you want to achieve a lot in life!

The way you put your hand on your man's shoulder or take his hand can say a lot about your attitude towards him and how you behave in bed!

The main thing in communicating with men is to be sincere and open, because if you intend to hide something, then your interlocutor will definitely feel it.

Well, if you need to hide something, then first engage in your self-education in the field of psychology and the study of behavioral factors of people.

Only when you know all the little things and secret signs that our body gives, you will really be able to completely control yourself.

How to become more feminine? The manner of speaking.

Naturally, since you asked the question “ how to become feminine"Then you have huge plans for the future.

Accordingly, if you change yourself, you will also change your environment.

Remember that beautiful, well-mannered, feminine and gallant women can achieve their goals faster and more gracefully.

Watch what and how you say it.

Express your thoughts clearly, in order and with meaning.

Before you say anything, think carefully whether it is worth saying, will your phrase be appropriate at the moment?

Pay close attention to what, how and to whom you say.

Listen to others more and speak only when necessary.

Don't interrupt!

Gait and posture play a large role in the development of femininity.

If you find it difficult to walk beautifully in high heels, then either buy shoes with lower heels, or go to modeling courses so that the professionals teach you the correct gait and posture.

A woman in sneakers and jeans will never receive as much attention as a graceful madame in high heels and a beautiful dress.

A woman was born to give men the opportunity to admire her beauty!

I suggest you watch a great video,

where, using real examples, experts tell you how to behave in order to be more feminine!

Want to be feminine? Do not forget about the appearance

It is clear that girls who take care of themselves, dress beautifully and stylishly, have a well-groomed and not flashy manicure will always be at their best.

Watch yourself, dear ladies!

Take the time to go for a walk in the fresh air or visit a beauty salon.

Spend less on food and more on maintaining a beautiful and blooming appearance.

It is better to buy yourself a new chic perfume or dress than something tasty that will bring only new calories, and then they will need to be burned in the gym.

Don't be lazy to devote time to your hair and makeup.

They should never be provocative or too flashy.

Feel normal in everything.

If you, dear young ladies, adhere to all the above tips, you yourself will not notice how you will become beautiful, feminine, desirable and begin to love yourself.

Your attractiveness will not leave any man indifferent.

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Any foolishness for your sake
Our ancestors did it easily;
Because of your lovely eyes
Madness is not uncommon here too ...
Ah women, all our glory
You obey yourself ...
Oh delicious right
Capture us and drive us crazy!

Denis Diderot, French poet and philosopher

The epigraph is not accidental. Who, if not the French - the main connoisseurs of female beauty and charm - know how a girl can become feminine and desirable. In any case, it is generally accepted. The refined and apt sayings of the famous French philosopher-educator will come in handy more than once, because we will be talking about us, women, and our important dignity - femininity.

What is the ideal of a woman today

How to become feminine and attractive to your beloved man? What kind of person you need to be - affectionate, gentle, beautiful externally and internally, charming? We often think about how to become beautiful: adjust the parameters of the figure to the cherished 90-60-90, dye our hair "natural blond", smooth out wrinkles. Certainly all these reflections and efforts are commendable. But how often do we think about how to become not just beautiful, but how to become a feminine and well-groomed girl?

We develop a lot of positive qualities in ourselves: perseverance in achieving goals, courage in mastering extreme sports, a responsible attitude to work. But sometimes we are not particularly eager to learn how to develop femininity in ourselves - perhaps the most important quality given to us by nature. If you are dignified and in great physical shape, it is time to develop your femininity. "EasyUseful" will help you find the answer to the question of how to become more feminine.

What is femininity

It is extremely difficult to define this concept in a nutshell. If you ask this question to men, many will answer: "This is tenderness, charm, calm softness." Women themselves are more likely to talk about self-care, fashion and style, and good manners. True femininity evokes emotions and sensations, but drawing her "verbal portrait" is not easy: she creates an aura of inexplicable attractiveness around a woman. What color is this aura? And how to shine with this magical warm glow? How to become feminine?

"Once again about love"

When talking about women, the first association is, of course, love: for a lover, a spouse, a child. But for this feeling to flourish in all its diversity, a woman simply needs self-love. To become more feminine and tender, this love must be unreasonable and sincere. The question “why should I love myself” sounds incorrect: you should not confuse self-respect and the assessment of your own achievements and successes with love for yourself as a human being.

Love yourself for being unique. There has never been one like you, and there never will be. Love yourself as a part of a huge, beautiful world and as a person who can make this world a better place. Without showing your most precious quality - the ability to love - it is impossible to become feminine. And you need to start with yourself, but do not confuse self-love with narcissism. Falling in love is blind, but true love with kind attention will point out flaws and tell you how to fix them, how to become tender.

