How to sew straight jeans into tight ones. How to sew jeans along the side seams with your own hands

Jeans that you like in the store are sometimes big. What if you still want to buy them? Do not under any circumstances refuse to purchase. As well as not giving up your favorite pants, which have grown large as a result of a successful diet. And there is no need to be upset in these cases either. We need something else: to shrink jeans. This can be done not only in the workshop, but also at home.

There are several ways that you can actually make your pants look smaller.

By washing

Hot water can affect your jeans and make them look smaller.

For hand washing, you will need capacious containers (basin, baby bath) and boiling water. But detergents are not useful: work is done with clean trousers.

Jeans are immersed in boiling water and kept in water for 10 to 15 minutes. In another container (you can go to the bath). From boiling water, the item is immediately immersed in cold water for 2-3 minutes. Now it remains to squeeze, dry and iron the pants using steam.

Machine wash

When using the washing machine, you only need the washing function with the maximum temperature (95 °), no rinsing! The highest temperature is also required for drying. You can also use a hot battery.

Important! With the ability to shrink from hot water, jeans can stretch when worn. Therefore, washing can be reduced, but no more than 2 weeks.

With suturing

Laundry is usually used as a temporary method. For permanent resizing, the trousers are sutured. The work is performed both completely with the entire product, and with individual parts that have become problematic.

Materials and tools that will be required when working with jeans at home

If you are constantly doing needlework, you will have all the necessary tools at your fingertips. The rest of the girls and women need to prepare the following:

  • threads matching the color;
  • needles for basting and sewing;
  • pins;
  • tape measure;
  • chalk or pencil;
  • wide elastic band;
  • sewing machine.

The presence of an assistant is very helpful!

How To Sew On Jeans That Are Big

We will tell you how you can sew jeans in different places.

How to sew jeans at the waist. Instructions

The most common case is when the trousers fit well, but are clearly large at the waist. There are several ways to fix this.

The easy way

Slip on your jeans and pint at the waist to make it shorter. You have got some kind of darts. Try to distribute them evenly, without collecting all the excess fabric in one place.

Secure the hoods with pins. After that, you need to carefully rip up the belt in the places of the darts and carefully sew them up. The fabric, which turned out to be superfluous, is cut off, after which the belt is sewn on again.

Important! Try not to do too long darts in the back, on the buttocks: this will tighten and shorten the back of the legs.

The hard way

This method will take more time, but it will please you with the result.

The work begins with stripping off the belt loop and label, which are located at the back. After that, you have to carefully rip off the belt (from the seam - 10 cm in each direction) and the step seam (by 8 cm). We carry out work with the back seam:

  • we fix the excess fabric with pins;
  • we outline and check during fitting;
  • if necessary, we correct, after that we carry out a machine seam;
  • from the front side we make a double seam with a thread matching the color of the stitching.

Continuing the work, we sew up the open crotch seam and also do the topstitching. After that, we move on to the belt. Having measured how long it should be after stitching, we cut off the excess fabric, not forgetting to take into account the stitching allowances in the calculations. Sew on the shortened belt, return the back loops and the branded label to the product. Work is done!

Important! To make the product look of high quality after re-stitching, do not forget to promptly remove all old threads after severing and iron the seams properly after ripping the old ones and making new ones.

Reducing the size with a wide elastic band

Another way to shrink jeans at the waist will require a wide elastic band. Getting started, we pair the belt from the seamy side in the back of the trousers.

Cutting off the elastic (you need a length that is slightly less than the waist line on the back). We fasten the elastic on the belt with pins and try on the pants. If the elastic does not tighten the belt enough, adjust its length with pins. After that, we sew an elastic band, and then a belt. Your jeans will now fit perfectly around your waist. And only a small assembly will be visible on the back of the belt.

How to sew jeans in the hips. Instructions

If the jeans are loose at the hips, they are sutured in this place. First, outline how much tissue to remove. To do this, put on trousers, turned inside out and pin the excess material with pins.

Having removed the jeans, mark the seam line with chalk or pencil from the inside out. After that, the belt and pocket are stripped off, the side seam is ripped off and a new one is made. At the end, 2 decorative stitches are made from the face of the product.

How to sew jeans at the back seam. Instructions

You can remove unnecessary volumes in the buttocks area if you redo the back seam. In this case, you also have to first remove the back loop and label. The pants are then put on to mark and secure how much extra fabric needs to be sewn up.

Having taken off the jeans, a basting seam is made, and after additional fitting, a machine seam. After removing the excess fabric, the seam is processed, and stitching is done from the face. The last step is sewing on the belt, loops and labels.

