Skin after chemical peeling. The structure of the skin. Medium chemical face peeling

Chemical peeling - cosmetic facial treatment which helps to rejuvenate and eliminate various skin imperfections.

It is essentially a controlled acid burn., the degree of which depends on the concentration of the acid.

The procedure is effective and popular, but in order to obtain the desired result, in order to avoid complications after chemical peeling, proper facial care is required.

The skin is treated with a special acid, which helps to eliminate wrinkles, acne, remove the dead layer of cells, normalize the sebaceous glands.

Chemical peels can be deep, medium, superficial.

Deep- the most effective, but the most traumatic peeling. The upper layer of the epidermis and the dermis layer are removed. The procedure is comparable to a third degree burn.

Superficial peeling- the safest, in which only the top layer of dead cells is removed. You can do it yourself at home. Designed to get rid of minor flaws.


After deep peeling (phenol) the following manifestations are observed:

  • severe facial swelling;
  • severe redness and irritation of the skin;
  • peeling that does not go away for several days;
  • severe unbearable itching.

How to care for your face after chemical peeling?

With superficial peeling the effect on the skin is the least traumatic. It can affect only the stratum corneum or several layers of the epidermis, which are composed of living cells.

After such a procedure, the skin becomes fresh, the grayish tint goes away. The process of their renewal is being stimulated. The skin is lightened, the pores are cleansed and narrowed.

Superficial peeling carried out using alpha hydroxy acids:

  • glycolic;
  • almond;
  • apple;
  • dairy;
  • lemon and others.

The procedure does not cause pain, there is no need for long-term rehabilitation. You can spend it at any time of the year. This is the safest type of peeling, but it requires multiple treatments to enhance the effect.

Medium peeling provides for almost complete removal of the epidermis. This triggers regenerative skin reactions. The procedure successfully fights against the manifestations of skin aging, fine wrinkles, post-acne.

The surface of the scars is leveled, superficial keratomas, age spots, freckles are removed.

During peeling, living skin cells are destroyed, the formation of new cells is accelerated. There is an activation of the process of growth of new capillaries in the skin, the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for elasticity.

More than concentrated trichloroacetic acid (TCA)... The effect is pronounced and noticeable within a week. Provides a rejuvenating effect from one to two years.

But this type of peeling causes a burning sensation. A rehabilitation period of about a week is also required. All this time, the skin peels off.

Medium peeling does not cope with facial and vertical wrinkles, nasolabial folds. Not suitable for dark-skinned people - may impair skin pigmentation.

Deep peeling destroys all layers of the epidermis. Removes wrinkles and scars that affect deep layers of the skin.

This is a very painful and traumatic type of peeling. There is a high risk of toxic effects of phenol on internal organs. It is performed under general anesthesia.

Repeated use can cause the skin to turn yellow-white, waxy. The risk of infection in the postoperative period is high.

Before and after peeling antibiotics must be taken for two weeks.

Healing can take up to six months. The procedure is usually done once in a lifetime.

For skin care after chemical peeling of the face, you must:

What else cannot be done after peeling? After peeling do not touch the skin in the first hours... You can get an infection.

On the second day or later, the film formed after the procedure will begin to crack and come off. It is forbidden to touch or rip it off. The flaking will go away in two weeks or less.

During the rehabilitation period do not use regular foundation or powder, only mineral cosmetics or Korean BB creams, with the permission of a doctor.

? Alcohol can dilate blood vessels, increasing the risk of bruising and bruising. Some acids are very toxic, like alcohol.

The interaction of two toxic substances will lead to unpredictable consequences.

How to smear your face after chemical peeling?

Post-peel care products


Tinted protective cream after chemical peeling. Provides maximum protection against UV radiation thanks to the content of sun protection filters.

The main properties of the product: antibacterial and antifungal. Shea butter provides easy application, red clay helps to mask skin imperfections well.

Composition: Shea butter, zinc oxide, red clay of the mountains of Israel, triclosan, common larch extract and other components. Apply to the skin in an even layer.

Price: 2800 rubles.


  • increased skin elasticity;
  • protection and restoration;
  • the effect of antioxidants on capillaries and skin cells;
  • improving the color of the skin;
  • reducing the number of wrinkles.

Composition: extract of aloe vera, mimosa, hydrolyzed soy protein, soluble collagen, apricot kernel oil and other useful components. Apply the cream to cleansed skin twice a day and distribute evenly until absorbed.

Price: 3300 rubles.

Restoring protective post-peeling cream. Action means:

  • intensely moisturizes;
  • soothes and tones;
  • relieves inflammation, relieves irritation and swelling;
  • suitable for the prevention of dryness and flaking;
  • restores the protective functions of skin cells;
  • accelerates the regeneration process;
  • enriches skin cells with oxygen, nourishes with active ingredients;
  • improves local blood circulation;
  • regulates metabolic processes of cells;
  • softens the skin, improves its elastic properties;
  • provides protection against UV radiation and other aggressive environmental factors;
  • restores after chemical peeling.

Composition: collagen, vitamin E, avocado oil, panthenol, lecithin and other components.


