Cosmetics and products for normal skin. Normal skin care

Everyone wants to have beautiful, even, smooth skin. But instead, women have to suffer their whole lives. from black dots, acne, red spots, pigmentation, flaking and other cosmetic problems. Only a few become happy owners of a normal type of epidermis, which does not cause much trouble. However, do not think that this will always be the case. At any time, it can easily become too dry, too oily, problematic or sensitive. And then you have to go through all the circles of hell: salon procedures, tons of cosmetics, folk remedies, treatment, consultations with a dermatologist, etc. In order not to experience all this, you need a worthy one, to which, unfortunately, many are too frivolous.

First, make sure you have normal skin type and need proper care. If you use cosmetics for him for other purposes, you will not end up with a hassle over time. And there will be no return to its original state. Therefore, it is so important to ensure that the epidermis does not dry out, and constantly maintain the work of its sebaceous glands in order. Review the main signs of a normal skin type and determine if you really own it:

  • clear skin;
  • matte;
  • elastic;
  • smooth;
  • fresh;
  • healthy;
  • smooth;
  • elastic;
  • there are no black dots;
  • there is no feeling of tightness (especially in the morning);
  • pimples and acne are not even a trace;
  • color - "blood and milk";
  • does not peel off;
  • does not get irritated;
  • endures various whims of nature;
  • contains a normal amount of grease and a normal level of moisture in the cells;
  • pores are invisible;
  • wrinkles appear with age, but not so sharply and clearly.

For all its ideality, normal facial skin also requires decent care, on which you need to spend both energy and time, and even some part of the money. If you mistakenly believe that it will always remain so, in the end you will have to look for products and procedures for oily or dry skin, which will require much more costs. So it is better to carry out all activities in a timely manner. Start by selecting the funds you need to do this.

Helpful advice. To make sure you have normal skin type, do the following. Take a dry paper handkerchief and place it on your forehead. Press lightly on it with your fingers. Hold this for 30 seconds. Carefully inspect the side of the scarf that was in contact with the epidermis. If it has obvious greasy spots or peeling residues, your skin type is clearly not normal. After it, slight traces of sweat and sebum should remain on the paper.

Castor oil is a universal solution to facial skin problems.

Revise your entire makeup arsenal. Good and high-quality products are needed to care for normal skin. Do you have enough of them? Has the expiration date expired? Does your epidermis react to them? Do they bring any results? Are you using them correctly? Do not bypass any of these points if you want your skin to always remain the same radiant and beautiful.

  • be presented in 2 versions: night and day;
  • contain an SPF filter to protect against ultraviolet radiation;
  • include moisturizing ingredients;
  • after 35 years - have anti-aging properties;
  • nourish the skin;
  • apply twice a day after washing (or after mask).
  • Used with every face wash;
  • performs cleansing functions;
  • should not contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components, which are recommended exclusively for the care of problematic, teenage skin and acne;
  • it is better not to use scrub gels;
  • the alcohol content should be minimal;
  • it is good if it contains plant components (chamomile, aloe extract, calendula, tea tree oil, celandine, etc.), which moisturize, improve complexion, even out texture;
  • after 25 years, it is advisable to use gels with fruit acids (grape or citric), which will prevent premature aging and prevent the skin from becoming dry;
  • cream gels are heavy in structure, but they can be used to care for mature, normal skin.
  • Nourishes with antioxidants that prevent aging;
  • neutralizes skin irritation after washing;
  • restores the balance of acidity;
  • softens hard water;
  • is an antiseptic;
  • used after the washing procedure;
  • you can wipe your skin with it several times a day.
  • Should be as soft as possible;
  • use it no more than 1 time per week.
  • Must contain a note "for normal skin";
  • it can be nourishing or moisturizing;
  • look for the most natural remedy, even better - cook it from home food;
  • it should go in tandem with cream and scrub;
  • it is the basis for caring for normal skin types;
  • applied once a week.
  • Rejuvenate: lemon, lavender, tea tree, rose, orange.
  • Cleanse: rose, bergamot, orange, lemon.
  • Tones up: lemon, geranium, juniper, rosemary.
  • Soothes: mint, jasmine, lavender, ylang-ylang, chamomile, neroli, rose, tea tree, bergamot.
  • Oregano - for moisturizing.
  • Lavender - has a soothing effect on tired skin.
  • Mother-and-stepmother - makes it smooth and silky.
  • Parsley - has pigmentation whitening properties.
  • Dandelion - for age spots.
  • Rosemary - has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Chamomile - prevents the early appearance of expression and age wrinkles, soothes.
  • Thyme - moisturizes.
  • Sage - has a lifting effect, makes the skin youthful and radiant.

