How to wrap a bulky gift in gift paper. DIY original gift wrapping

Useful Tips

When it’s a holiday and we start picking up the right gift, we want everything to be perfect.

You may doubt the gift or be absolutely sure that this is exactly what you need, but beautiful packaging is not enough for a complete picture.

It is not necessary to order or buy special gift wrapping - you can easily decorate the gift yourself.

On our website you will also find:

  • How to make a box
  • DIY Christmas packaging
  • DIY gift wrapping
  • 15 smart and original packaging
  • How to make wrapping for New Year's gifts

It is not difficult to pack a gift beautifully (be it New Year's or for a birthday), you just need to know a few secrets.

It is worth noting that there are many ways to decorate a gift, and you can find out about the most interesting, original, simple and not so much here.

How to wrap a gift in paper. The easy way.

How to make a gift with your own hands

You will need:

Wrapping paper

Decorative ribbons


Tape measure

Double sided tape

First, you need to determine the right amount of wrapping paper. To do this, you need to cut out a rectangle.

* To find out the required width of the rectangle, measure the perimeter of the box with a tape measure. After that, you need to add 2-3 cm to the fold.

* To find out the length, you just need to know that it is twice the height of the box.

Useful advice: if this is your first time wrapping a gift, test it on a regular newspaper. This will help you determine the correct dimensions.

1. You have cut a rectangle of the desired size from the wrapping paper. Place the gift box in the center of the paper.

2. Now you need to fold the left or right vertical edge about 0.5-1 cm and glue double-sided tape to the fold.

3. The gift box must be wrapped tightly. Peel off the tape and glue the folded edge of the wrapping paper.

4. The top of the wrapping paper should be folded as shown in the picture. It must be pressed tightly against the end of the box.

5. The sides should also be bent and pressed firmly.

6. To secure the lower part neatly, you need to bend it and press it against the end of the box. After that, you need to bend this part and bend it again, but now in the middle.

7. Place tape on this part and attach to the end of the box.

8. Repeat the same process on the other side.

How to decorate a gift. Option 1.

First you need to cut a strip of paper in a different shade. Wrap this strip around the box and tape the ends together. You can add a decorative cord.

How to decorate a gift with your own hands. Option 2.

This option can be used if you have double-sided wrapping paper. Leave more paper wide and use this part for decoration.

How to decorate a gift box. Option 3.

Try using several satin ribbons in different colors.

How beautiful to decorate a gift. Option 4.

A lace ribbon can also help decorate a gift. Wrap it around the gift wrap and secure the ends with double-sided tape.

How beautiful to wrap a gift

You will need:

Roll of wrapping paper

Double sided tape


Bright ribbon

1. Prepare a roll of gift paper, unfold it on a flat surface (table) with the pattern down (wrong side up).

2. Take the gift box and turn it upside down. Next, place the box on the gift paper.

3. Cut the paper, leaving a margin of approximately 2-3 cm.

4. Stand on the side where you have the roll. Stretch the paper on the opposite side and secure it with double-sided tape.

5. Unwind the roll of brown paper and cover the entire carton with paper. You also need to cover the part of the box that is slightly covered on the opposite side. The paper should protrude about 2-3 cm beyond the edge of the box.

6. Bend the stock of 2-3 cm inward and secure it to the box along the fold using double-sided tape.

7. On the side, the protruding ends of the paper should be folded inward. You need to make four flaps that bend at a 45 degree angle. Next, fold the paper along the flaps.

8. The top flap must be carefully bent to obtain even corners. To achieve this, you need to fold over the top edge of the gift. Next, the sashes need to be bent again to get a line along which you can cut off the excess with scissors. After you have cut off the excess paper, glue it to the box.

9. Do the same with the bottom flap.

10. Repeat from steps 7, 8 and 9 for the other side of the box.

11. Prepare a bright ribbon that should be about five times the length of the box. Put the wrapped gift upside down on the ribbon, stretch it and wrap the gift as shown in the picture.

12. Turn the box over. Tie the ribbon in a double knot and make a bow.

13. You can cut the ends of the tape in a triangle.

How to pack a gift with your own hands. Wedding option.

You will need:

Light-colored wrapping paper

Satin ribbons



Double sided tape



1. First you need to measure the right amount of wrapping paper - just take the measurements you want. It should be noted that in this case, the width of the paper must be calculated so that the gap between A and B is about 1-1.5 cm, taking into account that the edge A is bent by 0.5 cm.

2. Stick a strip of tape to edge B of the wrapping paper. This must be done from the front side and at a distance of about 1-1.5 cm from the edge.

