A light mask for shining hair. Hair shine mask. Citrus fruit mask

Often, girls suffer from a lack of shine on the curls, loss of elasticity or vivid color. We propose to consider how a super-mask for shining hair is prepared at home, as well as what are the best folk express recipes and professional preparations for restoring smoothness.

Homemade mask recipes

# 1: The famous and effective mask is kefir.
It is enough just to spread the strands with a fermented milk product for 20 minutes. It dries intensely, so try not to use it often on dry curls.

# 2: Castor mask
Apply six drops of ether to the head and massage well. Cover hair with plastic or cling film, warm towel, and leave for 9-12 hours. The next morning, wash off all of the mixture from your curls with shampoo and conditioner.

#3: In addition, castor oil can be mixed with other oils:

  1. Peaches;
  2. Burdock;
  3. linseed;
  4. Lavender

# 4: For light locks, a heated castor oil mask with unfiltered olive or almond esters works well.
It is necessary to combine a few drops of oil and massage the roots with the resulting liquid. The tool is intended for split ends, to give the hairstyle strength, health, lively shine. If you have oily curls, then you can use the product no more than once a week, for dry ones - two.

# 5: Curry Leaves with Coconut Oil
You need to prepare fresh leaves (10 grams 20 pieces) and a little coconut oil (10-15 drops). Cook the two together until a black residue begins to form, stir the mixture thoroughly and remove from heat. The method is used to accelerate growth, combat gray hair, and also to make the cuafure shine. Use twice a week.

# 6: Gargle with vinegar
Although this option may seem harsh for hair treatment, this liquid helps to normalize the structure of the curls, restore shine and elasticity. Also, the solution helps to restore the optimal pH value for the hairline. For a silky feel, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with three tablespoons of water. After rinsing the curls while washing your hair with a solution, you can do this every other day. It should be noted that this is harmful for light strands, they become yellowish.

# 7: Egg Mask with Olive
The egg is rich in vitamins, it helps to cleanse the curls, is used to strengthen and give shine. The presence of vitamins A, D and E will help prevent hair loss and contribute to the thickening of thinned strands. Combine two egg yolks with two large tablespoons of olive oil, then mix with 100 ml of water. Slowly, thoroughly massage the mass into the scalp. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash off with cool water without chemical cleaners.

Photo - Olive oil with egg

# 8: An egg mask with cottage cheese, butter and honey for a shine.
Proportions "by eye". Apply the resulting gruel only to the strands, without rubbing, otherwise it will be very difficult to wash your hair. We leave for 30 minutes. Use the mixture every two days. This remedy will help with severe colored hair loss.

# 9: A very effective kefir egg mask for smooth, shiny blonde hair.
You need to take three tablespoons of kefir, one whole egg and a spoonful of olive oil. We mix everything thoroughly, apply to the roots and rub in with soft massage movements. Then we leave for 20 minutes. Do it once a week with dry locks, and two with oily locks.

Photo - Eggs with kefir

# 10: Homemade shine masks for streaked or chemically curled hair with rosemary
We need 2 teaspoons of dry chopped herbs, pour a glass of water (300 ml) and steam for several hours. Rub the resulting mixture into curls regularly. To maintain the normal condition of the hair, you need to wash your hair with it.

Photo - Hair masks

# 11: Remedies with cognac and cinnamon
This scented blend is used to accelerate the growth of strands, making them soft and shiny. We need a spoonful of brandy and burdock oil. Mix and heat over low heat until pleasantly warm, then add 5 grams of cinnamon. Apply to roots and ends, wrap curls in a towel and leave for 40 minutes. Dark colored strands will become more saturated, and lighter ones will darken, so be careful.

# 12: Shine mask for oily hair with calendula
Before reaching the ends, you need to smear the partings with a cotton swab. Soaked in herbal tincture. It should be noted that this is not the best option for sensitive scalp. This method will help get rid of oily sheen, eliminate dandruff, and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.

# 13: The Best Mask For Strong Shine On Dark Hair
You need to heat 10 grams of coconut oil, mix it with mashed half an avocado, and apply to the entire length of the strand. This method is not only used to moisturize, but also provides gentle care for discolored and damaged curls. If you don't have coconut ester, you can substitute cocoa for it.

# 14: homemade gelatin hair lamination
This is a very intense and fast-acting technique, it thickens the structure, accelerates growth, and helps to make the hairstyle soft and manageable. We need:

  1. Two tablespoons of balm;
  2. One packet of gelatin;
  3. A spoonful of warm water or milk.

Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell for 20-30 minutes. Then we mix with conditioner. If the mass does not mix, then you need to put it in a water bath. Apply to damp strands for an hour. The action lasts 3 days (with daily washing).

Photo - Gelatin

# 15: Henna for red hair
Indian paint can add shine, accelerate growth and enhance color depth. Dissolve the henna, as stated in the instructions on the bag (each brand has its own requirements), and apply to the entire length. It is very important not to use the technique on colored hair, otherwise it is recommended to use white henna powder. It has a slightly lower efficiency, but it does not stain the curls.

#16: A lemon and egg mixture is often used for a smooth hairstyle. Beat one egg, add lemon juice to it, mix well, apply to the ends. Wash off after 40 minutes.

# 17: For a crisp blonde hair, mix lemon with glycerin.
One ampoule of the drug is able to moisturize even very depleted strands after bleaching or straightening. The lemon will brighten a little and nourish them with vitamins. A spoonful of fresh juice is taken into an ampoule of glycerin. Apply to dry head, rinse off after 20 minutes.

# 18: Regular Clay Masks
The solution should be thinner than for the face. For two tablespoons of the mineral - two boiled water. Try not to rub into the roots, otherwise it will be very difficult to wash.

Photo - Types of clay

Video: recipe for a hair shine mask based on eggs, kefir and olive oil

Shiny and long hair is the dream of many girls. However, not all of them know how to achieve such a feature. In the beauty salon, specialists provide lamination, keratin restoration, botox services, in which case you will have to pay a considerable amount. Experienced hairdressers have identified effective homemade mask recipes. Funds are prepared from available products, they do not require large financial costs and time. Let's consider the important features in order, highlight the main thing.

Home hair care products should be used about three times a week. If you have the opportunity, carry out the manipulations more often (4-5 sessions are enough).

