How to protect yourself from energy leaks. Energy protection. What is energy protection and how does it work

We all live in society, which means we are constantly among people. And in order to harmoniously exist in it, we have to follow the rules invented by this very society.

Agree that sometimes this is simply impossible. Well, or very difficult to do. Because there will always be people (so-called) who want to throw us out of balance and upset our energy balance. And mastering yourself can be very, very difficult. Sometimes you want to take and express everything in the face of the offender, or just run away to hell.

But this is far from the best way out. There are remedies for this kind of "psychic attacks" on our biofield, which I will discuss in this article. Some I use myself, others I have picked up in special literature and on the Global Network.

Energy protection "Criss-cross"

Perhaps this is the simplest and most well-known method of energy protection available to any person. If you pay attention to those around you, you will notice that many people protect themselves from each other in this way, sometimes not even consciously.

When talking with a person from whom you expect trouble, arms and legs are crossed, and it is advisable to cross your arms in the solar plexus area (the most vulnerable spot). This simple action is quite effective, since this closes the energy circuits of a person.

Energy protection "Mirror Wall"

Try not only to imagine, but also to feel (this is very important) that you are surrounded on all sides (sides, top and bottom) by a powerful brick wall several bricks thick. This wall from the outside is all covered with mirrors facing outward. Now any energy attack directed at you will be reflected and directed in the opposite direction. Moreover, several times strengthened.

Important! When performing this type of energy protection, do not forget to remove it immediately after application! The point here is that the mirror technique reflects all the effects of our body - both good and bad, and long-term "wearing" it on yourself can do much harm.

Energy protection "Crystal ball"

Imagine and feel that you are inside a ball of pure crystal. It is transparent but very hard. Touch the walls inside, feel their coolness and strength.

Everything, the protection is set, you can go out "in the people". This method is good because it can be used constantly, even every day.

Energy protection "Goat"

I found this interesting technique on the Internet.

From the fingers of your right hand, make a "goat" or "rocker sign". To do this, the entire hand is clenched into a fist, except for the little finger and index finger. Then this "figure" goes down, while the following words are pronounced: "Evil spirits go to the ground, and good spirits to the ground!"

This method is most often used after contact with a person, in order to throw off a possible energy defeat and thus "ground" it.

Energy protection "Golden Egg"

Imagine 4 warm, pulsing golden balls. They are located around you (back, front, and sides) at the level of your solar plexus. Feel the warmth radiating from them. The balls begin to spin slowly around you in a clockwise direction, gradually increasing in speed. The rotation is accelerating and now you are already surrounded by a hot energy band, which stretches and turns into an "egg" that surrounds your entire body. Like a glass golden ball, you are enveloped in it and protected from any negative influences.

Energy protection "Shield of Shambhala"

This protection came to us from the east. The Roerichs' spouses wrote about the legendary Shambhala - an invisible country of high spirituality, human virtue and well-being. This is the gist of this technique.

The thumb of the left hand is pressed against the hand (the hand itself remains open at the same time). Make a fist with your right hand. Then rest your fist on the palm of your left hand so that your hands form a ring.

This technique is best done before leaving home.

Friends, energy protection a person from all kinds of encroachments is an important component of his HEALTH. Both physical and mental. As they say, do not pass by and choose your protection for every taste!

Alena Golovina

It is interesting:

Energy protection is a very important element of a person's energy and psychological invulnerability, as well as comfort and well-being. How to learn to put energy protection?

Types of energy protection

Energy protection is divided into several types:

  • Protection, which is part of the structure of human energy.
  • Energy protection, which a person creates by himself, by his will and thoughts, giving her a certain program of work.
  • Energy protection, which is given by the Higher Forces, namely the Patrons of man.

Here we will consider the second type of energy protection that a person can create on their own.

What is energy protection based on?

Any energy protection is based on energy management.

To successfully set up energy protection, you need to master a simple visualization method¹.

