What color of lipstick goes red-haired. How to choose the right lipstick for your hair color

No more than 10% of girls can be proud of such natural natural wealth as a red head of hair. Men have always been very fond of "fiery beasts", many of the stronger sex are sometimes even frankly afraid of fatal young ladies with chic curls of red undertones. Redheads need to be careful about the choice of care products for coloring the lips and protecting them from various weather factors.

Choosing a lipstick to match your eye color

It is best for a red-haired enchantress to buy a lipstick that most closely resembles her real lip color. The usual colorless lip gloss is just fine here. The most suitable lipstick colors for eye-catching makeup for every day:

  • coral tones clearly emphasize the shape of the lips;
  • pale pink tones will even out the complexion;
  • pinkish orange colors accentuate the blush;
  • pink and beige colors will be a spectacular accent.

The best lipstick tones for a luxurious evening:

  • brown ones are perfect for reddish curls;
  • the color of cinnamon will conquer others with its languor;
  • the milk chocolate color will make the lips look more voluminous;
  • the "coffee with warm milk" tone will give them the necessary swelling;
  • lipstick coloring under "peach" will give your face a healthy look;
  • golden-carrot coloring will make lips luxuriously attractive;
  • a light orange tone will visually make the appearance more catchy.

For red-haired ladies, when choosing a lipstick, it is best to place maximum emphasis on warm and as sunny colors as possible. With such a catchy hair color, daytime makeup with a bright pronounced accent both on the lips and on the eyes will not be considered attractive. If you paint your lips too brightly, then you should not highlight your eyes too much., if you brightly let your eyes down, then for evening make-up, choose a not very bright lip remedy. At the same time, remember: with inexpressive makeup, your face will not be too noticeable against the background of luxurious red hair. The main rule is this: the darker the color of your red curls, the brighter the lipstick should be for your delicate lips.

Red-haired lipsticks go with bold terracotta colors, sweet caramel tones. Many redhead women prefer to choose lipsticks with an interesting coral color that has orange and red highlights. Coral lipstick colors just look perfect on red-haired beasts. On a face framed with a red aura of hair, these colors will look as if you were born with such juicy and such plump lips. A drop of the usual transparent gloss applied in the center of the upper lip will allow you to visually make them much more voluminous and seductive.

There are rules for choosing the most ideal lipstick color for bright red ladies.

  • If you have a brown hair color with a redhead, then give preference to the darkest lipstick colors. For example, burgundy shades are perfect for you.
  • Also worth considering are colors like brick brown, vibrant reds, terracotta. Lipstick with light reddish hair will just look great with caramel tones.
  • You should not choose a lipstick tone that completely matches your hair color. This kind of makeup can look ridiculous.
  • If you have a dark, tanned skin color, then you should choose for yourself pastel lipstick colors, as well as beautiful wine shades. For fair-skinned ladies, discreet pink paints are suitable.

  • Of great importance in the selection of lipstick is a smile, or rather, the color of the teeth. If your teeth are not perfectly snow-white, then you will have to abandon the use of lipstick in orange shades: they can give not very white teeth an ugly yellowness.
  • It is best for redheads to completely abandon the use of a cosmetic for lips of cold tones.
  • For evening make-up, you need to choose lipsticks in dark colors with a matte effect. During the day, you can safely use glossy lipsticks.

  • It is best to avoid beige, cream, or milky shades. They can sometimes go well with red hair tones, but do not always go with different color types of appearance.
  • Pink lipstick colors are a significant advantage of individuals who have curls closer to brick-reddish or rich copper tones. They are more suited to tones such as nude salmon or even peach.
  • Choose brown lipstick colors. The most common and demanded colors for red-haired girls are terracotta and rich chocolate. But at the same time, you do not need to acquire too catchy brown tones, as they can make the overall image heavier and make it somewhat rough.
  • A neutral gloss or correctly selected options for the natural tones of this product will just look great on the lips.
  • When choosing a lipstick in a store, be sure to apply it on your own fingertips: this part of the body is closest in color to the tone of the lips.


Ladies with red hair caps and green eyes will suit almost any tone of pink lipstick: soft coral, and mysterious salmon, and catchy pearl-peach. These and other shades will be an excellent complement to the airy look of owners of fiery hair. You can also safely buy warm shades with a pink tint: with a golden undertone and carrot. From other colors, you can choose a lipstick in the color of chocolate or cinnamon, and for a catchy make-up, you can choose a lipstick in a cherry or raspberry shade.