  1. Apply a few drops to cleansed skin and distribute evenly.
  2. Massage in gently until absorbed.
  3. The cream is applied in the cold season 15 minutes before going outside.
  4. The use of the product after a median and deep peeling is strictly during the rehabilitation period.

Price: 820 rubles for a tube of 30 ml.


Action post-peeling serum B1 from Sismetica is aimed at restoring the epidermal barrier, nutrition, hydration, getting rid of the feeling of tightness, burning and itching.

The serum helps to speed up the healing process of tissues, provides protection from aggressive environmental influences, evens out skin tone. Thanks to the remedy, the stratum corneum is healed, the skin's immunity is increased. Cannot be applied to the eyelid area.

Composition: kukui oil, jojoba, amaranth, squalane, vitamin E, silicon biocomplex and other components. Available in self-rinsing ampoules of two milliliters.

Serum Laser Repair Serum from a South Korean brand Storyderm has the following actions:

  • skin regeneration;
  • moisturizing, protection;
  • nutrition of the skin, giving it elasticity and health;
  • restoration of the protective barrier of the skin;
  • filling the space between collagen fibers of cells, smoothing wrinkles;
  • improving cell metabolism;
  • antioxidant action.

The product is designed for skin care after peeling, laser procedures, scrub, plastic surgery. Ingredients: garden purslane extract, panthenol and other components.

The serum should be used after the toner, evenly applied to the skin twice a day. Apply two days before and immediately after the procedure.

Other serum Christina Rose de Mer Calm & Hydrate soothes and moisturizes the skin, suitable for all skin types. The product is designed to saturate the skin with moisture, increase its elasticity, and relieve irritation after peeling.

Able to mimic the natural moisturizing factor, and hyaluronic acid retains moisture in deep layers. Extracts and a soothing composition (arnica, chamomile, sweet licorice) provide skin care and smooth texture.

Other components: butylene glycol, sodium lactate, fructose, glycine, urea, cellulose resin.


Deeply moisturizes and cares for. Properties:

  • neutralization of the action of free radicals;
  • restoration of the capillary wall, improvement of microcirculation;
  • an increase in the thickness and density of the epidermis;
  • increased skin elasticity;
  • restoration of barrier functions;
  • removal of inflammation and irritation.

Composition: hyaluronic acid, amino acids, glycerin, panthenol, oat, dandelion extracts, kaolin and others.

The product is applied to clean skin, left for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water. A moisturizing serum can be applied under the mask to enhance the effect.

Price: 860 rubles.

Thanks to the active ingredients, it has a therapeutic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. Lavender oil is able to relieve hyperemia, irritation, edema, regenerate, and relieve pain.

Kaolin and zinc oxide dissolve sebum to cleanse, brighten and tighten pores. Allantoin and chamomile extract help the skin get rid of redness, amino acids and oligosaccharides fill with moisture. Suitable for darsonvalization.

First, you need to treat the skin with lotion, then apply a mask. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. Then apply a moisturizer.

Price: 1900 rubles.

Mask Christina Rose de Mer Peel & Renew exfoliates and renews. Provides removal of the remaining scales, hydration, renewal, stimulation of cell metabolism.

Composition: peanut and mineral oil, shea butter, microcrystalline and beeswax, isopropyl, cetyl alcohol, methylparaben, allantoin and others.

There are a lot of remedies for skin restoration after chemical peeling. But the most effective and most suitable will help you choose a cosmetologist.

Having made the decision to write an article on the topic "Chemical peels", I never for a second doubted that I would not be alone in doing this, because in practice, cosmetologists carry out superficial-median, median and deep peels, and superficial ones are performed by cosmetology nurses. Therefore, my “right hand”, Alexandra, took an active part in writing this article.

Everyone knows that since 2009 the profession of “doctor-cosmetologist” has officially appeared in Russia, there has been a well-known division into “household services” and “cosmetology services”, hairdressing salons, which offered “injecting Botox”, have become a thing of the past. Nowadays, cosmetologists and cosmetology nurses usually work in medical centers that provide cosmetology services. And this is no coincidence. The initial consultation, of course, is carried out by doctors, but then there is a "separation of powers", all injection procedures are performed by cosmetologists, and procedures without breaking the skin are performed by cosmetology nurses. These include all types of cleansing (including ultrasonic and mechanical), massages, cosmetic treatments, eyebrow and eyelash architecture, various options for epilation and depilation, as well as superficial chemical peels.

Chemical peeling

Today, perhaps, there is no better procedure that simultaneously solves such a wide range of skin problems as chemical peeling. The properties of acids to renew the skin through its controlled damage suggest a solution to problems such as seborrhea and acne, scars, age-related skin changes (in particular, static wrinkles), hyperpigmentation of various origins, rosacea, etc. Is chemical peeling a panacea for all skin imperfections? Let's figure it out in this article.

Chemical peeling- This is a controlled damage to the skin using chemical agents in order to correct aesthetic skin imperfections. As chemicals used drugs containing AHA (alpha hydroxy acids) and BHA (beta hydroxy acids). Among the ANA acids, the most popular are lactic, almond, glycolic, pyruvic. Salicylic acid remains the favorite among BHA acids.