Visualization is based on the fact that a person creates and represents the desired image and invests energy in it. When creating an image, it is necessary to feel the event and the presence of protection, after which the thought materializes.

Energy protection "Rotation of the aura"

Rotating the aura² is a very effective way to deal with people who like to absorb other people's energy.

Having felt an outside influence, you need to imagine that your biofield is an invisible mesh, dense to the touch. After that, you need to unwind it clockwise, that is, from left to right. The aura should be mentally rotated until the danger of a psychological attack passes.

Your spinning aura will throw away someone's energy tentacles, they will have nothing to cling to, and thus you conserve your energy.

Energy Protection "Whiplash"

The “Whiplash” defense option is a very quick, burning gaze into the eyes of an energy vampire, coupled with the release of a compressed ball of energy through their eyes.

After this variant of protection, the energy vampire has a feeling of "sand in the eyes", and he is simply forced to stop "sucking" energy in order to bring himself back to normal. He may even have a temporary partial visual impairment.

Energy protection "Crystal Dome"

It is a powerful and effective short-term energy protection. If you need to quickly and effectively protect yourself for a short time, you can safely use it.

In the area of ​​the solar plexus, a blue ball is formed, which, with a sharp exhalation, increases and "squeezes" out all the negative, forming a protective shell around the body, consisting of a transparent "crystal material". Simultaneously with the expansion of the ball, the arms must be sharply spread apart.

This method not only creates energy protection, but also performs a cleansing function. The crystal dome can be installed quickly, but it does not last long.

Energy protection "Egg"

For the successful use of this technique of energy protection, it is necessary to develop the ability to sense any objects at a considerable distance.

First, you need to master the "touch with the gaze", ie. mentally touch objects and capture the sensation from them. Having mastered the "touch with the gaze" and without looking at the object, "touch" it, while you should not close your eyes. It is necessary to warn that training on "probing" objects should not be more than 1-2 minutes to 5-7 a day.

After mastering this exercise, we build the "egg". One should feel, not imagine, that at the level of the ribs in front, behind and on the sides, at arm's length, there are four warm golden peas, i.e. a cross is obtained lying in a horizontal plane with an axis passing along the midline of the body.

When the cross rotates, a hoop is formed, which can be easily turned into an egg that surrounds your body and does not allow any negative influences to penetrate inside. The walls of the egg are very dense, the layers of the biofield are wound on top of each other for about a minute. The skins can be one-color, two-color (imaginary).

It is advisable to use colors golden, blue, orange. It is very important to have a clear spatial awareness of all your actions. It is necessary to warn that training on "probing" objects should not be more than 1-2 minutes to 5-7 a day.

Information-biofield energy protection

At first, a protective shell is visualized, but not in the form of an egg, but in the form of a ball.
Then the ball is densely filled with bioenergy of silvery-violet color. On the outer surface of the ball, ribbons pass in the form of parallels and meridians, on which it is written "You don't need me (you don't need me)".

Energy protection "Mirror Wall"

Very good energy protection! You need to imagine yourself from all sides and from above surrounded by a wall of one, two or three rows of bricks. From the outside, the wall is covered with a continuous layer of mirrors facing the outside world.

And no matter which side they try to attack you, the aggressors will always receive retaliatory blows reflected and reinforced by a mirror. This technique is popular all over the world and has proven its effectiveness more than once.

When using a “wall of mirrors”, never show the person trying to influence you negatively that you are defending yourself. Your calmness and friendliness will make him deliver more and more powerful blows, which will return to him with more and more force.

This technique is the easiest to perform and does not require special physical and energy expenditures, because you do not feel the barrier as a part of yourself or your biofield. It seems to exist separately, and this is its advantage. However, the main disadvantage is that it is very difficult to imagine this barrier when you are moving.

Energy protection "Shield of Perseus"

One of the most powerful energy protection techniques. It allows you to reflect a narrowly targeted attack, returning it to the enemy, without covering the whole body. On the left (right) hand, a round mirror shield is visualized, which reflects energy attacks, placing it in the path of emission.

