What does the belly look like at 7 months pregnant? The psychological state of a woman. Special analyzes and studies

The seventh month opens the third and last trimester of pregnancy. The expectant mother is actively preparing a “dowry” for the baby, equipping the nursery with the help of her relatives. At this stage of pregnancy, most women no longer work, having taken maternity leave. A noticeably enlarged belly somewhat complicates the existence, but when wearing a high-quality prenatal bandage, a woman almost does not feel this heaviness.

What happens in the female body?

At the beginning of the seventh month, the bottom of the uterus is a few centimeters above the navel, and by the end of this period, it is located between the navel and the xiphoid process. Due to the enlarged uterus, the diaphragm changes its usual position, constricting the lungs. The consequence of this is shortness of breath, which becomes more intense even with little physical exertion. In the hypochondrium often appear painful sensations.

The action of pregnancy hormones makes a woman's skin supple and elastic, as elastin and collagen are intensively synthesized in it. If these substances are not enough, the epidermis becomes thinner at the site of increased load - intradermal tears appear. The body fills them with connective tissue, resulting in stretch marks. Most of them are located on the skin of the abdomen, chest, thighs.

If the fetus is large, twins are expected, there is polyhydramnios, the appearance of striae (stretch marks) is inevitable. For prevention, you can use vitaminizing moisturizers intended for pregnant women. It is recommended to supplement the use of such products with a light circular massage of the abdomen, pinching the skin. If there is uterine hypertonicity, such massage can increase the risk of abortion.

The mammary glands produce colostrum, the precursor to breast milk. If it stands out, you need to use special tabs in a bra, wash your chest with cool water.

During the seventh month of pregnancy, weight gain is 1200-1600 g, approximately 300-400 g per week. The total weight gain since the beginning of the gestational period is 7-11 kg. This variation is due to the difference in the build of pregnant women - the lower the body weight before pregnancy, the higher the increase.

Although the uterus is growing very rapidly, the growing fetus now takes up all the space inside it. He is also growing rapidly, reaching by the end of 7 months a weight of 1.6-1.7 kg, height - 40-41 cm. The proportions of his body are increasingly approaching the proportions of a newborn, the head is growing not so fast. Due to the increased layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue, the baby does not seem as thin as in previous months, his skin acquires a pinkish tint.

Hair grows on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes grow on the face. The nails, although they grow, still do not reach the tips of the fingers, the auricles and cartilages of the nose remain soft.

The nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord are covered with myelin, the size and structure of the cerebral cortex is almost formed. This development of the central nervous system gives the child many opportunities for learning about the surrounding reality. Reactions to irritants in a fetus at 7 months do not differ from the same reactions in a newborn baby. He feels pain, reacts to mechanical impact on the stomach, to loud sounds, to the psycho-emotional state of the mother. The response is an increase in the frequency or a decrease in the intensity of movements.

There is no longer a pupillary membrane on the fetal eyeball, it can open and close its eyes. The taste buds on the tongue of the unborn child are in sufficient quantity to distinguish between flavors. He swallows amniotic fluid, getting nutrients from them. Processing products gradually accumulate in the intestines, forming the original feces - meconium. It will come out only after childbirth, in the first days after birth.

The baby's bone marrow produces red blood cells, forming its own blood. The blood of the child and the blood of the mother do not mix with each other, communicating through the placental barrier. Through this thin partition, the exchange of nutrients, water is carried out, and the process of excretion of waste products of the child's vital activity takes place there.

The baby swallows amniotic fluid, while lifting the chest. This imitation of swallowing exercises the immature lungs before they take over the function of breathing. If the baby is born at this stage of pregnancy, he will have to breathe with the help of forced ventilation of the respiratory system. Despite this, he has over 90% chance of surviving after a premature birth. If amniotic fluid enters the lungs when swallowed, a woman may feel the baby hiccup.

The position of the fetus in the uterus at this stage of pregnancy can be any, but the range of motion is getting smaller every day due to the growth of the baby's body weight. It is desirable that by the 28th week the baby turned head down - the optimal position for childbirth. If this does not happen, the child has less and less chance of avoiding a breech or breech presentation, which complicates labor. To prevent such a situation, it is fashionable to do special exercises that stimulate the fetus to take the desired position.

At this time, the influence of the hormone relaxin makes itself felt more and more. Its level increases, relaxing all the ligaments and muscles of the abdomen and pelvis to facilitate labor. Because of this circumstance, women acquire a specific "duck" waddle gait, they are worried about back pain.

The action of relaxin on internal organs:

    On the venous wall - provokes varicose veins;

    On the muscles of the esophagus - throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus,;

    On the muscles of the bladder - urinary incontinence.

Good heredity and a high level of physical fitness can save a woman from negative feelings.

The pregnant woman's sleep has become shallow, because of discomfort, she often wakes up at night, sees dreams associated with childbirth. This is due to the inability to take a comfortable position, the activity of a fairly large fetus. A change in the intensity of activity in one direction or the other indicates a problem in the child's condition. Perhaps he lacks oxygen, he is experiencing hypoxia. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

The psychological state of a woman

There is a category of pregnant women who at this stage of pregnancy are not interested in anything other than the narrow problems associated with childbearing and caring for newborns. They actively discuss these problems with relatives and friends, visit forums for pregnant women. If it’s not easy to find like-minded people, you should look for them in pregnancy preparation courses.