Gelatin and hair balm

  1. This tool can be compared with a salon lamination composition, the effect is the same. Pour 100 ml into a glass. fat milk or filtered water, heat to 45 degrees.
  2. Pour the gelatin into a bowl and stir it a little to loosen it up. Pour the composition with warm liquid, let stand for 20 minutes. After this period, add 90-100 gr. To the mixture. moisturizing hair balm.
  3. If you are having difficulty mixing the ingredients, place the mask in a water bath and warm it up a little. Now proceed with the application.
  4. Wash your hair with shampoo, do not use conditioner. Dry the curls with a towel, make a mask. Do not touch the scalp, otherwise it will quickly get dirty.
  5. Try to distribute the composition, retreating from the root part by 1-2 cm.Work the ends well. The duration of exposure of the agent ranges from 60-80 minutes.
  6. When the time is up, wash your hair without shampoo. Dry the mop, pull it out with an iron. The result is enough for 3 days, provided that you wash your hair every other day.

Coconut oil and curry

  1. Mix 10 gr. chopped curry leaves (fresh or dry) with 2 ml. coconut oil (substitute milk if desired). Transfer the mass to a saucepan, send to the fire.
  2. Simmer until thickened for about 10 minutes. Then let the mass cool at room temperature, make a mask. The composition is kept for a third of an hour. The mass is suitable for girls with dark hair.

Kefir and egg

  1. Cool 2 chicken yolks and 1 white, mix them together, beat with a mixer or blender. Pour 40 ml into the composition. corn oil, add 50 gr. fatty kefir. The last component can be replaced with sour cream.
  2. Now rub the mixture into the roots and massage well. Then wait a third of an hour, rinse with cool (!) Water. If you use a lukewarm liquid, the protein will curdle.

Olive oil and egg

  1. Refrigerate 3 eggs for 30 minutes, then remove and separate the yolks. Proteins are not needed, they glue the hairs together. Whisk the yolks into a foam in a convenient way, pour in 45 ml. olive oil.
  2. Add 1 ml. pharmacy vitamin D, 0.5 ml. vitamin E or A. If the mixture is too thin, add a little cornstarch. Adjust the viscosity.
  3. Rub the product into the root area, making a light massage. It is not necessary to insulate your head. The mask is washed off after a third of an hour with water and a light shampoo.

Avocado and cocoa powder

  1. The mask is suitable for those with dark hair. Pick up ripe avocados, you need 2 pcs. Peel and peel, grind with a blender into porridge.
  2. Combine 30 ml in another container. vegetable oil with 20 gr. cocoa powder, add the mixture to the first mixture. Spread the mask from roots to ends, step back 2 cm from the scalp.
  3. Wash off the composition after half an hour. Experts advise to apply the mask to girls with dark shades of hair, since cocoa has coloring properties.

Bread and beer

  1. To prepare the composition, you need to buy live foam in the amount of 150-200 ml. Pour 50 gr with warm mixture. dry yeast, let it brew for 1 hour.
  2. During this period, soak in 60 ml. milk 3 slices of black bread crumb. Squeeze out the liquid, add the bread to the yeast. Pour in 60 ml. castor oil or burdock oil.
  3. The composition is distributed to the hair before washing. The sebum will create an additional barrier to the epidermis. Rub the mask into the hair along the entire length, including processing the ends.
  4. Leave the mass for half an hour, rinse with lukewarm water and plenty of balm. Comb your hair in the shower, then shampoo your hair as usual.

Glycerin and lemon juice

  1. Buy liquid glycerin in ampoules from the pharmacy, take 2 vessels. Pour the contents into a bowl, heat to 35 degrees. Squeeze the juice of a third of a lemon or ¼ of a grapefruit.
  2. Wash your hair and apply a nourishing conditioner to your scalp. Cover the root area with the compound on top and stretch to the ends. Warm yourself with a film, wait half an hour.
  3. The mask is washed off in the usual way. If you have difficulty removing glycerin, prepare a solution of apple cider vinegar and warm water (ratio 1:10).

Coffee and cognac

  1. Boil 80 ml. natural coffee. If this is not possible, dilute the cocoa powder. Add 45 ml to the drink. milk with a fat content of 3%. Cool to 35 degrees.
  2. Add a few yolks, stir. Pour in 30 ml. cognac, add 25 gr. table salt. For density, you can add 20 grams. gelatin or starch.
  3. Rinse your hair, dry with a warm towel to 75%. Apply the mask to the strands, rub well and distribute over the entire length. Build an insulating hood out of a plastic bag.
  4. Additionally, wrap your head with a towel. Remove the product after 35-45 minutes. Be sure to use a conditioner or spray that makes it easy to comb.

Cucumber and chicken protein

  1. The mask is ideal for girls with blonde and dull hair. Take 2-3 cucumbers, cut off the "butts", do not remove the seeds and skins. Chop the fruits, transfer to the blender bowl.
  2. Grind vegetables until smooth. Add 2 yolks and 1 white and beat. Pour in 25 gr. coarse rock salt and 20 ml. burdock oil. Apply the product to damp hair.
  3. Massage your scalp to speed up blood circulation. The mask does not need to be insulated, it is kept for a quarter of an hour and washed off with cold water and shampoo.

Castor oil and vinegar

  1. The recipe is ideal for preparing and applying a mask, subject to a visit to the sauna or bath. Combine 20 ml. glycerin with 45 ml. castor oil. Add 5 g. 6% table vinegar or apple cider vinegar.
  2. To feed the strands, break 3-4 yolks into a mass, mix. Wash your hair, apply the product to damp curls. Be sure to use cling film and towel to create a steamy effect.
  3. Go to the steam room for 10-15 minutes, then soak the mask for an additional half hour. Remove with shampoo and lukewarm water. Use a balm to wash off the yolk.

Red pepper and burdock

  1. Heat 50 ml. burdock oil in the microwave, reach a temperature of 50 degrees. Pour 30 ml into the composition. olive or castor oil. Pour in 5 g. chili peppers.
  2. Rinse your hair, brush it with balm. Make a mask, leave it on for 25 minutes. If it starts to bake, remove the agent earlier. Repeat the manipulations no more than 1 time in 10 days.

