How to decorate a country house and apartment for the New Year? Ideas for decorating a private house. How to make a wire star

As the New Year approaches, many begin to think about decorating their homes, because this holiday is one of the most beloved and joyful since childhood. In addition, traditionally, it involves the use of many decorative elements, special training, making crafts with your own hands, and other attributes inherent only to him. A well-executed New Year's interior will allow you to fully enjoy the celebration, create the necessary joyful mood, and make the holiday unforgettable. In the article, we will consider how to properly decorate the interior of the house before the New Year, and what kind of decor to use to make fun and relaxation a success.

Golden New Year's interior

Beautiful decor in the shape of a Christmas tree on the wall

Decoration of the wall in the form of a Christmas tree and the interior with paper balls

Fashion trends

What New Year's decoration will be especially fashionable and relevant this year:

  • Classics are always in fashion, so the traditional red and gold decor for decorating a room and decorating a Christmas tree will be relevant this time too. It goes especially well with classic interiors. The competent and appropriate use of white color dilutes this overly catchy and intense range. Be careful when using a red and gold combination - you need a sense of proportion, the decor is very active.
  • One of the main trends is the use of brilliant decor - in gold and bronze. It is only important not to overdo it - with such an intense decor you need to know when to stop. Otherwise, the house will become a trip to the palace, and not to the New Year's interior. Bronze is better - it looks more noble.
  • "Light" design in white and green style is also very popular. With this design, shiny decor is practically not used. The whole atmosphere gives the impression of lightness and freshness. Such a New Year's interior echoes the modern ecological orientation of design.
  • Vintage decor is still in fashion. Therefore, if you have Christmas tree toys left from childhood, you can use them. Vintage décor welcomes simple, uncomplicated décor that children especially love. In this case, you can not pay too much attention to the selection of colors.

Beautiful wreath for home decoration for the New Year

Wreath, candles and gifts for the New Year

Large wreath for the New Year

Unusual apartment decor in the New Year

Branch with New Year's decor in the living room


Consider how to decorate an apartment for the New Year with the help of interesting decorative elements.

  • Decor with wreaths. This decoration goes well with various interior styles. But wreaths should be matched by color and style. They look good on walls, doors and even windows. In addition, the festive table is often decorated with small elegant wreaths, which creates a New Year's mood among the guests present. Wreaths can be made from artificial material, and from real plant branches - any coniferous species, including from an ordinary Christmas tree.
  • An excellent design can be obtained if you use purchased Christmas balls. It is important that they are of different sizes, but at the same time combined stylistically. This decor is good for flat surfaces: shelves, tables, racks. Also, such balls can be woven into wreaths, making the latter even more decorative and “Christmas”.
  • Make your own or purchase colorful holiday gift boxes. Gifts for each member of the family are placed in these beautiful containers - and all this splendor is picturesquely placed under the Christmas tree. Against the backdrop of a Christmas tree with gifts, you can have an excellent family photo session, photos from which will then remind you of a magnificent and friendly holiday for a long time to come.

Beautiful Christmas decoration of the living room with a fireplace

New Year's living room decor in Scandinavian style

Christmas candles and Christmas trees on the window

Interior decoration with garlands

Christmas tree

How to decorate the main symbol of the New Year's celebration - a Christmas tree. A few helpful tips:

  • Do not try to hang all the toys that are in the house on the Christmas tree. Observe the measure - not oversaturated decor of the Christmas tree will look much more stylish and give a noble chic to the interior.
  • If small children live in the house, it is undesirable to use glass toys - they can break and injure the baby. It is also important not to place toys with small parts on the lower branches of the Christmas tree - where the child can reach. There are frequent cases when the baby swallows small items.
  • Put a Christmas rug under the Christmas tree - they are sold in stores, they come in various diameters and colors. Such a rug will decorate the space under the Christmas tree, you can beautifully place gifts on it - it will complete the look of the festive Christmas tree.

Decoration of a large Christmas tree for the New Year

White and blue Christmas tree decor in the apartment

Christmas tree decor in purple tones

Beautiful toy for the Christmas tree

White toys for decorating the Christmas tree

White decor for Christmas tree and interior

Silver decor for Christmas tree and interior

Unusual Christmas toys


  • To decorate the "eye of the house" traditional light decorations are used, often made of paper. It can be snowflakes, and stickers, and wreaths. You can also cut out the silhouettes of houses, snowmen, even Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden from paper.
  • Decorate homemade paper figures and snowflakes with glitter-coated cotton wool. Such a “snowy” decor will sparkle very beautifully and decorate the apartment. In addition, such an ornament will cost practically nothing, and it will bring a lot of joy.
  • Cornices can be decorated with tinsel or garlands. The cornices entwined in a spiral with shiny tinsel look beautiful.
  • Large balls, matched to the tone of the curtains, suspended on long threads, look very interesting and decorative. Use unbreakable balls.
  • If you decorate the window with an electric garland, then in the evening the room will turn into a fairyland. And from the street, this window design looks very festive, raising the mood of people passing by the house.
  • A small New Year's story composition made of twigs, cones and figurines looks very decorative on the windowsill. Such a decoration can be made by a child, contributing to the decoration of the house for the New Year.
  • A special white spray with sparkles will help to draw “frosty” patterns, snowflakes and other winter details and New Year's drawings on the windows.

