Red throat in a pregnant woman. What causes a sore throat during pregnancy, how to treat it? How to treat a sore throat

A pregnant woman is more susceptible to disease than anyone else. After all, her immunity is lowered, and any respiratory disease can complicate the bearing of a child more than once. An expectant mother cannot be treated in the way that all healthy people are treated, since, first of all, the effect of drugs on the health of the unborn child should be taken into account. Including in the treatment of the throat.

Rules for treating a throat during pregnancy

Inflammation of the tonsils is usually caused by streptococci or staphylococci. Their effect on the health of the fetus is extremely negative, therefore, it is necessary to take timely measures to protect and treat the first symptoms of the disease using only safe means.

It is advisable for the first sore throat to often rinse it with a solution of soda or salt (1 tablespoon per 500 g of warm water). This method of treatment creates an alkaline environment in the mouth and thus prevents disease-causing organisms from multiplying. It is recommended to alternate rinsing with salt and baking soda with rinsing with herbal decoctions. Eucalyptus and strawberry leaves have an anti-inflammatory effect. These gargles also reduce sore throat. It will be good if on the first day of illness you gargle every hour, on the second day - every 2 hours.

For complex treatment of a pregnant woman, and are suitable. They can be done with the same folk remedies: chamomile, eucalyptus.

In addition to using local methods of treatment, it is necessary to flush the entire body from the virus or infection with plenty of drink. Tea with herbs and honey, fruit drinks, citrus juices, chamomile decoction are perfect for this purpose. And a double dose of vitamin C every day will help speed up recovery, because it is the protector of the body of a pregnant woman. During the period of treatment, physical and mental stress should be avoided in order to enable the body to "throw" all its strength to fight the disease.

Pills and gargles for throat treatment in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman can treat her throat with pills and other pharmaceutical medicines. These are drugs that are recommended for pregnant women. Among them are Lizobakt, Ingalipt, Faringosept, Givalex, Kameton. But you do not need to assign them yourself. Your doctor must do this!

The best option for throat treatment is the old and well-known Faringosept. It is absolutely safe for the fetus. The drug is available in the form of lozenges, has a local effect and is not absorbed in the stomach.

Many expectant mothers try not to take any pills at all during pregnancy. Well, this is their right and choice. Then rinses are good for them. In addition to the above soda-salt solution, other rinses can be done.

For example, sea salt. You can also use folk remedies. So, garlic gargling will perfectly heal your throat. Take 3 cloves, grind them and cover with one glass of boiling water. Let it brew and drain. Gargle four times a day.

You can also prepare a solution with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, add 1 teaspoon of peroxide to 1 glass of warm water.

During pregnancy, it is absolutely safe to treat the throat with a solution of Furacilin. It has an antimicrobial effect, prevents the growth of bacteria and viruses. This action is similar to antibiotics. Take 5 Furacilin tablets, crush them and pour 1 liter of boiled water.

What can not be pregnant with a sore throat

A pregnant woman should know that thermal procedures are contraindicated for her - mustard plasters, hot foot baths. Do not hover with your feet, because the flow of a large dose of blood to the feet can reduce the blood supply to the placenta. The result will be a lack of oxygen in the fetus's body.

So, the treatment for the throat of a pregnant woman should begin as early as possible. The main emphasis in treatment should be on rinsing. Do not forget that self-medication in your position is fraught with complications!

Specially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Pregnancy is accompanied by a significant decrease in immune defenses. This leads to the vulnerability of the woman's body in relation to various pathogenic factors. An expectant mother can easily get a cold, especially a sore throat during pregnancy. This condition is dangerous during the period of gestation.

Treatment should be started in a timely manner, delay is unacceptable, since advanced cases often require intensive drug therapy, which can be dangerous for the unborn child.

Discomfort, perspiration, sore throat when swallowing can be triggered by various reasons. They must be identified for the correct treatment.

The following pathogens cause pathology:

  • Viruses ... It is easy to get infected during epidemics and. Pharyngitis develops, in which the pharyngeal mucosa becomes inflamed.
  • Bacteria ... Contribute to the development of tonsillitis, affecting the tissue of the tonsils. Most often, this phenomenon is caused by Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, pathogens of infectious diseases (measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria,). When the temperature rises, the general condition is disturbed.
  • Pathogenic fungi ... May cause damage to the tonsils.

A sore throat during pregnancy is sometimes due to injury to the mucous membranes of the back of the pharynx and tonsils. This can result from hot or too cold food, drinks, mechanical damage, for example, fish bone, hard or poorly chewed food.

A runny nose, coughing, shortness of breath that appear against the background of a perspiration and burning sensation in the throat during pregnancy can be caused by food, unfavorable ecology, essential oils, and flowering plants.