Aloe Vera Juice and Vodka

  1. The pharmacy sells aloe vera juice, the cost varies between 40-60 rubles. Buy a solution, take 30 ml. and combine with 2 egg yolks. Add 25g. burdock oil, 30 gr. liquid honey and 20 ml. vodka.
  2. Rinse your hair first and collect the remaining moisture with a towel. Dip a foam sponge into the mixture, blot the root zone with it.
  3. After 10 minutes, go down below, do not touch the ends. It is better to lubricate them with natural oil, even vegetable oil is suitable. The mask is kept strictly under a film and a towel. Washed off after half an hour.

Onion juice and honey

  1. Melt in a water bath 60-80 gr. honey, mix with 40 ml. olive oil. Juice 3 onions, preferably sweet varieties.
  2. To get rid of the future pungent smell, add the chopped pulp of half a lemon or grapefruit. Moisten the strands with water, squeeze out excess liquid.
  3. Make a mask, rub it into each curl. Wrap the strands with plastic and cloth. Rinse off after 40 minutes. Repeat the manipulations 1 time in 3 days.

Mustard and gelatin

  1. Mix 35 gr. gelatin with lukewarm water, adhere to the proportions on the package. Leave the mass to swell, add 10 grams after 20 minutes. mustard powder.
  2. Combine 25 g in a separate bowl. burdock oil and 10 ml. glycerin. Add the composition to the previous mixture. Make a mask on pre-moisturized strands.
  3. The main thing is to thoroughly rub the product into the skin, the mustard should warm up the head. Insulate the shovel with cling film, stand for half an hour. Remove with water acidified with vinegar.

Yeast and egg

  1. Separate 3 yolks from the whites, send the last to a bowl. Add 25g. baker's yeast, stir and leave for 40 minutes. During this time, the yeast will rise.
  2. Pour in 20 gr. lemon juice and 30 ml. any oil (natural). Spread the product all over the shovel, working the length well. The composition must be washed off with cool water with shampoo and balm.

Hair becomes shiny only thanks to an integrated approach. Reconsider your usual lifestyle, get rid of addictions to alcohol and tobacco. Have a healthy diet that includes most of the minerals and vitamins. Prepare masks 3 times a week.

Video: mask for super shine hair

Healthy and obedient hair adorns any girl, in order to achieve this without spending money on expensive procedures and cosmetics, homemade masks for hair shine will help. There are many ways to achieve shine, but almost all of them injure the hair structure. All kinds of home formulations based on natural ingredients will help to restore them after such manipulations.

Hair shine mask. What to expect from homemade masks

The actions of all the components of home masks are aimed at giving shine. Each individual hair is composed of numerous corneous plates. With a lack of vitamins, under the influence of mechanical stress and from environmental factors, the plates begin to flake off, this spoils the entire structure of the curl, leads it to a depressed state. Each component of home masks should actively affect individual plates. This is the only way to achieve the effect of shiny and shiny hair. In addition, homemade masks significantly improve the color - they make it much brighter. And this applies to both natural curls and dyed ones.

Ingredientsforvariousspeciesmasks: banana, yogurt, lemon ether, gelatin, medicinal herbs, citrus juice, lemon juice, egg, honey, avocado, cognac, oils: almond, olive, castor, peach, lavender, rosemary

In this case, masks for shining hair at home will only perform an additional function.

Grooming is also an important aspect in maintaining beauty. Choose shampoo, balm, conditioner, mask, heat protection and other products for your hair type.

Genetics plays an important role. If your grandmother or mom's hair is very shiny even without masks, you will probably be just as lucky!

Hair shine mask

Coffee mask for shine and smooth hair

Pour 2 tablespoons of ground coffee with a glass of boiling water, insist and strain. Apply coffee broth to already washed damp hair, squeeze out a little and put on a hat. After half an hour, rinse the hair in water or rinse with a mild shampoo. This mask is suitable for those with dark hair.

Egg mask with cognac for shine and smooth hair

The yolk is renowned for its moisturizing properties, the ability to moisturize curls and even out hair shafts.

Mix 1 egg with 50 milliliters of cognac (the origin and quality of which you have no doubt about). Rub the resulting mass into clean, damp hair, stepping back 2.5 centimeters from the roots. Put on a hat, wrap a towel around your head. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water. The mask will not work for blondes and owners of cold hair tone.

With juice... Squeeze the juice from one lemon, mix with two egg yolks, apply to dry hair, distribute over it. Put on a plastic cap. Rinse off after half an hour. The water should be lukewarm to prevent the egg from curdling. It is better to replace red lemon juice with carrot juice (50 ml for 2 yolks), for brunettes - strong natural coffee (2-3 tablespoons for 2 yolks).

With honey... For one yolk, you need to take a teaspoon of honey and olive oil, grind everything thoroughly. After applying to hair, you need to wait 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask is not suitable for oily hair.

Honey mask for shine and smooth hair

Mix 1 tablespoon of natural honey with the same amount of olive oil. Apply to washed, damp hair for 30 minutes, then rinse with water or wash with a mild shampoo. This homemade shine mask will help restore elasticity and smoothness.

With avocado... Whisk the pulp of one avocado with a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of olive oil in a blender. Apply to hair for 25 minutes, wrap with foil and towel. Rinse off after the right time.

With cognac... 50 ml of cognac should be mixed with a tablespoon of honey melted to a liquid consistency, add either 5 ml of lemon juice if the hair is oily, or the same amount of olive oil if it is dry.

Note that honey-based products can be used if you are not allergic to bee products.

Mayonnaise mask for shine and smooth hair

Apply mayonnaise to clean, damp hair. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with a mild shampoo.

Hair shine mask folk recipes

Mask for shine and smoothness of hair with oils

You can choose the most suitable oils for your hair type and use them. Oil masks help to restore hair after the winter or summer period, perm, frequent use of curls, irons.

It is also worth mentioning that masks based on natural oils are not suitable for ash blondes, and any pigment of colored hair washes out faster.

  • Three oils... To prepare this mask, you need to take three oils in equal amounts: almond or peach, olive and castor. After they need to be heated, applied to the strands, paying special attention to the ends, insulate the head with a cap and a towel.

After 40-50 minutes, you can wash off with warm water using a large amount of shampoo.

  • Italian recipe... Take a few tablespoons of olive oil and add lemon ether: 5 drops per 20 ml of olive oil.

Apply in the same way as a three-oil formula. If desired, you can leave it overnight.

Gelatin masks for hair shine

Depending on which components, besides gelatin, are included in the homemade shine mask, it can be used for dry or oily hair.