Beautiful Christmas window decoration

Window decoration options for the New Year

Branch with balls and snowflakes on the window

Window decoration with toys and candles for the New Year

Window decoration with toys and paper decor for the New Year

original window design


  • The chandelier entwined with garlands looks beautiful. However, in this case it is very important to carefully observe the fire safety rules. It is better to use LED garlands - they are safer.
  • You can hang balls on strings and other decorative elements from the chandelier. This design gives the New Year's charm to the lamp.
  • Graceful silhouettes cut out of paper, suspended from a chandelier on threads, look magical, give tenderness and charm to the interior, bring in a vintage spirit, so loved by many now.

Christmas chandeliers decorated with snowflakes

Christmas chandeliers decorated with balls

Stars in decorating a chandelier for the New Year

Original decoration of the chandelier for the New Year


  • Purchase special New Year's napkins. It is important that, in addition to the New Year's story, they also match the color of the main design of the room.
  • Use an elegant textile tablecloth. It would be nice if it also had a New Year's theme. But a simple, plain color, matched to the tone of the main decor, is also suitable.
  • Arrange beautiful candles in candlesticks or candelabra. Such a bright and elegant decor will bring the necessary festive zest to the interior.

New Year's table decoration in red and green colors

New Year's table decoration with linen napkins

Decorations for the New Year's table made of colored cardboard and paper

Decoration of fruits for the New Year's table

Silver table decor for the New Year

Blue and white table decor for the New Year

Red and white table decor

Beautiful decoration of the New Year's table

Table decoration with treats for the New Year

  • Do-it-yourself New Year's interior is a great idea. You can make wreaths, stars, garlands, Christmas tree balls, lanterns and other crafts. This will give the atmosphere a unique charm and comfort. Involve children in the work - they will only be happy to help. Thus, the New Year will further strengthen the family and involve all household members in communication.
  • Be sure to consider the style of the room when choosing a New Year's interior. It is unlikely that lurid, overly decorative balls with gilding and “snow”, shiny or too bright decorations will fit into a minimalist environment. Of course, the easiest way to furnish a house is in a classic style, or where there is no style at all - you can use almost any decor you want here.
  • Don't use too many Christmas tree decorations. It is important that the spruce green branches are visible. Otherwise, the decor will turn out to be too intense, oversaturated, which can quickly tire your eyes.
  • Use one color scheme. If you have chosen decor in white and red or blue and gold colors, then you do not need to mix them. Otherwise, the variegation will give the interior tackiness and randomness.
  • If your apartment is small, then use more light decor when decorating it. Dark and overly bright decorations of the Christmas tree, walls and windows can visually make the room even smaller, which is unacceptable in this case. Including you can use a completely white interior, diluted with a little gold or blue paint. This design creates the necessary feeling of airiness, lightness and coolness. In addition, the white design looks very festive.

As we can see, decorating a house for the New Year with your own hands is not difficult at all. The main thing is to choose everything with taste, show imagination and fiction, take the most suitable ideas from the Internet and interior magazines - and everything will work out.

A wreath of Christmas decorations for the New Year

New Year's wreath of branches and decor

Home decoration for the New Year

Fireplace decoration for the New Year

Beautiful garlands for the New Year

Christmas balls and twigs to decorate the room

Christmas tree on the wall made of wood slices

Beautiful star made of wire, beads and garlands

Decoration of the corridor for the New Year

Red and white living room for the New Year

Photo gallery (50 photos)

On New Year's Eve, I want to let everyone know that you are already in the New Year's mood.

New Year's Eve is a special time. Preparations are underway for the holiday on all fronts and New Year's decor is not the last on the to-do list. A beautifully decorated house will set the mood for everyone who looks at it. If you are the owner of your own home and decide to decorate it for the New Year, then these tips will definitely come in handy:

1. Make a sketch or plan for the future decoration, it's easier than redoing an ugly design later.

2. Follow fire safety rules. Remember that snow and ice are frozen water, and water is a good conductor of electricity.

External illumination

The usual monochromatic backlight looks restrained and elegant. Such a garland is quite easy to install, besides, due to the simplicity of the design, the work will not take much time.