3. Prepare lace tape - its length should be 2 times the length of the wrapping paper.

4. Remove the protective film from the double-sided tape and glue the lace to the paper.

Useful Tips

Sometimes you want gifts pack nicely to make the gift a pleasant experience.

It happens to be important beautifully present a present so that it will be remembered by the person to whom you are giving.

On our website you will also find:

The gift can be packed in special stores, by people who have been doing this for a long time.

But you may well make beautiful packaging yourself, and this does not require any special talent or skill. You just need to learn a few rules and tricks.

Having mastered them, you can make gift wrapping for any occasion, whether it be birthday, New Year, anniversary, etc.

DIY gift wrapping. Origami packaging.

DIY packaging. Typewriter.

Packaging for New Year's gifts. Cedar twigs and cones.

You will need:

Small cedar twigs

Thin wire

Jute rope


Jewelry to taste

1. Make a small bunch of several branches and secure them with wire. Make another such bunch.

2. Now, using a wire or fishing line, fasten the two bunches of cedar twigs with two cones together.

3. Wrap the gift with wrapping paper, tie it with a string, and attach a blank of cedar twigs and cones to the string.

You have got a beautiful gift wrapping for the New Year holidays.

How to wrap a gift with paper (photo)

How to wrap a gift with paper (video)

Packaging for sweet New Year gifts. Original packaging with quilling elements.

This master class consists of two main parts: making a box and decoration, which is made using the quilling technique. You can put sweets in such a box and give them to children.

You will need:

Thick paper

A round plate or CD (any round object) - the larger the circle you have, the larger the package.

Simple pencil


Creasing tool (or something similar)

Bright ribbon

Quilling paper strips (approximately 0.5 cm wide and 60 cm long)

PVA glue

Quilling tool (can be replaced with a toothpick)

Sequins or something similar

1. Making a box

1.1 Prepare a piece of thick paper and draw a circle on it. Draw two perpendicular diameters through the center of the circle.

1.2 Now through the indicated points A and B you need to draw another circle. In the new circle, you also need to draw perpendicular diameters (see picture).

1.3 Use a plate or disc and a scoring tool to draw curves, cut and fold the paper.

1.4 Cut out the entire shape and fold in curves.

1.5 Start folding the box.

2. We design the packaging

2.1 In the quilling technique, you need to make a bump. You will need half a brown paper strip and a third a light brown strip. These strips need to be glued together.

2.2 For a cone, you need to make a lot of scales - in this example from 18. This means that you need to make 18 strips as in paragraph 2.1. Begin to twist the strips, starting with the one that is light brown.

2.3 After you have got a roll, you need to release it until its diameter becomes about 2 cm.

2.4 Make an "eye" shape out of the roll (see picture). You have a scale.

2.5 The middle of each flake must be squeezed out and immediately greased well from the inside with PVA glue. This will fix the volumetric detail. Let the glue dry.

2.6 Glue 3 others around one scale. Next, glue the remaining scales in rows to make a bump.

2.7 To make a hat for a bump, you need to prepare three strips of paper, glue them into one long strip. This long strip now needs to be rolled up.

2.8 Thread a thread with a small loop through the middle.

2.9 Shape the roll into a cone and grease it well with glue. Let the glue dry.

2.10 Glue the cap on the cone and you can decorate the workpiece with liquid sparkles that simulate snow.

It remains only to collect all the details together. Put a gift in the package, tie it with a bright ribbon. Hang a bump on the loop. You can add a couple of fake spruce twigs.

DIY Christmas packaging. Yarn decoration.

A very simple example of how you can decorate a gift using yarn.

You will need:

Green felt in the shape of a Christmas tree


Jewelry to taste

1. Wrap the gift in wrapping paper and tie it with string. Leave a tail about 20 cm long.

2. Cut a small herringbone out of green felt. Make a hole in it and thread the yarn through it and tie a knot.

3. Add embellishments: sequins, stickers. You can draw or write something yourself on wrapping paper.

Packaging for New Year's gifts for children. Father Frost.

Gift wrapping for New Year's gifts. Gift box.

You will need:

Empty box (from under the shoes, for example)



Double tape

Duct tape

1. Prepare wrapping paper. It should be larger than the box on all sides. Place the box in the middle of the paper and start making cuts in the paper as shown in the picture, all the way to the edge of the box.

2. Start wrapping the box by rolling the paper into the inside of the box and securing with duct tape.

3. Repeat for the box lid.

4. You wrapped the box, now you need to decorate it. This can be done in many ways, and one of them is to use DIY garlands.

You will need:

Thick paper


Shaped staplers

Superglue or PVA glue

* Cut out circles, stars and / or other figures from thick paper. You can use shaped staplers to speed up the process.