Red-haired ladies with blue and gray eyes can opt for delicate pinks and semi-transparent coral shades. Girls who were born with a natural red or bright red hair color and blue eyes can choose lipsticks of any coral tones for a day trip, but closer to the dark time of the day, lips should be painted with burgundy lipstick or brownish gloss.


Persons with red curls and brown eyes can choose the darkest lipstick colors. With such external data, you can choose a lipstick in a delicate pink, faded cream or light chocolate tone in the daytime, and in the evening you can cover your lips with a languid cherry color. A good way out for the daytime is brick tones, and for the evening - burgundy, Marsala colors and others like them.


The combination of bright red curls and piercing gray eyes always looks attractive. For red-haired girls with such great data for actual makeup, you can pick up almost all shades of coral, carrot colors, warm pink tones of lipsticks and glosses. For an evening walk, you can choose a not very juicy red lipstick or a product with the most saturated pink undertone. All nude beige and catchy brown tones are suitable for gray-eyed girls. A bold lipstick with golden sparkles can look extremely interesting with gray eyes.

We take into account skin tone

When choosing a lipstick, it is imperative to take into account the face tone of the red-haired lady. Lipstick is chosen according to the following rule: the color of the lips should be in the same range as the existing skin color. If the skin is cold, then the most neutral colors, for example, delicate pink or creamy porcelain, are the best choice. For those girls who belong to a warm color type, it is best to choose sweet peach, faded orange, nude yellowish shades.


Red-haired ladies who can boast of a darker skin tone can look much more graceful if they choose catchy plum or wine colors. Lipsticks with a matte effect will look more interesting.

If you want to create a truly festive makeup for a red-haired lady, then you can safely use burgundy tones.


Most often, girls with reddish curls have very light skin, which is sometimes densely covered with perky freckles. In such cases, for high-quality lip make-up, you can use light tones of orange and graceful golden colors. But too flashy pinkish tones are not the most suitable choice for such a chic hair color.


Oh, those red-haired beauties! Nature gave these women a lot - a magnificent fiery hair color, delicate skin and a scattering of delightful freckles. No more than 10% of the total number of girls are endowed with such an appearance. Therefore, such wealth must be nurtured and cherished in every possible way.

A lady with this hair color will not go unnoticed in any society. However, girls themselves often face the problem of choosing the colors of cosmetics that will emphasize their natural beauty. Next, we'll talk about how to choose the right lipstick for a similar look.

Universal lipstick for red hair

In order not to be mistaken with the choice of lipstick under, remember a few standard rules:

For bright red hair, you cannot choose a lipstick color that will "argue" with them in terms of saturation. Otherwise, the image will turn out to be vulgar;
If you have chosen eye-catching colors for yourself, do not put additional emphasis on the eyes. Otherwise, for bright eye makeup, choose a lighter lipstick;
Don't wear too faded makeup with luxurious red curls. You risk turning your face into a colorless spot of light;
The darker the hair color, the more active and saturated the colors in the makeup should be;
Red-haired beauties should pay attention to shades of delicate caramel, terracotta, bright red or ripe cherry. Refrain from beige, milky and cream tones. They are suitable for red hair, but not for all;
Another group of colors - from rich coral, closer to orange to red, the same sunny tones;
The final touch is a drop of colorless gloss applied to the center of the lips over the lipstick;
Another limitation in bright lipsticks for redheads is the shade of your teeth. If you are the owner of a snow-white smile, then it is within your ability to choose a lipstick of any shade you like. If the color of the teeth casts yellow, then orange lipsticks, and everything that has a warm shade, must be excluded from everyday life. This rule applies to all bright lipsticks except red. In the case of scarlet lipstick, the darker the color, the whiter the teeth;

It is advisable for red-haired girls to completely abandon the cold tones of mother-of-pearl in lipstick. They will give your thin, translucent skin an earthy color;
Choose the color of lipstick in accordance with, and the color type of appearance;
Be careful with shiny cosmetics. When using a product with glitter, use matte eyeshadow, and vice versa;
All shades of dark wine especially suit dark-skinned red-haired beauties.

Red hair and red lipstick: pros and cons

A versatile, catchy, elegant and surprisingly impressive lipstick color for any woman - red. However, on the parchment translucent skin of red-haired girls, too bright lipstick tones will look defiant.