Decorate your home with a blue and white palette by using a variety of illuminated framed snowflakes and decorating the trees with bright LED lights.

You can also use multi-colored garlands with wireframe figures placed all over the facade and even on the roof.

If you have a lot of energy and untapped potential, then you can decorate your house and yard not with one or two frame decorations, but with a whole exhibition. True, only children can truly appreciate the beauty of this diversity. But who is this holiday for, if not for children?

Frame figures can be easily replaced with inflatable ones and illuminated. Inflatables have an obvious plus - they are very easy to store, unlike frame ones. It is necessary to highlight inflatable figures with lamps that heat up slightly, otherwise the figures may melt or even ignite.

It's easy to make your own Christmas tree. To do this, you will need a rod, several turns of wire and a garland.

The coming 2016 is the year of the red monkey, so decorating your home with red garlands will reward you. The monkey loves everything bright and luminous, so do not forget about the New Year's fireworks.

Decorate the gate and fence around your house, and then people will definitely pay attention to your New Year's mood. Decorating the fence and gate is all the more relevant if you have a dense garden in front of the house or a blank fence through which all your efforts to decorate the facade of the house and garden will not be visible.

If you are the owner of at least one living tree in the garden, then we congratulate you! After all, having competently beaten it with light and using New Year's decorations with taste, you will create a real masterpiece! For example, such as in the photo below - a tree with soft blue-violet lighting, with small silver toys and candles in glass candlesticks looks very beautiful, you may not want to remove decorations until the next New Year.

But if you have a garden or a garden, then there are thousands of options. Depending on the possibilities and taste preferences, you can decorate each tree individually, or make a general theme.

Decoration of the veranda and front door

If the illumination is visible only at night, then the decoration of the veranda and the front door is visible during the day. You can use a limitless variety of materials and decorations. The main thing is to know the measure and stick to one concept of decoration.

The use of fir branches and red ribbons is a classic design and is always on trend. You can use poinsettia and small Christmas trees.

Another red and green décor variant that uses cones, apples and holly berries, another popular Christmas plant.

You can make several New Year's wreaths from Christmas tree decorations and hang them on the door, finishing the composition with artificial Christmas trees and fake gifts.

Your veranda can be decorated with a real Christmas tree. Set the tree on a stand so that the wind cannot turn it over. Wrap the stand with burlap and you're done!

Decorate your front door with wool balls in different colors. Wool is a sign of home warmth and comfort, so entering such a door, all guests will be in a positive mood.

A Christmas tree made from colorful mesh fabric and balls will look great on any door.

Make a snowman out of three wicker rings. Give him a plastic hat and scarf. Now he is ready to meet your guests.

Decorate your veranda with nests of Christmas decorations. Instead of nests, there can be any decorations - snowflakes, lanterns or large Christmas decorations.

Even ordinary flower pots turn into Christmas decorations when dressed up with branches, balls and cones.

A street lamp will become New Year's if it is beautifully decorated. Such a lantern will look beautiful both day and night.

Now with the knowledge we have provided you, you are ready to start decorating your home. May the New Year bring you inspiration and harmony, which you can draw from decorating your home.

The approach of the New Year 2019 is felt by everyone. It is noticeable in the businesslike bustle on the streets, conversations on buses, and simply in the relations of colleagues and acquaintances. To make everything really unforgettable, you should think in advance what the decoration of the house for the New Year will be like. Still, in many respects the atmosphere of the holiday depends on the premises where it is celebrated.

Therefore, approaching the design of housing, especially if small children live in it, should be especially serious - everyone wants to give their loved ones a piece of magic on this holiday. How to start preparing for the 2019 meeting?

Of course, the main attribute of the New Year is the Christmas tree. It can be alive or artificial, but it must be in any case! The latter option is even better - not only do you not encourage the barbaric cutting down of beautiful trees, but you also protect yourself from unnecessary expenses, as well as the need to carry out serious cleaning when the needles begin to fall off the tree.

What is the best way to decorate a Christmas tree? There may be several options here. Balls are a classic. Bright, shiny and beautiful - they will look great on the Christmas tree. But if they are large, then you should not use too many toys - there should be at least one empty branch between them so that there is no feeling of clutter.

A good option would be to decorate the Christmas tree with the help of numerous cone toys. It looks amazingly elegant and natural.

However, many people do not like this monotony too much. They believe that the Christmas tree should be as bright as possible.

