How to choose rubber boots for a child. Rubber boots: how to choose and what to wear

Is it rain outside? For children, this is not at all a reason for sadness, but rather the opposite - the opportunity to run around in warm summer puddles! Choosing the right boots!

4 secrets of how to choose the perfect rubber boots for your child:

1 secret. Wellies are shoes that can't be orthopedic - they don't have that kind of insole. Therefore, you should not purchase it for children under 3 years old, since their legs have not yet formed. For them, for races in puddles, waterproof boots with a membrane are suitable, which protect from water and help the feet of babies to form correctly. And for adult children, it is better to limit the wearing of such shoes to a couple of hours a day.

2 secret. Right size. The most important thing in buying such non-standard shoes is the correct size, because rubber shoes do not stretch and do not wear out. The ideal fit of rubber boots is considered to be a gap of 1.5 cm between the inner wall of the shoe and the child's toes. This is necessary to maintain warmth as well as comfort. In addition, rubber boots are not very warm, so free space is needed inside so that you can put on your socks. In addition to the size, it is important to choose the correct size of the boot: so that the leg in it is not squeezed or, conversely, does not dangle.

Secret 3. A child needs to try on and purchase rubber boots in the evening, when his leg is slightly larger. Then you can avoid the fact that the boots bought in the morning begin to squeeze and cause discomfort in the evening.

4 secret. Do your own waterproof test. In a warm, dry store, when trying on, you will not be able to fully appreciate the waterproofness of boots. Therefore, when you come home, pour water into a small basin or bathtub and immerse your boots in it. Soak in water for 5-10 minutes and check: if inside they become damp or wet, then the goods can be safely returned back - such boots are useless and dangerous for a child. And if they remain dry inside, then the test has been successfully passed, and your baby will be able to safely conquer the courtyard puddles.

What to look for when choosing children's rubber boots:

  • Material. Although they are called "rubber" boots, they can be made not only from rubber. Recently, PVC boots are gaining popularity. Boots made of rubber (rubber) are considered to be of high quality, reliable and safe. In addition, it is rubber boots that best prevent getting wet and protect from water. However, it must be remembered that rubber does not withstand temperature extremes. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) boots are durable and comfortable. They are lighter than rubber and more durable, as they can easily tolerate temperature differences and changes in temperature.
  • Sole. It should be wide and tight. It is thanks to the wide sole that the child's feet will not freeze. The sole should also be flexible so that the child can walk and run safely. And grooved to keep the boots from slipping.
  • "Inner world". The lining of quality rubber boots should be made from natural materials, which differ depending on the season for which the boots are intended. For summer and warm weather, a fleece or knitted lining is perfect. For autumn and slush in winter, the inner leg protection should be more serious: natural wool, felt or fur. Natural materials will help keep your baby's feet warm and comfortable. There are also rubber boots with an inner felt-insert. It keeps you warm and comfortable to wear in cold weather. These boots are removable, so when it gets warm, you can take it out and wear boots without it.
  • Toe and heel. The front part of the boot (toe) must be tight. It should be slightly rounded and slightly raised to protect the child's legs from accidental injury. The heel should be very tight and should not bend. It supports the foot and prevents the shoe from deforming.
  • Surface. Outside, rubber shoes should be tight and uniform, without defects or irregularities. The thickness of the rubber should be the same over the entire surface.
  • Color and paint. Manufacturers of children's rubber boots now have no limits of imagination: you can find shoes of all kinds of colors and shades. When choosing, pay attention to the quality of paints and drawings. Avoid options with fuzzy patterns, fuzzy outlines or unprinted areas - these are clear signs of a factory defect, and choose only bright, clear outlines and well-done drawings.

What could be more pleasant for children than running through the puddles after a summer rain, raising a sea of ​​splashes! Find the right waterproof shoes for your little water conquerors and don't take away from them that much fun!

Helped us:
Irina Kolmogorova,
Dermatovenereologist of the clinic "Medicine", Ph.D.

