What a fashionable fur coat. Mink coats: fashionable, beautiful models of mink coats for the winter with a photo

You can buy yourself the first mink coat you like. Perhaps you will fit into the fashion trend, since both classic and avant-garde models are popular today. But, according to world designers, the main thing is not to follow fashion trends, but to adhere to your own style. Therefore, when choosing mink coats, look not at fashion trends, but at your style.

Classics or avant-garde - the personification of luxury and exclusive

If you look at the collections of fashionable fur coats, then the question of how to choose a mink coat can become difficult for you. Perhaps you will come to a slight bewilderment, since among the many classic things made of luxurious furs there are some that are not entirely clear to us, which are very different from what we are usually used to seeing.

Classics are paired with bold and casual styles. The range of ideas is quite wide, so you can always choose something to your liking.

This season, simple classics are appreciated, in trend a flared but short fur coat with an unobtrusive shoulder line, with a straight collar or a sewn shawl. To make the products look luxurious enough, the skins for their manufacture are carefully selected.

Thanks to the perfect coloring of the skins, the fur is beautifully impressive and looks when glued. The standard is fur coats sewn from rare light-colored minks, their color can vary from white to gray with a silvery or golden sheen.

Undoubtedly, such models look luxurious, but, unfortunately, they are not suitable for daily wear. Other smart casual models are sewn from mink, their appearance is simpler, but at the same time no less attractive. The new stylish 2018 mink coats are getting more attention as they are unusual and create a unique style.

This year's fashion collections are filled with new solutions with unusual colors and fur dressing. Many mink coats fit perfectly into the urban style and can be worn every day, look at the photos of the original styles to be sure of this. Every woman can find something of her own in them to look stylish.

Retro-style fur coats look especially elegant, but avant-garde models attract with their uniqueness and give charisma. Urban minimalism is perhaps the most suitable for everyday wear. You will find fur coats in the form of a knee-length men's coat or a model with straight silhouettes, where there are no unnecessary details, everything is clear and even.

Fur in minimalistic models and straight lines looks completely new, attracts with its shine. And fur coats in this style are not only sewn from solid pieces of fur, they can be processed to change the texture. Pieces of fur can be gathered sideways, which immediately gives the models a casual style. Therefore, any outfit from an evening dress to jeans will be appropriate in such a fur coat.

Mink coat "bat" - a photo of fashionable styles 2018

Trying to come up with something new, the designers decided to introduce a silhouette in the form of a bat. Such coats are immediately noticeable, as the shoulders are widened and the sleeves in them look rather wide and resemble bat wings.

The hem in such models is not so wide, tends to narrow, the collar looks delicate. Sheared furs are used for their sewing, which add beauty to the silhouette.

Mink coats from Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel's elegant style reigns supreme in fashion. But the Chanel fashion house has nothing to do with fur coats, they specialize in completely different things. It's just that the designers took the elegant Chanel style and embodied it in fur products.

Luxury fur coats look luxurious and stylish. But this option is not suitable for every day, they are more suitable for publication. But many women will appreciate their warmth and sophisticated appearance, which will look great in an urban setting.

Coco Chanel style fur coats are made from unpainted fur skins, which are collected in a single fabric in a transverse way. In such a fur coat there are no unnecessary details, everything is simple, but at the same time elegantly executed. Knee-length flared models with a turn-down collar or a little stand-up.

The sleeves may be shortened slightly or remain long. Chanel models can also have flared sleeves - a feature of this season. After all, we usually buy fur coats not in order to survive severe frosts, but in order to look attractive, so the sleeves can be short. And if it gets cold, you can simply put on long gloves, which can also add elegance and sophistication to an image.

Butterfly mink coats - a universal design proposal

Not everyone will suit the "bat" and "Coco Chanel" models, especially if the figure is far from ideal. Therefore, mink coats for overweight should have a slightly different style. Ladies with curvaceous forms are better off looking at the "butterfly" model. The trapezoidal silhouette will hide the flaws of the figure, and the puffy sleeves will adorn the image.

These models are distinguished by the richness of details and the presence of various decorations. The collar can be voluminous and fluffy, cuffs and boas on the sleeves, the presence of a hood, the hem can be trimmed. A fur coat can be made from fur of one color, but have a finish in a different color.

One-piece birch bark fur to add femininity and elegance to the models. For bolder solutions, sheared fur is used.