This is often accompanied by skin rashes and itching. You need to consult an allergist. You cannot take antihistamines on your own.

Sometimes the throat hurts during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • dry air in the apartment;
  • insufficient intake of liquid inside;
  • chronic nervous tension;
  • difficulty swallowing (with thyroid pathology, a tendency to hysterical reactions);
  • prolonged stay in a smoky or stuffy room;
  • relapses of chronic tonsillitis;

There is a misconception that a sore throat is a sign of pregnancy. But these phenomena are completely unrelated, pregnancy is accompanied by a hormonal explosion, and sore throat is caused by inflammation.

Danger to the child

During the period of gestation, a cold is dangerous, since there is a threat to the unborn baby.

In the early stages

If in the early stages of pregnancy there is a sore throat, the expectant mother should understand that this malaise can be dangerous for the formation of the embryo. Self-medication is excluded, since many drugs can cause irreparable harm to the fetus. Therefore, it is better not to risk it and immediately consult with an observing doctor.

With self-medication, a sore throat in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • Miscarriage ... It can be provoked by thermal procedures (foot baths, mustard plasters, warming compresses). Also, the use of herbal medicine can lead to spontaneous abortion. Some medicinal herbs strengthen the uterine muscles, the same undesirable effect can be caused by pharmaceutical cough drops.
  • The appearance of malformations in the embryo ... During this period, the laying of organs occurs, so the likelihood of malformations is high. Violation of the mother's well-being, toxins of microorganisms can lead to the appearance of various anomalies. If during pregnancy she suffers from a runny nose and sore throat, the woman thinks that a short course of antibacterial or antiviral drugs will solve this problem. Such unreasonable actions cause the formation of congenital anomalies.
  • Development of intrauterine infection ... In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman's body is weakened. Pathogens of infectious diseases that have entered the body can overcome the placental barrier and enter the blood of the fetus. An intrauterine infection develops, which disrupts the normal development of the embryo.

If your throat hurts during early pregnancy, only a specialist should prescribe treatment. As a rule, it comes down to harmless methods of traditional medicine.

Complaints about a sore throat during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester are also common.

If traditional medicine turns out to be powerless, the doctor will advise what medications can be used in the second trimester in order to avoid the following sad consequences for the fetus:

  • intrauterine infection with the development of various anomalies;
  • due to impaired placental circulation.

When a sore throat during pregnancy during the 2nd trimester, the formation of even such a serious complication as.

At a later date

If during pregnancy the throat hurts and the temperature rises, there may be such dangers to the fetus as:

Therefore, you cannot use thermal procedures, antiviral and antibacterial agents. Treatment will be prescribed by a doctor.

If your throat constantly hurts during pregnancy and nothing helps, you need a second consultation with an otolaryngologist and a full laboratory examination to identify the etiology of the disease.

Treatment methods

What to do if your throat hurts during pregnancy? First of all, consult a doctor.

Reasons for an urgent visit to a specialist:

  • sore throat persists, despite gargling and inhalations during the first day of discomfort;
  • sore throat during pregnancy, although the woman follows all the doctor's recommendations;
  • the temperature has risen;
  • appeared and;
  • the state of health has worsened, appetite has decreased;
  • arose, spotting from the genital tract.

Traditional medicine is widely used during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If the woman's health is normal, local agents can be used on the first day of the illness.

Local therapy

Inhalation with soda, medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory effects (sage, chamomile, calendula) have a good effect on sore throat for pregnant women. Inhalation helps if you have a sore throat and cough during pregnancy. The big advantage of these procedures is their safety for the fetus and quick relief of the woman's condition.

Gargling your throat several times a day with warm chamomile and sage decoctions, sea salt and baking soda is a proven and safe treatment. You can also use infusions of oak bark, coltsfoot for this.

Shown a plentiful drink (you can add lemon juice to tea, drink fruit drinks from berries, warm milk with honey). A protective regime is important with the exception of hypothermia, physical and nervous overload, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

Drug treatment

Often not only the throat hurts during pregnancy. Often there is a cough, rhinitis and other cold symptoms develop. If, at the same time, the pregnant woman's temperature rises, asthenia develops, this cannot be done without medication. But many drugs are excluded during pregnancy.

What can pregnant women get from a sore throat? If it hurts badly, the doctor may prescribe irrigation of the tonsils with antiseptic aerosols and sprays. They act directly on the inflamed tonsils, practically not being absorbed into the bloodstream. Doctors prescribe these antimicrobial drugs after 12 weeks.

