How to decorate a live Christmas tree c. The custom of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year: how to make it beautiful. Features of the color design of the New Year tree

In 2017, the Red Monkey will be replaced by the Red Rooster. This animal is special, because it is believed that it combines amazing qualities - organization and vanity, insight and selfishness, pedantry and conservatism.

You need to appease him not only with goodies on the New Year's table, but also with beautiful decorations in the room. It must be remembered that the owner of this year is a very touchy bird, therefore, it is necessary to approach the preparation of the New Year's Eve with all responsibility.

2017 corresponds to the element of fire. Remember the proverb about how you meet the year, so you will spend it? Having prepared for fame, you can get the favor of one of the 12 animals of the Chinese calendar, which will become the protector of your home for the entire subsequent period. Find out how to properly decorate a house on the eve of New Year's Eve, how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2017 and how to appease the Red Rooster.

Secrets of home decoration on the eve of the New Year 2017

There are certain signs for meeting the year of the Rooster. So, for example, the color of the animal, the year of which is planned to be celebrated, is of paramount importance. In 2017, it is red, so it should correspond to it. You can also use yellow, orange saturated shades, which will add color and luxury to the interior. The article uses beautiful photos of real Christmas trees that people decorated at home with their own hands.

Among the most common signs:

  • A beautiful New Year tree should be in the center of the room. Moreover, the decorations on it should be variegated and colorful.
  • Be sure to hang decorative banknotes on twigs (the higher the denomination, the better). It is believed that in this case, the entire next year will be rich and generous.
  • Several ears of wheat should be placed under the Christmas tree and on the table. To live in abundance for a year, put a few handfuls of grain in a beautiful linen bag and place it at the foot of the tree.
  • To catch luck by the tail of an oriental guest, you need to symbolically arrange the following attributes on the festive table: in the center - a bowl of water, in the corner - 7 beautifully decorated candles of golden yellow color, on the opposite corner - bread, salt and a small container with grain.
  • Well-being in the house will be gained if you arrange a table in a rustic style - with a linen tablecloth, an abundance of fruit and vegetable compositions.

As for decorating the New Year's beauty, it is also a special ritual that will bring pleasure to all family members.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in the Year of the Red Rooster

Today the shops are impressive with a variety of New Year's decorations. The choice is so great that it allows you to create an incredibly beautiful, themed design for a New Year's beauty. As mentioned earlier, in 2017, the main color is red, as well as all shades of yellow, gold, orange. The combination of red and gold is the personification of luxury and wealth, harmony and prosperity. It is this color scheme that is best used when decorating a Christmas tree in the year of the Red Rooster.

Even if you are a stickler for minimalism, give in to your taste preferences on New Year's Eve. The brighter the Christmas tree is decorated in NG 2017, the more generous the whole year will be. More tinsel, serpentine, large iridescent balls, garlands.

It is better to use a voluminous figure of a Rooster as a top, and choose the decorations themselves in the form of chickens and small cockerels. Such a thematic design will appeal to others and will bode well.

It is not at all necessary to buy large quantities of expensive Christmas tree decorations. Today, toys created in various techniques are in vogue: decoupage, papier-mâché, knitted, beaded and many others. It is not difficult and inexpensive to create them.

Moreover, such an activity will be a great way to spend time on New Year's Eve for those who have small children. Creating beauty with your own hands can become a New Year's ritual in your family.

Making Christmas toys with the image of the Rooster

The easiest, most fun and inexpensive way to create original thematic decorations for the Christmas tree will be the decoupage technique. Even those who have never been involved in homemade products and are not involved in needlework can master it.

All that is required to create exclusive decorations is inexpensive plastic Christmas balls with a perfectly flat surface, a little white or gold paint, a sponge, napkins with multiple images of roosters, PVA glue and acrylic varnish for the finishing coat.

The process itself is extremely simple. A thin layer of paint is applied to the surface of each ball using a washcloth. After complete drying, the cockerels pre-cut from the top layer of napkins are glued.

An important point: you need to glue using PVA, slightly diluted with water. The final touch is to cover the entire surface of the ball with acrylic varnish. Such jewelry looks just great, but their creation will take a minimum of money and time.