Chemical peels are classified according to the depth of impact on the surface (the level of the stratum corneum), superficial-median (work at the level of the entire epidermis), median (impact to the basement membrane with partial work at the level of the papillary dermis) and deep (to the border of the reticular dermis). It should be noted that in cosmetology, surface and middle peelings are more often used. Deep peelings (phenolic) are currently carried out extremely rarely, which is associated with the high toxicity of the drug (both for the patient and for the cosmetologist himself) and the development of hardware methods for correcting cosmetological deficiencies, which are not inferior in efficiency to deep peels, but with minimal risk side effects and complications.

Ask an expert

Natalya Anatolyevna, you are a recognized expert for many years in the field of chemical peels. How has the concept of chemical peels changed recently and what place do they occupy in modern aesthetic medicine at the moment?

Peeling without destroying the basement membrane (it can be different in composition - chemical, enzymatic, retinoic; it can be presented in different forms - lotion, gel, cream, mask, etc.) allows you to quickly and without consequences bring the skin into a presentable form, very gently and safely stimulate its renewal, is a relatively inexpensive procedure of choice for the vast majority of patients and should occupy a strong position in aesthetic medicine. More traumatic types of peels are also effective, but should be used less often and with more strictly verified indications. Over the past few years, I have only strengthened in this position, but the general situation demonstrates that nowadays, even at the initial visit to a cosmetologist, even patients who have no previous experience of non-traumatic care procedures are increasingly being offered injection and apparatus methods of exposure. And patients, motivated by the media and fear of not being like everyone else, being irretrievably late in the fight against aging, sincerely believe in the correctness of this approach. At the same time, a paradoxical picture is often observed - many invasive expensive procedures have been performed, but the condition of the skin itself leaves much to be desired. And I just want to do a light, very superficial peeling or mask and wipe the skin with lotion.

Peeling selection

When choosing a peeling, we will rely on the following criteria:

  1. The concentration of active ingredients, that is, the percentage of acid input (the higher the concentration of chemical agents, the stronger the effect of the peeling and the higher the result, but the irritation also increases).
  2. peeling pH. This indicator is often forgotten, and after all, a change of only 0.5 can drastically change the response of the skin. For example, glycolic peeling with a pH of 2.5, if applied correctly, will provoke gentle exfoliation of horny scales, lighten pigmentation, stimulate keratinocyte division and enhance metabolic processes in the skin. However, glycolic peeling with a pH of 2.0 is no longer recommended for patients with subtype 1 rosacea, as it will provoke a vascular reaction.
  3. Peeling texture: gel or in the form of a solution (water-alcohol). For gel, the depth of penetration depends on the exposure time, the penetration is slow, and accordingly, there is less skin irritation. It must be washed off with water before neutralization. With water-alcohol, the depth of penetration depends on the number of layers applied, it is necessary to wait for each layer to dry and very carefully monitor the reaction of the skin, when bright erythema or frost appears, immediately neutralize it.

The depth of chemical peeling and the number of procedures are selected by the cosmetologist or dermatologist individually, directly dependent on the patient's health (anamnesis is carefully collected), age, skin condition and phototype. Recently, special attention has also been paid to the profession and lifestyle, which is associated with possible rehabilitation (peeling, redness, the appearance of a feeling of "constriction", etc.).

Skin phototypes: Fitzpatrick classification

There is a Fitzpatrick classification of skin that describes the degree of skin pigmentation and the ability to tan. This classification subdivides the skin according to the risk factors for complications of chemical peels. Fitzpatrick distinguishes six types of skin, taking into account both its color and its reaction to the sun:

  • Type I. Celtic
    The skin is delicate, milky white, often with freckles, red or very blonde hair, and blue or green eyes. The formation of melanin in the skin is insignificant, sunburn is possible, sunburn practically does not persist (most often residents of Ireland, Scandinavia, Scotland. Example: Rene Zellweger, Nicole Kidman)
  • II type. Light european
    Typical blondes. The skin is light, there are few or no freckles. Hair is light brown, from light blond to gray-blond. The eyes are blue, gray, greenish. The tan lays down poorly, a slight golden tint remains (approximately 70% of the population of Europe. Example: Merlin Monroe, Charlize Theron)
  • III type. Dark european
    Skin color changes seasonally. In winter, the skin is light and has a high contrast with the hair. In the summer, with tanning, the contrast between skin and hair is sharply reduced, the skin acquires a dark complexion. Hair from medium blond to dark blond, from medium brown to dark brown. Eyes from light brown to dark brown, gray-green, dark green (population of Kazakhstan, Central Asia. Example: Natalie Portman, Audrey Hepburn)
  • IV type. Mediterranean, or South European
    The skin is dark olive. Hair from dark brown to dark chocolate. The eyes are rich brown shades, the iris contrasts sharply with the bluish white of the eyes. Skin of this type quickly acquires an even bronze tan (representatives of Armenia, Italy. Example: Monica Beluchi, Salma Hayek)
  • V type. Indonesian, or Middle Eastern
    The skin is very complex with a yellow tint. Hair from dark brown to black. The eyes are deep brown, closer to black (residents of China, India, Korea. Example: Lucy Liu, Nicole Scherzinger)
  • VI type. African American
    The skin is very dark (ethnic). Hair and eyes are as dark as possible. This type has the highest levels of melanin (indigenous people of the African continent. Example: Beyoncé, Naomi Campbell)

For our region, the most relevant phototypes from I to IV.

