What a modern girl from a metropolis looks like. What a modern woman should look like

The world is changing every minute.

And together with it, the idea of ​​beauty changes.

Some girls manage to quickly react to new trends, and some trail at the end of the line and adopt frankly outdated techniques.

Let's talk about this!

The image of a modern woman

Wearing sexy clothes?

Mini-skirts, expressive necklines, and leopard-print dresses are relics of the past.

Stylish casualness, well-groomed and "relaxed" styles, characterized by the comfort of clothing, are in vogue. Intelligent restraint, midi length, etc. are in fashion. Tight sweatshirts have long given way to modern knitwear in the wardrobe.

And sexuality is something elusive, inherent in self-confident and well-groomed, stylish girls.

You DO NOT need to be tight-fitting and bare: the mini length, deep neckline and close-fitting silhouette are a receipt in the absence of taste.

There may be an accent, but only one. Wear short skirts with loose knits or straight blouses, neckline with tight pants, etc.

Life without heels?

Hairpins - for the occasion. "Hooves" with a heavy platform - for strippers.

Loafers, ballet flats, boots, boots, over the knee boots, ankle boots can be flat or have a stable heel. To waddle down the street, drenched in sweat and gritting your teeth tighter, but being "beautiful" and long-legged is no longer fashionable!

Wear comfortable shoes. And yes, remember, sneakers go with everything! :-) Well, practically. :-)

A conservative approach to accessories

Matching bag and shoes by color? Do you wear earrings with a necklace and a ring? Ready-made kits do not give a chance to show your individuality and prove that you feel insecure and are insured by ready-made solutions. The same goes for the habit of buying "dummy bows" from storefronts. After all, the result is obtained "like everyone else", and your own style remains an unattainable dream.

What is a modern girl like? Perhaps three words will be enough for someone to describe her, namely: stylish, fashionable and not stupid. But this is only a superficial description of what the phrase "modern girl" means. The reality is that today the fair sex simply must have a lot of talents and vital skills and knowledge.

What a modern girl should be able to do

1. Ability to drive a car - this is what makes the image of the current girl, truly consonant with all current global trends.

2. What makes a young lady unique and testifies to good taste? Clothes, of course. But the closet should not be bursting with unnecessary junk bought at random. A modern girl must dress exceptionally stylishly, everything in her image must be thought out to the smallest detail.

3. She is simply obliged to understand the latest communication devices and, entering, for example, a smartphone store, make a choice of a model not only for an attractive external design, but mainly relying on high-quality functionality.

4. A modern girl is a person who reads. And, best of all, for these purposes, she chooses not only fashion magazines, but also serious thematic or fictional literature.

5. She knows how to choose the right man who will be next to her, guided by both the material well-being and the spiritual qualities of the chosen one.

6. Well, and her most frivolous talent: the girl knows a lot about diets, and can easily lose weight in two days a kilogram, that way, by three, in order to fit into a chic dress for a party.

What a modern girl should look like

It's great if the fairer sex knows how to do everything listed above. But after all, "they are greeted by clothes" and appearance is, indeed, her calling card and the most striking indicator of our time. So, the external image:

1. She is dressed stylishly and up-to-date, perhaps, things are not from the latest collection of Parisian couturiers, but high-quality and elegant.

2. For her, buying an htc smartphone or some other model is not just a necessity, but a desire to follow the latest innovative trends. So, in the hands of a smartphone, and in a bag, quite logically, a brand new tablet.

3. Makeup is always restrained, preferably even a disguise for naturalness: the perfect face tone, a little mascara and the lightest lip gloss. An exception may be evening, brighter and for this reason appropriate, catchy makeup.

4. Hair - always well-groomed, shiny, natural shades.

5. Nails - neat and strong, with a colorless coating or varnish in the range of "pastels".

6. She will never wear all the jewelry she has. A couple of rings, a bracelet and earrings are enough to create the image of an elegant and incredibly attractive modern girl.

You can look well-groomed and beautiful at any age, status and with any natural data. A well-groomed appearance is the direct responsibility of everyone representatives the fair sex.