If the doctor makes a diagnosis of intrauterine growth retardation, this means that the weight and height of the child is behind the norm for this period of the gestational period. The optimal limit beyond which treatment is required is 10% of the norm for a specific period.

Reasons for developmental delay:


    Miniature parents;

    Smoking during pregnancy;

    Somatic diseases of the cardiovascular or endocrine system of a woman;


    Taking medications during pregnancy;

    Pregnancy with twins or triplets;

    Living in areas with rarefied air (highlands).

The diagnosis is made on the basis of ultrasound data, as well as the results of measuring the size of the uterus.

The low dynamics of its increase indicates that the woman and the child require treatment:

    Complete nutrition;

    Taking multivitamins;

    Preparations: actovegin, trental, chimes, instenon;

    Bed rest to stimulate blood flow to the placenta.

All activities are aimed at increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients supplied to the fetus.

From the beginning of the 7th month of pregnancy, the doctor palpates the abdomen, determining the presentation of the fetus:

longitudinal, oblique, transverse. Longitudinal presentation can be head and pelvic. In response to the special gymnastics prescribed by the doctor to change the presentation, the fetus begins active movements. If a woman wears a bandage at the same time, a coup may not occur.

If a pregnant woman has an increased risk of miscarriage, she may go into premature labor at this time.

To prevent such a situation, you should take preventive measures:

    Avoid intimate relationships;

    Do not gain excess weight;

    Eat well;

    Stop working;

    During the cold season, protect yourself from contracting viral infections.

Symptoms of preterm labor can be the appearance of a mucous plug, the appearance of bloody or copious watery discharge, cramping pain in the pelvis.

Another danger of this month is the appearance of late toxicosis of pregnancy, or preeclampsia. This condition is extremely dangerous, it can result in disruption of the vital organs of a pregnant woman. Preeclampsia is manifested by edema, weakness, nausea. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately contact your doctor.

At the 7th month, the doctor plans to visit the woman's consultation once every 2 weeks.

Before you issue a sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, an obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes the following examinations:

    General clinical analysis of urine and blood;

    Blood chemistry;

    Blood test for coagulability, for sugar content;

    Blood test for coagulation (for pregnant women with Rh conflict and with 0 (1) blood group);

    Consultation of an ophthalmologist and therapist.

After the 28th week of pregnancy, a cardiotocogram is performed - the study and recording of heart rate, fetal movement, and the intensity of uterine contractions. The study is carried out for 20-40 minutes. If during this time the fetal heart rate changes noticeably, this indicates a developmental pathology, a possible oxygen starvation.

From the 30th week of the gestational period, a woman receives a disability certificate for pregnancy and childbirth at the antenatal clinic. Its duration is 140 days, with multiple pregnancy - 180 days. The period of disability in this case begins from the 28th week.

When observed in a consultation for at least 12 weeks, a woman is given a birth certificate in her hands.

Strict control over the quality of nutrition is a guarantee of the well-being of a pregnant woman and the full development of the fetus. Fatty, fried foods, sweets and marinades should be removed from the diet. These substances provoke weight gain, heartburn, salt retention in the body,.

The menu includes fermented milk products, fish, meat, cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables, nuts. They are valuable sources of calcium, protein and vitamins.

Due to the specifics of digestion during pregnancy, it is better to eat often, but little by little, planning the last meal 3-4 hours before a night's sleep. Dinner consists of easy-to-digest products; before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or milk.

intimate relationship

The answer to the question of whether intimate relationships are allowed at the 7th month of pregnancy is very difficult to give. It all depends on the state of health of the woman, the absence or presence of contraindications. Most likely, the decision of this issue should be entrusted to the doctor. If he sees no contraindications to sexual contact, there is an opportunity for intimate relationships.

Such contacts cannot cause harm to the child, he is protected by the muscular layer of the uterus and amniotic fluid.

Increased weight and a significant size of the abdomen at 7 months impose certain restrictions on a woman - she must wear low-heeled shoes, do gymnastics, do not walk for too long, raise her legs to an elevated position after a long walk.

Video about medical examination during pregnancy, precautions for contact with people during the season of high incidence, about the treatment of colds during pregnancy:

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

Many expectant mothers are interested in what this term is - 7 months of pregnancy, how many weeks are left before childbirth and how the baby develops.

Fresh air consultation with a doctor baby development
pain baby contractions

Only knowing everything about what lies ahead and when a baby can be born, a woman will feel calm and confident - and this is the most important thing.

Feelings of a woman of this period

First of all, it is worth noting from which week the 7th month of pregnancy begins. It lasts from 28 to 32 weeks - from this period the last, third trimester begins.