If you decide to freshen up your look with this make-up, go for a delicate, shimmery eye shadow.

You intend to use glitter in make-up, pick up shadows without glitter, natural shades. In daytime makeup, use light shades of red, in evening makeup, wine and burgundy colors are more suitable for your hair. They will add elegance and tenderness to the image.

It is desirable that the color of the lipstick is much brighter than the tone of the hair.

Lipstick options for people with red curls

Pink lipstick.

This color is the advantage of girls with curls closer to reddish, copper shades. Salmon, coral and peach shades of different saturations are suitable for them.

Brown lipstick.

The most common and popular shades of brown lipstick among red-haired girls are terracotta and chocolate, closer to red. Don't use rich natural browns. It makes the image heavier and rougher.

Lipstick for warm shades of red and light (blue, gray) eyes.

This type of girls should not paint their lips with lipsticks that have a pure color - red, pink, orange. Better to use their options for more restrained tones.

Lipsticks look ideal, as close as possible to the color of the lips. When choosing in a store, pay attention to the pads of your fingers. This part of the body is similar in color to the lips. A neutral gloss or variants of natural shades of this cosmetic product will look great on the lips.

Among the color options for lip cosmetics are as follows:

The color palette for going to the office should consist of colors, mostly delicate, light shades. These include coral, light pink, pinkish with a warm orange tint, beige with a pinkish sheen.
As a color scheme for lipstick for a party, choose the following options: shades of brown, cocoa, coffee with milk, salmon, carrot or orange with a golden tint, bright, pure scarlet color.

Warm dark shades of red hair and.

Do not be afraid of dark colors in eye makeup and lipstick color. Try to match your curl shade, but don't copy it. In order to make your lips more plump and expressive, be sure to use.

The colors of lipstick for office makeup of dark-haired beauties should be close to brown. Don't go overly saturated with shades. Limit yourself to light tones of chocolate, reddish brick, delicate coffee with cream, calm pink or beige, closer to pink tones;
In makeup for publication, adhere to the rule - the brighter the color, the more unique the image. All shades of ripe cherry, dark pink and wine are perfect for you.

Don't use orange lipstick, and eliminate the obsessive color of carrots. Try to choose shades of beige for shadows, and correct your eyes.

Lipstick for fiery hair and light (blue, gray) eyes.

The color of your hair will outshine all decorative cosmetics, in any case. Therefore, choose a range of lip products that are closer to natural shades:

As a rule, any shades of coral are most suitable for girls with similar curls in daytime makeup. Use brown with extreme caution. Experiment with shades of brown in front of the mirror and choose the one you like best;
Finish your evening make-up with a touch of deep chocolate lipstick. Look great on delicate skin in combination with fiery red burgundy hair, ripe cherry or bright plum color.

Try not to inflate the atmosphere of your own radiance with shadows of bright colors. It is better to choose them to match the skin, or shade them with a brown transparent color.

The bright fiery color itself is a gift from nature. And it depends only on you how to present it correctly. Especially do not dye this hair with other colors, do not ruin the unique beauty.

Lipstick for red hair and green eyes.

An amazing combination of red hair and is truly a rarity in the human world. The emphasis in this combination is usually placed on the eyes. It is this makeup that needs to be given special attention.

Girls with this kind of combination of hair and eyes have delicate parchment-like skin strewn with delightful freckles. Do not apply thick foundation. You will not only "kill" the natural beauty, but you will not be able to achieve anything other than the effect of an impenetrable mask.

The same colors are suitable for both daytime and evening makeup. The only difference is the saturation and brightness of a given hue. Like all red-haired women, fiery-red green-eyed "witches" will suit any shades of coral. The color of caramel looks good on the lips.

Rules for applying lipstick to lips

The skin of red-haired ladies, as already noted, is thin and delicate. A fine mesh of veins and blood vessels shines through it. It will take a lot of effort to preserve it. Therefore, you should pay close attention to the skin, and especially to the skin on the lips.

No makeup will look perfect if the face or lips are chapped, or prone to all sorts of inflammation. Your lovely freckles should not be covered with a thick layer of foundation. Therefore, take care of the wealth given by nature, and take care of it.

