Komondor is a Hungarian shepherd dog. Breeds of large dogs: name, photo and main characteristics

Komondors are considered a very ancient breed of dog, although the first mention of this dog appeared only a few centuries ago. It is likely that the Komondors moved to the Danube basin (on the territory of present-day Hungary) along with the nomadic tribes who settled there in the ninth century.

The ancestors of today's Komondors were used to protect sheep, goats and cattle not only from predators - wolves and bears, but also from humans. Very often the shepherds left them alone, and they had to make their own decisions about where to lead the flock of their charges. This lifestyle has turned this breed of shepherd into very intelligent, independent and strong-willed dogs.

In the early 1930s, several Komondors were imported into the United States, at the same time the breed was recognized by the AKC. During the Second World War, these dogs were actively used to guard military installations, and most of them died.

Enthusiasts began searching for the remaining Komondors in remote rural areas of Hungary, where they still grazed herds, and rebuilt the breed. The Komondor is still a very rare breed and most people have never seen one. They are most numerous today in Hungary and the United States, with an approximate number of animals in each country ranging from two to three thousand. In total, there are no more than ten thousand dogs of this breed in the world.

A real Komondor gives the impression of a large, strong, courageous, independent and flexible dog, with well-developed muscles. The main distinguishing feature of the Komondor is its unusual white coat, consisting of long curled cords, similar to the dreadlocks of Rastafarians.

In ancient Hungary, Komondors spent most of their lives in the open, and their unusual wool cover provided them with protection from predators and warmth in bad weather. It is believed that such a coat is necessary so that the dog, if necessary, could get lost among its flock. Unlike herding breeds, Komondors are the protectors of the herd. While in service, an adult experienced komondor in case of danger will always remain with his charges, not allowing the predator to carry him away in pursuit.

To this day, dogs of this breed are used to guard livestock, birds and other domestic animals. However, most of them live in homes as companions and reliable protectors. For these dogs, the family in which they live becomes a herd (in the good sense of the word), which they are ready to take care of with all devotion.

Komondors are quite reserved with strangers and affectionate with those they love. Their devotion to those who, in their opinion, need help is limitless - they are faithful, courageous and vigilant guards.

The most striking and unusual aspect of keeping a Komondor is grooming its fur. The coat of a Komondor puppy is fluffy and curly, curling into beautiful curly curls. At about 8 or 10 months, the coat begins to tangle and shed. As a result, the grown up puppy acquires beautiful white cords - dreadlocks.

To prevent the wool from tangling, it must be periodically divided into thinner curls. With age, formed dreadlocks will grow, and if they are not trimmed in time, they can reach the ground. Usually, Komondor owners trim their coat twice a year, leaving white neat cords 20-25 cm long.

Others, no less amazing with photos, are waiting for you on a separate page!


Origin: Hungary

Class: according to the ICF group - 1, section - 1, number - 53.

Color: only white, black dogs are also bred, but this color does not meet the breed standard

Dimensions: the growth of males is not less than 70 cm, bitches - not less than 65 cm, males weigh from 50 to 60 kg, females - from 40 to 50 kg

Life Expectancy: 10-12 years old

Komondor is a dog adapted to work as a shepherd and guard. Luxurious wool allows it to perfectly disguise itself in a flock of sheep.

Looking at the photo, we can assume that this animal is quite large and has a lot of weight. But in fact, it is about half the weight of many representatives of other breeds of its size, for example, , and.

Under the long rope dreadlocks, you will not see eyes, paws, or tail - only the black button of the nose stands out against the background of the white fur.

This dog, in the absence of a potential threat, is calm and balanced, but when danger approaches, it becomes aggressive and will attack the enemy without hesitation.

But the Hungarians have another version, or rather a legend, that this dog came from the unnatural "marriage" of a sheep and a wolf.

Komondors came to the territory of Hungary from the coastal regions of the Black Sea, where they lived together with the Magyar tribes. There they were used as guards and helped herd flocks.

But the Golden Horde ousted the tribes from the inhabited territory, followed by the faithful dogs. Since then, about ten centuries have passed, but these shepherd dogs still live on the territory of Hungary.