7 months of pregnancy is the period at which a woman goes on maternity leave. Finally, she gets the opportunity to sleep, relax before the upcoming birth. Now rest is needed more than ever, because the sensations that a woman experiences during the third trimester are far from the most pleasant:

  • the stomach at the 7th month, as seen in the photograph, reaches a rather large size;
  • it becomes more difficult for the expectant mother to move around;
  • it is harder to find a comfortable position during sleep;
  • even taking a bath involves some difficulties;
  • an enlarged uterus makes it difficult to breathe, which provokes heartburn, which can deliver many unpleasant minutes;
  • some women experience late toxicosis in the last trimester. It is also accompanied by nausea, but is much more dangerous than before - at the beginning of pregnancy. Usually this condition is accompanied by severe edema, metabolic disorders, increased pressure, and the presence of protein in the urine.

Toxicosis can cause disturbances in the work of the placenta, so its symptoms must be reported to the doctor so that he can select the appropriate treatment.

Fresh air is very beneficial for the health of the expectant mother and baby.

What can a future mother do?

Many are interested in what restrictions exist for a woman in the 7th month of pregnancy. Experts usually give such recommendations.

What can expectant motherWhat not to expectant mother
  1. To walk alot. Doctors advise spending at least 2-3 hours a day outdoors. Fresh air will improve your well-being, and a leisurely walk will be an excellent prevention of edema and excess weight.
  2. Wear special underwear for pregnant women. Be sure to purchase a special prenatal bra if you don't already have one. Such underwear is sewn from natural fabrics, well supports enlarged breasts, while not causing any discomfort. It is also a good idea to have a prenatal bandage in your wardrobe to support your growing belly, as well as compression underwear that will help prevent varicose veins.
  1. Do some housework. You definitely should not climb ladders or stools, try to avoid using household chemicals, especially caustic products with a strong smell. And, of course, do not try to lift any weights.
  2. Take medication without a doctor's permission. Most medicines have toxic properties, so taking them during pregnancy is contraindicated. To solve any health problems, contact a doctor who knows exactly what drugs expectant mothers can take.

Often, women have a question, is it possible to fly on an airplane at 7 months of pregnancy? Despite the fact that modern doctors claim that it is safe, most airlines have a negative attitude towards the flights of passengers at a later date. Most likely, you will need a certificate from a gynecologist, which will indicate that there are no medical contraindications. Some companies do not sell tickets for long-haul flights for many hours to women at this time.

What happens to the child?

Baby born in the seventh month

From 28 to 32 weeks, the baby is actively gaining weight: in 4 weeks, he can add almost a kilogram. If the birth occurs at 7 months of pregnancy, then the child has every chance of surviving, although he may need some medical attention.

Consider how the fetus develops for a period of 7 months, and what happens to it during this period.

  1. The kid learns to meaningfully open and close his eyes.
  2. The development of the hearing aid is coming to an end.
  3. The development of the brain is also in its final stages.
  4. The weight of a child at 7 months of a singleton pregnancy is approximately 1.2-2 kg.
  5. He actively accumulates subcutaneous fat, and by the end of the month he will practically be no different from other newborns.

What a baby who was born at 7 months looks like can be seen in the photographs.

Intimacy - is it possible?

Having sex at 7 months is quite acceptable if they do not bring any harm to the baby. If you do not have an increased tone, during pregnancy there was no threat of miscarriage, and after intercourse there was no bleeding, then you can continue your sexual life. If these symptoms are present, it will have to be abandoned. Absolute contraindications for intimacy are also multiple pregnancy and placenta previa.

According to the observations of doctors, most women experience a strong decrease in libido just in the third trimester. This may be due to the work of hormones or more mundane reasons.

As a rule, a woman’s belly at 7 months of pregnancy is already quite large and can prevent her from enjoying intimacy, and the general physical condition can reduce the sexual activity of the expectant mother.

Painful sensations in the abdomen

If the pain is similar to contractions and is accompanied by brown discharge, in this case, be sure to consult a doctor

Do not be afraid if during the 7th month your lower abdomen hurts. There are reasons for immediate medical attention only if the pain is intense enough, similar to growing contractions in duration and strength, accompanied by brown discharge, or lasts longer than several hours in a relaxed state.

In other cases, pain is harmless and is most likely caused by the following reasons:

  • stretching of the abdominal muscles - in this case, the pain is weak, reminiscent of tingling;
  • increased mobility of the joints of the pelvic bones - pain can spread to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints;
  • digestive problems - an enlarged uterus interferes with intestinal patency.

In the case of such sensations, it is better for a woman to lie down and relax, you can also drink a no-shpy pill or take a warm bath.

What will the ultrasound show?

For the 7th month of a normal pregnancy, ultrasound is usually not prescribed. The mother can undergo this study at her own request or in the direction of a gynecologist, if any details of the course of pregnancy are required to be clarified.

Previous ultrasound data are compared with current ones to identify abnormalities in the development of the baby.

During an ultrasound scan at the 7th month of pregnancy, you will see a real, mature person in the photo. All his organs and parts of the body are developed, he actively moves, develops various skills. During the examination, the doctor usually evaluates the condition of the placenta and uterus, measures the physical parameters of the child, and measures the amount of amniotic fluid. As a rule, this is required if any abnormalities were visible on the previous ultrasound.

If you are undergoing this procedure at 7 months of pregnancy, ask to print a photo of the fetus - on it you can see your future baby and paste this picture into his photo album.

Possible allocations of this period

It is necessary to carefully monitor the nature of the discharge, some of them can be dangerous and require immediate consultation with a doctor

The discharge that appears at the 7th month of pregnancy is usually quite abundant. If they are homogeneous, without an unpleasant odor and are not accompanied by discomfort in the genital area, there is no reason for concern.