So, the stages of applying makeup are as follows:

Moisturize clean skin with a cream for cosmetics;
Treat your lips with a nourishing balm;
After a few minutes, remove excess funds with a dry paper towel;
Take a foundation brush and spread the product as thin as possible;
Treat the areas around the eyes with a corrector to remove darkening;
Lightly powder the skin, which you collect quite a bit on the brush;
Blush, choose tones that best match the color type of the appearance, and the makeup option. Spread the blush over (or underneath) the cheekbones using a soft, wide, beveled brush. You do not need to do a thick layer, a couple of light movements are enough to make the cheekbones play with a blush;
Gently apply shadows to the eyelids, blend the borders of color transitions;

Red-haired girls are very good. However, do not get carried away with them in creating a daily make-up. Small, thin "ponytails" or a shaded line along the eyelashes will be enough;
Gently outline the lips with a contour pencil. It is desirable that its tone differ from the tone of the selected lipstick by 1-2 positions in one direction or another. If you want to visually enlarge your lips, choose a pencil slightly lighter than lipstick. If you want to create the effect of thin lips, buy a lip liner that is darker than lipstick tone. Use a small, soft brush to spread the lipstick over your lips. This will help the product to lie more evenly. Blot lips with a dry napkin and apply gloss on top. If you are satisfied with the volume of your lips, then the gloss can be applied over the entire surface of the lipstick. If you want to add volume, apply gloss to the center of your lips.

Even stylists cannot accurately answer which lipstick color is suitable for a particular woman with red hair. General categories are listed in the article above. However, red-haired beauties are so unique that cosmetics must be selected individually for each appearance. This applies to both daytime makeup and bright evening makeup.

The main thing that distinguishes red-haired girls from everyone else is the ability to always remain what you want.

January 12, 2014 4:22 pm

Red-haired girls have always stood out. Moreover, "red" is not only hair color, but also a characteristic skin tone, and something elusive in the constitution, posture, manner of movement. Surprisingly, very ugly redheads are much less common than beautiful redheads. In general, regardless of the data that nature has endowed a girl with, it is possible (and probably necessary) to emphasize successful features and hide unattractive ones. Makeup for red hair- mini-science. Here special rules come into force that are not suitable for brunettes, blondes, brown-haired women, or fair-haired. And to the specific parameters of the redhead: the color of hair, eyebrows, skin - you need to very carefully select the right "tools".

Makeup for red hair

Red shades are somewhat extravagant and aggressive. At the same time, the owners of such flowers look mysterious, gentle and even fabulous. Or maybe they radiate confidence and strength? Stop! Let's not get confused. It's all about how to choose your makeup. Red is very demanding. The main rule here is to strive for restraint and harmony.

Often redheads have fair skin. If the complexion is even, you can forget about the tonal basis (whatever you say, but naturalness is always in the price), it is enough to limit yourself to light dusting. If blemishes and redness are present, a moderately covering foundation will be needed.

Basic palette of shades, which is enough to make makeup of varying degrees of saturation and for different eye colors

Delicate daytime makeup ...

... which, if necessary, can be easily transformed into an evening

Remember: makeup under red hair does not tolerate foundation! Replace with an unobtrusive base if necessary.

If you want to create a sophisticated and feminine look, focus on cold contrasts: turquoise, plum, lilac. When you are planning to tackle makeup in minimalism - limit yourself to a pencil or eyeliner.

Smokey Eyes is a good solution for evening meetings. It is very important not to overdo it. Deep blacks are best replaced with gray, brown or gold tones.

Red-haired girls look bright even with neutral makeup - hair color compensates even for the complete absence of make-up

Makeup for red hair should take into account the color of the eyelashes - naturally lighter. A bold rich mascara is appropriate here. Short - lengthen. In combination with very light skin, use dark brown mascara.

The fashion for green in makeup has long gone. Undoubtedly, khaki, moss and olive flawlessly set off the redhead, but there is a huge variety of successful options. Gold, cinnamon, copper, nutmeg, rust - these shades resonate perfectly with the hair.

It is imperative that you pay enough attention to your eyebrows. Darken too much and the face will look fake. It is not enough to select - and the zone will appear empty. It is advisable to experiment in the direction of red-brown powder or pencil.

To shape the eyebrows for redheads, it will be enough to apply a brown modeling gel. It will have a natural effect

Paint your eyelashes with brown mascara ...