Do not listen to those who say that normal skin type does not require special care, as it is inherently perfect. This condition can end at any time, as soon as the epidermis begins to age, lose moisture, or the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. Pamper her with this makeup to protect her from such troubles and prolong her youthful bloom as long as possible. And, of course, learn how to use it.

On a note. Add cosmetic and essential oils suitable for the care of normal skin types to masks. You can wash your face with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

Basic rules for caring for normal skin simple, but require regularity and do not tolerate frivolous attitudes.

    1. Keep track of the expiration date of the cosmetics used for normal skin types.
    2. There should be one line of cosmetics.
  1. Protect your face from ultraviolet radiation and frost.
  2. Streamline your daily routine.
  3. Normalize your diet.
  4. Smoke and drink less alcohol.
  5. Sleep well.
  6. Be less nervous.
  7. According to your age, take, if possible, salon courses of cosmetic procedures.
  8. If you have any problems with your skin, seek help only from a specialist - beautician or dermatologist.

If you follow these recommendations for caring for normal skin, it will delight you with its invariably blooming appearance, beauty and health. And this is the saved nerves and money, compliments from others, successful photo sessions and attention of the opposite sex. To make all this present in your life, go in search of the appropriate cosmetics, and our small rating will help you.

It is important. As soon as you notice that the skin has become too dry or oily, change your makeup to another line so as not to spoil its condition.

  1. Activ Retinol - serum medium intensity for normal skin. Dermaceutic. France. $ 61.1.
  2. Fresh Aroma Therapeutic Cleansing Milk for normal skin - aroma-therapeutic cleansing milk for normal skin. $ 20.57. Christina. Israel. $ 20.5.
  3. Aqualia Thermal Leggera Cream - light cream with thermal water. Vichy. France. $ 10.8.
  4. Sea Herbal Beauty Mask Strawberry - strawberry mask for the beauty of normal skin. Christina. Israel. $ 10.4.
  5. Lotion toning for normal skin with stevia extract and antioxidants. Mirra. Russia. $ 8.1.
  6. Foam organic cleanser for normal skin. OrganicZone. Russia. $ 5.1.
  7. Endless freshness for normal to combination skin - double scrub for face. L'Oreal Paris. France. $ 5.
  8. Make-Up Expert - moisturizing cream- fluid for normal to combination skin. Nivea. Germany. $ 4.3.
  9. Refreshing tonic for normal to combination skin. Garnier. France. $ 3.3.
  10. Refreshing gel for washing for normal skin. Nivea. Germany. $ 3.2.

You don't need to use all this arsenal of tools. It will be enough to regularly apply gel, toner, cream, scrub and mask. Everything else - at will and mood. The main thing is that all cosmetics are marked “for normal skin type”. If you don’t trust chemistry - take it yourself to cook them.

Nuances. The serum is a cosmetic concentrate and has a healing effect on the skin. Therefore, for the normal type, it must be used with extreme caution.

Any cosmetic product for the care of normal skin types can be prepared at home, according to recipes.

Mix a tablespoon of jojoba oil, half a tablespoon of evening primrose oil, add 15 drops of tocopherol in oil, 8 drops of the following essential oils: geranium, frankincense, carrot seeds. To stir thoroughly. Pour into a dark glass bottle with a convenient pipette dispenser. Put in a cool dark place for a day. Shake well before each use. Apply 2-3 drops to the face every day after washing, rubbing over the entire surface of the skin. Shelf life is six months.