  • For dry hair... Pour a large spoonful of gelatin with 60 ml of cool water, let it brew for 20 minutes, stir. If the gelatin has not dissolved, heat the composition in a water bath. Add 5 drops of peach, lavender, or rosemary oil.

Apply the composition to clean, still damp hair, put on a polyethylene cap. After half an hour, wash off with cool water (without shampoo).

For normal hair... Such a hair mask is being prepared for shining hair at home, as for dry curls, but without adding oil. Instead of water, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs: nettle, chamomile, burdock root.

For oily hair... The recipe for this mask differs from the previous one only in that instead of a decoction of herbs, the juice of any citrus fruit is taken.

Banana... Chop the banana pulp until smooth. To do this, it is not enough to knead it with a fork - you need to rub it through a sieve or beat in a blender. The banana puree must be mixed with a large spoonful of yogurt (no additives, including sugar). The third component is olive oil, you need 20 ml of it.

The banana hair shine mask should be used in the same way as the previous one, but it should be kept on the head for less - 20-30 minutes. It can also be used on normal hair.

Causes of dull hair

Among the reasons affecting the vitality of hair, one can single out those related to external influences and problems coming from the inside:

  1. External environmental factors act destructively on the hairline. It is affected by cold, direct sunlight, strong wind, snow, rain. For each season, you need to select special care products, taking into account the nature of the effects.
  2. Various styling products can deprive hair of its health. And although manufacturers are currently trying to produce health-oriented cosmetics, the use of a hair dryer and forceps has a negative effect on them. Besides, using rubber bands and hairpins is not beneficial either.
  3. Hair problems can appear due to genetic predisposition.
  4. The lack of useful trace elements and vitamins in the body immediately affects the health of the curls. You need to follow. So that the diet is complete and includes healthy foods.
  5. Stress and malfunctioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands have a great influence on the head.
  6. The wrong choice of care products can also be harmful. When choosing them, be sure to take into account the type of hair. Color also carries negative consequences.

Why does hair grow dull and how to deal with it

Strands can look dull for various reasons, which include:

  • vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency anemia;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • stress and depression;
  • excessive dryness or, on the contrary, oily scalp, due to which the strands are either not covered with a protective film or, on the contrary, quickly become greasy, dirty;
  • improper hair care;
  • damage to hair shafts, their dryness, brittleness, delamination.

To give your hair a healthy shine, it is necessary to eliminate all factors that affect its health. This requires:

  • establish a sleep and rest routine;
  • consult a doctor to rule out the presence of serious diseases;
  • revise your daily diet, including in it a maximum of vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs and other foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, group B, including cereals, meat, vegetable oils, eggs, nuts, honey;
  • protect hair from negative weather conditions, be sure to wear a hat;
  • if necessary, take mineral and vitamin preparations;
  • abandon thermal styling tools, do not dry hair with hot air dryer;
  • comb the hair after it is completely dry, without using brushes with metal teeth;
  • use a balm or conditioner after washing your hair to facilitate combing your hair and protect it from negative factors;
  • use high-quality shampoos suitable for your hair type;
  • do not wash your hair too often (usually twice a week is enough), carrying out the procedure for washing your hair only when the hair is dirty;
  • use only warm water (up to 40 degrees) for shampooing, since hot water contributes to more intensive work of the sebaceous glands on the scalp;
  • complete each procedure for washing your hair by rinsing the strands with decoctions and herbal infusions or acidified with apple cider vinegar, citrus juice water.

In addition, at least once a week, a suitable hair mask should be done for shining hair, while you need to select products made on the basis of oils, honey, gelatin, eggs, dairy products, vinegar, lemon juice with the addition of other products that can restore the structure hair shafts, to make their surface smoother. All of these masks are easy to make at home.

To prevent your hair from becoming dull and lifeless, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • comb at least 30 times in one approach, making slow movements in the direction of the growth of curls;
  • henna coloring will also give shine;
  • when rinsing after shampoo, lemon juice or vinegar can be added to the water;
  • not only the external effect, but also the benefits of the hair from the inside will give homemade masks for shine.

Natural homemade rinses for shine

Natural ingredients can significantly compete with store-bought rinses:

  • Natural coffee and strong tea brewing, in addition to giving shine, are used to achieve a slight coloring effect. It is better not to use them on blonde hair.
  • Herbal decoctions of birch leaves or burdock leaves can also give amazing results after using them as a rinse. Nettle can also be used as a herbal infusion.
  • Among the fruits, you can also find products that give shine. An apple stands out among them. True, only the peel from the fruit possesses the necessary properties. It should be boiled in boiling water, and the resulting solution should be used as a conditioner.
  • Lemon is also known for its glossy quality. This citrus fruit does not need to be cooked - just squeeze its juice into water for rinsing.
  • Parsley infusion will also add shine to your hair.

Homemade chamomile decoction recipe for shine

Pour 30 grams of inflorescences with hot water and leave, covered with a lid. Rinse hair with this infusion after washing. Chamomile flowers add shine to blonde hair.

Homemade Coffee Brew Recipe for Shine

For brunettes, shine conditioner should include natural coffee. This composition dyes the hair a dark color. Brown-haired women can replace coffee with tea. Wait about an hour after shampooing and rinse it with infusion made from nettle leaves.

The most effective hair shine masks

These homemade masks deliver the desired shine in just a few applications. This is achieved thanks to the components that have the property of quickly imparting shine, saturating the hair with vitamins:

  • Castor oil has a remarkable property. By adding it to masks, you can achieve instant results. Use it in a mixture in the amount of 2 tablespoons, supplementing it with a raw egg, a small spoonful of vinegar and the same amount of glycerin (you can buy it at the pharmacy).
  • Castor bean oil can be supplemented with a couple of tablespoons of honey - this will also add shine. And you can wash off these masks with the help of herbal decoctions.

Homemade masks for highlighting

Coloring is the most common cause of dull hair. A DIY shine mask prepared with the addition of various fruits will help them return their shine:

  • Citrus fruits can make curls shine. It is enough to take half an orange and grind it with a blender along with a small kiwi. Pour a spoonful of bee honey into the composition.
  • Another citrus fruit that is just as effective is lemon. The mask, consisting of lemon juice, can be supplemented with honey or castor oil. For maximum results, liquid vitamins A and E are also added to the mixture.