Mink coats "ballet flats"

These models are also characterized by a trapezoidal shape with a flared bottom, puffy sleeves, neat shoulders and a small hood.

The fur is collected in plates, the fur fabric closer to the bottom becomes looser, flared. This gives the image a special originality. When moving, the fabric looks especially beautiful, emphasizing the silhouette.

How to choose a fashionable fur coat 2018

Surely, every woman has developed her own style, so you need to try not to go beyond its boundaries. If all things correspond to the so-called street style, then the fur coat must correspond to it. You can easily find the model you need, from sheared fur, shortened, original cut.

But it should also be borne in mind that such a fur coat is hardly suitable for special occasions and appearances.

If you need to look glamorous and give the impression of a special chic, then it is better to give preference to the models "butterfly", "ballet", "Chanel", which are distinguished by special sophistication and originality. These stylish mink coats will suit both evening dresses and jeans, in the photo you will see how it all looks.

Straight models with a flared bottom and a hood have already become classics. Such models always make the image sophisticated, but they are most suitable for older girls.

When choosing a length, you need to take into account, first of all, the structure of your body, and only then style and comfort. This does not mean that everything will suit slender, some too long fur coats will make the figure unattractive in appearance.

The choice of fur coats for obese women

It is better for lush beauties to immediately abandon too long models and pick up something ankle-length. A flared, not too long fur coat will look beneficial. In addition, too long fur coats are not recommended for anyone, short models are in the lead this season.

Choosing the color of the mink coat

The choice of color plays an important role in the choice of a fur coat. Although you can choose any color scheme, pastels will still be preferred. Models made of natural fur in pastel color look incredibly attractive. To appreciate the beauty of fur, models from it should be the simplest, without unnecessary details.

Scandinavian and American furs are most suitable for sewing a white fur coat.

Fur with a shade of sapphire or a silvery-gray sheen is not easy to find, so fur coats made from it are exclusive and inaccessible to many. Designers create short fur coats from such fur with a transverse gathering of fur, which look luxurious.

Choosing shoes for a fur coat

Designers here will not be able to advise you something specific, the choice is yours. But it should be understood that the mink coat itself is a bright detail of the image, so you should not add congestion. For this, the shoes must go well with the fur coat.

Much depends on the choice of boots, they will help to improve the image, if chosen successfully. You should definitely choose the right bootleg. If the fur coat is short, then the boots should be long.

We select a headdress

Not all 2018 mink coats have a hood, so a hat is sometimes extremely necessary. If you don't like a traditional hat at all, then get a hat.

A stole and a silk scarf are a good option for a fur coat. Elegant hats made of felt, "Fedora" made of cashmere will successfully fit into classic models. Flared hats will look good with avant-garde fur coats. A handkerchief can add flavor. The more frivolous the headdress, the more it will suit a luxurious fur coat.

Bag for a mink coat 2018

Any bag that matches the style will perfectly complement the fur new thing. But the only thing is that the bag must be made of such material as - leather, suede. But textiles, artificial leather, plastic are categorically unacceptable with a fur coat. Both a classic handbag and a clutch, a small backpack are suitable for a fur coat.

Making the right choice

When you know how to stylishly wear a mink coat, all you have to do is choose one. But here you need to be careful, when choosing a fur coat, pay attention, first of all, to its quality. There are many fakes for mink on the market, so be sure to check it out. And buy fur products only in trusted places. Good things cannot be cheap - this is a common knowledge.

It is also worth choosing a fur coat based on your lifestyle. If you spend most of your time driving, and not on the street, then you should choose cropped models or short-sleeved fur coats. Status models are also more suitable for those who do not ride the subway. Young girls should buy fur coats that perfectly demonstrate their figure, especially if there is something to show.

Fur products have attracted women at all times. Mink clothes were especially popular among ladies. This noble fur seemed to speak of wealth and the status of the owner. Currently, the styles of mink coats are so diverse that every woman can choose a thing that will decorate her figure.

Mink coat

The types of mink coats depend on the characteristics of the fur from which they are made. Very often, manufacturers sew clothes from long-nap skins. This hair length is considered natural for a fur-bearing animal. Long-piled mink coats are often dyed and tinted. If the skin is dyed, then it is processed completely, along with the flesh. Dyeing using all technologies will give the pile an even, beautiful color.
When toning the fur, the natural color changes little, the product may be dyed
only the tips of the pile. There are other types of mink coats. There are two types of garments: sheared and plucked mink outfits.