It is a very fast method of energy protection and does not require much investment, but it has low durability. Correct calculation of the angle of attack is required for effective reflection.

Energy protection "Cross"

You need to surround yourself with crosses on all sides, placing them close to the body. Slowly, with effort, starting from the head, move the crosses away from you to a distance of up to 1 meter. Compare your state before and after pushing the crosses away, feel how they strengthen and form a single whole.

Combined energy protection:

First, perform the “cross” defense, pushing the crosses at a distance of 1-1.2 meters. After that, make protection with the help of a "shell" or "rotation of the biofield".

How to work with energy shielding?

Remember that there is a different type of protection for each person. Not all of the above methods are suitable for everyone. Try to determine which method is more suitable for you.

Try to use the barrier everywhere, it will protect you from troubles, negative energy and ensure your safety. In order to keep it always, it is enough just to know about it, to feel it. Just say to yourself, “I'm in a protective barrier! Try to get to me. "

This statement should cut off all attempts at mental influence on you, since you will be 100% sure of your protection.

I wish you the best in applying the protection. And at the same time I wish you never to be energetically attacked!

Stas Romashenkov

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Aura in esotericism and parapsychology is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (

Throughout the ages, people have feared the evil eye. The envy of ill-wishers can cause tangible harm not only to the victim, but also to his entire family, therefore, the issue of energy protection from negativity was raised by our ancient ancestors in order to protect themselves and their families from a heavy evil eye. In this article, you will learn how to put protection against negativity on your own, without resorting to the help of magicians and psychics, among whom there are many deceivers and charlatans.

This is the most affordable and easy method of energy protection. Salt has long been considered a powerful magical attribute against the evil eye and corruption. As our ancestors believed, ill-wishers cannot bypass the protective barrier, and all their dark designs remain in a handful of salt. It has long been believed that salt is the best protection against negativity that can be in the house. There is a belief that after the guest, our ancestors checked the salt amulet, and if it changed its color from white to grayish or yellow, then the guest had black intentions about the host's family.

Let's take a look at several ways to protect yourself from negativity using salt:

  • If you are used to using a specialty, then it's time to change this habit. The salt should be open and centered on the dining table. Thus, when guests come to you, the negative coming from them will be immediately extinguished. Also, salt tends to send bad thoughts back to the addressee, which will be a fair retribution for the envious.

It is important to know that such salt should not be eaten. It should stand no more than a week, after which it must be buried in the ground (preferably near the river). Thus, the earth will absorb all the negativity that was sent to you, and the water will carry it away. If you are planning an event where many guests will be invited, then you should pour the salt earlier.

  • Since ancient times, our ancestors hid salt at the doorstep under the path. Thus, the salt will take on all the negativity that enters the house. It is worth monitoring its color, when it changes to dark, the salt should be replaced with a new one.
  • Sleep is the most dangerous period for the influence of negativity. A sleeping person is absolutely defenseless against energy vibrations, therefore, a lot of damage and curses are sent at this particular time of day. To avoid this and keep your sleep calm, you need to put a glass of water with three pinches of salt at the head of the bed every night. It is very important not to stir it.

Protection from negativity with runes

Runes are magical symbols that our ancestors used as a magical attribute. Each symbol has its own purpose and power. Thus, each rune is responsible for its own part of the work. Some of them are reserved for protection and are used as a talisman and powerful protection against negativity:

  • Algiz, Hagall and Isa are three runes that are used in combination as the strongest protection and amulet. You can easily make them yourself by drawing signs on wooden blocks or pebbles. These runes should always be carried with you and not shown to anyone. It is better to build a small bag for them so that they reinforce each other with each other.

  • Algiz, Hagall, Inguz are runes that will help cleanse any room from bad energy vibrations. This is the best defense against negativity at home or at work. Runes should be kept indoors, but carefully hidden from prying eyes. After a few days, you can already feel the beneficial effects. At work, there are fewer quarrels and unforeseen troubles, and harmony and comfort reign in the house.