Patients with type I and II skin and significant photodamage require constant sun protection before and after the chemical peel procedure. However, the risk of developing hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation in these individuals is quite low. Patients with skin types III and IV after chemical peeling are at greater risk of pigmentary dyschromia - hyper- or hypopigmentation - and may require prior and subsequent use of not only sunscreen, but also a bleaching agent to prevent these complications. The risk of discoloration is not too high after a very superficial or superficial peel, but it can be a significant problem after a medium or deep chemical peel.

Peeling application: pros and cons

Let's take a closer look at the process of skin renewal, dividing its pros and cons.

The positive effect of peels associated with effects at the level of the epidermis and dermis:

  1. Chemical acids stimulate the division of keratinocytes, enhance the synthesis of signaling molecules; the epidermis becomes denser, more elastic and homogeneous.
  2. The growth of new blood vessels begins, which are necessary for the delivery of building materials, cellular elements to the area of ​​restoration work, as well as the removal of metabolites.
  3. Under the influence of growth factors, fibroblasts are activated, which begin to build a collagen framework. This scaffold facilitates the movement of keratinocytes, which regenerate the epidermis.

This process leads to smoothing of the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity.

However, it is important to remember about side effects of chemical peels that arise due to non-compliance with post-peeling care or an incorrectly selected procedure:

  1. Keratinocytes (the main cells of the epidermis, the surface layer of the skin), under stress, release substances that stimulate the formation of melanin, which can ultimately provoke the appearance of hyperpigmentation.
  2. The appearance of persistent hyperemia (redness).
  3. Exacerbation of a dermatological disease (most often in their practice, cosmetologists are faced with an exacerbation of herpes infection).
  4. Scars (most often occur after midline peelings, for this reason, these techniques can only be performed by certified specialists).

The history of chemical peeling is more than 3000 years old; even at one time, the products of fermentation of milk (lactic acid) were used by Egyptians to lighten the face. In the 80s of the last century, after studying the effects of trichloroacetic (TCA) acid and phenol on the skin, the first chemical peeling procedure was performed in the United States. In Russia, the procedure appeared relatively recently - in the late 90s, but today it is one of the most popular, carried out in a cosmetology office.

Expert opinion

I would clearly distinguish between the meaning of non-traumatic peels that do not lead to irreversible changes in the skin, and peels with damage to the basal layer.

I deliberately avoid the terms "superficial" and "deep", since there is no common attitude on this issue.

For those who are mainly engaged in invasive techniques, peeling within the entire epidermis, but without destroying the basal layer, will still be superficial, and for those who are afraid of even minor flaking and redness, just contact with living cells of the epidermis will already be a sign of deep impact. And it can be both doctors and cosmetologists with secondary medical education. I have seen many dermatologists who are afraid to apply even a cream or lotion with a low concentration of acids on themselves.

So, from the point of view of the efficacy / safety profile, the most important, in my opinion, are various options for exfoliation within the stratum corneum with infrequent (2-3 times a year) depressions to the layers of living cells, without damaging the basal layer. This kind of peeling should be one of the main tools of the cosmetologist. Recovery after such a peel occurs quickly and fully. According to my observations, people who receive regular, very gentle and non-aggressive care, which, if necessary, include light peeling, in combination with the observance of the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle, maintain good skin condition for a very long time. And if the heredity is also good, then there is no need to resort to manipulations damaging the skin at all.

But this is from the point of view of common sense and a non-commercial approach to the problem.

In fact, on the one hand, there is an increase in the comfort of life and the appearance of free time, which allows one to think too much about oneself beloved, which means that one is increasingly afraid of old age, "ugliness", inconsistency with someone invented fashion trends.

On the other hand, there is an overproduction of not only goods, but also ideas, which are not always optimal and necessary, but which make it possible to earn money.

And the change in trends and preferences taking place in aesthetic medicine is not so much the result of truly scientific achievements as a reflection of the processes taking place in society.

Recently, in some countries, including Russia, there has been a bias towards the use of injection and hardware techniques. It is fashionable, well-publicized, subconsciously perceived as a more radical method of influence, since a syringe or a complex technique is traditionally associated with something more effective than a pill or ointment. And, which is very important, it is profitable, for a unit of time a much greater profit is obtained than when performing treatments, massages, and training in gymnastics. It is very difficult for all participants in the process (both doctors, patients and manufacturers) to accept that despite the tremendous technological progress, we are still very far from the ability to radically influence the processes that determine age and other characteristics of the body. “We are flying into space, which means that cosmetology devices and high-tech drugs must decide everything,” - this is the logic that is typical for very many. Under the influence of these factors, doctors believe in injections and devices much more than in simple manipulations, including superficial peeling.

