The best days to get married in. Lucky days according to the Christian calendar. Auspicious wedding days according to the lunar calendar

Increasingly, in addition to the official painting in the registry office, newlyweds choose a wedding according to church rites. To choose a happy date for starting a family, refer to the Orthodox wedding calendar for 2018.

Newlyweds should remember that the church cannot always accept them to perform the sacrament of the wedding. During the great church holidays and fasts, neither baptisms, nor weddings, nor funerals are held. You can find out which days Orthodox holidays will be celebrated in 2018 from the Orthodox calendar of church holidays and fasts. The church of your choice may also have its own holidays, so check the date in advance in order to coordinate all organizational issues with the priest.

A wedding is a special ceremony for which young people prepare in advance. The spiritual connection of the couple takes place before Heaven for life. Our ancestors attached great importance to this sacrament, and the church still considers secular marriage invalid. In addition, the wedding contributes to the formation of a strong family, protected by Divine Power.

Traditionally, weddings take place four times a week: on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. The best day is considered Krasnaya Gorka, which in 2018 falls on April 15.

Although many dates will not be available, you will be able to choose the right date for your wedding. Remember the importance of your step and do not make hasty decisions. The sacrament of the wedding in 2018 is not performed:

  • Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday all year round;
  • during and on the eve of the great and enduring church holidays;
  • during the observance of fasting by the Orthodox world;
  • on the days of continuous weeks;
  • during Holy Week;
  • on the days of unique holidays celebrated by the church or temple of your choice.

Weddings in January

In January, spouses can tie the knot in the presence of the Lord on the 21st, 22nd, 24th, 26th. You can sign at the registry office this month only on Friday, the 26th.

Marriage in February

The second winter month will not please with a large number of dates for the wedding. Will be available only on February 5, 7, 9. Accordingly, wedding palaces will be able to accept couples only on February 9, since work is carried out mainly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

March weddings

There are no weddings in March due to Lent. This is a time for physical and spiritual abstinence, which Orthodox Christians spend in prayer.

Weddings in April 2018

In April, you can choose a date for the wedding from 15 to 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30.

On the 20th and 27th, couples will be able to register their relationship at state wedding palaces. However, some employees of the registry offices make concessions to the young and hold ceremonies on other days.

May weddings

May is an ambiguous month for connecting destinies. Our ancestors associated many signs with this month, according to one of which, getting married in May is just toiling. However, contrary to popular belief, most couples live happily after the wedding this month. One way or another, according to the church calendar, you can choose several dates for the wedding: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25.

Wedding ceremony in June 2018

This month you will not be able to hold a wedding ceremony due to Peter's fast. However, you and your loved one will be able to better prepare for the sacrament, cleanse your souls of negativity, and pray to the Higher Forces for the well-being of your couple.

July weddings

The middle of summer will again please with a large number of dates, among which you can choose your lucky one: 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30.

Registry offices this month will be able to accept future spouses on the 13th, 20th, 27th.

Weddings according to the church calendar in August

The newlyweds will be able to get married in the last month of summer on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 29th, 31st. You can register relations in the registry office on August 3, 10, 31.

Marriage in September

Our ancestors considered September to be one of the most prosperous months for registering relationships between lovers. According to beliefs, families formed in September will not lack financial resources, will quickly get on their feet and will enjoy family life for many years. According to the church calendar, the following dates will be open for you: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 28, 30.

Official registration of relations in state institutions is possible on the 7th, 14th, 28th.

October weddings

October will be rich in weddings. This month, the church will receive everyone who wants to seal the bonds of marriage before the Lord on October 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31 October.

Numbers coinciding with the work of the Wedding Palaces: 5, 12, 19, 26.

November weddings

In November, couples will be able to get married on the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 23rd, 25th, 26th.

Wedding palaces will be able to accept young people who want to register a relationship on November 2, 9, 16, 23.

December 2018

In the last month of 2018, marriages are not held in the church. However, if for family reasons you need to seal the bonds with the sacred sacrament of a wedding, you can contact the head of the church or temple. If he deems your reason valid, he will bless you with the sacrament of creating a family in the face of the Lord on the appointed day.