In this case, the use of all kinds of toys is welcome - balls, cones, icicles, fairy-tale houses, souvenirs and much more. Children come to an indescribable delight, seeing such diversity and beauty.

You can also deviate from the canons by inventing your own style of decoration. In this case, you can use ribbons, pendants, children's toys, bows, feathers and much, much more. Or maybe in your family, somewhere in the attic or mezzanine, old toys were lost, like soldiers, mini-dolls, hedgehogs or something else?

In this case, you can give old toys a new life by using them as decorations for the Christmas tree. Surely, they will look great on a green beauty. The main thing to remember is that the New Year's decoration of the house does not have any strict rules.

Just do what you want - the house should look bright, beautiful and festive, and you should not stick to any patterns here.

Decoration of living rooms

Decorating living rooms, whether it be a living room or bedrooms, is a very exciting and interesting thing that allows you to fully enjoy the holiday atmosphere. And here the main thing is not to overdo it - remember that all rooms should be decorated in the same style.

Otherwise, you will end up with a complete vinaigrette in which the styles are mixed up, and the house looks more like a warehouse of Christmas decorations.

A good solution would be to use delicious decorations. It can be oranges, tangerines or apples wrapped in foil. Candies in bright packages or even glazed gingerbread will also look great. An unusual, but even more original decoration can be large transparent vases filled with tangerines, sweets and unbreakable Christmas decorations.

If you are ready to spend a lot of time decorating your home with your own hands, you can create many small snowmen from tangerines and oranges, fixing the elements together with toothpicks, and seat them in the most unexpected places. The room will become brighter and more festive - for many people, tangerines are associated with the New Year.

Decoration of a children's room

Perhaps the decoration of the children's room for the New Year is the most difficult, but at the same time the most fun part of the preparation. After all, first of all, the house is decorated for children so that they feel the holiday and its magic.

The choice of jewelry should be approached quite carefully, especially if your family has small children who are drawn to everything beautiful, without understanding whether it is safe or not.

Wall posters can be a great solution. Long before the New Year, a huge number of New Year's posters appear on the streets of cities and in stores, depicting Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree and many other indispensable attributes of the holiday.

Such posters, when combined with paper decorations, can be very suitable items for decorating a child's room.

The walls can be decorated with small spruce twigs - you can buy them for next to nothing in places where live Christmas trees are sold. Although they are not too conspicuous, they bring a delightful aroma of a spruce forest and the New Year. If fantasy let you down, you can explore the numerous photos. Surely they will tell you a lot of interesting and original ideas.

You can also make snow pendants. Use long strands of "rain", attaching a few pieces of cotton wool to them, and hang them all over the room. This will create the feeling of a real snowfall in the room.

If your children have already grown up enough, then you can completely entrust the decoration of the children's room to them. Not ossified thinking, irrepressible imagination and enthusiasm will allow them to decorate their room in such a way that you and your friends will only be surprised.

Read also

How to furnish a children's room

Surely, any child will be delighted if several cute and funny snowmen live in his room during the holidays. All you need for this is a few white balloons, string, some tape, and a few felt-tip pens.

Inflate white balloons to different sizes, then tie them with a thread and fasten them together with adhesive tape, forming a snowman. Now, using felt-tip pens, draw the snowman's mouth, eyes and nose.

Such a snowman can be placed on a table, glued to a wall or even a ceiling, or simply hung on any ledge, such as a door or window handle.

Such decorations are ridiculously cheap, take up a minimum of space, but bring great joy to children.

The holiday starts from the corridor

Where do all your friends go when they come to visit you in order to meet 2016? That's right, in the hallway. Therefore, it should also be given considerable attention when decorating a house.

You should not use bulky decorations in the corridor - they will cause trouble in an already cramped room. It is better to use small but colorful posters and New Year greetings.

The walls of the corridor can be hung with spruce branches, which will give a festive flavor, adding an indescribable aroma. Small Christmas decorations can bring a little comfort and festive mood.

Don't forget the kitchen

It doesn't matter where you celebrate the next New Year - in a country house or your apartment, you need to decorate every room. And the kitchen is far from the last place in importance.

If the financial situation allows, you can buy napkins, tablecloths, towels, glasses, a vase and plates decorated in a festive style. They will perfectly complement the atmosphere of the New Year. Tinsel and spruce branches will gracefully decorate walls, shelves and cabinets. Small plastic Christmas decorations can be hung on cabinet handles.

If you wish, you can buy white self-adhesive paper, cut out snowmen from it, paint them and stick them on all suitable surfaces - a refrigerator, cabinets and seats of stools or chairs.

You will feel how a magical holiday penetrates into every room of your home.

It will be quite easy to remove the paper after the New Year celebration.

