What girls according to statistics do guys like the most: appearance and character traits. Male gaze: what kind of girls do guys really like

All women want happiness, for this we need not only to love us, but also so that we can give our love to our chosen one. But quite a few women are looking for an answer to the question of what kind of woman a man needs. There are situations that she seems to be both clever and beautiful, and knows how to cook, but she has no luck with men, men do not want to give her their love.

Sometimes there are also such representatives of the fair sex who do not know at all what it means to be loved. These ladies believe that they are unlucky, that someone has jinxed them, and indeed life is unfair. But in fact, no one has ever loved her because she herself does not know how to love, does not know how to give her love, and the opposite sex feels this and does not respond emotionally either.

Therefore, before asking the question: "What kind of woman does a man need?", Develop the ability to give love, and when you learn this, then very soon someone will fall in love with you.

For ladies who do not know how to love or are just learning to love, a good partner will be one who also learns to love. He, of course, may not be aware of this - it does not matter, the main thing is that he, too, had a need to give love and receive it.

Well, now let's talk about what kind of ladies guys like. Of course, we cannot give you clear recommendations on which woman a particular man needs, but we will try to collect the opinions of the majority of the stronger sex together and present you with the image of the ideal partner who will want to marry.

First of all, our future husbands want to see a well-groomed, intelligent and flexible lady with them. You don't have to be pretty and stunning, but you should always have a well-groomed look - clean hair, well-groomed hands and skin.

Despite the fact that many magazines write that guys do not like smart women, we say the opposite. If he himself is educated, well-read, then he will simply not be interested in a stupid girl who thinks of nothing but rags and cosmetics. Yes, you may like such painted dolls, but the guy will not build a serious relationship with such a girl.

What kind of woman can a man like? Of course, calm, not hysterical. From nervous and hysterical people who throw a tantrum for any reason, guys try to stay away.

As for the girl's appearance, then each representative of the stronger sex may have their own individual preferences, someone loves long-legged blondes, someone likes plump lips, etc., but the appearance, as it may seem strange, but many guys does not come first. There are those who look not at the appearance, but at the soul of the girl, at her character, manners, etc.

It must be said that no psychologist can answer the question: "What woman can a man need?" Attraction occurs by smell, at the level of touch and subconsciousness. You can touch one lady and feel absolutely nothing, while the other is drawn simply because a special smell emanates from her that excites the subconscious, and this is far from the smell of expensive perfume.

Of course, most of the modern representatives of the stronger sex have remained true to their roots, they still like feminine girls, and the more feminine, charm, charm they have, the more they like the opposite sex. If we look at the results of a survey conducted by psychologists of all countries, we find out that a business woman certainly attracts guys, but only as business partners or partners for one night, and next to them they want to see all the same feminine and charming representatives the weaker sex.

When, in the course of a survey, the representatives of the stronger sex were asked what kind of woman a man needs approximately, they said that they would like their companion to be kind, but at the same time, hysterical qualities, such as emotionality, the ability to attract and I like people, a little looseness in thinking, the ability to feel people and sympathize, the desire to be attractive, well-groomed, she must have a little coquetry and many other qualities that, one way or another, are present in each of us.

A woman also needs a man who will listen to him, be interested in the inner world, his experiences, who will be interested in his work, hobby, even if she herself does not do it. There are wives for whom it is not at all important what happens to her husband at work, she does not ask how his day went, what is new at work, and when he begins to tell her, she listens to him "in half an ear", watching her TV series or looking at a magazine. Any normal guy will leave such a partner or find one who will be interested in everything that is so important to him, and her interest will be genuine.

As we know, the representatives of the stronger sex are conquerors, so they need that lady who needs to be conquered. If they conquer the girl, and this conquest will not be so easy for them, then this lady will forever win their hearts. They, frankly, do not appreciate those representatives of the weaker sex who run after them, hang themselves on their necks - such a lady is of absolutely no interest to our conquerors. They also do not like it when we force events, push them to the further development of relations, they prefer to make important decisions themselves, we can only imperceptibly push them in the direction we need, but this must be done so that they think that the initiative comes from them ...

Of course, we will not forget about such qualities as the ability to cook and create coziness. Each representative of the stronger sex appreciates when his chosen one cooks well and tasty, when she knows how to create comfort in the house, when she has every thing in its place. These qualities are highly valued by our partners, and even if it sometimes seems to us that they do not appreciate or notice anything of this, then we are mistaken. Our husbands see and appreciate everything, they just are not used to showing their admiration, as we do.

It often happens that even to ourselves we cannot explain what exactly attracts us in a person. We just feel that he is a soul mate, and any arguments of reason cannot convince us otherwise. Astrologers understand that there is a reason for everything, and it lies in the zodiacal compatibility. So what kind of woman do men of different signs of the zodiac dream of seeing next to them?