It is no coincidence that I say precisely “doctors believe” and not “proved by doctors, doctors know”, because despite the ever-increasing requirements for training, an increasing number of congresses and conferences, the general level of understanding of what are really proven facts and what is desirable , passed off as valid, remains low. Everyone wants to "rejuvenate" and effectively "rejuvenate". And this determines the perception of information and practical data: we see what we want to see, we believe in what we want and it is profitable to believe. In fact, very simple and affordable treatments are still relevant for complete skin care.

One of the most effective and frequently used procedures for renewing and rejuvenating the skin today is recognized as chemical peeling - the elimination of imperfections and deep wrinkles without surgery. Since such a peeling is a radical method, it must certainly take place in a specially equipped cosmetologist's office and only if there are serious indications. What is the procedure, who needs it and when? You will find the answers to these questions in the material below.

In cosmetology, there are three types of chemical peels, the difference between which lies in the degree of effect on the skin.

  • Light or superficial chemical peels have a destructive effect on several layers of dead skin cells. This is the most gentle type of peeling using chemical preparations. The absence of side effects after the procedure allows you to continue your usual lifestyle. This method is recommended for young and usually problem skin. The effect of the procedure is short-lived, so the courses should be repeated.
Superficial chemical peeling is a fairly simple procedure that can be performed even at home.
  • Median chemical peeling completely destroys the stratum corneum of the skin down to the basement membrane. A home regimen is required within 7 days after the procedure. This is due to hyperemia of the face and small or large-scale peeling of the skin on it. Such peeling is usually performed to solve certain problems or to smooth out age-related changes in the dermis. The effect persists for a long time, the sessions should be repeated no earlier than a year later. The most common type of such peel is the Jessner peel.
  • The most complex, deep chemical peeling is aimed at exfoliating the epidermis with an effect on the basement membrane. This rather important operation is carried out under anesthesia, as it is practically a chemical burn of the skin, followed by its regeneration. This peeling is carried out in a hospital in order to remove scars, scars and deep wrinkles from the skin. The long-term effect reaches several years, but the procedure can be done only once in a lifetime. The rehabilitation period is approximately 5 months.

The effect of acid peels on the skin

Chemical peeling, as mentioned above, destroys certain layers of the skin (depending on the type of procedure), burning it. What actually happens to the skin during and after peeling, let's write down the points.

  • When the epidermis comes into contact with the peeling mass, it is damaged - a chemical burn.
  • The reaction of skin cells is the enhanced production of inflammatory mediators, signaling molecules, and growth factors of enzymes.
  • The mitotic activity of basal cells reaches its maximum, that is, the cells of the dermis begin to actively renew themselves.
  • The formation of new vessels occurs, as well as the activation of the production of fibroblasts, which contributes to the synthesis of new fibrillar protein (collagen), as well as elastin, glycosaminoglycans and all enzymes.
  • The dermis becomes denser and thicker, all layers of the skin are abundantly moisturized.

Description of the stages of the chemical peeling procedure

  1. After preliminary cleansing and degreasing the patient's face, the beautician moistens a cotton swab in a chemical solution, and then squeezes it thoroughly. It is important to do this in order to avoid getting the solution on the mucous membrane of the eye.
  2. Then the solution is rubbed in with a cotton applicator for 30-60 minutes. The duration of the procedure is due to changes in skin color. The specialist begins to process the work surface from the forehead. The solution is then rubbed into the nose, cheeks and chin area. With particular care, the acid mixture is applied to areas where wrinkles are present.
  3. The next step in the procedure is to apply four layers of adhesive plaster of two types to the face: cotton (2 layers) and silk (2 layers). This action is explained by the need to keep the appropriate concentration of the peeling solution on the face skin for as long as possible. Thus, the duration of the procedure will be 1-2 hours. The resulting mask is not removed for two days, although on the second day it departs by itself.
  4. On the day the patch mask is removed, the beautician treats the skin with thymol iodide, which ensures its regeneration. The duration of the procedure is 1-2 hours. After 7 days, the swelling becomes less, and a dense crust appears on the face.
  5. Finally, the beautician will cover the skin with a thick layer of ordinary cotton wool. The procedure takes 20-30 minutes. After a day, the cotton wool is removed from the face and then the patient can already take care of him on his own with the help of cosmetics recommended by the doctor.
After a chemical peel, the patient's skin looks like a sunburn, and this redness and flaking will last from 3 to 14 days.

The patient has a slight burning sensation. On the skin treated for one hour, a sufficiently strong edema forms, which makes it almost impossible to open the eyes for the first two days.

Indications for chemical peeling

Skin renewal and cleansing using concentrated acids is prescribed by a cosmodermatologist depending on the patient's age, skin condition, and existing problems. Chemical peeling of the face is possible or necessary for the following indications:

  • Problem skin, acne, infectious diseases (molluscum contagiosum) - up to 25 years.
  • Acne marks, hyperpigmentation, the first signs of skin aging - 30-35 years old.
  • Hyperpigmentation of various origins, cosmetic skin defects (scars, scars, deep wrinkles), keratosis, human papillomavirus infection - 35 years and older.

Chemical peels are sometimes performed prior to plastic surgery and as a preparation for a deep dormant procedure (skin resurfacing method).