Protection from negativity with a conspiracy

A conspiracy is the best protection against negativity for all occasions, because this is the favorite way of our ancestors, who had their own unique conspiracy for any trouble or request. The main advantage of the power of the word over other magical attributes is the power and range of its impact. Your home will be cleansed not only of the negative influence of envious people, but also of evil spirits, which, if any, feed on your vital energy and tense family environment. Next, you will familiarize yourself with three conspiracies from negativity:

  • When you see off the guests, mentally say to them in the back: “What I brought, I took away. Fire on the left, water on the right. Take water to please you, but let the fire burn you to ashes. "
  • It should be understood that you are not the only master in your home. You have a reliable assistant who can help you cleanse your home of negativity. The next conspiracy is addressed to a request to the housekeeper: “Old man, you lived a century, served rituals. So we strongly ask you to serve for the family hearth. As dry leaves burn in a fire, so let the negative of a stranger recede. This is your home, ward off trouble with your sleeve. "

After that, it is better to appease the brownie with a pinch of salt and a crust of bread, gingerbread or candy will also come down. Leave the food overnight, if you find that the products are not in their places, and there is no wrapper on the candy, then consider that the deal is a success.

  • It is better to pronounce this conspiracy out loud if you feel the influence of negative energy vibrations on yourself: “As water collects dirt on the ground, so let the ailment recede from me. I am not afraid of the offender, I will pray for his health, and if he has something to hide, then let him hurry to be in my skin

Protection from negativity with prayer

An icon together with sincere prayer is the best method to put and strengthen protection from negativity in your home. This method requires faith and dedication to your words. If you are a non-believer and treat prayer as an interesting experience or a dubious amulet, then you should refrain from pronouncing it. You must be sincere when you say every word of the prayer, only then will she be able to help you.

  1. Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker
  2. Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for health
  3. I believe (strongest prayer for protection)
  4. Prayer to the Honest Cross (prayer aimed at cleansing the house)

Prayers against energy vampires and ill-wishers:

  1. Prayer to Michael the Archangel, the formidable commander of the heavenly forces
  2. Prayer calling for a guardian angel

It is worth remembering that one of the most powerful prayers, which will not only protect you from negative influences and evil spirits, but also strengthen your faith - "Our Father". Say it every time you feel a negative impact on yourself or your loved ones, and end the day with this prayer.

Each prayer is unique and has its own property and peculiarity. Before using them, learn when and at what time you can read them.

Protection from negativity with mantras

You can also protect your home from negativity with mantras. They are not only protective, but they can also help you relax, calm anxiety, relieve tension and let go of bad thoughts. You can read mantras or listen to them - you choose, but both methods work immediately. Check out the names of the mantras that will help you get rid of the negative influence of a heavy eye:

  1. Om Shir Namakha
  2. Vyya Ar Ah Ti
  3. Om Barabrahma
  4. Vajrasattva
  5. Om Padme Mani Hum

It is worth knowing that by reciting a mantra, you are addressing three Hindu deities: Gayatri, Saraswati and Savitri. Each mantra should be recited 9, 18, 27, 36 or 45 times in a row, only then will your words acquire sufficient power to ask for the help of a Hindu deity. For convenience, just keep in mind that the number of the number of mantras should always be equal to 9. It will also not be superfluous to use a rosary.

Protection from negativity with a mirror

The mirror has always had some magical and mysterious property. A lot of ancient rituals, one way or another, are associated with a mirror or water, where our ancestors looked for their reflection. The mirror to this day remains the strongest magical attribute that can serve us for the future:

  • One of the easiest and most effective ways to treat negativity is to carry a pocket mirror in your pocket. Thus, your interlocutor will reflect all the negativity that he mentally sends you. The mirror should have a round shape, because it is this figure that has a lot of identifications with the sun in the writings of our ancestors. The circle has always been a rather mystical figure that symbolized rebirth.