Sheared mink coats have a pile of the same length with the underfur. To the touch such
things seem to be velvet. A similar option for processing fur is used in two cases:
an unscrupulous manufacturer is trying to hide defects or they want to give a high-quality pile an elegant look. Sheared mink is used to create stylish sheepskin coats, Chanel style products, fur jackets for auto ladies. Outerwear is not too warm, but ideal for visiting social events, parties.
The plucked mink has a long pile. When processing, only unsuitable ones are removed (in length
or appearance) hairs. Clothes made of plucked fur are considered warm, such skins
suitable for almost all models.

Features and Benefits

In stores, models of mink fur coats are presented in a wide range. But not all things
boast of high quality. Unfortunately, natural fur is often counterfeited.
To buy a quality fur coat, you need to carefully choose.
It is recommended to purchase goods in a trusted store with a good reputation. Before purchasing, you should inspect and feel the product. High-quality pile should be smooth, shiny, free of bald spots and foreign smell. By choosing a quality product, you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of such clothes. The first undoubted advantage of a fur outfit is its appearance: luxurious and noble.

Another advantage is the weightlessness of the coat. If the skins are dressed correctly, then the thing
will be light, but warm. It should also be noted that mink products are not
go out of fashion for many seasons. If you buy a classic model, then
will be able to always be in trend.

A well-sewn fur coat does not need special care, with a minimum of effort the fur
will look amazing. Such a status thing has its own characteristics and
advantages, therefore, before buying natural fur, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons, making the right decision.

Popular models

Models of mink fur coats delight with their variety, allowing ladies with various nuances of a figure to choose a style to their liking. In the new season, products of the A-shaped silhouette are in high demand. Designers diversified the usual style, decorating fur coats with fur folds on the sleeves. Raising their hands, the ladies show those around them how many skins it took to create a unique thing. This model emphasizes the status and elegance of a woman.

Clothes of a straight cut do not go out of fashion. The style attracts ladies by the fact that it fits perfectly into various bows, withstands any style. Straight fit on one side
simple, on the other hand, allows you to look luxurious. Trapezoidal-cut fur coats with a significant expansion towards the bottom are gaining popularity. Designers are experimenting with the length of the sleeves. Both the traditional sleeve and the cropped versions are in fashion.

Mink fur coat with hood

The flared mink coat with a hood is in high demand among women. The model is convenient to use, because the presence of a fur hood allows you to refuse a headdress, but at the same time not freeze. The style was appreciated by stylish and dynamic ladies, those who need to move around the city a lot. The model fits well with both casual and classic bows.

With and without collar

A mink coat with a turn-down collar is the trend of the season. The collar can be made of similar fur, but it looks especially stylish if trimmed with lynx, sable, chinchilla fur. Fur coats with a stand-up fur collar are popular. Such models allow you to create a business image of a successful woman. A fur coat without a collar in the Chanel style is another trend. When buying such a product, you need to remember that winter is a harsh time of the year, therefore, winter clothes without a collar should be complemented with warm turtlenecks or beautiful scarves.


Those looking for fashionable styles of mink coats should take a closer look at the "bat" model. The products fit perfectly on any figure, and thanks to the wide sleeves, they allow you to correct imperfections and hide excess weight. The "bat" style looks especially harmonious on girls with a bulging tummy. Models of this cut are usually complemented by a beautiful hood to protect the head from the elements.


Chanel-style products are characterized by free, but at the same time, a little fitted
silhouette. The collar differs from other models. He seems to lie on his shoulders, smoothly passing into the main part. The length can be different: knee-length, short, classic.


The straight mink coat is already becoming a classic. The model should have a clear shoulder line, knee length and complemented by a stand-up collar. Women who want to add avant-garde notes to their usual image should purchase styles without a collar that have
round neckline. The sleeves of a straight cut outfit can be classic or slightly
flared. A fur coat with a belt of a straight silhouette looks elegant. The accessory emphasizes the sophistication of the figure, makes the image feminine.

Cross fur coat

The style of the fur coat may vary depending on the layout of the skins. Products with transverse fur stripes are in vogue. The trend of the season is clothing with a diagonal layout of skins. Mink fur coats, the photo of which is presented below, show how stylish the cross-section looks. Girls who want to stand out from the crowd with interesting outerwear should pay attention to options consisting of stripes with piles of different lengths. Such models look original.