One of the golden rules of a well-groomed woman is that you need to look after yourself regularly. It doesn't matter what style of clothing, hair color, makeup and hairstyle is chosen - the main thing is to do yourself constantly. Since it is impossible to give a woman a luxurious look at lightning speed, if you do not systematically monitor your appearance. The body and hair will respond to care and attention at the right time, with an unexpected invitation to a holiday, they will provide an appearance for all 100.

Requirements for everyone

The following rules of a well-groomed woman must be followed:

  1. First of all, you need eight hours of sleep, which is required to maintain mental and physical activity. In case of lack of sleep, circles under the eyes appear, a bad mood and premature aging of the skin. You need to fall asleep at the same time, preferably in a pre-ventilated area.
  2. The condition of the skin and the whole body of a woman directly depends on what goes into the stomach. In the morning and throughout the day, you need to eat healthy, high-quality and wholesome food, without any fast foods, soda, preservatives and additives. Particular attention should be paid to the frequency of meals, not to overeat, to calculate the daily calorie content of foods in the diet. If simple rules are not followed, excess weight may occur, which will have a negative effect on self-esteem.
  3. Drink about two liters of fluid throughout the day. Drinking water plays an essential role in removing toxins and harmful substances from the body.
  4. Bad habits . The golden rule of a well-groomed woman is to abstain from bad habits. This abuse alcohol and smoking. The second negatively affects the condition of the skin and teeth, and alcohol harms the psyche and body.
  5. To keep the body in good shape and maintain health, daily physical training is an important attribute. Gymnastics can be done both at home and in the gym, the basic rule is that exercises should bring satisfaction and benefit to the body. Hiking is good for your health. While walking, about 80% of the muscles are involved, and in addition, fresh air has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the appearance of a well-groomed woman. The golden rule (photo of a girl doing sports, presented in the article) - this is to choose such physical exercises that are suitable for the level of training and will please.

  6. Be sure to take care of your appearance. Do makeup every day; do not forget about the hands, always make sure that the nails are neat and well-groomed.
  7. Do not leave the house with a dirty head and no hair. Every day it is necessary to smear eyelashes with a brush with burdock oil so that they are thick and grow in length.
  8. Pay due attention to oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day, morning and evening.
  9. To keep your body well-groomed for a long time, you need to regularly spend time for cosmetology procedures. Nourish the body and face with creams, scrubs, tonics, masks and lotions, preferably from natural ingredients. Care products should correspond type of skin, hair, age and weather conditions.

If slightly over 30

How should a well-groomed woman look like at this age? The Golden Rules "over 30" require additional attention to body care and appearance. The guarantee of a fashionable image is the correct combination of colors in clothes. Luxurious representative the fair sex is distinguished by the absence of flashy shades in the make-up, stylish shoes and a well-chosen bag.

And in order for the skin to remain in perfect condition, it is necessary to allocate time for massage procedures, which can be carried out both with the help of massage products and with your hands.

Basic principles for maintaining a well-groomed image

At this age, the following rules should be observed:

  1. For maintaining the state skin at the proper level, care must be taken to ensure that no dry areas remain on its surface. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a washcloth that has a massage effect. And, while in the shower, massage the body in such a way that the upper layers of the skin are renewed and saturated with oxygen.
  2. It is necessary to do exfoliation and wraps every week so that the skin does not lose its elasticity. The procedure can be performed both at home and in beauty salons.
  3. Don't forget to take care of your heels. It is necessary to periodically do foot baths. Then lubricate them with cream or butter with the addition of essential oils.
  4. It is necessary to keep track of the long hair by regularly updating the haircut. And pay attention to their color, tint them in time so that the impression of an untidy image is not created.

Golden rules of a well-groomed woman over 40

At this age, a woman, in order to look well-groomed and beautiful, needs to monitor the skin of her face and hands:

  1. Before going to bed, be sure to apply micellar water and toner to the cleansed skin surface. If she's fat periodically necessary use a gel with a mild effect.
  2. Use serum and cream that contain moisturizing ingredients in the morning and evening. When buying cosmetics, it is imperative to look at the "40 +" mark on the packaging.