Decorate mirrors and windows

If something gives a huge scope for creativity in preparing housing for the New Year, then these are windows and mirrors. And this can be used to the fullest, especially if you are interested in decorating a summer house, where there are much more windows than in a city apartment.

Curtains on the windows can be decorated with multi-colored garlands, as well as New Year's toys. Mirrors and glasses can be painted with subtle frosty patterns. For this, both white watercolor paint and simple toothpaste are suitable. Children will simply be delighted when they see such beauty. It is also important that these decorations are very easy to remove - just walk over them with a damp cloth.

Glasses can also be decorated with snowflakes. They look great both inside the house and outside. Therefore, in part, such a task as decorating the facade of the house will be solved - from the street, snowflakes look great against the backdrop of illuminated windows.

Perhaps everyone knows how to cut snowflakes, regardless of age. By the way, it is better to make them from napkins, and not from plain paper. Then the snowflakes are more airy and elegant. And if you use not paper, but foil, then they will also turn out shiny, bright. You can stick snowflakes on windows with a simple toothpaste.

You can also just draw snowflakes on the mirrors and windows of the house. To do this, you will need paper, an unnecessary toothbrush and paste, as well as blue gouache.

Cut out the snowflake in the shape you like best.

Wet a glass or mirror a little and place the snowflake on the surface so that it sticks. Now mix the toothpaste with gouache to get a light blue color. Dip the bristles of the toothbrush in the resulting "paint", slightly bend the bristles with your finger and release close to the snowflake.

Repeat the procedure several times so that the "paint" covers the snowflake and the glass around it. Then simply pick up the paper snowflake and remove it. As a result, you get a very elegant painted snowflake on glass - light and surprisingly natural.

After the holiday, you can quickly wash it off - moisten the glass with a damp cloth, then clean it with any glass cleaner.

In general, there are much more ideas for decorating glasses and mirrors. If you can't think of anything really original, you can watch a few videos. Surely they will inspire you to create new and unusual jewelry.

Use of lighting technology

In many stores today you can easily and relatively inexpensively purchase LED strips. The color can be very different - some tapes are equipped with single-color diodes, others are multi-colored. Of course, white, blue or blue colors are best suited for celebrating the New Year - the most winter and cold, corresponding to the holiday.

And from these LED strips you can create the best decoration of the wall of the house, both external and internal. Using the tape, you can lay out absolutely any image - a snowflake, a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, and in general, everything that comes to your mind.

If you can spend a few extra thousand on decorating your home, then you can purchase several single-color ribbons to create an entire display - a Christmas tree, snow, gifts and much, much more. The picture can have any complexity - it all depends on your skill, imagination and financial capabilities.

We create a New Year's mood for ourselves, and decorating a house for the New Year is the easiest way to give your monastery a fabulous, festive atmosphere. Ahead of 2018, which should be met especially brightly, colorfully and in a great mood. Start preparing now - a lot of great ideas are easy to implement with your own hands!

If in normal times not every one of us is engaged in needlework, decor, embroidery and origami, then in the pre-New Year period, everyone, without exception, decorates their home. Intricate crafts can be done together with the children by the whole family, and this exciting activity will give you a lot of positive emotions. Make your home joyful and bright!

Window Design Ideas

Meet the New Year 2018 behind the windows painted with frost, even if the temperature is above zero outside. Window- the eyes of the house, from the outside they are visible to any passer-by, and inside, decorated with garlands, lanterns, snowflakes, they serve as additional space for the implementation of design ideas.

  • Snowflakes. Filigree work will become an exquisite decoration of your home. Paper snowflakes look very nice on the windows of a private house, but an apartment can also be distinguished from a number of boring window openings.

Advice! There are thousands of patterns for cutting paper snowflakes - from the simplest to the most complex. Arm yourself with handy scissors, be sure to think over the workplace and start creating decorations for the window. The more patterns on the plane of the paper, the more elegant the crafts look.

  • Drawings. With water-washable stained glass and minimal artistic skills, you can create patterns that look very attractive from the outside, give warmth and comfort. If you are not sure of your talents, just write on the windows: “2018!”, “Happy New Year!”. Give the younger members of the family space to be creative as well. Don't forget to take pictures of the kids with their work in the background!

new year door

Here it is recommended to use Western tradition and hang a wreath on the door of a country house from needles, cones and bells. The doorway is easily decorated with artificial snow, a horseshoe for good luck, paper snowflakes. You can make a composition with your own hands, but there are enough ready-made options for sale in stores.

You can make a cardboard horseshoe yourself and decorate with tinsel, rain. On it, write congratulations to your loved ones and give it as a gift when you go to visit. Any crafts are good ideas for a present or its New Year's supplement.