"Cleopatra" is considered an interesting style of mink coats, the photo shows how stylish
the product looks. The discussed model has a trapezoidal cut and its own unique
feature - a lace running from the waist to the bottom. The lace allows you to change the shape
products to create a stylish bow. Fashionable items in the Cleopatra style have an unusual
a collar or a hood, and waves passing along the sleeves make the image fly.


The flared style has been at the peak of popularity for several seasons. A short trapeze fur coat will be a good choice for slender girls. But it should be understood that too wide models will not work, it is important to strike a balance. This short product is suitable for women who spend a lot of time behind the wheel. Outerwear will not hinder movement, it is convenient to use. A mink coat that is knee-length or slightly lower is considered a classic; the photo shows how harmonious such clothes look. The discussed style is suitable for ladies of different builds. Overweight women are advised to purchase models without a hood, the fur accessory will make the look heavier.

Fur coats robe and kimono

A mink coat is a robe similar to a fur coat and can decorate almost any figure. Such a model can harmoniously complement both everyday and formal bow. The coat necessarily has a slight smell, which is convenient in the winter season. A fur outfit of this cut is necessarily complemented by a belt, which is needed to keep warm. A mink kimono fur coat looks truly luxurious and can decorate any lady. The loose cut helps to hide the imperfections of the figure, extra pounds, and the belt effectively emphasizes the waist line, making the silhouette elegant.


The balloon is a very interesting style. The flared hem tapers sharply towards the bottom. home
the peculiarity of the balloon is a fitted or straight top. The neckline is usually round, the sleeves are voluminous. Fur coats can be supplemented with a hood, which is often torn off with sable, arctic fox, and fox fur. Modern models of clothing are suitable for women with any type of figure. Overweight girls will hide extra pounds under a balloon, and thin ladies will be able to emphasize the grace of the figure. The optimal length is just above the knees.


Butterfly mink coat tops the list of the most unusual fur products. The designers decided to play with the silhouette a little, rounding the top of the product and lengthening the hem. But whatever the cut, the butterfly always remains a light and flying model. Young girls will love the style with a hood, and if it has a stencil color, it will become the most fashionable thing in the wardrobe.


Short straight fur coats with 3/4 sleeves are ideal for women who travel by car. The product allows the beauty to look stylish, but at the same time it does not hinder movement. The model can be supplemented with a belt and a deep hood, which warms the head and does not spoil the hairstyle.


Mink coat ballerina is a model with a flared middle or
shortened length. The style will be the best option for overweight girls.
The ballerina will help to correct the figure, visually make it slimmer.

Large mink coat

When choosing a mink garment, overweight women should remember that too long pile will plump. It is important to buy something that will make the silhouette light. The optimal length for overweight ladies is from mid-thigh to knees. Color should be chosen with extreme care; lighter shades can add weight. If a complete beauty wants to purchase an original little thing, then you should pay attention to the options with a picture.

What is the price

The cost of a fur product depends on the length, style, manufacturer. Average price for
outerwear in a fur store with a good reputation starts at 100 thousand rubles.

How to care

Wearing mink clothes in wet snow and rain is prohibited. When fur gets under
precipitation, the coat must be dried. To do this, shake it thoroughly and hang it on a hanger with wide shoulders. Do not put the product on a battery, heater or use a hairdryer to dry. It is not recommended to remove stubborn dirt on your own. It is better to give the outfit to a specialized dry cleaner.

It is important to store your fur coat properly during the summer. It should be kept in a closet so that other clothes do not touch the pile. Do not put a thing for storage in a plastic box or plastic bag. The skins need to breathe, so the storage cover must be made of natural material.

What to wear with

Fashion and style require women to carefully select accessories. Cheap jewelry and
other penny attributes will make the image simple and ridiculous. Luxurious outerwear
obliges a woman to wear high-quality shoes. Boots can be on a stiletto heel, steady
heeled, flat. Shoes should be made of leather or suede. You cannot wear sneakers, sneakers and ugg boots under long models. Sports shoes are a taboo for classic styles.

Putting on a mink coat without a hood, the question arises, what to wear with it, what kind of headdress is suitable? In order not to freeze in winter, you can choose a hat made of similar fur, a beautiful beret, hood, stole. There are a lot of options, it is important that the bow as a whole looks harmonious.