If you suddenly notice that the discharge has become transparent and watery, you need to see a doctor. Maybe it's amniotic fluid leaking.

However, brown and scarlet discharges are the most dangerous, especially if they are accompanied by pain. This can signal placental abruption, so in this case you can’t hesitate - you need to immediately call an ambulance. Find out the list of essentials in the first-aid kit for a newborn

Not really

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The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! Remember that only a complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

There is little time left before childbirth - you have entered the third trimester of pregnancy. You go on maternity leave and it's time to take care of yourself and collect a dowry for the crumbs, prepare the house for his arrival - "make a nest". In addition, now is the time to decide on the hospital and get to know the doctor who will conduct your birth, especially if you plan to give birth with your husband.

Changes in the mother's body in the seventh month of pregnancy

At the beginning of the month, the bottom of the uterus is located 2-3 cm above the navel. And by the end of the month, it is already determined in the middle between the navel and the xiphoid process, in total it is from 28 to 32 cm from the pubis. The uterus presses the internal organs of a woman and shifts them upwards. Therefore, the diaphragm is also compressed and can no longer move so freely, there is difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath when walking fast or climbing stairs. Under the ribs, due to the pressure of the uterus, discomfort may occur.

The area around the nipples increases and darkens, pigment spots and a line on the abdomen become dark and noticeable. Pregnancy hormones change the properties of the skin, affecting proteins - collagen and elastin, they allow the skin to stretch during childbirth. If these proteins are not enough, the skin begins to stretch excessively, and stretch marks form. This became especially noticeable now - when the stomach has increased and the chest has become heavy.

The breasts continue to form lobules and ducts, and colostrum, the precursor to milk, may be secreted. It is necessary to feed the child in the first 2-3 days, now is the time to choose the most comfortable bra - without seams and with a stretchable cup.

This month you will add 300-450 g per week, by the end of this month the total weight gain can be from 7 to 12 kg, depending on the initial build.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the seventh month of pregnancy

You have recovered significantly and your tummy has grown, therefore, you began to feel like a small hippo - round and clumsy. During this period, back pain may occur due to an increase in the concentration of the relaxin hormone, which prepares the ligaments and tissues for childbirth. Because of it, your ligaments and joints have become more loose.

Your gait has become peculiar, waddling like a duck. During pregnancy, the muscles of the veins also relax, so varicose veins can appear, the muscles of the esophagus relax and heartburn occurs more often, and if the muscles of the bladder relax, there may be slight urinary incontinence. All these are temporary difficulties and they will pass after childbirth. Watch your posture - this will not let your back muscles hurt.

You began to have dreams about a child and childbirth, you began to wake up at night for frequent trips to the toilet. In addition, the baby often pushes more actively at night when you are at rest, especially if you lay down uncomfortably for him.

The future dad can now not only feel, but also see the movements of the baby with his eyes - periodically bulges appear on the surface of the abdomen, which are the handle, leg or other parts of the baby's body. If the baby does not move much - perhaps you walk or move a little, but if the child has dramatically changed the number of movements - this is a reason to see a doctor. During this period, if the baby lies head down, his tremors in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe liver or ribs can be quite strong and even painful. Lie on your side - this will reduce discomfort.

Your feelings have become special - you are no longer interested in everything that does not concern the baby and pregnancy - this is a “narrowing of interests”. You can spend hours reading about babies and care products, studying films and materials on childbirth, but you are not at all interested in everything around you. This is normal - this is how the body sets you up for motherhood - but remember about those around you. They can't always appreciate long talk about diapers, accept that people have other interests besides your future heir. Find yourself a forum of interest, a friend with a child or in position and communicate.

Your baby (fetal development in the seventh month of pregnancy)

The child has occupied almost all the free space in the uterus, its proportions are beginning to even out, the head is no longer as large as it was before. During this month, he will grow to 40-42 cm and gain weight up to 1600-1800. His skin becomes pink due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, he already has quite long hairs on his head. There are eyebrow eyelashes, nails grow, but have not yet reached the edge of the fingers, the ear and nasal cartilages are still soft.

The brain is actively growing and developing, nerve cells are actively working, and protective myelin sheaths appear around the fibers - a kind of isolation. A baby at seven months old can feel pain, can learn, and reacts to all stimuli almost like a normal baby. If a strong noise is heard, he begins to worry, if you press on his stomach, he pushes, and with monotonous sounds, he calms down and falls asleep. In addition, the fruit feels the taste and its shades. Therefore, if mom eats something tasty, the baby will thank her with pushes in the tummy. His eyes distinguish between light and darkness, but there is nothing to look at in his stomach yet - it is always dark there.

The baby already knows how to regulate his body temperature, although not very well yet. His bone marrow is already formed and is responsible for the production of blood cells. He has completely soy blood, although he replenishes his reserves through the placental barrier - there is an exchange of gases and nutrients, and the baby gives his mother the waste substances. The baby begins to train breathing, actively contracting the muscles of the chest, which sometimes leads to amniotic fluid entering the respiratory tract, then the baby begins to hiccup.