With a permed hairstyle

For such curls, special care is needed, which will help to provide natural ingredients:

  • Homemade perm masks should contain oils that provide a high degree of recovery. These include primarily burdock, castor oil, argan and olive oil. Mayonnaise masks and clay masks are no less effective. You can use these home components separately or combine with each other.
  • A mask made from a decoction of burdock roots combined with dark beer has a positive effect. Such a composition will add thickness and eliminate fragility.

For oily hair

Formulations fortified with sebum-regulating ingredients can also provide additional benefits and shine:

  • The most useful in this regard among the base oils is grape. If you add ½ a glass of cognac, a spoonful of lemon juice and a few drops of juniper oil to it, then in terms of effectiveness, such a mask will not be inferior to store-bought products. Other essential oils that have a beneficial effect on oily hair: grapefruit, cedarwood, geranium oil, ylang-ylang).
  • Fermented milk products will moisturize the scalp and help regulate the secretion of fat at home. For this you need to choose cottage cheese and kefir with a high fat content. Take them in equal proportions. Additional benefits can be gained by adding a liquid vitamin B capsule to the mask.

For dry hair

Fermented milk products, base oils, and essential oils can participate in the preparation of compositions for these homemade masks:

  • A caring home mask can consist of sour milk alone - this will already bring invaluable benefits to the strands.
  • From base oils for dry hair are suitable: burdock, linseed, almond, sea buckthorn. Lemon juice is usually added to one of them. Suitable essential oils: jasmine, neroli, lavender, sandalwood.

For dark hair

Among the substances that contribute to the color of the hairline, a special place is occupied by coffee, cocoa, tea, crushed walnuts, herbal tincture of oak or sage bark, soy sauce and mustard oil.

  • The most common natural homemade hair dye, cocoa, can be supplemented with a spoonful of honey and kefir. Add a spoonful of castor oil.
  • The same cocoa powder is also mixed with red pepper and cinnamon.

Dilute these dry ingredients with any vegetable oil and raw yolk.

For blond hair

To give shine to light curls and enhance their shade, chamomile broth, green tea, lemon, banana and kefir are well suited as components of the mask. To each of them, you can add a spoonful of avocado or jojoba oil.

For red hair

As a dye for red and reddish hair, you can use carrot and beet juice mixed in the same amount.

By following these rules, hair health can be maintained for a longer period. This should be done infrequently. The maximum number of combings per day should not be more than three. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the length of the hair (when performing this procedure, it is recommended to lower the head down on long curls), their type (for fatty ones, do not touch the scalp). In any case, the movements should be slow and accurate. It is also advisable to comb in the fresh air - this will allow you to supply oxygen to your head, and periodically running your hand through your hair will relieve them of static electricity.

How do shine masks work?

Numerous user reviews indicate that homemade masks for adding shine to hair do their job, and curls, even after a single application, look shiny. How do they work?

If the hair shaft is examined under a microscope, it will be clearly seen that it is covered with small scales. When they are close to each other, they reflect light well, which is why healthy hair and shine. However, the scales often look "disheveled". When they lie randomly, the surface of the hair becomes broken, it does not reflect the rays very well, which is why the strands look dull.

Who wouldn't want to see beautiful, shiny hair in the mirror? With the help of a few simple folk remedies and homemade masks, we can make our hair shiny and well-groomed. Hair care products, proper washing, and proper balanced nutrition also play an important role. Indeed, with food, our hair receives proteins, vitamins and important trace elements. Use conditioner after washing your hair.
Never comb damp hair, as damp hair is most sensitive. Use natural bristle brushes to brush your hair. For owners of dry hair, it is recommended to make moisturizing masks. Try not to blow dry your hair. We offer several popular recipes for homemade hair shine masks.

Recipe 1 - Hair mask for shine - jojoba oil + honey + milk.
1 tbsp mix honey with 5 tbsp. milk and 1 tsp. jojoba oil. Apply this folk remedy to your hair along the entire length and leave for 30 minutes, wrapped in a warm towel, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Recipe 2 - Homemade Hair Shine Mask - Avocado + Yogurt.
Mix 1 avocado pulp with 2 tbsp. natural yogurt. Apply the mixture to the hair and leave for 20 minutes, wrapped in a warm towel. Wash off the mask with your usual shampoo.

Recipe 3 - Hair mask for shine - olive oil + egg + honey.
Recommended for dry hair. An egg is the best product to give your hair shine.
Mix 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil until a creamy mass is obtained. Then add 1 tbsp. honey and 1 protein. Apply the mixture to damp hair for 30 minutes, then wash hair with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 4 - Mask for hair shine at home - strawberry + mayonnaise.
Mash 10 strawberries and add 1 tsp to the berry puree. mayonnaise. Apply the mixture to the hair and scalp, gently massaging, for 30 minutes, wrapped in a foil and then with a warm towel. Wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 5 - Shiny Hair Mask - Egg + Avocado.
Mix 2 eggs with 1 avocado pulp. Apply the puree to your hair, wrap your head in a warm towel and leave for 2-3 hours, then wash your hair with regular shampoo.

Recipe 6 - The folk method for shining hair is lemon juice.
Drain the juice of 1 lemon in 1.5 cups of water. Moisturize by soaking your hair with this folk remedy, then rinse with cold water.

Recipe 7 - Jojoba oil and lemon will help make hair shiny at home.
Recommended for dull and dry hair.
5 tsp mix jojoba oil with 3 tablespoons. lemon juice. Apply the mixture to hair for 1 hour, wrapped in a warm towel. Wash your hair with your regular shampoo.

Recipe 8 - Home Remedy for Hair Shine - Apple Cider Vinegar.
An excellent tool!
1 liter of water and 4 tablespoons. After washing, rinse your hair thoroughly with apple cider vinegar, then rinse with cold water.

When using masks and creams, be careful: any product may have an individual intolerance, check it first on the skin of your hand!

Video: Hair shine mask

Coffee brew for dark hair shine. Brew 3 teaspoons of ground coffee in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cool slightly. Rinse hair after washing with warm, unsweetened broth.

Decoction of birch leaves strengthens hair and gives it shine. To prepare the product, brew two tablespoons of finely chopped leaves in one glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, drain. Rinse the hair with the resulting broth after washing 2-3 times a week.