  • Homemade cleansing milk for normal skin

Mix milk cream (50 ml) with egg yolk, add 20 ml of lemon juice, 10 ml of brandy. Store in a refrigerator, preferably in a glass container. Wipe your face twice a day.

Mix a beaten raw egg with a glass of heavy, heavy cream, 10 ml of honey. Add 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. Recommended for use at night. Shelf life - no more than 3 days, in the refrigerator.

  • Home refreshing mask for normal skin types

Mix 20 ml sour cream with raw egg yolk, finely grated zest of 1 lemon. This mask will keep normal, healthy skin firm and fresh for a long time.

Mix melon juice with the same amount of mineral water. Wipe your face twice a day.

Mix 1 ampoule of vitamins A and E, 20 ml of cucumber juice, 10 ml of distilled water.

Mix 30 grams of natural coffee grounds with 15 grams of sour cream (15%).

  • Homemade Cleansing Foam for Normal Skin

Place 50 g of soap base in a small bowl and melt in a water bath. Pour in 60 ml of distilled water, add 10 ml of almond oil and wheat germ oil, 1 ampoule of vitamin E, 10 ml of honey. Beat. Refrigerate. Pour into a convenient container.

Grind a bar of baby soap with a grater. Prepare 1.5 liters of infusion or decoction of chamomile. Mix them, put on low heat. Keep stirring for a while. The resulting foam must be removed. After the soap has completely dissolved, turn off the fire and wait until the composition cools down. Add to it 20 ml of glycerin, 1 ampoule of vitamins A and E, a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

Complete normal skin care- a guarantee that she will always be in perfect condition, healthy and beautiful. The sooner you take care of this, the less hassle the same age-related changes will cause you later. Appropriate cosmetics, recommendations, rules, homemade recipes - take into account all these points, otherwise you will have to spend much more time and money on all this.

Normal skin requires daily complex care.

Normal facial skin care is generally not particularly troublesome. This is due to the fact that such a dermis has a normal water-fat balance, is sufficiently moisturized and produces an optimal amount of grease. Owners of normal skin have a healthy and even complexion, and enlarged pores with black dots are almost absent.

Complex care ka the basis of beauty

However, normal skin, like any other type of skin, needs proper care, because if it is not given proper attention, ignoring the importance of cosmetic procedures associated with caring for it, it can quickly become dry, and even worse and problematic.

Grooming activities include procedures such as cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, and of course, protection. It is also important not to forget about the season and climatic characteristics of your place of residence. Let's consider each of the listed procedures in more detail.

Cleansing: morning and evening

The main thing that you shouldn't do is abuse with soap during washing, because it can dry out the epidermis. For the washing procedure, cosmetologists strongly recommend using a special milk designed to care for normal dermis.

By the way, a general advice regarding the choice of cosmetics for cleansing the skin: any means intended for skin care should not have a negative effect on it, that is, they should not dry the skin too much or, on the contrary, provoke its increased fat content.

Professional cosmetologists advise to cleanse the skin not only in the morning, but also in the evening, before going to bed. In the morning, you can wash your face with slightly cool rebuilt water or water, or replace washing with a simple rubbing of your face with an ice cube. But you should be careful not to accidentally overcool the skin, so you need to wipe it for a maximum of 5 minutes.

Washing your face with ice cubes is best done along the massage lines. Before going to bed, you should also do skin cleansing procedures. It will not be superfluous to do a peeling once a week, having previously steamed the skin, but if there is a tendency to rosacea, steaming is not recommended.

Regular hydration and nutrition

A moisturizing moisturizer is ideal for moisturizing normal skin. If you use dense creams for moisturizing, then taking into account the properties of this type of skin, the cream will not be completely absorbed, but remaining on the surface will curl up, turning into a film. In addition, you need to know that in order for the skin to retain its qualities and remain hydrated, it is imperative to drink plenty of water.