  • Another protection that will surely help you from damage and the evil eye is of a ritual nature. To perform this ceremony, you will need: a photograph, two mirrors and a blue thread. Place your photograph, and opposite two mirrors so that they do not meet each other in reflection. Give the mirrors time to take on your look, it shouldn't take more than an hour.
  • Then take a photo and cover one mirror with it, when you are sure that it does not reflect anything, attach another mirror on the other side of the photo. This will put your photo in the middle. Now take the blue thread and tie the mirrors crosswise.
  • This ceremony should last no more than 9 days. All this time, the mirrors will help you reflect all the negative energy that is sent to you by ill-wishers. Take the timing of this ritual very seriously, because after 9 days, all the energy accumulated in the mirrors will be sent to you.
  • This rite should not be used too often. It is better to use it when preparing for a meeting with a dubious person or preparing for some kind of mass event, whose guests are not sure.
  • Another mirror rite promises to help from negative influences for a long time. In order to put the plan into action you will need: 7 identical mirrors, 7 white candles and chalk.
  • At sunset, sit in the center of the quietest room, where you can draw a circle in chalk. Place mirrors in a circle facing the center, and light candles in front of them. Place yourself in the center. All items should be inside your traced circle.
  • 15 minutes. sit quietly and envision a protective shell around you. Then alternately extinguish the candles and turn the mirrors away from you counterclockwise. Thus, you turn away from yourself everything bad that can happen to you from the negative influence of envious people.

Protection from negativity with stones

Each zodiac sign has its own protective stone - a talisman. If you believe in the stars, then you can try this method of protection from negative influences. To do this, you only need your zodiac stone, which is designed to serve as your amulet. It can be worn around your neck, wrist, or simply carried in your pocket. Our next list will reveal the mystery behind your zodiac stone:

  • Aries - diamond and ruby
  • Taurus - turquoise and sapphire
  • Gemini - agate, beryl and chrysoprase
  • Cancer - moonstone, emerald, cat's eye and pearl
  • Lion - chrysolite, topaz, olivine and amber
  • Virgo - carnelian and jade
  • Libra - aquamarine, garnet, opal, coral, carbuncle
  • Scorpio - opal and lapis lazuli
  • Sagittarius - amethyst, chrysolite and topaz
  • Capricorn - ruby, malachite and onyx
  • Aquarius - garnet and zircon
  • Fish - amethyst and pearls

Protection against negativity with a red thread

The red thread is a very popular and effective amulet used by millions of people around the world. What is this attribute? It is a charm that protects you all the time while you are wearing it. How to wear red thread correctly and where you can get it, you can find out in the list below:

  • The red thread should be worn on the left wrist.
  • The red thread should ideally be donated by someone you love. Some people prefer to speak it before putting it on.
  • The red thread is never removed, and if it is torn or lost, this can be regarded as a sign that she turned some trouble away from you and took it upon herself.
  • For young girls, it is better if the mother ties the red thread. Thus, her defense will be doubled.
  • The strongest red threads are from Jerusalem. If you have the opportunity to purchase them, then be sure that they will serve you for the future. The Jerusalem red thread must be tied on the hand 4 times while reciting a prayer.
  • Also, the red thread can be used as your lucky amulet that brings you good luck. The main thing at the moment when you knit a thread for yourself is to mentally endow it with such abilities.

From this article you can see all the variety of methods of protection against negative energy. Apparently, everyone's secret lies in faith, because without this decisive component, everything is nothing. So maybe you should treat the evil eye a little more calmly? There are so many thoughts, they are constantly hovering among us, both ours and others, but can they really change something? Indeed, often susceptible people suffer from damage, the evil eye and the crown of celibacy. If you feel more at ease with the red thread on your left wrist, that's great. The main thing is not to panic if it gets lost, because very often we ourselves become hostages of our rituals.

Video: “The magic of knots. Preserved from negativity with the help of knots with your own hands "

The modern world is not as safe as it seems. Of course, the threats directly to the physical destruction of a person are not so great. But this is not about that!