The kid has become strong and energetic, he clearly pushes and can even be distinguished. How does he do it - with arms or legs. From about 28 weeks, he occupies a head-down position in the uterus, although he can still turn.

Dangers of the seventh month of pregnancy

In this period, intrauterine growth retardation may be detected - this is a lag in growth and weight of the fetus, which frightens pregnant women. However, this may be due to an error in determining the timing and does not mean at all that his brain is developing poorly and the child will be defective. It is worth worrying and being examined if the delay from the deadline is 2 or more weeks. The reasons for this condition can be - genetic characteristics, parents and the whole family are low, anemia in the mother or her bad habits, toxicosis, illness, and so on. More precisely, the doctor will tell you after the ultrasound and tests. If necessary, you will be admitted to a hospital or treated at home - they will prescribe drugs that improve the delivery of nutrients to the fetus and vitamins.

In addition, from this month the doctor will determine the position of the fetus - if it lies across or head up. This can complicate childbirth, and the doctor will prescribe exercises that will “persuade” the baby to turn around head down. In addition, after turning the baby, the doctor will ask you to wear a bandage.

In the seventh month, women at risk can sometimes experience preterm labor. If there is a threat, you should take care - monitor the weight. Refrain from intimate life, stop working. Listen to the advice of your doctor and get plenty of rest, if you need to lie down to save - do not refuse.

Medical observation in the seventh month of pregnancy

From now on, visits to the doctor will take place every two weeks. In addition, it will be necessary to repeat all the tests and undergo examinations by doctors. Blood is donated - general and biochemical tests, urine, examination for syphilis and hepatitis, consultation of a therapist and an oculist is indicated. If a pregnant woman has the first blood group and a negative Rh factor, an examination for the level of antibodies is also carried out.

At 30 weeks (or at 28 if you are expecting twins), you will be issued a sick leave and a birth certificate. From now on, your maternity leave will begin. Its term is 70 days before delivery and 70 after them. To obtain these documents, you need a passport and a policy, a pension certificate and a compulsory medical insurance policy if you are working. With this birth certificate, you will receive assistance in the maternity hospital and pediatric care after the baby is born.

Your weight is increasing. And the tummy moves forward more and more, the center of gravity shifts - therefore, pick up comfortable shoes so as not to fall and not get tired. Your movements should be unhurried, be careful - your tummy can touch the door handles, the corners of the tables. Try to avoid public transport during rush hours and shopping during sales days - you may be accidentally pushed.

You need to continue regular classes at the pregnancy school or fitness, do breathing exercises and stretching at home. Now it is important to regularly visit the toilet in a small way, so as not to create stagnation of urine and prerequisites for infection.

Rest more often with raised legs, getting out of bed, first roll over on your side, and then get up without straining your abdominals. Take frequent walks in nature, by the water, or in a park.

The seventh month of pregnancy is the step with which a woman enters into last - third trimester. It can be considered relatively calm: all the main tests and examinations have already been completed, maternity leave is “on the nose”. By the way, it is better for working mothers to write an application for a decree in advance, warning them a couple of weeks before they leave work. But even if you are not particularly in a hurry to go on maternity leave, and your well-being allows you to continue working, then the intensity of work still needs to be limited, to switch to less tiring work. Be sure to take breaks every hour for 10-15 minutes to warm up, go outside or just stand at an open window. At lunchtime, if possible, try to lie down, or at least just take off your shoes, stretch your legs on a chair and relax.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, many women, who did not even have experience and craving for needlework in the past, enthusiastically begin to sew and knit children's things. This is a great activity that allows mom to get distracted, relax, chat with the baby while knitting a miniature blouse, put maximum love and tenderness into a homemade blanket for the baby. Now it is already possible and necessary to communicate with the baby, talk, listen to music. Mom and dad already probably know the gender of the baby growing in their mother's belly, and they are seriously discussing options for a name that will suit the heir or heiress, and future parents will like.

The seventh month of pregnancy obliges a woman to still take care of herself, observe optimal nutrition, get enough sleep, and be outdoors more often. From the new - the need to gradually adapt to the schedule of rest and wakefulness of your offspring. Already now he is beginning to actively dictate his own rules and conditions.

· Seventh month of pregnancy: baby development

Pregnancy lasts 9 months, but if the baby decides to be born right now, in the seventh month of pregnancy, then he has excellent chances for this - the development of the child allows him to survive and continue to develop outside the mother's womb, albeit with some medical care. Moreover, from now on, your baby is considered a human person according to official legal norms, not a fetus, as it was before, but a Person, with all the ensuing consequences, as they say, including registration. Therefore, it can now be rightfully called a child without using the prefix "future". However, its development is still ongoing, and the time of childbirth is not soon. By week 28, the growth of the crumbs is usually about 35-40 cm, and the weight is close to 1-1.5 kg.

The heart of the child clearly beats, and parents can independently try to determine the sex of the crumbs, by heartbeat. It has been noticed that the heart of boys and girls beats differently: for boys, the rhythm is measured and calm, for girls, the heart “beats”.