* Glue all the figures on the threads as shown in the image. Choose the order of the figures yourself.

* After the glue has dried, wrap the garland around your gift wrap.

DIY packaging (diagram). Simple gift wrapping.

You will need:

Colored thick paper


Jewelry to taste.

People always give gifts to their relatives and loved ones on holidays. At the same time, many believe that the content is better than the form, therefore they give gifts that are not wrapped in any way. But this is a wrong judgment. Form matters. Especially for the female half of society. Even the most serious and wealthy person is more pleased to receive gifts packed in beautiful packages.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1: cut the paper to size (square)

Step 2: fold the edge away from you

Step 3: cover the box to the edge / corner

Step 4: grab the edge of the paper with a piece of clear tape

Step 5: cover the 2nd side of the paper

Step 6: also tape in several places

Step 7: gently bend the sidewall edges

Step 8: using two thumbs to do it more comfortably

Step 9: so that you get the triangular folded corners

Step 10: alternately fold each triangular corner inward

Step 11: to get one common "triangle"

Step 12: lean it against the box (if it sticks out, bend it)

Step 13: tape over the edge of the box

Step 14: do the same with the other side ...

Step 16: Glue both ends of the tape with tape (slightly pulling the tape)

Step 17: twist a bow from the same ribbon (you may have a ready-made one)

Step 18: glue the bow with the same tape

Voila! The gift is nicely and quickly packed.

Video instruction (1 minute)

See how quickly and beautifully you can pack your gift.
You will need paper, tape, tape.

Packaging materials: types and features

Since ancient times, people have been wrapping gifts in paper. Only an ignoramus does not know about it. However, in the question of which paper to choose, many can get confused. Because today there are many different types of gift paper. So much so that anyone who wants to give a gift will find something to wrap it up in.

Exists different types of gift paper:

  • polysilk;
  • corrugated paper;
  • silence;
  • craft;
  • sheet glossy paper;
  • Mulberry.

This is not a complete list of gift paper types. There are, as already mentioned, many other types. It is simply impossible to consider all types, therefore only the most common are given.



Many people don't know what polysilk is. However, everyone not only saw this paper, but even held and felt it in his hands. However, if you ask someone what a polysilk is, no one can give an intelligible answer.

Polysilk is more often used for packing non-standard gifts that are problematic to pack in a box. The polilisk is intended to knit decorative knots... It looks like a wide film. It stretches a little. In addition to being used for knitting decorative knots on gift wrapping, polysilk is often used by stylists and designers.

The main feature of the polysilka is that you can wrap the biggest gifts in it: refrigerators, TVs and even cars.

A gift bundle wrapped in corrugated gift paper... You can wrap anything in it: boxes, objects, even flowerpots with flowers. If, in addition, a beautiful polysilk knot is tied on the gift wrapping, it will come out simply amazing.

Corrugated paper is plain and rough. Everyone knows this kind of paper. Flower bouquets are often packed in it. In addition, gifts that have an elongated shape are wrapped in it. For example, various bottles, oblong boxes and tubes.


As a gift paper in which to wrap a gift, along with other types of gift paper choose in silence... The gift wrapped in silence also looks very elegant and beautiful.

In addition to the fact that silence is used to wrap various things, giving them a festive look, it is often used by needlewomen. Women and girls who are engaged, for example, in decoupage or decorating home interiors, often use silence in their work.

Tishu are such paper ribbons, which are usually used as a filler rather than a wrapping material. However, this material also belongs to the category of gift items. It is very light, thin and airy. You can wrap various objects of complex geometric shapes in silence. At the same time, they become more voluminous. The gift wraps, which are wrapped in silence, look very elegant and festive.


A wedding is perhaps the biggest celebration for every person participating in it. The most unusual and original gifts can be seen on such days.

And when such a great event takes place, the invited people inevitably have the question of what to give for the wedding, and most importantly, what to wrap the wedding present in? This question has long been answered - a wedding gift is wrapped in Kraft gift paper.

Kraft is the kind of paper that has ribbed and cross-embossed... It is sold in large rolls. In addition to wedding gifts, others are wrapped in it. That is, it cannot be said that only wedding gifts are packaged in craft.

Sheet glossy paper is used exclusively for gift wrapping... In other words, it was invented precisely to wrap gifts.

This paper comes in a variety of colors. Moreover, the colors can be both monochromatic and multi-colored. Various beautiful designs can be applied to it.

It should be noted that most often it is used for wrapping gifts. sheet glossy paper... She, like craft, was invented in order to wrap various gift items.

When they came up with this paper, the main goal of the inventor was the idea - to wrap a gift.