The inner world of a woman

For all the importance of external attractiveness, it is much more important to become gentle and feminine. Femininity is, first of all, a woman's self-awareness in the world, her inner attitude. The best helper in this is meditation. Deep relaxation can help you tune in. Learn meditation techniques and devote at least a few minutes to meditation daily.

Use calm, beautiful music. Take as a basis phrases close to mantras, for example: "I radiate love and receive love", "I bathe in the generous streams of love." Based on them, come up with your own affirmations (attitudes).
And - smile! What better than a smile reflects harmony and light in the soul? Whether you're running a big company or taking a walk with a toddler and preparing dinner, remember: you are the embodiment of love and light. How can such a creature be lethargic and stooped? Of course not!

"Cheerfulness, grace and plasticity"

You guessed it, this is a quote from a song by Vladimir Vysotsky about gymnastics. If you want to become feminine - exercise daily and enjoy. And not only for the sake of the figure: femininity is inseparable from qualities such as grace and grace. Pay close attention to your posture, movement, and gesture. Add simple ballet steps to the set of exercises: this way you will learn to hold your back with easy pride. In Latin dances, get a temperament and a touch of temptation, and then your gait will only be envied. Take a closer look at the movements of animals and birds: it is not for nothing that the concept of "natural grace" exists. Learn from a graceful cat how to become feminine and desirable.

Revisit movies where the actress, playing the key character, is the standard of femininity. What gestures and in what situations does she use? How appropriate is this? Sign language is very expressive: one or two charming hand movements are essential in your arsenal.

So, we take all the best from the world of dance, nature and cinema and adapt it for ourselves. Don't copy someone else's charm - reinvent your own. Because, as the same great Diderot noted:

There is no real beauty without naturalness.

"Fashion passes, style remains"

How to become elegant? Whatever the situation demands, an image without a “zest” is boring. But above all, it must be solid. It is not at all necessary to strictly follow fashion - individuality is much more important to create a stylish look. The following tips will help you become more feminine.

All these details will eloquently reveal your secret: you are not only striving to be well dressed - you are creating a stylish look with creativity and love. This is the secret of reincarnation. And what could be more feminine than a secret?

Groom and cherish yourself

Agree, the selected outfit will play with taste and to the place only when its owner looks well-groomed. Own sensations work at the subconscious level:

  • “Is my skin soft to the touch? I'm attractive! "
  • “Is my hair soft as silk? Nice to touch me! "
  • “Do I have well-groomed marigolds? I will not be left without attention! "

In the modern world, where a woman is not only a spouse and mother, but often a “financier” of a family and an “engine of progress”, it is quite difficult to find time for herself. But to become feminine and desirable, it is simply necessary. Here are some tips from Easy Useful.

"Let me kiss your hand!"

Dear young ladies and ladies, remember: it depends on how you extend your hand to a man whether he kisses her or shakes her. This simple passage clearly demonstrates the importance of gestures. Active gestures can irritate the interlocutor, and its absence can create the impression of a cold person about you. Each case has its own gestures and appropriate demeanor. But there are things you need to learn to become elegant and feminine. For example, how do you hold your hands when they don't have a purse or cell phone in them? How, sitting on the couch, put the legs so that they seem longer?
Watching others, analyzing movies, reading etiquette literature - it's not so difficult to develop your own system of gestures. Smooth, graceful movements of the hands and well-groomed fingers will add playfulness and flirtatiousness to the image.

Voice timbre and manner of speaking

The voice is just as important as the gestures. Even in the most difficult, conflict situations, try not to raise your voices. Remember, those who speak softly are the best heard. Sometimes, if you need help, for example, even a hint of self-doubt is acceptable.

Of course, obscene expressions and rude words are unacceptable: they do not fit in any way with the concepts of tenderness, femininity. Work with your voice: listen to yourself on the recording, try to attend courses - there are a great many, in addition to public speaking and stage speech. Train, rehearse, read love lyrics aloud. The voice is a great instrument, one of the most powerful in its own way. Master it! Even if you have dozens of people under your command, try to give instructions, but not give orders in a commanding tone. Learn to be emotional within the normal range. Expressing your emotions subtly and sincerely is a very feminine tactic.

Strength is in weakness

Time dictates its own laws - we women are used to being strong, independent, even courageous in the struggle for career heights and happy everyday life of our household. We'll have to get out of the habit, at least for fun, because, as our old friend Diderot said:

We always remain ourselves, although we do not remain the same for a minute.

So, how can a woman show her weakness without pretense?

The result of hard work on yourself and the search for yourself will not be long in coming. A little time will pass, and you will become a real lady: with a proud posture, grace in every movement and a soft voice.