Jewelry made of beads, threads and paper

You can also entrust this activity to children, and you should immediately say that in this case, the New Year's holiday will be especially remembered by them. Every child will be proud of the fact that it is the toys he created with his own hand that are the decorations on the New Year tree. Making bulky toys is a more complicated process. The best way to do this is to use beads or knitting threads.

The papier-mâché bird family will also look original using plain paper, wire, colored threads and paints. All kinds of jewelry crafts will become talismans that attract good luck in 2017.

Why Paying Attention to Home Decorations Is So Important

The rooster is a special bird that is symbolized in different ways in different nations. This is a symbol of the sun, and prosperity, and prosperity, and the expulsion of evil spirits, and male health, and dominion. In general, he is the owner of the house, a faithful guardian of peace for the whole family. Even in feng shui, Rooster figurines have a special meaning.

In particular, it plays a role, from what material the figure of the Rooster is made:

  • From crystal or porcelain - this is a means for transforming negative energy flows into positive ones.
  • Metal is a symbol of marital fidelity and wealth.
  • From wood, this is calmness and peace in the house.

It is very important on the eve of the New Year to place the purchased Red Rooster figurine in the southern part of the house. To maximize the power of the ruler of the next year, you can purchase several figures from different materials at once.

In this case, it is better to put a ceramic decoration at the entrance to the house; to improve the financial situation, it is better to use a metal figure, placing it in the southeastern part of the house. For those who fear cheating on the part of their partner, a metal Rooster located inside the cabinet will be the best protection.

Winter holidays have a special mood. An important place in decorating the house during this period is occupied by the New Year tree. If the question "how to decorate a Christmas tree" seems childish to you, do not rush. Modern trends impose their own rules, new styles and directions appear. For example, plain Christmas trees have been popular for several years. Also, the fashion for classic, multi-colored jewelry is now returning. Information on how to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree this season will be useful to every housewife. What colors should you choose? What toys are relevant this year? What style shouldn't you hang jewelry in? Find answers to all questions about how to decorate a Christmas tree in 2017 in the Year of the Rooster in our article.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2017: choosing a color scheme

The symbol of the coming year - Fire Rooster... Naturally, the main color in home decoration for the New Year 2017 is red. Colors such as gold and burgundy are also relevant. The most common combination is considered to be red with gold. Of course, you don't need to dress your tree in these colors. If you like colder shades, then red can be added to decorating your home, and the Christmas tree itself can be decorated to your taste. For the third year now, one-color Christmas trees have been popular; blue, purple, blue, silver tones are suitable for this style. It may not be easy to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully; the main rule in this matter is not to overdo it with decor.

How to decorate a Christmas tree: 2017 trends

The main trend of this year is retro christmas trees... Antique toys, glass balls, angels and wooden houses are perfect for decoration. Earlier, as such, there were no special decorations and they dressed up with whatever they had to: toys, gingerbread, bows, sweets. You can also turn to the origins - bake cookies on the weekend, paint them with the whole family and solemnly hang them on the Christmas tree.

You can decorate the Christmas tree for the new year in eco-style... To do this, you need to use natural materials: dried oranges, cones, cinnamon sticks. In this case, you will have not only a beautiful Christmas tree, but also a very fragrant one.

The third option, how to dress up a Christmas tree in 2017 is to buy a snow-white beauty and decorate it in one color... Gold, blue and purple go well with cold white. You can also focus on glowing light bulbs or geometric decoration - for example, hang all the toys and garlands in a strictly spiral pattern. It is worth considering the peculiarities of the interior: red or blue decor is not suitable for every room, so consider the design of the apartment itself.

Decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year of the Red Rooster

In 2017, the wayward and touchy Red Rooster will replace the Red Monkey. In order for the coming year to be supportive, you should appease it with beautifully designed decorations and properly selected decorations. The main subject of the New Year's interior is the Christmas tree. It is to its design that you should approach with special attention, carefully considering the style.

How to attract good luck and happiness in 2017

The Christmas tree plays the most important role in bringing happiness and luck into the home. Therefore, it should be decorated in accordance with the preferences of the owner of the year - the Red Rooster. Naturally, you need to start with red (scarlet, coral, burgundy). You can complement the color scheme with silver and gold, as well as warm chocolate. At the same time, the Christmas tree decorations should be placed as follows: gold next to chocolate, and red next to white. The rooster prefers everything colorful, but arranged in a strict order and according to Feng Shui: the listed colors symbolize prosperity and wealth.