Remember that maintaining a family and good relationships is a responsibility for both spouses. Do not think that you can solve all the problems and disagreements of your future life together with the help of a wedding or choosing a happy date for the celebration. Before marriage, you should be clearly aware that your decision to connect life with your loved one should be the only one and for the rest of your life. We wish you sincere love and prosperity in everything. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

It just so happened that before embarking on an important matter, people are used to consulting with someone who knows - a shaman, witch, priest or astrologer. And even today, in the age of technological progress, when a person conquered the Cosmos a long time ago, and in every house there are “smart” gadgets, before planning significant events, we no-no - and look into the horoscope - to make sure that we are on the right path and in the direction we are going to move.

And it is hardly possible to find a person more superstitious than a girl about to get married. Even the most purposeful and self-confident young lady, who is usually very skeptical about horoscopes, carefully chooses not only a wedding dress, a bouquet, a restaurant for the celebration, but also the date of her own wedding.

No wonder they say that on the wedding day the foundation of family relationships is laid, which can become both reliable when partners love and support each other in every possible way, and unhappy when relationships are accompanied by constant quarrels. Astrologers advise choosing a wedding date based on several criteria.

2018 year. When is the best time to get married?

There are newlyweds who trust astrology more, and there are those who try to be guided by the laws of Feng Shui, or numerology, or the Orthodox calendar. Let's find out what 2018 will be like for weddings, on what days it is best to enter into a family union.

So, the main criterion that should be taken into account in this plan is the number of days.
Since ancient times, it has been believed that marriage in a leap year is not worth it, since the risk of divorce is very high. Therefore, it should be noted right away that the coming year of the Yellow Dog is not a leap year, it will have 365 days. However, according to popular signs, the two years following the leap year are also not very good for tying the bonds of Hymen. From this point of view, 2018 is not so good for weddings, as for some reason it is considered the year of the widower.

But this does not mean at all that marriages cannot be entered into within three years (in a leap year and two years after it). From the point of view of the Chinese calendar, 2018 promises to be very successful for creating a family, because the dog, which will become a symbol of the coming year, is an exceptionally faithful animal. In addition, the union is more influenced not by the year, but by the date of marriage. We will talk about it today.

2018 according to the Chinese calendar

How, according to the Chinese, the year of the Yellow Dog will affect family ties? Let's start with the fact that it will come into force not on January 1, but on February 16, when the New Year begins in China, and will "last" until February 4, 2019.

The dog has always been considered an animal, extremely kind and devoted. It is these features that will be endowed with alliances concluded during the "reign" of this totem. They say that these marriages will become the most faithful and lasting, and all because the people who enter into them will be open to conversations, they are ready to compromise for the sake of maintaining peace and tranquility in the family. Relations between the spouses will be warm and reverent, and comfort and coziness will reign in the house from the first day.

It may seem to many that families created in the Year of the Dog lack passion, but in fact this is not at all the case. There will be passion, and with it there will be the ability to smooth sharp corners, the desire to get out of conflict situations by mutual agreement.

At the same time with all this, the Yellow Dog should not be occupied with tenderness, so everything will be in order with the emotional component in the newly created families.

Importantly, 2018 promises the “cells of society” both material well-being, as well as quick replenishment in the family: it is possible that already in 2019, children's laughter will ring in the house of those who have married. The main thing is to please the dog and organize the wedding ceremony the way the totem animal wants. And it wants sincerely and without excessive chic, not in a noisy company, but only in the circle of the closest and dearest people.

The most favorable days for a wedding in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

Astrologers are sure that the right wedding day is already a guarantee of strong family relationships and the comfort of spouses. Therefore, when choosing a date for going to the registry office, consider the following:

  • painting on the growing moon guarantees the well-being of marriage;
  • try to avoid days when Venus (the patroness of love) is waning;
  • do not postpone the wedding on the day of the new moon, on the days of a solar or lunar eclipse;
  • do not sign in the sign of Aries, Virgo or Scorpio - these zodiac signs do not contribute to harmonious relationships;
  • The most favorable months for marriage are the 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th and 11th after the birth of one of the spouses.