What are energy-informational lesions?

Let's just say that the consequences of energy-informational lesions are ALL diseases that medicine is trying to "treat" with pills and surgical operations. Yes, any disease is just a consequence of a certain energy-informational defeat in the past of a person, not eliminated in time at the energy-informational level, and managed to move to the level of human physiology, i.e. to the level of the dense body, with which doctors work.

A professional feels defeat very quickly, and even if he did not have time to defend himself on the energy-informational plane, he can always quickly eliminate the defeat, without bringing it to illness.

This distance learning video course will teach you to defend yourself, acting ahead of your opponent, and RAPID RECOVERY if you are not ready, weak or have violated any laws of Nature.

In the modern world, few people are left alone. We are constantly surrounded by people, and not all of them are positive. Often, after communication, we feel unwell, headaches and apathy. Energy and psychological attacks have such an effect on our body.

So, no matter what happens, remember that everyone can protect themselves from harmful influences. This requires:

  • rest in a timely manner;
  • do not start a cold or other illness that starts;
  • use positive attitudes - an optimistic person rarely becomes a victim of an energy vampire;
  • strengthen the immune system and the general condition of the body;
  • use meditation and other spiritual practices to restore the energy field.

With these simple tips, you can strengthen your biofield while reducing your risk of harmful effects. However, what if it did happen?

Method number 1: protection against energy attack

The simplest thing you can do when meeting a person who is encroaching on your energy health and psychological comfort is to avoid communicating with him. Very often, vampires can be identified by some characteristics. These are aggressive people. They are constantly on edge and literally run into scandals and quarrels. This behavior is one of the simplest ways to piss off the victim by upsetting his inner balance. To avoid becoming a victim, use these guidelines:

  • do not enter into conflict with a person;
  • avoid looking into his eyes;
  • try to get away from an unpleasant person;
  • smile and laugh more often;
  • agree with everything said;
  • do not lose your temper.

It is known that it is not so easy to get a person's energy, so the interlocutor will certainly provoke you to emotions. If you didn't manage to stop the conversation and leave, control yourself. Agree with everything said and show imaginary humility. Use the most important weapon - good mood. Even if you feel that you have begun to boil, force yourself to laugh in the face of your opponent, imagine something positive. These techniques will help you fight off the pressure. However, when you return home, take care of restoring your defenses. The mantra of cleansing from negativity will help you with this.

Method number 2: amulets against energy attacks

Use various amulets and charms to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative influences. Some of the most effective means of protection are amulets known since ancient times. They were used by our ancestors to prevent energy attacks.

Aspen. This tree is known for its unique properties that are designed to protect humans. You can purchase a cross from this material in a temple or church. You can also use a small part of a branch. Use a knife to make a small stick sharpened at one end. This amulet should be worn closer to the body without removing it. If you are attacked, the tree will change color. It will darken, taking the blow on itself.

Holy water. This is perhaps the most well-known remedy for protection. It is necessary to wash with holy water in the morning and in the evening, and also use it as a talisman. Pour it into a small flask and carry it with you. It also helps with headaches - a few drops on temples and prayer will relieve you of unpleasant symptoms.

In order to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage, use powerful amulets. Unfortunately, this type of attack is still common today. It can be unintentional actions, but with a strong impulse - harsh words on a wave of negativity, a wish for illness and many other nasty words. If damage is done deliberately, you need to not only protect yourself, but also neutralize the consequences of negative impact. The easiest way is to pray. To do this, you need to speak out loud what happened to you in front of the icon and ask for protection from the Higher Powers. Remember that you need to let go of the situation and not be angry with the person who used their powers to harm you. The High Court is always just, and the punishment will find the guilty one.