Apple peel decoction gives the hair a chic shine and silkiness thanks to the content of natural wax. Bring the peel of 3-4 apples to a boil in 1 liter of water, cool. Rinse your hair every time you wash.

Cold and hot shower ... This method is used by Indian beauties to maintain the shine and density of their hair. It is known that when shampooing in warm or hot water, hair follicles relax and hair easily falls out if handled or combed carelessly. Therefore, if, after washing, you hold your head under a stream of cold water, the hair roots will become stronger, the hair scales will close along the entire length, this gives the hair a glossy shine, and also accelerates its growth.

Lemon juice - the oldest remedy for making hair soft and shiny. To make lemon rinse, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to 1 liter of boiled water.

Parsley contains useful ingredients for shine and hair strengthening. To rinse your hair after washing, prepare the following decoction: pour 50 g of parsley with 0.5 l of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, strain.

Burdock (burdock) - a universal remedy for fast growth, shine and hair strengthening. The broth can be prepared in the following way: chop the leaves and roots of the plant, boil and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse hair after washing in broth for 5-10 minutes.

Tea brewing ... Boil 2 tablespoons of tea leaves in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. Strain and rinse your hair.

Nettle decoction ... Due to the rich content of vitamins and microelements, nettle gives shine to hair, prevents hair loss and eliminates dandruff. There are several ways to prepare the tincture.
1.Squeeze fresh nettle juice and dilute with water. Rinse your head after washing, and also rub the product into the hair roots;
2. Prepare a decoction of dry or fresh nettle leaves to rinse your hair.

Rinsing your hair with a sage decoction will add shine to dark hair.

Homemade masks for hair shine

Chamomile decoction for golden shine of hair. Apply one glass of chilled infusion to washed hair, hold for 30 minutes, warming the head with a cap. It is better to rinse with acidified water. Chamomile moisturizes dry hair, smoothes the structure, accelerates growth

Coffee mask ... Natural coffee will add shine to dark hair. Brew ground coffee (2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water, drain). In warm form, apply the broth to washed, damp hair for 30 minutes, put on a cap for warmth. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

Carrot and beet juice ... The mask will give natural shine to red-haired beauties. Mix equal parts beet and carrot juice, apply to hair. Put on a warm cap and warm up your head a little. Then hold the mask for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Egg shine mask ... Take 4 tablespoons of rum or cognac and 1 egg, beat until smooth, rub it thoroughly into your hair, wrap your head with a warm towel. After 20-25 minutes, rinse the hair with warm water. They will acquire a natural shine.

Express shine mask: mix 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Beat the ingredients and rub into the scalp. Cover your head with a warm towel, leave for an hour, then rinse. An important condition for the effect of this mask is warmth. Hair becomes thicker, shiny, silky and styling better.

Honey mask ... You can smooth the hair structure and add shine using the following mask: mix in equal parts: honey, olive oil, shampoo, onion juice. Apply to hair roots for 20-30 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo, add vinegar to the rinse water. Use the mask once a month. In addition to adding shine, this mask can be used to treat hair and restore its structure.

Aloe juice mask promotes shine and hair growth, as well as heals the scalp, moisturizes and relieves irritation. Massage the juice into your hair roots once or twice a week.

Mayonnaise will help to give natural shine to hair. Due to its protein content, mayonnaise masks can be used to treat dry damaged hair. To enhance the effect, we recommend adding a crushed clove of garlic to mayonnaise (perhaps not everyone will risk applying garlic to their hair, but when it is worth sacrificing comfort for the sake of beauty, the result is worth it!). Apply the mask to clean hair for 30 minutes, warm your head with cellophane with a cap, then rinse with shampoo.

Vitamin wrap ... The composition of the mask: vitamin D2 in oil 10 ml, a teaspoon of castor oil, 1 egg yolk, a tablespoon of lemon juice, honey, onion juice. Mix the components and heat in a water bath. Before applying to the hair, add 1 tablespoon of brandy to the mask. Wrap your head up and hold the mask for one to several hours, rinse with a mild shampoo.

Oil baths ... Warm one tablespoon of any vegetable oil for hair, and apply to hair. Wrap your head in plastic or put on a special cap and leave it on for a few hours. Rinse off with shampoo. The oil effectively restores the hair structure, smoothes, nourishes the scalp with vitamins, and stimulates growth. The most useful oils for hair are almond, peach, and castor oils.

Gelatin shine masks

Gelatin hair masks have an amazing result that can be compared to hair lamination.

Gelatin coats the hair with a thin nourishing film that saturates the hair with protein and restores its structure. The hairstyle becomes more voluminous, the hair is easy to style, looks healthy and shiny. Try it!

The article tells about the best ways to find shine and silkiness of hair, as well as an overview and comparison of salon and home treatments.

Shiny, smooth and well-groomed hair is an indispensable attribute of a beautiful woman. But sometimes, in conditions of constant negative impact, it is difficult to maintain a healthy and pristine appearance of hair, and among the many methods for their restoration it is difficult to determine effective and optimal ones.

How to help your hair become shiny and smooth and what procedures will help you quickly restore your hair at home, and what is best to do in the salon - this will be discussed in the article.

What are the main causes of fading hair?

Hair that has lost its natural shine is a sure sign of a certain disease or lack of care. Among the main causes of hair dullness, the following factors are distinguished:

  • lack of vitamins in the diet due to unbalanced nutrition;
  • intense exposure to sunlight
  • the presence of a number of diseases of internal organs (including problems with the liver and intestines)
  • the use of care products that are not suitable for a particular type of hair;
  • frequent dyeing, perm
  • using irons, tongs, hair dryers, which dry the hair and draw out moisture

Also, hair loses its shine and healthy appearance with insufficient sebum secretion and poor blood circulation, which can be caused by a number of metabolic disorders, frequent stress and strong nervous tension.

Why does hair become dull and lifeless?

The upper layer of the epidermis is covered by the thinnest hydrolipid film, which performs a protective function and prevents moisture loss when exposed to negative factors. The same film covers not only the scalp, but also the surface of the hair. With the correct work of the sebaceous-sweat glands and sufficient secretion, the hydrolipid film is renewed over time.

With severe overdrying, frequent staining, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or the use of low-quality care products, the hydrolipid layer collapses and the hair loses its physical properties: keratin scales rise, shine, elasticity are lost, hair becomes lifeless, split and brittle.

How to properly care for your hair to give it shine?