Stylish woman's appearance

The golden rule of a well-groomed woman at 40 is to find her elegant and sophisticated style and maintain it in every possible way:

Well-groomed woman: golden rules "over 50"

After 50 years, a woman becomes mature, but this should in no way affect her external attractiveness. Self-development, physical activity, high-quality cosmetic preparations will help you feel more confident and beautiful. It is necessary to focus not only on things, cosmetics, but also on spiritual balance.

Relaxation and relaxation

When a woman is over 50, she needs a lot of rest and try not to be stressed. Watch the general state of the psyche and nervous system. Since nerves and irritation affect the appearance of various diseases and ailments. You need to try to abstract yourself from unnecessary experiences. Taking the necessary time for good rest, doing your favorite hobby. Spend time with family and friends.

The golden rule of a well-groomed woman over 50 is to avoid frequent hair dyeing. At this age, the structure of the hair changes, and they cannot recover as quickly after dyeing as before.

Mature women need to give up spending a long time in the sun and tanning beds. Tanning beds can help achieve a golden complexion, but also deep wrinkles and age spots.

The woman is beautiful

A woman can always be beautiful. And if you use the golden rules and principles, then you can remain attractive and well-groomed both at the age of 60 and at the age of 70.

© Press Service

In the fall season, Victoria Gres presented her vision of a modern woman - smart and beautiful. The designer has been creating feminine looks for more than 25 years, annually offering to complement the wardrobe with special products that will always be relevant. The brand's philosophy is based on the French expression "l" Art de vivre "-" the art of living beautifully. "

The stylist of the photo shoot was Nadya Shapoval, who had previously collaborated with the brand and created the history of the spring-summer collection for Victoria Gres. The heroine of the shooting was the Ukrainian top model Alena Osmanova, it is she who personifies an intelligent, elegant, modern girl, with delicate taste and restrained manners. The collection was shot by Stefan Lisovsky, a fashion photographer who has already worked with many famous Ukrainian and world brands.

Victoria Gres does not change her traditions. She creates collections of quality materials, lush decor and expensive finishes. During the shooting, we tried to move away from the emphasis on luxury, and shot the collection in a minimalist mood. We also paid attention to Victoria's decorating studio - Gres Decor - combining fashion and decor, as the most important turns of our time. I am very pleased with the result of the shooting, the model Alena Osmanova helped us a lot - her appearance and style today are synonymous with the philosophy of the Victoria Gres brand.

says stylist Nadya Shapoval.

© Press Service

© Press Service

© Press Service

The FW`18-19 collection consists of woolen and silk dresses, made in the typical techniques of the brand - tambour embroidery, appliqué, patchwork, hand-knitted and corrugation. Echoes of sport chic are visible in the combination of lace, patterns, chevrons, textured brooches with sweatshirts and loose-fitting bombers.

Classic tweed textures are used in companion skirts that Victoria Gres suggests wearing over a dress. They can serve as a separate part of the wardrobe in combination with blouses and thin sweaters. Classic dresses in the new collection are successfully combined with bomber jackets, and elegant coats are made in the oversize category.

© Press Service

© Press Service

© Press Service

A well-groomed girl is, one might think, some kind of outlandish creature. You can hear about her very often, but ask the speaker: what should a well-groomed girl look like? And, most likely, he will hesitate, hesitate and utter at best a few general and very standard phrases, none of which will ultimately answer the question posed. Nevertheless, this topic is not only interesting, but also very relevant. Among the variety of modern possibilities, it turns out that the problem of choice is no simpler than the problem of search. It is important to choose exactly those tools and procedures that will help you not only look well-groomed, but really effectively take care of yourself. And not to cross the line beyond which a well-groomed girl looks unnatural. Let's put the right emphasis on this issue together.