Aries needs a female rival

pathdoc / Shutterstock.com

Aries man needs a woman who will not only match him, but also be able to challenge him. Such a girl will not give up and give in to him, she will stimulate him to constantly grow and achieve new goals. The ideal of Aries always takes what he wants, there are no insurmountable obstacles for her.

Taurus needs an "earthly" woman

Taurus needs a woman who is sensual and can satisfy all of his needs. She should cook well, be the keeper of the family hearth, an excellent housewife. Taurus loves gentle, sweet and calm girls.

Gemini needs a smart woman

The ideal wife for a Gemini man is a woman who can share his life interests and hobbies. To do this, she just needs to be smart, well-read, be able to speak well and defend her point of view in a dispute. In addition, Gemini is very sociable, and it is important for them that the other half can easily find a common language with people.

Cancer needs a mother

Cancers are always overwhelmed with emotions, so they need a woman who will take care of them, will be able to listen and offer kind and constructive advice. Cancers value support and loyalty above all else.

Leo needs a girl who can impress

Leos are always in the spotlight, so they need a girl who would be difficult to outshine. She should be beautiful, stylish, sharp in word and funny - in general, a whole set. Together, this couple will make an impression in any society.

Virgo man needs a very scrupulous and pedantic woman

Since Virgos have an analytical mind, they know exactly what they want. The ideal girl for them is well-groomed, independent and smart. She is not too sentimental and knows exactly what she is worthy. She must be able to resist the criticism and tough character of the Virgins.

Libra needs a balanced woman

Libras are charming, outgoing, and straightforward. They don't tolerate confusion or aggression. These men need a woman who knows how to take everything as it is. She is attractive, sweet, calm and able to support in a difficult situation.

Scorpio needs an independent woman

Scorpios are very passionate and strong personalities. They need a woman who will not break under the pressure of their emotions. She must be able not only to stand up for herself, but also to go on the attack, if necessary. Scorpios need all the best, which is why an independent, fiery woman is their ideal.

Sagittarius needs an energetic woman

Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.com

Sagittarius are always on the move: they love new ideas, places and people. These men need a girl who will be easy-going and will always enthusiastically accept all the proposals of Sagittarius.

Capricorn needs a sociable woman

Capricorn men are sometimes too quiet and conservative. Therefore, they need a woman who can make them talk and cheer them up. She is confident, sociable and cheerful; others love her. However, she is also very hardworking and loyal to her husband.

Aquarius needs an unusual woman

Aquarians are unorthodox and need someone who is as unique as they are. She, of course, should have her own opinion, non-standard thoughts and lead an unusual lifestyle. At the same time, it would be ideal for their interests and outlook on life to nevertheless coincide.

Pisces needs a loving woman

Ahmet Misirligul / Shutterstock.com

Pisces are incorrigible dreamers. They want a woman with the same romantic and creative mindset. At the same time, she must be able to return her spouse from heaven to earth. Pisces men will appreciate if their woman will take on all the household chores and surround them with love and support.

Of course, the horoscope is far from the only thing to be guided by when choosing a partner, but nevertheless it explains a lot. And who would refuse a prompt in such a delicate matter as a relationship?

Based on materials:

The choice of a life partner predetermines the further fate of every man. Knowing this fact, men are attentive to the choice of a wife and the future mother of the family. How do men determine that in front of them is exactly the woman who meets his needs? What kind of women do men choose?

Of course, the choice is individual, and depends on the man himself, but still, several feminine qualities can be distinguished, possessing at least half of which the fair sex can consider herself an excellent choice for any man. There are eight such qualities in total.

What kind of women do men choose: types

1. Independent. Given the fact that men hate babysitting, women need to try not to depend on anyone, both financially and emotionally. At the same time, you can still cry in a men's vest, but only sometimes.

2. Smart. Serious relationships, from the point of view of men, suggest that the stronger sex should not be bored with the chosen one, that she will surprise him. Well, or as a last resort, it will be able to keep the conversation going. Men choose such women.

3. Attractive. This, of course, is known to everyone, but some women forget that it is always necessary to look good so that the companion is not ashamed to appear with the chosen one in society.

4. Respectful, that is, those who know how to listen to someone else's opinion, even if they do not agree in any case. Such women will never allow themselves to make an attempt to humiliate a man.

5. Those that enable a man to be himself. Such women will not tell a man what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and forbid him to meet with his friends for a bowling trip. Such women have an inherent understanding of the irresistible versatility of male and female interests.

6. Men choose women who do not reproach. These women know that reproaches can in no way serve as a factor prompting a man to take action.

7. Sexual. Those whose interests in sex coincide with the interests of men in this matter. In addition, these women do not hesitate to discuss questions about fantasies and desires.