Proper hair care presupposes, first of all, healthy and nutritious nutrition, because if the body does not receive enough substances and vitamins necessary for life, then even the most careful care will not provide the hair with healthy shine and beauty.

As for the immediate care, in this, experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  • the selection of care products must match your hair type
  • washing your hair should not be frequent (you should definitely refuse to wash your hair every day)
  • water for washing hair should not be hot (up to 38 ° - 39 °)
  • shampoo should be used without silicones and parabens, lauryl sulfate;
  • after washing, it is advisable to use a conditioner and do a mask twice a week
  • give preference to natural drying over a hairdryer
  • use a professional hairbrush made of natural bristles

Top 5 homemade mask recipes for shine and smooth hair

The use of hair masks is an indispensable condition for high-quality and complete hair care. Today there are countless professional products and the so-called "masmarket" that can offer a mask for every taste and wallet.

But one has to judge about their positive influence only by trying the remedy on oneself, and sometimes these experiments do not have a positive effect.

It is good that there is a great alternative - homemade masks, prepared by ourselves and containing only healthy and high-quality ingredients. For shine and smooth hair, the following are most effective:

  • egg mask
  • honey mask
  • hair mask with cognac
  • home hair lamination with gelatin
  • hair lamination with coconut milk

Egg mask for hair shine

Chicken eggs are a real storehouse of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. They contain cholesterol, amino acids, vitamins B and D, as well as proteins, which are the building blocks for the hair shaft.

Therefore, a mask made from eggs will not only give your hair shine, silkiness and elasticity, but will also help in the process of restoring damaged hair.

It is very simple to prepare a mask, it requires the following ingredients:

  • 3-5 egg yolks (depending on hair length)
  • 2 teaspoons olive or burdock oil
  • 5 drops of lemon juice

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and applied to dry hair (the mask will "flow" on wet hair) and to the scalp. After applying the mask, the head should be wrapped in cling film and wrapped in a towel. After 30 minutes of exposure, the mask must be washed off with warm water.

Honey mask for shine and smooth hair

The benefits of honey for the body are well known, but not everyone knows that it is also a very useful remedy for hair. There are many recipes for honey masks, both one-component and containing several ingredients. The easiest to prepare and therefore the most popular is the recipe containing:

  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

The components should be thoroughly mixed and applied to clean, damp hair, and rinsed after 30 minutes. After that, you should thoroughly rinse your head with shampoo.

Hair mask with cognac for shine

The cognac mask was invented by the beautiful Elisabeth of Austria, who was famous for her gorgeous hair. And the crowned lady was absolutely right in her choice, because cognac contains a large amount of tannins, alcohol, acids, which increase blood circulation in the scalp and provide a large volume of oxygen to the hair follicles.

  • 1 tablespoon brandy
  • egg yolk
  • 3-4 spoons of milk
  • 8 drops of wheat germ oil
  • 15 gr. brewer's yeast

To prepare a cognac mask, you should warm up the milk and dissolve the yeast in it, and then leave it to "come up" for a few minutes. At this time, you should mix the egg yolk, wheat germ oil and brandy. After the milk is covered with a characteristic foam, all components can be mixed and the mask is ready to use.

Apply the mask, preferably on dry hair, spreading and thoroughly massaging the scalp. After application, it is recommended to wrap the hair with cling film and insulate with a towel. After 40 minutes, the mask can be washed off with a mild shampoo and warm water.

Homemade hair lamination with gelatin. Gelatin lamination recipe

Hair lamination has become a real revolutionary method of restoring hair and giving it a natural shine, but the high cost of a salon procedure makes it elite, inaccessible to the general public. If you can't afford salon lamination, don't despair. There is a reliable, effective and, most importantly, cheap method of lamination of hair at home.

Edible gelatin contains a large amount of collagen, a natural component that is able to cover the hair with a specific protective film. Thanks to this, the hair shaft becomes thicker and the structure smoother, which provides shine, silkiness and volume.

The gelatin lamination procedure is very easy to carry out at home - it does not require special equipment, knowledge or expensive components. For lamination you will need:

  • 1 sachet of gelatin
  • any hair balm or mask

  • If all the components are available at home, then you can start preparing the gelatinous mass. To do this, boil a small amount of water and let it cool slightly. Pour a spoonful of gelatin into a small container, then add 3 tablespoons of warm water. For long hair, the dose of ingredients can be increased in a 1: 3 ratio.
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly, then cover and stand for 15-20 minutes. At this time, you need to wash your hair, apply conditioner and dry with a towel. After these manipulations, add half a spoonful of balm or mask to the gelatin mixture and stir well until a homogeneous consistency

  • The gelatinous mass is applied at a distance of 1-2 cm from the hair roots, evenly distributing it along their entire length. After full application, the hair should be wrapped in plastic wrap, a towel and thoroughly heated with a hairdryer in hot mode for 15 minutes. The procedure does not end there - the mixture is kept on the hair for another 45 minutes and only then washed off.

  • Lamination with gelatin will not give a stunning result after the first application - it will appear after several repeated procedures. It is advisable to carry out such lamination 2-3 times a week and then the beauty and health of your hair will become the subject of universal admiration.

Hair lamination with coconut milk at home

Asian beauties have been using coconut milk for the beauty of their hair for a long time, while in our country this product is just beginning to enter the everyday life of beauty salons. This truly healing agent is also used for hair lamination.

Coconut milk is a product that is obtained from the pulp of coconuts. It contains a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins, macro- and microelements and perfectly nourishes the hair shaft, restoring the structure and ensuring the beauty of the hair.

You can buy coconut milk in any supermarket, the price for it is quite affordable, but you can make it at home. To do this, the pulp of the coconut is grated and poured with water, and after infusion for 30 minutes, the liquid is ready for use.

For lamination of hair with coconut milk you need:

  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of starch
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil (burdock can also be used)
  • juice of half a lemon

  • The coconut milk must be heated, after which the rest of the ingredients are added there.
  • The mass should be constantly stirred until it thickens, but preventing boiling.
  • When the mixture cools down a little and becomes warm, you can safely apply it to your hair.
  • You will have to keep the coconut mass for 1.5 hours, so it is recommended to wear a hat to avoid possible discomfort
  • The mixture can be easily washed off with regular shampoo

After the very first lamination procedure with coconut milk, you will see a positive result, and with the further procedure, the effect will increase.