How to sew jeans on the sides of the legs in order to change their model (from wide - narrow). Instructions

If the fashion has taken a rapid turn and the recently purchased jeans clearly do not fit into it, do not immediately push them away. When switching from wide or flared trousers to narrow ones, everything is fixable.

Algorithm of actions:

  • We put on the inside out jeans and mark with pins the desired width of the trousers.

Important! If flared trousers are in trouble, the jeans are narrowed below the knee, when working with wide trousers - along their entire length.

  • Having taken off the jeans, they make a sketch and check it during the fitting.
  • If the preliminary seam does not need to be adjusted, the machine is sewn.
  • Iron the product, and then cut off the excess material.
  • Processing and outer stitching are performed.

Tips for reducing jeans size at home

Reducing the size of jeans yourself will require perseverance and painstaking work. The experience of experienced craftswomen will help.

Tips for stitching jeans:

  • Perform work on a clean, worn item. This will show how the jeans stretch as they are worn.
  • Stock up on time and take your time! Better to do an extra fitting to fit the pants to your figure than ruin the thing.
  • Do not unpick the legs completely, turning them into a skirt: not everyone is able to sew them correctly in the crotch area on their own.
  • Use double stitches and extra stitches at the end of a seam to improve the quality of your work.

Follow all the steps carefully and carefully, and you will succeed!

And what is your assessment of this material?

    Pants can only be tucked up to the knee area. And do not narrow the trousers too much, as they will gather and will be concave at the knee. There are two seams: step and side. It is not necessary to skinny jeans at both seams. The main thing in this business is to correctly calculate how much excess fabric needs to be removed.

    Keep in mind that jeans should not fit perfectly under your leg, because you still have to walk, squat, run, etc. in them. Leave 1-2 centimeters just in case.

    To narrow your pants, you need to sew the extra part to the seam with a typewriter. Thus, apparently the old seam will remain, but it will become slightly thicker, and the width of the trousers will decrease.

    It seems to me that without scissors and cutting off excess fabric, you can't get out of here.

    First, rip the leg to the desired length on both sides (to the height where the narrowing begins), then cut off the excess and sew on a typewriter.

    Not confident in your abilities - take it to the master.

    You can do this: put on the trousers inside out and see how much they need to be narrowed, pinned in these places at the place of the future seam, draw a line with a small line, cut off the excess part of the fabric, sew first by hand, and then sew on a typewriter.

    If you want to make jeans on your own at home, or in other words, narrow them down, then I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following simple steps.

    In this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it and not ruin the jeans.

    The method that I want to propose is quite simple, it consists of three stages.

    1. Turn the trousers inside out and draw with chalk the borders indicating how much we will cut the trousers, do not forget to leave 1-1.5 cm "in reserve". Alternatively, put other pants on top (of a suitable size) and outline the outline, using them as a template. The second option is generally a win-win.
    2. Sew on a sewing machine using the longest possible stitch length. What for? In case we are slightly mistaken in the size, it will be easy to dissolve and correct.
    3. We put on trousers and watch how they sit on us, you should definitely walk, squat. If all is well, you can finally flash it.
  • The video provides all the necessary sequence of actions required in order to narrow jeans. First, it is enough to rip up the bottom seam, only on the inside of the trousers, which will be sewn again.

    Trousers-trousers, and with jeans it is a little more complicated, as a rule, in them either the outer or the crotch seam is stitched with a double stitch. In this case, you need to rip off the hem at the bottom, rip off the double finishing stitch (and rip it up higher so that you can easily narrow the seam from the inside) ) From the inside out with chalk draw a line of the new seam (keep in mind that the back of the trousers should be about 2 cm wider than the front). Then sew, cut off the excess fabric, overcast, iron and again lay a double stitch on top of the seam, trying to match the threads to match. A little secret: as a rule, jeans are stitched with a thick contrasting thread and so that your stitch does not differ much from the factory one, then put a spool with suitable threads, unwind a long enough `` tail '' thread from the spool, fold it in half and pull the thread folded in half into the needle. Stitch like this. The needle should also be thick (100-110). In this case, your stitch will look more noticeable and embossed ... By the way, do not forget that the seam of the hem at the bottom is quite thick, especially in the places of the side seams, so if you are not sure that your machine can handle this thickness, then it is better not to start. Otherwise, at best, you risk getting ugly gaps on the line, and at worst, you just break the needle. In any case, in especially thick areas, turn the wheel by hand, slightly pulling the fabric with your hand away from you. Of course, you can't do without a certain skill here, especially when it comes to branded jeans made of high-quality denim.

    I see only one option for solving your problem - to change it. But if your hands grow a little from the wrong place, for such operations, you can take it to the studio. And if you are not particularly sorry, then you can cut, hem the edge a little and make beautiful breeches - here is the flight of your imagination, if you want to sew lace on your pockets, or make a shiny insert, in general, create)

    Tightening trousers, jeans from below at home is quite possible and not so difficult.