Mink coats have been a symbol of prosperity for many years. Due to the quality of such fur, products made from it are worn for a very long time, and for many years they delight their owner with beauty. Considering that only very cold winters prevail in our region, such an element of the wardrobe will become an indispensable insulation. But from year to year, the fashion world dictates new trends to us, and sometimes it is very difficult to keep track of them. If you need to know about the trends in the world of fur fashion, then you can familiarize yourself with them right here.

The best models of mink fur coats 2016-2017

Many women of fashion are ready to give everything for the sake of owning at least one mink coat. This is not at all surprising, because such an element of the wardrobe is worn for a very long time and, on average, is ready to serve its owner for more than ten years. It is also worth noting the resistance of such fur to all weather adversities. Very often in our cold winters, ladies are faced with a problem, because there is a difficult choice between beauty and practicality. But in such a situation, mink coats will come to the rescue. After all, a variety of styles and colors should please every stylish girl. And the main trends of this season include the following models of mink coats:

  • 1 short fur coats;
  • 2 short fur coats;
  • 3 fur coats with short sleeves;
  • 4 sleeveless fur coats;
  • 5 with a hood;
  • 6 with a stand-up collar;
  • 7 classic cut fur coats.

Obviously, the variety that exists today among the styles and textures makes it possible for every lady to find fashionable mink coats for herself, and choose one of them exactly according to her figure. It can also be the right decision when choosing a gift for your beloved. After all, everyone has long known how much girls love exquisite fur products.

How to choose the style of a fur coat?

Yes, there are really many styles, but sometimes it only complicates the task when choosing the right model of mink fur coats. Often, having already come to the store, beautiful ladies are faced with a problem, because the variety is great, and finding your own cut is quite difficult. As a result, it takes a lot of time and nerves to find the necessary thing. In order to avoid such a significant cost, you can study the rules for the selection of things, as well as find out the trends in fur fashion. First, you need to evaluate your style, as well as the reason for which you are choosing a fur product. After that, it is worthwhile to objectively assess the features of your figure. By the way, this stage is the main one, because choosing the wrong size or style, even in an expensive product, you risk looking ridiculous.

Advice! Never pick up a fur coat in a hurry. After all, this product should serve you for many years. If you end up choosing a fur coat that is not your size, it will further hamper your movements. And the worst thing is that under the influence of constant pressure, it can begin to tear and deform, losing its original appearance.

The WomanSovetnik editorial staff has prepared interesting material for you about mink coats. Further, you can familiarize yourself in detail with the advantages and disadvantages of one or another fashionable style today, as well as learn about the types of figures that it will suit.

Short mink coats and mink sheepskin coats

Everyone remembers the times when an old dusty fur coat was kept in grandmother's closet, almost toe-length. Yes, this length has its own aesthetics, but not this year. Nowadays it is fashionable to be a mobile and active girl. And with such a fur train behind your back, you can't run very far. Therefore, if you are looking for the most beautiful fur coats, which at the same time will show themselves from the practical side, then the shortened versions will definitely suit you. But here it is worth paying attention to the selection of parameters for your figure. It should be noted that girls with expressive hips need to pay attention to more elongated options, for example, up to half of the thigh.

But the biggest problem for girls is the selection of the size. After all, they often buy clothes for one size, or a couple of sizes smaller, simply because the number is nicer. And then, in the cold season, you have to wear a sweater or layered clothing under a fur coat. As a result, if the size of the fur coat was small, then this whole design begins to look ridiculous. So do not think about numbers, but first of all evaluate all the factors for choosing an outfit. So you can always look smart, and the fur coat will serve you for more than one year. But if you want to look smart and stylish, then you will need such an exquisite wardrobe item as a short fur coat.

Short Sleeve Fur Coat and Sleeveless Fur Coats

A mink coat can be an excellent everyday accessory. And, probably, the most sophisticated of her style can be called cut with short sleeves. This version of outerwear can be combined with elongated gloves. In general, designers from different countries of the world give their preference to this particular style, which is not at all surprising. It looks beneficial on any fashionista and perfectly emphasizes the gracefulness of female hands. And a variety of colors and headsets can help create the desired look. Such fur coats look especially beautiful on brides on a cold winter day.

A few years ago, sleeveless fur coats began to acquire incredible popularity. It is really stylish and discreet at the same time. In this case, even in the cold season, every fashionista can express her individual image. This cut does not leave its positions to this day. Even more, designers manage to dye fur in the craziest colors. So, if you are ready for bold experiments, then such products will definitely warm you not only your body, but also your soul.