What are rubber boots

Oddly enough, rubber shoes themselves - made of vulcanized rubber, natural or synthetic - are now rare. Much more popular are boots made of polyvinyl chloride or foamed polyurethane. They are noticeably lighter, more durable and more resistant to low temperatures.

Plus - these shoes are much more practical. True rubber models are usually made from many pieces welded together. Manufacturers of boots with big names separately emphasize that their waterways have been handcrafted from time immemorial from a strictly defined number of fragments. The position is binding. However, the more seams, the higher the likelihood that one of them will accidentally burst and you will not run through the puddles. Plastic shoes turn out to be almost monolithic - a maximum of a couple of seams, respectively, and the likelihood of leaks is reduced.

How to choose rubber boots

Here's a rough verbal portrait of the ideal wellies:

  • Not tight. Rubber, as you understand, will not sit on the leg, so you should try on shoes on toes - at least cotton, and preferably woolen. Actually, wearing rubber boots is also recommended on the toe... First, so that excess moisture is absorbed somewhere. Secondly, to prevent hypothermia. If you order shoes from an online store, take one size up.
  • Lined. Good boots certainly have a fabric base (mostly made of natural materials), which protects the foot from direct contact with plastic. And the ideal pair will also have a warm boot-liner in case of a cold snap - made of felt, wool or fleece.
  • Not slippery. A thick, but always flexible outsole with a tread is what you need. And for the orthopedic insoles with instep supports, purchased together with the boots, the feet will say a special big thank you to you.

The harm of rubber boots

Whatever your boots are made of, the main thing remains the same: any plastic is not the friendliest material. Yes, it does not let water through from the outside, which is great. But in the same way, it does not allow the moisture accumulating inside to evaporate (the legs are sweating), and this is already a shame. Air does not pass through the material either, and as a result we have a full-fledged steam room. Hot and humid are ideal conditions for a variety of fungi to thrive. (What to do if you have a fungus.)

“In people with vegetative-vascular disorders, foot sweating is observed in ordinary shoes, but when using rubber, the problem is aggravated,” our expert warns. Besides, close contact with rubber boots can provoke, for example, the development of contact dermatitis... If you have flat feet, then getting into waterproof boots without special insoles is more expensive for yourself.

The fashion for rubber shoes continues, this becomes especially important in rainy weather, when the owners of rubber boots are not only the most fashionable, but also the most practical!

1. Rubber boots are subdivided into chrome (for hiking in the forest) and glued (for city puddles). In any case, the shoes must be airtight. Be sure to check the tightness of the boots with water procedures - the shoes should not leak water. You can check the quality of glued shoes in the store. The glued tape should adhere snugly to the boot and not leave its surface.

2. When choosing rubber boots, take a good look at the shoes. Remember that high-quality boots should not have mechanical damage either on their surface or on the sole.

3. Depending on what you are going to wear this one you need to try it on on a thin or on a woolen sock. If you want your feet to breathe, then rubber shoes don't have to sit tight.

4. When buying rubber shoes, remember that, unlike leather shoes, they do not have the ability to stretch when worn.

5. The sole should be soft and flexible, but thick enough. The stiff, stiff sole makes it difficult for the foot to move naturally, and the legs get tired. The outsole tread should have a grooved surface without dents or damage.

6. The discrepancy of boots in length, height and width in a pair from 4 to 8 mm is considered acceptable.

7. The correct shape of boots is a guarantee of comfort and safety. If the toe of the boot is compacted, it means that you will be protected from bruising your toes if you trip over something. The backs must keep their shape, otherwise the boots will deform.

8. Rubber boots can be made of rubber (100% natural rubber) or PVC (PVC). PVC shoes differ from rubber ones in lighter weight and increased durability. The sole should be made of PVC or thermoplastic (TPK), an anti-slip and cold-resistant material. The outsole with an intermediate layer of PVC or polyurethane foam has thermal and shock-absorbing properties.

9. Pay attention to the bootleg - a good bootleg must be covered with a thin varnish film.

10. If the lining inside the boot is synthetic - this is bad, the legs will sweat in it. But with a cotton lining, the feet will stay dry and comfortable. A big plus if, in addition to the lining, there is a warming stocking inside.