Contraindications for chemical peels.

  • The presence of any neoplasms on the skin (warts, moles);
  • the presence of even minor irritations and injuries;
  • herpes virus;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin;
  • the presence of allergic reactions to drugs used for peeling;
  • tendency to develop keloids;
  • period of exacerbation of acne;

Deep chemical peeling is also prohibited if the patient has recently undergone a course of radiotherapy or has used the antiseborrheic drug Roaccutane.

The reverse side of chemical peeling

Beauty requires sacrifice, therefore, having decided on a deep or medium chemical peel, you should be prepared for the fact that the transformation will not come immediately. First, you will need to endure some unpleasant moments that sometimes arise after the procedure. Here is a list of side effects that may appear to varying degrees on the skin of the face.

The procedure of chemical peeling should be carried out by an experienced dermatocosmetologist, not by a cosmetician - an esthetician, otherwise you risk getting not smooth skin like “baby's butt”, but a scarred, permanently red face.
  • Swelling of the face.
  • The emergence of small foci of hyperpigmentation.
  • Blistering.
  • Irritation.
  • Exacerbation of the herpes virus.
  • Severe itching of the skin.

If you suffer from serious skin problems that weigh you down and make it difficult to admire your reflection in the mirror, chemical face peels will be your salvation. It is important that professional cosmetologists help you to restore your beauty and youth, then success and safety are guaranteed.

Clean, even and healthy skin adorns absolutely any person, but not all of us can boast of such wealth. Modern cosmetology offers many solutions for eliminating existing defects in the dermis, among which chemical peeling stands out. Such a procedure is rightfully considered one of the most universal, because it contributes not only to healing, but also to the rejuvenation of the skin, does not require anesthesia and does not take much time.

What is peeling?

Chemical peeling is one of the many types of procedures of this kind. In cosmetology there is ultrasonic, mechanical, laser and even enzyme peeling. Each of these techniques has its own characteristics, disadvantages and indications, which must be taken into account before prescribing to the patient.

The term "peeling" has an English origin and is translated into Russian as "to cleanse, remove". Such words perfectly describe the meaning of this cosmetological effect on the skin. In this case, the application of chemical compounds provokes a controlled burn, which removes dead cells and stimulates internal regeneration processes.

Chemical peels also fall into several categories. So, it is customary to distinguish three main types: superficial, middle and deep peeling, the difference between these techniques lies in the intensity of the impact.

Types of procedure

Let's talk a little more about the types of therapy described above. As already mentioned, the basic differences between them lie in the depth and intensity of the impact.

Superficial chemical peeling of the face

The impact is carried out exclusively on the surface layers of the epidermis. The procedure is characterized by mildness, moderate and short-term effect. It can be indicated for young skin, as a prophylaxis and for the treatment of mild problems. Rehabilitation after manipulations is quick and painless. It is carried out with fruit acid (lactic, malic, almond, etc.).

Medium chemical face peeling

It is characterized by the penetrating ability of useful components to a much greater depth (up to the basement membrane). Recovery of the problem area takes from one week to a month, the procedure can be accompanied by severe side effects. The result after a course of therapy lasts a long time.

Deep chemical face peeling

Differs in maximum intensity, manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia in medical institutions, and not in the salon. The procedure is indicated for deep wrinkles and severe scars. The result obtained can last up to two years, however, rehabilitation is characterized by an increased duration (up to six months).

Only a specialist can determine which type of chemical peel is best for you.

Indications for

Studying the reviews of patients, we can conclude that cosmetologists often prescribe chemical peels. Such decisions of professionals are largely due to the universality and versatility of the procedure. The procedure can be shown in the following cases:

  • with general skin fatigue (gray complexion, bumpy structure);
  • in the presence of age spots;
  • to eliminate scars (the effects of acne and other rashes);
  • with excessive oily skin and enlarged pores;
  • to reduce expression wrinkles, prevent ptosis, increase tone and elasticity;
  • for the treatment of acne, the elimination of comedones;

If necessary, peeling is carried out as a preparatory measure for further serious aesthetic manipulations.

With the permission of a specialist, this peeling is available to almost any patient. So, it is available to women with pronounced problems or owners of young skin. The procedure can be both therapeutic and prophylactic. Under certain conditions, it is prescribed even for children from the age of 14.

Operating principle

How can a positive effect be achieved with a chemical peel? The mechanism of action of beneficial acids in most cases is represented by the following algorithm:

  • Controlled damage to the skin to a certain depth.
  • Stimulation of internal processes of cell renewal, elimination of damaged areas.
  • Activation of the body's reserve forces aimed at the production of collagen and elastin, as well as other useful components.
  • Positive effect on the skin, moisturizing, enhancing local immunity.