... then comb your eyelashes by dipping the brush into mascara

Light skin excludes the possibility of using "standard" blush. On the cheeks, you need to carefully apply coral, peach or apricot shades. You can forget about hot pinks. hair that strongly gravitates towards red should take into account this rule. Even dark strands will not be able to balance the expressive red cheeks on fair skin.

Apply pink, peach, coral, or apricot lipstick to your lips. Be careful with gloss - it can remove the feeling of fullness of the lips and "dissolve" them against the background of the skin. If you have a lot of experience, and you know well the acceptable range of possible expressions, try adding bright red lipstick. You have to be careful and find a balance - but the result will be fantastic!

Red lipstick is very suitable for red-haired girls, the main thing is to choose your own shade correctly

Features of makeup for red hair

Probably, you have a question: "What about the color of the eyes?" Yes, this is such an important topic that we decided to put it under a separate heading. Let's go through the four main ones: green, blue, gray, brown.

For blue and green eyes

Makeup for red hair and green eyes requires soft light shades. Such a combination, even without auxiliary tools, looks bright enough, so you can confidently refuse to create additional color accents. To create a casual image, all peach, beige, pale lilac and green tones are appropriate. For an evening out, it is advisable to use a richer range: bronze, purple, greens, brown and gold. Sharp color gradients and clear outlines are not acceptable. If you are deeply tanned, you can try richer bronzes, plums and greens. You can try a multi-layered range of colors in order to focus on the eyes.

Red hair and green eyes are a pretty striking combination in and of themselves. Your task is to only slightly emphasize the eyebrows, eyes and lips.

Makeup for red hair and blue eyes turns out to be successful if you give up any harsh and bright colors. Blue eyes are the embodiment of gentle charm, romance, lightness and unobtrusiveness. And in the "alchemical cauldron" with red strands and fair skin, these qualities are greatly enhanced. So oversaturation with colors in makeup is simply unacceptable. It is best to choose gray shadows. Otherwise, look in the direction of coral and peach hues.

A gray or brown soft pencil will work well as a contouring product. Forget green shadows. Even though they go well with red hair, you should use shades of gold, brown or blue. In order to focus on the eyes, you need to give up the catchy tones of lipstick (it is better to stay on delicate pink or terracotta).

Blue eyeshadow and terracotta lipstick. Not very everyday, but suitable for some special occasion

For gray eyes

Makeup for red hair and gray eyes loves mixed shadows. The gray iris is quite neutral - and willingly allows the girl to play with the transitions of tones in the shadows from one to another. You can use subtle saturation contrasts with textures. Feel free to experiment with layering - a little knack and you can achieve tangible appeal and makeup integrity. A shaded, deep and expressive look can be easily created with a range of tones from gray or silver to deep blue or turquoise. On the contrary, gray makeup is inappropriate. And poisonous and catchy colors are unacceptable. If you want to accentuate your eyes, drown your makeup - with shaded cool tones, from silver and steel to dark blue with hints of gray.

It is easiest for gray-eyed red-haired girls - almost all shades of shadows and lipstick are suitable for them.

For brown eyes

Makeup for red hair and brown eyes should target fair skin. It is the skin tone that should be the starting point in the choice of colors and shades of any cosmetics. You need to work very gently with the eyeliner on the lower eyelid (or maybe even give up the eyeliner altogether) so that the look does not look rough or tired. Deep dark brown eyes love the black pencil on the upper eyelid. Light brown - brown pencil. If you want to highlight light eyes, use shadows of green shades: grassy, ​​olive, moss. Try graphite, matte, or, on the contrary, gloss. To accent dark eyes, use brown tones, from light gold to dark chocolate.

Brown-eyed girls with red hair can afford bright shades of lipstick. But with eye makeup you need to be careful not to overdo it.

We hope our advice helped to "arm to the teeth." If you suffer from too rare combination of shades and saturation of hair, eyebrows, skin - try to look at the catwalk. Eminent fashion designers very often throw in fresh original solutions. It is quite possible that one of these is right for you. And, of course, do not forget about the reason - meeting with friends, going shopping, nightclub, etc. - the amount of light, the nature of the meeting, the acceptable style dictate quite certain rules.

Makeup for red hair photos

On red-haired girls, a bright studio make-up looks great. It's easy for them to become the star of a carnival or a costume party.

Very often, red-haired girls practically do not touch their eyes and eyebrows, and at the same time highlight their lips with bright lipstick. It turns out quite unusual, even futuristic.