Due to the fact that the Komondor was forbidden to cross with other breeds of dogs, he completely retained his original appearance and character traits

Interesting! A king among shepherds - this is how the medieval author Amos Comenius christened this dog. Many connoisseurs of this amazing breed liked this "speaking" nickname and remember it even today. Often they say simply - "king", forgetting that "among the shepherds"!

The origin of the breed's name is also controversial. Some, starting from the nickname given by the ancient author, argue that the name Komondor is not accidental, since in translation from Italian “cane commodore” it means “king of dogs”.

Others believe that the Magyars themselves named these animals and the name in no way depends on the medieval nickname.


The behavior and character of an adult Komondor dog largely depends on timely and correct socialization. The puppy should be taught from an early age to communicate with other dogs, people, and also to adapt it to different situations.

If these requirements are neglected, then aggression will prevail in the character of the pet.

An animal developing in a kind, caring atmosphere will become an excellent pet - loving and devoted

  • Komondor matures late - by about three years. Looking at the photo, it is impossible to even imagine that such a large dog is capable of behaving like a puppy. Every potential owner should know this feature, so that after the character of, at first glance, an adult pet does not raise questions.
  • If there is no threat, then representatives of this breed behave calmly. They are completely indifferent to strangers and other people's children. But at the same time, they show friendliness to the friends of their owner.
  • Komondor is always madly devoted to his master and all members of his family. It is very difficult for him to endure a change of owner, for this dog such a situation is fraught with stress. And if you chose him as your pet, then remember - this is forever!
  • The Hungarian Shepherd Dog is independent and intelligent, but at the same time cunning and stubborn. As a young puppy, she may exhibit leadership tendencies and will try to dominate the owner. Early training - at the age of 4-6 months - will help smooth out the "sharp corners" of character.

Interesting! Komondor males are stubborn, therefore, the choice of a trainer should be approached with special care. Bitches, on the other hand, are more affectionate and much easier to train!

  • The komondor learns information quickly, but training should be varied, otherwise the dog will get bored and will refuse to follow the commands in the future. Training, which will always contain a lot of new information, will bring positive results.

Only a positive learning style is allowed, which will be backed up by constant praise and goodies. Aggressive behavior in the upbringing process will lead to the formation of negative character traits of the pet

  • This dog will become a real "stone wall" for your children. There are no circumstances in which she could harm babies. Komondor will happily share games with children, wake them up in the morning and lick them faithfully.
  • The shepherd guard dog selflessly guards the house every night, while in the daytime it sleeps for a long time. You can hear the barking of a Komondor only in exceptional cases, it even attacks silently. The voice of this dog is bass and very loud.


Initially, a Komondor dog, for example, was bred to guard flocks of sheep and protect them from predators. The Hungarian Shepherd Dog made the right decisions and acted on its own without any prompting from its owner.

She is an excellent watchman, and when the enemy approaches, she rapidly attacks and behaves mercilessly.

In the United States, the Komondor is one of the top dogs in demand for the police and security services. They act in the lineage of service dogs, as well as, as well as bodyguards of high-ranking officials, including the president of the country. Their main responsibility is to search for explosives.

In the United States, there is a specialized kennel in which these guard dogs are bred for a slightly different purpose - the Komondor is trained to help sick people and mentally disabled children.

How to choose a dog

A Komondor dog is an expensive pleasure and a rarity, therefore, such a pet is purchased mainly in nurseries. Average price is around $ 1200.

Dog handlers examine puppies when they are 45 days old. At this time, the main breed standards are identified and their conformity is established. Then the young Hungarian Shepherd Dog is put up for sale.

It is advisable to acquire a puppy as early as possible in order to be able to influence the formation of his character

When choosing a puppy of the Komondor breed, you should pay attention to the absence of such exterior flaws:

  • the nose is colored unevenly;
  • there is no outline around the eyes;
  • the coat is sparse and short;
  • the skeleton is narrow and short;
  • the belly is too tucked up;
  • malformed bite;
  • the tail is short, curled, and rests on the croup.

A potential owner should not choose a dog from a photo, as it is important to take into account its character.