Mink coat with a hood and fur coats with a stand-up collar

Fashionable fur coats are always ready to turn the head of a real woman. Of course, it's great that they don't change drastically from year to year. And yet there are certain trends. Often ordinary people accuse designers of undressing girls, even in the most severe frost. They say fashion requires sacrifice. But not this year, because the creators of elite fur clothing decided to provide women of fashion with warmth. Fur coats with hoods stand out among the usual cuts. Agree, such a small element will very favorably complement any classic fur coat, giving it sophistication. But the main feature of such an addition can be called its functionality, because the hood not only beautifully sets off the shape of the face, but also perfectly warms your ears in frost and wind.

And yet, in taste and color, as they say, we are all different. Therefore, even an exquisite addition in the form of a hood may not suit every stylish lady. Well, in this case, you can easily turn your attention to fur coats with a stand-up collar. This is also a classic sewing option. Warming is worth noting among its benefits. After all, the material perfectly envelops the throat, thus preventing the cold from penetrating inside. But not only from the practical point of view, such a collar is good. It also perfectly accentuates the neck and cheekbones, highlighting your complexion favorably.

Classic style fur coats

Despite the fact that every year fashion brings new items, there are always adherents of the cut, proven by long years of testing. Such things are called classics. And for this reason, these models of mink fur coats are in great demand. Why is that?

Everything is very simple, because products made from natural mink are quite expensive. And imitation of ever-changing trends can be costly for any fashionista. And only the classics will always be in trend. With her, you will never risk looking cheap or sloppy. The main thing is to store it appropriately, and take care of it, preventing the fur from deteriorating.

Advice! In order for your fur coat to look exquisite and serve for many years, you must store it in the closet, hanging it on a hanger. At the same time, there should not be too many other things near it so that fresh air could get to it. It is important to avoid direct sunlight on the surface of the fur coat, because ultraviolet radiation can burn out the wool and lose its former shine.

As for the external characteristics of this style, then, obviously, it is the most versatile. After all, it can suit women of any build. And if you consider that in our time, designers like to add various modern accessories to the classics or give fur coats one shade or another, then, unequivocally, among such an abundance, every girl will find a thing to her taste.

We are all accustomed to perceiving the color of a fur coat as something permanent. But in the modern quest for change, even such a direction of design art as fur coats has undergone changes.

Among the main shades it is worth noting:

  • 1 gray;
  • 2 brown;
  • 3 black.
  • But the most interesting thing comes when designers begin to combine different pieces into one whole. This is how the fashion of this season arose. Nowadays, almost everything is fashionable, you can come up with the most daring color combinations, and you will be right. On the catwalks, you can find both monochromatic models and models with drawings and even appliqué.

    White mink fur coat

    White mink fur is considered the most expensive, therefore, products made from it belong to the category of elite. Such a fur coat looks incredibly gentle and attractive. And a girl dressed like this will definitely make an impression on those around her. The only thing that raises doubts is the practicality of this color. And here it is worth making an amendment. Indeed, white products are not intended for everyday wear. Therefore, often white mink fur coats fit perfectly into the wedding image of the bride. Or they are suitable for a bright event. So pick your style and shine in public.

If a fur coat made of natural fur is the dream of every woman, then a mink coat is her cherished dream! It just so happened that Russian women want to look like a king in winter, and without buying chic fur products, “being a queen” is quite difficult! Recently, such products have become more affordable, which has allowed a huge number of women to buy a mink coat inexpensively, appreciating in the winter cold all the advantages that a thing made of this fur by a recognized manufacturer gives.

Mink coat is beautiful, warm and prestigious

There are many reasons why women consider mink coats to be the best and most profitable purchase:

  • Mink is only prestigious and expensive, and, most importantly, beautiful and stylish. Despite the vagaries of fashion, products from this type of fur are always relevant, and they look modern even several years after purchase;
  • This fur is very lightweight and comfortable. In products made of mink, you will not get tired, they do not interfere with your movement, and a mink coat is an ideal option for a car lady, because driving a car in it is a pleasure;
  • Mink fur has a short pile, which significantly increases the options for styles that can be made from it, so it is easier for a woman to choose exactly what is best suited to her figure, highlight the advantages and "hide" the shortcomings. Someone likes long and wide "royal" models, and someone is attracted by a short mink coat with a hood - the styles of mink fur coats allow you to choose the most successful option;
  • This type of fur is quite wear-resistant, and a fur coat made of it will serve its mistress without losing its appearance for several years, she is not afraid of the changeable Russian winter and will not deteriorate from the fact that you are caught in rain or sleet;
  • Mink fur goes well with others - lynx, black-brown fox or sable. This allows you to combine mink coats with fluffy collars, cuffs and trims and makes the range of such furs even wider. Models of mink fur coats with additional trimming are very popular with women at any age.