Garlands are a classic way to decorate your home.

How to make a wire star

We bring to your attention another idea for decorating a house for the holiday - an unusual frame star. You get a kind of 3D effect if you make crafts in different sizes.

  1. Take flexible wire. Bend it so that you get a five-pointed star.
  2. Prepare a sketch of the star from the photo.
  3. Cut it out of colored or wrapping paper and fold over the edges so that they catch on the wire. Secure with tape if necessary.
  4. Glue the tinsel to the wire.

Stars can be hung from the ceiling in a checkerboard pattern, or you can decorate with garlands, rain, serpentine. It will hang down beautifully and create a festive atmosphere.

Advice! If you live in an apartment with high ceilings, be sure to hang something from them. This will visually narrow the room and create the effect of soaring handmade jewelry.

Photo for memory

A framed photo is in the house of every person. Refresh them, give them a New Year's mood: hang them on a serpentine or thick twine along the wall. Fill the free space with small balls, garlands and hand-made drawings.

After the celebration, print new photos and add them to the old ones. Such a composition can stay in the apartment until the very end of January. You will love this idea, and perhaps you will leave the photo on the rope, making them a permanent interior accessory.

Balls are everywhere

Ideas for the New Year are not limited only to the capabilities of the needlewoman. Use themed toys, glitter, industrial decorations to decorate the room.

Balls are a wonderful symbol of the New Year. They come in different colors, sizes, shiny, matte, with a rough surface, from different materials, expensive, cheap, vintage, modern, etc. A variant of the idea is to hang them on strings from the ceiling, fix windows in the opening in the kitchen and in the living room.

The New Year is getting closer every day, and it's time to think about how to decorate the house for such a celebration. There are a lot of interesting ideas for this, and the decoration process itself will help create a festive mood. What is the most relevant today?

When to start decorating your house for the New Year?

It is best to do this pleasant thing just before the holiday. It is possible earlier, but in this case, the New Year's decor can quickly get bored. If small children and pets live in a house or apartment besides adults, they can quickly deal with the festive interior. Decorations are usually bright and colorful, which means they will be very interesting for children. Therefore, it is best to start registration on the 30-31st.

Decoration outside: home, yard, garden

Before this holiday, it is good to decorate the house not only from the inside, you should also work on the outside of the home. A beautifully decorated house will give joy not only to domestic, but also to people passing by. The process of decorating will be pleasant for every member of the family. This will inspire you before the most important holiday of the year. Let's see how to decorate the house for the new year.

In the process, you can use everything that is at hand. So, various lighting equipment is usually attached to the facades - these can be LED strips, lights, various garlands. Also, before the New Year, you can arrange festive figures in the garden. If a spruce grows near the house, then they decorate it too - why not a New Year tree?


How can you decorate your house for the New Year? It is worth starting with the porch - this is the element of the house that affects the first impression of the owners. He should be given maximum attention. Guests who want to celebrate New Year's Eve should feel the holiday right from the courtyard.

Nothing speaks so well about the proximity of the main holidays of winter as well as the bright light from the lanterns of the garlands. The entire porch should be hung with garlands. They are also hung on doors and windows. You can unusually supplement an electric garland - it turns into pine or spruce branches. Further, all this is hung on the pillars and railings of the porch. After that, the garland will look more festive.

Wreaths are made from green winter plants. This is not just an element of decor, but a symbol of strength. The best way to welcome guests is to decorate the front door with a beautiful wreath. It is made from spruce branches or branches of other evergreens.

Flowers also decorate the porch. Euphorbia is one of the symbols of Christmas and New Year. It is sold both artificially and live. A living flower is afraid of the cold, and it is placed indoors on the windowsill. An artificial plant is hung on the door - it will complement the flower arrangement at the entrance.

A minor but very important detail is the welcome rug on the porch. It is also a symbol of Christmas. It will perform not only a decorative, but also a very practical function. Guests will be able to wipe their feet so as not to bring dirt into the apartment or house.


Dressing up for the New Year should not only be a Christmas tree, but also the facade of a country house or a permanently residential country house. This will make the walls look extraordinary. Decorating the facade is worth garlands that glow in various colors, as well as tinsel. It is worth installing a sleigh with deer on the roof - again, they should glow.

The walls will look original if you hang New Year's socks on them - they put small presents for children, relatives, relatives and friends there. You can also hang a huge New Year's poster over the front doors - congratulations and wishes are written on it.


If you want the site to look especially festive and presentable, you can decorate it with bows. They can be made by hand from packing tape. Ready-made bows are also sold in departments with goods for gift wrapping. Bows are fixed on the fence, stair railings, lamps, electric poles and any other elements.