If you pick up a calendar and paint everything in more detail, then the most favorable days for getting married in 2018 are as follows:

January - the 1st, as well as the entire third decade of the month, in particular - the 21st and 26th, that is, the period of the growing moon. For the first two decades of January, marriage should not be appointed.

February - 25.02, as well as 17, 18, 21 or 26th. These are the most successful days of the month for marriage.

March - 23rd or 19th and 25th.

April - the most favorable days - 20, 27, 29th.

May - 20th, 25th and 27th.

June - 15th and 25th - they contribute to a long and strong marriage. If you can’t postpone the wedding for these days, think about 17, 22, 26 or 27.

July - 15, 20, 23rd.

August - 17th, 24th, 26th.

September - 16, 21, 23rd.

October - 14, 19, 21st.

November - 9th, 14th, 18th.

December - 14th, 21st or 17th, 19th and 20th.

best feng shui wedding day

Choosing the best day for a feng shui wedding is more difficult than according to the lunar calendar, for this you should contact a specialist. He will be able to calculate not only the day, but also the time conducive to the conclusion of a strong family union. It is best to marry on the day of Balance, Stability, Establishment, Good Luck, Discovery. But Shi days, which are characterized by extravagance and quarrelsomeness, should be avoided. All these days can be determined only by personal calculation for each of the partners.

Church wedding in 2018.

Although we live in a digital world, the vast majority of couples seek to seal their marriage bonds with a church wedding. Orthodox who go to church regularly know the days on which the wedding procedure is allowed. For everyone else, we will give special recommendations.

Wedding dates are limited to fasts, special days of the week and major church holidays. Days on which you will not be married:

Wednesday and Friday, which are considered "Lenten", as well as Saturdays, which are called the preceding "Little Pascha", that is, Sunday.

Resurrection of Christ, falling in 2018 on 8.04.

12 biggest Christian holidays that can be found in the church calendar.

during the days of Great Lent (from February 19 to April 7, from June 4 to July 11, from August 14 to August 27, from November 28 to January 6, 2019).

in any of the five weeks - from January 7 to 18, from January 29 to February 3, from February 12 to February 17, from April 9 to April 14, from May 28 to June 2.

On other days, weddings are allowed, the main thing is to agree on the date with the priest. The most favorable days for a wedding are the so-called. "Red Hill" (April 15, 2018) and the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. falling on 14 October.

If it is not possible to organize a wedding on the above dates, you should not be upset - just go to the temple and choose another day that is most suitable for you.

Folk omens about the wedding day

The ancient Slavs believed that there are days that contribute to the conclusion of strong marriages. It was believed that the February wedding guarantees family life without quarrels, and the June one reads a honey life. August gives partners love and understanding, and September - peace and comfort. A couple who married in November will be rich, and December promises that love between partners will only flare up over time.

In ancient times, it was believed that May was an unfavorable month for creating a family (“they will toil all their lives”), but today this belief can be neglected. As for the dates, odd dates were considered the most favorable for engagements and matchmaking, for example, 3, 9, 17, etc.

The most superstitious people are brides. Even those girls who do not believe in signs in ordinary life, on the eve of an important event, remember everything. It immediately comes to mind to put on something old, a borrowed thing, something new and blue. Brides tend to succumb to superstitions when preparing to marry. They are sure that a happy family life depends not only on warm relations and mutual understanding, but also on the date of the wedding. 2018 is quite favorable for a wedding, it is not a leap year and has many good days that can magically contribute to family well-being, a smooth life and unquenchable love. Some numerologists claim that signs for 2018 say otherwise, they say, this is a year of quarrels and hostility. But it is not for nothing that there are so many favorable days for marriage on the calendar. Moreover, those who do not take risks do not drink champagne.

Already at the beginning of the year, those who wish will be able to marry. And if the registry offices worked on January 1, then one could safely go down the aisle. But it is better to celebrate all the holidays and set the date of the wedding to any number from the third decade of the month, when the waxing Moon will be the patron saint of the couple. In February and March, it is better to avoid marriage or apply in advance for the desired date. In April, the growing Moon will also contribute to a happy marriage only in the third decade. Who is not afraid to marry in May, contrary to all superstitions, can also schedule a wedding at the end of the month. Such daredevils certainly do not have to toil and suffer.