In addition to day and night creams, masks should be done once or twice a day. For this procedure, you can purchase ready-made formulations in stores or use improvised products. For normal skin, masks made from vegetables and fruits, for example, from.

Reliable protection

Unlike other types of skin, normal skin does not require extensive protection. For owners of this type of dermis, it is better for her to avoid oily creams created to protect the skin in the cold season. Such creams can have a negative effect, which can be expressed in the clogging of pores with them and, as a result, lead to disruption of the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands.

In winter, in order to protect the face, experts advise using jojoba and olive oil, in particular, if a capillary network appears on the surface. In the summer, you definitely need to use sunscreen.

Considering all of the above, only one conclusion can be drawn: caring for normal facial skin will not take much time, so do not forget to devote time to your hands, and! The female coasota is a complex concept, so no site should be left unattended, even if others do not see it.

Mercredi shared the secrets of caring for normal skin, especially for the online magazine "Women's Hobbies".

Greetings, dear readers!

In order for a woman to remain attractive for many years, it is very important to take care of her appearance and maintain her health, it is necessary to know how to take care of her face skin.

Currently, a lot of attention is paid to natural, natural cosmetics, modern cosmetology

tries to adhere to the principle of "return to nature", using the gifts of the natural world. At home, water and alcohol extracts from different parts of plants are used.

The health of our skin depends on the state of the whole organism, any disturbances in the work of our body are reflected primarily on the skin. In order for the skin to be healthy and beautiful, you need to eat right and wholesome, give up bad habits, adhere to the daily regimen, be more outdoors, and lead an active lifestyle.

Our skin has many functions. The normal functioning of the skin depends on its health. The normal balance of the skin can be disrupted due to the harmful effects of the environment, stress, the use of inappropriate cosmetics, and the use of various medications. This can cause flaking and redness of the skin, early formation of wrinkles.

Skin is a mirror of human health. If any disturbances occur in the body, this is immediately reflected in the skin. How to preserve the skin, slow down the process of aging, aging of the skin?

The skin needs constant daily care with the use of cosmetics. Improper facial skin care leads to dry skin, irritation, and the water balance of the skin is disturbed. You can always prepare useful cosmetics at home from herbs, plants, fruits, vegetables, using almost any natural products and their medicinal properties.

Daily facial skin care includes:

  • cleansing,
  • toning,
  • nutrition, hydration and protection of the skin from external factors.

The choice of method and means of skin care depends on the type of skin. Depending on the moisture content of the skin and the amount of natural fatty tissue, 4 types of facial skin are divided - normal, oily, dry and combination skin. You need to know what your skin type is in order to successfully use your facial skin care products.

Normal skin care

Normal facial skin is smooth, firm, matte, without excessive shine, without defects, with a slight blush; normal skin is relatively rare. Such leather tolerates soap and water well, and is resistant to weathering. The main care for normal skin of the face is to maintain its normal functions, it also requires careful maintenance.

Cleansing normal skin of the face consists in proper washing, that is, cleansing the skin of dirt and sweat. Water is the best cosmetic product. When washing, the cells of the upper stratum corneum are washed off along with dust, dirt, grease, and sweat that have settled on them. It is good to supplement the cleansing effect of water by patting and stroking your face with your fingers while washing your face. This increases blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, improves nutrition and skin tone.

For washing, you need to use soft water, wash well with melted water, you can use thawed water. Hard tap water can be softened by boiling it or adding 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda per liter of water.

You should wash your face with water at room temperature, since when you wash your face with cold water, the skin dries up and begins to peel off. Using too warm or hot water with prolonged use causes the expansion of blood vessels - the skin becomes flaccid, flabby, and does not tolerate cold well.

It is enough to wash your face with normal skin 2 times a day, in the morning you can wash without soap, and in the evening you can cleanse your skin by washing your face with neutral soap such as "Baby" or "Cosmetic".