What is important to know when buying rubber boots

  • Don't buy boots with antifungal additives. If the manufacturers provided them, it means that the material emits harmful substances.
  • Rubber boots don't keep warm well.
  • Always dry your shoes well to eliminate damp environments where fungus can grow.
  • Make it a rule to change your shoes at work.
  • If your feet sweat in boots, the weather is prolonged, and you have to wear rubber shoes every day, use preventive foot cosmetics with an anti-fungal effect.
  • At home, wipe your boots with a cloth soaked in warm water. To maintain shine, you can add a couple of drops of glycerin to the water from time to time.

Until recently, mothers tried to no avail to get their children to put on galoshes in rainy weather. Now, the most inveterate women of fashion are just waiting for the rain to show off in rubber boots. New models of various colors appear on the world market every year. Boots can be monochromatic (black, pink blue), or with a pattern, polka dots. Some may even be transparent.

In fact, such shoes are only called rubber. This material is impractical and is often replaced by polyvinyl chloride, or, as the people say, PVC. Such products are quite lightweight and resistant to external factors. True, they are afraid of fat. For more expensive models, other materials such as Crosslite or handcrafted rubber can be used.

By choosing waterproof Women's boots, pay attention to the sole. The drawing on it should be absolutely clear, without any irregularities. The stitching of quality products is perfectly straight. There are no roughness, cracks or abrasions on the surface.

It's important not to be wrong with the size of boots as their material is quite tough. It is better to choose a pair one size larger so that you can wear a warm sock in cold weather. By the way, do not try to wear such shoes on your bare feet. This can provoke the development of various infections.

Running through puddles as a child is the most fun pastime. The sonorous laughter of a child, smiles and joy are happiness for parents. But you can't run in casual shoes, and you can hear mothers screaming "Don't run into a puddle, your feet will get wet, you will get sick!" And when to live and enjoy the spring rain, measuring the depth of the puddles.

The way out is to buy rubber boots. Orthopedists have allowed them to be worn from the age of 3. Although Demar children's rubber boots start from size 20, on this site see all models of the Polish manufacturer. Practically from the first steps, you can reliably protect the little feet from puddles.

So that the purchase does not harm the child, we offer 4 recommendations that must be taken into account when choosing.

  1. 1.Correct size. Rubber boots, like other shoes for children, are selected according to the size of the foot, large or small boots will bring discomfort and chafe the child's leg. According to experts, the optimal margin is 1 centimeter.
  2. 2. Boots should be lightweight. The leg gets tired quickly from heavy boots.
  3. 3. Flexable sole - comfortable and the foot will not be very tired.
  4. 4. Removable insert (stocking). It is desirable that the boots have a warm removable insert - they are used in late autumn and early spring, and it is more convenient to dry, because the leg sweats in such shoes.
So we smoothly moved on to the features of rubber shoes:
  • The child's leg is sweating; it is impossible to walk in rubber boots for a long time. Silicone, the material from which the shoes are made, does not allow air to pass through at all and thus creates a greenhouse effect.
  • Even 15-20 years ago, the appearance of cheap boots left much to be desired. But now many brands produce very bright, beautiful, colorful and, most importantly, models of boots that are safe for the child's body.
  • Rubber has an unpleasant odor. You need to carefully sniff at the shoes you buy. But this fully applies to cheap Chinese products. European manufacturers adhere to EU standards, and there are very strict requirements for children's shoes.
  • It is very difficult for a child to find the perfect fit model. You need to choose the size, take into account the fullness of the leg and the quality of the material from which the boot is made. Sometimes there are low-quality models.
    Advantages of rubber shoes:
  • High-quality Russian or Polish rubber boots will never get wet. Even in the rain, the child can be taken with you outside without worrying about the dryness of his legs.
  • Wear resistance. No matter how much the kid runs, the shoes most likely will not break. They are eternal, a leg will grow, and boots will go to relatives, almost in their original form.
  • The main advantage of rubber boots in the rain is the joy and laughter of the child.