8. Lovers. Well, of course, men choose such women. Yes, it is quite difficult to find a person who is able to love his partner truly, who is able to accept as he is. No attempt to detect the presence of real feeling other than listening to inner confidence will bear fruit.

But still, you need to remember that a loving woman will never try to make another person out of her chosen one. In addition, it is worth paying attention to how a woman behaves in everyday life, as well as how she reacts to her chosen one after a period of separation. If at the moment of meeting a woman's eyes light up, it is safe to say that she loves her partner.

The combination of the above in one representative of the fair sex does not happen very often, however, such a symbiosis of qualities is the answer to the question of which women are chosen by men.

Every man carries in his heart his own image of an ideal woman. In all cases, this image is a complex symbiosis, which is formed by many virtues. At the same time, as a rule, dominance in the ideal image is inherent in several qualities.

It is by understanding what these qualities are that one can understand what kind of woman a man needs. Of course, the fact that many of the stronger sex marry solely for love, sincere and tender. Men choose the kind of women they love.

But besides a deep feeling or an ardent passion, several factors help men make the final choice. Women always want to open the bowels of the subconscious of men in order to learn and apply in practice the coveted formula by which the image of a superwoman is built.

However, not every man will be infinitely happy with the chosen one, absolutely devoid of flaws. And this must be taken into account. Let's list what kind of woman a man needs, depending on the character traits that are inherent in the latter.

What kind of woman a man will choose - his character will tell

A self-sufficient man who does not have complexes is most often not inherent in choosing a companion for himself, guided by any clear criteria. Such a man, of course, conducts an assessment of female dignity, but at the same time proceed from real, not extravagant needs, as well as starting from those moments that he needs at this stage of life.

What kind of women do men of this type choose? The choice of a self-sufficient man is rarely characterized by any distortions - he will not be focused on a submissive "gray mouse", a girl of unearthly beauty, a "star" that cannot be reached, or a domineering and stern lady.

In other words, the choice of such a man will not be shocking; in the future, the wife will not become too contrasted with her husband. This man will opt for the one that he likes and with which he feels good.

A man with complexes, who is characterized with wounded and dissatisfied self-esteem, is inherent in all sorts of attempts to adjust the chosen one for himself. Such men demand, set conditions, and even threaten. What kind of women do these men choose? Obedient, notorious.

Thus, they begin to assert themselves at the expense of the woman, and self-assertion occurs in a wide variety of life planes. A woman who has fallen under the influence of a man with complexes will either have to correspond to the desired image from the very beginning, or to learn such a correspondence in the course of a relationship.

There is one more important point - by any means to avoid a man who wants to solve his own psychological problems with the help of a woman. Such men choose women - mothers, who take on the lion's share of worries and troubles.

The myths that a woman who cooks deliciously will easily marry or find her chosen one have long been dispelled by time. The fact that a woman should be naive and modest is also a relic of the past. Such women are chosen by men who are not burdened with self-esteem.

What kind of women men choose: the main secret

Today, the main trait that attracts men is not her figure and appearance, not naivety and modesty, and not even her culinary abilities.

The main thing for a man is that a woman is always interesting for him (in every sense) and is a support for him in all his endeavors: both men and women want to be married with a like-minded person - both in entertainment, and in family principles, and in sex, and in work.

If the chosen one possesses these qualities, then, believe me, the man will absolutely not care how she cooks and how modest she is. Men choose such women.

Men, for the most part, are hunters and far from monogamous. Some people spend almost their entire lives in search of the perfect woman. And there are those who accept the status of a bachelor, and they are quite impressed by it.

What role does sex play in a man's choice?

Sex naturally plays a very important role in a man's choice. Of course, if your intimate relationship is monotonous and closed, then this is a guarantee of failure.

But it is worth noting that sexual relations are only 50 percent of success in a relationship and a guarantee that a man will choose you. After all, there is such a concept among men as "in bed - fire, for a mistress it is quite good." No sane girl will agree to such a relationship if she is interested in marriage.

So, if a man is happy with you at night, do not rush to rejoice. This is only half the battle. In addition to the bed, a girl should be a friend to her man.

The above tips are far from a plan for capturing a man. A girl must adhere to these rules all the time that she spends with her boyfriend. Perhaps it will even be a whole life. Men choose women with whom they are comfortable in any situation.

And most importantly, a girl should not “put on a mask” by someone who she really is not. Sooner or later, a man will figure you out anyway. You need to be yourself. A man would rather fall in love with sincerity than with pretense.

All men are different and the image of the ideal woman is different for everyone. When choosing a spouse, men try to pay attention to all the details. Naturally, most men marry for sincere love, but most of them try to choose not the one who is used to hanging out with friends all the time, but the one who will lead the house and wait for him from work. Women have always wanted to look into the male subconscious and find the formula for a superwoman, in order to win the heart of the man she liked.