Sale of mink coats in the Rosmeha online store

Nowadays, it is easy to buy a mink coat in Moscow, both in stationary and virtual retail outlets. Why is it worth making this purchase at Rosmeha?

  • By purchasing a product on our Internet resource, you save time, since, most likely, you will find the desired option rather quickly, thanks to the wide range of similar products available. If this did not succeed right away, it doesn’t matter, our store of mink coats is constantly updated;
  • You save money, as promotions and discounts are constantly held in the online store of Rosmeha mink coats, and the price reduction is not due to the low quality of the goods or existing defects. This is done with the sole purpose of attracting buyers, making them regular customers, and cooperating with them, in the future, for a long time, so that our mink coats are inexpensive, just because we value the frugality of our customers;
  • All sold mink coats are of excellent quality, we do not sell low-quality and unhealthy products, as well as counterfeit. All presented goods are certified, which is a guarantee of its environmental friendliness;
  • We have no concept of "seasonality", and it is possible to purchase mink coats in Moscow and the regions without any problems all year round, and in summer and spring it is easy to get additional savings with such a purchase;
  • We sell only what is in line with current trends, and we never offer what has already been rejected by capricious fashion. In products bought in the Rosmeha online store, a woman will always cause surprise and admiration for her ability to subtly guess the style and make the right choice;
  • On the site you can see color photos of the products sold and read about them;
  • If you have any questions or have doubts about your choice, you can call the phone number indicated on the website or write an e-mail. Our consultants are always happy to help customers.

Once on the pages of our Internet resource, few women will not think - "that's it, I'll buy myself this particular fur coat." We want our customers to easily make a choice and wear really beautiful, fashionable, stylish and high-quality fur products. Many visitors to the Rosmeha online store have already purchased a real "fluffy miracle" for themselves - a mink coat that warmed them in the winter cold. So why don't you follow their example. In addition to convenience and comfort, such an acquisition can make a woman a little happier and give her a good mood for a long time.

Choose the best for yourself, do not compromise for the sake of short-sighted stinginess, do not put your life in danger and your wallet at risk by purchasing cheap mink coats at flea markets. Visit our Internet resource and order exactly what you like!

Any woman who buys a mink coat will not only not freeze in winter, but will also “give odds” to the Snow Queen herself, blinding everyone with the radiance of natural fur and its beauty.

This season's trends are full of conflicting ideas. The seasonal collections feature classic models from very expensive and rare varieties of fur - they themselves embody luxury and exclusiveness. And the same collections are adorned with completely new models, which at the first moment may cause slight bewilderment, but invariably become the most trendy. This is how boldly and naturally the couturier treats precious furs. Winter 2017-2018 mink coats are a full range of ideas, designed for a wide variety of styles and tastes….

Classic and, obviously, status luxury models this season are presented with simple, beautifully flared, but at the same time shortened cuts. They are complemented by a neat shoulder line and a delicate "stand" or "shawl" collar. For such models, carefully selected skins with an ideal color are used, which are sewn together "in dissolution" to obtain an effective fluting and expressive cut pattern. These are reference models, especially if they are sewn from mink of rare types of light color - snow-white, golden or silver-gray….

Unfortunately, such models are not very acceptable for actual urban looks, because it is behind mink that the reputation of the most fashionable and popular fur for stylish winter looks in smart casual style has been firmly established recently. Therefore, against the background of the classics, new versions of this reference piece are of particular interest.

Namely, new styles and methods of dressing fur, coloring and combining are the strengths of the novelties of this year's collections. Such as in the photo mink coats of 2017 reflect the fashion trends of this winter:

Designers are counting on the everyday wearing of this precious fur, therefore, they offer styles that are most adapted to the fashionable wardrobes of the inhabitants of megacities. Moreover, the choice in this line is extensive, from models in the style of "minimalism" to very feminine and flirty styles.

Also this year the "retro" style is very elegantly presented, and for those who are ready to break the mass standards - fur coats in the avant-garde style.