When starting to decorate a Christmas tree, it is worth considering important signs:

  • It is best to install the green beauty in the center of the room.
  • The main decoration on the tree should be banknotes (decorative) with a large denomination.
  • There must be grain near the tree. You can put it in a beautiful linen bag and place it at the foot of the tree.
  • Wheat spikelets should be placed on the table and under the tree.

It is better to choose toys for the Christmas tree in the form of cockerels and chickens, and let a large figure of a rooster serve as the top, preferably red. Dilute the Christmas tree decorations with an abundance of serpentine, garlands, tinsel in the same colors as the toys.

Feng Shui house decoration

Rooster figurines are important in decorating not only the Christmas tree, but the entire apartment before the New Year. These products are considered a symbol of good luck, prosperity, masculine strength, and are used to drive out evil spirits. The rooster is the guardian of fidelity and love in the family, so it is better to keep the figures for the whole next year in a conspicuous place, and in no case throw them away later.

It is very important to pay attention to what material the figurine is made of:

  • from porcelain, crystal - transforms negative energy into positive;
  • made of metal - protects fidelity and understanding in married couples;
  • made of wood - brings peace and tranquility to the family.

It is best to have several figures from different materials, then luck in all plans will reign in the house all year round.

The rooster figurines should be placed as follows: at the entrance - a ceramic product, from the southeast - metal; from the south - wooden. To protect the marriage from betrayal, the metal rooster should be hidden in the closet.

Photo of the idea of ​​creating cockerels with your own hands

Decorations for the Christmas tree and for home decor for the New Year of the Rooster can be made by hand. Various materials are suitable for this.

You can quickly and beautifully cut paper figures. They perfectly complement the table decorations and can be painted in bright colors if desired to please the Red Rooster.

While having fun with your kids, use the brightest and most colorful sculpting clay.

Each housewife is left with pieces of unnecessary fabrics. The scraps can be used to create a funny and colorful look that symbolizes the arrival of the New Year.

Painted clay cockerels will look bright and unusual; they can be used to decorate the kitchen, curtains or hang on a Christmas tree.

You can use food products to make a rooster and chickens, then the symbol of the New Year will be a decoration of the festive table.

You can even use a cotton glove to create a Christmas figurine.

Why decorate a Christmas tree

The tradition of bringing into the house and decorating a Christmas tree appeared a long time ago. Many legends and legends are associated with it. Each family has its own beliefs and omens associated with this event. The most important purpose of decorating a forest beauty is to cleanse the aura of the family and home, protect from evil spirits and attract good luck.

The New Year's ritual begins with the extraction of a Christmas tree; it must be brought into the house shortly before the New Year holidays. Dressing up and decorating a green beauty should be as bright and beautiful as possible in order to attract New Year's festive spirits, which will bring happiness and tranquility to the house. The whole family should decorate the tree, in a good mood. Even if the smallest members of the family accidentally break the toy, it is only considered fortunate and fortunate. For a broken Christmas tree decoration, not punishment is due, but praise and sweets.

After the New Year's holidays, the green guest is taken away from home (after removing the toys), best of all in the forest. It is believed that after standing in the house all the holidays, the tree absorbs everything bad: big quarrels and minor troubles, poverty and envy, anger and negative energy - all the bad things that have accumulated over the year. After the tree is taken out, relief becomes physically noticeable, an uplifting of the spirit and mood of all family members.


Decorating a Christmas tree is not only fun, it brings the family together and makes them stronger. Someone believes in signs and predictions, while someone simply enjoys the bright New Year's toys, the pleasant pine smell in the apartment and is charged with "New Year's mood". Imagining the New Year without a Christmas tree is as difficult as without tangerines and your favorite salads, so why not prepare for the arrival of the Red Rooster by choosing the right decorations.

Decorated Christmas tree ... What secret does this tree possess? It skillfully captivates our grandmothers, fascinates the current generation, and children and grandchildren will surely succumb to that fabulous atmosphere. Truly an adornment of all times and peoples! Christmas tree for the New Year is an axiom.