Shyness is unacceptable for a small Hungarian Shepherd Dog, as well as excessive aggression. She will not approach strangers right away, treating them wary, as if studying a new person.

It is good if the puppy is curious, balanced and calm.

The price of a puppy will always be determined by its quality. In addition, the cost is influenced by the good name of the nursery and maintenance costs.

Any pedigree dog involves the investment of the enormous labor of a decent breeder, and too low a price may indicate that the pets were knitted just like that.

An infant puppy is a lottery, as compliance with the standard can only be considered when the dog is 6 months old, so the cost may not be high.

The price of a promising Komondor, which has already grown and fully meets the breed standards, will be in a completely different range.

Care features

A small guard shepherd dog should live only in the house and only an adult dog can be trained to live on the street.

Important! It is unacceptable to put a komondor on a chain, as he can regard this as an insult and then it will be difficult to re-establish the lost contact!

  • You can wash a dog of this breed with special shampoos and only after testing for sensitivity.
  • The Hungarian Shepherd Dog has hanging ears, overgrown with thick hair, so they need constant cleansing with products sold in veterinary pharmacies.
  • The hair grows very densely between the toes, so it is easy to miss a driven splinter, which can provoke inflammation and suppuration. For this reason, many breeders recommend clipping the paw pads during the warmer months.
  • Thick felt-like cords get wet after drinking and eating natural food and often do not dry out. In summer, this is facilitated by the hot breath of the animal. There is a "conservation" of moisture and food debris, which leads to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. For this reason, the dog's beard should be wiped thoroughly both after eating and after walking.


Any photo of the Komondor guard shepherd vividly demonstrates its thick long hair, braided into ribbons. Its formation ends in the second year of the dog's life and such a "fur coat" requires special care.

You cannot comb the coat of the Hungarian Shepherd Dog, as the strands grow, they must be disassembled to prevent tangling

In autumn and spring, the Komondor sheds, but at the same time, a large amount of wool does not fall out. And after the final formation of the "cords", all the fallen hairs remain in the bundle. The characteristic doggy smell is absent, even if the dog is exposed to rain.

They are not used to care for a dog - the coat is too specific, and is not combed in the usual way.


This watchdog needs constant physical activity and daily walks in the fresh air. If the pet lives in a city apartment, then the owner must spend at least 2 hours a day walking.

At the same time, it is advisable to keep her on a leash in order to prevent trouble, since the Komondor can attack passers-by, who seemed to him to be intruders


The Hungarian Shepherd Dog is unpretentious in food and eats relatively little - about a kilogram of food per day. Dogs of this breed are not prone to obesity and can eat both natural food.

  • A puppy at the age of 1.5 months is fed 5 times a day;
  • a dog at 2-6 months - 4 times a day;
  • after six months - three times a day;
  • adult dogs - twice a day.

Important! A pet that lives on the street should receive a slightly larger amount of food - its diet is increased by 15%!


In good conditions, the Komondor lives for about 10-12 years and has good health. This is due to his lifestyle, purpose and habits, which have not changed over the centuries.

Typical diseases

  • Entropy is an inflammation of the eyes that occurs when the eyelashes rub against the cornea.
  • Deformation of the paws joints - representatives of any large breeds are susceptible to this disease, and the Komondor is no exception. To prevent this problem, a young dog should walk at an accelerated pace - a trot. This will strengthen the muscles in the limbs.

Often walking down stairs and steep descents is not worth it. Running and walking upwards are encouraged


They are made with polyvalent or monovalent vaccines.

Amazing creature!

Either a sheep or a dog. The eyes are tightly covered with wool, like curtains. Because of this, it is impossible to understand what this miracle of nature has planned - to attack, retreat, or simply ignore you. Only the owner of the komondor can read the thoughts of his pet, and it is not a fact that he will read it correctly.

Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the thoughts of the Komondor are always crystal clear, honest and straightforward. In a nutshell, this dog has one goal: "To serve and protect."

How to get lost in a flock of sheep

If you believe the Hungarian legends, namely Hungary is officially considered the birthplace of these amazing dogs, then the Komondors occurred as a result of unnatural mating games between sheep and wolves. Of course, it is difficult to imagine a wolf who, instead of simply gnawing a sheep's throat, begins, sorry, to take care of it or what happens to them in such cases.