At week 28, the baby already opens his eyes, and it is completely meaningful. They are framed by short thin cilia. The child shows a keen interest in everything that happens outside of his water "house". By the way, scientists say that children learn the language principles even in the womb. This explains the fact that a child's cry is often very similar to the mother's voice in intonation and rhythm.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, the development of the hearing aid finishes in the child: he quite well understands the sounds of the outside world, although he spends most of his time listening to the mother’s heartbeat, how blood moves through her body, how the intestines work. Moreover, the child already distinguishes voices, he will definitely get used to his mother's by the time of birth, he will calm him down. Experts advise to communicate more often and more with the baby at this stage of development, read fairy tales to him, sing lullabies, turn on pleasant music.

The seventh month is the time of active learning for the baby to raise and lower the eyelids, smile, play, master the movements and capabilities of his body. By the way, the child can already see his own dreams, he learns to respond to them.

The teeth of a baby at 7 months of pregnancy already have enamel, despite the fact that they are hidden in the gums. Now this little man not only feels, he reacts to light, taste and even smells.

By the middle of the seventh month, a decisive stage in the development of the brain occurs. Its volume increases, convolutions and furrows are formed. A seven-month-old baby reacts to pain in much the same way as a normal baby. His body is sufficiently prepared for "going out": the respiratory system has formed, its own immunity has improved, the process of thermoregulation is working, the genitals and all limbs have taken shape, the head turns, the eyes open, the nose "breathes", the intestines and kidneys work. A child's kidneys excrete close to half a liter of urine every day! The body continues to improve, there is little left - the development of the child's lungs, their work has not yet been debugged. Therefore, with an “early” birth, the baby will need the help of doctors and the possibility of a pressure chamber.

The baby continues to move actively, ruthlessly kicking his mother's stomach at the 7th month of pregnancy. Thus, he can express his emotions, mood, desires, discontent, and even demonstrate his temper. Doctors warn that mother should be alerted by strong sharp blows from the inside, which means that something may be wrong. Indeed, for the most part, during this period, children behave calmly, due to the banal lack of space. However, do not rush to worry, the reason for such “boxing fights” may well lie in the difficult nature of your child. But, just in case, it is better to visit a doctor.

The seventh month ends with the appearance of weak uterine contractions in the mother - this is. At the same time, sensations are usually painless and disturbing except for their unusualness - a kind of rehearsal before the grand premiere of the play called "The Birth of a New Life"!

By the end of the term, the formation of the child's reproductive system ends: in boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum, in girls the clitoris has formed, but the labia is still open.

· Possible problems and feelings

In the seventh month, the sensations during pregnancy are actually no different from those already familiar a month earlier. But now a woman understands more clearly and more fully that very soon, she will fulfill the main purpose in her life - she will give life to a new person. It is with the realization of this that the frequent worries and anxious states of a pregnant woman are associated.

At this point, the expectant mother has significantly gained weight: it is believed that the optimal absolute gain is 9-10 kg of the initial weight, and then it will continue to increase. The stomach at the 7th month of pregnancy seems to have grown simply “to the impossible”: the skin of the abdomen probably itches and itches due to stretching, which is why many women have red oblong spots on their stomachs. The breast has increased even more, from the mammary glands at this stage it can be separated colostrum . The need to use special remedies for stretch marks has already been mentioned, otherwise, after giving birth, mommy runs the risk of finding an unsightly defect on her hips, stomach and chest - stretch marks, or simply stretch marks.

Pregnancy at this stage may be accompanied by sensations of heat (not to be confused with high temperature), increased sweating, especially at night. These sensations are explained by the acceleration of metabolism 20% faster than in the normal state, an increase in the volume of circulating blood.

From the previous month, swelling of the extremities will also remain “inherited”. They are especially puffy in the late afternoon, as well as after prolonged standing or sitting. All these are the same consequences of an increase in fluid in the body. With minor swelling, nothing should disturb a woman, they do not pose a danger, in the vast majority of cases. But if the swelling of the hands and feet is severe, it is better to consult a doctor.

Vaginal discharge at 7 months, the so-called leucorrhoea, may increase slightly. If this discharge is not accompanied by discomfort, an unpleasant odor and changes in consistency, there is no reason to worry. But if the discharge during pregnancy suddenly becomes abundant, they are transparent, and similar to water, urgently consult a doctor - we can talk about leakage of amniotic fluid - a condition that threatens the development of the child or precedes childbirth, at this stage premature.

Still, the seventh month of pregnancy may be accompanied by pain in the back and abdomen, due to a large sprain and muscle strain, an increasing load on the spine. From time to time, painless short-term spasms of the uterus may appear: it seems to harden, and then relax again. This is how training contractions manifest themselves, which in medicine are usually called Braxton-Hicks contractions, designed to prepare the body for the upcoming birth.

The uterus now feels just huge, it presses on the internal organs, causing difficulty in breathing, causing digestive disorders, heartburn, constipation, accumulation of gases and bloating.

Many women in the seventh month are characterized by forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. Fatigue accumulates - from a large belly, unpleasant phenomena that accompany the well-being of a pregnant woman, the inability to sleep in the desired position. It becomes uncomfortable to sleep, you have to wrap yourself with pillows, and all the time lying on your side. This fatigue is understandable, but you need to pull yourself together: most of the way you have already passed, very soon the birth, and the appearance of the baby will more than pay for all today's inconveniences.