Summer is the perfect time for marriage. Newlyweds especially like to go down the aisle when it is green and sunny around. Especially in the summer, you do not need to puzzle over where to go on your honeymoon. It is enough to go to the nearest coast to the sea or conquer the local mountains. All summer months will be favorable for marriage, but it is better to choose dates in their second half. In the first half of June, July and August, the Moon will be waning, which may adversely affect the general mood of the ceremony and the beginning of family life.

Also, the newlyweds in a special honor the beginning of autumn. The golden time attracts with the last warm days, as well as incredible landscapes for a wedding photo shoot. September and October keep the general trend of the year, so it is recommended to choose dates in the second half of the month. But in November, the opposite is true, it is better to go down the aisle in its first half. And for special extreme people who decide to marry during a period of temperature fluctuations and unstable weather, that is, in December, dates from the second and third decades are also suitable.

Wedding in 2018: Orthodox calendar

Despite the fact that now fewer couples decide on a stamp in their passport, and prefer banal cohabitation, the wedding ceremony is at the peak of popularity. Even those couples who are not particularly religious want to stand before God and trust him to bind them in marriage. But if the decision to get married is unanimous, then you need to know when it can be done and when it cannot. Even if the state marriage is scheduled for one date, the wedding can take place on a completely different day. Priests will not undertake this rite if an unfavorable period lasts. You can consult with the priest about choosing a date. You also need to know that the wedding does not take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, on Easter, which in 2018 falls on April 8, on the twelfth and all great church holidays.

If we take into account all holidays with rolling dates, as well as fasts, then the wedding in 2018 cannot be held on the following days:

  • April 1, May 17 and 27;
  • from February 19 to April 7. This is the time of Lent;
  • from 14 to 27 August. During this period, the Assumption fast falls;
  • from November 28 until the end of the year. Christmas post;
  • January 7-18, January 29 to February 3, February 12-17, April 9-14, May 28 to June 2. These days are called the five holy weeks.

Favorable days for a wedding in 2018 according to Feng Shui

To choose a favorable Feng Shui date, you need to seek help from a specialist. Thanks to the study of data on the couple, he will be able to determine the right days. If the couple has already chosen a wedding date, but it fell on an unfavorable day, you can fix everything with the help of a correctly calculated ceremony time. It is believed that the days of Success, Balance, Establishment, Opening and Stability are ideal for marriage. Unfortunately, there are few such days, so the specialist will help level the negative by choosing the ideal time of the day for marriage.

But if the chosen date falls on the day of Sha, then the wedding in 2018 is better to be postponed. The reasons are obvious: the Sha of Misfortune will turn a young couple into eternally quarreling partners, the Sha of Delay into late and unnecessary, and the Sha of Plunder into wasteful. But only a Feng Shui specialist will be able to give the exact dates of these days, and also calculate the days of the personal destroyers of the spouses.

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2018

A real boom in the choice of beautiful dates came with the onset of 2001 and lasted until 2012. But when the magical date 08.08.08 came, the world went crazy. Many people hastened to register marriage under the sign of infinity, but, alas, sad statistics show that a huge number of those couples have long been divorced.

Nevertheless, the thought of choosing a beautiful date sometimes visits the head of the bride. Given the fact that there are many people who want to get married on such a day, you need to decide on the date in advance and submit an application to the registry office on time. Moreover, 2018 is not particularly rich in fabulous numbers. For example, February Sunday 02/18/18 may attract newlyweds. But it will be possible to register such a marriage by prior arrangement, because the registry offices do not work on Sundays. But the hot August Saturday 08/18/18 will surely become popular. Again, the magic eight will drive everyone down the aisle. The main thing is that this time she brought happiness to the young.

But, despite the chosen date for the wedding, whether it be according to the Lunar or Orthodox calendar, you need to remember that a happy marriage is not only a well-chosen day. Marriage is mutual understanding, support, mutual assistance and love. This is the only way to build a strong family.