Mulberry is handmade crumpled paper... It is believed that it was invented in Thailand. Such paper is painted in all colors of the rainbow. As a rule, there is no monochromatic color. Various variegated colorful designs are applied to it.

Often, when people ask a shop assistant what paper to wrap a gift in, they might hear back that the gift can be wrapped in a Mulberry.

With the help of Mulberry, you can wrap gifts of different shapes. After wrapping the gift, you can glue various decorated parts onto the finished bundle. You can also tie a nice polysilk knot in addition. It will come out very nicely.

DIY beautiful decor

An invitation to a holiday implies that you need to give something. A person chooses something original, and then asks the question, what to wrap the gift in now?

To solve such a problem, it is necessary have the right accessories, namely:

  • the gift paper itself;
  • a container in which you can wrap a gift;
  • filler for adding volume;
  • decorative details for decorating gift wrapping.

If you don't want to mess around with gift paper, bows, knots, various ruffles and other decorative elements, then you can, of course, buy a filler and a ready-made gift box of suitable sizes, pack a gift in it and forget about it. But it's much more pleasant to arrange it yourself. After all, wrapping a gift with your own hands is a creative business. And who of us did not feel like a creator at least sometimes?

If you wrap a gift item in gift paper with your own hands, then you can pack quite original... Such a gift will turn out to be original and, one might even say, exclusive. Such a gift will not be like others.

It should be added that a filler for adding volume or just for beauty can also be chosen from many types of filler.

Of the types of filler the following types can be distinguished:

In conclusion, I must say that it is more pleasant to give gifts wrapped in gift paper with your own hands. It will always turn out more beautiful than in an ordinary gift box. Gift boxes that can be bought in a store are given everywhere and by everyone, but sometimes you want to give something really memorable and original.

Photo gallery

Once I had questions such as how to wrap a box in gift paper, so the store helped me solve this issue in a matter of minutes.

Now, when I am invited to a holiday, I do not bang my head against the wall, trying to come up with something original and exclusive. As for me, it's better to go to the store. They will do everything in the best possible way.

Ivan Okhlobystin

Yes, gift boxes can be wrapped in the store. It turns out pretty good. There, the saleswomen also try to do everything so that the buyer likes it. But sometimes it's more pleasant to do it yourself.

If you are looking for a container, for example, for a book, then yes, you can pack it in a banal store box. And if this is a structure of a complex shape, then I myself would show my creativity and myself figured out how to make a beautiful package.

Julia Kraft

I disagree with your point of view.

I once gave a book. I wanted to do everything and arrange it myself. After all, this is not difficult to do. And I don't need any instructions for that. After all, this must be done from the heart, and not according to the instructions.

A friend helped me to make a beautiful packaging, later helped to paste over it with decorative elements, so I then offered her to donate this book together. But she refused. And rightly so, she was not invited to the birthday.

Giving gifts is as pleasant as receiving, but in addition to a prepared surprise, packaging is also important, which will give it a complete and presentable look. But in order to understand how best to wrap a gift in gift paper, you should study several features and options for this procedure in order to choose the most optimal one for yourself.

Paper selection

The most common way to decorate a gift is gift paper.

It can be of several types, each of which has its own differences:

  • Sheet-fed glossy paper. At the same time, paper can be of various colors, both monochromatic and multi-colored. The density of the sheets is minimal, which allows them to be used in various interesting wrapping options.

Most often, this type of paper is used for packing boxes in the form of a square and rectangle.

  • Craft. It is characterized by increased wear resistance and density. To the touch, kraft paper is much rougher than the previous version and has a ribbed surface with a cross section.

Great for gifts in retro or Provence style, as well as large sizes. Such packaging also requires additional decoration on top.

  • Quiet. This type of packaging is a papyrus Whatman paper. Its delicate, airy structure makes it possible to give a gift a festive and elegant look.

Tishyu is also used as a filler in a gift box. It is convenient to wrap objects of complex geometric shapes in this paper, which gives them additional volume.

  • Polysilk. It is a stretching film on which a metallized shade is applied. It happens only in a one-color version.

It is used for wrapping objects with sharp corners, as well as toys. At the same time, the gift is placed in the middle of the packing sheet, and the edges are lifted up and decorated with a bow made of the same material.

  • Corrugated paper. Material with large embossing is used for gift wrapping. Often this look is complemented by polysilk bows, which gives the packaging a sophisticated look.

Any objects can be wrapped in such paper: boxes, bottles, tubes.

  • Mulbury. Designer view of crumpled paper. It is produced in various colors, and also in some cases has an ornament or pattern.

It is used as a wrapper for objects of any shape. If necessary, the gift is complemented by a small decor on top.