Red-haired girls are lucky - they can afford the brightest make-up and unusual color combinations.

Ladies who received red hair as a gift from nature are incredibly lucky. They always attract the attention of others, in particular, representatives of the stronger sex, and look bright regardless of clothing.

Different shades of red hair are distinguished by stylists and makeup artists. It is customary to refer to red as copper and golden hair tones. Natural auburn shade is extremely rare in nature, and natural red hair is completely exclusive.

That is why girls who are naturally red should not dye their hair, because they already have amazing hair. And those who have not received such a gift from nature, but dream of being a red-haired beast, often dye their hair, choosing desired shade from a wide range of modern hair colors.

You can find out which lipstick colors are suitable for brunettes from ours.

Depending on the eyes

Despite all the advantages of a red color, its owners may also face minor difficulties in makeup. A successful make up for a red-haired lady should take into account not only the color of her hair, but also eye color, natural skin tone... And all this is especially important when choosing, because it is she who is the final touch in makeup.


The combination of rich red hair and deep brown eyes always looks bright and unusual. For girls with such data for daytime makeup, you can use coral, tender carrot, warm light pink shades.

For an evening out, you can choose light red or deep pink.

Will suit you beige, brown shades. It will be very interesting to look bold orange pomade.


Green eyes are captivating on their own, and red hair makes them even more incredible. With this combination in makeup, it is better to focus on the eyes.

Matte lipsticks are preferred. Choose all shades of coral and caramel.

But the lip glosses in this case not worth using, as its glare will distract attention from the play of the eyes and the brightness of the hair.

Gray and blue

If you have blue or gray eyes, golden hair and fair skin, don't choose too bright lipstick shades such as classic red and doll pink. Juicy carrot is not the best choice either.

Better to give preference restrained shades close to your natural lip color. You can also choose glitter, colored or transparent.

For makeup for every day, you can safely choose coral, pinkish orange, pale pink, beige pink... Evening makeup can look good if you use brown, chocolate, scarlet, peach shades.

If you have dark red or red hair with blue or brown eyes, you can choose more saturated lipstick tones.

Perfect for the day coral or brown lipstick. In the evening, they will decorate you burgundy and maroon, plum, cherry, dark brown colors.

Depending on skin tone

What lipstick is for red-haired girls with dark or, on the contrary, very light skin?


Red-haired ladies with dark skin can look even more spectacular if they give preference plum or wine tones. They will look especially attractive in matte finish.

Festive makeup for a red-haired lady will look great using burgundy tones.


In most cases, natural redheads are fair skinned. Sometimes she is covered with freckles. Then for the perfect make-up you can choose light shades of orange, golden carrot colors and beige-pinkish... Rich oranges and classic pinks are not the best choices for this hair color.

How to use lip liner correctly? find out right now.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of well-known brands of creams contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products containing these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial office conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Matte or glossy?

Often, red-haired girls cannot decide between or a glossy texture. Stylists insist that lip gloss will better emphasize stunningly bright, vibrant and rich hair.

But matte lipsticks will look great on red hair in burgundy, plum and brown tones. Dark matte shades are perfect for an evening out.

But keep in mind that they can visually shrink lips, unlike pearlescent textures, which add volume.

Redheaded girls go surprisingly well warm and sunny colors... But keep in mind that the combination of very bright hair with very bright makeup can look too vulgar.

Remember the golden rule that you need to highlight one thing - either the lips or the eyes. Any shade of red hair needs to be careful with the vibrant orange colors of lipsticks.

They can be used by redheads only if their teeth are perfectly white... Otherwise, the lipstick will make them even yellower. In general, a red-haired girl can be decorated with many colors of lipsticks, and choosing something suitable from a modern wide assortment will not be a problem.

You can find out which lipstick color is most suitable for red-haired girls from the video:

Owners of luxurious red hair at all times stand out from the crowd. The hairstyle of such women is indeed an interesting detail, but the face must also match this beauty. Too bright a range of cosmetics can spoil the picture of the image by giving vulgarity to the red-haired lady. If you do not pay due attention to the face, it will remain pale and invisible, it will be overshadowed by bright hair. To make makeup that is optimal for red hair, you should be guided by certain rules. The palette is selected based on the color of the eyes, as well as taking into account other features of the appearance. The basic rules for applying cosmetics under beautiful red hair are set out in this article.