· Nutrition during pregnancy

A child at 7 months of pregnancy continues to accumulate phosphorus, iron and calcium, his bones are already formed, but still very fragile. Therefore, a balanced and rational diet during pregnancy remains one of the main conditions for the 7th month for the normal well-being of the mother and the planned development of the baby. The baby needs to be provided with all the necessary nutrients and nutrients. Keep track of the quantity and quality of the food you take, give preference to natural, home-cooked food prepared by yourself or under your control.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman at this stage does not allow fatty, fried, spicy or sour foods in the diet, especially since pregnancy often occurs against the background of heartburn. It is recommended to exclude salty foods from the menu, limit salt intake: it retains fluid in the body, which is fraught with the development of even greater swelling. To fumble with edema, you can stimulate the removal of excess fluid, for this it is enough to pay attention to the drinks consumed: coffee and tea should be replaced with cranberry juice and berry fruit drinks, herbal teas.

The menu must include meat (a source of protein), walnuts and fatty fish (the development of a child's brain requires the presence of fatty acids), cereals ("correct" carbohydrates), in particular buckwheat, and liver (a source of iron that prevents the development of anemia). And, of course, you need fruits and vegetables that supply fiber, which improves bowel function, and an abundance of vitamins and minerals. Every day you should eat cottage cheese and various fermented milk products - "suppliers" of calcium, compensating for its massive outflow from the mother's body to the child.

All kinds of confectionery "goodies" and sweets are better to be postponed until more appropriate times: sugar and flour stimulate rapid weight gain. However, the main principle here is the knowledge of the measure, if you really want to treat yourself to something tasty, it is much better to eat a couple of pieces of chocolate or one ice cream than to torment yourself with thoughts about the “forbidden-sweet”.

As before, the diet should be fractional, that is, frequent and in small portions, breakfast is a must, and dinner is eaten no later than 2-3 hours before going to bed. Breakfast is nutritious and full, it is necessary for lunch - the main meal, but in the evening - light and simple food is recommended. A pregnant woman is shown frequent snacks, but in no case should they consist of sandwiches or sweets; yoghurts, bananas, nuts, cottage cheese, fruit or vegetable salads, and dried fruits are ideal snack foods.

· Sex in the seventh month of pregnancy

Unfortunately, there is no universal answer to the question of whether sex in the seventh month of pregnancy is safe. Only a doctor, having assessed the condition of the woman, the results of examinations and tests, and how the pregnancy proceeds, can say whether sexual relations are possible at this stage. But, in general, if there are no direct contraindications, sex in the seventh month of pregnancy has every right to exist.

It is categorically unacceptable to practice intimacy in case of a threat of premature birth, the presence of sexual infections in the father, or in the mother, the presence of infections of the genital organs.

As for how the physical proximity of parents affects the child, we hasten to reassure: sex does not harm the child, but the reaction to orgasm in children is different. So, some babies, after the parental "sexual rhythm" and mother's orgasm, are activated, while others, on the contrary, calm down and calm down peacefully. According to doctors, each of the reactions is normal and does not pose any threat. Most often, such a reaction is similar to the feelings of parents, one or both - a desire to sleep or inspiration after sex.

· Analyzes and examinations

The seventh month of pregnancy implies an increase in the "dates" of the pregnant woman with the doctor: two examinations are now shown per month. At the appointment, the doctor traditionally measures the level of blood pressure and weight gain, the size and height of the uterus. The limbs of the pregnant woman are examined for manifestations of edema, the heart of the child is auscultated.

It is recommended to take a general urine test for sugar and protein two days before visiting a doctor. In cases of development of pyelonephritis in a woman, during the bearing of a baby, it may be necessary to pass a special urine test - for bacteriuria. And if there is a risk of developing diabetes (or suspicion of it), an additional biochemical blood test is also necessary.

If you suspect the possible development of heart disease in a child, Doppler or cardiotocography (CTG) is prescribed.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, an unscheduled ultrasound may be needed to exclude placenta previa. This complication may be indicated by sudden bleeding, while there are no painful sensations.

But with the appearance (or intensification) of sensations of soreness and pressure in the lower back, squeezing and pain in the pelvis, spreading to the lower back and hips (similar sensations accompany menstruation), the appearance of bloody, brown or watery discharge from the vagina - you need to seek medical help urgently . With a high degree of probability, the listed symptoms indicate the onset of a premature birth in a woman, so medical intervention is required as soon as possible. In the case of a correct and timely response, the baby's chances of a successful outcome at birth prematurely are very high.

Yana Lagidna, especially for mymom . en

7 month pregnant video:

In the seventh month of intrauterine life, the baby has grown to 38-41 cm and weighs up to one and a half kilograms by the end of the month. All organs and systems are practically formed, but they still have to be improved and prepared for functioning independently, without a mother.

The stomach, intestines, kidneys are almost ready, but for the lungs, although they are already making the first respiratory movements, time is still needed to prepare for independent life in the outside world. This is exactly the period when a premature newborn has a great chance of survival. The development of the nervous system, the cerebral cortex continues. The child already reacts to pain, hearing is well developed: he distinguishes the sounds of the outside world, hears his mother's voice, reacts to intonation, and can express emotions.