Choice of colors

How to wrap a gift in gift paper, as well as make it sophisticated and presentable, will help to study the features of the use of various shades of material.

The packaging and the item inside must be in harmony with each other. color mismatch can spoil the overall impression of the surprise.

Primary colors:

  • Yellow. A sunny color that resembles a ray of sunshine. The gift wrapper, made in this tone, gives a warm and cozy touch. Ideal for spontaneity and playfulness to surprise. It is not recommended to mix with other colors. But it can be complemented on top with purple, brown, blue or green decor.
  • Orange. A shade that embodies violent positive emotions, and also tunes in to admiration. But at the same time it is important not to overdo it, since it is this color that can both decorate a gift and spoil it. It is ideal to combine orange wrap with green, yellow, brown, purple, blue and red.

  • Pink. Great for gifts to women, as it evokes touching and joyful emotions. It is best to combine it with all shades of red and purple, and an additional decor of a white shade will help to effectively emphasize the tone.
  • Violet. This option is ideal for a mysterious and extraordinary gift, as it symbolizes secrecy, mystery and fantasticness. It is best to combine this tone with white, silver, yellow and pink colors for gift wrapping.
  • Red. This tone of packaging signifies fiery feelings and passion, and sometimes symbolizes irritation and anger. Therefore, giving preference to this color for gift wrapping, everything should be weighed, if we are not talking about surprises for the New Year, since for this holiday the red shade is very relevant.

It is ideal to combine red packaging with silver, gold, white, pink and gray tones.

  • Blue. It is recommended to use this tone for gift wrapping for a man, as it is associated with success, nobility, loyalty. The dark blue color is in perfect harmony with blue, silver, white, yellow, and for lighter tones it is recommended to select pale shades of yellow and pink.
  • White. This tone is versatile as it can be combined with any bright color. But do not give preference to it as the main color for packaging, as it is cold and therefore the impression of the gift will be the same. It is best used for contrast, using details in this shade to give the surprise a sense of celebration.
  • Green. It is considered a neutral shade that is appropriate in any case. The variety of shades of this color allows you to choose a suitable option for packaging. The green tone symbolizes wealth and respect. It is recommended to combine dark shades with yellow, orange, white and gold, and light shades with brown, gray, yellow.

  • Grey. Used to wrap a gift symbolizing nobility and restraint. And to add sophistication, it should be combined with red, pink and purple shades.
  • Brown and black. These tones are rarely used, although they are the ones recommended for a formal gift. But in order to dilute the tone, it is recommended to supplement the wrapper with details in silver, purple or gold.
  • Silver, steel and gold. It is best to use these colors as a complement to the main color. But it should be borne in mind that steel and silver are cold tones, and therefore should set off packaging made in the same palette.

But with details in a gold tone, it is better to decorate a gift made in warm shades. In addition, these colors can be successfully combined with white and black.

In the case of choosing a multi-colored gift paper, the details should be made from the tone that is present in the package, but not dominant.

This will allow you to subtly emphasize the gift and give it a sophisticated look.

Standard size box packing

How to wrap a gift in standard sized gift paper: following certain rules of procedure will help. For the first time, you should practice on the newspaper, and after working out the procedure, use the prepared material.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure out the required amount of paper. To do this, put the box in the center, face down, and leave a few centimeters of paper on the sides so that there is enough paper on all sides.
  2. Make a 1 cm fold on the vertical side of the paper and glue double-sided tape to it, without removing the protective layer on the other side. Connect both sides so that they fit snugly against the box. After that, glue them according to the proven principle so that the junction is exactly in the center. If everything is done correctly, the seam will be almost invisible.
  3. On the side, fold the top edge of the paper to fit the box. Then screw the valves to the side. And on the edge (1 cm) of the bottom side, stick the tape without removing the protective layer. Fold it over and see that the seam is exactly in the center. Only then glue.
  4. Turn the box over with the seam down and make sure the packaging is tight.
  5. Decorate the box with a ribbon or bow, choosing them taking into account the characteristics of the main shade.

Square or rectangular

Most often, gifts have their factory packaging in the form of a square or rectangular box, but to give a surprise a more sophisticated look, you need to wrap it in beautiful gift paper.

How to wrap a square or rectangular gift:

  1. Spread the prepared material back side up on the table.
  2. Wrap the box with paper on all sides and leave an additional 4-5 cm margin. Then cut off a piece from the roll.
  3. Make a 1 cm bend along one of the long edges and glue double-sided tape over it, without removing the protective layer from above.
  4. Fix the second long edge with a small piece of adhesive tape 1.5 cm further from the center of the box.
  5. Apply the prepared fold on top, but so that it runs exclusively in the center. After making sure of this, remove the protective layer and stick.
  6. To wrap the two remaining sides, the side flaps should initially be folded tightly.
  7. Then make a 1 cm fold along the edge of the bottom side of the paper, and glue double-sided tape on top.
  8. Press the upper edge tightly against the box and fix it in the center with a small piece of tape.
  9. After that, put the prepared bottom edge on top with a fold so that it runs exactly in the center of the side.
  10. If everything matches, remove the protective tape and stick it tightly.