And if there was even a word of truth in these legends, then the consequences could be the most terrible. Just imagine a sheep in command of a wolf pack, or a wolf, due to the inherited inheritance, who perfectly knows the habits of sheep and, of course, shamelessly uses this for his own selfish purposes.

But we sincerely believe that there was "nothing" between the wolf and the sheep. And wherever the Komondor came from, this dog turned out to be simply amazing: brave, strong, independent, well knowing its charges. A dog that, thanks to its appearance, can easily get lost in a flock of sheep, if, for example, you need to confuse, deceive or punish the same greedy wolf.

By the way, legends are legends, but experts officially state that the origin of this dog was not without wolf genes. One of the most important working qualities of the Komondor is that it is possible for them to shift all responsibility for protecting the flock for a long time, and these dogs will fully justify the trust placed in them.

King of all dogs

But let's start in order. When the Komondors appeared - no one knows. Various sources claim that the rock is about a thousand years old, but if documentary confirmation is required from these sources, then they, the sources, shyly shut up.

The first descriptions of Komondors are found in the annals of the mid-16th century. Then these dogs are mentioned by medieval authors more and more often, and in the most flattering expressions. Such as: "Komondor - the king among the shepherds", "Komondor - the leader and king among the dogs", "Only a Komondor can be trusted with his life" and so on. From this it is clear that the Komondors made, and quite reasonably, an indelible impression on everyone who met them at least once and remained alive at the same time.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Komondors received official status in international canine organizations. They appeared in the USSR immediately after the Great Patriotic War.

The legend says:

“Once, Serbian shepherds found wolf droppings, gave the wolf cubs water and began to watch them drink it.

The shepherds killed the wolf cubs that swallowed water, and the shepherds took those who lapped the water like dogs with them and taught them to guard their flocks. From the further crossing of dogs with these wolves, the Hungarian shepherd dogs presumably appeared. "

And everyone listened and dreamed of something dear ...

The ancestors of the Komondor breed were introduced to what is now known as Hungary by the Magyars around the middle of the 9th century AD. There are disagreements about the name of the breed, but there are two main versions: some believe that this is how the Magyars called their large white shepherd dogs, others believe that the word “Komondor” comes from the Italian “cane commodore”, which translates as “king of dogs”.

It's time-it's time-let's rejoice in our time to the Beauty and the cup, the happy blade, while-bye-swinging the feathers on our hats, we will whisper to fate more than once: "Mercy sideways" .... The hat has already flown off :)

The Hungarian Shepherd is one of the largest dogs in the world. The height at the withers in males is more than 80 cm, and the long white hair, rolled into original cords, makes the dog even more massive and impressive. At a puppy and young age, the Komondor's coat has not yet been braided into cords. At first, it is soft and wavy, as it grows up, it becomes curly, and only then the cords are formed. The coat of the Hungarian Shepherd Dog grows all its life and reaches the ground by old age. At this age, his coat weighs over seven kilograms and consists of about 2000 cords.

Oh, snow, snow, white blizzard, he says he loves, but I can't believe it!

The Komondor is ideal as a guard dog: he is fearless, courageous, loyal, always alert. His obvious mind makes it easy to train him, although even as a puppy, he will try to outwit his masters and establish his own rules. However, after the desired relationship with the family where he lives is established, he will happily adhere to the routine in the house.

Komondor, or Hungarian Shepherd Is a very unusual breed of dog. At first glance, it is sometimes difficult to recognize a dog in a huge ball of hair hanging down with dreadlocks, like a Jamaican Rastafarian. But despite the slightly awkward appearance, Komondors are excellent defenders, non-aggressive towards the owners, but always ready to help if the owner is in danger.