The following medications help well:

  • - Effectively acts on inflamed tonsils, is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not affect the fetus.
  • - safe, if used correctly, a sore throat drug for pregnant women. It can also be used for rinsing.
  • - it is prescribed only from the second trimester if the throat hurts for a long time during pregnancy. Contains chemicals and essential oils that can negatively affect the unborn child, is used strictly according to indications.

Also used are aerosols, Orosept, rinsing with a solution.

Absorbable tablets for sore throat are widely used during pregnancy. For example , They have a disinfecting effect, relieve pain and perspiration. Other pills that are not dangerous when carrying a fetus are. This pregnancy sore throat medicine is also available as a spray, which is very convenient. Another safe tablet form is. It is used for any period.

What can pregnant women get from a sore throat with the appearance of fever, catarrhal phenomena that disrupt well-being? If the temperature rises above 38 ° C, the use of Panadol and Efferalgan is permissible. They are synthesized on the basis of antipyretic action. This drug is considered relatively safe during gestation, but can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor and in a short course.

Even in the evening, the state of health was normal, and in the morning for some reason the throat began to hurt, it hurts to speak and swallow, the nose is stuffy and the pain radiates to the ears. Maybe yesterday's ice cream or a sneezing neighbor on the bus is to blame. Or maybe a draft at work or damp weather? Whatever the reason, the fact is that you are sick. It can be starting - whatever. The situation is banal, if not for one "but" - this annoying nuisance happened on time.

The situation when the throat hurts during pregnancy is quite common. The immunity of the expectant mother works in a special mode - not at full strength. This is how nature took care of the child's future - after all, half of the genetic set of your baby was received from the father, and, therefore, "alien" for you. And in order not to endanger the fetus from the maternal organism, the immune system becomes more "loyal". Decreased immunity is actively in a hurry to take advantage of pathogenic microorganisms, with which normally normally acting immunity copes even at the stage of initial ingestion.

Sore throat during pregnancy

In fact, this symptom can indicate a variety of diseases. The most common are (or, as they are used to calling all the unclear ailments from where they come from), tonsillitis (or). Much less often, sore throat during pregnancy can report the onset of infectious diseases, such as, and even. Infectious diseases must be treated exclusively by a specialist, and you should not joke with sore throat and flu. Therefore, at the first sign of any malaise, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Only an experienced specialist can assess all symptoms, diagnose and recommend adequate treatment.

Throat treatment during pregnancy

Throat treatment can be divided into local - gargling, resorption of lozenges and tablets, irrigation with sprays and application of medicinal solutions to the tonsils, and general - detoxification therapy, symptomatic treatment of hyperthermia and, if necessary, antiviral drugs, etc.

Many pharmaceutical preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy, therefore, most often in milder forms of acute respiratory infections, the doctor will recommend bed rest, abundant warm drinks and frequent rinsing of the throat.

From sprays and aerosols for the expectant mother can be used Ingalipt, Givalex, Bioparox, Cameton, Orasept (all these drugs are prescribed with caution and only by a doctor). Of the tablet preparations, Faringosept has proven itself well in the treatment of throat during pregnancy. It should be remembered that for the effective action of medications, all aerosols and topical preparations should be applied after rinsing the throat.

Gargling during pregnancy

For a sore throat, frequent rinsing with various solutions are the basis of all treatment. This achieves three effects at once:

    - removal from the oral cavity and pharynx of colonies of microorganisms and viruses accumulated there, together with their waste products;
    - softening and moisturizing dry and inflamed mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
    - application of medicinal substances to the inflamed tonsils and mucous membranes of the throat.

For rinsing, you can take a wide variety of products: decoctions, solutions, and even. The main thing is to follow the basic rule - all rinsing solutions must be freshly prepared and warm (not hot!), The frequency of rinsing is 8-12 times a day.

Than to rinse

Several effective recipes for gargling, safe for pregnant women and the unborn baby.

Saline solutions.

    - Half a teaspoon of salt - ordinary kitchen salt, you can iodized or sea salt, dissolve in a cup of warm water.

    - In warm water (200 ml) dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of soda, salt and add 3-4 drops of iodine.

Infusions and juices

    - Red beet juice. Squeeze the juice from a small red beet; before the procedure, you need to warm the juice in a water bath. Beforehand, you can rinse your throat with salted water.

    - Lemon juice. Dissolve the juice of one lemon in ½ cup of warm water. The same effect has a solution of citric acid or sucking a lemon wedge along with the zest after rinsing.

    - Decoctions of medicinal herbs. Chamomile, sage, calendula. Pour a teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for 5-10 minutes, strain before use.

Pharmacy preparations

To rinse the throat of pregnant women from pharmaceutical preparations, you can use a solution of furacilin, Chlorophyllipt, Givalex, Rotokan.