As a result, the center seam can be hidden with a satin ribbon of the desired color.

Long box

To give a gift in a long box a presentable look, you must adhere to a certain order of actions:

  • Measure the length and width of the box.
  • Cut a strip of paper according to the received calculations, adding a margin of 3 cm.
  • Spread the prepared sheet with the wrong side up on a hard surface.
  • Center the box.
  • Make a 1 cm fold along the bottom edge and glue double-sided tape to it on top.
  • Fold the upper side tightly along the edge of the box and fix it with a small piece of adhesive tape.
  • Put the prepared fold on top and glue it evenly.
  • On the remaining sides, it is necessary to bend the side flaps inward to form a triangle.
  • Then fix the top edge tightly over the box.
  • At the bottom, make a bend of 1.5 cm and stick adhesive tape on top.
  • After that, fix it on top of the previous layer.

Round or oval

How to wrap a gift in round or oval gift paper, these recommendations will help you figure it out, since in this case the procedure is carried out a little differently.

How to wrap a gift in gift paper if it is round: step by step instructions

Step-by-step actions:

  1. Measure the height and width of the box and, adding 3 cm to the results obtained, cut a strip of gift paper.
  2. Turn the box on its side, wrap it completely, leaving a margin of 1.5 cm above and below, but first removing the lid.
  3. Carefully wrap the remaining edges in and out of the box, securing them with tape.
  4. Cut out a circle of gift paper, the diameter of which will be 0.5 cm less than the bottom side of the gift, and glue it.
  5. Make a similar circle according to the size of the lid, but at the same time, increasing its diameter by 1.5 cm, glue it, and fold the resulting stock down with decorated folds.
  6. Cut a strip 1 cm wider than the box lid, glue it on the side, and tuck the remaining stock in the middle and fix it with tape.


To pack a gift in a flat box, it is better to use the following best option:

  • Measure the height and width of the box.
  • Calculate the size of the piece of paper you need by adding the length and twice the width of the gift.

  • Place the gift across on the back of the paper.
  • Glue a small piece of tape to the bottom corner of the paper and fix it in the center of the box.
  • The opposite corner of the paper should be fixed from above according to the same principle.
  • Bend the ends on the side and make bends inward of 1.5-2 cm on the remaining sides.
  • Fix the 2 remaining sides one by one with the adhesive tape in the center.
  • Disguise the place of fixation with additional decor.

Custom size

Sometimes gifts have an irregular shape, which complicates the packaging process a little.

In this case, you can resort to these tricks:

  1. Cut a base out of thick cardboard, the size of which should be equal to the diameter of the gift.
  2. Using the same principle, cut off a strip of corrugated paper or polysilk, adding a margin of 2 cm.
  3. Make a 1 cm bend along the side edge, and glue double-sided tape on top, without removing the protective layer from the upper side.
  4. Fix the bottom edge of the paper at the bottom in the center of the prepared base using adhesive tape, creating decorated folds.
  5. Place the box with the gift inside, and glue the edges on the side, putting the prepared fold over it.
  6. Tie the upper part of the wrapper with a variegated ribbon.

How to wrap a great gift

Sometimes the size of a gift can significantly exceed the standards - it is enough just to paste over the factory packaging with the material you like and decorate it with a satin ribbon or bow on top.

In the case of a huge gift, it is enough to wrap it with foil or cover it with gift paper, and decorate it with additional decor on top. This packaging is easy to remove later when presenting a gift.

If the gift is small

If the gift fits into a small box, then you shouldn't burden it too much with a wrapper.

Better to use the following packaging option:

  • Cut a square out of gift paper, the length of the sides of which should be 2 times the height and width of the gift.
  • Place the box in the center across the paper.
  • Raise the ends of the material up, connecting them in the center.
  • Secure with thin tape and gently straighten the edges.

A few more ideas on how to wrap a small gift.

Packing without box

You can pack a gift in an original way even if it does not have a box. In this case, you can make a special bag out of gift paper, which will give the surprise a special look.