After you have washed and wiped off the skin with blotting movements using a soft napkin or towel, wipe your face well with a cotton swab with linden blossom infusion.

To prepare the infusion:

Pour 0.5 cups of boiling water over one tablespoon of linden flowers, cover, insist for 15 minutes, filter. Add 1/3 teaspoon of honey to the infusion. Moisten well, wipe the skin of the face and neck with this infusion, let dry.

This infusion additionally cleanses the skin, makes it elastic and tender, and prevents flaking. The infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

After washing, lubricate drier areas of the skin - eyelids, temples, nasolabial folds with an emollient cream for 20 - 30 minutes, then remove the remaining cream with a paper towel.

Cosmetic product for normal skin

To prepare a cosmetic product you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of green tea
  • 1 teaspoon of fennel fruit,
  • 1 teaspoon of dried calendula flowers,
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of apple cider vinegar,
  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

Grind green tea leaves, fennel fruits, dried flowers separately in a coffee grinder, then pour 3/4 cup boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain. Add glycerin and apple cider vinegar. Pour the finished product into a bottle. Store the cosmetic product in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.

Shake the bottle before use, then use a cotton pad to apply the infusion to clean skin. The cosmetic product contains flavonoids, essential oil, provitamin A and other useful components. The product perfectly tones the skin of the face, prevents redness and inflammation of the skin.

At night, it is useful to wipe the normal skin of the face with fruit or vegetable juices - carrot, cucumber, strawberry. They tone the skin, make it soft and elastic.

Cleansers for normal skin:

- Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Wipe your face with infusion in the morning.

- 1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoonful of plantain juice with water in the amount of 100 ml. Wipe your face with diluted juice once a day.

- Peel 1 orange, squeeze the juice. Soak a cotton pad in the juice and apply the juice to your face, leave to dry. Then wash yourself with water at room temperature.

- Pour 50 g of dry rose petals with a glass of boiling water, leave for 24 hours. Strain, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of glycerin. Wipe your face with infusion instead of washing your face in the morning or before bed.

- Grate 1 fresh cucumber, pour 1 glass of vodka and leave for 7 days. Strain. Wipe your face with this tonic 2 times a day.

Rose oil

- 50 g of dry rose petals, pour 200 ml of vegetable oil, heat in a water bath for 2 hours. Strain the finished oil after cooling. Rub the skin of your face with rose oil, let it absorb. Blot the remaining oil with a napkin.

Watch a short video:

How to determine your skin type

The article How to take care of your face skin. Normal facial skin contains useful recipes for cleansing and toning, nourishing the skin of the face. Use these simple recipes for normal skin care that are easy to make at home.

There will be many interesting recipes for nourishing face masks made from natural remedies in the following articles on facial skin care.

Read also interesting articles:

How to prepare a mask for normal skin

Always be healthy and beautiful, dear readers! I would be glad if you share the article with your friends and express your opinion in the comments.

Normal skin type is the ultimate dream for any woman. It is with this kind of skin that the least problems are. Unlike the combined one, there is no greasy shine on the forehead with flaky cheeks. Inflammations due to clogged pores, which suffer from oily skin, are not familiar to the normal type, as are early wrinkles from excessive dryness. Normal skin could be called ideal, if not for its only drawback - it is too rare. According to statistics, no more than 8% of women can boast of this miracle of nature. Caring for normal skin is simple and straightforward, and does not require much effort. Nevertheless, it must be, and must be regular and correct, so that the youthfulness of the face and the excellent condition of the skin are preserved for as long as possible.

Normal skin should not be overloaded with caring cosmetics, the simplest remedies are enough - a light nourishing or moisturizing cream, which must be applied to a wet face after daily washing in the morning and evening.

Another common mistake girls can make is not cleansing enough. Despite the fact that normal skin does not react quickly to such a disdainful attitude, for example, as oily, in no case should you go to bed without rinsing the makeup off your face. In addition to decorative agents, a large amount of dust and other pollution accumulates on the face during the day, which, in combination with sebaceous secretions, can form a fertile soil for bacteria. Therefore, even if you did not wear makeup today, an evening wash should be required.