Komondor is a very ancient breed, which history is more than 1000 years old. This breed was bred by the Magyars (Hungarians) in the 9th century, hence the second name of the Komondor - the Hungarian Shepherd. Komodorov was used to graze livestock, most often sheep. A large strong dog was able to protect the herd from foxes, wolves, and if necessary, even from bears. The long hair of the Hungarian Shepherd, which fell into peculiar dreadlocks, protected it from the harsh climate: the Komondor did not care about wind, rain and snow, as well as low temperatures. Such a wool cover served not only as a reliable protection from wounds and bites of predators, but also as an excellent disguise: try to notice a large white shaggy dog ​​in a herd of shaggy white sheep.

The Hungarian Shepherd Dog is a large dog breed. Komondor males have an average height at the withers of 70-80 cm and weigh 50-60 kg, and females reach a height of 66-70 cm at the withers with 35-50 kg of weight. The Hungarian Shepherd Dog has a strong physique, a massive strong skeleton and well-developed muscle mass. According to the breed standard, the Komondor ears are drooping, the eyes are dark and almond-shaped, the nose is black, and the bangs fall over the eyes.

But most the characteristic distinguishing feature by which the Hungarian Shepherd can be recognized is its wool. The length of the Komondor coat can reach 60 cm. Komondor puppies are covered with a delicate down, however, by the age of two, the puppy down falls out, and coarse hair begins to grow, which is gradually woven into bundles (cords, dreadlocks). There are two types of hairline involved in dreadlocks: a soft undercoat of fine hair and a thick, stiff outer coat. Dreadlocks grow throughout the life of a Komondor, becoming thicker and longer. The Hungarian Shepherd Dog does not shed: even if the hair falls out from the hair follicle, it will forever remain woven into the bundle.

As already mentioned, such a specific wool cover protected the Komondor from bad weather and animal bites. By the way, dreadlocks protect the dog from both cold and heat. This is a kind of warm cotton robes worn by desert dwellers: they do not heat the body, but only maintain its natural temperature. Even if the heat outside is over 40 degrees, thanks to the dreadlocks, the temperature at the surface of the dog's body will remain unchanged. According to the standard, Komondor wool can only be white!

By the way, the Hungarian Shepherd does not have a specific "doggy" smell. This is due to the origin of the breed. Since the Komondors were herding dogs that guarded the herd, the canine smell could alert predators. The lack of smell helped to catch predators by surprise. Therefore, the commander smells like the environment around him.

Komondors are very intelligent dogs with a balanced temperament. They not only blindly obey their master, carrying out commands, but are also able to make independent decisions, analyzing this or that situation. Hungarian Shepherd Dogs are brave, reliable, hardworking dogs who clearly understand their duties and always fulfill them to the end. Komondors are usually loyal to the owner and his family members, obeying them in everything. However, you will have to earn the Komondor's loyalty and obedience.

The Hungarian Shepherd is a great protector of your home and kids. They are usually wary and even suspicious of strangers, but if there is no obvious danger and open aggression, the Komondor will never attack first. They will guard children and pets. Note, however, that males have a more severe temper than females. Therefore, males are more suitable for guarding a house or dacha, and to protect children and households, it is better to take a bitch.

If you have a Hungarian Shepherd Dog to guard the territory, do not chain her: Komondor is used to freedom of action. Considering that such a dog may well decide for itself how to act, you can safely leave it free, without a leash. Komondors rarely bite uninvited guests. They are used to hitting their heads. The Hungarian Shepherd Dog has such a strong neck and powerful head that with one blow they can easily break the spine of a wolf. In this case, a person will get off with a fracture, say, of the collarbone.

In principle, a chest of drawers can be kept in an apartment, but it is undesirable. As with any hunting and herding dogs, movement is vital for them. Far from nature and vast empty areas, the Hungarian Shepherd is uncomfortable. Therefore, the best place to keep a Komondor is a country house with a large garden plot, where the dog can safely run and frolic. Komondor needs long walks and sufficient physical activity.

Komondor care is simple: these dogs are rather unpretentious. However, their specific coat can become very loose. You cannot comb your dreadlocks with an ordinary comb, so you need a special brush with sparse teeth that do not comb the fur, but rather separate individual bundles.

The Hungarian Shepherd is an excellent breed for protection with an even temperament. Komondor is perfect for families with small children - it is unpretentious, friendly, non-aggressive and does not shed, therefore, practically does not cause allergies.