Peeling principle

Absolute and relative contraindications

With all the visible advantages, one should not forget that chemical peeling is a rather aggressive procedure and has a large number of contraindications. The existing restrictions are subdivided into absolute and relative, the latter are considered only a temporary hindrance to therapy, while the former can serve as a basis for a complete ban. Let's start with a list of the main contraindications:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of a different nature.
  • Colds and viral diseases, fever, signs of malaise (sore throat, runny nose).
  • Pregnancy.
  • The period of breastfeeding the baby.
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin, a tendency to form keloid scars.
  • Nervous system disorders.
  • Oncology.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Individual intolerance or allergy to any ingredient in the peeling preparation.
  • Couperose.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes and open wounds on the surface of the skin.
  • Skin diseases, including those of an infectious nature.
  • Fitzpatrick skin phototype from 4 to 6.

Superficial, middle and deep chemical peeling of the face, in consultation with a specialist, can be carried out in the presence of such contraindications as:

  • numerous birthmarks;
  • menstruation;
  • children and adolescence;
  • moderate skin sensitivity.

It is possible to postpone manipulations for a certain period in case of strong sunburn, undergoing aggressive cosmetic procedures in the recent past, the need to take a certain group of medications and radiotherapy.

The main stages of the procedure

Chemical peeling provides a pronounced, positive effect, however, in most cases it requires a course of treatment (the exception is a deep effect). As a rule, to solve the assigned tasks, it is necessary to visit 3 - 5 procedures, each of which implies the following stages:

  1. Preliminary preparation. Pursues the goal of adapting the skin to the selected drug and preparing the problem area for the perception of nutrients during the main stage. The pre-peeling stage lasts up to two weeks, for its implementation you will need to purchase a cream based on acids of low concentration.
  2. The main impact. Lasts up to 40 minutes, is carried out according to uniform medical standards. It means cleansing, degreasing the skin, applying the product and its exposure, neutralizing the composition, additional nutrition.
  3. Home skin care. The tasks of this stage are to prevent complications and consolidate the achieved result. We will talk a little more about how to take care of the skin during the rehabilitation period.

You can rejuvenate, refresh and get rid of the existing imperfections of the skin on the face by using various peels. However, such peels have a strong effect, therefore, in order to obtain a good effect, the recovery stage must also be overcome. Care after chemical peels is of particular importance. If mistakes are made in this, then the end result may become dubious.

The first days after the procedure

Peeling begins to awaken the internal resources of the skin, but also gives external changes, which can in no way be called favorable. In general, a chemical peel (TCA) burns the epidermis. That's why the first consequences after carrying out this procedure may be the following:

  • Redness of the skin.
  • Puffiness.
  • Feeling of slight burning and itching.
  • Increased flaking and dryness of the skin.

These signs can appear to varying degrees after deep, median and superficial skin exposure. The more the epidermis is injured, the more irritation, dehydration and redness will be. In addition, such consequences will be present for a longer time. After peeling with fruit acids, the redness disappears within 2 hours after the procedure. And the subsequent peeling of the skin can last up to 3 days and, as a rule, is not strong.

After the TCA procedure, the skin of the face can be red for up to two days. The renewal of the skin lasts for several days. Medium exposure or the use of retinoic acid can lead to reddening of the skin for up to 5 days, as well as peeling of the skin for up to 1 week or slightly more. If deep peeling was used, then dry film comes off from 2 to 3 weeks.

However, you should not be afraid of all these symptoms, as this reaction is completely normal. To make the skin regeneration period easier, it is necessary to follow the correct facial treatment after chemical peeling.

Possible serious complications

After chemical peeling, the skin remains very vulnerable and susceptible to adverse external influences for some time. That is why the risk of complications may increase, among which the following are noted:

  • Persistent redness... This problem is considered quite serious, which may also indicate the presence of an allergy or individual intolerance to acid. Most often, such a reaction occurs in those patients who have close skin vessels or have a tendency to rosacea.
  • Allergic reaction... Intolerance to the acids that are used during the procedure is quite rare, but caring agents can cause such a problem. In this case, the skin begins to become covered with rashes, which is also often accompanied by itching.
  • Hypopigmentation of the skin... If the exposure was excessive, then many melanocytes begin to die. For this reason, spotting appears on the face, which is difficult to correct.
  • Hyperpigmentation... The main reason for the formation of dark spots on the face is exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Exacerbation of acne... One of the possible reactions to a chemical procedure can be the activation of the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Herpes... This ailment arises or worsens due to a decrease in immunity, which most often occurs in the post-peeling period. If the virus has been in the body before, then it is recommended to take preventive measures before chemical peeling.

How to prevent unpleasant consequences

Post-peeling care may vary depending on the intensity of the treatment. Usually, facial treatment after peeling consists of several aspects:

  • Effects on the skin from the inside.
  • The use of various external products to cleanse the skin and moisturize.
  • Some prohibitions.
  • Elimination of unfavorable external factors.

Skin care after superficial peeling

Even after the lightest exposure, the skin needs to be cared for. However, in no case should you touch your face immediately after this procedure, apply any means or masks to it. Only a few hours after the peeling, you can use pharmacy wound-healing remedies. As a rule, by this time the skin is covered with a thin shiny film. It is best to use products in the form of a spray, so that mechanical impact on the integument can be avoided as much as possible when applied by hand.

At the stage when the peeling is already over, the treatment may include washing with the usual gels. But here one condition must be observed: the composition of the gel should not include abrasive particles that injure the skin, as well as alcohol. It is recommended to use products that contain moisturizing ingredients.