Method number 3: protecting the house from negative influences

It has long been known that a house is not only a place in which we live, but also a powerful source of positive energy that can protect the owners. In order for the house to help you, give you additional strength and protect you from negativity, watch it:

  • use charms to protect your home;
  • clean more often - trash and broken things create stagnation of energy;
  • call on the brownie for help - this entity, with the right attitude, is able to withstand the negative from the outside;
  • get rid of dubious items - these can be pins, needles, bags with different fillings. The so-called linings are most often found at the threshold, wickets or in doorways.

If a person with a heavy energy has visited your home, use rituals that are designed to cleanse the space of its negative influence. Light a candle and walk around the house, looking into every corner. Sprinkle the corners with holy water and add salt in front of the threshold. In order for unwanted people to forget their way to you, use a conspiracy that will block their path to you.

Method number 4: protection against psychological attacks

Psychological attacks are a way to provoke emotions in the victim. Psychologists and astrologers advise using simple but effective methods to protect against such influences. With constant practice, you not only strengthen your resistance, but also strengthen your biofield:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • do what you love;
  • eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables;
  • meet with friends more often and spend time not only in cafes and restaurants, but also in nature;
  • tune in to spiritual growth - meditate, pray, use all kinds of techniques to develop intuition;
  • exclude unwanted people from your social circle;
  • use protective techniques with the power of thought - imagine yourself surrounded by a solid cocoon that extinguishes negative influences.

Psychological attacks shouldn't be scary. This is a challenge that will help you become stronger. Constant practice builds willpower and health. Mental barriers are a good defense against psychological attack. Faced with a conflict-minded person, mentally create a wall, a curtain, a dome - whatever is closer to you. Develop your imagination and you will be able to create an impenetrable defense.

Method number 5: amulets against psychological attacks

It is necessary to protect yourself from people who have designated you as their victim and donor of life energy. To do this, use the knowledge of the ancient Slavs. They have been collecting information for centuries and have invented many effective methods of protection.

At first, find out your strengths, given to you by nature at birth. This will help. Our ancestors, not familiar with modern astrology, identified 16 signs of the zodiac and called them palaces. Each person had his own patron deity and talisman tree. By the date of your birth, you can find out from which of the Slavic Gods to seek protection. Also use a tree that protects you. From a small part of it, make yourself an amulet or purchase it in a specialized store. Also, for greater confidence, periodically get out into nature in order to be able to contact with a living plant. It takes away negative energy and gives vitality.

Secondly, do not forget about such things as good luck charms. If fortune is on your side, then you are protected from all kinds of attacks. Almost anything can be turned into a lucky talisman. There are things that are often with you in moments of joy, pleasant surprises, victories and achievements. It can be a key chain, pen, decoration. Take the object in your hands, hold it for a while and mentally refer to it with an appeal for help.

Thirdly, these are stones according to the Sign of the Zodiac. The powerful energy of natural materials can provide strong protection as well as bring well-being to life. Often, such amulets become an additional source of energy, a kind of battery that is activated when your vitality is running out.

Method number 6: protection from energy attacks of settlers and entities

Such influences can cause a lot of inconvenience and suffering. It all starts with simple malaise and fatigue, and may even end with sudden death. Unwanted guests in your biofield can be demons, larvae, spirits. You need to get rid of them at the very beginning, until such a symbiosis leads to destructive consequences. In order to protect yourself, use all the recommendations above, and also carefully monitor your health. Entities usually act in secrecy until they fully adhere to your energy source. If you begin to understand that something unusual is happening to you, use methods of protection and getting rid of negative influences. The obvious signs of a settler are most often:

  • lingering illness;
  • constant fatigue;
  • apathy and unwillingness to move forward, to enjoy life and communication with loved ones;
  • frequent mood swings, aggression;
  • constant failure;
  • detachment and desire to hide from the world;
  • fear, anxiety, nervous state.

Method number 7: protection from self-eye

A special type of attack is the self-evil eye. A negative person can harm himself unconsciously. Most often this happens at a time when a bad mood and setbacks make you uncomfortable. To reduce the risk of such exposure, negative statements and thoughts in your address should be excluded.