How to wrap a gift:

  1. Cut a strip of gift paper based on the size of the gift, adding 5 cm to the length and width.
  2. Make a bend at the top by 2 cm, and at the side by 1 cm.
  3. Double-sided tape should be glued to the side fold and the edges should be joined.
  4. On the opposite side, hold your hand to form an even fold.
  5. At the bottom, wrap the paper 3-5 cm, depending on the width of the gift.
  6. Spread out the resulting upper and lower sides, and wrap the side flaps in the middle.
  7. Make a 1 cm fold at the bottom edge and stick double-sided adhesive tape.
  8. Secure the edges together by overlapping the side with duct tape over the top.
  9. Put your hand inside the bag, straightening the bottom and bending the sides inward.
  10. From above, make holes for the handles with a hole punch and make a twine in them, fixing them with knots at the ends.

How to pack a gift in an unusual and creative way

How to wrap a gift in gift paper in an unusual and creative way, the following options will help:

  • Package in the form of a shirt... This method will help to present a gift to your beloved man in a fairly original packaging. The shape of the package resembles a man's shirt made of wrapping paper.
  • In the form of candy. This packaging method is especially useful when the gift needs to be wrapped very quickly. But at the same time, the unusual shape of the packaging can give it an exquisite look.
  • In the form of an envelope. This type of packaging is suitable for small flat-shaped gifts. If desired, the addressee of the future recipient can also be written on top of the envelope.

Shirt packaging

This option of gift wrapping is suitable for a small men's gift.

To use it, you must perform the steps in a specific order:

  1. Cut off a sheet of paper that is 2 times larger in width and length of the gift and add a margin of 2-3 cm.
  2. Turn the material over to its side.
  3. Bend the sides so that they converge exactly in the center. This will be the front of the shirt.
  4. Turn the future shirt over with its back and bend the top edge of the paper towards you.
  5. Turn the packaging over with the front shelves and fold the corners to simulate a collar.
  6. Turn the lower edges of the halves outward so that they protrude beyond the edges of the shirt.
  7. Bend the entire product in half, placing it behind the collar formed.
  8. In this case, the edges turned outward will be on top and will be the sleeves.

If desired, the packaging can be supplemented with small details.

In the form of candy

An excellent option for wrapping a gift without a box can be the shape of a candy.

Even a child can do this method:

  1. Take the required sheet of gift paper, the width of which is equal to the gift, adding a margin of 2 cm, and the length exceeds it by 1/3.
  2. Wrap the gift, and tie the side tails with a ribbon or twine.


Sometimes it is enough to wrap a surprise in a decorated envelope made of gift paper.

To do it, you need to perform several basic steps:

  1. Unfold the paper and fold it in half.
  2. Place a gift on top, but at the same time there should be a margin of 3 cm on all sides.
  3. Cut off according to the obtained parameters.
  4. Unfold the paper in one layer and lay it face down.
  5. Bend the sides inward by 1 cm, and the upper edge by 2 cm.
  6. Glue the sides, leaving the top fold unchanged.
  7. Place the gift and make a hole with a hole punch on the top from the side.
  8. Thread the ribbon and tie the flap of the envelope with a bow.

Box design

You need to wrap a gift not only in gift paper, but it should also be supplemented with an unusual design. But how to do it correctly and what to use from available tools, you need to figure it out.

Most original box decoration ideas:

  • Tags. This add-on looks very stylish and, moreover, you can write your wish and the name of the recipient on it. To do this, you need to cut out the tags from thick cardboard and make holes in them with a hole punch. You can attach to the box with a ribbon or twine.

  • Newspaper. In the absence of gift paper, you can create a unique design using an old newspaper. This will help you decorate your gift in a retro style.
  • Butterflies. This decor will help to give the gift an unusual romantic look. At the same time, butterflies should be cut out of cardboard of different sizes. Bend their wings up and fix them on the package with double-sided tape.
  • A ball of thread. A small box can be placed inside a multi-colored ball of thread. To do this, you need to wrap the gift and attach a tag on top with the necessary instructions and wishes.
  • Buttons. Unusual packaging can be emphasized with the help of these accessories, gluing them over the box from one or several sides. To do this, you need to choose buttons of different sizes, but in a suitable tone.

  • Pompons. Gifts in winter can be decorated in this way. This will emphasize warm feelings and give the box an original look. It is best to make pom-poms from woolen threads, choosing the optimal shade to the main tone of the box.
  • Pictures. You can add a certain charm to a gift using photographs. They should be glued over the sides of the box and on the lid.
  • Geometric figures. Place several types of shapes on the sheets, using paper of various shades. Cut them out and stick them at a distance of 5-7 cm over the string. Decorate the box by wrapping the resulting thread up and down.
  • Natural flowers. This option is a great addition to the main gift. It is best to use flowers with a small diameter, placing them in a bunch in the center of the box and tied with a satin ribbon of a suitable tone.