Well-groomed appearance, or what does a well-groomed girl look like?
You have probably heard the common phrase that there are no ugly women in the world. Everyone understands this stamp in their own way. Some believe that he is talking about a variety of tastes, others - about the need to appreciate the essence, and not the appearance. But most will certainly agree that beauty is not only a gift from nature, but also the result of working on oneself. Even not endowed with ideal data, but a well-groomed woman looks attractive. And vice versa: neglect of the necessary measures for self-care will turn a natural-born beauty into a nondescript mediocrity. It remains to find out exactly what measures are in question.

Appearance is not only about face, figure and / or clothing. It is also posture, gait, gaze, demeanor. Everything in the aggregate represents the signals that we broadcast to the world around us, and by which other people determine who they are dealing with. Well-groomed is one of these characteristics. It is not unambiguous and combines several components:
That's how we came to the conclusion that lifestyle influences how a well-groomed girl looks, no less than her actual appearance. And the sooner you make a similar conclusion for yourself, the sooner you will achieve success and learn to look well-groomed.

The rules and secrets of a well-groomed girl
Each woman has individual external data, as well as taste, habits and skills with which she manages this data. Therefore, there is no single answer to the question of how a well-groomed girl should look like. To give the impression of being well-groomed, you need to keep yourself in the best possible condition on all fronts: externally and internally, in general and in detail. The only guideline here can be a universal understanding of the rules, which must be observed systematically:
All this is a diagram on which it is necessary to string specific actions. General recommendations are suitable for everyone: blondes and brunettes, young and mature, careerists and housewives. Each of them can look well-groomed if they make the proposed scheme their own strategy for self-improvement.

How to take care of yourself on your own? Pros and cons of professional and home care
Taking care of yourself is very pleasant. It's even more enjoyable when someone else is caring for you, while you can relax and enjoy a useful idleness. Perhaps this is the absolute success of beauty salons. But not only this. What is it that salon procedures give us that we are ready to pay a lot of money for the opportunity to spend time under the guidance and in the hands of a master beautician, hairdresser, make-up artist, manicurist?

  1. The intensity of the procedures. Salon care opportunities are provided, first of all, by the means available to the staff. First, it is professional cosmetics. It is not sold in regular cosmetic stores, is not cheap and is only available to specialists. Secondly, the equipment. The devices and devices with which the master cares for your body and / or face require special skills and ability to handle them. The combination of cosmetics and equipment gives a result that cannot be achieved at home.
  2. Service quality. Professionals work in cosmetology clinics and beauty salons - these people specially studied how to properly care for the body, face, skin, hair, etc. If you are not a certified cosmetologist, hairdresser or make-up artist, then you simply do not know even a fraction of what experts know. Accordingly, the result of their work exceeds your efforts. The salon master will be able to find the procedures and tools that are needed exactly in your case.
  3. Relaxation. During salon procedures, you do not need to do anything - you just relax, while receiving undeniable benefits. This tempts many women to visit a beautician even without a clear need. A body, head or face massage allows you to fully relax and rejuvenate in a short time. But at the same time, the salon can be located quite far from your home. If there is no car, then getting to the master and not losing all the relaxation received on the way back is not an easy task.
  4. Attention. Clients are surrounded by the attention of masters and administrators. They try to please them, offer tea and coffee, an interesting magazine and new progressive procedures - in a word, they take care of them.
  5. Pleasure. Both the process and the result of salon care allow you to experience positive emotions. You enjoy enjoying the beauty treatments and looking at yourself in the mirror when they are over.
But there is also a significant drawback: the considerable price of most salon procedures and cosmetic products. And it is this fact that allows many women to write off their own neglect and banal laziness on financial difficulties. This is where self-care at home comes to the rescue. Here you have at your disposal a large number of folk recipes and available store products. Indeed, for real grooming, regularity is much more important than a one-time intensity of exposure. So a girl who regularly uses mild lotions, creams and masks looks more well-groomed than her friend who visits an expensive beauty salon once a year. Therefore, every girl can and should look well-groomed, regardless of income level, age and place of residence. Love yourself, take care of yourself constantly - this is the main condition for beauty.