Which women do men prefer as wives:

1) Independence. Men try to give preference to independent women who do not behave like children and constantly complain about something, they like independent women;

mind. Men need women who have intelligence, who are always able to surprise him with something. He needs someone with whom there is always something to talk about;

2) attractiveness. Each woman is beautiful in her own way, but for a man she must also be always well-groomed, so that he would not be ashamed to appear with her in society and admire her;

respect for your man. A woman should always listen to a man, despite the fact if she already disagrees with something. A woman in no way should humiliate a man, especially in public places or in front of his friends, acquaintances. If she respects her man, then there will be no problems with her at all;

3) the man in the family is the main one. They love those women who do not forbid them

meet your friends to play cards, bowling and just talk. She must understand a man, understand that he also has his own interests, at least in something;

4) no complaints. They do not like those women who constantly make some claims to them, thereby forcing him to do something. A woman should be wiser and never share household duties with a man;

5) sexuality. A woman and a man should not be afraid to speak about their intimate desires and fantasies;

6) gets along with his parents. It is important for men that his beloved respects his parents, not only helps his mother in the kitchen, but that he knows that his parents also take an important place in her life;

8) loves him. Of course, the most important thing is love. If she loves her man, then he can always trust her. At the sight of him, her eyes immediately begin to burn, which means she really really loves him.

And the funny thing is that men like it when a girl is wearing a mini-skirt, a deep neckline. But for some reason, he forbids his girlfriend to dress like that, he says that it is not beautiful, vulgar and tasteless, this is called - here and understand men!

It often happens that even to ourselves we cannot explain what exactly attracts us in a person. We just feel that he is a soul mate, and any arguments of reason cannot convince us otherwise. Astrologers understand that there is a reason for everything, and it lies in the zodiacal compatibility. So what kind of woman do men of different signs of the zodiac dream of seeing next to them?

Aries needs a female rival

Aries man needs a woman who will not only match him, but also be able to challenge him. Such a girl will not give up and give in to him, she will stimulate him to constantly grow and achieve new goals. The ideal of Aries always takes what he wants, there are no insurmountable obstacles for her.

Taurus needs an "earthly" woman

Taurus needs a woman who is sensual and can satisfy all of his needs. She should cook well, be the keeper of the family hearth, an excellent housewife. Taurus loves gentle, sweet and calm girls.

Gemini needs a smart woman

The ideal wife for a Gemini man is a woman who can share his life interests and hobbies. To do this, she just needs to be smart, well-read, be able to speak well and defend her point of view in a dispute. In addition, Gemini is very sociable, and it is important for them that the other half can easily find a common language with people.

Cancer needs a mother

Cancers are always overwhelmed with emotions, so they need a woman who will take care of them, will be able to listen and offer kind and constructive advice. Cancers value support and loyalty above all else.

Leo needs a girl who can impress

Leos are always in the spotlight, so they need a girl who would be difficult to outshine. She should be beautiful, stylish, sharp in word and funny - in general, a whole set. Together, this couple will make an impression in any society.

Virgo man needs a very scrupulous and pedantic woman

Since Virgos have an analytical mind, they know exactly what they want. The ideal girl for them is well-groomed, independent and smart. She is not too sentimental and knows exactly what she is worthy. She must be able to resist the criticism and tough character of the Virgins.

Libra needs a balanced woman

Libras are charming, outgoing, and straightforward. They don't tolerate confusion or aggression. These men need a woman who knows how to take everything as it is. She is attractive, sweet, calm and able to support in a difficult situation.

Scorpio needs an independent woman

Scorpios are very passionate and strong personalities. They need a woman who will not break under the pressure of their emotions. She must be able not only to stand up for herself, but also to go on the attack, if necessary. Scorpios need all the best, which is why an independent, fiery woman is their ideal.

Sagittarius needs an energetic woman

Sagittarius are always on the move: they love new ideas, places and people. These men need a girl who will be easy-going and will always enthusiastically accept all the proposals of Sagittarius.

Capricorn needs a sociable woman

Capricorn men are sometimes too quiet and conservative. Therefore, they need a woman who can make them talk and cheer them up. She is confident, sociable and cheerful; others love her. However, she is also very hardworking and loyal to her husband.

Aquarius needs an unusual woman

Aquarians are unorthodox and need someone who is as unique as they are. She, of course, should have her own opinion, non-standard thoughts and lead an unusual lifestyle. At the same time, it would be ideal for their interests and outlook on life to nevertheless coincide.

Pisces needs a loving woman

Pisces are incorrigible dreamers. They want a woman with the same romantic and creative mindset. At the same time, she must be able to return her spouse from heaven to earth. Pisces men will appreciate if their woman will take on all the household chores and surround them with love and support.

Of course, the horoscope is far from the only thing to be guided by when choosing a partner, but nevertheless it explains a lot. And who would refuse a prompt in such a delicate matter as a relationship?