If flowerpots are installed on the street on the site, they can also be used to create a New Year's mood. Cones, spruce branches, walnuts, acorns, chestnuts are suitable for decorating flowerpots. In the New Year's decoration of flowerpots, both spruce branches and bows are used.


There are many interesting ideas on how to decorate an apartment or house for the New Year. But the garden is not given enough attention. But in vain! Are there trees in the garden? It's great, they also need to be dressed up. To do this, a garland is wrapped around the trunk. In addition to the trunk, the lights should also be distributed along the crown of the tree.

Ordinary indoor lighting will not work, get a street model. Luminous icicles are also sold - they are symmetrically hung on tree branches.

Christmas decoration inside the house

When the front part shines, you can move on to decorating the interior. Among the popular ideas on how to stylishly decorate a house for the 2019 new year, there are many interesting ones. The trend is now wreaths, a lot of different New Year's toys, fruits and candles. And do not forget about the main symbol - the Christmas tree.

The most popular ideas are champagne, wreaths and candles. This is all that the New Year is associated with. You can get by with a Christmas decoration at home with garlands, or you can decorate all the elements to feel the holiday everywhere.


It's just a gorgeous piece of jewelry. Both artificial and live fire in the New Year will go well with balls and garlands. On the fireplace shelf it is good to place not just individual decorations, but compositions of fir branches, candles, cones. Traditionally, garlands of toys and cones, New Year's socks are hung on hooks.

A fresh idea is monochrome jewelry. It can be white or gold decorative balls, toys, houses, candles. Candelabra, artificial Christmas trees, baskets with branches and cones will look good near the fireplace.

On the video: 5 Lifehacks and ideas for the New Year.


If the house has a staircase, it can become the center of all New Year's decor. The railings are wrapped around with compositions of fir branches, ribbons, balloons. Beautiful planters, small Christmas trees are placed on the steps, gift boxes are laid out.

New Year's wreaths are hung on the balusters and decorated with a garland - it looks especially impressive in the dark.


Doors are traditionally decorated with wreaths of spruce branches. Branches can be either from a living tree or artificial. Such a garland is twisted with serpentine, balls, and various beads. Also, compositions of cones, Christmas balls are hung on the door.

Designs from gift boxes and snowmen will look interesting and festive. So decorate the door both outside and inside.


Window decoration will create the feeling of the most important holiday, not only inside, but also outside. It is very pleasant to look at the lights in the windows or at the wreaths of spruce branches. The windows are decorated with Christmas decorations and garlands. The easiest way is to decorate a house or apartment for the New Year with garlands - traditional spruce branches can serve as material for them.

Decor in the form of various snowflakes, stars looks no less good. All this can be supplemented with silver icicles.


Usually the walls are decorated in the house on New Year's holidays, but to get a real sense of the holiday, it is worth dressing up the ceiling as well. There are several simple ways to beautifully decorate a house, walls, ceiling for the New Year:

  • You can use LED strip. Attach it with double sided tape. It is better to buy an RGB tape, it is capable of emitting several colors.

  • You can make a garland of balloons. Balls are hung on a strong fishing line. Then the composition is fixed with double-sided tape on the ceiling.

  • You can fix the tinsel on the chandelier and place it in the four corners of the room, and then fix it on the ceiling in the corners.

  • You can also decorate the ceiling with a curtain, New Year's decor in the form of angels, bells, lanterns, paper snowflakes - in general, with everything that can be found at home.


One of the most popular ways to decorate chairs for the New Year is bows. A bow tied on the back of a chair will give a slight solemnity. The fabric for the bow can be almost any. The most important thing is that she can keep her shape. Satin, organza will look very elegant. For a more relaxed atmosphere, you can use linen or servants.

Another option is wreaths. They are suitable not only for decorating an apartment or a private house for the New Year - they can also be hung on chairs. They will be smaller than the wreaths on the door, but this does not make them less elegant.

There is a huge scope for creativity here - living and artificial materials, berries, branches and other decorative elements are used. It is convenient to fix the wreath on the chair with a ribbon.

For those who consider New Year's wreaths boring and have drawing skills, a more original way is suitable - this is drawing on chairs. Such decoration of the house for the New Year will be able to amaze guests. As drawings - New Year's stories, animals or inscriptions. For each chair, the pattern may be different.

Ready-made options for the New Year's decoration of the premises in the house

New Year is a special holiday, but many people prefer to order interior decoration to professionals. In this case, there is a risk of getting only a beautiful picture without a “soul”. It will not reflect individuality. Therefore, we decorate the house for the New Year on our own, with our own hands.