Within a month, the baby is actively gaining weight, and occupies almost the entire space of the uterus. He already hardly fits in his mother's "tummy" and takes a comfortable position: he curls up and crosses his arms and legs. The baby is actively moving, the movements of the arms and legs become more frequent and stronger. The baby is especially “pushing” at night, as during the day, mother’s movements and conversations calm and sway. These tremors can be felt not only by placing a hand on the stomach, but already visually. The baby's skin is still dry and wrinkled, but this month the subcutaneous fat accumulates intensively, it gradually levels out, and by the time of childbirth it will become smooth, although thin and red.

Changes at 7 months of pregnancy

Seven months, corresponds to 27-31 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, some conditions may disturb the mother. But you need to distinguish them and treat some of them as features of the course of pregnancy. And on others it is worth paying special attention and consulting a doctor in time. At this time, vaginal discharge is also possible, but normally they are insignificant and mucous in nature. The appearance of unusual secretions in nature, color, smell require a visit to the doctor and the delivery of smears. Otherwise, it can be dangerous not only for the health of the mother, but also for the baby.

Itching of the skin of the abdomen should not be frightening either, this is a signal from the body that the skin has reached the limit of extensibility, and it depends on the structure of your skin. There is a risk of stretch marks, as the stomach has reached a significant size, the skin is stretched. It is necessary to start using products in time to soften the skin and to prevent stretch marks. Many expectant mothers begin to feel false contractions. This is normal and even a good sign during pregnancy. They are necessary because they check the readiness of the uterus for childbirth. This feeling of uterine tone passes quickly, is not regular and does not interfere with living a normal life. This is what makes them different from real fights.

During this period, discharge from the chest, colostrum begin to appear. This, too, should not frighten, but rather should please, the mother's body is preparing for an important mission - feeding the child. No need to worry, press on the chest. An enlarged belly is the cause of digestive problems. The uterus presses on the stomach, liver, intestines, on all internal organs. This can cause symptoms such as aching pain in the hypochondrium, heartburn, nausea, increased gas formation, and constipation. You should try to avoid stress on these organs, eat in small portions. Be sure to watch the chair.

Increased weight and increased load on the muscles and the musculoskeletal system can cause pain in the organs that take this load on themselves: in the back, lower back and legs, cramps in the calf muscles are possible. For the same reason, varicose veins of the lower extremities and hemorrhoidal veins often occur. This is difficult to avoid, but it can be reduced by wearing a bandage, physiotherapy exercises. The same reason and the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm can cause shortness of breath when moving and walking fast. Therefore, mommy becomes slow, absent-minded, thoughtful. There is clumsiness in gait, clumsiness, caution in movements, which so distinguishes the majestic gait of the expectant mother.

In addition, psychological problems arise during this period. The due date is approaching, the woman is worried about whether everything will go well, she is worried about her health, the health of her baby, worrying about where to bring him after childbirth, what name to choose. What will she look like after giving birth and what does her baby look like. All these thoughts disturb a woman, cause excitement and insomnia. During this period, the attention and care of relatives and friends is very important. The expectant mother must understand that pregnancy is not a disease, but the normal state of a woman who is expecting a baby. And everyone around her is happy that the day of birth is approaching with her.

Action plan

Be sure to continue to visit the antenatal clinic. Up to 36 weeks, twice a month is enough. When visiting a doctor, weighing and monitoring blood pressure, determining the height of the uterine fundus, listening to the fetal heartbeat are carried out. A number of tests are prescribed: a urine test for sugar and protein, a blood test. When indicators change, such as a decrease in hemoglobin, the doctor will prescribe medications. Since low hemoglobin is the cause of oxygen starvation of the fetus. In such a situation, both the baby and the mother suffer.

Weight gain

As in all periods of pregnancy, you must strictly monitor your weight. In the seventh month, weight gain is 9-10 kilograms.


Mom has two more months before giving birth. One can live enjoying the expectation of a miracle. But at the first signs that indicate a violation of the course of pregnancy, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

It could be the development of a urinary tract infection. It is manifested by the appearance of sharp pains in the lower back, fever, nausea, painful and frequent urination, discoloration of urine, the appearance of impurities in it. It is necessary to conduct a series of examinations and analyzes in order to accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

The occurrence of abdominal pain and the appearance of spotting or bleeding can be a symptom of such a serious complication as abruption of low placenta previa. In the event that for some reason the growth of the placenta lags behind the growth of the uterus, and the fetus grows and squeezes it more and more, placental abruption may occur, which in any case will lead to a decrease in the blood supply to the fetus, deterioration of its nutrition and hypoxia.

Diagnosis: low or complete placenta previa is an indication for hospitalization. And the further course of pregnancy should be under the supervision of doctors. In the process of further growth of the uterus, several options for the development of this condition are possible: from an independent successful resolution of the condition, and childbirth, to placental abruption, in which case an urgent caesarean section is necessary. This is decided by the doctor, in the process of closely monitoring the course of pregnancy.

Research at 7 months pregnant

Studies that you can prescribe at these stages of pregnancy:

  • weight control and blood pressure control;
  • control of the fetal heart rate;
  • determination of the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • urinalysis for sugar, protein;
  • examination of the extremities for varicose veins.