Basic principles of caring for normal skin

1. Cleansing.

Despite the fact that normal skin type is the only one of all known, which calmly reacts to washing with ordinary soap, I still recommend using a milder and more thorough means - milk or foam for daily cleansing. They contain special substances that help skin cells to restore water balance faster. As a last resort, use a non-scented soap. Baby soap is perfect for these purposes.

After cleansing, rinse your face with lukewarm water. You can also draw an ice cube along the massage lines. After all, it remains to dry the skin with a towel, gently pressing it to the face. You cannot rub your face while doing this, it is fraught with early wrinkles.

Throughout the day, it is useful to wipe the skin with a cotton pad dipped in alcohol-free tonic or herbal infusion. This will refresh and invigorate her. The following pharmaceutical herbs are ideal for normal skin - linden, mint or chamomile. You can also prepare cosmetic ice from the infusion and apply it no later than half an hour before going outside.

2. Moisturizing

It is a more important part of caring for normal skin than nutrition, since this type of skin produces enough of its own fat, and there will be no excess moisture. In the warm season, a light product (gel or liquid cream) with moisturizing ingredients is used in the morning, in winter - in the evening, before bedtime. Apply it with patting movements in the direction of the massage lines.

It is also important to follow the correct drinking regimen to moisturize the cells from the inside. Throughout the day, you should drink at least one and a half liters of pure or non-carbonated mineral water, which is also useful for washing.

3. Nutrition

As I said above, normal skin nutrition should be very moderate. She does not need "heavy" fatty creams, the best for her will be light liquid products based on plant and algal extracts. After the age of twenty-five, you can pay attention to cosmetics containing collagen.

4. Protection

I have said it many times, I will repeat it again - the use of products with UV filters is a prerequisite for any skin, at any time of the year. Sun protection is essential in the fight against premature aging.

It is good if the composition of cosmetics contains vitamins E and C, known for their antioxidant properties.

Masks for normal skin

Masks are a nice bonus in skin care. They are recommended to be done once or twice a week in order to nourish the face with useful substances and improve metabolic processes in cells. I suggest trying these options for masks that will be useful for normal skin.

Curd mask

Olive oil;

Carrot juice.

The ingredients are mixed in equal parts and applied in a thick layer on a clean face, avoiding the under-eye area. After a quarter of an hour, the composition is washed off, and the skin is wiped with an ice cube.

Watermelon mask

Watermelon (1 slice)

Watermelon is peeled from the peel and seeds, mashed and treated with the skin. A napkin or towel is applied on top of the face and also left for a quarter of an hour. The watermelon mask is washed off with warm water, after which the cream is applied to the skin.

Berry mask

Strawberries (3 pcs.);

Strawberries (3 pcs.);

Cottage cheese (2 tablespoons).

The components are mixed into a slurry, applied for fifteen minutes. The berry mask is washed off with cool water and a cream is applied.

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal (2 tablespoons);

Milk (4 tablespoons);

Olive oil (1 tablespoon);

Honey (1 tsp).

Mix the components and leave for some time until the flakes swell. The mask is applied to the face and neck. Wash off first with warm, then cold water.

Parsley mask

The greens are crushed, water is added and brought to a boil, then filtered and the resulting gruel is used for a compress. Parsley is wrapped in cheesecloth and put on the face for half an hour. After removing the compress, the skin is wiped with dry cotton wool.

Normal skin type differs from other types in that there are practically no problems with it. Owners of normal skin are lucky ones who do not suffer from excessive dryness or oily skin. However, this does not mean that you need to take care of such skin anyhow. On the contrary, normal skin requires the same care as it does.

Normal skin: characteristic

Normal skin type is characterized by features such as:

  • healthy uniform color,
  • smoothness,
  • elasticity,
  • fit,
  • elasticity and absence of noticeable wrinkles,
  • lack of enlarged pores, redness, peeling,
  • lack of feeling of tightness and discomfort after washing.