Decorating a Christmas tree is not a job, but a creative process that helps a family to plunge into the New Year's atmosphere and fully feel a part of everyone's favorite holiday. Family traditions are embodied here, the wishes of each family member are taken into account, which will make everyone even more friendly and friendly.

How to decorate a forest guest?

There are a million options for dressing up a green beauty with dignity. When choosing decorations, you should adopt the most interesting ideas from the designers, as well as be guided by your own fantasies. It is necessary to make the tree fit organically into the interior of the room.

New 2017 according to the Chinese calendar is considered the year of the Red Fire Rooster. This is a brave but touchy bird. For many of us, the priority in festive decoration of spruce will be behind red and its many shades: burgundy, scarlet, coral and others.

Since the Year of the Rooster is coming to visit us, you can dress up our forest beauty with figures of different birds.

You don't have to buy them in the store - try making them yourself if you want. One of the options - a variety of birds are created, including cockerels from very salty dough, to which PVA glue is added. Products are dried in a warm place and painted with cheerful colors. This is how very beautiful toys are obtained for decorating the symbol of the New Year.

You can also create figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden from the dough, and other favorite characters. Using your imagination, you will achieve amazing results!

The red tone is very harmoniously combined with terracotta or golden color. Everyone associates this palette with luxury and financial success. The combination of red and green is quite good, but these two colors are bright in themselves, and together can cause eye irritation. Red with white or silver looks much better.

  • Coniferous guest in eco-style.

For this we need natural materials: cones, fresh and dry fruits, various twigs, nuts, paper. Making crafts out of all this is easy. The eco-style uses a minimum of decor in pastel colors.

  • Delicacies on the Christmas tree.

Candy in bright wrappers, tangerines hanging on strings, and various cookies look beautiful and appetizing on green sprigs. This outfit of our beauty will appeal to the kids - they will be happy to enjoy sweets on New Year's Eve.

  • Country style.

Since a cockerel comes to visit us together with 2017, decorating a Christmas tree in the spirit of country will be very appropriate. For this we take jewelry modest, made with our own hands. These can be soft toys knitted or sewn from fabric, paper and cardboard products. Bows, bells, gingerbread are also suitable for decorations in this style. At the top it will be interesting to look at the symbol of the year - the Rooster.

  • You can also dress up a tree in cold colors: purple, blue, blue, white.

The sight of him will impress you - there will be a feeling that you are in a winter forest and contemplate its beauty. To complete the look, add artificial snow, transparent glass toys, and shiny garlands.

  • In the traditional style, we have been familiar with the Christmas tree since childhood.

This style involves the use of an abundance of bright decorations. These are a variety of toys, beads, garlands. The top is in the form of an elegant star. Presence of gold or silver color is desirable.

  • Retro style.

For this we need grandma's Christmas tree decorations. In those days, painted balls, multi-colored "icicles", cute animals, characters of fairy tales were in vogue. So why not plunge into the atmosphere of those times?

Or maybe you are a lover of the hot tropics, and you have a desire to evoke the memory of a vacation in distant countries? Decorate a coniferous tree with starfish, shells and other things brought from resorts that are associated with those places.

The idea of ​​making yourself a money tree for the holidays, that is, decorating a Christmas tree with banknotes, has many fans, since, according to Feng Shui, such an outfit will help attract money and financial prosperity. It is not at all necessary to take real money for this, you can get by with photocopies or bills cut from magazines. Chocolate coins also look beautiful.

Whatever style of design you choose, but when you put your soul into it, you have a more amazing result.

How beautiful to hang garlands and toys on the tree?

We have already determined what kind of decor our symbol of the New Year holidays will be decorated with. We prepared toys, bought garlands, rain, a top. Now all this decor should be placed on the green branches of the tree.

What Christmas tree can do without garlands? They are widely used everywhere in New Year's decorations, and certainly on our green beauty. You should buy high-quality garlands, since the safety of the apartment and everyone who is in it depends on it.

The garland is placed on the tree before being decorated with a different decor. Before you hang it, plug it into the outlet and check the health of all the bulbs. Next, they wrap the tree in a spiral with a garland, and turn it on again to see if the snake with the bulbs is evenly laid down.