    In order to narrow jeans, you need to iron them well and turn them inside out:

    Now measure how much you want to narrow, but remember to leave the fabric in reserve for seams and folds. After you have decided on the amount of narrowing, draw a line with soap or chalk along the deferred points:

    1) You need to measure the narrowest part of the leg - and make a size that is comfortable for you + stock;

    3) And measure the top point from which you will begin to narrow.

    Mark these three points and connect them under the ruler. Then you wash it. Cut off the excess and sew on a typewriter.

    In this case, the bottom of the pants will have to be dissolved and re-hemmed.

    But still a master class:

    It is easy enough to narrow the pants you already have. To do this, you need to open the bottom of the trousers, then turn the trousers inside out and outline how much and from where, in height, you will be stitching. Sketch, dress and see if the option suits you. If everything suits us, we stitch it on a typewriter according to the outline, and hem the bottom.

Did the new jeans turn out to be great, or could the diet finally pay off? In this case, they will have to be sutured. How to comply with the technology and not spoil the product, we will consider further. We offer you a step-by-step guide to action.

Sewing at the waist (belt)

It is difficult for girls with narrow waists and wide hips to find perfect fit jeans. They are usually wide at the waist.

There are two ways to solve the problem.

Method 1

The easiest way is to make darts along the waist line. There can be two, three or more of them.


  1. You need to rip off the belt;
  2. Sew the darts (Especially carefully you need to make darts in the area of ​​the priests. If they are too long, the back of the jeans can pull up and sit ugly on the figure);
  3. Sew the belt again, having previously reduced it to the desired length.

Method 2

  1. It is more durable and painstaking, but also of higher quality.
  2. First you need to rip off the back belt loop and rip the belt 8-10 centimeters in each direction from the middle seam;
  3. Next, rip the crotch seam (the one between the legs) by about 8-9 centimeters;
  4. Open the middle one, but do not unfold it, but pin it with pins so that it does not shift;
  5. Now you can get the pins from the front side and steam them off with an iron;
  6. Insert the trousers into each other, step back from the middle seam at the waist line 2 centimeters and draw a line so that a triangle is formed, i.e. not parallel but at a slight angle. Along this line you need to make a line, sweep the edge;
  7. Turn to the right side and give two lines in the middle;
  8. Next, sew up the crotch seam from the wrong side and restore the double stitch from the front;
  9. Cut the belt in half, attach it to the jeans, cut off the excess from both parts, leaving allowances;
  10. Then you should fold it with the front sides, stitch it, unfold the seam on two sides and steam it with an iron;
  11. Align the belt and the rest with pins and sew;
  12. Sew on the belt loop.

In the hips

Sewing jeans in the hips is necessary along the side seams.

  1. It is necessary to put them on from the seamy side and mark the distance that needs to be removed with pins. Alternatively, you can attach trousers that are suitable in size and draw a line along them;
  2. Unwrap the belt and rip the sides;
  3. Sew them according to new standards;
  4. Sew back the belt.

If it is necessary to reduce the product at the same time in the hips and waist, you can not rip off the belt, but completely unstitch the trousers on the sides and sew in a new way. Cut off the excess, sweep the edges.

It is even easier to make darts on the sides. But this method is suitable only for thin fabrics, because darts will be very noticeable on thick ones.

How to taper jeans to the bottom

Fashion is fickle. Not so long ago, flared trousers were in trend, nowadays everyone is wearing narrow ones. In this case, you can sew the product in the legs:

  1. It is recommended to put on jeans inside out and use pins to fix them almost on the legs, leaving a few centimeters for shrinkage after washing.
  2. Sweep over the pins, try on, if they sat down perfectly, cut off the excess and sew on a typewriter.
  3. Overlock or zigzag the edges.

If the pants are wide not only at the calves, but also at the hips, they are sutured along the side seams.

Sewing oversized jeans

If the product is too large in size, it makes sense to completely alter it:

  1. The pants should be ripped at the side seams, in the center, and the waistband should be ripped off.
  2. Attach a pattern or pants of the correct size, completely ripped apart.
  3. Redraw details and sweep away. If everything is fine after trying on, you can start sewing.
  4. First, the front seam is sewn, then the back and side seams.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to the inner seams, it is quite difficult to combine the crotch, it is better to sew it first by hand and then sew it on a typewriter.
  6. After the jeans are assembled, you need to put them underneath and sew on a belt, belt loops.

If you doubt your abilities, it is better to consult a specialist or train on cheaper models. I wish you success!

Due to the peculiarities of the female figure, jeans often fit the hips perfectly, but at the same time they turn out to be unnecessarily loose at the waist. This not so serious problem can significantly spoil the overall harmonious image. Therefore, many customers are faced with the question of how to properly suture jeans, immediately after buying them.