After the hygienic procedure, a wound-healing spray should be applied to the skin for 20 minutes, after which the face is blotted with a napkin. If you do this procedure 3-4 times a day, the skin regeneration is faster.

After 5 days, you can use already moisturizing cosmetics. The film on the face quickly disappears, and such products help the skin to renew itself faster. But do not try to speed up this process by removing transparent crusts from the face... It is also prohibited:

  • Visit the bathhouse, pool and swim in the open water.
  • Sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium.
  • Do sports intensively.
  • Apply decorative cosmetics to the face, use scrubs and other traumatic procedures.

To avoid skin exposure to ultraviolet rays, use protective creams for at least 2 weeks before leaving home.

Care rules after median exposure

Medium chemical peels have a stronger effect on the skin... That is why care after such a procedure should be more thorough. The first three days, the skin of the face does not need to be touched at all. In order not to injure the skin with intense facial expressions, these days it is also recommended to switch to soft and light food. When a transparent or brownish film appears on the skin, you can apply a wound healing spray. The spray is applied up to 8 times a day for 20 minutes.

From this day on, you can already wash your face, apply products with a moisturizing effect. You can also use micellar water or regular gel if it is non-greasy and alcohol-free.

Soon, the skin will begin to peel off intensively, leaving in large flaps. In no case should they tear off the remaining film; if necessary, you can cut it off with scissors.

For another 2 weeks, it is recommended to use wound-healing creams, less often the procedure is delayed up to 3 weeks - it depends on the condition of the skin. The epidermis can be moisturized from the inside as well. To do this, you need to drink as much liquid as possible and take an Omega-3 drug. It is also recommended to stop eating spicy, spicy, too hot and salty foods. In addition, you must not drink alcoholic beverages.

If after 10 days the peeling is already over, then you can start treating your face with the usual means: moisturizing night and day creams, soft foams for washing, serums.

As for the prohibitions, they will be the same as after superficial peeling. but it is necessary to adhere to such prohibitions for at least 1 month, and also do not forget about protecting your face from the sun's rays by using a special cream.

Protection after deep correction

Facial skin care after a deep chemical procedure is more like rehabilitation after burns. During the first 3 days after removing the mask, in no case should you brush your teeth and wash your face. These days, the face is treated with antiseptics. It is also necessary to take antibiotics and pain relievers.

After 4 days, as a rule, a stronger dry crust forms on the face, so it can already be cleaned with a light foam that does not contain alcohol, coarse particles and acids. After one week, you can apply a wound healing spray or gel. It is used several times a day, getting the skin wet. 30 minutes after application.

All this time it is also impossible:

  • Make active movements.
  • Expose your face to wind, frost and sun. It is recommended not to go outside at all.
  • Use decorative cosmetics and folk remedies. It is worth remembering that folk remedies can provoke an allergic reaction.
  • Scratch, poke, touch your face unnecessarily.

After 3 weeks, you can moisturize your face with conventional products. It is also important to apply sunscreen if you go outside. This tool should become a constant companion. In no case should you expose your face to ultraviolet rays.

Norm and possible complications

In addition to following the universal advice of specialists, care after the peeling procedure should be carried out taking into account the individual reactions of the skin to mechanical irritation or acidic substances. The immune response of the epidermis to the stress of cleansers or abrasives is atypical or normal.

The usual effects of peels are predictable and easily remedied; they usually disappear within a week. About such consequences the beautician must warn the patient immediately after the procedure and tell you how to take care of your facial skin when they appear. As for unpredictable skin reactions to peels or treatments, these are usually classified as complications. The development of side effects may indicate that something went wrong during the procedure or during preparation for the peeling. In such cases, skin care must be enhanced and sometimes therapeutic.

Peeling of the skin

This reaction is expected to the peeling effect, the absence of which, on the contrary, may indicate the ineffectiveness of this procedure. As a rule, peeling is observed already on the third day after the procedure. At the same time, there is a feeling of tightness and increased dryness of the skin. You can get rid of this discomfort with the help of preparations based on jojoba and shea butter, hyaluronic acid, and oily grape seed extract. Natural skin care products are capable of soften fabrics and allow you to forget about peeling after a week of their use.

Redness or flushing

Hyperemia is a consequence of deep and median facial peels. With a median peel, the redness on the face gradually diminishes within a week, and in the first case, it will take up to 3 weeks to recover. The main principle of care is the absence of factors that provoke blood flow. Such factors include workout in the gym, increased physical activity, stress, drinking hard drinks, pickled or spicy foods.

The appearance of puffiness and the formation of pimples

Swelling is a normal reaction to chemical peels, especially in patients with very thin skin. You can get rid of puffiness with the help of funds contributing to the early healing of the upper layers of the epidermis.

The appearance of inflammatory pimples on the face is caused by improperly selected exfoliation, as well as neglect of the rules of post-peeling care. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic gels and creams can be used to get rid of the breakouts.

It is best to ask a specialist about the main rules regarding care after chemical peeling. After all, it is the doctor who knows better the peculiarities of his patient's skin and can suggest the best remedies.