The size of a Christmas tree can be either tiny or huge. The larger the tree, the larger the toys you can hang on it. First, the top is hung, then the balls, and then other toys and decorations. The color of the products should alternate with each other - after all, it is ugly if two balls of the same tone hang nearby. To complete the decoration, the forest guest is sprinkled with rain.

Decorating a Christmas tree makes people happier and more fun. The fabulous spirit of the holiday begins to soar in the atmosphere. And everyone feels that the New Year is coming.

And we also bring to your attention the designer's advice on how to decorate a Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree is the center of the whole holiday, so its decor is an important and responsible task. Before proceeding with the design, it is worth studying the recommendations of designers for decorating a Christmas tree in 2017. The coming year is the year of the fiery red rooster, which should be taken into account when decorating the Christmas tree. It is important to consider the harmony and compatibility of the accessories used.

Secrets of decorating a Christmas tree

To make the Christmas tree look stylish and effective, you need to choose the right place for it. The main decoration of the holiday should be clearly visible and not block the aisles. If the family has children and animals, then it is necessary to take care of the stable position of the tree, which should be carefully fixed.

To decorate a Christmas tree beautifully, you need to know some rules:

  1. The decoration begins with garlands, which are arranged in a spiral or in rows. You can choose an even vertical position.
  2. The decor should have geometry, toys are hung taking into account the location of the garlands.
  3. When wrapping the garland in the form of rings, only balls are used to decorate the tree.
  4. Toys of different sizes must be placed in a specific sequence, for example, in descending order.
  5. It is worth adhering to a single color scheme. A maximum of three bright colors can be used in the decor.
  6. The rain and garlands are hung in a spiral, vertical, horizontal, but you cannot use all directions at the same time.

When decorating a Christmas tree, you can think of decorations that will remind you of a red rooster. The design may contain not only winter drawings of Santa Claus, snowmen and snowflakes, but also figures of cockerels and chickens.

To make the decor look complete, do not forget about decorating the top. For this, a bow, toy or star is suitable.

Features of the color design of the New Year tree

The year of the red rooster obliges to use shades of red in the decor. The best combination for this color would be golden. An interesting solution would be to decorate the Christmas tree with red toys in combination with silver.

You can also use green, yellow, white and brown shades when decorating a Christmas tree. They go well with red.

Combinations of brown with gold and white, yellow with red and white, as well as green in combination with yellow and red look especially harmonious.

You need to be careful when choosing green toys, as they can blend in with the color of the needles, especially if they are not shiny, but are made of paper or fabric.

Style selection

Using simple decorations and materials at hand, you can decorate the tree in any style you like. The traditional decor is brilliant and sparkling. Gift ribbon bows will complement the classic look, and for more shine, the tips of the needles can be greased with varnish. In this case, decor from postcards and New Year's pictures is appropriate.

The country-style Christmas tree is decorated with handmade decorations. Knitted items and toys are suitable, as well as sewn from dense fabric. Homemade Santa Claus boots filled with rain or sweets look magical. Knitted balls or snowflakes will complement the Christmas tree outfit.

Decor made from natural materials is suitable for an eco-style. Used wood crafts, gingerbread, dried fruit and candy.

Those who have preserved toys from the Soviet era are advised to create a retro design. This will make a gorgeous vintage Christmas tree.

If the area of ​​the room is small, then it is worth picking up a small Christmas tree or decorating the room with Christmas tree branches.

Original options for homemade Christmas tree decorations

To create an original and unique Christmas tree, it is recommended not to buy toys, but to make them with your own hands. Here are some ideas:

The felt decor looks stylish and cozy. You can create mittens, holiday heroes, mittens, or pretty animals.

Using colored paper, scissors and glue, a simple decor is created in the form of serpentine or snowflakes.

From threads, glue and a balloon, you can make beautiful balloons from threads.

You can make a Christmas decoration out of polystyrene foam. In this case, the base of the ball is pasted over with all kinds of buttons, ribbons and postcards.

With simple toys, lights, and homemade creations, you can create a beautiful and stylish Christmas tree that will accentuate and enhance the festive atmosphere. Creative skills and imagination will help to build original and unusual decorations for the forest beauty.