Future newlyweds pay special attention to the date of the upcoming wedding. Our ancestors also noticed that a marriage concluded on certain days will be long and prosperous. And, conversely, some dates are best avoided to start family life. Have you chosen 2018 for your wedding? We offer you to get acquainted with the most favorable dates for marriage in terms of astrology, numerology and folk wisdom.

How to calculate an auspicious date for a wedding in 2018

The mystical influence of numbers on fate was known long before the advent of modern numerology. The ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras in the fifth century BC. e. I noticed the relationship between numbers and destinies. For example, the number of your marriage depends on the day you start your family life, which will affect your entire life together. Therefore, choosing a wedding date in 2018 should begin with determining this number.

How to calculate it? Add up all the numbers for your expected wedding date until you get a single digit. For example, for the wedding day on March 25, 2018, the marriage number is: 2+5+0+3+2+0+1+8=21=2+1=3. So, the union concluded under the influence of the troika is not very prosperous, misunderstandings, quarrels and conflicts await the spouses. It's better to choose another day.

Favorable marriage number Unfavorable marriage number
1 - a strong alliance based on trust and mutual understanding 3 - quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings await the family
2 - a family in which spouses strive for the same goals 5 - spouses will accumulate grievances and hush up claims against each other
4 - a happy union with many children 6 - one spouse will sacrifice his interests for the sake of the other, most often in such a family - the husband is the leader and tyrant, and the woman is the humble victim
7 - mutual love, consent, mutual assistance 9 - one spouse will neglect the interests of the other for the sake of science, business or career. A successful marriage is quite possible if the slave spouse agrees with his role
8 - a sign of infinity in love, despite obstacles and vicissitudes of fate

The most favorable day for marriage according to the magic of numbers this year is 08/18/2018. The wedding date contains three eights. This figure is associated with the sign of infinity ∞, which predicts a long life, endless love and happiness for the newlyweds. If we calculate the marriage number that corresponds to this date, we get one. Such an alliance will be based on mutual understanding and trust.

The best days for marriage according to the lunar calendar

According to the Chinese calendar, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog is a very successful year for starting a family life, the Dog symbolizes devotion, honesty and loyalty. Also, the patron of the year will give the newlyweds material well-being, long years of marriage and mutual respect.

A long and happy life portends a wedding in 2018. Favorable days for starting family life according to the lunar calendar are shown in the table.

January February March April May June
25 23 20
July August September October November December

The most favorable period for a wedding in 2018, astrologers consider summer. But it is better to prefer the second half of June, July or August, because. in the first half of the summer months, the waning moon can negatively affect the celebration. In September and October, it is better to choose a date at the beginning of the month, but in November and December - at the end.

Folk omens

When choosing a wedding date, refer to folk wisdom. A marriage concluded in February portends a happy and calm life. June promises an endless honeymoon. By entering into an alliance in August, you will receive a faithful friend as a spouse. A wedding in September for a quiet life, in November - for wealth, in December - for eternal love and passion.

If you do not believe in astrology and signs, we offer the most beautiful dates for a wedding in 2018:

  • 01.01, 02.02.2018 and all in which the numbers of the day and month coincide;
  • 20.02.2018;
  • 18.02.2018;
  • 02/28/2018 and 08/18/2018.

Remember that the key to a prosperous family life is not only the “correct” date on the marriage certificate. The support, love and understanding that future spouses are ready to give to a friend will help build a happy and friendly family.

Since ancient times, our ancestors did not start important matters without consulting an astrologer, shaman, or fortune teller. Even in the age of technological progress, when the world is increasingly beginning to resemble a picture from a science fiction movie, gadgets have settled in every home, and a person conquers not only the Earth, but also went into outer space, we often check the horoscope before planning a significant event in our life.

Perhaps it is difficult to find a more superstitious person than a girl who is going to get married. Even the most self-confident business woman, skeptical of astro forecasts, omens and fortune-telling, chooses with special care not only flowers for the wedding bouquet, formal attire, hall, musicians and photographer, but also the date of the wedding celebration.

Newlyweds choose the wedding date based on their beliefs

No wonder it is believed that it is on this day that the stone of fate is laid for the newly created family unit. She can become happy, and partners will love each other all their lives, or, conversely, unhappy, and family life will be accompanied by quarrels and discord. You can plan a favorable date for a wedding based on several criteria.