The second common situation when you have to suture denim pants is associated with losing weight. Together with a few lost pounds, the volume in the waist and hips is also lost. In this case, it is necessary to suture not only in the belt, but also in the hips. You can adjust the jeans a little yourself. There is nothing difficult here, but you need to master certain skills.

How to sew jeans at the waist

The first step is to carefully rip off the jeans belt, three back loops and the branded label located at the back. After that, we unpick each side seam, starting from the top end of the front pocket and up to the top edge. After removing the remnants of the thread, carefully smooth the seams. Now we draw the lines along which the new seam will pass. We use chalk or a thin remnant for this.

Having stepped back 1 cm from the outlined lines, we cut off the excess fabric. We turn the jeans inside out, combine the edges of the sections and sew with a stitch seam. Here we can get in the way of metal rivets that strengthen the upper edge of the pockets. In this case, we finish the line, not reaching about 1 cm to the rivet. Then we sew this section manually. We process both side seams in this way. The jeans have become narrower at the waist, but the maximum is 4 centimeters.

If this is not enough for us, in addition to reducing the volume on the sides, we can make additional triangular darts along the waist line. The darts must be done strictly symmetrically. There can be 2 or more of them. We sew each one 2 times. Particularly careful work should be done in the area of ​​the buttocks, since such darts can noticeably tighten them. Look out for rivets, embroidery, and appliqués too. The darts should be positioned in such a way that they do not interfere with the model composition.

After finishing the jeans suturing, you need to attach a belt to the trousers. We mark which part should be cut off. The place of the cut can be quite well masked with a back loop or a branded label. Make sure that the center belt loops are exactly in the middle and the rear side loops are perfectly symmetrical. We sew the branded label by hand using the places of old punctures. Similarly, we restore the machine seam and make our intervention as invisible as possible.

Sewing jeans in the hips and below

Sometimes jeans, on the contrary, fit perfectly at the waist, but are too wide at the hips. In this case, we need to suture them in the thigh area. This can be done using the dart technology described above. Only the darts will not be placed in the waist, but along the line of the hips.

It also happens that the hips and waist are more curvaceous in comparison with other parts of the body. At the same time, jeans can be very tight at the top, but too loose at the bottom. In such a situation, we need to sew trousers in the legs. To do this, you first need to rip the jeans along the inner seam, and then mark them according to your own measure, cut off the excess and sew.

An important point: beware of ripping jeans in the crotch area. Then in this place it will be very difficult to assemble and sew everything correctly.

The same technology can be used to change the style of jeans. For example, sew in flared jeans that are too wide in your opinion. However, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust such work to a specialist. Modern models of denim trousers often have a lot of rather complicated seams and various decorative details. Therefore, they can be accidentally damaged during re-stitching, and sometimes they can be irreparably damaged.

Video: how to sew jeans on your own.

Video: how to sew jeans in the hips.

One of the most effective ways to shrink jeans is to sew them on. You can alter denim pants at a clothing repair shop, but this method will be more costly.

Sewing jeans at home is not easy without some experience. This is due to the complex cut of the trousers. However, if you have a sewing machine and minimal skills in working with it, you can still do this.

Reducing the size should begin with the legs. You need to open the seam in those places where the jeans need to be reduced. When trying on, note the required leg width with safety pins or a couple of basting stitches.

To make the sewing machine stitch smooth, the seams must be pre-swept

To sew jeans trousers, you need to select threads of the same color and thickness with which all the outer seams of the trousers are sewn, and tuck them into the sewing machine. As a rule, the stitching on jeans is double, and so that the sewn places do not differ from the rest of the seams, it must be reproduced.

To reduce the jeans at the waist, you need to sew them in from the sides, after rebuffing the belt. After the operation, the belt should also be shortened and returned to its original place.

If the denim trousers have become large in the hips, then it will be necessary to additionally rip the line passing through the buttocks.

Ways to narrow your jeans

  • More details

How to shrink denim pants at home using other methods

If the jeans need to be reduced by only one size, then you can try to do this by washing at a high temperature. Beforehand, the trousers must be soaked in hot water, washed by setting the lever of the washing machine at 60–90 degrees, and wrung out at high speed. It is better to dry jeans in a horizontal position on a fabric that is highly absorbent.

The washed jeans will decrease, but, unfortunately, the effect will not last long, after one or two days of wearing, they will stretch back to their previous size.

Pants in this case will have to be washed often enough. Despite the rather high density of the fabric, due to constant washings, they can acquire a slightly worn look, lose color saturation.

So that denim pants do not have to be sewn in or washed to holes, you can just get better a little