The right makeup for redheads


If a woman's natural skin color is close to a warm range, then her tonal base or concealer should have a peach or pleasant yellowish tint.

When the natural complexion is close to a cold scale, then it will be more appropriate to use a foundation or concealer, painted in slightly pink, porcelain, neutral shades.

It is worth paying attention to the tonal basis. It is not applied to change skin color at all. The purpose of this treatment is to even out the natural tone. That is why this product is selected strictly taking into account the natural features of the face, namely the type of skin and its tone.

A translucent type foundation is ideal for a woman with fair skin. This approach will maximize the presentation of freckles. To achieve the most natural effect, you need to carefully shade all layers applied to the face.

A mistake is the selection of a tonal base of a pronounced pink shade. Perhaps such a face will look unkempt and flushed.

In many cases, foundation tinted in yellow and gold looks good. Its SPF must be 15 or higher. Bronzer additionally applied to the T-zone will add shine.

Eyes and eyebrows

In makeup that involves the daytime, the use of liquid black eyeliner is almost always inappropriate. A brown pencil looks much nicer on red-haired women during the day. Creating makeup for the evening may involve black eyeliner, but it needs to be used with care.

Girls with red hair, light skin tone and light eyes can use brown mascara. Such decoration will expand and emphasize the eyes. Although in the case of applying evening makeup, not only brown mascara is appropriate, but also black with the effect of increasing the volume and length of eyelashes.

With light browning, you do not need to highlight them unnecessarily against the red background in which the hairstyle is painted. It is permissible to darken the eyebrows by 1-2 tones, compared to hair.

brown eyes and fair skin light skin and gray eyes black eyeliner around the entire perimeter of the eyes voluminous eyelashes and black eyeliner on the upper eyelid daytime cosmetics for light eyes arrows, shadows and pale pink lipstick at Lindsay Lohan turquoise shadows,pale lipsblack eyeliner and mascaraagainst the background of the fiery hair of the singer Rihanna

Makeup for red hair

Selection of shadows

Eyeshadows with luminous golden components set off makeup in the right way, for red hair, these shimmering tints are great.

Gray eyes are nicely complemented by the same gray shadows. But other matte shades are also good: olive, green. If necessary, then apply shadows with silvery blotches and shine.

To decorate the eyelids of blue-eyed women, it is advisable to use shadows that repeat the color of the eyes. Blue shadows, or paler gray shadows are used. To enhance the brightness of the shadows, blue accents are applied in the evening make-up. Blue mascara and eyeliner of the same color are selected.

Green eyes require a competent green shading. Moreover, it is appropriate to use the entire green range, including bright green, dark olive and khaki. To make the green eyes shine, add golden shadows. If such a face is decorated with brown cosmetics, it will also look harmonious.

Natural fusion of red hair with expressive brown eyes is common. The correct step is to select shadows that are within the range of brown or green. It is these shadow options that will make it possible to correctly highlight red hair, additionally setting an accent on amber or brown eyes.

Choosing the right lipstick

To make the appearance of a red-haired woman more attractive and festive, lipstick is applied to the lips. The color of this cosmetic product should be selected based on the overall makeup idea. If the dominant feature is the eyes, then the lipstick layer should look harmonious with respect to red hair. And in the case of accentuation of the lip area, you need lipstick, the color of which contrasts with the golden hairstyle.

For harmony with red, warm colors are used: muted orange, brick, peach, terracotta. In some cases, dark brown lipstick is possible.

To highlight the lips against a red background, fuchsia, pink color (including delicate pink), lilac are used.

If makeup is applied for the evening, then redhead girls are doing the right thing by applying bright red or coral lipstick. However, for this option, you will have to reduce the intensity of the blush and shadows so as not to create a color conflict. Matte shadows without shimmer work well here. By the way, this makeup will be especially attractive when combined with a suitable outfit. The normal option is a dress that matches the tone of the lipstick, or clothing in black, white colors.

In order to properly create makeup for red hair, it is recommended to avoid pronounced orange shades. This applies to eyeshadow, foundation, lipstick. This opinion must be taken into account in order to exclude the possible effect of a conflict from an unsuccessful combination of orange with red hair. It is also undesirable to intensively dye your eyelashes with black mascara. And it is also considered tasteless to use bright purple lipstick with red hair.