  • Needle twigs. By complementing the gift with such a decor, you can give it an unusual original look. It is best to use freshly cut branches that give off a pleasant coniferous aroma, secured with a gift tape.

The outlined recommendations will help you master the principle of gift wrapping in gift paper. But everyone decides for himself how to use them, since you should always use your own original ideas. Only in this case, the gift is able to bring positive emotions and tune in a positive way.

Article formatting: Natalie Podolskaya

Paper Gift Decorating Videos

Video on how to wrap a gift in gift paper - three simple and quick ways:

We all love to receive gifts, no doubt. However, we experience even greater pleasure when we bring joy to loved ones and relatives. Eyes sparkling with happiness and a sincere smile of a dear person - what could be more beautiful!

We treat the preparation of a gift quite scrupulously: we take into account the individual preferences and hobbies of the recipient. One of the important roles in this process is played by the festive wrapper, which gives a special charm and mystery to the gift. Did you know that it is very easy to wrap a gift in gift paper with your own hands in an original way? In this article, you will find step-by-step instructions on how you can beautifully, creatively and easily pack absolutely any item with your own hands.

Step-by-step instructions: how to beautifully pack a gift

Until now, you thought that only specially trained people can deal with gift wrapping? A big mistake! The most important thing is that all the tools for creating such a masterpiece are available to absolutely everyone.

We will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Double sided tape;
  • Gift paper;
  • Ribbons and any other decorative elements.

So let's get started:

Step 1: First you need to measure and cut out the required amount of gift paper for packaging. Please note that you need to measure the rectangle in such a way that on each side of the gift you have a margin of a few centimeters in order to bend the paper evenly in the future. For example, look at the margin with which the gift paper was cut in the photo.

On a note! If you've never folded gift paper this way before, you can practice using a paper you don't need, for example. According to the finished "pattern" from the newspaper, it will be possible to measure the required amount of gift paper.

Step 2: Fold the edge of one of the two vertical sides 1 cm and stick tape on it. Combine the vertical sides. Stretch the gift paper so that it fits snugly around the gift. If you follow all the rules, you will notice that the seam is practically invisible.

Step 3: Now go to the sides. Gently fold the top of the gift paper as shown in the photo.

Step 5: The matter remains small. Place a strip of double-sided tape on top of the remaining piece of paper (fold the edge of the paper as well). Remove the protective film from the tape and thus secure the entire side part. Please note that the bottom should end exactly in the middle, as shown in the photo.

Step 6: Repeat the entire procedure on the other side of the gift.

Step 7: Time to do some decorating. No gift is complete without a festive bow. We will also do it ourselves. To do this, you need to take three ribbons of the corresponding shades of gift paper. These ribbons should be tied on top of each other, thereby creating the required volume.

Step 8: In addition to ribbons, you can decorate a gift with any decorative elements that you have in everyday life. It turns out that's such a beauty!

How to wrap a box in gift paper

Tired of the monotony in gift wrapping? Then you are at the right place! Below is a step-by-step guide on how you can pack the box with some very original items. The peculiarity of this type of packaging is that instead of gift paper we will take a regular newspaper, and woolen thread and buttons will come to replace the bantu. Quite a beautiful and conceptual version!

Step 1: Take a spread of any newspaper (preferably already lying on the shelf for some time). Do not forget to pay attention to the information that is located there. An uncomfortable situation may turn out if an article that is unpleasant for the recipient of the gift appears on the pages. Get to this stage with just as much creativity. Fold the edge of the newspaper to one side of the box.

Step 2: Do the same work on the opposite side. Please note that from this side, the newspaper sheet should only reach the middle. Use scissors to cut the unwanted parts of our gift paper.

On a note! If possible, place the gift upside down and start packing. All seams will remain invisible.

Step 3: Now you need to move on to the other sides of the package. Bend one side so that it ends in one place with the edge of the box.

Step 4: Bend the left side edge so that it can cover the left edge of the gift. Leave a small margin of a couple of centimeters. The rest can be trimmed with scissors.

Step 5: Just as in the first instruction, join the left and right sides of the paper using double-sided tape. The stock that we left must be bent and hidden inward.

Step 8: As we have already said, decorative elements in this case are quite original. Wrap the thread around the gift box.

Step 9: Decorate the resulting "bow" with buttons.

How to wrap a round gift

We have dealt with square and rectangular gifts. Now the next option is to wrap a round gift. This method of gift wrapping is also quite original. Instead of gift paper, we will take a piece of thick fabric and decorate it all with a contrasting tape. Thus, we don't even need tape or scissors (only if we cut the fabric).