The sebaceous glands of such skin secrete fat in a normal and sufficient amount for the body, and therefore the owners of normal skin of the face do not have the problems that the owners of other types of skin struggle with :, and skin.

Normal skin care

Caring for normal skin includes 4 important components:

  • cleansing,
  • toning,
  • moisturizing,
  • nutrition.

Cleansing normal facial skin

Whether you've applied makeup or not, your skin needs to be cleansed. Many people think that after spending the whole day at home, the skin is not exposed to pollution, but this is not the case. Daily skin cleansing is one of the prerequisites for its health and radiance.

You can cleanse the skin with gels or foams for washing in the morning and evening. Be sure to buy all the cosmetics specifically for your skin type and follow the instructions.

It is helpful to use a scrub from time to time to cleanse your skin. Scrubs, by the way, are easy to do at home. For example, a scrub made from coffee grounds or is well-deservedly popular.

You can wash and wipe your skin with decoctions and herbal infusions. Decoctions and infusions of chamomile, mint, sea buckthorn, hops, yarrow, lemon balm, rose hips, dill have a good effect on normal skin.

Toning normal facial skin

Between cleansing the skin and applying a moisturizer or nourishing cream to it, there is usually a toning of the skin. All kinds of face tonics do this task well: they can be used to complete the stage of cleansing the skin, refresh it, and restore the level of moisture.

If you wish, by the way, you can prepare the tonic yourself at home. For example, pour 2 cups of rose petals with clean water and put on low heat until the petals turn pale. Cool and use as directed.

It is also useful to wipe the skin with ice cubes. You can freeze plain clean water or make ice from the juice of healthy vegetables or fruits. For example, ice from cucumber juice. To do this, use a juicer, and if not, grate a fresh cucumber on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of the resulting gruel through cheesecloth. Pour it into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. The ice will be ready in a few hours.

Moisturizing normal facial skin

Adequate hydration is very important to maintain skin elasticity, firmness and youthfulness.

Moisturizers can be applied morning and evening. If there is no slight tightness of the skin in the evenings, then you can apply a moisturizer only in the morning.

Before applying cream or makeup, just during the day (especially in hot weather), you can use thermal water. Such water has protective and emollient properties, moisturizes and even mattifies the skin.

Pamper your skin with moisturizing face masks 1-2 times a week. For example, mix 2 tablespoons. any honey with the yolk of a chicken egg and 1 tsp. olive oil and apply on skin for 15-20 minutes.

At home, try to maintain optimal air humidity - this is very beneficial for your skin. You can humidify the air using, in fact, special humidifiers or wet towels, which must be put on a warm radiator or heater.

Compliance with the drinking regime also plays an important role. It is necessary to help the body not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The normal amount of water for a person is 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day (not including other drinks and soups).

Nutrition for normal facial skin

Nourishing creams are thicker and more greasy in consistency. They are necessary in order to saturate the skin with the vitamins and minerals it needs. The nourishing cream is useful in cold and windy weather to protect the skin from adverse external conditions.

You can also nourish the skin with beneficial substances with the help of face masks. For example, 2 tsp. chopped oatmeal or oat flour mix with 2 tsp. any honey and 1 tsp. tea leaves + add a little warm water. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes.

  • Try to eat right. Abuse of flour and confectionery, as well as a passion for fatty and salty foods, fast food can lead to skin problems. However, like all kinds of diets: cutting back on fish, nuts, oils will also not be beneficial.
  • Be sure to rinse off your makeup and cleanse your skin at night. At night, the skin should rest and be saturated with oxygen, and the particles of decorative cosmetics remaining on the face are a direct path to clogged pores and other imperfections.
  • When buying cosmetics for moisturizing and nourishing the skin, pay attention to what age this or that cream is intended for.
  • From time to time, self-massage the skin of the face: it helps to activate metabolic processes in cells, strengthen muscle tissue, tone the skin, and fight the appearance of wrinkles.

Be healthy and happy!