Salon treatments for hair shine

For women who do not want to bother with various homemade masks and who own sufficient funds, salons offer a number of procedures designed to heal their hair and improve its appearance.

Salon procedures have a lot of advantages, because while you enjoy your rest, a qualified and experienced specialist will work on the health of your hair.

The following procedures will help restore shine and strength to hair:

  1. Keratinization
  2. Elumination
  3. Glazing
  4. Shielding
  5. Keraterization
  6. Haircut with hot scissors

Video: Doctor about lamination

Silk glazing of hair, before and after photos

Hair glazing is a salon procedure that involves applying a special mixture to the hair, which contains large amounts of ceramides.

The glaze applied to the hair turns into a thin film that has protective and aesthetic properties. Distinguish between colorless and colored glaze, which can change the shade of the hair.

After the first procedure, the effect is noticeable: the hair becomes shiny, firm and elastic. Due to the fact that the hair scales are smoothed, they become more manageable, strong and silky. The effect of the procedure will delight the eye for 4-6 consecutive weeks.

Screening procedure for damaged hair, before and after photos

Hair shielding is a relatively new procedure aimed at improving the appearance of hair and protecting it from negative external factors. The hair is covered with a glossy film, which helps to retain moisture inside the hair, preventing it from drying out. The appearance of the hair is significantly improved, thanks to the shiny layer, the hair becomes incredibly beautiful and delights with its shine.

As a result of the procedure, the hair becomes thicker and harder, which allows you to gain additional volume and elasticity. The effect of the procedure will persist for 3-5 weeks.

Keratin hair restoration procedure, before and after photos

Keratinization allows you to permanently improve the condition of the hair. During the procedure, the specialist applies a keratin-enriched mixture to the hair. Since keratin is a natural substance that is part of the hair structure, it forms a protein film around the hair, which results in a dazzling shine and silkiness of the hair.

Also, active substances allow you to smooth cuticles and protect them from static electricity. Hair after keratinization will become manageable, even and acquire a healthy shine that will last for several months.

Hair kerathermia. The benefits and harms of kerathermia. Before and after photos

Kerathermia differs from keratin restoration in that the procedure focuses on improving the aesthetic qualities of the hair, rather than improving its condition.

As with keratinization, a rich protein blend is used that is applied to the hair, but usually contains formaldehyde. After the formation of the protective film, the hair is smoothed with an iron.

The appearance of the hair is significantly improved, it becomes shiny and smooth. But the formaldehyde in the lamination product is a carcinogen that can cause cancer. Also, an inexperienced specialist may not apply the keratin mixture very thoroughly, because of which some areas of the hair may suffer from the hot effects of the iron.

Hair elumination. Before and after photos

Hair elumination is a revolutionary procedure that consists in “beneficial coloring”. This is provided by a special dye that not only does not have a negative effect on the hair, but also heals and strengthens it.

Elumination is indicated for owners of porous and dull hair who want to renew their natural color or radically transform without harming their hair.

Staining with Elumen paint allows you to obtain a dazzling shine and the desired color. In addition, the hair becomes elastic and easy to comb throughout the month.

Haircut with hot scissors. Truth and myths about this procedure

Conventional haircuts are not relevant for a long time - specialized haircuts with hot scissors are on the crest of popularity. The essence of such a procedure is to use scissors with a cutting surface, which is heated to a high temperature, during a haircut. This allows you to "seal" the ends of the cut hair shaft and retain all the beneficial trace elements and moisture inside it.

This technology allows you to prevent the ingress of various harmful substances from the outside into the hair. Thanks to this, the hair becomes shiny, healthier, and the problem of split hairs is solved.

The widespread opinion that a high thermal effect is harmful to hair is wrong, because the heating surface is in contact only with the end of the hair shaft and does not have a destructive effect on the hair structure.

It is also wrong to think that a single hot scissor procedure will solve the problem of dull and damaged hair.

The procedure itself, which lasts about 1.5 hours, cannot allow you to trim each hair, since the hair has different lengths and grows in layers. Therefore, for an obvious result, it is necessary to complete a course of three procedures.

How to make hair smooth and shiny quickly?

If there is no time for long-term events and courses of salon procedures, and you need to get shiny hair instantly, then there are some tricks that will help transform your hair in a matter of minutes. Wonderful recipes that have come down to us from distant times are simple and cheap.

Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are incredibly beneficial for the appearance of hair. Thanks to the unique components of these substances, you can solve not only the problem of dull hair, but also dandruff, hair loss and excess sebum secretion.

How to use apple cider vinegar to add shine to your hair. The benefits of apple cider vinegar for hair

Traditionally, various masks do not use store-bought apple cider vinegar, but regular fermented apple juice. It is used as a part of various masks, balms, as a rinse and vitamin supplement to food.

The use of such a beneficial agent contributes to the transformation of hair: they acquire a delightful brilliant shine, strength and smoothness. It is easy to comb your hair after the procedure, as well as to style it into your hair.

Lemon juice is an instant relief for dull hair. Applying lemon juice to shine your hair

Lemon is a fruit widely used for healing, both inside and out. It not only fills the body with vitamins and amino acids, but is also known as a wonderful remedy for the skin. In addition, you can use this magical product for the benefit of your hair.

  • 3 tbsp. lemon spoons
  • 1 chicken egg yolk
  • 1 spoonful of honey
  • a few tablespoons of nettle decoction

By mixing the ingredients and using the mask 2 times a week, you can get a natural shine, silky hair and get rid of dandruff.

Vitamins and nutrition for hair health and beauty

Vitamins can also strengthen and transform hair. As a rule, B vitamins are used for this purpose: B1, B6 and B12.

These substances actively affect the hair, saturate with nutrients, enhance metabolic processes and growth, and saturate with oxygen. As a result of the use of the vitamin complex, the hair becomes healthy and shiny like a magazine cover.

To saturate the hair with vitamins, 2 ampoules of B vitamins per 400 ml are added to a regular shampoo or mask. shampoo. The addition of vitamins to various hair sprays is also justified.

How to make silky and shiny hair at home: tips and reviews

Numerous reviews on the use of various products for making hair shine indicate that even expensive salon procedures will not have the desired effect if the body is not provided with adequate nutrition and careful hair care. Then your hairstyle will delight you with its beauty and will cause everyone's admiration.

Video: How to make your hair shiny at home