2018 for wedding

It is no secret that some newlyweds trust the predictions of the stars more, others - the teachings of Feng Shui, others -, and fourth - the Orthodox calendar. Let's figure out what 2018 will be like for weddings, and also find out which days will be the most favorable for concluding an alliance. The main criterion by which the year is evaluated is the number of days.

Leap years have long been considered an unfavorable time for concluding a marriage union, as they promise him an early disintegration and misfortune. Let's just say that 2018 is quite a normal year. It will only have 365 days. Nevertheless, folk omens endow negative characteristics for another two years following the leap year. Based on the fact that 366 days were in 2016, 2017 and 2018 are considered not the best periods for weddings, since the first of them is popularly called the year of the widow, and the second - the widower.

Although 2018 is called the year of the widower, don't be so quick to believe the silly superstitions!

Well, it is foolish to assume that for three whole years, loving hearts should forget about tying themselves in marriage. For the most superstitious newlyweds, let's say the following: firstly, from the point of view of the Chinese calendar, 2018 will be one of the most favorable years for creating a new family, and secondly, the date of the wedding has a much greater influence on the union. This is what we'll talk about in more detail.

2018 Chinese calendar

How do the Chinese regard the influence of the Dog on the fate of the newlyweds? To begin with, the 2018 totem will go into effect on February 16, 2018 and will continue its reign until February 4, 2019. In China, the dog has always been considered an animal characterized by extraordinary devotion and kindness. It is with such features that she endows alliances concluded under her patronage. In the year of the Earth Dog, the longest marriages will be created.

This is because each of the partners is ready to compromise, understands the needs of the beloved and knows how to sacrifice personal interests and desires in favor of the family. Relations in the union will always be warm, comfortable and sincere. Perhaps it will seem to someone that there is not enough passion in this family, since the Dog is a calm animal that does not accept radical changes and too strong emotions. She prefers to smooth sharp corners and resolve conflict situations as quickly as possible.

According to the Chinese calendar, 2018 is the most successful year for weddings.

At the same time, she does not hold the ability to show tenderness. In addition, the totem of 2018 promises financial and material well-being to family cells. Another good news is that the totem contributes to the rapid replenishment of the family: soon ringing laughter will sound within the walls of your house. The main thing is to please the Dog with triumph. When planning a wedding, remember that she does not like excessive pomp and pretentiousness, but prefers chamber celebrations in the company of close friends and relatives.

Favorable days for a wedding according to the lunar calendar

Representatives of astrological science believe that the right date for the celebration has a key impact not only on the family, but also on each of the spouses. When choosing a date, consider the following recommendations:

  • the growing moon will ensure marriage development in a positive direction;
  • avoid days when the planet of love Venus begins its reverse course in the sky;
  • do not plan wedding celebrations on days when there will be a new moon, lunar or solar eclipse. From the point of view of astrological science, the Moon is a symbol of the feminine, and the Sun is masculine, so a wedding during periods when they do not “get along” with each other will lead to conflicts in the later life of the young;
  • it is better not to schedule a marriage on the days when Venus enters the constellation of Aries, Scorpio or Virgo - these signs of the zodiac circle do not contribute to a harmonious marriage;
  • if you choose a month for a wedding, then astrology recommends those that are the fourth, fifth, seventh, tenth and eleventh in a row from the month of your birth. It is believed that this will contribute to a successful marriage.

The lunar calendar will help determine the day of marriage

If we take a closer look at the calendar, favorable days for a wedding in 2018 will look like this:

  • in January, astrologers single out 01/01/2018 and the entire third decade of the month from favorable days, especially 01/21/2018 and 01/26/2018, when the rise of the moon will ensure the happiness of a young family. It is not worth appointing any celebrations for the first third of January;
  • in February, the most favorable date is called 02/25/2018. If the celebration does not go out on this date, you can choose from 02/17/2018, 02/18/2018, 02/21/2018 or 02/26/2018 - they are less favorable, but still better than other days of the month;
  • in March it is worth staying on 03/23/2018. As a last resort, appoint one of the following dates as the day of the celebration: 03/19/2018 or 03/25/2018;
  • in April, the most favorable days are 04/20/2018, 04/27/2018 and 04/29/2018;
  • in May it is better to conclude an alliance on 05/20/2018, 05/25/2018 and 05/27/2018;
  • June dates conducive to a long and happy marriage will be 06/15/2018 and 06/25/2018. If for some reason these days do not suit you, you can plan a celebration for 06/17/2018, 06/22/2018 or 06/26-27/2018 - they will not be so happy, but they will not have negative energy either;
  • in July, plan a celebration for 07/15/2018, 07/20/2018 and 07/23/2018;
  • in August, the favorable days will be 08/17/2018, 08/24/2018 and 08/26/2018;
  • September days suitable for a wedding, astrologers call 09/16/2018, 09/21/2018 and 09/23/2018;
  • in October, schedule a wedding on 10/14/2018, 10/19/2018 and 10/21/2018;
  • for November weddings, the best days are 11/9/2018, 11/14/2018 or 11/18/2018;
  • in December, among the happiest dates, astrologers identified 12/14/2018 and 12/21/2018. You can also set one of the following dates as the wedding day: 12/17/2018, 12/19/2018 and 12/20/2018.

Feng Shui wedding day 2018

Feng Shui experts will determine the auspicious hours for the wedding

Determining the wedding day according to Feng Shui is much more difficult than according to the lunar calendar. It is better to contact a specialist who will indicate not only the day, but also the hours favorable for concluding a happy and lasting marriage. It is better to create a family on those dates that will be for you the days of Balance, Luck, Establishment, Stability and Discovery.

Days that should definitely be avoided are the days of "Sha" - they make partners unnecessarily wasteful, quarrelsome and prone to constantly being late. Which days in 2018 will be favorable or unlucky dates? You can find out by making a personal calculation for partners.

wedding in 2018

Despite the fact that we live in an age of high technology, a huge number of young people want to seal the union with the help of the sacrament of marriage. Orthodox, who regularly attend church, know all the days on which you can get married. Well, for the rest, we will tell you what to focus on when choosing a suitable date in 2018.

The best day for a wedding in 2018 is April 15

In general, the dates on which it is allowed or prohibited to get married in a church are limited by whether they fall on fasts, church celebrations, or certain days of the week. Let's say right away that you will not be able to get married on one of the following days:

  • on Wednesdays and Fridays, since they are considered fasting, as well as on Saturdays, which, according to church canons, precede "Little Pascha" (Sunday);
  • for Easter, which falls on 04/08/2018;
  • on the twelfth holidays, such as the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, the Nativity of Christ, the Entry into the Temple of the Virgin, the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, Baptism, the Ascension and the Transfiguration of the Lord;
  • on the days of important church fasts, which are considered Great Lent (from 02/19/2018 to 04/07/2018), Petrov fast (from 06/04/2018 to 07/11/2018), Assumption fast (from 08/14/2018 to 08/27/2018), Christmas fast ( from November 28, 2018 to the end of 2018);
  • during the five weeks that fall on the periods from 01/07/2018 to 01/18/2018, 01/29/2018 to 02/03/2018, 02/12/2018 to 02/17/2018, 04/09/2018 to 04/14/2018, 05/28/2018 to 02/02/2018

On any other day, you can hold a wedding by agreement with the priest from the chosen church (each of them has its own celebrations in which the ceremony is not held). By the way, the most favorable days for concluding a family union are Krasnaya Gorka, which falls on April 15 in 2018, as well as the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (11/04/2018).

If it is not possible to hold both a wedding and a secular celebration on the same day, do not be discouraged. Just agree on two separate dates for the most important event in your life together.

The sacrament of the wedding is impossible on the days of fasting and church holidays

What do folk omens say?

The Slavs have long endowed some months with features that contribute to the conclusion of strong and happy marriages. It was assumed that if the wedding takes place in February, then the young will live life without quarrels, in June - to be a honeymoon, in August - there will be partners and lovers and friends, in September - expect a quiet and comfortable life, in November - the couple will be rich , in December - love will only flare up over time.