A straight silhouette with a well-defined shoulder line looks very laconic, thoughtful and verified to the smallest detail. In such models, designers try not to get carried away with details, often dispensing with a collar and cuffs.

Minimalism - straight mink coats, as an example of elegance in style

Mink coat "bat" and photos of fashionable models

Photo of a mink coat with a three-quarter sleeve

Such coats cannot be called everyday - the Chanel style does not dispose to practical and utilitarian images. And yet, they are as warm as the rest and perfectly complement urban looks, sustained in a sophisticated classic key.

Fashionable styles of mink coats of the last season, for sophisticated persons

Mink coat with 3/4 sleeves looks very aristocratic in these photos:

Butterfly and ballet mink coats

Another version of the feminine style, which literally goes to everyone, bears the intriguing name "ballet". The flared trapezoidal model, as a rule, has a very simple design at first glance. Neat shoulder line, wide sleeves with cuffs, practical small hood.

Such models are sewn from fluffy unshorn fur, which is collected in "plates". It would seem nothing new ... But the intrigue lies in the peculiarities of the cut of such models, namely in the very beautiful back, sewn from the skins "in dissolution", luxuriously flared and creating an original silhouette. Such a cut looks great in motion, while at the same time it does not violate the fashionable canons, in which verified silhouette solutions are valued.

Fur coats - "ballet flats" are special models that are relevant this season

Mink coats 2017-2018, photos of fashionable models

Look below for photos with beautiful mink coats ...

Hooded or not, long or short…. Most of the trendy styles are presented in several versions at once. Length is an important choice factor, not only in terms of the style and comfort of the model, but also in terms of the capabilities of your own figure. But in this case, the "golden fashion rule" - everything goes slender and tall - does not work, even the most ideal figure will be deprived of attractiveness by a floor-length model.

Mink coats 2017-2018 for full and photo fashionable styles

We look at the photos of fur coats from world shows below ...

Light furs with a blue pallet are equally popular with designers.

Such types of fur as "sapphire" with a silvery gray undertone and "violet" - with a cold blue are also really rare. Bids at international fur auctions for genuine Violet mink, for example, make up no more than one percent of the total annually. So the exclusivity of such furs is their calling card. They are used to create shortened models of very laconic styles, in addition, such furs look impeccable in transverse models. Notice how sophisticated blue mink coats are in these photos below:

What are mink coats worn with: selection of shoes

With what hat to wear a mink coat and photos of everyday images

Which handbag will match your fur coat ...

How to choose the right mink coat and photos of unique looks

Today, you won't surprise anyone with a mink coat in your own wardrobe. It so happened that in the wake of the demand for this fur among fashionistas, he became a typical representative of the mainstream. Surprise, and even more so, stand out from the crowd, today you can only make the right choice. This means that you need to stand out with style and original image, which such models allow you to create without much difficulty. Any of the models of mink coats in these photos will make your look unique:

Stylish mink coat has long become a symbol of good taste and a topical part of everyday luxury wardrobe. From the options presented in this year's collections, you will have to choose the one that is closest to your lifestyle. Can't imagine yourself without your favorite car and spend a lot of time behind the wheel? Take a closer look at the cropped models, which are presented in original and stylish versions this season. From a sophisticated cross-section model to a cute, elegant short-sleeved fur coat. Such as in the photo, mink coats with short sleeves are ideal for autolady:

Beautiful mink coats with a hood: photos of short and long models

The mid-thigh length and voluminous beautiful hood allows you to perfectly balance the silhouette of any figure that does not differ in model parameters. Long models, no matter how beautiful they are, invariably make the silhouette heavier, and the shortened ones visually "crush" giving it lightness. At the same time, wanting to look slimmer, you should not limit yourself to the choice of dark-colored furs. Light shades in combination with voluminous cuts - "oversized" or "trapezoid" with a hood - will perfectly cope with the task of making you visually slimmer.

Shortened models are favorites of fashion trends, but long ones - fur coats below the ankle, especially complemented by a hood - are a kind of standard. They are bought based on the durability and constancy of the fashion for fur and its excellent qualities - it can last at least ten years, even with daily use. Only for those who prefer such models - a small but exclusive secret from the Italian furriers. Choose a model from unpainted, and in no case from whole, but from plucked or sheared fur. Such furs have the same legendary qualities for which the classic (solid) is appreciated, but at the same time they look much more spectacular and, according to the designers, more modern.