There are a lot of ready-made original ideas for the New Year, which you just need to take and translate into reality. Ordinary elements are suitable for interior decoration - these are spruce branches, balls, candles, garlands.


The main attribute of this room is a Christmas tree. In the New Year 2019, you should prefer not artificial, but natural wood. It is decorated not only with toys in a classic style, they select a solid design in yellow or gold colors.

On the branches of a tree, a symbol of the year is attached - a figurine of a dog. It can be made from paper or purchased ready-made in stores. Dog figurines are also made from cloth and stuffed with cotton wool.

The windows in the hall are decorated with snowflakes - they are cut out of paper or a toothpaste solution is used, and a paper snowflake is used as a template. The solution is sprayed with a toothbrush. When it dries, you will get a winter white pattern.

You can put candles on the fireplace shelf, decorate with compositions of spruce or pine branches and cones, wreaths and other crafts, lay decorative pillows in the New Year's style on the sofa.


In the process of working on a new corridor design, you should not turn everything upside down. It is enough to decorate the room with a mechanical garland that falls from the ceiling. Homemade stars from branches or other materials are hung on the chandelier. Colored and catchy figurines of animals and fairy-tale characters are placed on the floor.


You have to start with the walls. While the children are in kindergarten, they attach a New Year's themed application to the walls. Stickers or panels on the New Year theme are suitable. Also, you can not do without garlands of tinsel, spruce branches. Be sure to put a Christmas tree in the nursery for the New Year.

Windows are best decorated with paintings. With the help of paints or the same applications, glass is decorated with New Year's images. The bed is covered with themed linens. It should be bright and festive. A New Year's sock is hung on the former bed. Here's how to decorate a room for the New Year 2019, see photo

Important! You should not choose glass Christmas decorations, they can be unsafe for children. Replace them with homemade decorations: soft toys, cones, balls from branches or threads, cookies.


A bench is usually installed on the veranda and covered with a soft blanket, decorative pillows can be laid out on top, a mini-table, small Christmas trees, New Year's wreaths and lanterns can be hung. Electric colored garlands are hung around the entire perimeter. They can be supplemented with spruce branches. Garden gnomes, flowerpots with cones and snowflakes will look great.

On the video: do-it-yourself New Year's decor from cones.


It is not recommended to install bright lights in this room for the New Year. The bedroom is synonymous with romance and intimacy. It is not bad to hang figurines of little angels, install a lot of fragrant candles. To feel the magic of the holiday, put a pot with a small thuja, fir or pine. The pot is decorated with tinsel, toys, and the walls with themed applications and snowflakes.

Lighting design (garlands)

Before we talk about the premises, let's go through the site. It is fashionable to hang garlands on trees in the garden. It is recommended to purchase a garland exactly outdoor, protected, frost-resistant. And then, we will consider how to decorate the house with them in an original way for the New Year.

Trees are best decorated with plain garlands. You should prepare extension cords and splitters in advance. In any other case, it will be difficult to get a burning trunk and evenly distribute a beam of light over the paws of a spruce or a crown of a deciduous tree. It is not necessary to completely flood the tree with fire - restraint is important in everything. Street garlands are not multi-colored, so if you need several colors, buy two or even three.

The roof of the house, the veranda and the porch can be beautifully decorated with luminous icicles. They will look great on the crowns of trees. Also, with the help of lanterns and luminous figures, you can decorate the driveway to the house.

Recently, luminous figures have become very popular. They can be purchased ready-made or made by hand. The base is a metal frame wrapped with electric garlands. Best of all, the facade of the house will look in a festive multi-colored illumination.

In the house, doorways, windows, and doors are decorated with lighting fixtures. Also, do not forget about the Christmas tree. It is not recommended to overdo it - everything needs a measure. A light garland mounted on the ceiling will create the effect of a starry sky.

Ideas for decorating a private house


Today it is fashionable to decorate rooms not with modern plastic and glass toys, but with homemade simple decorations. They are made from natural and natural materials. This method has taken root in all interior styles, from classic to modern. Why not abandon plastic in favor of real cones and spruce branches?


It is better to move away from traditions and decorate the interior in the plot of a movie or book. Guests of the holiday should also dress up according to the plot. It will also be original to abandon the traditional Christmas tree - you can cut a tree in the shape of a dog, because it is a symbol of 2019. We decorate the tree with what the dog likes to eat - with toy bones, dog toys, you can make figures in the form of the dog itself.


To make this new year stylish and unusual, you need to draw something themed on the windows. There must be a large luxurious Christmas tree, and under it gift boxes. Gentle LED illumination will look stylish.

How to make a glowing garland decor (2 videos)

Different ideas (97 photos)